In This Edition
Why Blind Loyalty Hurt Democracy…………………………………1&2
Trump the Snowman………….……..3
Are you a Fascist? Do you Support a Fascist…………………………….4&5
Every Vote Counts…………………..5
Why your Vote this Election is Crucial……………………………..5,6,&7
Retirees Corner…………………..8&9
Postal Service Secret Meeting……...10
Delivery in Failure……………...11,12
General Speaking……………….12,13
THS /Tows / ATU………………….13
Issues Arising………………………14
MBHP……………………………...15 PAC……...…………………….16&17
Just the Facts……………………18,19
Let’s try this Again………………...20
The little Things………………..20,21
Golden SDC……………………….21
Why Blind Loyalty Hurts Democracy
As we head into another election season, it’s critical to remember one thing: elections are not a game. They are not about picking your favorite "team" and sticking with them no matter what, as if political parties were sports franchises and elections a championship series. Democracy is about more than loyalty to a party it's about the people, policies, and values that shape our collective future. When we treat elections like a game, we undermine the seriousness of the decisions we are making, decisions that will impact our lives, our families, and our communities for years to come.
ByTonyWilson President
It's About Values, Not Just Party
Too often, people become so entrenched in party loyalty that they vote based solely on the letter next to a candidate’s name, regardless of whether that candidate truly represents their interests. Blindly supporting a political party is not a sign of strength or unity it’s a failure to hold our leaders accountable. In a functioning democracy, no party or candidate should ever have a free pass. Our votes should be based on the values we believe in, the policies we need, and the direction we want our country to go.
It makes no sense to give someone a job, only for them to turn around and take yours once they get into office
Elections are a time to reflect on what truly matters: Are our leaders fighting for workers' rights, economic justice, and fair wages? Are they protecting our healthcare, our education system, and our environment? Are they upholding the rights and freedoms of all citizens, regardless of background? If the answer is no, it doesn’t matter what party they represent they don’t deserve our vote
(continued on page 2)
(continued from page 1) Why Blind Loyalty Hurts Democracy
Elections Have Real Consequences
When we treat elections like a game, we lose sight of the fact that the stakes are incredibly high. Decisions made by elected officials impact everything from the economy to healthcare, from climate change to civil rights. They shape the laws governing our workplaces, schools, and communities. They determine how resources are distributed, how justice is served, and whether or not future generations will inherit a world in which they can thrive.
Sticking with a party "no matter what" risks ignoring real issues and real consequences. For instance, if a party's policies threaten worker protections, healthcare access, the Right to Organize, Social Security, voting rights or climate action, we cannot simply look the other way out of loyalty. We must ask ourselves: Are these policies working for me? For my family? For my community?
Accountability Is Key
The beauty of democracy is that it gives us the power to hold our leaders accountable. When they fail to deliver or stray from our values, we must demand better. Blind loyalty undermines this accountability. It allows candidates and parties to take voters for granted, assuming they will always have support, even when they are not acting in our best interests.
Instead, we must vote based on principle, not party. This means taking the time to research candidates, understand their policies, and evaluate how their actions align with our values. It means being willing to cross party lines if necessary and to vote for candidates who will truly work for us, regardless of their political affiliation.
No Room for Complacency
Elections are not about “winning” for a team. They are about making informed, thoughtful decisions that reflect our priorities as citizens. Whether it's ensuring workers have a voice in the workplace, preserving Social Security, advancing racial justice, or tackling climate change, these issues should transcend party lines, but they do not. Voting is not about staying loyal to a brand it’s about standing up for what is right.
Treating elections like a game can lead to complacency. It makes it easier to overlook corruption, mismanagement, or damaging policies simply because they come from "our side." We should never let party loyalty stop us from demanding what
we deserve: leaders who listen, leaders who act, and leaders who serve the people, not just their own political interests.
Your Vote Is Not a Cheerleading Pom-Pom
Every election, we have a chance to make real change. But that change only comes when we approach the ballot box with our eyes wide open. Our vote is our voice, not a cheerleading pom-pom. We can’t afford to make decisions based on the past or out of habit. The stakes are too high. We must engage critically, vote thoughtfully, and ensure that our elected officials are accountable to us, the people not just to the party.
Break the Party Mentality
So, as we approach the upcoming election, remember: This is not a game. There are no “teams” in democracy. There are only issues, policies, and consequences. Your vote is a powerful tool for shaping the future, not reaffirming blind loyalty. Break the cycle of treating elections like sports seasons. Use your vote to demand leaders who will work for you, stand up for your beliefs, and represent your interests. Only then will we have the government we deserve.
It makes no sense to give someone a job, only for them to turn around and take yours once they get into the office.
Trump the Snowman
As I was watching the movie, ‘Elvis’ (Presley, 2022), I couldn’t help but think of Donald Trump. The supporting character (actor) in the film is Elvis’ manager, Colonel Tom Parker (played by Tom Hanks). In the beginning of the movie, Colonel Tom Parker reveals (like Trump) his greed and lust for power. He reveals, “It was Elvis the Showman and the Colonel, the Snowman. As an orphan, I ran away to the carnival, where I learned the art of the “snow job,” of emptying a rube’s wallet while leaving them with nothing but a smile on their face. But a carnival act that would get you the most money, the most snow, had great costumes and a unique trick that gave the audience feelings they weren’t sure they should enjoy. But they do. And I knew if I could find such an act, I could create the greatest show on earth.”
ByJeffMorgan Treasurer
Colonel Tom Parker describes himself and Trump in a nutshell, the only difference being that Trump embodies both the Showman AND the Snowman. Providing his audience with everything they want to hear, promising everything while emptying their wallets with little regard. His most recent venture is another prime example of how he swindles his followers while doing the opposite of what he tells them. This latest “snow job” is Trump’s “God Bless the U.S.A.” Bible ($59.99). It makes him the most money because it’s made in China, with cheap labor. Imagine that! While he’s complaining about U.S. trade with China, communism, the loss of American jobs, and antiChristians, he makes his Bible in restrictive communist China. Of course, he doesn’t practice what he preaches because it’s money in his pocket, which is all he’s ever cared about.
This rich conman, who’s failed in multiple business ventures, has succeeded his whole life in fooling and swindling others, union members, and college students among them (Trump University). Colonel Tom Parker supplied Elvis with various drugs to keep him functioning, working, loyal, and attached. Similarly, Trump has that “unique trick” of giving his followers spiteful and lying answers to all the world’s and country’s complex problems. All of these he claimed he would fix in his previous four years in office, but he continues to promise nothing that he can deliver to keep a smile on their faces. Immigration (Mexico would pay for the wall), universal healthcare, a plan he promised “within two weeks,” and you should google all of the promises on issues and plans he said would be given in “two weeks.” It’s his favorite and hollow time frame.
Trump always talks about himself, how bad and evil others are, but how great he is. This should itself be a red flag warning, like some self-absorbed drunken idiot you see in a bar. To his followers, he sounds tough; but his immaturity has proven to be weak, insincere, and insecure. Talking to Donald Trump, it is easy to tell that discourse and democracy has given way to insults and burning bridges.
I always believe that a candidate should be judged by their voting and record!!!
And one of his largest lies that hits right to the heart of every postal employee is his claim that voting by mail is not safe and secure. We all know that the U.S. Postal Service successfully processes campaign materials and sends and returns ballots. If it was not efficient, Trump’s campaign would not use the U.S. Mail (it does), and even the Snowman votes by mail on a regular basis.
I always believe that a candidate should be judged by their voting and record, which is where they really stand despite what they preach. So, for all of the “snow jobs’ the Snowman has told us over the years, please check out my other article on ‘Just the Facts.’ This is what differentiates a conman from a leader. Actions speak louder than words and the Biden/Harris administration has produced pro-union and pro-working families’ legislation and action. The Snowman, on the other hand, did the opposite. Vote accordingly.
Are you a fascist? Do you support a fascist?
Greetings, brothers and sisters of Local 321!
Iwould like to begin my third article as the Colorado State Executive Board member by thanking all the loyal brothers and sisters who support this great local. I thank everyone who writes statements and comes into the union office to discuss important topics, whether it be any contractual issue, pay disparity, or just to discuss representation and tactics. I hope you all realize that your stewards do their very best to represent you, and I sincerely hope they serve you well. So once again, with our thanks and promise to serve you, let’s talk.
ByLouisCrew StateExecutiveBoard Member Colorado
With the elections coming up, I need to get a few things off my chest. Many of you know where I stand, and I know this subject may upset a percentage of the membership, but I feel this must be said. I am asking you to please read this with an open mind.
Here is the Webster's definition of fascism
Fascism: a populist political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual, that is associated with a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, and that is characterized by severe economic and social regimentation and by forcible suppression of opposition.
Does this definition remind you of a certain political figure? I want you to ask yourself a question:
Do you support fascism? Do you support a fascist?
Here are 19 qualities of fascism:
1) Idolizing repressive leadership: Putin, Lukashenko.
2) Disregard of human rights: NOT American rights
3) Silencing and demeaning your critics
4) Often talks about “the great nation”
5) Supports militaristic policies
6) Obsessed with personal security
7) Manipulates with propaganda or outright lies
8) Glorifies the past
9) Outspoken against democratic principles
10)Suppresses and degrades the opposition
11)Promotes racial or ethnic “superiority”
12)Mistrust or disdain of intelligence
13)Promotes sexism and bigotry
14)Uses and condones censorship
15)An obsession with crime and punishment, especially of the “other”
(continued on page 5)
(continued from page 4) Are you a fascist? Do you support a fascist?
17) Blames and hates “marginalized” groups: Muslims and almost all immigrant
18) Creates a “cult like” following
19) Resists global cooperation: Isolationism
One of the candidates exhibits no less than 15 of these qualities. Can you honestly say that any of these qualities are good, noble or moral? When did it become “normal” to hate and despise someone who doesn’t share the same political ideology or religious faith as you?
My how times have changed. Just 80 years ago, hundreds of thousands of US citizens were killed or were wounded in World War II fighting a fascist regime hellbent on conquering the world. I am still in shock and disappointed that a Fascist could become the President of the greatest Democratic Nation on Earth AGAIN?! How have we become so blind to what is happening in this country?
I used to live by the rule: Vote your wallet. As a retired Army veteran, I voted my wallet for 23 years while serving. I still vote my wallet; however, I now vote my wallet as a proud American union worker.
How many of you believe the lie that you are losing your country? NEWS FLASH: This was NEVER your country: It is OUR country. Unless you are a Native- American, every single one of us can trace our lineage to immigrants. We are a country of “others”. Think about that.
We have two choices this fall: division and fearmongering, or unity and optimism. For me the choice is too easy. Just read the first word of our union’s logo: UNITY. Have we forgotten the phrase, “United we stand, divided we fall.”? I will always choose unity over division. As a union member: why won’t you?
Every VOTE counts!!
Greeting Voters. Now is the time for your voice to be heard. So, make that bold statement and cast your Vote. Do your research on everything from the city and state issues to the candidates running for local and state offices and the President of the
By:RichardLairscey/ NPMHU321Legislative andPoliticalCoordinator
United States of America. It is allimportant, and you must speak up with your vote. Also, you need to look at who has you and your family's best interests at heart and mind. Vote for your paycheck. Vote for a union-friendly candidate who cares about the United States Postal Service and the progression of working families. Election Day is 5 NOV 2024.
Why Your Vote This Election is Crucial
Dear Union Brothers and Sisters,
wByTonyWilson President
orking people across the country. Our votes aren’t just about who sits in office they’re about securing our rights as workers, ensuring economic fairness, and safeguarding the future of our planet for the next generation. This election isn’t just about politics; it’s about protecting our livelihoods, our families, and the values we stand for as union members.
Protecting the Right to Organize and Fair Wages
One of the most important issues this election season is the right to organize ( Continued on page 6)
(continued from page 5) Why Your Vote This Election is Crucial
Union-friendly candidates understand that the power of collective bargaining is crucial for ensuring fair wages, safe working conditions, and job security.
Without leaders who support the rights of unions, we could see increased efforts to undermine labor laws, making it harder for workers to join unions and negotiate fair contracts. Wages are another key issue. The federal minimum wage has been stagnant for years, leaving millions of workers struggling to make ends meet as the cost of living continues to rise. Union-friendly candidates are committed to raising the minimum wage and promoting a living wage one that reflects the real costs of healthcare, housing, and daily life. We need leaders who will fight for better wages for all workers, not just the wealthy few.
Healthcare and Social Security: Issues ThatAffect UsAll
Affordable and accessible healthcare is a fundamental issue for working families. Union-friendly candidates support expanding access to healthcare, protecting coverage for pre-existing conditions, and ensuring that all workers have the health coverage they need to take care of their families. We’ve seen time and again how the lack of affordable healthcare hits working-class communities the hardest, forcing people to choose between medical care and putting food on the table. We need leaders who prioritize healthcare as a right, not a privilege.
Social Security and pensions are also on the line. These programs are the bedrock of retirement security for working people, ensuring that we can retire with dignity after a lifetime of hard work. Certain candidates are proposing cuts to these vital programs, leaving millions of retirees vulnerable. Union-friendly candidates will protect and strengthen Social Security and pension benefits, ensuring they remain solvent and available for generations to come.
Protecting Workers from Climate Change and Environmental Hazards
Climate change is not just an environmental issue; it’s an economic and social justice issue that disproportionately affects working people. Rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and pollution have serious impacts on workers, especially those in industries like construction, agriculture, and manufacturing. Extreme heat can lead to unsafe working conditions, and climate-related disasters often destroy jobs and infrastructure, leaving communities struggling to recover.
Union-friendly candidates understand that addressing climate change is critical for creating sustainable, goodpaying jobs.
continued on page 7)
SAMUEL T KODUAH…………..Vice President
JEFF MORGAN…………....Treasurer
CURTIS GRANTHAM Recording Secretary
LOUIS CREW State Executive Board Member– Colorado
ROBERT JACKNITSKY State Executive Board Member– Wyoming
(Continued from page 6) ……..Why Your Vote This Election is Crucial
They advocate for investment in renewable energy, infrastructure, and clean technologies that will not only combat climate change but also create millions of jobs in emerging industries. We need leaders who recognize that the transition to a green economy can and must include workers’ rights, job training, and strong labor protections.
Addressing Income Inequality and the Wealth Gap
Economic inequality is one of the defining issues of our time. The gap between the rich and the rest of us has never been wider, with corporate executives and billionaires reaping massive profits while workers see little to no wage growth. This wealth disparity is not just unfair it’s unsustainable. Without policies that prioritize working families, the rich will continue to get richer while the rest of us struggle to get by.
Union-friendly candidates are committed to tax fairness, ensuring that the wealthiest individuals and corporations pay their fair share. They support policies that redistribute wealth more equitably and invest in programs like affordable housing, education, and healthcare that benefit working people. We cannot afford to elect leaders who will only cater to the wealthy elite at the expense of everyone else.
Defending Reproductive Rights and Workplace Protec-
Reproductive rights are also directly tied to economic security. Union-friendly candidates recognize that access to reproductive healthcare, including the right to choose, is essential for workers especially women to fully participate in the workforce and make decisions about their own lives.
Without this access, many workers, particularly those in lower-income jobs, face greater economic hardship and fewer opportunities to advance in their careers. In addition, we need leaders who will protect workplace safety and worker rights. Many of us work in physically demanding jobs that come with inherent risks. We rely on labor laws and workplace safety regulations to keep us safe on the job. Union-friendly candidates will continue to fight for strong safety standards and protections that ensure we can go to work every day and come home safely.
Combating Xenophobia and Defending Diversity
Lastly, as union members, we must stand firm against efforts to divide us based on race, nationality, or immigration status. Xenophobia and discrimination have no place in our workplaces or our society. Union-friendly candidates support policies that embrace diversity and inclusion, recognizing that our strength as a labor movement comes
from our unity, regardless of where we come from or what language we speak. We cannot allow leaders who thrive on division to tear us apart.
What’s at Stake?
The stakes are too high for us to sit on the sidelines this election. Our right to organize, our wages, our healthcare, our safety, and even the future of our planet are all on the line. When union members don’t vote, we risk handing power to those who don’t value our contributions or our rights. The policies enacted by anti-labor candidates could make it harder for us to negotiate fair contracts, erode workplace protections, and exacerbate income inequality.
This Election IsAbout Our Future
Supporting union-friendly candidates is about protecting what we’ve fought so hard to achieve: fair wages, strong unions, safe working conditions, and a better future for our children. It’s about ensuring that working people have a voice in government and that our elected officials understand the value of the labor movement. This is not just about politics it’s about protecting our livelihoods and securing a future where working families can thrive.
Your vote matters. Your voice matters. Let’s stand together and vote for candidates who will stand up for working people, protect our rights, and ensure a fair and just economy for all. Talk to your fellow union members, friends, and family. Encourage them to get out and vote this election. Together, we can ensure our voices are heard, and our rights are protected. Let’s show up at the polls and fight for a future that puts working people first.
Dejoy’s Plan Will Delay Delivery In Rural Communities
In my attempt to clarify the recent statement submitted by the USPS, it is important to point out that the Service has admitted that delivery WILL be slowed down for the customers. DeJoy has identified the radius to be anything beyond 50 miles from the Regional Processing Distribution Centers (RPDC). As DeJoy is attempting to “sell” his vision to the Postal Regulatory Committee (PRC), obviously, he will be giving the best case/perfect world scenario. By admitting there might be an additional delivery day added to delivery, the truth is more likely 2+ days on average. Hopefully, the following explanation will lend credence to my belief.
By Bob Jacknitsky
Wyoming State Eeecutive Board Member
I will start by explaining the following:
Regional Processing & Distribution Center (RPDC). These are the facilities that are being/have been designated to handle tremendous amounts of volume in high population areas like Atlanta, GA, Richmond VA, and Phoenix, AZ to name a few. Processing consists of, but not limited to, applying postmarks, separation/ distribution of parcels, handling letters, flats, etc.
Processing and Distribution Centers (P&DC). These facilities currently perform the same operations as the RPDCs but on a much smaller scale. Cheyenne and Casper, the only P&DCs in Wyoming, are two of many examples.
Local Processing Centers (LPC). These facilities are designed to support the RPDC’s by distributing the mail processed by the RPDC’s for delivery. Generally these facilities are former P&DC’s who have had their mechanical processing capabilities removed, specifically the ability to apply postmarks. This will become especially important later.
Regional Transportation Optimization (RTO) and Local Transportation Optimization (LTO). These two work in conjunction with one another to transport the mail processed by the RPDC’s nationwide. The LTO incorporates a morning one-stop drop-off/pick-up of mail for facilities beyond the 50-mile radius of the RPDCs. What this means is that mail that is to be delivered will be dropped off sometime in the morning at the facility, and mail to be processed will be picked up at the same time. To explain further, any mail from a customer that is received after the pick-up time will sit until the next morning. Currently, there is a morning drop off of delivery mail and then an evening pick up of mail to be processed. The RTO consists of 3 legs:
LEG 1 – Collection to Origin. The collection mail consists of mail acquired from the customer. It includes letters, flats(manilla envelopes for documents), and parcels. Origin is where the postmark is applied for letters, and further separations of the mail are made by zip code for delivery. It is considered Day 1 of the Service Standards.
LEG 2 – Origin to Destination. The destination mail would be where the processed mail from the Origin facility would be sent for further separations and processing in preparation for the final Leg.
LEG 3 – Destination to Delivery. This is the final step, where the processed mail is sent to the Carrier portions of facilities for delivery to the customer.
This system is already in use currently. Applying DeJoy’s idea, things become muddled and untenable. For example, Cheyenne is currently considered the Origin facility. All mail in the surrounding areas is collected and brought here for immediate processing. After processing, the mail is returned the next morning to the appropriate facilities for delivery to the customer or forwarded on to other facilities for further processing, well within the current standard, and 1-day delivery for Cheyenne and Laramie addresses. Under DeJoy’s plan, the LTO is implemented, which immediately adds a day to the delivery.
(Continued on page 12)
(continued from page 11)
Delay Delivery In Rural Communities
Denver becomes the Origin facility, meaning however long it takes for them to receive and process the mail becomes Day 1, and they have 5 days from that point to deliver the mail. For example, if you mail a letter on Day 1, it’s collected on Day 2 as per the LTO and then processed on Day 3; Day 3 is the first day of the 5-day standard because that is the day the postmark was applied. Technically, that letter will not have to be delivered until Day 8. If Day 8 happens to be a Sunday, it will be delivered on Day 9, and it will still meet the new Delivery Standards, according to DeJoy. All collected mail destined for Denver and certain surrounding cities will receive a 1-day delivery, thereby greatly increasing ontime delivery scores.
DeJoy’s system is obviously designed to manipulate the service scores by providing faster service to the largely populated areas, namely cities with RPDCs, thereby artificially increasing on-time deliveries. As more RPDC’s are placed in major population centers, scores will naturally increase while delivery times will degrade for the rural customer. The proposal from the USPS mentions twice, “All volume will benefit from greater service reliability.”. I have no idea what that means. I know that in this particular situation, “Better service scores do not mean better service.”. I used Cheyenne and Denver as examples, but any P&DC or RPDC will have the same result. Any city that loses its P&DC to an RPDC will result in longer delivery times. This is not a supposition; this is a guarantee.
Generally Speaking
IBy Bob Koryto NDC Branch President
t's that time of year again Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, and let's not forget, there's also a presidential election in November! What does this mean for you? For starters, you may have noticed an increase in mail from candidates. Working at the NDC, I've also observed a rise in package volume. Where am I going with this? Can management require me to work overtime? The short answer is “yes,” but there are limits.
Section 8.5 of the National Agreement outlines how overtime works:
When overtime is needed, full-time regular employees with the necessary skills are selected based on seniority on a rotating basis. Those on leave or absent are passed over.
Employees on the "Overtime Desired" list (OTDL) can be required to work up to 12 hours a day.
The first opportunity for overtime goes to qualified employees who signed the OTDL. If you're on duty when overtime is selected, you're considered available. Those absent or on leave are passed over unless exceptions apply as outlined in the Local Memorandum or other agreements.
For example, employees absent or on leave usually aren't required to work overtime. However, if you're on the OTDL and want to work during a scheduled leave, you can notify your supervisor in writing of your availability.
Employees on the OTDL may work up to 12 hours a day and 7 days a week, with the option to volunteer for more. The OTDL also protects full-time employees not wanting to work overtime. If the OTDL doesn't provide enough qualified workers, management can require other employees to work overtime as needed.
At the NDC, if you're not on the clock, you're considered unavailable for non-scheduled day overtime the next day. For example, if you're off on Friday, you won't be offered overtime on Saturday. This follows our past practice of handling overtime on a daily basis.
(continued from page 12)
However, excluding December, management can only mandate overtime beyond 10 hours a day or 6 days a week for non-OTDL employees in emergency situations. The month of December and emergencies are exceptions to these limits.
Now, onto December: management can mandate everyone up to 7 days and 12 hours but there’s a process they must follow. A blanket overtime mandate, like telling employees they must work overtime for the entire month, isn't typically acceptable.
FYI: Make sure to attend your health fair. Health benefits are transitioning from FEHB to PSHB due to the Postal Service Reform Act of 2022., this law introduces a new health program for USPS employees and retirees. Annuitants and their family members, Local President Wilson put out many information on this in our monthly union’s updates.
And don't forget, it’s a presidential election year exercise your right and go vote!
` THS Inventory
During our recent tripartite meeting with Management, the American Postal Workers Union (APWU), and the National Postal Mail Handlers Union (NPMHU) Local 321, we made significant progress regarding job security at the Denver Terminal Handling Service Annex (THS).
ByTonyWilson President
I'm pleased to report that the union successfully finalized the inventory, which means we have secured nearly all job classifications for our members within the Mail Handlers craft, with the exception of the duties assigned to dock clerks. Currently, we are engaged in detailed discussions with management regarding the posting of bid assignments for the Denver THS. It’s important to note that the Denver THS operates is a part of the larger Denver General Mail Facility (GMF) installation.
These negotiations are crucial as they will determine future job assignments and opportunities for our members at this THS facility We will continue to advocate for our members' interests and keep you updated on any developments.
Tow Motors & ATU Assignments Denver GMF
I am pleased to share the outcome of our extensive negotiations between management and the union. After many discussions and
hard work, we successfully fought to restore all tow motor routes that had been unilaterally removed from the bid assignments on most of our tow motors. This achievement not only reinstates important responsibilities but also reaffirms our commitment to protecting the rights of our members.
In addition, during our ongoing negotiations, the union secured three new group leader positions for the ATU last week. Each tour will now benefit from a dedicated group leader. Management has 60 days from the signing of the settlement to post those newly created bids.
Ihave had numerous calls and questions about overtime calls. I am pretty sure this issue is bugging the minds of many local mail handlers.
The overtime call per the mail handler contract has no “parity Clause”.
The call is strictly available and qualified on a rotational basis. The union does not dictate when overtime is called, but the contract dictates how it should be called.
BySamuelTKoduah VicePresidentLocal321/ BranchPresidentDenver GMF
Again, the rotation begins from the top of the OTDL at the beginning of every quarter.
That said, we anticipate a high overtime call during this peak season. Management keeps mentioning a very busy peak season this year, and I will advise that we get ready for the challenge.
Do not be coerced into removing your name from the OTDL. You and only you can remove your name from the list. If you have questions, please ask a steward.
I can not stress it enough. There is zero tolerance for fighting at the post office. When provoked, walk away from issues and report to the union and/or management. Do not get intimidated in any way. Report any form of harassment/intimidation to the union and/or management. Everyone has the right to a safe work environment; the union will work with management to ensure that.
MHAS are flexible employees. MHAS can be sent to work at all sections or work areas. Begin tours can be changed, and work hours can be altered. Please do not assume you have a section or your work hours are set. This information was disseminated to you during orientation. The union office has had to explain this issue to a few MHAS who were asked to work at the Denver THS.
The THS is part of the Denver GMF bid cluster, and MHA can/will be moved within these two facilities. The movement of MHAS between the two facilities will continue. Please be mindful that its mail handler bargained work.
If you are an MHA in other facilities, remember you might be moved around, especially as we approach the peak season. The movement is per operational needs, and the union will ensure that no one particular MHA is always moved. This is for informational purposes only.
I will appeal to the membership to restrain our temperament. We are all brothers and sisters, and we should be able to work peacefully. Remember, your job is most important to you and all those you support.
The union will defend you if issues come up, but help us to help you.
In solidarity.
Just the Facts
Kamala Harris’pro-union actions speak louder than words.
BByJeffMorgan Treasurer
efore we discuss President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’ prounion actions in the first four years of office, let us first discuss Donald Trump’s previous anti-union 4-year term. During his four previous years in office, Trump weakened labor unions, and especially federal employee unions. He issued three executive orders (signed in 2018) that weakened the ability to bargain contracts and taking away the time for union representatives to file grievances on behalf of their members. Then, in 2020, Trump created a new category of career civil servants that were reclassified into a new category called “Schedule F,” which meant that they were considered “political appointees” and could then be fired at will and replaced. It was designed to gut civil service job protections. Fortunately, when Biden/Harris took office, these and other anti-union executive orders were rescinded.
But President Biden didn’t stop there on behalf of unions. He put Kamala Harris in charge (chair) of a new Task Force on “Worker Organizing and Empowerment” to strengthen, not weaken, unions across the country. Federal agencies and employees were made more aware of the right to join a union. Presidential nominee, Kamala Harris, stated in a meeting of the task force in October 2021, “This will be the model of what all industries have the capacity and the ability, if not the imperative, to do.” The result was tens of thousands of new members for federal employee unions by the end of 2023. The EPA also included in their new contract a “scientific integrity article” that allowed employees to raise concerns when science was being disregarded or manipulated, as what occurred during Trump’s tenure. Again, actions speak louder than words, and the proof is in the pudding with the Biden/Harris administration.
Considering that words and promises are cheap, a candidate’s record should be the primary factor
that governs who to vote for, and it is clear from both records that Kamala Harris is the right vote for labor and, thus, President of the United States. Trump’s years if office were dismal for organized labor. In 2019, Trump appointees (anti-union) to the National Labor Relations Board overturned President Obama’s NLRB ruling mandating speedy union (forming) elections. President Biden’s NLRB (pro-union) appointees rolled back Trump’s NLRB rulings. Now, when a majority of workers say they want a union, the employer must bargain with them or seek an election in which the NLRB may intervene to enforce union recognition.
The Biden administration also cared more about a worker’s safety and health by seeking a 3.7% increase in the budget of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). In 2018, Trump tried cutting OSHA funding by approximately $10 million, but a Democratic controlled Congress blocked it. There are also more OSHA workplace inspections under Biden after they declined during Trump’s presidency. And in these days of global warming, the Biden/Harris administration proposed rules to protect some 36 million workers from health risks associated with extreme heat in July of this year. Public hearings will be held on this bill.
The AFL-CIO, the largest union organization in the United States, gave presidential nominee, Kamala Harris, as score of 98% on her union voting record, and her VicePresidential nominee, Tim Walz, received a 93% voter rating. Walz was also a union member when he worked as a high school teacher. Both know the importance of the power of unions and their membership. However, Trump’s running mate, JD Vance, has received a 0% (yes, zero) rating for his voting record as of mid-2024 (Senate). Vance opposed several judges and government officials who had pro-labor records.
When the United Auto Workers went on strike in September 2023, President Biden walked the first President to walk a picket line. Trump came the next day and gave a Snowman speech at a non-union auto plant. Again, actions speak louder than words. Trump also has praised Elon Musk in conversation for firing workers who brought up workplace problems and tried to unionize. Project 2025 also plans to gut the federal workforce and labor unions if Trump is elected.
But let me leave you with these remarks from our former
(continurd from page 18) Just the Facts
Kamala Harris’pro-union actions speak louder than words.
LUINA General President, Terry O’Sullivan, during the last 2022 mid-term elections. He was also foretelling what was to come in this 2024 election year. It was a message to all of us union members.
“Brothers and Sisters, as your General President, I’m asking you to organize, mobilize, and activate like never before for the November 8th midterm elections. With your activism, solidarity, and commitment, we have built political power in the White House, in Congress, and in State Houses across the nation. We have never been stronger. Our Union has never been stronger.
Since 2020, with our President and this Congress, we have enacted the largest infrastructure investment in our nation’s history, creating hundreds of thousands of union jobs, LIUNA jobs. We passed the American Rescue Plan which aided millions of Americans, LIUNA families, and their communities through a global economic crisis. And we won protections that will save pensions and protect the retirement security for millions of current and future retirees and beneficiaries. And through the Department of Labor, with the leadership of Secretary Marty Walsh, a card carrying laborer, we also have strengthened Davis Bacon prevailing wage rules for Federal construction work and now even have a Presidential Executive Order that mandates worker friendly project labor agreements. That’s what we accomplished for turning out and voting in 2020 for pro-union elected officials, and that’s what we need to do again on November the 8th.
Brothers and Sisters, we have to keep up the momentum. Nothing is ever permanent, and progress is never guaranteed. These upcoming midterm elections are going to be a dress rehearsal for the 2024 elections, when everything will be on the line. All that we stand for, all that we fight for will be on the line. Make no mistake, the next Congress could
build on what we’ve accomplished, or destroy it all. We need each and every LIUNA member to vote like your job depends on it, because it does. Your job and the livelihoods of your fellow brothers and sisters depend on who sits in the halls of Congress, the State Legislature, and the State Capitol. Don’t be distracted by the scam artists and charlatans. Voting records don’t lie.
Vote for elected officials who save your pension, who voted for infrastructure, who voted for union jobs, and who voted to protect your wages and benefits. Go to the polls on November the 8th, because your jobs, your livelihood, and your middle class way of life depend on it. May you feel the power, may you be the power, and may you use the power.”
President Terry O’Sullivan foretold that for these 2024 elections on November 5th, “…everything will be on the line.” Your vote is as powerful as anyone else’s, so make it count by using it. Vote Union. ; vote for the endorsed pro-union candidates in your district(s). Thanks for voting for yourself and your fellow union members.
In Solidarity,
Well, let’s try this; AGAIN!!
GByRichard Lairscey C/S Branch President
reetings, Union family. I hope everyone is healthy and has enjoyed the beautiful summer. As you all know, we have yet another new plant manager. Well, let’s try this: AGAIN!! So far, nothing new about this journey, except someone new steering the ship, but we're still going in circles waiting for it to sink. Management is still delaying the mail and failing due to unskilled, untrained, and unwilling managers/supervisors who don’t give a damn about what is going on in our facility. Supervisors don’t know how to speak to employees like human beings with dignity and respect, creating a hostile work environment.
Please come to your Union with any and all statements so we can continue to hold management accountable. It is very apparent that plant manager Cory Stibley has no control over his supervisors, nor does he have the ability to maintain and successfully run a facility of this size. As we head into peak season, please be ready to stay dil
(Continued from page 20) Well, let’s try this; AGAIN!!
igent and ready to continue to write statements about clerks and management doing our work. I’m sure it’s about to be worse than ever. Let’s gear up for what I like to call our yearly dues reimbursement plan, known as Grievance payouts. Don’t forget to keep us posted about safety issues. We need to make safety paramount.
At this time, I would like to sincerely thank our Union Stewards, Roberto, Vicky, Jesicca, and Frank, for what they do for our members in the Colorado Springs Facility. I can’t do it alone, and neither can they. We need you, the members. You are the strongest part of this Union and I also thank you for your loyalty and trust in us. Also, long-time friend and Mail Handler Donny Archuleta retired at the end of August with over 30 of service to the United States Postal Service. Enjoy and keep in touch, my friend.
The Little Things
TBy Curtis Grantham
Recording Secretary
he Postal Service is about to continue with the massive changes under the PMG’s Ten-Year Plan. This plan could potentially affect the jobs of our Brothers and Sisters in this Union, particularly in this local. Leadership in this union is working diligently to reduce the overall impact on our members.
As we prepare for next year’s contract negotiations, it’s more important than ever to stand united. Our collective strength determines our ability to secure the best possible wages, benefits, and working conditions for all members. Management looks closely at our solidarity when we stand together, our voice is louder, our demands are clearer, and our impact is greater.
Unity isn’t just about numbers; it’s about sending a message that we are all invested in our future.
Every member who joins the union strengthens our position at the negotiating table. When we approach management with a unified front, they know we’re serious and that we won’t settle for
less than what we deserve. The more united we are, the more leverage we have to negotiate improvements for everyone.
To achieve this, we must encourage our fellow Mail Handlers who haven’t yet joined to become part of the union. If they’re skeptical or critical, remind them that standing on the sidelines won’t bring about any change. Real change happens when everyone is engaged and actively supporting the union’s efforts. By growing our membership, we show management that we’re not divided we’re fully aligned and committed to securing better conditions for all Mail Handlers.
This effort extends beyond just membership it’s about standing together on the little things. I remember a time when Mail Handlers would never stand by and let supervisors do "our work." It’s disappointing to see supervisors taking on our duties now, with Mail Handlers standing by and saying nothing to the union. Thirty years ago, we stood strong against this practice. How have things changed so much? It’s even more frustrating when my Brothers and Sisters blame the union for not stopping it, when in reality, we can’t stop this without your help.
For those who stand by silently, remember that we are a team. Your Union Stewards rely on you to be our eyes and ears on the workroom floor. We are your voice, but we need you to act. If you’re not being offered overtime, file a grievance. If you see supervisors working the mail while Mail Handlers aren’t getting their 40 hours, file a grievance. These are Mail Handler work hours, and we’re losing them. We must take the same approach with clerks and contractors to protect Mail Handler work.
If you witness an unsafe condition, report it. Take the time to fill out PS Form 1767, Report of Hazard, Unsafe Condition or Practice, and submit it to your supervisor. If you don’t receive an adequate response, inform your union.
If you’re dealing with an unprofessional supervisor, contact the union office and fill out an Abusive Supervisor Incident Report. Provide all the necessary details who was involved, what was said, when and where it happened, and how it can be resolved. These reports help the union build a detailed, documented history of the supervisor’s behavior, which is crucial when
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we meet with management to address these issues. The same level of detail is needed in any statement you provide.
As I’ve said before, your Union is your voice. Without grievances and statements, we cannot effectively present your concerns to management. Without these, management may see your issues as frivolous complaints, but with detailed statements, we present a clear picture of your challenges. If your supervisor treats you unprofessionally and you do not put your complaints in writing, you’re essentially saying that their behavior is acceptable.
Brothers and Sisters, this is a call for your help addressing these issues. We are a team and can bring about the changes needed to resolve these problems. Only a few Mail Handlers consistently provide statements that help us challenge management. To those who do, we offer our deepest thanks. We all know who they are. However, without broader involvement, these individuals can seem like lone voices, even though they represent the concerns of many who would rather complain but not get involved. Please get involved these members need your support. The union needs your help. We need your statements.
Golden SDC Update
Since June 2023, the union has been actively advocating for bid assignments for Mail Handlers at the Golden Sorting and Delivery Center (SDC). This effort was prompted by management's decision to consolidate the Golden Main Post Office with three other locations to establish the new SDC.
In response to this consolidation, we initiated a dispute under the Regional Instruction 399 process (RI-399) and conducted a thorough four-month investigation. Our findings revealed numerous cross-craft violations, with clerks and carriers performing tasks that are designated for Mail Handlers according to RI-399 guidelines.
ByTonyWilson President
In light of these violations, we filed several grievances under Article 7.2, challenging management's practices and demanding that the Golden SDC be adequately staffed with Mail Handlers. These grievances were remanded to the RI-399 process for further consideration.
Despite management signing an inventory agreement with Mail Handlers in January of this year, the American Postal Workers Union (APWU) has since refused to endorse this agreement. Unfortunately, we did not challenge it within the 21-day window allowed by RI-399 procedures, which limits their options for contesting this Inventory.
Despite our ongoing efforts, management has remained hesitant to hire Mail Handlers for the SDC. This ongoing situation has prompted me to ask Brother Louis Crew, the State Executive Board Member for Colorado, for him to continue filing Article 7.2 grievances to address the persistent cross-craft violations we have identified.
This proactive approach is essential to ensuring that Mail Handlers receive the recognized staffing they deserve at this critical facility. We are committed to fighting for our members' rights and securing appropriate job assignments, and we will not relent in our efforts until we achieve a fair resolution. Your support is crucial as we navigate these challenges, and together, we will work to uphold the standards and protections that our members rely on. Stay tuned for further updates as we continue this important work.