2 minute read
The Elements
When ancient astrologers mapped out the skies, they used the constellations to divide the heavens into the twelve areas we know today as the astrological signs. Before we learn what it means to have the sun in these signs, we need to understand each sign’s individual energies. To do this, you only have to learn two things: whether the astrological sign is fire, earth, air, or water and whether it is cardinal, fixed, or mutable.
The Elements
Let’s look at the elements first: fire, earth, air, and water.
Fire Signs
The element of fire means action and optimism. Fire signs initiate and act. They are adventure-seeking and require independence. The three fire signs all have these traits. Think of colour; red correlates with fire, so fire signs are red signs. The colour red signifies danger and daring. This is the easiest way to recall how these planets work. The fire signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.
Earth Signs
The earth element means stability and the need for security, continuity, and safety. The three earth signs have these traits. They do not like change and cling to what makes them feel secure, be it a job, people, or places. They build on firm foundations and like to see tangible results from their efforts. Think of earth signs as the colour green. Like the earth itself, they change little and do so slowly. With earth signs, things take time. The three earth signs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.
Air Signs
Air signs are the thinkers. They analyse, discuss, exchange information, write, read, and teach. The three air signs have these traits. The mind is more important to them than the body. Relationships are about connecting on a mental level—the physical is less important. Think of air signs as the colour yellow. The air signs are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.
Water Signs
Water signs are the most emotional and sensitive. Instinct, passion, and gut feelings guide them. Everything they do in life is based on how they feel about something. Their decisions are emotional and not always logical. Think of water signs as the colour blue. The water signs are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.
Pull up your birth chart and look for the sun symbol. It is drawn as a circle with a dot in the middle. What astrological sign is your sun in?
Remembering what you have just learnt, can you see how the element the sun is in reflects your personality? Try to always remember the element a sun sign is because this will help you recall how it acts.