Witchy Basics
must have a huge list of ingredients. Your own energy and your own intention will always be your strongest energy, but the other energies combined do give your workings a boost. For some people, the ceremony of certain spellwork or ritual allows them to enter a state where they can direct and use their energy in a magical manner more efficiently. You need to experiment and see what works best for you. I love to incorporate many different aspects into my spellwork— sometimes. And sometimes I just want something fast, easy, and straight to the point. What works for you one day might not be what you are looking for some other day. That is okay. It is your magic. Do it so it works for you. Because our magical wants and needs do fluctuate, each of the other sections in this book will have a variety of different ways to tackle the same type of problem. This way, you can use what you need, when you need it. A ritualized spellworking can be backed up with daily affirmations and journal writings. Or a journal writing may lead you to start a daily affirmation to build up to a ritualized spellworking. We learn differently. We act differently. We perform our magic differently. I simply cannot emphasize enough the importance of doing what works for you. Within reason, of course.
Recognize Your Power Your energy gives you the power to change your environment. To achieve your full power, you must first recognize your own energy. This can be far more difficult than what 11