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You have to vote

You Have to Vote!

You don’t know By Jeff Morgan how important Treasurer you are! That’s the slogan I’m using for this year’s upcoming elections. Heck, I just may use that for the rest of election eternity –because it’s too true! Some people think that their vote just doesn't count. That's not true! Josh Downey, President of the Denver Area Labor Federation, reminded union leaders at a recent meeting that Mike Feeley lost to Bob Beauprez in the 2002 congressional election by only 121 votes! In 2010, Dianne Primavera was defeated by only 314 in the Colorado State legislature. In comparison, there are over 900 Mail Handler members in Colorado who are receiving this newsletter. With a number like


Our livelihoods dethat, pend on electing representatives and along with who value unions, a many full-fledged U.S. Postal Service and other various working families. union

members in Colorado, we can make a difference and elect union-friendly and working family candidates in this coming election.

I am also a proud dues paying member of the OPIEU, Local 30; one of the many unions (like Local #321) that is a member of the Denver Area Labor Federation (DALF). DALF represents many public and private sector unions in the State of Colorado. Together, our many unions can protect our jobs, wages and working conditions by voting for representatives at the local and national levels who have our backs. At the Colorado AFL-CIO, housed in the same building as DALF at 140 Sheridan Blvd., we are canvassing and phoning many union members and non-affiliated voters. We are under attack at many levels both as Postal employees andas Union members. But we are attempting to unite together to get out the vote of our members.

First, you must register to vote if you haven’t already. It’s so easy it can be done before you read this article. You can also just check to make sure you’re registered. Just go to http:// www.sos.state.co.us/and go down to the bottom left of the page to "Register to Vote." All you need is your Driver’s License or Colorado State ID card. Enter your name, number, and birthdate and you’ll receive a mail-in ballot and election information that you can read and complete in the comfort of your own kitchen (or abode). It’s that easy! Too easy for you to simply let it pass for you to have a say. We're doing it for each other as a union. There are other ballot initiatives that you can have a say on too. Like I said before, you don’t know how important you are! We need you! We need each other! DALF conducts interviews with

the candidates to determine who will best support our unions, jobs, and working families.

Our livelihoods depend on electing representatives who value unions, a full-fledged U.S. Postal Service and working families. My only concern is to represent Mail Handler interests and issues solely and fully. I don't care if you're Democrat, Republican, or Independent. If a candidate supports the U.S. Postal Service and values labor unions, that's where my vote is going. I'm concerned about our paycheck, benefits, and working conditions. That is where my voting and livelihood depends on. Please take charge and lead us all to the polls for each other! Thank you!



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