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Chapter 1
base of your lungs over your diaphragm and notice the movement of your belly as your lungs fill and empty.
Observe your breathing for a while without changing anything. Take three deep breaths, with the out-breath longer than the in-breath. Move your attention to the breath in your throat as you breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Gently place your hands at your neck and tune in to the air moving up from, and down to your lungs.
Observe your breathing for a while without changing anything. Take three deep breaths, with the out-breath longer than the in-breath. Move your awareness to your face as you breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Gently place your hands at your heart centre and tune in to the cool air entering your nostrils and the warm air leaving your mouth.
Observe your breathing for a while without changing anything. Take three deep breaths, with the out-breath longer than the in-breath. Take some time to connect with the breath of life, grateful and open, alive and well.
When the meditation is complete, gently move your limbs and bring your awareness back into the room. Draw on your connections with your breath as you return to your day.
You might like to say these words aloud:
With each breath I am reminded I’m alive. My breath breathes life into me and breathes me into life. And so, it is.
Pranayama—pathways of the breath Prana is a Sanskrit word to describe the life force, and there are a number of practises within the yoga traditions which use the breath to support the flow of life through our whole being: body, mind, and spirit.
Pranayama is an intentional practise to help focus and move our breath for grounding and flow. It can provide a pathway through the breath to healing and recovery. Pranayama in healing can slow your heart rate and your mind, allowing you to settle into a more relaxed state.
Deep breath You can do this exercise seated or lying. Position your hand over your diaphragm at the base of your lungs to help you tune into the inhalations and exhalations. Inhale