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FAQ INT RODUCT ION 1. What is the dif f erence between PV module, PV panel and PV array?





• PV module or solar module is a smallest complete environmentally protected assembly of interconnected solar cells. • PV panel is a group of modules f astened together, pre-assembled and wired, designed to serve as an installable unit in an array. • PV array is a mechanically integrated assembly of modules or panels and its support structure. An array does not include its f oundation, tracking apparatus, thermal control, and other such components. What is Industrial Power Pack? It combination of Module, Inverter and Charge Controller T he power generated gets used at the time of generation (Real Time Consumption). T here are no batteries. So, it reduces the cost of the system and loss of the Power in conversion f rom Electrical to Chemical Energy f or Power storage purpose and Chemical to Electrical Energy f or consumption purpose during night time. Solar Lighting Solutions It Combination of Module, Inverter, Charge Controller and Batteries. T he centralized Power generated is supplied to the connected loads. T he centralized batteries and Inverters locations give convenient maintenance and security f acility. Solar Water Pumping and lighting System It Combination of Module, Charge Controller and Switch Over It can be used by grid also, as it works in DC and AC Power as well. What is Solar Power Back up System? It s combination of SPV Module, PCU (Power Conditioning Unit), Battery, Logical Circit etc.. T he Power can be used in day time and also night time T he Components of the System are: SPV Modules: Solar modules are either Crystalline or T hin f ilms. It generates electricity f rom solar radiation. T he generated electrical energy, DC, can be directly used f or DC appliances or AC appliances through Inverters. T he power generated at real time only. Battery Bank: PDFmyURL.com

T he battery bank stores the energy generated f rom Solar Module. It supplies the Power to the load when Sun is not available or the power generated f rom Solar Module is not enough. Power Conditioning Unit (PCU): T he battery bank stores the energy generated f rom Solar Module. It supplies the Power to the load when Sun is not available or the power generated f rom Solar Module is not enough. When the batteries are charge to preset level, the PCU Grid/DG Power needs to be cut of f manually/Auto f rom the system and load should be continue run f rom the Inverter. Solar Power must be pref erred and use Grid/DG Power only when the Solar Power/Battery Charge is insuf f icient to meet the load requirement. DP Box & Power Meter: Distribution Point is the centralised point where the power gets distributed f rom. Power Meter is used to measure the power generated f rom Solar Module and system as a whole. Others: T here are MCBs f or the protection of the components of the system. T here is auto/Manual Switch Over to make the system f unctioning as per requirement. APPLICAT IONS 1.

Maintenance of the System Solar Modules Solar Modules are completely static component and it has no moving parts, they are virtually maintenance f ree.It just needs to be kept clean only. Most of the time, rain cleans them of f . Still it’s advisable to clean it once in a month Wash them in the morning or evening. For PV maintenance, that's it. Batteries It depends on the type of the batteries used in the system.If the battery is water based then the water needs to be replaced regularly. Otherwise it needs simply cleaning on regular basis. Inverter Practically very negligible maintenance like cleaning. Charge Controller Practically very negligible maintenance like cleaning


Warranty and Lif e System Warranty: 1 Years Life: Practically the lif e of the system is more than More than 30 years Solar Modules Warranty: Power Output Perf ormance warranty of 25 years. Please ref er the warranty card f or the detail. Till 10 Years: 95% Perf ormanceTill 25 years: 80% Perf ormance Life: Solar Module’s practical lif e has been recorded about more than 40 years. Batteries: PDFmyURL.com

Warranty : It depends on the type and conf igurations of it. Warranty starts f rom 18 months. Life: Battery’s practical lif e has been recorded about 7-10, if maintained enough. Inverter : Warranty: It depends on the type and conf igurations of it. It’s up to 1-2 years Life: Practically it works f or more than 10 years Charge Controller : Warranty: 1 year Life: Practically it works f or more than 10 years COMMERCIAL 1. What is depreciation Tax Benef it Code?

Depreciation allowance at 80 % f or Renewable Energy devices under U/S 32 Item 8 (XIII) Solar Power Generating System Solar Pump based on Solar-thermal and Solar Photovoltaic conversion Solar Photovoltaic Modules and Panels f or water pumping and other applications 2. How to get Subsidy on the system? Contact us . . . . . We are here to proceed on behalf of you.Government provides subsidy on the Solar Photovolatic products through MNRE to Individual as well corporate. We also provide the consultancy services to the clients f or subsidy applications.

GENERAL 1. How much space does a system occupy? 2. 3.




On an average 140 Sq Ft f or Crystalline Modules and 180 Sq f t f or T hin Film per KW of the system is required. Does the system perf orm in cloudy weather? Yes. Both crystalline and T hin Film Modules work in cloudy weather. How much electricity does a PV system generate? T he amount of power produced will depend on how large the PV system is. T he greater area of PV panels, the more electricity is generated. For example, a 1.5 kW grid tied system produces about 2,190 kWh a year. Over 25 year lif espan, this comes out to be 54,750 kWh. Does my solar system produce electricity on a cloudy day? Yes. Both Crystalline Modules and also thin Films can generate electricity, not as much as in bright sunlight, but still as per the irradiance. SPV new technology work better in cloudy weather and high temperature conditions. What kind of load can I run on PV system? With a correctly designed PV system you can power almost any electrical load. However, as the load size increases the expense also increases. Air conditioning and electric heating equipments (hot water heaters, electric stoves) should be avoided. Because of these loads use large amount of electricity. Propane or natural gas is a popular alternative to electricity cooking which is less expensive than solar energy. Do I need dif f erent kind of Electrical cabling and circuitry? PDFmyURL.com

It depends on the load design. Otherwise same electrif ication can also be used f or Solar System. 7. Can the system be relocated?

Yes.. Of course.. But if you are benef iciary of subsidy than it is dif f icult to relocate. 8 . Do the Modules break when load is applied to it, like stones or jumping of monkeys? Normally it doesn’t break, until it’s a heavy stone. It also doesn’t break on jumping of monkeys; still the threat can be minimized by making grills at very less cost. 9 . Can a common back up Battery bank be used f or both Wind and SPV supply? Yes..Of course... Just need more bank as per design consideration. 10 . How does the system use Solar Power af ter the sun goes down?






T he Solar Industrial Power Back up System includes batteries also. We can use batteries to store the energy produced during the day time and use it when sun light is not available or not adequate to generate enough power to supply the load. What type of inverter do I need? Inverters are used in any solar PV systems where AC power output is needed. T he type and size of inverter necessary depends on your application. T here are two entirely dif f erent types of inverter that based on whether or not utility grid is available at your location – stand-alone (of f -grid) inverter and grid tie (on-grid) inverter. T he stand-alone inverters are common used f or homes or business applications. It covers a wide range of power capacity. To determine this you must f irst calculate the maximum amount of load you will be running on the inverter at one time. T he other is the type of wave f orm. Sine wave inverter is good f or the sensitive electronic equipments. It generally produces power that is similar to the quality of utility power. Modif ied sine wave inverter is f ine f or loads that are not supersensitive to clean power. It is good choice f or smaller sized PV system. What is grid tie or grid connected inverter? Grid tie inverter or grid connected inverter is used in solar PV system that is connected to the utility grid. It converts DC power generated by solar panels or wind generator into AC power used by AC electrical devices and the surplus power will sell back to the grid. T he grid tie inverter can use with/without battery bank. For the grid-tie without battery backup is the simplest and least expensive option f or home energy systems. T he grid tie inverter also can be conf igured with a battery backup system. T here will be some loss in overall ef f iciency f or f eeding the grid which depends on the inverter and the size and type of batteries. Why do I need a solar charge controller? A solar charge controller is an essential part of any PV systems containing batteries. It regulates the voltage and current coming f rom the solar panels going to the batteries. A charge controller prevents batteries f rom being overcharged, prevents batteries f rom discharging through the solar panel at night, helps you maximize your energy harvesting and prolongs the battery lif e. What is 3-step charging? T he 3-step charging provides optimal and saf e battery charging to ensure that battery is properly and f ully charged resulting in enhanced battery perf ormance. Solar charge controller regulates the voltage and current delivered to battery in three automatic steps: • Bulk Charge: Battery is being charged up with maximum current, the voltage of the battery increases gradually. When the battery voltage reaches the Boost charging voltage the charge controller goes to next step. • Boost Charge: Battery continues to be charged at constant voltage. T he charging voltage is held constant at Boost charging voltage providing the battery to nearly f ull charge at a slow and saf e rate, then goes to next step. • Float Charge: Voltage is reduced and held constant at Float charging voltage level in order to prevent damage and keep battery at a f ull charge until the end of day. Is the Solar Power Pack System scalable? PDFmyURL.com

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Yes, the current system can be upgraded as per requirements. T he modules and the balance o the system also needs to be upgraded accordingly. Do I need to mount the modules slant only? Can?t I use it as per my design? No, it can be mounted at any angle. It can be mounted as per the design of the building. But if the modules are mounted slant and southward f acing then the modules gives the maximum Power output as per the specif ications. Is it available in any size or standard size? T here are standard sizes of the modules as per Product series: For f urther detail please ref er the Product Technical Sheet Solar modules size f or f uture? For the specif ic range of Watt ratings the company provides the Modules with same size. How can we maximize the use of Solar Power? We can use "Grid-Tie Only" system. T here are no batteries. As per the system design the load power generated will be consumed by the other loads connected to the local grid of the building. What about Af ter Sales Services? We do provide onsite services. We do have our technical team available in our city to cater you better. We do work with AMC terms and conditions. Our customer care line open 24X7. What is the energy payback of PV? Energy payback estimates f or both roof top and ground-mounted PV systems are roughly the same depending on the technology and type of f raming used. Paybacks f or multi-crystalline modules are 4-6 years

GENERAL SOLAR PUMP 1. Can I use batteries f or my pumping System?

Yes, batteries can be used. It serves two purposes: If you want to use the pump in night time also, battery can be used to save the electricity. During the day time when you are not using the pump, the power generated f rom modules gets wasted. So, batteries can be used to store that power and use it f urther whenever sunlight is not available or not adequate to generate enough power. 2. How much is the water discharge capacity of the pump and system? It depends on the system conf iguration. Eg. the Solar water Pumping System with 1 kWp System and 1 Hp motor has the discharge capacity of around 50000 ltrs/day f or the depth of 25-130 f t. 3. Risk of damages of Pump by Grid Power? T he pump can be used in both DC and AC power. T he pump has in built protections available. E.g. T he pump doesn’t start if the water level goes so down that the starting pump can make a short circuit in it. 4. Can I use the same solar pump f or Grid power? Yes, it can be operated by both AC and DC power or as per design.


T HERMAL 1. What is the dif f erence between solar thermal and solar electric?




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T hese are two most economical, technically advanced and easy to use. Solar thermal is an old technology but has ef f iciency of 70%80% where as PV or solar electric has ef f iciency in the range of 16-19%. Solar thermal is the best way to own a system and appreciate the benef its of a solar energy system because it is cheaper than a PV system. What is solar thermal or solar water heating system? Solar thermal or solar water heating system is one of most cost-ef f ective renewable energy systems. Solar thermal systems are designed to collect or absorb solar energy f or heating water used in residential, commercial and industrial applications. Solar thermal systems use dif f erent type of collector to gather and store the solar energy. T he systems can reduce the amount of electricity, gas or f uel required to heat water. What is the average payback f or a solar thermal system? Solar thermal systems can save the home owner or business amount of money and can reduce the amount of electricity, gas or f uel required to heat water. At current energy prices, these systems can pay f or themselves in 2-3 years depending on the application. How do solar water heating systems work? Solar water heating systems work very similar to solar electric systems, except they do not produce electricity. Solar water heating systems include solar collectors and storage tanks. T he solar collectors collect solar energy and transf er heat to the storage tank via heat exchanger. T he storage tank in hot water system is like the batteries in a solar electric system, storing energy to provide hot water f or your home and business. How long do solar thermal systems last? A well-designed and installed solar thermal system may last 15 years or more. Can business benef it f rom a solar thermal system? Businesses that use large quantities of hot water or use hot water to supplement a convention heating system can cost saving by using solar. Solar thermal system can reduce the amount of electricity, gas or f uel required to heat water. Hospitals, hotels, resorts, apartment buildings and restaurants are examples of some of most satisf ied customers. You will also be directly reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


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