CUNY Sustainable Works Proposal

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CUNY Sustainable Works Commercialization Center

Bronx, New York

Laura Maund Carnegie Mellon University School of Architecture Center for Building Performance and Diagnostics 48-415 Advanced Building Systems, Spring 2011

48-415 Advanced Building Systems | Spring 2011 | LAURA MAUND

New York City Climate Chart 95

Normal Monthly Snow Fall in Inches

Sunshine Visibility Average % Possible



100% 90%


80% 45 70%


60% 50% 20 40% 30%


20% -5


JAN inches 7.5

FEB 8.5

MAR APR 5.1 .9

MAY 0.0

JUN 0.0

JUL 0.0

AUG 0.0

SEP 0.0

OCT 0.0

NOV DEC .9 5.5

JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 10% 28 31 42 55 69 77 82 79 70 58 45 33 HIGHS 0% JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC LOWS JAN 8 FEB11 MAR21APR 33MAY 44 54 59 56 48 37 29 16

SUN # of hrs

51% 5

55% 5.5

57% 6

56% 7.5

61% 9

64% 9.5

65% 9.5

64% 7.5

62% 61% 7 6.5

52% 4.5

49% 4.5


Heating and Cooling Degree Days

100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20%

1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200

10% 0%

JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN Afternoon 60% 58% 54% 51% 53% 56% Morning 68% 68% 67% 67% 71% 74%

JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 55% 57% 57% 55% 59% 60% 75% 78% 79% 76% 73% 69%


MAR 518 5

APR 258 49

MAY 132 146

JUN 15 310

JUL 2 516

AUG 2 394

SEP 27 213

OCT 237 28

NOV 504 0

DEC 992 0




80% 70%

80% 70%





40% 30%

40% 30%



10% 0% Cloudy days Partly Cloudy days Clear days

JAN FEB 1086 805 0 0

Sunshine Visibility Average % Possible

# of Clear, Cloudy & Partly Cloudy Days


100 0

10% JAN 14 9 8

FEB 11 9 8

MAR 12 10 9

APR 12 10 8

MAY JUN 11 10 10 12 8 8

JUL 10 13 8

AUG 10 12 9

SEP 9 10 11

OCT NOV 9 12 10 9 12 9

DEC 13 9 9

0% SUN # of hrs

JAN 51% 5

FEB 55% 5.5

MAR APR 57% 56% 6 7.5

MAY 61% 9

JUN 64% 9.5

JUL 65% 9.5

Carnegie Mellon University | School of Architecture | Center for Building Performance and Diagnostics

AUG 64% 7.5

SEP OCT 62% 61% 7 6.5

NOV DEC 52% 49% 4.5 4.5


Normal Monthly Snow Fall in Inches 10 8 6 4 2

JAN inches 7.5

FEB 8.5

MAR APR 5.1 .9

MAY 0.0

JUN 0.0

JUL 0.0

AUG 0.0

SEP 0.0

OCT 0.0

NOV DEC .9 5.5

Normal Monthly Precipitation in Inches

14 12











0 inches # Days

JAN 3.42 11

FEB 3.26 10

MAR APR 4.1 4.12 11 11

MAY 4.4 11

JUN 3.66 10

JUL 4.33 11

AUG 4.02 10

SEP 3.89 8

OCT 3.54 8

NOV DEC 4.48 3.89 9 10

0 mhp7.4 mhp 7.4 mhp12.1 mhp

0 mhp7.4 mhp 7.4 mhp12.1 mhp

The Sustainable Works Commercialization Center in the Bronx is linked directly to CUNY’s Sustainable Works Monthly Snow Fall in Inches Collaboration Center located in Manhattan. Normal It is composed of 20,000 square feet of flexible laboratory space and 10 20,000 square feet of support and administrative spaces. The primary goals of the 8 Commercialization Center include prototyping, testing, and showcasing new and emerging 6 technologies in a state-of-the-art facility. Ideally, the building utilizes intelligent technologies in order to demonstrate the 4 use of best practices. Furthermore, the center will facilitate collaboration between people from different working 2 backgrounds in order to help mainstream sustainable technologies; the work will be done by white collar, blue JAN FEB alike. MAR APR Additionally, MAY JUN JULthe AUG SEP OC collar, and green collar workers inches 7.5will8.5help 5.1 raise .9 0.0 visibility 0.0 0.0 of 0.0 0.0 0.0 Commercialization Center the sustainable technologies to the general public.





0 mhp7.4 mhp 7.4 mhp12.1 mhp

12.1mph19 mph 19 mph24.72 mph

12.1mph19 mph 19 mph24.72 mph


0 mhp7.4 mhp 7.4 mhp12.1 mhp

12.1mph19 mph 19 mph24.72 mph

24.72 mph

24.72 mph



The site for the CUNY Sustainable Works Commercialization Center is located on the northern portion of the Bronx Community College campus in New York, NY. Because New York City is surrounded by water, it has a more temperate climate than other nearby cities. On average, there are 4578 annual heating degree days and 1661 annual cooling degree days. Each month, the number of cloudy, partly cloudy, and clear days are approximately equal, however there is slightly more sunshine in the summer months than in the winter months (65% in comparison to 50%). Winds are primarily from the Northwest during September through March, while winds come more from the South during the summer months. Rainfall in New York City averages 47.25 inches per month, with slightly more in the spring and slightly less in the fall. Snow usually begins to fall in November and can last into April, with the heaviest snowfalls occurring in January and February.

12.1mph19 mph 19 mph24.72 mph

24.72 mph


24.72 mph


48-415 Advanced Building Systems | Spring 2011 | LAURA MAUND

Annotated Site Plan

View from Hall of Fame Terrace

Carnegie Mellon University | School of Architecture | Center for Building Performance and Diagnostics

MASSING / SITING HAYES STUDIO CUNY CAMPUS NEW YORK, NY The site for the CUNY Sustainable Works Commercialization Center is separated horizontally from the existing BCC campus, and vertically from the surrounding University Heights neighborhood. In order to maximize the building’s visibility within the BCC campus and the surrounding neighborhood, a public pedestrian path has been integrated into the atrium space and extends across the entire project site. This path ultimately connects University Woods Park and the existing BCC campus. People commuting to BCC via public transportation will most likely find themselves walking from the Metro North station just beyond University Woods Park. With the addition of this path through the atrium, commuters will be able to utilize the existing stairway directly to the north of the site, and continue through the Sustainable Works building itself to reach campus. As this path continues through the atrium, commuters will be able to view the laboratories from above and catch a glimpse of the work taking place in them. In order to maximize the functionality of the lab spaces with regard to natural lighting conditions, the entire lab block has been oriented directly South, however this creates a conflict with the existing campus and street grid. Thus, to increase the dialogue between the lab block and the adjacent campus buildings, the loading sequence has been aligned with the campus grid and McCracken.


Existing West - East Site Section

48-415 Advanced Building Systems | Spring 2011 | LAURA MAUND

Laboratory Grid

45’ 15’

Laboratory Truss System

Carnegie Mellon University | School of Architecture | Center for Building Performance and Diagnostics

STRUCTURAL SYSTEM HAYES STUDIO CUNY CAMPUS NEW YORK, NY Existing McCracken Structure, with Added Large Meeting Space and Public Circulation Path



McCracken and Atrium Truss Systems

The design of the structural system for the laboratories began by drawing a modular grid. The formation of the roof line is such that sunlight can penetrate the Northern laboratories as well as the Southern ones. As such, each of the six trusses in the laboratories are composed of two identical, smaller trusses, with opposite orientations and a simple connection piece over the main circulation corridor. Each of the twelve smaller trusses is supported by six columns, two along the exterior facade and four arranged in a trapezoidal shape within the building’s interior. The spaces within these trapezoidal columns serve as mechanical cores extending from the ground to the roof. Because the laboratories can be subdivided along the structural grid, each lab space has access to at least one mechanical core. In its present form, McCracken has two concentric sets of foundation walls, one supporting the main exterior walls of the house and the other supporting the porch. This provided an opportunity to extend the outer foundation walls such that they enclose McCracken in a second facade. To design the structural system that supports these new walls and extended upper floors, the trusses used for the laboratory spaces were mutated, such that they adhered to the dimensions of the existing structure. Similar to the trusses in the laboratories, the trusses fitting over McCracken are supported by sets of four, trapezoidally arranged, columns. The spaces within these columns also serve as mechanical cores, however unlike the laboratories, they are located on the exterior of the building and their specific functions differ from those in the lab spaces. The structural design for the atrium focused on connecting the two similar, but differently dimensioned structures of the laboratories and McCracken. This presented many challenges because the lab spaces and McCracken are also oriented according to two different angles. Thus, the structure in the atrium is supported by a main line of columns bisecting the space and extends like a tree towards the adjacent labs and McCracken. McCracken’s Double Foundation Walls

48-415 Advanced Building Systems | Spring 2011 | LAURA MAUND

Geothermal and Cogenerative Cores

Geothermal Pipes and Wind Turbines

Radiant Floor Heating and PV Panels

electricity from wind turbines and PV panels

heat from geothermal pipes

Water and Stack Ventilation Cores

Laboratory Section B

exhaust air

graywater from roof

Insulated Roof Pond Cover and Flat Plate Collectors

Laboratory Section A

Carnegie Mellon University | School of Architecture | Center for Building Performance and Diagnostics


Central Stack Ventilation Core exhaust air

Flat Plate Collectors and PV Panels

electricity from PV panels

As one of the goals for the CUNY Sustainable Works Commercialization Center, the building will be a state-of-theart facility that demonstrates the potentials of sustainable technology. Thus, the scheme for this building is that of a library demonstrating numerous sustainable systems. Within the laboratory block, the mechanical spaces integrated into the columns alternate in an A/B pattern. The A section is comprised primarily of water collection and stack-effect ventilation. Flat plate collectors located along the roof serve the double purpose of helping to draw warm air out through the roof of the building, and warming the water collected on the roof for use in the bathrooms directly below. The B section of the laboratories is composed of geothermal cores and co-generative cores. PV panels in combination with wind turbines help to generate electricity to be fed directly into the building’s grid. Some of this electricity will be used by the pumps drawing heat in and out of the earth through the geothermal cores. Radiant floor heating is used in the laboratories due to the required 20’ ceiling height, such that heat is dispersed at the level where people are working. Within McCracken, five different cores run between all four floors and relate to the roof systems directly above. The main core within McCracken is located within the existing main stairwell. Flat plate collectors located on the roof directly above help to heat air at the top of the stairwell, thus promoting stack-effect ventilation when the operable skylight is opened. Along the southern-facing portion of the roof are PV panels, which help to generate electricity to be used for the elevator and telecom centers directly below. Water is collected on the northern portion of the roof such that it can be used in the bathrooms directly below and in the event of a fire, it can be used to further protect the fire stairs, also directly below.

Water Core and Fire Stairs

McCracken Section

48-415 Advanced Building Systems | Spring 2011 | LAURA MAUND


Flat and Angled Roof

Glass Facade

Green Roof and Water Collection

Operable Louvers

Angled Skylights

Carnegie Mellon University | School of Architecture | Center for Building Performance and Diagnostics

BUILDING ENVELOPE HAYES STUDIO CUNY CAMPUS NEW YORK, NY The envelope of the laboratory block is a primarily glass facade, however there is concrete located on both the Southern and Northern facades to act as thermal masses and minimize heat losses through the glass. There are operable windows located at both the top and bottom of all the laboratories, such that fresh air can enter the building where people are working, and warm, stale air can exit the building by the roof. A series of operable, insulated louvers clads the Southern facade in order to help redirect light and shade the labs when necessary. Additionally, these louvers can be completely closed at night in order to prevent further heat losses through the curtain wall. In order to let light into the Northern laboratories, windows above the main circulation corridor are angled towards the South. The remaining portion of the roof above the laboratory block is composed of a roof pond with operable insulated panels and a green roof.

Existing Windows

The extended portions of McCracken are enclosed in a glass facade with operable windows. Along the Southeastern and Southwestern facades, operable louvers provide the same functions as those on the laboratories. On the Southeastern facade, the space between the existing stone and the louvers serves as an intermediate space, with both outdoor and indoor qualities. This area functions as flex space when the weather permits, and otherwise serves as a buffer space for natural ventilation. Like the roof on the laboratories, the roof on McCracken also has water collection and green space.

Second Glass Facade

Operable Louvers

Insulated Roof

Green Roof and Water Collection

48-415 Advanced Building Systems | Spring 2011 | LAURA MAUND

Catwalks for Mechanical and Roof Access

Sliding Panels for Laboratory Flexibility

Carnegie Mellon University | School of Architecture | Center for Building Performance and Diagnostics


In the laboratory block of the CUNY Sustainable Works Commercialization Center, operable acoustical panels can be used to separate the lab spaces as necessary according to occupancy. These panels help to absorb excess sound that reverberates within the labs due to the primarily soundreflective materials. These panels also serve as doorways into the laboratories from the main circulation corridor. In order to increase access to the mechanical cores within the laboratories, a catwalk leads from the first floor of McCracken, through the atrium, and into the Northern laboratories just below the roof level. A second catwalk also leads from the first floor of McCracken, through the atrium and onto the roof above the Southern laboratories. In order to fulfill the programmatic requirements for the building, the floor plates of McCracken have been extended towards the Northwest and Southeast. As previously mentioned, the extended floors to the Southeast provide flexible work spaces that blend interior and exterior conditions. The extended floors to the Northwest are used for support programming, such as the executive director’s office and portions of the resource center, which benefit from aerial views of the laboratories. Directly below the PV panels on the roof of McCracken are the elevator and telecom centers, both of which utilize the electricity generated directly above.

Elevator and Telecom Cores

LED track lighting will generally be used in both the laboratories and support spaces. The number of lumens necessary, as well as the color of light, varies depending on the tasks being done in each of these spaces, but this framework provides many flexible lighting solutions.

Philips LED Track Lighting Fixture


Human Performance Criteria 1a. Thermal Performance -Heat -Air Temperature -Radiant temperature -Humidity -Air Speed -Occupancy Factors and Controls 1b .Thermal Performance -Cool -Air Temperature -Radiant temperature -Humidity -Air Speed -Occupancy Factors and Controls 3. Spatial Performance -Individual space layout -Aggregate space layout -Conveniences and Services -Amenities -Occupancy Factors and Controls 3. Visual Performance -Ambient & Task Light Levels -Contrast and Brightness Ratios -Color Rendition -View/Visual Information -Occupancy Factors and Controls 4. Acoustic Performance -Sound Source -Sound Path -Sound Receiver -Occupancy Factors and Controls 5. Indoor Air Quality Performance -Fresh Air -Fresh Air Movement & Distribution -Mass Pollutants -Energy Pollutants -Occupancy Factors and Controls



Building is sited well above the river level to facilitate drilling for geothermal system

Ceiling heights are as low as possible to keep heat concentrated near people

South-facing windows in labs allow for solar heat gains during winter months

Large trees to the Southwest of McCracken and UW Park help to shade the building from evening summer sun Atrium links UW Park to the BCC campus, and McCracken to the labs

Operable roof panels allow excess heat to exit the building when necessary

Ground temperature remains warm enough in winter for geothermal heat gains; Wind blowing off the Harlem River is already humidified Ground termperature remains cool enough during summer to use for geothermal cooling

Labs are composed based on a 15’ x 45’ grid system with a double-loaded corridor for max. flexibility Narrow spaces allow sunlight to reach all work areas

Spaces are concentrated together so as to reduce the number of exterior surfaces exposed to cold/hot weather Winter sun angles low in Southern sky provide sufficient daylight deep inside lab spaces

Labs and McCracken are constructed using different grid systems; the atrium merges them together

Trusses to organ program circulatio mechani cores

Labs oriented towards either North or South to provide a variety of well-controlled lighting conditions

Angled t in labs a sunlight reach no modules

Labs separated vertically and horizontally from admin spaces for max. sound dispersion Operable second enclosure on McCracken facilitates vertical air flow

Traffic noise to the Northwest is diffused by UP Woods and student parking lot

Building wraps towards the existing BCC buildings, aligning with the acoustics on campus

Trusses to diffuse sound re towards

Wind blowing from Harlem River helps to move air through the building when windows are open

Wind blowing off river helps to clear the loading area of vehicular fumes

Mechani cores ru vertically through structure to suppo ventilatio through Structure located entirely i the build for optim thermal and mini conducti loss

Set back enough from HoF Terrace to avoid shadows from NIB to the South Horizontally removed from traffic noise on HoF Terrace, and vertically from that on Sedgwick Labs separated from public and admin spaces to isolate potential pollutants

6. Building Integrity -Loads -Moisture -Temperature -Air Movement -Radiation & Light -Security: fire, natural or human-made disaster, chem or bio attack

All labs located on ground level for efficient evacuation during emergencies




Minimal portions of building face East or West, reducing summer solar heat gains

Loading dock is oriented along Hall of Fame Terrace for a simple loading sequence into the labs

Mechani spaces i between columns for drillin for geoth system Pipe stru of trusse facilitate cooling w chilled b

Building Performance Criteria 1. Renewable Energy Generation - Method, Placement - Measurement,, Verification - Component Systems Placement - Energy Pollutants/Retrofit Method -Occupancy Factors and Controls 2. Water Cascades - Blackwater Systems - Fresh Water Supply - Grey Water Retention - Component Systems Placement - High Performance Products 3. Materiality - Sustainable Features - Unit Dimensioning - Climate Suitability/Adaptability - Performance Metrics

Wind turbines take advantage of the strong winds on the site coming from the Harlem river

Sun angles are sufficient for generating electricity using PV panels

Shape of roof on McCracken naturally drains gray water towards the bathrooms Existing McCracken structure and facade are preserved

Labs are composed based on a 15’ x 45’ grid system

PV panels are oriented directly South on the lab roof and SouthSouthwest on the McCracken roof

Trusses and McC are shap to suppo panels a ideal ang

South facade on lab block is primarily glass to take advantage of sunlight

Steel us form trus made in steel mil

New York receives enough rain on a monthly basis to support modest bathroom use


ndows solar ng

Systems Integration Structure

Building Enclosure

Interior (include Lighting here)

Mechanical (Ventilation, Heating, Cooling, Wiring & Cabling)

Energy Generation Systems

Water Systems

Mechanical spaces in between columns allow for drilling holes for geothermal system Pipe structure of trusses facilitates cooling with chilled beams

External louvers along Southern facade can be closed at night to decrease thermal losses through the otherwise glass facade

Sliding panels in lab block help to regulate temperatures between individual lab modules

Geothermal piping collects heat from the earth and supplies it to the labs with radient floor heating

Wind turbines generate electricity for use with the geothermal heat pump in the winter

Insulated roof pond is opened during summer days such that water evaporates and the building is passively cooled

LED lighting produces minimal excess heat, thus keeping the cooling needs as low as possible

Geothermal piping sends excess heat back into the earth

PV panels generate electricity for use with the geothermal heat pump in the summer

acken using stems; ges them

Trusses serve to organize program, circulation, and mechanical cores

Second facade on McCracken forms intermediate interior/ exterior space to be used in support of adjacent interior programs

Sliding panels are used to subdivide the lab block into smaller lab modules depending on space requirements

Each possible lab division has access to at least one mechanical core, thus designating possible functions to the individual labs

Co-generative cores transmit electricity generated on roof to lab spaces directly below

owards South iety of ighting

Angled trusses in labs allow sunlight to reach northern modules

Operable louvers on southern facades redirect overhead summer sun into building interior

LED track lighting provides flexible lighting options depending on the task at hand

PV panels and wind turbines help to generate electricity that can be used for LED lighting

Operable panels on roof pond can be closed briefly in order to reduce glare when necessary

towards C ng cs on

Trusses help to diffuse sound reflected towards ceilings

Sliding panels within lab spaces help to absorb excess sound, especially from adjacent mechanical cores and corridor

ff ear a of s

Mechanical cores run vertically through structure to support ventilation through roof Structure located entirely inside the building for optimal thermal break and minimal conductive heat loss

Operable windows along the top and bottom of exterior lab walls and along McCracken’s original facade allow air to flow naturally through the building

Sliding panels dividing the labs are made of sound absorbtive material such that the labs are not overly reverberant Buffer spaces in between the two facades of McCracken allow windows to be opened even in inclimate weather conditions

Portions of the mechanical cores that penetrate the roof are distinct in order to inform passersby of the internal building systems Mech. space for geothermal heat pump is located under storage space to help buffer system noise

Wind turbines operate silently such that the outdoor classroom has appropriate sound levels

Roof pond water agitators produce calming bubbling noises that are audible from the green roofs Roof ponds help to humidify air around the building

Concrete integrated into the curtain walls of the lab spaces to help minimize heat losses through the glass facade

Catwalks and roof access in laboratories provide secondary access to the mechanical cores

Fire stairs in McCracken are located directly below the roof pond to facilitate sprinkler system

PV panels and wind turbines can provide electricity to sensitive experiments in the labs in the event of a regional poweroutage

Roof pond on McCracken is located directly above the fire stairs to feed into sprinkler system in the event of a fire

Electricity generated from PV panels and wind turbines help power geothermal heat pumps

PV panels and wind turbines are dispersed evenly over the building’s enclosure for simple electric connections

s of ast or summer s

Hall e ding he labs

oriented n the uthhe f

n lab y glass ge of

Trusses on labs and McCracken are shaped to support PV panels at an ideal angle

Steel used to form trusses is made in a local steel mill

Roof ponds help insulate building as well as collect rainwater for use in the bathrooms

Low-flow toilets are installed in all bathrooms to utilize the graywater collected on the roof as much as possible

Concrete composed of local sediments

LED lights emit more lumens per watt than any other type of bulb

Flat Plate Collectors facilitate stack effect ventilation by warming air near roof vents

Flat Plate Collectors gather heat from the sun and transfer it to water before it is used in the bathrooms Existing stone facade on McCracken provides excellent insullation in cold and hot weather

Insulated roof pond panels should be opened on heating days and closed on heating nights to utilize solar heat gains Insulated roof pond panels should be closed on cooling days and opened on cooling nights to facilitate evaporative cooling All bathrooms are located within the water cores for simple flows from the roof ponds directly above

Water is collected on the roof in two roof ponds and two distinct green roofs

Insulated panels can move over the roof pond to further insulate the building

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