1 minute read
Flipping the Switch
Flipping the Switch
We are made of energy. We can send it and receive it from others, and we can use it to alter our environment. So how do we do it on purpose?
Let’s go back to our example with water in its different stages of matter: solid, liquid, and gas. In that scenario, we applied an outside energy source to the water. That energy source was heat. When a new energy source is applied, change happens.
When we do magic, we are the main energy source. We have the option to use the other types of energy we discussed earlier to back up our work and to add more power to it, but our life energy is the main energy source we use. We are the heat in the water example.
We perform magic by learning to control, focus, and direct our energy into creating a desired change or outcome. We take in energy from around us, convert it to our will, and send it back out into the universe. The backup sources we use contribute their energies according to their associated correspondences.
We convert energy in different ways—mainly through spellwork, ritual, meditation, prayers, and affirmations. Each of these workings has its own benefits and situations it is best suited for, and each requires its own set of skills. When we combine these skills together, we influence energies with our desires and magic happens.