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In This Edition



Denver GMF Updates……..…….2 Our Future…..………………………..3 You want Cheese with that Whine……………………………………4 Scan Like your Job Depend on it.……………………………………..5 Let’s Get Political…………………..5 Installation of Officers...………..6 Retirement………..……………..7&8 Your Basic 3971……………..……..9 Officers Election Turnout.……12 Cookout Highlights……….13&14 Pic with the National President…………………………………….15 MBHP………………………………….16 PAC……...……………………...17&18 Leg &Political Seminar………...19


reetings, sisters and brothers. Thank you for nominating me as Local President. After all the nominations came in, I was the sole nominee for the position of Local President and, therefore, elected by acclimation. I am grateful and deeply humbled by the support afforded to me by the members and local leadership alike. It is a distinct honor to hold the position of Local President for a third consecutive terms. I will continue to work diligently in the best interest of all members. However, I do so with the support and aid By Tony Wilson President of qualified people around me. The Union is not about me or any one person. Every quality organization requires a group of dedicated and knowledgeable individuals to make it a successful. Local 321's new Executive Board and Council fit this acThe Union is not count with a crew of over 35 stewards supporting us. Two new memabout me or any bers were elected to our Executive Board and Council: Brother Samone person uel T Koduah, Vice President and Branch President for the Denver GMF, and Brother Louis Crew (LC) as State Executive Board Member for the State of Colorado. Brother LC is in his freshman term. But, both brothers, LC and Koduah, bring a boatload of experience and knowledge to complement Local 321's Executive Board and Council. It will be a pleasure working with you all. Brothers and sisters, local 321’s representatives attend the Semi-Annual of the Local Unions (SAMLU) twice every year, and twice per year, we are given what is called a CAD report or Contract Administration Department Report. It is always my pleasure to bring part of this report to you. This report is also posted on our National Website. FOLLOWING ARE PARTS OF THE CAD REPORT Aug 21-23, 2023

200 Man Year Report for the 2022 National Agreement The National Office received the 200 Man-year Report from the Postal Service for the 2022 National Agreement and distributed it to the local presidents on May 1, 2023. The report lists all installations that are classified as 100, 125, or 200-man-year-hour installations. Installations that are under 100 manyear offices are not included in this report. The classifications are done at the (Continued on page 10) STATE OF THE UNION


mon sense.

Denver GMF Updates Brothers and sisters


irst, I thank all members of Local 321 for the officer elections held in June of 2023. Thank you for the turnout and for having faith in me to be your Branch President in Denver GMF and the Vice President for Local 321.

By Samuel T Koduah Vice President/Branch President Denver GMF

I will conclude by saying a big thank you to all members of this local who voted in the last elections. It is my hope and wish that the next elections will see much more member participation. Thank you all

I want to educate the membership about what affects us all in our daily work schedule.

1. I will request that we all be conscious of the fact that written statements are key to winning grievances. Mail handlers in Denver GMF have seen some payouts recently, and more to come. These payouts were possible for the simple reason that the union had some written statements. We need those statements for the payout to keep coming, guys. This goes for all mail handlers in Local 321. 2. Read FYIs posted periodically by the union to enlighten ourselves of changes in the NPMHU and the postal service. These FYI have informational changes affecting us directly/ indirectly, and we must make every effort to glance through these postings at least. 3. Dept. of Labor has made changes to how ‘on-the-job injury’ should be reported. Some members have had to learn it the hard way through injury. if you are injured on the job, you need to report your injury on “ECOMP”, a Dept. of Labor website. It is pretty easy and straight forward. But you need to do this for your claim to be accepted and your hospital bills paid for by the Dept of labor or the United States Postal Service. if you have questions get with your steward for assistance. 4. There have been be conscious of the security concerns at fact that written the Denver GMF and the NDC and statements are key to the union has lodged winning grievances protests on the way it was carried out. The union has requested that the North Turnstile as well as the Admin. building be subject to searches as well. This stems from the fact that the alleged perpetuator was a supervisor. On a more important note, I caution all mail handlers to be mindful of what you bring into the Plant. These random searches could be problematic based on items we bring to our facilities. Please be advised. 5. The local has seen too many altercations on the workroom floor, leading to emergency placements, disciplines, and at extreme cases, removals. Please let us try as much as we should to curb our emotions and work in a very peaceful environment. Remember there is ZERO tolerance for intimidation, threats, harassment, and any form of breach of comSTATE OF THE UNION




I visited the SLC STC on August 24th. Their work is more in line with what we went through on July 29th. he last six months have been a trying expe- The major differences are that we will only be dealing rience for all of us. The failed attempt to with Retail Ground mail and will be operating the bring all of the outgoing mail to the DenHSTS to process letter trays again. They told us in ver NDC was a major catastrophe. It was meetings that it’s a busy operation. Believe me, it is. supposed to provide better customer service to the The trailers are coming in non-stop from all over the American public, By Curtis Grantham nation to be loaded and unloaded. Recording Secretary and if it had gone as planned on paper, it I did recognize the numerous safety issues the contracwould have. How- tor was overlooking. Yes, the contract employees were moving quickly, yet they were violating all manners of ever, the only thing that was accomplished was delayed mail and Mail Handlers having their lives dis- safety practices to do it. As an example, they were pushing two double-stack boxes with their 4-foot palrupted and left in Limbo since March. let jacks across the workroom and into the trailers Yes, Naomi Harvey was going to work on paying the without looking at what’s ahead of them, which we out-of-schedule premium pay to everyone who was all know are unsafe practices. Yes, the vans will need affected, but that was changed. Did you know that to be unloaded, and the mail staged as quickly as you Postal HQ abolished everyone’s job back in April can, but we must put safety first in everything we do. when this fiasco was supposed to have been done Short cuts lead to injuries. originally? This led Naomi to recreate all 240 plus bids to put everyone back. However, Brother Eber- I observed a lot of mail handler jobs that will be required to get this done. There will be more Outbound hard is relentlessly working on the grievance to get bids needed to make this happen. Unlike the failed Jueveryone their out-scheduled payments. ly 29th fiasco, this mail can’t be sent back that easily Unfortunately, this isn’t the end. We have lost the unless they plan on giving GXO Logistics another consack With the local and national tract, which goes entirely against the 10-year plan. sysDon’t be surprised if you see more bids moved to Outleadership, there is no tem, bound in the future because of this. doubt that the Mail Hanso there dlers in Local 321 will over- We all need to remember that all of this happened as part of PMG Dejoy’s 10-year plan, so more changes will come these obstacles and will come to get this completed. When will it happen? be push through again. It’s anybody’s guess. What will be the next step? some Again, it’s anybody’s guess. The only thing that is ceradditain is the Denver BMC that I started working on in tional disruptions in the plant until all our brothers September of 1993 and the Denver NDC it became, as and sisters Sac-Keyers are in their new bids. Rest it stands now, is part of Postal history. assured that management will be required to follow every letter of the contract to accomplish this. Our A closing thought. In my 30 years at the NDC, I’ve Local President's knowledge and experience have seen changes come, and changes go, but one thing that been instrumental in guiding us through this process. has always come through is the resiliency of the Mail On a positive note, we will be receiving the mail cur- Handler Craft. Through every turn I’ve seen, we have pushed through and overcome it all. With the local rently being processed at the Salt Lake City (SLC) and national leadership, there is no doubt that the Mail Surface Transport Center (STC). The Outbound Handlers in Local 321 will overcome these obstacles Docks folks have a new mission. As part of the and push through again. PMG’s 10-year plan, he wanted to move all Mail


Our Future

Handler work that was subcontracted out back into the plants. The closing of the STCs is part of this plan. STATE OF THE UNION

In Solidarity,



different styles and approaches. Many are not paid at all, and the goal of all is to learn, Greetings, brothers and sisters of Local 321! grow, and represent you all to the best of our ability. Our job is to take care of you. would like to begin my first article as the Colorado State Executive Board member by thanking all the loyal brothers With that in mind, don’t you think you and sisters who voted in the last election. I thank every one should at least try to be friendly and courteof you who voted and gave me the honor and opportunity ous to us? If you have a problem with any to serve as a member of Local steward, try to seek representation from anBy Louis Crew 321’s executive board. I will do other steward, and please take the issue up State Executive Board my very best to represent you all with the branch president. Please do NOT Member—Colorado and sincerely hope to serve you get into an argument in the shop office, on well. I will serve with honesty, integrity, and candor. This is my promise to you all, and I hope the workroom floor, or worse, right back to that consideration of other things. Now that never to disappoint you. With my thanks and promise to serve, that is said and done, I truly love a good let’s talk. discussion over representation and the conI find myself disturbed by the general attitude of our society. I tract. I love it when mail handlers can share see far too much “ME- ME- ME” exhibited by so many people I their points of view on contractual violaencounter daily. Whenever and wherever I go, I try to show what tions and brainstorm styles and approaches is called “consideration of others.” I try to yield to others and regarding grievances. As long as the disalways try to think of them when interacting with them. Long course is civil, I LOVE a good debate on gone are the days of any “consideration of others.” Does anyone representation! I feel discussing and sharing take the time to think about the other person's perspective or po- points of view with others on the contract is sition when you are dealing with them? This simple act of kind- the best way to learn new techniques and ness and understanding is sorely missed today and greatly con- approaches, and we all might learn sometributes to our thing! So, with that in mind, come to the toxic environ- The stewards and officers GMF union office, and let’s talk about your ment at work of this local are loyal, ded- issues, complaints, or business. I am always and everybusy, but I can and will at least give you a icated, caring, and selfwhere else few minutes, much more if you have a real less employees who try we may find their best to represent the problem. We are here to support you, so ourselves. please support us! membership to the best of I ask all of In Solidarity their ability. you to try and do one simple thing: Before you consider criticizing or saying anything to another human being, please TRY to consider the others' point of view or perspective. I think this one simple practice could go a long way to reducing the animosity and toxicity in our daily discourse wherever we may be.

Do you want cheese with that whine?


I have seen far too much negativity on the workroom floor to stewards, officers, and on this local as a whole. I think most members have no clue how much dedication, work, selfless sacrifice, and effort goes into the average day of any steward serving the membership. The stewards and officers of this local are loyal, dedicated, caring, and selfless employees who try their best to represent the membership to the best of their ability. Many of these stewards have different levels of experience and STATE OF THE UNION



SCAN: Like your Job Depends on it!!


reetings, brothers and sisters. I hope everyone is feeling fine and has enjoyed their summer, with that said, let’s talk about safety. Safety is paramount in every aspect of our lives, especially on the job; you should notify your supervisor if you see or feel something unBy Richard Lairscey C/S safe is happening. You should notify your superviBranch President sor if you see or feel something unsafe is happening. Let’s work safely and keep the area around us safe. You should notify your supervisor if you see or feel something unsafe is happening. The best way to ensure your concerns are addressed is to fill out a PS Form 1767 (Report of Hazard, Unsafe Condition or Practice). This way, management must investigate the issue and see that it is corrected. Your supervisor must return the copy of the 1767 to you within 24 hours of or at the end of your tour. Now management has a new thing. They are checking badge rings at the main entrance turn style and the entrance arm to the employee parking lot. They are using this information to determine how long employees go outside on breaks and to see if anyone is leaving the premises while still on the clock. Employees must be off the clock to leave the premises for breaks or lunch. This is serious; management is claiming the theft of Time and bringing discipline. Yes, the Union is fighting this. We need to scan all mail, all trucks, and everything with a scannable placard. We need to scan like our jobs count on it because it does! We need to scan like our The more we scan jobs count on it because it every piece does!!! of mail we work, equipment we dispatch, and truck we load and unload. We need to scan. The more we scan, the more Mail Handlers we need; potentially, more bid jobs will be created. Scanning is crucial to maintaining and gaining bid jobs. Speaking of gaining more bid jobs. We need to make sure we are clocking into the operations we are being sent to work in. When you are moved from your bid job, you need to clock into the operation you are being instructed to work in. This is also good if the Union needs to track displacement. If you see clerks or supervisors doing your work (Mail Handler functions) please give a statement to a Union Steward. We need to stay on top of everything that is going on in our facility. This is how we maintain our jobs and create more. Please stay diligent. The Union is only as strong as you help make it.

Roberto, Vicky, Jesicca, Spencer, and Frank. Let us know what we can do for you if you need anything. This is your Union; be the best part of it!!!



reetings Again, brothers and sisters. Hope this finds everyone feeling politically strong. The 1st week of May this year, Grand Junction Branch President Eva By Richard Lairscey OlLegislative & Political son, Local Treasurer Jeff Morgan, and I took a trip to Washington, DC, to meet with the National Executive Board and other Union Officials from around the nation for our Biannual Legislative Conference. We were able to meet with our members of Congress and the Senate. It was very productive. We were able to thank everyone who helped pass the Postal Service Reform Act. We also got to speak to everyone about what we need from them next; so, the Postal Service can continue to move forward. All Congressional Representatives from Colorado and Wyoming seem to be on board with us. The 2024 elections are coming. Don’t forget to register and Vote your Paycheck. Every Vote counts; don’t waste it; use it.

Once again, I would like to say Thank You to all our Stewards: STATE OF THE UNION



National President Paul Hogrogian with the microphone administrating the oath of Office to Local 321 newly elected and reelected officers, from (r-l) Branch President Grand Junction Eva Olson, Local President Tony Wilson, Vice President / Branch President Denver GMF Samuel T Koduah, Treasurer Jeff Morgan, Branch President Denver NDC Robert Koryto, Colorado State Executive Board Member Louis Crew, Branch President Cheyenne GMF Ricci Roberts, Wyoming State Executive Board Member Robert Jacknitsky, in the front row on knees from (l-r) Recording Secretary Curtis Grantham, and Branch President Colo Springs Richard Lairscey.




RETIREES CORNER Congratulations to all our brothers and sisters who recently or who will soon retired Congratulations to all our brothers and sisters who recently or who will soon will be retiring. Denver P@DC

Denver P&DC

Mike Hora

Perry Mills

Steve Brown

Frank Defalco

Randall Thompson

Jamie Richie

Sharilyn Fatu

Phillip Truong

Michael Wilson

Brother Phillip (L) standing with Tour 1 steward J Martinez (R)

Retiree sister Anna (R) standing with brother Samuel Branch President Denver GMF(L)





(L-R) Brother Louis Crew SEBM-CO, Steward John Nelson, Steve Brown and Local Treasurer Jeff Mogan. Brother Steve Brown decided to call it a career at the P&DC. That jacket will look good on you brother.

Brother Hora, National Secretary Treasurer for the NPMHU, former Local President Local 321, retired

Brother Richie (L) Accepted his retirement Jacket from sister Annette (R)

Brother Randall Thompson (center), all smile receiving his jacket, sister Annette to the right and brother Martinez to his left presenting his retirement

Fatu decided to call it a career at the P&DC. Good luck siter.

Brother DeFalco decided to retire, all smile with a gift from sister Chanta (R) Brother Mills with his retirement jacket Brother Wilson (L) accept his retirement jacket from sister Annette (R) STATE OF THE UNION



The third row is Time of Call o r Request, Scheduled Reporting Time If Needed Employee Can Be Reached At: and Thru: Date and his is the form you use to request leave. Annual Hour. The first three boxes can usually be igleave, sick leave, Leave Without Pay (LWOP), whatever. The PS Form 3971 is used to “Request for nored. Starting at the Thru: Date is what day you would like your leave to end. The Hour or Notification of Absence”. Some people don’t know how to fill one out, which is okay. We are here to help box is usually your end tour, but again, this with this and every other isn’t always the case. form. Hopefully, by By Bob Koryto NDC The next section going across is the Type of breaking it down, we can Absence, Documentation (For official use onBranch President make it much simpler. ly), and the block, which begins with Revised Reading from left to right across the top row. The first box is Schedule for (Date). Types of absences inEmployee’s Name (Print last, first, MI) followed by Employee clude Annual, Holiday Leave Exchange, LWOP, Sick, Late, and a couple of other cateID, Date Submitted (MM/DD/YYYY), and No. of Hours Regories. When you fill out your 3971, make quested. The first two boxes are the name and ID. The date sure the correct box is checked. For example, you write in the next box is the day you are filling out the if it’s a vacation, choose annual, doctor’s apform. The hours requested depend on how much time you pointment, then you might want to choose want off. sick, annual, or LWOP (the choice is yours). The documentation block is not always filled The second row is Installation, N/S day, Pay Loc. No., D/A out. If documentation is required, it will usuCode, and From Date and Hour. Depending on what installa- ally fall in the Remarks section. If you need a tion you are at (Denver NDC, Grand Junction, Cheyenne, etc.) revised schedule, that would fall under the goes in next section. If you need a revised schedule Prior to taking vocation, the first because you are late (up to ½ hour) you need please fill out a PS Form to request it. It is not always granted. Otherbox. 3971, give to your wise, it may be charged to annual, LWOP, or Days off AWOL. If you receive any AWOL, grieve it. Supervisor are next. Our for his/her signature. In eve- We move on to Remarks (Do not enter mediwork ry case please get a copy cal information. See Privacy Act Statement on week the reverse of this form). This is the section after SDO sign and retain you will find the Doc Req, Personal starts on that copy for your record!!! where Emergency, etc. Detailed medical information Saturdoes not go in this box. If a supervisor is reday; the corresponding number would be 1, Sunday is 2, and so on un- quiring you to document an absence, this is where you would find that request. til Friday, day 7. Pay location is the area in which you hold a bid and which tour you are on compressed into a 3-digit num- Of course, the last row you need to concern ber. The second of this 3-digit number is the tour you are on, yourself with is the one that begins with the and the third will be the location where you are working. For Employee’s Signature and Date. That’s the only box in that row you need to fill out. example, the Inbound unit on tour two at the NDC is 121. Each work area should have its own unique code. They will I have not got into great detail about what you not always start with the number 1. The D/A code will be one may/may not see on your 3971. This is the of two numbers: either 12-0 for career employees or 82-0 for topic of another conversation. This is just how MHAs. This may change with the creation of a new classifi- to fill one out properly. A couple of things to cation of employees (Full-Time Flexible). The From date is remember: always fill out a PS Form 3971, and give to your supervisor for his/her signathe date you would like your leave to begin. The Hour is the ture, ensure you retain copy, after your time you would like your leave to begin. This can possibly be (Continued to page 13) your beginning tour, but not always, if you leave sick in the middle of the day, for instance.






(From the President’s Desk, continued from page 1)

beginning of each new National Agreement and remain the same for the term of that agreement regardless of changes in the number of man-years. The number of man-years is determined by the total number of paid hours accumulated by career employees in an office, including bargaining units and the NPMHU. The number of man-years is calculated using career work hours during the 26 pay periods immediately preceding the term of the current National Agreement, which is then divided by 2080 to obtain the number of man-years for each office." In Colorado / Wyoming, only the Wyoming Installations are not considered 200-man years.

MHA Peak Season Exception Period According to the 2022 National Agreement, the MHA peak season exception period will now be four consecutive pay periods between October 1 and January 31 each fiscal year. Article 7.1B states that the Employer shall identify and notify the Union, at the National level, of the four pay periods within that time frame during which it may exceed the 25% limitations in installations with MHAs. The peak season exception period is now the same four consecutive pay periods for all installations with MHAs. None of the selected pay periods may be before October 1 or after January 31. The Postal Service has provided notification for the 2024 fiscal year exception period, designating PP24 through PP1 (November 4, 2023 — December 29, 2023). The 2022 National Agreement also states that four weeks immediately preceding the identified peak season exception period in which the MHA cap can be temporarily increased. The MHA cap will increase by 1% each in the four weeks, starting with a 1% increase to the MHA cap in week 1, then an additional 1% increase in week 2 to equal a 2% increase, in week 3 to equal a 3% increase and an extra 1% in week 4 to equal a 4% increase.

Annual Leave Carryover for Leave Year 2024 Annual Leave Exchange Option for Leave Year 2024

On May 5, 2023, the parties agreed to two new Memoranda of Understanding — Annual Leave Carryover for Leave Year 2024 and Annual Leave Exchange Option for Leave Year 2024 The first MOU allows for additional Annual Leave Carryover for the 2024 Leave Year. In the 2022 National Agreement, the MOU on Annual Leave Carryover allows regular workforce employees to carry over 440 hours of accumulated annual leave. The new MOU on Annual Leave Carryover for Leave Year 2024 expands that limit and allows the regular workforce employees to carry over 520 hours of accrued leave from leave year 2023 to leave year 2024. The second MOU deals with the Annual Leave Exchange Option for the 2024 Leave Year. The Annual Leave Exchange Option MOU for Leave Year 2024 will allow career employees to sell back a maximum of 80 hours of annual leave before the beginning of the leave year provided the following criteria are met: 1) The employee must be at the maximum leave carryover ceiling (440 hours) at the start of the leave year and 2) the employee must have used fewer than 75 sick leave hours in the 2023 leave year. Typically, the maximum number of hours sold back under the 2022 National Agreement MOU on Annual Leave Exchange Option is limited to 40 hours.

2022 National Agreement Arbitration Panels Article 15.4A8 states that "All arbitrators on the District Regular Contract/ Discipline Panels and the District Expedited Panels and- on the National Panel shall serve for the term of this Agreement and shall continue to serve for the term of this Agreement and shall continue to serve for six months thereafter unless the parties mutually agree." Per that language, the 2019 National Agreement continued in effect until March 13, 2023, when the members ratified the 2022 National Agreement. The 2019 Arbitrator Panels continue to serve until September 13, 2023, which is six months. The parties have yet to agree to allow the 2019 panels to continue to serve past that date.

Continued to page 11




sults of the MOU on Filling Residual Vacancies have been positive and has greatly contributed to the conversion of over 40,000 MHAs since their All arbitrations will be scheduled once the parties com- introduction into the NPMHU bargaining unit in plete the solicitation process for the new panels. Arbitra- February 2013. tions are scheduled at least two months in advance of the “If the workers are organized, all they hearing. have to do is to put their hands in their An example is scheduling for October, which would done by July 18th. At this point, there will be no arbitrations pockets and they have got the capitalist until at least December. class whipped.” – Bill Haywood (From the President’s Desk, continued from page 10)

Mail Handler Workforce

Canvass for Career Positions

Since 2013, Mail Handler Assistants have been the newest members of the NPMHU bargaining unit. They are hired based on the postal exam and other routine hiring criteria and are eligible for conversion to career status based on their relative standing. Indeed, the MHA category continues to serve as the entry point for all future career mail handlers to be hired by the Postal Service. Through July 2023, USPS records indicate that more than 41,000 MHAs have been converted to career status, starting in October 2013. That is an average of approximately 350 per month. Of the current MHAs nationwide (about 7,400), putting that number with the number of MHAs converted to FTR, about 62% of the current members of the NPMHU bargaining unit have been converted from MHA or are currently an MHA.

COVID-Re1ated Grievances In March 2020, NPMHU and the Postal Service entered into an MOU re: Temporary Exception Period — COVID-19. Pursuant to this MOU, the parties agreed to an exception period for the hiring of MHAs in excess of the appropriate installation’s caps with the proviso that "MHAs will not be used to the detriment of Mail Handlers on the Overtime Desired List." Due to a number of Regional arbitration decisions concerning remedies for alleged violations of this MOU, the NPMHU has initiated a Step 4 grievance at the National level on this issue and, as a result, has notified Local Presidents to hold local grievances from scheduling for arbitration pending the outcome of the National case.

Management has introduced a new program to canvass for career positions in facilities that don't have MHA's. When a residual occurs in a facility that doesn't have MHA's, the duty assignment is posted on eReassign for a 21-day period. If there isn't a request to transfer, management begins a canvass of all MHA's and PIT's within a 50-mile radius. Previously, this canvassing was done manually, which caused many issues, mostly with facilities in different districts not being canvassed. The new program has automated this process and automatically canvasses all MHAs in facilities within 50 miles. MHAs will be given access to eReassign on the Liteblue web page, which they don't currently have, to bid on the residuals. The system will notify the senior MHA on whether they accept or decline the position. These report are available on our National Union website at https://www.npmhu.org/

MOU on Filling Residual Vacancies The MOU on Filling Residual Vacancies also continues the established "1 in 4" criteria or ratio, associated with transfers versus MHA conversions within an installation. The parties agreed to reset the ratios beginning with the May 2023 eReassign posting. Transfers pending from past postings will continue to be processed with the ratios in place at the time the transfer was authorized. The reSTATE OF THE UNION



Officer’s Election Turnout


would like to share some observations on a vital process that unfortunately, many of us chose not to engage in – our democratic right to participate in the electoral process. There's a well-known saying: 'If you don't vote, you forfeit the right to complain.”

During the recent Officers Election conducted by this union. there were 891 paying dues members, By Tony Wilson and 891 ballots were sent out all dues Local President paying members. However, only 253 ballots were returned out of the 891 that were sent out. This turnout was shockingly low, with just under 50% of members participating. A staggering 638 of our fellow members decided not to exercise their fundamental right to vote and have their voices heard. Some may have abstained due to procrastination or disinterest, but it's essential to remember that one of the most beautiful aspects of our country is our ability to choose through a democratic process. We should not take these rights for granted, as many people around the world do not have the privilege to vote.

“...the point is, each of us has a stake in this organization, and any action management takes has an effect on all us. It's worth noting that women, in many parts of the world, are still fighting for equal rights compared to their male counterparts. So, why should we vote? As Americans, we should hold our right to vote and express our opinions in the highest regard. It's our responsibility as citizens to elect officials whom we believe will act with integrity and contribute to the betterment and safety of our country and environment. We must remember that the sacrifices of those who came before us should not be in vain.

fortunate and lack representation, a privilege we might take for granted. We are fortunate to have dedicated Union Leaders who continuously advocate for better working conditions. Nevertheless, it's crucial to remember that each of us has a stake in this organization, and every decision made by the management affects all of us. Remaining passive on the sidelines is not the solution. It's human nature to be less concerned if we are not directly impacted, but is it morally, right? Especially when there are numerous efforts nationwide to erode our basic collective bargaining rights, as seen in Wisconsin, Ohio, and Tennessee. Recently, GOP presidential candidates have attacked unions in response to the United Auto Workers' strike. Despite strong public support for organized labor. I will tell you, Local 321 stands in solidarity with the UAW and their strike. Brothers and sisters, there's a significant threat of union-busting across the nation. We need your support, as we are all in this fight together, whether we like it or not. In essence, you are already involved, and not voting denies you one of the key tools for having a say in a democracy. It's important to remember that while voting may not guarantee your preferences will prevail, choosing not to vote removes your voice from the conversation altogether.

The outcomes of elections are determined by those who participate. Elected officials make critical decisions, often impacting lives directly, such as setting the drinking age, the age for obtaining a driver's license, voting rights, and income policies. Some may say, 'I have a job, and things are good for me, so I don't care.' However, we should be aware that there are forces working tirelessly to undermine what we've fought hard to achieve, even as we enjoy job security. We must consider those who are less STATE OF THE UNION



YOUR BASIC PS FORM 3971 continued from page 9

supervisor sign, prior to taking a vacation; otherwise, you might receive LWOP/AWOL. These forms are filled out when you are on the clock. If you know in advance that you are going to need a certain day/week off, put in for it as far in advance as you can; if it gets denied, we have more time to file the necessary grievances. I was told by senior mail handlers in my plant that if management does not have the opportunity to tell you no for a leave request, it is unscheduled. Please keep this in mind.







The Local Council take a picture with the National President Paul Hogrogian And Central Regional Vice President & Local 306 LP June Harris

Front row (l-r) National President Paul Hogrogian, Branch President Grand Junction Eva Olson, Local 321 President Tony Wilson, Vice President / Branch President Denver GMF Samuel T Koduah, Branch President Colo Springs Richard Lairscey, Branch President Denver NDC Robert Koryto, Central Regional Vice President & Local President for Local 306 June Harris Second row (r-l) Recording Secretary Curtis Grantham, Colorado State Executive Board Member Louis Crew, Branch President Cheyenne GMF Ricci Roberts, third row (l-r) Wyoming State Executive Board Member Robert Jacknitsky, and Treasurer Jeff Morgan.













(l-r) Wyoming State Senator John Barrasso, Grand Junction Branch President Eva Olson, Local Treasurer Jeff Morgan ,Colorado Springs Branch President Richard Lairscey, and Wyoming State Senator Cynthia Lummis met during the recent Leg& Political Seminar held in Washington DC. Local 321’s Reps. met with the two Senator s to discuss critical issues that are of vital importance to working men and women of this country

Local Treasurer Jeff Morgan (right), Grand Junction Branch President Eva Olson (middle), and Colorado Springs Branch President Richard Lairscey at the recent Leg& Political Seminar held in Washington DC

Congressman Gary Connelly (center) stop to take picture with the Local Treasurer Jeff Morgan (left) and Branch President C/S Richard Lairscey at the recent Leg & Political Seminar held in Washington DC.

Local Treasurer Jeff Morgan (R) and Branch President Eva Olson at the recent Leg& Political Seminar held in Washington DC




LOCAL 321 1833 W ELK PL DENVER CO 80211


Attention All Members Judges Needed for the Election of Delegates to the 2024 NPMHU Convention

This notice is being posted to solicit Judges for Local 321’s 2024 delegate’s election for the 2024 National Postal Mail Handlers Convention. In accordance with Article XII of the 2022 Constitution of the National Postal Handler Union. Judges are responsible for all aspects of the elections, including setting timetables for the process, holding a nominations meeting, verifying candidate eligibility, preparing and mailing ballots, counting ballots, and declaring winners. The Local Union will reimburse for all time spent in the capacity of an Election Judge. With this notice, we are requesting that any interested regular member in good standing who is interested in serving as a Judge for the 2024 NPMHU CONVENTION ELECTIONS please submit your request in writing to:

Executive Board 1833 West Elk Place Denver CO 80211 Fax 303-455-5810 or ewilson@local321.org All requests must be in writing and submitted through the U.S. mail, fax, or scanned into an email message at the above address. All requests must be received at the above address no later than 9:00 a.m. Monday, November 15, 2023. Thank you for your time and interest. If you have any questions, please call me at the Union Hall at 303-455-6400




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