Fire Watch: Volume 14, Issue 2

Page 46

@tonyrodrigues136 Excellent work, keep safe, you guys are the best, thank you. @lorralea.m Thank you for taking care of all of us. Praying for the safety of all first responders/heroes!! @beingtazzy Thank you for everything you all do! We will stay home and do our part! Stay safe and stay well. @nanatsknits Many many thanks to all of you keeping us safe. We will do our part obeying the guidelines, so we don’t make your jobs even more dangerous.


POSITIVE INSTAGRAM ENERGY VIA @Toronto_firefighters @nanatsknits Love this, yay Toronto!

@diannebrowngreen Firefighters do so much more than people realize, not to mention their shifts are 24 hours! Thanks for all you do!

@adam.klassen152 Keep up the hard work guys. Hope to be a full timer like you someday!

@geo094 Thank you for all you do, all First Responders, Medical Staff and Retail Workers!

@fur_mom_of_2 Thank you for your service. Stay Safe!

@jessyiss Loved the confidence and tone of the Chief. Let’s get through this safely.

@aw_freedom God bless you all.

@lorimanning7 Thank you all for your courage, compassion and service. Be safe always. @cllrainslie Thank to the Toronto firefighters for all of your community support! #Scarborough @whelan.lois Wonderful, what a great group of people. So proud of the firefighters of Toronto. Blessings. @woottons Keep safe Brothers & Sisters.

I would like to echo [the] appreciation and gratitude to the Association Executives, your efforts have been extraordinary. I would like to specifically give credit to the information flow on the Union’s website, it has been extremely beneficial to be informed of the continuously changing work environment prior to coming into work. Stay safe and stay positive that we will overcome this crisis. TFS Acting Captain, via TPFFA Forum


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