1 minute read
Element and Motivation Count
and you can accurately predict how a person with that sun sign will act in any situation.
What is your sun sign’s motivation? Are you cardinal, fixed, or mutable? Can you relate to this?
Element and Motivation Count
Before we move on to the next section, look again at your birth chart and count how many planets are in each element. In other words, how many of the planet symbols (there will be eleven) are in fire, earth, air, and water signs? Which element do you have the most of in your chart? Make a note.
Now count how many of your planets are in cardinal, fixed, and mutable signs. Which quality do you have the most of?
Put the elements and motivations together to see which astrological sign traits you inherited at birth. For example, if the majority of your planetary elements are earth and you have a high number of mutable planetary motivations, you probably have a lot in common with Virgos, even if that is not your sun sign.
• Aries is cardinal fire. • Taurus is fixed earth. • Gemini is mutable air. • Cancer is cardinal water. • Leo is fixed fire. • Virgo is mutable earth. • Libra is cardinal air. • Scorpio is fixed water. • Sagittarius is mutable fire. • Capricorn is cardinal earth. • Aquarius is fixed air. • Pisces is mutable water.
Keep this information handy because we will come back to it later.