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Sam s Conner

Sam s Conner

(continued from page 5) So, if at the end of 360 days you have X amount of hours you will receive a check paying you for X amount of hours. It may not seem like much but it is better than not getting paid for the five days between appointments.

Best of luck to you all. Hope this helps you out



Claude L. Ridley Out Going Branch President Denver GMF Local 321

Brothers and Sisters, I would like to take this time to say THANKS to everyone who participated in this election of local 321, especially for Vice President and Branch President. There was a total of 817 ballots mailed to the membership and only 292 ballots returned less than 50%. I would like to thank the E-board members for selecting me and given me the opportunity to fill the Branch President position when it became vacant, to the membership, also the Union Stewards whom gave me support. The Branch President position is not an easy job, but it was an honor to have served this membership in the Branch President capacity. I would like to congratulate Samuel T. Koduah (Vice President) and John Martinez Jr. (Branch President) for their victory and being selected for their position, wish them the best of luck in the years to come, also all duly elected officers.

I can only say to the members whom did not vote, to let your voices be heard is “maybe one day”. On June 25, 2020, I will step down as Branch President and John Martinez will be sworn in, the last thing I have to say in departing is “There will always be U-N-I-(you and I) in Unity and Union”. Thanks

By Jeff Morgan| Treasurer

There’s a song by Donald Fagen called ‘Planet D’Rhonda’ (2012 album/‘Sunken Condos’) where a girl has her way with the guy and there’s really nothing he can do about it, whether he likes it or not. It kind of reminds me of the situation we postal workers may find ourselves in right now under the new Postmaster General.

Sworn in on June 15 th , his name is Louis DeJoy and, according to LaborNotes.org and other news media, his history with workers is anything but (a joy). In a statement after his appointment, DeJoy said that he looked forward “to working with the supporters of the Postal Service in Congress and the Administration to ensure the Postal Service remains an integral part of the United States government. Postal workers are the heart and soul of this institution, and I will be honored to work alongside them and their union.” This statement by DeJoy sounds promising but, as they say, “actions speak louder than words,” and his history is anything but worker and union friendly.

In a LaborNotes article published May 15 th , former clerk and carrier, Joe Piette wrote that the ‘New Postmaster General is an Expert Job-Killer.’ Mr. Piette outlined and documented how DeJoy and his companies had a “terrible labor record.” His company, New Breed Logistics, supplied the USPS with logistics support for multiple processing facilities (they repaired postal equipment) for more than 25 years. In a 2016 interview with Triad Business Journal DeJoy claimed the contract between his company and USPS was worth between $3.5 and $4 billion. It later merged with XPO logistics (he sold his company in 2014 for $615 million) for whom he served as CEO and board member before retiring in 2018.

However, “the company continues to rent warehouse space from him, and he and his wife own between $25 million and $50 million in XPO stock.”

(continued on page # 8)

Local 321 Final Election Results Local 321 Election for Offices was held on May 29, 2020, all Offices are elected for a period of three (3) years, officers took the oath of office via zoom on June 25, 2020. National President Paul Hogrogian administrated oath of office. Secretary-Treasurer Michael Hora was in attendance, alongside with Central Vise President and President for Local 306 June Harris, Western Area Directors Dave Ross and Don Gonzales.

Local President /Delegate to National &Liuna Conventions Errol Tony Wilson (unopposed duly elected) Branch President Grand Junction

Vice President / Alt. Delegate to National & Liuna Conventions Samuel T Koduah 156 Peder Rodriquez 47

Treasurer Jeff Morgan (unopposed duly elected)

Recording Secretary Constitutional regulations 14 NDC 203 10

Curtis Grantham (unopposed duly elected))

State Representative Michael Ruiz (unopposed duly elected))

Branch President NDC Robert Koryto (unopposed duly elected))

Branch President GMF John Martinez Jr. 122 Claude Ridley 44 Branch President Colorado Springs Richard Lairscey (unopposed duly elected))

Curtis Beaittie (unopposed duly elected))

Total ballots sent to union members

Total ballots received back

Total envelopes not opened 817



Ballots unable to be counted because of Installation Sent Returned GMF 519 270 Peder Rodriquez 27

Grand Junction

Colo. Springs

12 2

56 10

Arvada 1 0

Planet DeJoy

All of this puts DeJoy in a “position of overseeing decisions that affect his personal financial interests.” Postal managers may ending up using XPO Smart labor analytics and we all know how management has used technology to make things easier (NOT).

The article in LaborNotes is pretty damning to the extent DeJoy and his companies acted with “anti-union animus.” Women workers suffered miscarriages due to increased productivitydemandsandtherewere“16 wage-andhour violations totaling $35 million…The state of California has repeatedly awarded back wages to XPO truck drivers who were misclassified as independent contractors” denying them compensation and benefits.

During this pandemic, “the New York Times reported that XPO offered to lend workers up to 100 hours of time off –but they would have to repay the time. The result of this stingy sick -leave policy: workers kept going into work despite “coughs and worse.” “Yes, it’s monkey time, twenty-four-seven. The name of the planet…?” sings Donald Fagen. However, Planet DeJoy indeed seems to be the curse for postal workers and their unions.

There has been plenty of backlash against the appointment of DeJoy. Nicole Goodkind wrote in Fortune (May 7, 2020) that, “The appointment of DeJoy, said Democrats is entirely political…Congressman Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO), a long time advocate of keeping the Postal Service public, told Fortune, “The president, heasserted, doesn’t like the Postal Service and appointed DeJoy with the clear purpose of dismantling it.

Also, Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-VA) told Fortune, “President Trump rewards a partisan donor by installing him at the USPS.” And Brian Naylor reported in NPR (May 7, 2020) that “Dejoy has contributed more than $1.2 million to the Trump Victory Fund, and millions more to Republican Party organizations and candidates, according to Federal Election Commission records. He was also in charge of fundraising for the Republican National Convention.” Well, so much for abiding by the Hatch Act at top levels of postal leadership. Of course, that died with Kellyanne Conway in this administration. DeJoy's wife has also been nominated by our current socalled president* to act as ambassador to Canada.

Do you all remember when the Presidential Task Force on the USPS issued its report in December of 2018? In April of that year, the so-called presidents* administration issued Executive Order 13829 creating a task force charged with evaluating the operations and finances of the USPS. The Task Force’s recommendations included “Increasing subcontracting of mail processing operations” (hello Mail Handlers!), “Eliminating collective bargaining over the wages of postal employees, reducing the wages of postal employees,” and “Reducing pension or workers compensation benefits of postal employees.” Now you may see that the appointment of DeJoy falls in line with the Task Force recommendations. In fact, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer sent a letter to board chairman Robert “Mike” Duncan expressing concerns that White House and Treasury Department officials “inappropriately pressed the board” to select DeJoy over other candidates (Jory Heckman, Federal News Network, June 16, 2020). Nicole Goodkind at Fortune also reported that, “The Trump administration, under the leadership of treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin has also called for certain parts of USPS to be sold off.” Politico also reported on May 6 th that the so-called president* said, “The post office should raise the price of the packages to the companies. Not to the people, to the companies.” Who does he think these “companies” will pass the costs on to? No wonder so many of his own companies went bankrupt.

According to Brian Naylor at NPR, “DeJoy wasn’t always a fan of the president, or at least not his TV show. In a 2005 interview with Greensboro, N.C., News & Record, DeJoy said in reference to The Apprentice, “That attitude that you are the most important person is selfdestructive….adding if he were a contestant on the show, “I’d be fired.” Controversy will continue surrounding the appointment of DeJoy. Fortune reporter Goodkind also wrote of the USPS Board of Governors,

(continued on page # 9)

Planet DeJoy

“Board member David Williams resigned shortly before the appointment, signaling that perhaps not all was well.

A postal insider told Fortune that he expects Congress to hold hearings with Williams to ask why he resigned…” Deputy Postmaster General Ron Stroman also stepped down later. As Joe Piette ended in LaborNotes, “We’re in a struggle to save the postal service, during a presidential administration that is openly hostile to its existence.” With that I might add that it’s also during a pandemic that this administration has botched and has not controlled and is looking to get even worse. It’s a scary time for all of us and I can only quote Run the Jewels from their excellent new album RTJ4, “…and your country gettin’ ran by a casino owner (ooh).” And, I might add a failed one at that. But, exactly how do you fail at a casino?!

Jeff Morgan, Treasurer

US Postal Crisis–Elections do have Consequences

Tony Wilson President Local 321

US Postal Service was already in a serious financial crisis but in light of this pandemic it as multiply, with no help in sight from the Federal Government, While big cooperation got $500 Billion Dollars with no strings attached from the Federal Government CARES ACT. the Postal Service was given a $10 Billion Dollars line of credit with significant strings attached—any borrowing is subject to the approval from the Treasury Department. Seriously, That’s not what we need -more debts.

Brothers and Sisters, keep in mind that this is the only time in the history of Postal Service –that the Service requested any type of appropriation from the Federal Government. The US Postal Service, usually finance itself, but these are unique times with unique circumstances and the Service is in dire situation. Initial the Postal Service seeks $75 Billion, which would make it pay off some of it current debt with a little cushion to keep it in the black, but this was blocked by the President himself . Donald Trump called the Postal Service a “Joke” US Congress past a bill that will give the necessary finance to the Postal Service, but this bill is sitting on Mitch McConnell desk gathering dust. The Senate Majority Leader will not bring it to the floor for a vote.

Bill is call: HEROS Act (HR 6800) call Senator Cory Gardner asks him support this bill.

There are reasons beyond convenience to support a well-funded and competently managed national postal service –reliable mail service quite literally saves lives. With fewer and fewer health care facilities in rural communities, 20 percentof Americans rely on the mail system to receive prescription medications. In 2019 alone, the USPS delivered1.2 billionprescriptions, including nearly100 percentof the prescriptions ordered by the Department of Veterans Affairs

There are other health benefits to having access to a Post Office. Being in the midst of a pandemic, as we are, and with an election looming, reliable mail service will enable Americans across this country to remain safe at home while still participating in our democracy. USPS has a longstanding policy ofdelivering ballotseven without correct postage –neither snow nor rain keeps our nation’s hardworking postal workers from ensuring the voices of the public are heard. But this can only continue to happen if Trump and congressional Republicans allow it to happen, which is why it is so concerning that the integrity of the USPS seems wholly reliant on few who’s only desire is to privatize. Now, hear is why I said election do have consequences. The US House passes a measure, H.R.2382, the Fairness Act, months go. This bill will repeal the Postal Service’s mandate to pre-fund health care benefits for future retirees.

US Postal Crisis–Elections do have Consequences

The bill would not solve all the Service financial problems but, it would stop the bleeding of future losses. Similarly, to HEROES ACT, this bill is lost in the senate despite strong bipartisan support from both republicans and democrats. The senate majority leader will not bring it to the floor for a vote—and this is due to Donald Trump ever changing mood about the Postal Service. Years ago I said this, “It make no sense to give someone a job, only to have that very same person turn around and take yours.” and that’s what might happen to a lot of us, who sees politic like sports,-(if you like a team, you stick with it, no matter what-you still going to support that team). Well, politics is not sports, the actions of these people you elected can have profound effect on your life. If you work for the US Postal Service, this is where you earn your bread and butter. You should always vote for your best interest and not against it, youdo not need candidates that simply provide platitudes, you should demand that these politicians take bold stands to protect rights of all working family.

Tony Wilson



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