How t or ock
YourOr der i ng Sessi on { Ever yt hi ngyouneedt oknow so youcanbepr epar ed! }
I cannot express to you how important your printed photographs are! Your ordering session is a time set aside just for you to view and enjoy your photographs for the first time. A week or two after your session we will have your viewing and ordering session. Ordering sessions are conducted in person at my studio. Please allow 1-2 hours, Session ordering time is based on how long it takes you to order. The better you prepare for your viewing session the better you will be able to make decisions on what you want to order. In order to prepare for your session please consider the following: Please have all decision makers available for your appointment. Make sure Mom, Dad, or anyone else that is involved in the decision making will be there. Preview the print packages and options. Think about what you are wanting and what your budget is. Don’t forget we can make you a custom package as well! Think about what the purpose of your photos will be! Where will you be displaying them in your home, perhaps as a wall gallery or single portrait? Would you like them all to be in an album? Are they going to be given as gifts, or do you need announcement cards? Please look around your home and consider where you will be displaying them. If you are not sure of the size I can help you with that! You just need to bring me the measurements of the wall and maybe even grab a quick cell phone pic of the spaces. It’s always helpful to make lists of people that you will be purchasing product for. Make two lists, one for you and one for friends and family. Please be prepared to pay for your products via Cash, Check, or credit/debit card at the time of your order {Payment plans are available} I can’t wait to show you your photos!! - Kelli Cowlicks and Kisses Photography
PACKAGES * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
TheDel uxe~$1399{ Val ue$1929} 30x40Canvas ( 2)11x14Canvas 10x10Memor yAl bum 30Hi ghResol ut i onDi gi t alNegat i ves 20% of fAl aCar t e
ThePr emi um ~$949{ Val ue$1289} 20x30Canvas ( 2)11x14Canvas 10Gi f tPr i nt s 15Hi ghResol ut i onDi gi t alNegat i ves 15% of fAl aCar t e
TheEssent i al~$599{ val ue$790} 20x30Canvas ( 2)11x14Canvas 10Gi f tPr i nt s 10% of fAl aCar t e
TheBasi c~$279{ Val ue$365} 11x14Canvas 10Gi f tPr i nt s
Di gi t alOnl y: 30Hi ghResol ut i onDi gi t alNegat i ves $999 {$30/apiece} 15Hi ghResol ut i onDi gi t alNegat i ves $599{36.60/apiece}
Excl usi veCust om Phot oTi nwi t h20 I mages ~$450
$30 $25 $35 $70
$210 $320
$100 -
$80 $95 $125 $225 $340
$50 $100
3 0x 4 0
1 6 x 2 0
2 0x 3 0
1 6 x 2 0