The Secret Psychic, by Angela A. Wix

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20  Chapter 1

Movies and TV shows have perpetuated images of psychics as stereotypical outcasts, oddballs, and even dangerous individuals living on the fringes of society, sometimes proving to be liars working their magic to hustle people out of money. And while over time this representation has improved to some extent, like a steady drip of advertising, these kinds of beliefs are so ingrained that they have continued from one generation to the next without us even consciously being aware of it. In light of all this, it’s understandable that you might want to keep your inner world a secret. Of course you don’t want to be seen as a liar, as mentally unwell, or as dangerous just for being who and what you are. Of course you don’t want to feel criticized for exploring your spiritual inspirations. Of course you don’t want what feels fascinating, inspiring, and authentic to be marred by the negative judgments of others or to have what you experience as divine to be perceived as something evil. Keeping our abilities a secret seems especially necessary when we feel like we haven’t yet established a secure support system of people who understand or are at least open to learning about this side of us. Keep your secrets. Let your inner world blossom at its own pace. Within these pages there is no judgment, only support and encouragement for you to continue to grow.

The Challenge of Living Between Two Worlds

“How do I exist in one place when part of my heart feels like it’s in another place too?” Pam asked me. When you’re drawn to follow this calling of Spirit, at some point it’s bound to leave you feeling as though you’re living between two worlds. Part of this just takes getting used to. The more you learn to tune in, the more it will just feel like a natural sense. Say you’re in the middle of a work meeting or are at the grocery store and the delicious smell of food cooking wafts its way to you. This sense of smell doesn’t turn off your other forms of awareness. You can smell this wonderful scent and still keep your attention on the meeting at hand or on the surroundings of the grocery store, even if you’re a bit distracted. So it is with the pull of intuition. Say you’re in that meeting and you feel the tap of intuition.

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The Secret Psychic, by Angela A. Wix by Llewellyn Worldwide, LTD. - Issuu