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From the President Desk continued

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Brothers and Sisters, I know most of you don't like the idea of wearing a facemask, some of you even gone as far as, to asserted that the Union is infringing upon your constitutional rights. That is not so, one of the our core responsibilities as a Labor Union is to create a safe and hostile free working environment for all our members. To ignore the CDC guidelines, on the wearing of mask–The Union would be abdicating one its cores responsibilities in creating a safe working environment for all employees. Secondly, on the topic of infringing upon one constitutional right-that is pure nonsense, think about this for a minute; In some restaurants and clubs, they have dress codes. Are they infringing upon your constitutional rights? The US Postal Service has it own dress code. I have never heard a person utter a word about their rights being violated when management enforces a particular dress code. Thirdly, the union cannot mandate you to wear mask, that’s duties for postal management. Certainly, if an implemented policy is put in placed, and it is intelligible and practical, -one that will be of beneficial to the whole–Yes, this union will support such a policy. It is not often management make commonsense decision that are logical. But when they dose, this union will agree.

When people say they have the right not to wear a mask, they may as well say they have a right not to wear clothes. Indeed, you have a right not to wear clothes in your home, but not at work-it is your constitutional right; likewise, don't you think your fellow co-workers have the rights to be safe from those who do not wear a facemask? I believe, if you are practical person, you already know the answer. It is simple, the purpose of the mask is to help prevent transmission of the virus by people who have the virus, but don't know it. This country and world are in midst of one of the worst health crisis in a 100 years. If we don’t listen to sound advice from the experts, we will all pay the consequences sooner or later, let us learn from others mistakes and not from our your own. Several scientific studies have shown that some people have COVID-19, but don't have any symptoms and unknowingly spread the virus to others. Therefore, in the interest of preserving the safety and wellbeing of all employees, this Union will stand by its decision to support the wearing of facemask while this horrific pandemic exists. And you too should support this—no matter how uncomfortable it maybe, you will be help your fellow co-workers and yourself, but more importantly your family. Finally, Let me say this, If for some unfortunate reason you get infected by this deadly virus, please follow all guidelines that were put out by this union and management previously. Also, in the interest of safety and health, and your own wellbeing, please inform a Union Reps. of your situation as soon as possible, if you can’t get in touch with a steward, please call me, my number is listed on our website at: www.npmhulocal321.org, we will ensure that management address your situation in according to all established MOU on COVID-19. All information are kept confidential. Be safe!!!


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