Oahu’s Heisman Hopeful
Bryant Moniz
FREE 6 54367 76820 HAWAII 4 1
October 2011 Contents
IN THIS ISSUE 8 Sticks&Stones
Where Does The Trash Go? A closer look at the “illegal dumping” on Oahu ‘Awa: The Root Of Aloha Take time out and focus; It creates more productivity Why, Oh Ala Wai What you may not know about this deceptive waterway Lauren Barlette Spalding World class paddler
18 Local Destinations
Hiking Mariners Ridge
22 Departures
Mangaia “These are the richest people I have ever met”
28 Portfolio
Eddie Giblett “If you can imagine it. You can create it.”
34 On The Cover
Bryant Moniz UH Quarterback “Mighty Mo”
38 Spotlight
Charlie Carroll “I’m addicted to surfing for life. Once you get that intense rush, it’s the ultimate high.”
40 40 Fashion
Fashion in October
46 Down Time
5 Things you didn’t know you needed ThinkGeek items Gameface 3 video games you won’t want to miss
In The Theaters Movie and DVD Previews
52 Local Flavor
Soul Southern homestyle cuisine that captures the definition Le Guignol Oahu’s hidden gem of French Authenticity
56 The Scene October Events Calendar Local@Night Rolando Sanchez Latin sounds are brought to the islands with love The Push-O-Verse A new type of music inspired by the streets
A Natural Inspiration EDITORIAL EDITOR IN CHIEF Jennifer Towsley
ASSISTANT EDITOR Sheryl Abellanosa CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Cheyanna Donaldson Mimi Palmore Andrea Stephanie McPherson Sean Newsome Jessie Bristow Rachel Burt Jessica Stark Alicia Coppola Christopher DeVasier Chelsey Kaneshiro Linnea Schuster Justin Kalani Acohido Elita Kifer Jeremy Neal Erin Johnson
CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Keoki Cabral Patrick Vieira Ryan Kerns Mimi Palmore Haein Park Sierra Williams Eric Jordan Joakim Hjelm Troy D. McCloud Lauren Kirchner Sean Newsome
MARKETING AND PROMOTIONS PROMOTIONS DIRECTOR Juice Aguirre Promotions assistant Johnny Garza
Passion For Fashion and Sports For this October Issue, I want to personally extend my warmest, and deepest appreciation to all those responsible for the continual success of LHM. I feel honored to be a part of a company that is focused on the belief that community support and awareness creates an impact with each individual involved. Participating with the progression of this magazine has been an excitement to say the least, and a pure joy to be a part of. With every door that closes, a new one opens, and a change in dynamic occurs. Faith that success can be achieved through hard work and patience is a virtue that links all aspiring stylists, designers, artists, writers, and photographers involved. This is a quality that streams through theses individuals as they continue to walk through the open door in front of them, and take a chance on the other side. Passion is an emotion that drives us all to succeed beyond every day expectations. I admire those who have taken the reigns on their dreams to
provide our community with colorful stories told through an array of text and images. The fashion industry is one that continues to expand and flourish on Oahu. With a number of contributing stylists and designers interested in sharing their work, LHM opens the doors to those who wish to showcase their art. With football season underway, this season boasts a number of entertaining outlets both locally and nationally. UH Football brings live entertainment to the Island every year, and hosts a family of community supporters who represent the true meaning of “team spirit.” We anticipate great success for our athletics teams as they make their way into the 2011-2012 seasons. As we enter into fall, I look forward to the ending of an exciting year, with new beginnings up ahead. My excitement extends to the success of our new family members in fashion, and our athletics teams as they make way towards the New Year.
CFO Erin Johnson SALES/MARKETING DIRECTOR Jeremy Neal SALES MANAGER Sheryl Abellanosa SALES REPRESENTATIVES Dwight Witlarge Benjamin Pettus Juice Aguirre For all sales inquiries email
To order a monthly subscription to Local Hawaii Magazine please email us at
The content in this magazine is for entertainment only, and is intended for a mature audience with a sense of humor. Advertisers are responsible for their advertisements placed in this magazine. Local Magazine is not responsible for any actions taken by their readers. We may on occasion use images placed in public domain. Sometimes, it is not possible to identify or contact the copyright holder. If you claim ownership of something we’ve published, we will gladly make a proper acknowledgement in the following issue. Local Magazine does not always share the opinions of their writers. Some of the content published may be of a mature nature and Local Magazine does not condone underage drinking or any other illegal activity. All submissions submitted to us by mail or via the internet become property of Local Hawaii Magazine. All Rights Reserved. 2011
MAHALO To all who support Local Hawaii Magazine
James Kimo Kahoano HI Leilani Kupahu Marino HI Erin Johnson HI Kirsten T. Lynnwood WA Kaleb C. Gray WA The Gray Family WA Edwin and Kaiji Obras WA The Means Family HI Eric T. Yamada WA Jojo Bolisig WA Emily Lizada WA
Sticks & Stones
Shorts Under my Umb-ber-ella, ella, ella.
The first umbrella was invented over 1,000 years ago, not to protect from rain, but rather to provide shade from the sun. Although the roots trace back to Egypt, Assyria, and Greece, the meaning of the word stems from the Latin word “umbra,” meaning to shade or shadow. Not until later, did China decide to use wax or rubbing oil to provide waterproofing and give Rihanna something to sing about.
Virtually Popular
Google has set up a service to show advertisers the amount of traffic other websites get. They even put out a list of the most viewed sites (excluding their own The most visited website in 2010 with 910 trillion views was the social-network site Facebook.
Mexican Pointy-Boots
Where Does The Trash Go?
A new fashion trend is literally growing out of rural Mexico. Tribal dancers began extending the tip of their boots to be longer and longer. Now these Mexican trend-setters’ use rubber and
A closer look at the “illegal dumping” on Oahu -By Matthew Lum
ō‘ili‘ili is arguably the crossroads between urban Honolulu and the outlying residential areas of East O‘ahu. Living there, I often observe a phenomenon not uncommon in many parts of Hawai‘i: old televisions, radios, washer/dryers and old mattresses on the side of the road. They’re someone else’s trash – discarded without further thought. Sometimes one or two of the items disappear – a newfound treasure for the packrat or enterprising repairman. But mostly they just sit there… often for weeks. Through the wind, rain, and subsequent muddy splashes from cars driving by, they become eyesores. If not, worse. What happened to Hawai‘i’s pristine Island environment? Where’s the Sierra Club when you need them? Well, these days they’re busy fighting new housing developments like “Ho‘opili.” I suppose if you have no residents in area, you’ll have no trash. But that’s another story. Meanwhile, a roadside quagmire – bulky trash, continues to sit in front of an increasing amount of my neighbors’ homes. City regulations dictate that these unwanted “bucket ‘o bolts” should not reach the curb of your driveway until one day before Honolulu’s “bulky pickup” service. Sure, some are just unaware of the rules. But others are in a rush to get rid of the dead weight. I would tell them if
they had a truck or knew someone who did, they could always haul it to the landfill themselves. That’s if I knew who to tell. Mō‘ili‘ili is full of multiunit apartment buildings. How does it affect you? Environmentalists have identified PCBs and other chemicals that seep into the soil from these bulky items when it rains. That not only affects the papaya tree growing in your yard, but could potentially contaminate our precious water supply. A group called “Mō‘ili‘ili Matters” led by resident Derek Kauanoe recently took matters into their own hands by mailing 15,000 postcards to residents. They are appealing to the community to adhere to the city’s policies. But even a maximum $250 fine doesn’t seem to deter the practice from continuing. So what’s the next step for concerned citizens? Mō‘ili‘ili Matters has posted a map on Google which identifies sites of what they refer to as “illegal dumping.” The term conjures up images of vacant lots in seldom-traveled rural areas. But these sites are in the heart of Mō‘ili‘ili on the curbs of homes and buildings. For the sake of Hawai‘i’s natural beauty and fragile ecosystem, hopefully someone is paying attention.
leather to extend their boots 3 feet past the toe and curl upwards to look like a hybrid cowboy/elf boot. It’s only a matter of time until these botas make it to the runway!
Hawaii Five-OH!
The popular 1968 show “Hawaii five-O” was actually originally called “Hawaii Fifty” in reference to Hawaii’s status as the fiftieth state, but then the letter “O” ended up replacing the number before the first episode aired. Whatever the name though, it went on to become America’s longest running crime drama until “Law and Order” overcame that status in 2003.
Sticks & Stones
Nice Slippahs
What we know as the slippah, originally tracks it’s “official” creation to Japan, as the Japanese zori, used as beach footwear since the 1930’s. Though the Japanese get credit for the official creation, depictions of a similar type of footwear have been discovered dating as far back as the stone age over 15,000 years ago. The American “flip flop” wasn’t coined until the 1960’s when more and more soldiers were found bringing the zori back from the war
Secret Sauce 101
High school students have yet another option when deciding on a post-grad education. McDonald’s affiliates are invited to attend Hamburger Universities where they offer college credits recognized by the American Council on Education. Their 64 full-time collegiate professors have the ability to teach in 28 languages in management-geared curriculum.
When Nice Guys Win
‘Awa: The Root Of Aloha
By Cheyanna Donaldson
“Take Time Out And Focus; It Creates More Productivity.”
or every person there is something that brings them together with others. For Jonathan Yee and the Kava Development Council it’s ‘awa. “Kava,” according to Yee “is the Pacific elixir.” Just as some of us have appetizers and beer after work, in Hawaii the original pau hana has always been filled with pupus and ‘awa. A drink derived from the steady preparation of the kava plant root, ‘awa has the facility to relax your mind and ensure a safer sense of sociability when around others. “It is said that one cannot hate with kava. It’s a very non-aggression drink and it’s safer than coffee or tea!” ‘Awa has been a consumed tradition in Hawaiian culture for many years, is a relationship builder and a spiritual connector. “’Awa allows people to relax and enjoy talking story with one another. In Hawaii, ‘awa is a social practice, but in other Pacific islands it’s as common as the office water cooler.” Yee began his growth of kava plants in the early ‘90’s and has been spreading aloha ever since. Along with Yee, the Kava Development Council has been spreading their knowledge and research of kava and its natural attributes, as well as the rituals involved with this traditional practice. “It is tradition before you take your first sip to put your finger in your drink and then flick a few drops over your shoulder to give a submission to those
who came before you- offering them the essence, while you drink the substance.” In the past there have been more than 30 Hawaiian varieties of kava plants- today Hawaiian variations are at about thirteen. And how it tastes is all in the preparation. “Experience is the technologynew ideas.” Hawaiian ‘awa is the most palatable to drink and certain varieties would often be reserved for specific rituals, classes of people or occasions. “Each person has their own opinions of what ‘awa has done for them- their experiences and tastes.” Each kava plants looks a little different with some growing over ten feet high and others spreading root across the ground. They’re dark, light, short, tall, freckled and each smelling something different, but they all are marked with a heart-shaped leaf. Like most things we love, it’s not what it looks like that counts but what it tastes like. “It’s a threeyear cycle for one plant so it’s a lot of patience and dedication, but it’s worth it if you do it right and take the time to carefully uproot it all. Sustainability is a part of our culture: putting back where you take.” Join the University of Hawaii, Jonathan Yee, the Kava Development Council and many others October 8th for Kava Festival 2011 on UH campus. For more Information please visit
Tired of calendars that feature half-clothed firefighters month after month? Maybe you should pick up producer Adam Cohen’s “Nice Jewish Guys” calendar which boasts an emphasis on the personality of its pin-ups as opposed to muscles. New for 2013, they highlight Nice Jewish Girls in the calendar as well.
More Bang for the Bean
Coffee plants flourish in Hawaii. When compared to Puerto Rico (the only other U.S. land used to produce coffee) Hawaii plants 1/6th of the number of acres. However, each acre in Hawaii produces over 5 times the yield, putting them neck-to-neck in total coffee production.
SPF 675
On an over-cast day in June, 675 people gathered on a beach in Belgium to set a new record for the most people to apply sunscreen at one time. Though most participants were wearing long pants and jackets, they were required to apply the lotion for a minimum of 2 minutes in an event organized to bring awareness to skin protection.
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Why, Oh Ala Wai What You May Not Know About This Deceptive Waterway By Jeremy Neal
h the Ala Wai canal—it started as a beautiful idea. “Hey, let’s build this canal to dredge the rice paddies so we can make a beautiful tourist area called Waikiki.” Great idea huh? Well… we do have a tourist area called Waikiki, but now we also have a deceptively deadly canal with mutant three-eyed Tilapia, and a mixture of everything that makes its way down the storm drains from our beloved Waikiki. It never started out this bad, or with the intent of becoming as dangerous as it is now, but over the years, decisions were made that transformed the Ala Wai Canal into an unsanitary cesspool of rubbish and feces. In 1921, the goal was simple; to build a canal and divert the flow of smaller streams near the rice paddies and farmland away from the ocean. In doing this, the opportunity to develop new land for building was created, and the concept of Waikiki was born. Though the idea was good, the delivery left much to be desired. Because of the way that the Ala Wai was built, it does not have enough natural water flow to filter streams through the canal. While dredging the canal does assist in getting rid of all the old nastiness, all of the Waikiki storm drains and runoffs pour into the canal as well, so there is a continual stream of unfiltered, unsanitary runoff water entering the space. Additionally, the Ala Wai has never been the same after extensive flooding in 2006. The pressure from a heavy rainstorm caused a sewage line to burst. All sewage at that point was diverted into the canal in order to make sure the surrounding hotels and houses didn’t back up. So now onto the important part; the dos and don’ts: Do: go for a nice canoe ride or paddle outrigger in the Ala Wai, but don’t fall over. (One man has already died of septic shock from the Ala Wai waters)
Do: go for a run along the beautiful Ala Wai, but don’t splash water on your face if you get hot. (Bacteria enters very easily through canals in your eyes, don’t make it the Ala eye canal) Do: stop to sit on the benches near the Ala Wai and enjoy a beautiful day, but don’t put your feet in. (especially if you have cuts on them from surfing) And most importantly, never eat the three-eyed Tilapia.
Lauren Spalding Bartlett
World Class Paddler by JT Photos by Keoki
he surf was mild as we made our way down to China Walls in east Oahu. This was to be the backdrop to a much anticipated photo shoot with world-class athlete Lauren Spalding Bartlett. Onlookers peeked around the corners and watched from the overhead ledges to see who the girl with photographers was. Lauren didn’t seem to notice the attention, and occasionally giggled as the wind whipped strands of hair in her face, at what seemed to be the exact moment Keoki went to snap the shot. Her humble demeanor complements her professional success with paddling, and speaks volumes about her personality. Lauren resides in Maui where her and her husband raise their two children together. She represented the USA in the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens, Greece where she participated in the K-2 500m and K-4 500 events. Lauren typically trains near her home on Maui, and frequents Oahu’s Kailua Canal, and Ala Wai. As her Olympic debut approached, Lauren’s training was moved to the Mainland, where she immersed herself in paddling. “All I did was eat, sleep, and train. The conditions were very different. I wasn’t used to training on a lake. We had paddling twice a day, weight lifting, running, and cross fit. It was super intense.” The experience led her to a tenth place win in Athens where she feels honored to have been a part of such a great experience. It took “tones of sacrifice, and I’m glad I got to represent the USA.” With an Olympic experience under her belt, Lauren continues to compete locally in various events between the 1 man, 6 man, and kayak. She enjoys each for their individual qualities, commenting that, “the 1 man is fun ‘cause it’s a light canoe, and it’s you out there with the elements.” She enjoys the 6 man and other team events because, “you’re with your close friends and you rely and depend on each other, and work together to go across this channel which isn’t easy, but it’s fun.” With a number of races scheduled for this season, she continues to keep herself busy by participating in statewide events with her extended family of paddling sisters. She takes her training experiences with her to every competition and believes, “the most important thing is to stay strong in your mind. If you can find a way to stay positive, for me that’s most important, and that’s half the pressure. Take the pressure off yourself, for me I remember I love canoe paddling. I love to be out there, love to be in the ocean, be active and healthy, and I don’t worry about the placing part of it.” Lauren’s down-to-earth sensibility has led her through a life of wonderful opportunities and experiences thus far. Her spare time is spent enjoying her new love of free diving, “I’m completely in love with this sport and it’s such a blast,” and spending time with her family. “…my kids are definitely a priority. I do breakfast, lunch, and dinner with them, and my son is in more activities than me right now. We carpool a lot.” It was a pleasure meeting with Lauren to learn of her story of accomplishment and success, and look forward to the next time she competes.
“I love to be out there, love to be in the ocean, be active and healthy, and I don’t worry about the placing part of it.”
m p 4 to 8pm
From Sunburn to Suntan
Island Secret Burn-To-Brown Cooling Gel HAWAII 17
Local destinations
ariners Ridge is one of the many beautiful hikes available for recreation and out door exercise. Located at the east end of Oahu, this intermediate hike boasts varying topography and panoramic views of Koko Head, Kailua, and the Waimanalo coast. A quarter of the way up the hike features views of neighboring islands Molokai and Maui, and on a clear day the faint image of Big Island can be seen in the distance. From base to peak, the hike runs just under 2 miles. This may sound intimidating, but the flat dirt sections combined with steep, rocky inclines weave around and up the ridge to ease your vertical progression. Tree-cover lines about 75 percent of the hike providing shade over the majority of the distance. Hiking in the shade is much more enjoyable than in the direct sun and humidity, which works against even the most experienced hiker. In heavily shaded areas, the tree debris covers the ground giving the trail a thick, soft feel similar to piled-up pine needles found in many of the mainland coastal forests. Surfaced tree roots cover sections of the trail breaking out of the ground like spanning spider webs across the dirt path. The rocky inclines prove to be a light challenge, but span only about 10 yards on average for each interval. The trees provide an additional element of sound to their already accommodating shade. As you ascend the mountain, wind tunnels created by surrounding ridges, forces air through the thick mass of trees creating a sound similar to
ocean shore breaks. When you make it to the top of the mountain, you will be rewarded with panoramic views of the windward side and mountain ranges. Multiple ledges and lookout points provide a comfortable space to take a seat, rest, and chat with a hiking friend. The journey back down is quick and easy. A speedy decent down the ridge will leave you with a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction as you exit the dirt path and reach the paved streets of Mariners Ridge. BY JMT
Local destinations
“These Are The Richest People I Have Ever Met.” With hesitation and a bit of nervousness I boarded the small 12 seater plane in Rarotonga. After a swift 40-minute flight over the Pacific we landed on a tiny dirt strip on the northern shore of Mangaia, the eldest of the 15 Cook Islands. The smell of fresh breadfruit and maile leis permeated the runway, where a powerful native man loaded my luggage into his small red pick-up truck. Once off the runway, all of the locals began unpacking the truck and glancing toward my two pakeha (the Maori word for haole) friends and I, unsure how to break the ice. The entire island, about 700 people, knew of our arrival. I was asked in early 2009 by Taoi Nooroa, the Director of the Mangaian Historical Society, to photograph as many remaining islanders as I could within ten days in order to preserve what has become a dramatically declining population. According to legend, Rongo, the Father of Mangaia, and his three sons simply pulled up their island nation from the depths of the ocean and settled. Unlike all other Polynesian folklore, which boast voyaging gods, Mangaians have always believed themselves the first Polynesians. At over 18 million years old, Mangaia is the oldest island in all of Polynesia, and its people and language are the origins of Cook Island and New Zealand Maori. It’s evident that one of the first Polynesian nations is, however, one of the last to disappear.
By Mimi Palmore
An island once inhabited by about 2000 people in the 1970s, nearly two-thirds of the population has left seeking more convenient lives in New Zealand, Australia, and Hawai’i. Though a farming community for decades, most if not all of the middle generations of Mangaians travel abroad to accrue money for a pleasant retirement back home, or to leave their island nation for good. Not known for its beaches and tourist accommodations, contrary to its larger neighbor Rarotonga, Mangaia sees visitors on average once every two weeks. A mere 20 square miles, the island is covered with razor sharp lava rock, makatea. During my first evening on the island, Marilyn Nooroa, Taoi’s Australian wife, told me a story while we were walking down the main road to Mangaia’s only school, about a German woman who came to the island for a week, fell in love with her next door neighbor and took him back to her home in Germany where they were married. He was never seen again. The road was lined with abandoned houses and horses ran alongside us on the way home. The next morning, Taoi took me to the town of Ivirua to begin our project, and I was greeted with warm smiles and nods that told me these islanders were not only allowing me to enter their homes and photograph the youngest and eldest of their families, but that they deeply appreciated what I had come to do. They made sure to gather up all of their nieces and nephews playing in the coconut trees to pose for a photograph.
“The older generations are accustomed to the simplest form of living and have nothing but joy in the creases of their crows’ feet.” -Mimi Palmore
A few days into my project, I became comfortable enough to make a trip to the only bar on the island: Babe’s Bar. Owned and operated by Mangaia’s only transvestite, Babe’s place was more like a long driveway with a small canopied garage for the dart players and DJ. Behind the mini bar was a refrigerator with only two kinds of beer: “red” and “green.” After a number of “red” cans, I found myself in a deep conversation with an ex-convict and recent returnee to the island. “The people are leaving because of a bad government,” said Poko. “I’ve been working for the government for over 22 years and haven’t seen any bonuses.” Countless hours of photographing and listening to the beautifully rhythmic Mangaian tongue, however, told me a different story. The older generations are accustomed to the simplest form of living and have nothing but joy in the creases of their crows’ feet. In any third world country, Mangaians would be considered grossly impoverished and primitive, and yet there is no word for “homeless” in Mangaian, nor is there a word for “starving.” These are the richest people I have ever met.
PORTFOLIO the scene
Eddie Giblett
“If you can imagine it, you can create IT.” Eddie Giblett came to the islands to find his direction with art. While attending school in California, the opportunity to move to Hawaii presented itself, and he was quickly on his way to discovery. A dreamer by nature, Eddie finds that the imagination is the key element to his process when creating. “Daydreaming is one of my favorite parts as well as one of the most important parts of the process. Whenever I get stuck on a painting and I just don’t know which direction to take it, I find letting my mind drift can open a lot of doors I didn’t know were there…I can’t force myself through a painting or it will take a lot more time, energy, and paint. I try to stop myself when I recognize that I’m getting lost and unsure
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of the direction I’m taking a painting, and then try to lay back and allow the answers to come to me.” This “dream” philosophy radiates through Eddie’s work with his use of vibrant colors and whimsical subjects. Finding inspiration through books, fashion, and live subjects that spark his interest with unique looks, Eddie builds a dream world around this focus to bring his paintings to life. He combines fantasy with reality, and believes, “books on art history have always been an important part of how I make my paintings, not just for the techniques, but also the historical subject matter and fashions.”
Eddie aims to communicate the message, “in dreams, anything is possible. You don’t have to be asleep to dream. If you can imagine it, you can create it. The power of creation is in space and in our minds. I try to express this message by creating new images of things people haven’t seen before, and expose them to new ideas and open new doors of perception.” You can view more of Eddie’s work by visiting his website at Eddie’s work can be viewed live at First Friday in downtown Honolulu. Show times and dates vary.
PORTFOLIO the scene
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PORTFOLIO the scene
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on the cover
f you want something bad enough and work hard, you will eventually succeed. That’s what coaches tell young athletes every day to instill the will it takes to create and mold great players. But once in a while, there are those special individuals who posses a raw talent so entertaining, that audiences can’t help but notice. This is the case with the University of Hawaii’s 2011 Senior quarterback Bryan Moniz. As a sophomore in high school, he threw 27 touchdowns, and today is one of the top favorites for the Heisman trophy running. An enormous feat for anyone to accomplish, this young star is well on his way to a successful season with the UH team. Moniz nicknamed “Mighty Mo” has the support of his teammates, coaches, community, and UH staff. Director of the media relations department, Derek Inouchi launches a campaign for Moniz’s Heisman running, on the persuasive social media outlets Facebook. Twitter, and YouTube. Inouchi believes, “Facebook is so hot right now, we thought we’d try and experiment with the power of social media
By Akina Mai
(Los That Sports Blog, 2011).” With a team of supporters gearing up for the announcements, Moniz is hard at work training and preparing for the upcoming season. As a part of the campaign, Mighty Mo sits down with offensive coordinator and 2000-2001 quarterback for an interview, available for view on the University of Hawaii at Manoa’s official website stating, “…growing up in Hawaii and watching Hawaii, I got to see a lot of great quarterbacks go through the system and to now be mentioned among those names and those guys is surreal for me…(Mighty Mo, episode 3).” With all of the new and exciting opportunities up ahead for Moniz, it’s hard to imagine that this player got his football start on mainland soil. After a oneyear stint at Fresno City College, Moniz returned home to Hawaii and took a shot at his passion as a walk-on with UH in Spring 2009. In four games, he went from fifth-string to starting quarterback in as little as four games. A fairy-tale of story to say the least, Moniz continues to stay true to his humble Wahiawa beginnings, and do what he does best. Play football. We wish the best of luck to him and his teammates as they continue on into the fall season.
If you would like to support Bryant Moniz, please visit the following sites for more information on game day’s, times, and player statistics: The University of Hawaii at Manoa Athletics: www. Facebook: Twitter: Videos at UH’s YouTube page: HawaiiAthletics. Or:
on the cover
Photos-UH Athletics
“I’m Addicted To Surfing For Life. Once You Get That Intense Rush, It’s The Ultimate High.”-Carroll
Written by Juicy Photos by Patrick Vieira
t’s not every day that one gets to live out their dream of doing what they love most. Some only imagine what life would be like to live in Oahu and surf the infamous North Shore in its winter prime. We already know about the greats Andy Irons, Kelly Slater and Sonny Garcia, but looming in our own backyards, a man named Charlie Carroll hailing from Makaha, has been surfing waves that only the best and bravest ride all his life. Charlie’s love of surf began at the tender age of 6 with big dreams of eventually becoming a Triple Crown Champion. A Hawaiian past time experienced by most locally grown children, Charlie decided that he would take his love of surfing to the next level. Throughout his surfing career he has rode waves in El Salvador, Mexico, Spain, Samoa and even the infamous Teahupoo, Tahiti. This particular wave placed Charlie in one of the most precarious situations he has had in his surfing career. One of the first waves that he paddled into, he missed. He turned around to continue paddling when right behind the first wave was a monster wave that was immediately waiting for him. Not being in the right position, Charlie had to remove his leash and swim his hardest to make it out of the massive wave. For anyone who has rode or even seen footage of these giants, you know how colossal and daunting they can be. These waves claim people, and give you the ride of your life. Besides this memorable and scary experience, Charlie shares another one of his fondest surf memories. In 1995 he was invited by Aunty Rell Sunn to surf the Berrett Surf Festival in France. As a young aspiring surfer, the opportunity to surf international waves was like a dream come true. Among the group of surfers with him were T.J. Barron, Fred Pattachia, Jason Shibata, Jamie O’Brien, and Melanie Bartels. In order to be invited on such a trip there was a 3-contest qualifier. However Aunty Rell saw something special in Charlie. She saw him surfing in Makaha and simply asked him if he would be interested in going to France. Aunty Rell is truly an inspiration to Charlie; he says, “her Aloha showed
no boundaries.” Aunty Rell planned on making this trip every year with young up-and-coming surfers. However the surfing community was at a huge loss when cancer took her life. Still to this day, Charlie accredits her as an inspiration throughout his surfing career. When Charlie is not surfing, you can mostly find him cruising with his 4-year old son Makai. Charlie is already passing on the love of water and surf to him by taking him to swimming lessons and even surfing with him on his back. In the off-season, you can also find Charlie MMA training as well as boxing, running, and other cardio. He likes to stay focused on one sport, to prevent injuries. All this hard work and training is so that he can stay in shape for the North Shore season. Charlie truthfully enjoys surfing for the love of the sport. When he was asked if there was anything he wanted to share about surfing he says: “I’m addicted to surfing for life. Once you get that intense rush, it’s the ultimate high.” Every year in the summer months, you can find Charlie waiting for the waves at Pipeline, and as soon as the seasons over, he is already thinking about the next one. To keep himself occupied he takes a few surf trips in-between, but ultimately Charlie is thinking about home and the infamous Pipeline/Backdoor. Charlie is a true soul surfer; he dedicates and attributes his life to surf and those that inspire him. This humility and love of the sport is an inspiration. It reminds us that at the end of the day accolades and awards are just that. They are non-tangible items that don’t mean anything unless you are happy doing what you love.
October is a month for fantasy, wonder, goblins and gouls. As the fashion industry prepares for fall season releases, the costume industry prepares for an influx of sales, requests, and even demands by consumers who plan their whole year around creating the perfect outfit. A night that originates from a number of historical occurrences, Halloween is now viewed as a modern day dress-up party.; a night to express hidden talents, desires, or fantasy. In keeping with this theme, we take a closer look at the beauty behind what would seem to some, to be a morbid choice of clothing and accessories. The Mexican holiday “Dia de los Muertos” is a celebration among family and friends to pray for and remember lost loved ones. The celebration takes place November 1st, coincidentally the day after the Halloween. Candied skulls, marigolds, skeletons, and black lace are popular items displayed on Day of the Dead Alters. Fashion minds take the idea one step further during this fall season, and incorporate the dark elements of skulls and cloth with bursts of color to complete the look. Makeup takes a front seat to the overall effect of this style. Both haunting and seductive, beauty is found in the harsh tones of pale, bone painted skin contrasted by bright red or burnt orange bundled flowers covering bee-hived hair. Whether or not you want to take a traditional route in creating your costume, or use a modern style, this look is flexible and affordable to those that are willing to take the time to put it together.
Stylist wardrobe Caleb Shinobi Make up by Nia Johansen Hair by Sarah C Obringer Models Shaholly Ayers Anastacia Waston Bo Tanaka Caleb Shinobi Photography By Ryan Kern
Leave Your Mark
Writers.Photographers.Interns HAWAII 45
5 down time
Things you didn’t know
You Needed
Brought to you by
Hex Wrench Pendant
Even you can be a Maguiver with the handy honeycomb wrench pendant. This stylish and functional tool acts as a wrench and is designed to fit 8, 10, 12, and 14 MM nuts. So go ahead and throw this bad boy on and wrench away. Please don’t forget to remove the pendant before you try to fix anything. A crazy disclaimer? Yes, but necessary. So don’t wrench and wear.
2D Glasses
Ever been to a 3D movie with your homeys and pray that the room will stop spinning from too much 3D action? Now you can stop being a hater and be a participator, with the ingenious 2D glasses. Instantly turn those crazy images coming at your face to a normal movie. Now you don’t have to be the party pooper and can cruise to 3D with your friends without yacking.
Portal 2 Collectors Edition Strategy Guide & Art Book
So why do we love this book? It’s so much more than just a strategy guide. It’s a strictly limited collectors edition volume of the official Portal 2 Game Guide (to verify all the right decisions you made when you played it the first time, of course!), additional art from Aperture Science’s finest artists, developer interviews and two bookmarks, all lovingly wrapped in a hardcover binding. Also if you are in a bind and need something heavy to throw at someone, this book can be used as a defense mechanism.
iCruiser Large Capacity Portable Charger
Now you can cruise ALL night with the fabulous iCruise! Battery dying early from Tweeting, emailing and Facebooking? With the iCruise your electronic device will never be without juice! Charge, charge, and re-charge. Don’t let the name deceive you: the iCruiser External Battery Pack works for Android, Blackberry, Samsung, Nintendo DS, Sony PSP, and more. Grip-and-Rip.
Camera Lens Mug
Now you can have a lens and drink out of it too! At first glance this may look like a DSLR lens, but can also house your finest “Billy Goat.” Surprise your photo-tog friends by taking a healthy swig o’ DSLR. Perfect for hot or cold beverages. Great for beer…but then what isn’t?
Extremely happy hour. $5 cocktails, 4pm-6pm Plus live entertainment nightly.
Game Face
By JustinAcohido
“Captain America: Super Soldier” for Xbox 360 and PS3 (Sega 7/15/11) Some may be quick to believe that you can’t go wrong with an action game based on a comic book super hero. Many games over the ages, however, have proven that theory to be full of holes with a wide variety of flaws permeating different aspects of these namesake titles. “C.A.S.S.” almost puts such concerns to rest with its nicely tuned combat system, buttery graphics and sound, and cool level designs. But is all that enough to make this one a must-play...? Pros: Captain America looks incredibly like Captain damn America! Moves like him too! Skilled fighters will be pulling off a plethora of juicy moves with the intuitive contextual action system. Cons: Platforming is reduced to timed button pressing rail sequences that require little skill to accomplish. Kinda takes the friggin’ “super” outta super hero. Opinion: Rent it. Beat it. Return it. Move on.
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“Fruit Ninja Kinect” for Xbox 360 (Microsoft 8/10/11) Yet another downloadable title from Xbox Live Marketplace but at the exact opposite end of the complexity spectrum from our first subject. This one is a port from a popular mobile game app so allow me to take the time to describe it in great detail: Chop flying fruit. Avoid bombs. Pros: Basically this game showcases the best-to-date control precision for a Kinect title. Your karate chopping flying fruit in a whirlwind of ninja skills yo! Cons: Kinect won’t recognize my nunchucks. Throwing stars and flat screens don’t mix either. Opinion: It’s a cheap thrills party download worth checking out. Obviously this one is hella easy to master. Just take my advice and avoid getting creative with your home arsenal of sweet ninja weaponry. The Kinect sensor ain’t quite that advanced yet. Also dressing in your ninja suit p.j.’s to play this title adds a level of realism unmatched by most other gaming experiences! (Extra points if you have a Ninja Turtles set...)
“Bastion” for Xbox 360 (Warner Bros. Interactive. 7/20/11) This game is a breath of fresh air in a somewhat stale period of new releases. Making their industry debut, developer Supergiant Games brings to us a well-rounded action RPG that clearly defines what it means to be “story-driven.” You’ll feel like you’re interacting through a storybook as the narrator tells your story along every step of the way reacting to your different choices and courses of action. This important element delivers to the player a new and interesting style of progression motivation. You’ll want to explore every corner of the game and complete every mission just to hear what home dude thinks about it all. Pros: Gorgeous art styling. Great music accompanied by flawless voiceovers from the story’s narrator. Easy to pick up and play control scheme makes it a breeze for everyone to understand.
Cons: It’s new, so a sequel won’t be out for quite awhile; if one is to be made. (That’s a roundabout way of saying there really aren’t any that come to mind so shut the heck up!) Opinion: This title just might be on its way to the top of the downloadable game (if not any game format for that matter) podium as it is sure to become a classic on par with some serious players in gaming history. Link ain’t gettin’ any younger and “Bastion” just might be the cougar bait our aging little princess will be looking for in the near future. HAWAII 49
The Three Musketeers Release Oct. 14, 2011
The hot-headed young D’Artagnan (Logan Lerman) joins forces with three rogue Musketeers (Matthew MacFadyen, Luke Evans and Ray Stevenson) in this reboot of Alexandre Dumas’ story. They must stop the evil Richlieu (Christoph Waltz) and face off with Buckingham (Orlando Bloom) and the treacherous Milady (Milla Jovovich). The action adventure is given a state of the art update in 3-D.
The Ides of March
Release October 7th, 2011
The Ides of March takes place during the frantic last days before a heavily contested Ohio presidential primary, when an up-and-coming campaign press secretary (Ryan Gosling) finds himself involved in a political scandal that threatens to upend his candidate’s shot at the presidency. Also starring George Clooney, Paul Giamatti and Philip Seymour Hoffman.
Release Oct. 28, 2011
A young Chinese girl has vital weapons of mass destruction science secrets both the Chinese Mafia and also the Russian Mafiz desire to obtain and use to blackmail world governments. The girl meets up with a Soldier of Fortune man (Jason Statham) and he protects her from abduction and murder by the Russian and Chinese Mafia agents in the USA.
And They’re Off
Release Oct. 28, 2011
A comedy centered on a failed horse trainer who desperately wants to be back in the winner’s circle.
October DVD Releases Fast Five Former cop Brian O’Conner partners with ex-con Dom Toretto on the opposite side of the law. Since Brian and Mia Toretto broke Dom out of custody, they’ve blown across many borders to elude authorities. Now backed into a corner in Rio de Janeiro, they must pull one last job in order to gain their freedom. As they assemble their elite team of top racers, the unlikely allies know their only shot of getting out for good means confronting the corrupt businessman who wants them dead.
Scream 4 Sidney Prescott, now the author of a self-help book, returns home to Woodsboro on the last stop of her book tour. There she reconnects with Sheriff Dewey and Gale, who are now married, as well as her cousin Jill and her Aunt Kate. Unfortunately, Sidney’s appearance also brings about the return of Ghostface, putting Sidney, Gale, and Dewey, along with Jill, her friends, and the whole town of Woodsboro in danger.
Pirates-On Stranger Tides Captain Jack Sparrow (Depp) crosses paths with a woman from his past (Cruz), and he’s not sure if it’s love -or if she’s a ruthless con artist who’s using him to find the fabled Fountain of Youth. When she forces him aboard the Queen Anne’s Revenge, the ship of the formidable pirate Blackbeard (McShane), Jack finds himself on an unexpected adventure in which he doesn’t know who to fear more: Blackbeard or the woman from his past.
Southern Homestyle Cuisine that Captures The Definition By Jeremy Neal Photos by Sean Newsome
The name says it all! When I go to a restaurant that dares to brand itself with a name such as “soul,” there’s certain qualities that I automatically expect it to live up to. It can’t just be simple food that tastes good, it has to be something that reaches into the inner depths of my being, my heart, my soul, and forces me to understand why this place carries this name. If you haven’t been to Soul, located at 3040 Wailae Ave., you need to go, because this place has definitely got it. When you first walk up and view the menu, you get a sense of the vibe that is offered here. Menu items such as Sweet Potato Pancakes, Chicken and Waffles, Fried Catfish, and Biscuits and Gravy instantly direct you to the core of southern cuisine from South Carolina where the parents of Chef Sean Priester inspired his cooking. Integrating the technique and flavor of southern cuisine with the passion and appreciation of the Aloha spirit is what has caused this restaurant to thrive. The knowledge of “soul” cooking is only paralleled by the soulful ambiance provided once you enter the doors. With an array of classics playing in the background like Al Green, Barry White, and Aretha Franklin, you can’t help but be transported to another place and time. Pair that with the classic albums lining the walls, and Soul Train playing on the television, and you’ve got the recipe for a perfect “soulful” experience. Chef Sean Priester has seemingly succeeded in embodying the spirit of his restaurant within the staff, and the overall feel that you get once you cross the threshold. Being that he himself has had an extensive career in the restaurant industry before opening Soul a little over a year ago, he has successfully been able to take the best aspects of food, culture and respect, and bring them inside the walls and on every plate served. When asked why he does what he does, he simply replied, “we’re just here to make people feel good.” Well… they’re definitely accomplishing their goal!
Le Guignol
ne of the best things about living in Hawaii is that on any given night of the week, we are gifted with the choice of literally thousands of awesome and amazingly different restaurants to visit and enjoy. Being someone who loves taking advantage of these dining opportunities, I of course, have developed my own ranking of some of Oahu’s best eating destinations. That being said, those among my all-time favorites are often (and not so coincidentally) those that offer B.Y.O.B. Trust me, if you knew my friends and our dining habits, you’d appreciate how much money this can often save us. One of my absolute favorite restaurants, not simply for its bring your own wine philosophy, is Honolulu’s Le Guignol. This unique and hidden
Photos-Sean Newsome
Oahu’s Hidden Gem of French Authenticity -By Jessica Stark
authentic French bistro boasts, what is in my mind, perhaps some of the best cuisine on the island. No, it’s not oceanfront like Michele’s, or serviced like Le Bistro, but its charming and quaint ambiance are homey and welcoming. Each course is rich and decadent, and I have yet to find a single one that I wouldn’t order again. Le Guignol’s charm and authenticity may convince you that the chef was born and raised in Paris, perhaps taught by his grandmother in a classic style at home. This, in fact, couldn’t be further from the truth. Chef Ala Sutton single-handedly runs his restaurant, often prepping each plate from 6:30am, until the last dish is washed by his own hands at midnight. While he did have the luxury of learning authentic French technique at a top New York culinary institute and worked in
France from 2003 to 2004, Ala is in fact a local boy at heart. While no one can deny his gift for French fare, Chef Sutton is actually a Kaiser grad that prefers Lau Lau to foie gras. Ala simply had the French technique mastered before his return to Oahu a couple years ago, and happened to arrive just in time to purchase and re-vamp the already practicing French bistro from his brother. The food at Le Guignol is authentic French- not fusion like most other Oahu hotspots. Dinners here are coursed, according to the historic French tradition, and each step is one you don’t want to miss. Of these, I highly recommend the soupe a l’oignon (a French Onion soup that will put all others to shame). Definitely try Chef’s seasonal duck breast and beef du jour and perhaps, and if you are braver than I, the sweetbreads. The salad course is a classic tradition to aid digestion while the cheese plate is served at the end of the meal so the enzymes can work to clean your teeth. Then, traditionally, one should always finish up with something sweet to perk you up for the drive or carriage-ride home. Perhaps try the chocolate Grenache topped with rose petal ice cream- unique and oh so yummy. Of course, like any restaurant worth frequenting, Chef Ala’s menu changes with the season and with the availability of local fish and produce. I hope you will try this hidden gem of authenticity and enjoy it as much as I do. Come hungry and with a bottle in hand, and expect to leave full and contented.
Tanaka_Entertainment Mag8-11.pdf 1 11/09/07 13:31
OCTOBER 2011 CALENDAR Earth, Wind & Fire
UH Women’s Volleyball
October 6th
October 8th
Music Concert R&B/Urban Soul @ Neal S Blaisdell Arena 7:30 pm
UH Women’s Volleyball Against Fresno State @ Stan Sheriff Center, UH 7:00 pm
Against San Jose State @ Stan Sheriff Center, UH 7:00 pm
Lava Lounge You call it Sunday’s $3 drink specials all night @ Lava Lounge 2330 Kalakaua Ave (808) 921-9978
Duke’s on Sunday Live Music by Henry Kapono & Company @ Duke’s Waikiki 4:00 pm- 6:00 pm every Sunday
10 MON
Lulu’s Waikiki Surf Club Industry Day @ Lulu’s Waikiki, Every Monday 7:00 am- Close
Industry Night Every Monday @ Lava Lounge 2330 Kalakaua Ave (808) 921-9978
Arboretum Tours Tuesday’s and Saturdays @ Lyon Arboretum Tues- 10:00 am-11:30 am, Saturday’s 1:00 pm- 2:30 pm $2.50 donation (808) 988-0456
Native American Flute and Storytelling Concert Festival, storytelling @ Center For Hawaiian Studies 6:00 pm (808) 734-8018
12 WED
The Pushovers Live Music Every Wednesday @ Waikiki Sandbox, 21+ 2260 Kuhio Ave
Hapa Haole Hula & Vocal Competition & Concert Hula & vocal competition with Hawaii’s finest musicians @ Hale Koa Hotel, Waikiki Admission $35 Vicky (808) 754-2301
13-14 Waikiki Artfest Handcrafted products of over 75 Hawaii artists @ Kapiolani Park, across from the zoo 9:00 am- 4:00 pm Free Admission (808) 696-6717
Earth, Wind & Fire Music Concert R&B/Urban Soul @ Neal S Blaisdell Arena 7:30 pm
14 FRI
14-15 23rd Annual Talk Story Festival Hawaii’s oldest and largest storytelling festival @ McCoy Pavilion’s Auditorium, Ala Moana Park 5:00 pm- 9:00 pm
First Friday Music, entertainment Gallery walk @ Chinatown 5:00 pm- 9:00 pm
15 SAT
Hawaii Watercolor Society Open Show @ Marks Garage, Chinatown Tuesday thru Saturday 10:00 am- 6:00 pm (808) 394-0966
Hawaii Pacific Islands Kava Festival @ UH Manoa main campus 9:00 am- 7:00 pm Free admission
16 SUN
Pacific Handcrafters Guild Festival Local artist display decorative pieces @ Neal Blaisdell Center October 15th-17th
Relive the plantation days Living history museum and ethno-biotanical garden @ Hawaii’s Plantation Villiage 94-695 Waipahu St (808) 596-8885
Nightwalk at Hoomaluhia Botanical Garden Explore tropical plants in the moonlight 6:30 pm- 9:00 pm Reservations Required (808) 233-7323
UH Women’s Volleyball Against San Jose State @ Stan Sheriff Center, UH 7:00 pm
Once-A-Month-Punk House of Flys sponsors local Punk rock marathon @ Waikiki Sandbox 10:00 pm- 4:00 am 21+ 2260 Kuhio Ave
UH Football Homecoming
Waikiki Madness!
October 22nd
October 31st
Against Mexico State @Aloha Stadium 6:00 PM
Over 15,00 costumed partygoers walk the streets of Waikiki @ Kalakaua Ave 7:00 pm- 2:00 am
17 MON
Hawaii International Film Festival October 15th- 25th Feature films, documentaries, seminars, workshops and more @ Dole Cannery & other locations (808) 528-4433
25-28 Voices of Hawaii: Healing in the Spirit of Aloha Hands on workshop 9:00 am-5:00 pm Call Rebecca Avery (808) 959-2258
UH Women’s Volleyball Against Notre Dame @ Stan Sheriff Center, UH 7:00 pm
26 WED
The Pushovers Live Music Every Wednesday @ Waikiki Sandbox, 21+ 2260 Kuhio Ave
19 WED
DJ Jimmy Taco Top 40 Hip Hop, R&B Dance Roof top party every Wednesday night @ Dave & Busters 10:00 pm- 2:00 am
Reiki 4th Thursday throughout the month Author Maureen Puaena O’Shaughnessy shares knowledge about this ancient form of healing, balance, pain relief and relaxation @ Outrigger Waikiki on the beach Call Ethan Chang (808) 921-9731
Ka Leo Arts Festival UH homecoming kick-off @ UH Manoa 4:00 pm- 10:00 pm
28 FRI
Aloha Friday King’s Jubilee & Fireworks Beachfront Fireworks Every Friday @ Hilton Hawaiian Village (808) 949-4321
21 FRI
UH Women’s Volleyball Against Utah State @ Stan Sheriff Center, UH 7:00 pm
29 SAT
Hallowbaloo Street Festival Music, food, art, bars @ Chinatown, Nu’uanu Ave 5:00 pm- 10:00 pm
22 SAT
UH Football Homecoming Against Mexico State @ Aloha Stadium 6:00 pm
23 SUN
UH Women’s Volleyball Against Idaho @ Stan Sheriff Center, UH 7:00 pm
30 SUN
Free Hallowabaloo Kanikapila Music featuring Guy Cruz with Marc Pearlman and Medicine for the People @ Kaimana Beach Park 3:00 pm- 6:00 pm
24 MON
Industry Night Every Monday @ Lava Lounge 2330 Kalakaua Ave (808) 921-9978
31 MON
Waikiki Madness! Over 15,00 costumed partygoers walk the streets of Waikiki @ Kalakaua Ave 7:00 pm- 2:00 am
Introduction to Hula: Keiki Keiki Hulu, introduction to basic movements Every Thursday @ Ward Warehouse (808) 596-8885
Sail with the Stars Sailing charters including star gazing, full moons, and meteor showers @ Leeward Oahu (808) 306-7273
Hallowbaloo Kick-Off Concert Music Concert @ The Waterfront at Aloha Tower Marketplace
Art at the zoo fence Original paintings, prints, and photos Every Weekend @ Honolulu Zoo 9:00 am- 4:00 pm (808) 946-7713
Taste of Chinatown Eateries Every Saturday @ Chinatown, Honolulu. Smith & King street 11:30 am- 2:30 pm $59, reservations required (808) 391-1550 Lava Lounge You call it Sunday’s $3 drink specials all night @ Lava Lounge 2330 Kalakaua Ave (808) 921-9978
Treat Street at Bishop Museum Costume contest, trick-ortreating for the family @ Bishop Museum (808) 847-3511
the scene
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Monday- Skirt Night Anyone in a skirt receives a 10% discount on any regular priced drink or food order Tuesday- Taco Tuesday $4.00 taco plate includes two tacos (beef or fish) with beans and rice Wednesday- Free pizza night Order any Anheuser Busch pitcher and receive a free quarter pie of cheese or pepperoni pizza Thursday- College Night $2.00 wells and many other specials Friday- Beer Pong Night Beer Pong tournaments and prizes Saturday- DJ Night Special DJâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s from around the island Sunday- Martini Night Special priced martinis
the scene
Latin Sounds Are Brought To The Islands With Love -By Juicy
O’ahu is the melting pot of the islands, with an eclectic mix of highly diverse communities. Here, music is part of our life and culture. Musicians perform for the love of music, and not for the love of the almighty dollar. Located on our beautiful islands we find a group of musicians that are here to share their magical gifts with us. It is no wonder that a talented musician by the name of Rolando Sanchez was drawn to the enchanted Hawaiian Islands. When I first met Rolando, I was immediately drawn to him. He is fit with an approachable demeanor and a friendly smile. He shows me his hands of perfect curvature, built especially for the Congo’s. The sparkle in his eye tells me he has lived a great life, and within the first few minutes of conversation, I feel as if we have been friends for years. Rolando first began his journey with music, in his home country of Nicaragua. When Rolando was a young child he would arrive home from school and find his Auntie playing concert piano. Here he would simply listen to become entranced, and eventually would fall asleep to the beautiful melodies. His Father also wrote music that was especially tailored and written for Rolando’s Mother. Constantly surrounded by harmonies and musical nomenclature, it is no wonder Rolando immediately took to this craft. However Rolando’s love came in the form of percussion. His first percussion instruments came from his Mother. He used whatever he could find in the house. This is where he found himself in the kitchen banging on Momma’s pots and pans. The household went through some kitchen ware, but the family was highly supportive of his love of music. Although Nicaragua is a beautiful country, this gorgeous land was in turmoil during his childhood. With the government up in arms, Rolando found himself leaving the country where his love of music was born. During his adolescent years, Rolando attended Mission High School in Northern California, which also produced another music great by the name of Carlos Santana. Although never that close in High School, Rolando and Carlos ran in the same musical circles. While Rolando was in Northern California, he had the pleasure of meeting a gentleman by the name of Chapito, who happened to be a percussionist in Carlos Santana’s band, and who also hailed from Nicaragua. One day Rolando decided to attend a show in Dolores Park where he saw the likes of Bozz Scaggs and Santana. This was the moment
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where Rolando said to himself “I’m gonna do that!” At this point Rolando quickly threw together a band titled “Solar” which translates to “Empty Lot.” The band was hired at a club down the street where they would perform weekly, and from that point on he knew he was where he was suppose to be. From here Rolando was involved in various bands, and while all shared the same passion for music, it never seemed to be the perfect fit. Rolando soon took his act on the road. He toured up and down the West Coast, and even Canada where he opened up for BB King; A highlight and an accomplishment indeed for a young musician from Nicaragua. Eventually after playing at various clubs on the mainland, Rolando was ready for a change. His sister at the time was living in Maui, and Rolando went to visit. Sharing similar qualities to Nicaragua, he was connected to the music, lifestyle and women. Rolando eventually found himself in O’ahu where the night-life and music scene was more prevalent. Here Rolando visited a Mexican Restaurant while in town. He had thought to himself, “something’s missing…” He asked to meet with the owner Rick Enos of Compadres, and Rick quickly agreed that music was the missing element. Rick asked Rolando if he had a band put together, and he rapidly replied “of course!” Having no band put together, and in a time crunch, he was forced to
go out and find one. With the great abundance of talented musicians in O’ahu, he had an easy time finding what he was looking for. He threw together a band and started booking/playing venues all around Waikiki. As a side job Rolando found himself working as a bike taxi driver in Waikiki. Armed with a stereo attached to the back of his bike, he was able to meet an immense amount of locals and visitors alike. This is where he had met a DJ from the infamous radio station KPOI. As he rode his bike around town, one of his songs “She’s the lady” was heard in rotation on the radio. As he toted his customers around he exclaimed, “that’s me!” Rolando found himself involved with several musical acts here in Hawaii. He has also been accredited with bringing the Latin movement here to the islands. Reggae has always had a heavy influence, but smooth Latin sounds also fit right in with the swaying palm trees and the vibrant blue water. Along with bringing a Latin sound to the Islands, and having several albums under his belt, Rolando is involved in many community-orientated activities that brought the Latin community even closer together. He helped organize the Latin American Chamber of Commerce, as well as the Latin Hawaiian Pageant, which has helped several women experience a college education. It is important for Rolando to always be involved with his community. He feels it is imperative to share and give his talents to help others. Music is a language that has no barriers. We all can relate to it, be moved by it, and appreciate it. Through music Rolando has delivered his message to many, and still continues to do so through his songs. You can still find Rolando performing throughout town, and has recently put out an album entitled “Vamanos de Fiesta” which means “Let’s go party.” We can all take notes from Rolando. Take a minute to breathe, don’t take life so serious, and enjoy the ride.
the scene
DJ Soundsex
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Miko Franconi DJ SOUNDSEX Model Kat Deleon Hair and Make up By Nia Johansen Photographer Keoki
the scene
The Push-O-Verse A New Type Of Music Inspired By The Streets
By Jeremy Neal
Who knew when Donavan Yonamine and T.J. Rosimo met randomly on the beach in 2004 that a new, different, and innovative type of music that had never been heard before would be born. Although these two musicians spent most of their time before they met, jamming on the same streets of Waiks, their paths had never crossed. Then one fateful evening, the two just happened to be camped at the same spot, the two street performers met and had their first impromptu jam sesh on the beach. Though they met that night, it wasn’t until 2008, when Donovan accidentally called T.J. (thinking he was calling his friend C.J.) that the two actually formed their musical collaboration. Nobody knows if Donovan ever did get a hold of his friend C.J. Since 2008, these two have been hitting Oahu and hitting it hard, performing at venues all over the island. Incorporating two very unique styles and sounds of music, T.J’s powerful voice influenced by artists such as Nirvana and Foo Fighters paired with Donovan’s punk inspired sound and Beatboxing picked up
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in and keeps you there. I asked the Push-O-Verse what, in their minds made them different from anyone else you’ve ever heard, and the philosophy was quite simple—“no pedals, no effects, no gimmicks, just push-o-verse.” To view the Push-O-Verse this month, check out their fan site on Facebook, or log onto for more info and videos of the push-o-verse.
from notorious drummer Mikey Mike, these two offer crowds something that has never been heard before. With a mix of covers that take you back and remind you where you came from, and originals that show you where you wanna be, the Push-O-Verse make you fall in love whenever you hear them play. A new refreshing mix of music, art, beatboxing, and stage antics, brings you
Push-O-Verse at Lava Rock Lounge HAWAII 65
Handpicked, Handpicked, sosoit itfalls falls
right rightoff off thethebone. bone. moyer farms moyer farms bone-in ribrib eye, bone-in eye, 20 ounces 20 ounces ThisThis quality cut ofcut beef comes quality of beef comes fromfrom artisan, Amish-raised cattle.cattle. artisan, Amish-raised Perfectly agedaged and extremely savory, Perfectly and extremely savory, this steak is grilled on anonopen this steak is grilled an open flame with with a gentle rub of our flame a gentle rub of our special herbsherbs and spices. Offering special and spices. Offering you ayou juicy, melt-in-your mouth a juicy, melt-in-your mouth tastetaste that’sthat’s beyond compare. beyond compare.
A fi ne A fisteak. ne steak. A fi ne experience. A fi ne experience. • 808-921-4600 • 808-921-4600 Complimentary valet parking. Complimentary valet HAWAII parking.67