1 minute read

Affirmations—I am alive


Reinforce each affirmation by repeating it or saying And so, it is.


Lament The word lament comes from an old French word which means to weep and to wail. Across time and cultures, poets, musicians, and artists have tried to express their grief through lamentations. Some time after my husband’s death I wrote in my diary, In the eye of the tempest I seek shelter. In this valley of tears, I long for rest. While I don’t remember writing my lament, I do recognize my pain and my desire for it to stop.

This journal exercise may help you record your own lament. Spend some time with your sorrow and don’t be afraid of any emotion that flows. Know that your feelings will come and go.

Gather • Journal and pen • A photo of your loved one

Prepare • Only complete this task when you can take the time and space you need.


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