5 minute read
Recognize Your Power
must have a huge list of ingredients. Your own energy and your own intention will always be your strongest energy, but the other energies combined do give your workings a boost. For some people, the ceremony of certain spellwork or ritual allows them to enter a state where they can direct and use their energy in a magical manner more efficiently. You need to experiment and see what works best for you. I love to incorporate many different aspects into my spellwork— sometimes. And sometimes I just want something fast, easy, and straight to the point. What works for you one day might not be what you are looking for some other day. That is okay. It is your magic. Do it so it works for you.
Because our magical wants and needs do fluctuate, each of the other sections in this book will have a variety of different ways to tackle the same type of problem. This way, you can use what you need, when you need it. A ritualized spellworking can be backed up with daily affirmations and journal writings. Or a journal writing may lead you to start a daily affirmation to build up to a ritualized spellworking. We learn differently. We act differently. We perform our magic differently. I simply cannot emphasize enough the importance of doing what works for you. Within reason, of course.
Recognize Your Power
Your energy gives you the power to change your environment. To achieve your full power, you must first recognize your own energy. This can be far more difficult than what
people realize because we are so often detached from ourselves. To work magic successfully, you must learn to use your own energy and power. The first step in learning to use them is to learn how to recognize them.
Let’s start with these easy experiments to see what I mean.
Begin by visualizing yourself when you are hurt. What body language do you give off? What facial muscles do you use? Where do you hold tension? Picture in your mind what you look like when you have been hurt. See it in your mind’s eye. Once you see yourself and how you look, project the image outside of yourself. Fix the same look on your face and project it outward. Tighten the muscles where you would hold the tension. Feel it as if it is there weighing you down. Put yourself into your visualization and feel yourself project that energy outward.
Once you feel yourself enter this state, walk up to people you know and gauge their reactions. Do they pick up on the energy you are sending out? Do they notice you are down? You are giving off this energy to those around you. They should feel it. Some people will respond to your energy by feeling more down themselves. Others may send you a boost of positive energy to not only help you, but to counteract the lower vibration you are sending to protect themselves.
You can then do this experiment again by visualizing yourself as happy and energetic. When you see yourself this way, you allow it to happen. Think of a time when you were
extra happy. Visualize that moment. Put yourself in it again and feel the same energy you did then. Carry that energy forward with you to the present and again project it out to those around you. How do they react?
You can easily project emotional energies such as happiness or sadness or even anger. These are energies that we work with frequently without even realizing it. We often receive energies, too, without noticing, which in turn can affect the energies we give off to others.
Pay attention to the energies you see and feel other people sending off. Do they appear to be aware they are giving their energy away? Do they seem to know the status of their energy? Is it a positive, uplifting energy or a negative, downtrodden one?
This exercise shows us how easily we flip the switch on and off while turning the dial throughout the day, every day. Every day we decide what energy we are willing to show and what energy we are willing to receive in our normal interactions. Often, though, we do not pay conscious attention to what we are sending or receiving. This leads to habits, and usually not the best ones at that. We often let in and send out far more negativity than we mean to, as we do not know how to properly block it in the first place, much less ground it or convert it to positivity. This book will help you change that.
Each one of us can walk into a room filled with people and use our energy to either boost the mood or dampen it. This exercise also shows how powerful your energy is without you
even trying. If you can change the energy of a room without attempting, think what you can do once you understand how to work with the different energies available to you.
Your next step is to pay attention to your energy shifts by spending time throughout your day checking in with the energy you are sending into your environment. Are you radiating positive or negative energy? If you find yourself sending out negative energy, what can you do to shift it to the positive side? Not quite sure? That is okay, as it is a huge part of what this book is about—adjusting or converting energy from negative to positive. Once you read through the book, you will have several tools at your disposal to help you make this energy shift.
Journal Exercise
Keep an energy journal throughout the day for two weeks. Set reminder alarms or notifications for random times each day. When your alarm goes off, check your energy. Where is it at? Learning to pay attention to your energy helps you learn to control your energy. This is important for learning how to use other energies later. Since your own energy is your greatest power, learning to control, focus, and direct it is of the upmost importance when performing magic. Magic simply won’t work correctly without the proper energy behind it.