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it contains is water that is really cold. We can apply heat to the ice, and it will melt to water (a liquid) that vibrates more quickly. It is still water, but now it isn’t as cold. If we apply more heat to the water, it will steam and break apart into the gases hydrogen and oxygen with very fast vibrations. We have transferred the energy of both hydrogen and oxygen by applying the energy of heat.
Magic works in a similar way. We transform energies with our intention to create a new reality. We have several different types of energies we can choose from or, for best results, combine to support our intention.
Energy is all around us. It is in everything that surrounds us. It runs through us, and we, too, are a part of energy. Different parts of our world and existence consist of different types of energy. We can tap into these different types of energies to use in our magic.
There are four major types of energy that exist. Different traditions may teach different classifications of energies or the type of energies in those classifications. The following is the method I use, particularly when discussing generalities. If you are part of a specific tradition, feel free to use energy the way your tradition teaches, but don’t skip over this section. You may find something you like, and it never hurts to learn how others work their magic.
The first type of energy is your own personal life force. Everything about you is energy. Both your physical and your spiritual bodies consist of this energy. It is the energy you have the most control over and therefore can use and direct the most effectively once you learn how. If you work with chakras, auras, or channels in the body, these are all a part of your own personal life force. We decide if we want to share our energies with others or not and can put up protective energetic barriers if needed. Think about how your energy affects others without you even really trying. A smile to someone who needs it, and you can feel their spirits raise. A stern, angry, hard stare can give someone goosebumps and make their hair stand on end. These are simple forms of energy we give off without even thinking about it. What can we do, then, when we really put our mind and our energy to it?
The next type of energy comes from the earth. There are several energy types that fall into the earth energy category. The first type can be felt through ley lines and sacred sites. Sacred sites include places such as famous henges, springs, or wells, but also include the sacred sites you create yourself. At The Gathering Grove, we have a few sacred sites: The Inner Grove Ritual Area, The Outer Grove Community Ritual Area, The Offering Wall, and The Spiral Labyrinth. Some of these areas of the land have been used for decades for spiritual purposes. This consistent, constant spiritual use has created its own distinct energy in the land—an energy that we and others can use when needed.
Earth energy also includes the energies of the elements and their counterparts. This means the energies of air, fire, water, and earth. We often add these energies to our spellwork. Herbs, resins, oils, flowers, stones, crystals, and moon water are all a part of earth energies, each with their own corresponding intentions. This also includes frequencies and sound waves—the simple act of chanting sends energy outward as sound waves.
The third type of energy we work with is the energy of our deities, angels, and spirit guides. This energy can be known as “divine energy,” “ethereal energy,” or “spiritual energy.” When we call upon a deity in prayer, ritual, or spellwork, we are asking for this type of energy to work with our intention to help it become a reality.
The last type of energy we use is known as “celestial” or “cosmic energy” and incorporates the energies from the sun, moon, and stars. Part of this energy is rolled into your zodiac sign. This is the energy we tap into when we work with the phases of the moon. This type of energy encompasses the different energies from space.
We can combine different types of energies together to push toward our goals. For example, a spell using incense, chants, and dance on a full moon around a bonfire built with woods corresponding to your intention is a good way to cover several energy bases. The more energies we incorporate, the more powerful our working becomes. This isn’t to say you