T H A N K YO U for choosing Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital to be part of this exciting and joyful time. We are here to help you feel prepared and confident about caring for yourself and your new baby. The team of doctors, nurses, lactation consultants and educators at LLU Children’s Hospital are here to guide you.
Helpful Phone Numbers General Information San Manuel Maternity Pavilion Physician Referral Obstetrics - FMO Obstetrics - SACH Maternal Fetal Medicine General Pediatrics Neonatal Intensive Care Pediatric Intensive Care Urgent Care Poison Control
800-825-KIDS 909-651-6589 800-872-1212 909-558-2806 909-382-7100 909-558-4771 909-558-2828 909-558-4403 909-558-4357 909-651-6233 800-222-1222
For more information, visit us at lluch.org/smmp. This folder contains important information to help you care for yourself and your new baby. Please take it home and bring it with you to your appointments and hospital visits. The information in this folder is for general reference only and should not be used as a substitute for medical advice or care from your healthcare provider.