p38 In this issue 8
14 20 24 30
Naupaka Hawaii’s Traditional Story of Forbidden Love Youth SpeaksExistence Persist Through Youth Coo Coo For Coco Hats Re-Discovering the Original Souvenir; Great to Consume, But Even Better to Wear
Waking Up In Pamplona A Personal Account of a Journey Leading to The Encierno
Local Destinations
The Awe Of Aina One of Oahu’s Last Ahupua’a Shows All
North Shore Artist Heather Brown Expands Her Horizons
History Floats In, Out and All About King Kamehameha Hotel Stands Tall in the Face of the Tsunami The Wolfhounds Compassion in Peace, Fierce in Battle
On The Cover
B.J. Penn Fighting For Something Bigger
Stuff We Like
Home Video Game Evolution In Less Than 40 years, They’ve Taken Over Gadgets 5 Things That Just Might Keep You Up at Night Plugged In Video Game Reviews Try These On For Size Theaters Heat Up This July Movie and DVD Previews
This Is Town Local Ingredients Promote Change 12,000 Barrels of Beer on the Wall If You Take One Down and Pass it Around, You’ll Have to Add to the Brewery’s Recipe Box Fish Auction Bluefin Tuna, Opah, Swordfish and More Are An Auction Away
The Scene
July 2011 Event Calendar The Where, When and What Local @ Night When The Day Is Done, It’s Time For Fun 808 On The Come Up K-Luv Music Video Premier Prolific Release Party Souled Out Giving Popular Music a Jazzy Makeover
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By Cheyanna Donaldson
Getting Rid of Grit Tenure slows the process of firing teachers with poor performance. Studies are also finding a similarity in the same process in the removal of U.S. Congressmen.
If the Rule Fits 52.67% of residents in the predominately Catholic Republic of Malta have voted in favor of divorce supporting the idea that if it suits your lifestyle better, the rules of religion can be altered.
Voting Rules Eight percent of Americans have tried the new online voting in neighborhood board races. Studies show American voters spend more time polling their votes on opinion Internet questionnaires than they do in political elections.
Hawaii’s Traditional Story of Forbidden Love Love is a theme threaded throughout ancient Hawaiian culture beginning with the story of the Naupaka plant. This plant is unique in that it will only bloom half flowers, and grows either in the mountains, or near the beaches. The flower is believed to be the incarnation of a love shared by two souls forbidden to be together. A common version of this story begins when a young Hawaiian royal named Naupaka became sad one day. The villagers noticed her demeanor and told her parents of their concerns. When asked what was wrong, Naupaka told her mother and father that she had fallen in love with a man named Kaui. Hawaiian tradition strictly forbids those born of noble blood to marry common ranked citizens, and Kaui was the lowest ranked commoner in the village equaling that of a slave. Fighting for the right to be together, Naupaka and Kaui were sent to see a Kahuna in the mountains
By J.M.T
where he told them to pray to the gods for an answer to their love. As they prayed, rain began to pore, signaling the god’s disapproval of their union. Heartbroken and overwhelmed by sorrow, the lovers embraced for one last time. Naupaka took a flower from her hair and tore it in half, giving the broken piece to Kaui. She told him to live by the water and she would stay in the mountains. The lovers were never to see each other again, and when the two separated, the Naupaka plants saw how sad they were, and the next day only bloomed in half flowers. Ala Moana Park, the Waikiki Aquarium, Honolulu Zoo, or Sandy Beach, are a few location where you can view this romantic flower. Growing only near the beach and in the mountains, this legend continues to flourish when the two halves are joined together, and the lovers are reunited once again.
Aloha Isn’t Enough A survey taken by GMAC Insurance rated Hawaii at the bottom of U.S. states in knowledge of driving rules. The District of Columbia was the only who was rated the worst.
Larger Than Life The Little Dipper, Ursa Minor, isn’t really little at all. It’s actually larger than we could imagine. Maybe it should be called the slightly smaller than the enormously large Big Dipper.
Before You Run There’s a new prerequisite to being an elected official in the United States. You must have serious ethical issues, cheat on your spouse at least once, and be willing to show your genitals to the public.
Worth of the Dollar Even with a skyrocketed economic growth rate, 73% of China’s financially elite have immigrated to the U.S. in the last five years despite the U.S.’s economic downfall adding to the increase of U.S. middle class.
Youth Speaks
Existence Persists Through Language Gearing up for another slam poetry conference, the talented poets of Youth Speaks Hawaii, graced the stage at Mark’s Garage for their monthly, 2nd Saturday slam and open mic. Led by Executive Director, Lyz Soto, Youth Speaks Hawaii (YSH) “is a non-profit organization supported by Hawaii Arts Alliance which educates students between the ages of 13 and 19 in the writing and performance of slam poetry.” The 2nd Saturday events allow students ages 13 - 19 to compete in slam poetry, showcases a youth and veteran poet, and provides an open mic opportunity for, primarily youth, as well. With the support of YSH’s Art and Education Director, Darron Cambra and Youth Mentor, Sterling Higa, young slam poets are encouraged and supported to speak their minds, and showcase and develop their talents. This month’s event featured six young poets who will be attending the 14th Annual Brave New Voices International Poetry Slam Festival, started by Youth Speaks, Inc. in 1998. Hosted this summer in San Francisco, Brave New Voices is “the largest ongoing spoken word event in the world” which aims to “create forums for dialogue, provide workshops for open and free expression, and facilitate conversations formally and informally that foster artistic and personal growth.” It is truly an event aimed to uplift young artists, provide them with a sounding board for their spoken word pieces, and develop a supportive and collaborative environment. With the talent of Hannah Matsunaga, Serena Simmons, Noa Helala, Harrison Ines, Ke’ala 10
Cussing and Clean Up By Sierra Williams
Morrell and Truly Hodnefield, there is no doubt in my mind that Hawaii will be well represented at the gathering of nearly 800 youth, youth educators and community leaders. The strong-minded youth in Hawaii’s spoken word community have powerful and emotionally striking voices. They have the ability to intelligently weave, sometimes complex, feelings and experiences into a spoken word performance that glides effortlessly into the ears of the audience, and lingers in their hearts and minds. With such thought-provoking speech, it is exciting to know that these six young people will be given the opportunity to artistically express themselves with other youth from all over the world, as well as learn from and share with the spoken word community around them. I can’t wait to see what these young people bring back to the islands for their audiences waiting on the edges of their seats. Youth Speaks Hawaii offers a FREE, weekly writing workshop every Wednesday at Mark’s Garage from 4:30 - 6:00 pm. Also, be sure to catch next month’s 2nd Saturday event, the David vs. Goliath Slam! on July 9th, 2011 at 3pm at Mark’s Garage ($3, all ages). Like what you read and hungry for more? Join Youth Speaks Hawaii or attend one of their upcoming events. For more information, visit http://www.youthspeakshawaii.org or contact them at info@youthspeakshawaii.org and (808) 753-4661.
A seventh grader in Kailua is demanding that a play structure in the park be taken down or fixed and cleaned up of its graffiti. When a child needs to ask an adult, or a group of adults, to fix this problem doesn’t it seem there is a bigger problem at hand?
The Lesser of Two Evils? Harvard University researchers recently published a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, that diet sodas won’t necessarily increase your chances of getting diabetes; however, drinking diet soda raises your chance of heart attack and stroke by 61%.
Legend Jacket & Pant
Coo Coo for coco hats
Re-Discovering the Original Souvenir; Great to Consume, But Even Better To Wear By Cheyanna Donaldson Photo by Roald When it comes to the Tree of Life you’ve got to have mad respect- not just for what it is, but also for what it does and provides. The coconut tree has always been a substantial part of not only Hawaiian culture, but of cultures all around the world’s tropical regions. Coconut trees can distribute their uses in many ways and Josh Kona, Coconut Hats Coco Weaver, is using coconut fronds to master the art of weaving. The Tree of Life, better known as the coconut tree, has many uses that provide nutrients and essential elements helpful to our daily lives. From the savory coconut water to the tasty flesh inside, coconuts provide the potassium and electrolytes our bodies need, but their help doesn’t stop there. Burn the husks for warmth and the wood to keep mosquitoes away, and take your fronds while they’re fresh- you’ll love the green. “The fronds are essential for weaving, but it’s really hard to find them. A lot of people just cut them down and burn or chop them up. It’s really sad,“ expresses Kona. Weaving coconut fronds is a dying art- a beautiful tragedy- one Josh Kona seeks to preserve. Supporting “the original souvenir and headwear,” he weaves fronds to keep this ancient craftwork alive. It’s a unique industry and a selfsustainable value. “I learned from a master weaver and hope to become one someday,” exclaims Kona. “It’s tough for sure. Took me weeks to get it right but after that it’s just practice. The hardest part of all is collecting the fronds. There
isn’t enough of what you need around so going out to find them can be tricky.” Once a frond is weaved, it dries in the position it was fitted. It takes months for a frond to completely dry but once it’s dry it will last a lifetime. While a basket is drying you can keep your fruit and vegetables inside. The coconut fronds help fruit and vegetables, especially avocados, ripen and stay fresh. Baskets and bowls are weaved the most, but coconut hats are making an important exhibit protecting our heads and faces from the powerful rays of the sun. Of course finding where and how to make these matchless objects can be more difficult than one would expect. Not allowed to sell or even take donations for his work, Kona has been forced out of several locations and been told that his attempts to display this ancient Hawaiian craftwork are not allowed. Meanwhile, Hare Krishnas have been selling imported trinkets and t-shirts around the island because it falls under a religious clause. Fortunately, Kona has been welcomed in by Waimea Valley, the Haleiwa Farmers Market and Bishop Museum in order to help restore a dying artwork. If you would like to learn more about weaving, have Kona teach you the art of weaving, or receive more information, please contact Josh Kona, Coconut Hats Coco Weaver at coconuthats@gmail.com or find him on facebook: Coconuthats Cocoweaver.
Extremely happy hour. $5 cocktails, 4pm-6pm Plus live entertainment nightly.
waking up in
A Personal Account of a Journey Leading to The Encierno
The Encierno (running of the bulls) is deeply rooted in Spanish tradition. The running of bulls dates back to the 15th century, when Spanish farmers would bring their bulls to town for the bullfights. All night, the streets are filled with people drinking and celebrating the festival. It’s a happy atmosphere, with one of the main rules of “No Fighting.” This helps to keep it fun and festive. Bars line the street where the running of bulls takes place the following morning. The streets are filled shoulder to shoulder with people talking and drinking. Periodically bands and drum-lines will pass through the crowds with sounds that can be heard echoing throughout the city. Pamplona is filled with life all throughout the night and into the morning for the bull runs. The idea for many is to party all night, and attend the running in the morning. MY STORY This is the story of my impromptu trip from Hawaii to Pamplona Spain to run with the bulls. Late June of 2009, I received a text message from my long-time friend Ben asking if I would like to go to Spain. I instantly said yes. He planned to pay for my plane ticket from Hawaii to Spain, but there was a catch. “You got to run with the bulls” he said, and without hesitation I accepted the invitation. Leading up to my trip, I worked long, late nights and days - plenty of overtime - to ensure that my boss would not notice my absence. My plan was to email him my updates of work I had already done as I traveled to the festival. Within two weeks I was on a plane headed for Spain. With nearly 12 hours of drinking beer and wine on the flight to London, we were well on our way to enjoy our vacation and future thrills. Little did we know the trip would provide us with plenty of life threatening experiences. While flying from London to Madrid I woke up to a warming that would forever change my flying experience. “Ladies and gentlemen we have an emergency. It appears that our landing gear is not functioning properly, and we will have to return to London Heathrow. Flight Attendants please prepare for an ‘emergency’
Written and photographed by Sean Newsome
(crash) landing.” Nearly 1 hour later we began to circle the airport - unknowingly that London Heathrow was temporarily shutdown to accommodate our emergency - we came in for landing. All the attendants were securely fastened in their 5 point buckle systems and nice chairs, while all the passengers had been moved to the middle of the plane, and tucked with their heads in their laps preparing to die or scramble for their lives. “Brace! Brace! Brace!” the attendants yelled out as we approached the runway and shortly came to screeching halt. Unsure of the seriousness, we exited the plane in the middle of the runway only to see emergency vehicles all around us. No matter to the airline company though, within an hour we were on another flight destined for Madrid. We arrived in Madrid at roughly 10:00 pm with our backpacks and nowhere to stay. We caught a train to the city and wondered for a place to sleep. After approaching many back alley hostels, we finally found one cheap enough at the top of a pitchblack circular staircase off the main street. The vibe was eerie to say the least. The next day we headed for the small northeastern town of Pamplona for the San Fermin festival. Nearly all trains were sold out, but luckily we found one and hopped on a 3-hour ride through the Spanish Countryside. We arrived in Pamplona with no place to stay, but soon were approached by numerous locals looking to rent out a small mattress in their apartment. We accepted one offer, went to the guys house to unload our bags, and took off into to the festival. We walked the streets and drank until the late hours of the night. Meeting new people with every conversation, we had a large network of drinking friends together in no time. Within hours of the arriving, we were chanting and getting rowdy with entire bars of people. Before I knew it, I was shaking hands and cheering beers with the president of Real Madrid. My friend and I got split up sometime during the night, and I ended up sleeping on the streets with my camera and all my identification. I woke up in the morning by some Americans claiming that I had been robbed. I was a little unsure of what was going on. One minute I was partying with a bunch 15
How to Run Running with the bulls is very dangerous and should be taken seriously. It is highly advised to watch the running of the bulls multiple times to ensure you are prepared. Anyone can participate in the run; there are no waivers or sign-ups. After the streets are cleared, and the route is constructed, the police will patrol the street and block off dangerous sections of the course. At this time, the public is allowed to join on the street. There are multiple sections to choose from, and deciding where to start is a personal choice.
of people in a bar, and the next thing I knew, I was sleeping alone in a Spanish courtyard. I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have any plans, and lost my friend, so I just decided to tag along with the guys that woke me up as they ran for the entrance of the bull running. I got my spot on the street that was fortified with two thick wood fences, and policed heavily until the start of the run. No cameras were allowed on the run, but I had a DSLR tucked underneath my shirt. I was fine for a few minutes but then I was pulled off by a police officer who told me I couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t run with my camera. I was determined to do the running, so I looked at some people sitting on the fence. An older lady had been watching the situation and we made eye contact. I handed her my camera and jumped back on the street. I got my place towards the beginning of the run. It was funny standing there because here I was waiting for bulls to start running at me and all I could think about was how several hours before, I helped a drunk guy do a back flip off one of the fence poles. The rocket exploded and signaled the bulls had been released. I sat there waiting to see the bulls coming and I never really noticed any, but as the
crowd started running I did too. I jumped up onto a fence after looking back and seeing everyone else do the same. Several other people knocked me around when I saw that a bull had slipped and slammed a guy into the fence just 10 feet away. I held on tight as the bull got up and ran with the herd, and felt lucky it passed me. That was the end of my run; I ran about 20 feet and jumped onto a fence. Shortly after I had heard news a runner had been seriously hurt. I was scared. I kept wondering if it was my friend. Eight hours later I finally met up with Ben. I was excited to see he was alive and also to hear that he had done the running too. I later found out that the runner I heard about was not only injured, he died. The bull involved was the one who rammed a man into the fence next to me on my run. I spent the next five days of the trip drinking, stealing Internet from a local hotel and looking for places to sleep. On the second to last day I found a 6x4 color photo of myself on the back page of the newspaper. I was sleeping on the sidewalk curled up to my backpack. 19
The Awe of aina One of Oahu’s Last Ahupua’a Shows All
By Cheyanna Donaldson Photos by Roald
Flying into Honolulu can give many the idea that Waikiki creates the rhythm and beat of Oahu, and while it does create its own sound, its breath can only truly be felt amongst the natural elements. Hawaii provides our senses with an array of vegetation and an exquisite number of species that in some cases can only be found in Waimea Valley. This 1800-acre valley extends down from the uka through the kula and out to the kai offering more than meets the eye. With more than 5,500 species of tropical plants native to Hawaii, as well as other pacific island regions, you’re able to see the native land division and various zones that once provided the resources pertinent for native Hawaiian’s daily lives. Birds, bugs and beautiful flowers greet you on a seemingly endless path through the continually changing landscapes of “one of Oahu’s last partially intact ahupua’a.” With endemic plants being invaded on other parts of the island, Waimea Valley does an immaculate job of preserving what is native to Oahu. You may look at the vegetation outside of Waimea Valley and see that it is truly very beautiful, but not all of what you see originates from our soil. Waimea Valley strives to keep the native plants and birds of Hawaii flourishing for years to come. This valley is a place of peace and safety, and as a pu’uhonua, a certain degree of reverence and respect is in order. To help keep every ahupua’a thriving and 20
self-sustaining, a high level of fresh water is needed, and when it rains on the windward side, the water falls pound. At the end of this lustrous valley is trickling falls, the native sacred Waihi Falls. Crystal clear water provides a vivid view of what’s underneath, but the muddy bottom fogs your vision of the base. The waters are a little cold, but well worth a swim through the sacred waters of Waihi. Native Hawaiians have argued in the past that this is too sacred of a place to allow visitors, but as history would have it, things have changed. It is advised that swimming here be done cautiously and reverently as to not disturb the lizard goddess, mo’o. Mo’o is a type of Kihawahine who guards the fresh water springs that give life to plants and animals. It’s about a half-hour walk straight to the falls, but with the immaculate distractions on the way you can’t see all Waimea Valley has to offer in just one day. It’s a lot of labor to keep endangered species thriving, but the stewards and employees of Hi’ipaka, LLC do a great job of preserving the endemic and indigenous plants and animals of Hawaii. We stand in awe at the kai with her pounding waves and surging tides, but an equally moving experience on aina can be found in the lush wanderings at Waimea Valley.
north shore Artist
heather brown Expands Her Horizons
Written by J.M.T
do not have to leave. These are the times when I can see the light at each minute of the day, the ocean’s moods, and the wild parrots flying overhead. There’s just so much happening all around. It’s the most beautiful place in the world.”
Pipe Dreams - Original was 24x36 acrylic on canvas, Limited edition giclees of 100 are available in multiple sizes
Inspired by Hawaii’s natural beauty, Heather Brown is an artist who embraces her Island home. A resident of Oahu’s North Shore, she moved to Hawaii twelve years ago to pursue art as a full time career. Heather tells me, “The North Shore is my sanctuary. I love the weeks that go by when I
Tropical Paradise - Original was 30x30 acrylic on canvas, Limited edition giclees of 100 are available in multiple sizes
Under the Surf - Original is 30”x30” acrylic on canvas in Artist Private Collection
more people around the world.” Heather’s abilities reach beyond canvas and paint. Her designs grace the fashion industry and show that her versatile appeal is an attractive asset to her success. As the artist of the Search for Rip Curl, she appreciates the opportunity to reach out to markets beyond art collectors and enthusiasts. “The people at Rip Curl both here in the USA and the contacts in Europe have been so positive about my art and give me such creative latitude. I just really love being a part of such a great company. They have opened the doors to so many people around the world to see my art, which has been instrumental in the growth of my career.”
Haleiwa Wa’a - Original is 24”x36” acrylic on canvas, limited edition prints on sugar cane paper available
Heather primarily works in a studio near her home where she has plenty of space to paint, screen print, block print, and create linocut projects. With a simple goal to “make people smile,” she attributes her inspirational pieces to the support of her loving family. “I was blessed with a family that was supportive of the arts. Many of my relatives are/were artists, and my husband and I work together which makes everyday life so much more fun.” Her eye-catching paintings capture colorful ocean and surf themes by using a vibrant blue and green color scheme. She feels, “if they [viewers] are able to take a minute out of their busy days and glance over at a piece of my art that stirs a memory about their vacation to Hawaii, I feel that I have done a good job. I want to continue to share these feelings with more and
Keeping a relaxed lifestyle when not working, she is able to enjoy the simple pleasures in life. Surfing is a passion she takes advantage of when not in the studio. She loves to “paddle out and spend time in the ocean catching waves, socializing, and soaking up the natural beauty that surrounds Hawaii.” Out of the water, she spends time gardening with her pets and chickens, constantly gathering inspiration for her next piece.
Waikiki - Original is 30”x40” acrylic on canvas, limited edition of 100 giclees available
Heather was one of the featured artists who designed the poster for the 2011
Greenroom Festival of Music, Surf, and Art in Japan. She will unveil two new special limited edition pieces that will be exclusive to the Wyland Galleries on July 9, 2011 at the Wyland Gallery in Haleiwa, and on July 10, 2011 at the Wyland Gallery in Waikiki. Prints, cards, and her new clothing line High Tide are available at Strong Current, Global Creations, and Deep Ecology all located in Haleiwa, The Greenroom Gallery in Waikiki, The Surf Garage in University, Na Mea Hawaiian Bookstores and Mu’umu’u Heaven in Kailua to name a few. For a complete list of locations, please visit her website at www.heatherbrownart.com.
Wahine He’e Nalu - Original was 24x30 acrylic on canvas, Limited edition giclees of 100 are available in multiple sizes
“I want to continue to share these feelings with more and more people around the world.” - Heather Brown
history floats in, out
and all about King Kamehameha Hotel Stands Tall in The Face of the Tsunami
Here on Oahu we missed a large part of the damage caused by the recent tsunami, but on our other islands, things were a lot different. Waves washed up far enough to push water down the halls and into the winding lobby of the King Kamehameha Hotel on the Big Island, practically destroying and moving everything in it’s path.
By Cheyanna Donaldson Photos by Roald
Fish in your hotel, it sounds cool right? Kalei Villacorte, security at King Kam Hotel, exclaims that “…at first it was cool, but then I started to think about what else could be swimming in the hotel, like sharks, and I got out quick!” With the waves rushing down the hallways and into the south foyer, anything that was in the bay was, by now, in the hotel. What was left in the hotel was a different story.
The very sturdy and very heavy Mahoe canoe- champion Kona racing canoe normally displayed in the hallway facing the ocean, was found floating in the front lobby. Along with the famous canoe were a few more canoes from the Balboa Angling Club, as well as a lot of hotel furniture. King Kam houses the largest marlin to date weighing in at 1,166 pounds. It is a heavy structure to move, not for the kai, but definitely for hotel staff who found it floating on the opposite side of its origin. The water rose just under three feet high, extremely close to Herb Kane’s art collection. Holding his largest collection of prints, Kane’s art and history is a large part of Hawaii’s cultural preservation. King Kamehameha Hotel wants to be sure it is protected for future generations to view. We all know the kai is powerful, but we are scarcely able to imagine its damaging capabilities unless seen first hand. Although no one was injured during this tsunami, King Kam took every precaution to get guests to safety. The tsunami issued a lot of damage covering the beach, the pier, through the hotel and then out to the parking lot. After suffering a fire in the housekeeping department in 2010, and water damage of the tsunami shortly following, King Kam has been in need of high spirits and by the looks of the new reconstruction, they’re sure to get it. To be completed in early September, King Kamehameha Hotel will feature a new lobby with all new décor focused on the landscape of Hawaii: carpet that coincides with our erupting volcano, and floras and faunas endemic to our islands. A new fitness room and spa have been added and after a relaxing day there, you can head over to their restaurant to enjoy ono grindz by the beach. If you’re coming to King Kam for work, they have all you need with enlightening meeting rooms. Sticking with their desire to support the preservation of Hawaiian culture, a self-guided cultural center with Kane’s books and paintings is on display to keep history and entertainment as available as their new sandy white beaches. 33
The Wolfhounds Compassion in Peace, Fierce in Battle By Aaron Ohama Photos by Keoki
We have all been asked a question that we thought we knew the answer to, but after thinking for a moment about it, realized we didn’t. “Tell me one good thing good that has ever come out of war?” My immediate reaction was to respond with numerous examples of great things that were gained as a result of war. There were so many that I wouldn’t even know where to start. I took a moment to think about how the rest of this conversation was going to play out. It would ping pong back and forth with different views, and points, the conversation would stray and eventually end without any answers. No, this one would need to be answered with a very specific example of good that came out of war. I looked back and prepared to deliver my profound example of goodness that could not be denied. I squinted my left eye, and pushed my cheek up with the corner of my mouth while sucking air through my teeth and answered; “well, um, I know there’s something.” The moment to shine had passed, I had nothing. It became my goal to find an answer to this question. “Nec Aspera Terrent” translates to “Frightened by no Difficulties.” This is the motto of the 27th Infantry Regiment, the “Wolfhounds.” The word “Aspera” is 34
Latin for “work” or “difficulty” and “Terrent” for “fear,” the same root as “terror.” My first thought was that this was referring to a difficult time in battle or a “no fear” attitude in combat. The Wolfhounds have proven themselves to be “Fierce in Battle” dating back to World War 1 serving in Siberia in 1918. Stationed in Hawaii, they were some of the first to fire back at attacking Japanese war planes during Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor. There is no doubt the Wolfhounds are “Frightened by no Difficulties” but the translated word “work” stood out in my mind. Work by definition is the effort applied to produce or accomplish a task. The Wolfhound’s story is that of endless effort to continue a tradition of compassion and kindness without fear of difficulty. World War II ended in Japan on August 15th 1945 and left the country in a pitiful situation. Among the debris, and carnage were many orphaned children that were left to endure the aftermath of a war they were too young to understand. Sergeant Hugh O’Reilly of the Wolfhounds visited the “Holy Family Home Orphanage” to plan a Christmas party for the children, but what he found was heartbreaking. Sergeant O’Reilly recalls, “Children were living in three abandoned temporary
Japanese army barracks, and they weren’t in very good condition. Leaky roofs, windows broken out, dirt floors, the condition of the children themselves was heartrending. This was four years after the war, and penicillin and sulfold existed, but were not available to the orphanage, they didn’t have the money for it, they didn’t even have enough money for food. So we had children who had been born for example with social diseases, and were not treated. They were wearing rags, there wasn’t enough heat, I don’t think I can tell you anymore without becoming rather emotional.” Sergeant O’Reilly took up a collection the following payday for the orphanage and raised $143.00. By the next payday members of the regiment were all aware of the plight of the orphans, and went on to adopt the orphanage. Six months later the Wolfhounds were again called upon to the war in Korea. Sergeant O’Reilly was concerned that the needs of the orphanage would be forgotten during the war, but to his surprise donations increased averaging $3,000 a month. Soldiers crawled from fox hole to fox hole taking collections in a helmet for the orphanage in Japan. More than 50 years later the spirt of the Wolfhounds remains the same, a story unlike any other in the history of the United States Army. The Wolfhounds relationship is the longest ongoing relationship between to former enemy nations. “I think that as long as there will be a Wolfhound regiment, the tradition will continue, there’s a distinctive spirit among the Wolfhounds, something that I haven’t been able to see anywhere else. As you know it’s a unique unit, it’s been unique in combat, and it’s been unique in this tradition. No other military unit anywhere in the world has ever continued something like this for so long, and I can’t see it ever ending. Once a man becomes a Wolfhound he becomes part of a tradition he refuses to give up.”-Mr. Hugh O’Reilly 36
From Sunburn to Suntan
Island Secret Burn-To-Brown Cooling Gel 37
BJ PENN FIGHTING FOR something bigger Written by Jeremy Neal Photos by Roald
What does it mean to be a professional fighter? Does it mean that you have to spend every day of your life constantly training, trying to stay in shape for when your next fight comes? Yeah. Does it mean that you must put your body at risk every time you spend, what outsiders view as minutes in an octagon, but you know to be just another day at the office? Yeah, that too. But what does it really mean to be a fighter, aside
from the physical aspects of what the job entails? If we didn’t know the answer to this question before, we do now after being fortunate enough to sit down with B.J. Penn—one of UFC’s most legendary, successful, and well-known fighters worldwide, and talk to him at his parents Hilo home, not only about fighting inside the octagon, but also what he is fighting for outside of it.
“...sometimes you have to fight injured, but it’s like turbulence on an airplane, you can’t worry about it, what you gonna do?” - B.J. Penn
Arriving at his Parents home, we were greeted by a very welcoming Jay Dee Penn, father of B.J., and began to talk about his life as a child. B.J. is the third youngest out of four brothers, all but the youngest named Jay Dee, after their father. As one could imagine, living in a family with three other brothers around you, learning how to scrap comes with the territory. But even with the everyday scuffles that young boys do get into, B.J., at that age, “just wasn’t that in to it.” It wasn’t until a neighborhood man came by, saw the boys and approached their father about training them that his passion was fueled. He tells us, “I really wasn’t that in to fighting, but this guy was bugging my dad so much, that one day dad told us we had to go, just to get this guy off his back.” Little did he know, this training would help define him. Now, as an adult, it is easy to see the strong influence that family has had, and still does hold over B.J. in everything he does and everything he is fighting for. His father and mother’s influence and recognition of what martial arts can do towards youth development have become something that is at the forefront of B.J.’s passions. The Penn Hawaii Youth Foundation, organized by Lorraine Shin, B.J.’s own mother, and Tom Callos, the very man who sparked the passion in B.J. as a youngster, is using the same concept and values that molded B.J. as a child, to help positively mold the rest of Hawaii’s youth. Using martial arts training, learning discipline, instilling a sense of being and belonging, and mentoring Hawaii’s youth in order to give back to the place that gave to him, have all proven to be things that B.J. has definitely found to be well worth fighting for. And now, the father of a baby girl for two and a half years, B.J.’s youth connection has grown even stronger. B.J. Penn’s connection to Hawaii though, is not just through our youth. On Oahu, plans are underway to build a state of the art BJ Penn/UFC gym at the former location of Pipeline café in Kakaako. This will be the first UFC gym of its kind with its association to a single fighter, and also the first UFC gym located outside of California. When talking about the gym, B.J. stated the importance of making sure that if his name was associated with it, his contribution is critical. He is trying 42
to be able to take some of the values that are displayed at Penn Hawaii Youth Foundation, through community involvement, and youth assistance, and bring them here to Oahu with the UFC on his side. B.J. has also recently reached out to Governor Neil Abercrombie about the possibility of bringing UFC fights here to Oahu in the future. Penn stated, “Governor Abercrombie is on board to help, but the problem is finding the right venue to hold it in.” One of the options discussed is the possibility of covering the top of Aloha Stadium in order to accommodate a UFC caliber show. Economically this would be a huge win for Hawaii and would guarantee to make many of its residents proud. Though B.J. Penn has a very busy schedule with his fight training and community projects, he too enjoys his down time. Despite the fact that he is admittedly “addicted to training,” when he does have time away, he likes to just cruise at the beach, or hang out with his family. When asked about where he likes to spend his “off time,” he said “I really don’t go out much, I’d much rather chill at home and watch TV.” Even while it’s very hard in any profession to balance “work” and “play,” B.J. realizes the importance of that stability. “I keep most of my training in the gym, but when I’m not training, sometimes it’s good to just get away.” Being a fighter doesn’t always go hand-in-hand with violence. Actually, the discipline it takes to be a fighter at the level of B.J. Penn is just the opposite. You must stay cool, calm, collected, stay poised, keep your chin down, but your head up. We were honored at Local Hawaii Magazine to be able to see firsthand that this person who represents our Islands in every fight he takes on, whether in the octagon or through the community, is just that—a true fighter. There is no injury to great to keep a fighter from his goal, and like B.J. says, “sometimes you have to fight injured, but it’s like turbulence on an airplane, you can’t worry about it, what you gonna do?” To assist his fight or learn more about B.J. Penn or the Penn Hawaii Youth Foundation, visit bjpenn.com or pennyouth.ning.com.
home video game
Video game systems have come a long way in a relatively short period of time. The early days of Pong and Pac-man paved the way for some unbelievable interactive gaming systems that continue to out do each other. This month we take a look back on a few of the heavy hitters that made their mark in the progression of visual, interactive, home entertainment.
evolution In Less Than 40 Years, They’ve Taken Over
As Witnessed by Ohama
Atari’s Pong arcade game was so popular in 1973 that they decided to market it as a home console in 1975.
1977 Atari 2600 Coleco Vision licensed Nintendo’s Donkey Kong as the official pack in cartridge to boost popularity. By 1982 Coleco had sold more than 500,000 units.
Nintendo entered into negotiations with Atari to release the Nintendo Advanced Video Gaming System under Atari’s name, but the deal fell apart when Atari’s executives discovered Nintendo’s release of Donkey Kong with it’s competitor ColecoVision. In 1985 Nintendo released the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), the best selling gaming console in history as of 2009.
1982 Coleco Vision
Sega Genesis released in North America in 1989 to compete with NES claiming a more arcade like experience. Using an aggressive marketing approach aimed at Nintendo, the Mega Drive coined the slogans “Gotta get Genesis” and “Genesis does what Nintendon’t.” It wasn’t until Sega replaced the bundled game, Altered Beast with Sonic the Hedgehog that sales finally took off.
1985 NES
Super NES was Nintendo’s answer to the Genesis, updating the sound and graphics kept sales about even between the rivals. Releasing Capcom’ Street Fighter II put Nintendo ahead in the console wars.
1989 Sega Mega Drive/Genesis
1990 Super NES 44
Sony Playstation released in December of 2004 using CD-ROM based games that cost less to manufacture than Sega and Nintendo’s cartridge games. Sony’s lower price point made the Playstation consoles the first to reach 100 million units.
Nintendo 64 released in 1996 still using cartridge games limiting space and increasing the system’s cost. The 64 failed to surpass Sony’s Playstation. Cartridge game costs were $3.50 compared to a disc price of $0.35.
1994 Playstation
1996 Nintendo 64 Sega Dreamcast turned out to be the last ho-rah for their home console business. Lasting less than two years and taking about that long to load a game, this one should have been Pipe Dreamcast.
Playstation2 released in 2000 offering the use of memory cards, a vibrating dual shock controller, and the ability to play CD-ROM and DVD-ROM. As of January 2011 Playstation is the best selling console of all time selling more than 150 million.
1998 Sega Dreamcast
Nintendo GameCube moved from cartridge games to disc, but fell short, opting for a mini DVD instead of full sized DVDs. The cube did not offer DVD video playback or audio playback like the competitors that used full size optical discs.
2000 Playstation 2 Xbox was Windows first official attempt at the home gaming console, Releasing in November 2001, it was short lived and discontinued in 2006.
2001Nintendo Gamecube
Xbox360, NintendoWii, and Playstation3 bring us to our current game console choices, all offering similar add-ons that move us closer to controller-free gaming.
2005 Xbox360
2006 Wii
2001 Xbox
2006 PS3
So... What does the future hold for the home gaming systems? Think about this. Sony’s Discman, Blockbuster video, Tower Records, all based on optical disc sales which had to be bought and then inserted into a player to enjoy. The same company that killed the Discman with the ipod is now providing games that are free, or almost free and can be instantly downloaded to a device you most likely already own. We may be looking at the last generation of home gaming consoles right here. 45
stuffwelike Brought to you by
#2 5 Things That Just Might
Keep You Up At NIght
#1 Firewinder LED Windlight A great way to enjoy a night on the porch using only the power of the wind. Made from recycled materials and 100% powered by the wind, this is the greenest way to put on a light show. Watch the light patterns change depending on the strength of the breeze.
#2 Star Wars Plush with Sound Does a plush toy that makes noise ever get old? Each one makes the noise you’d expect it to, but you will find yourself pushing the button over and over because maybe the next one will say something different. Or maybe that’s just me after too many Molecular cocktails.
#3 Molecular Cocktails Starter Kit Ready to take your cocktail to the next level? Well look no further, now you can make your drink glow in the dark, smoke, turn to jelly, and get creative with textures. Impress your friends with new and creative presentations using flavorless chemicals that thicken, color, and stabilize your Hawaiian Vodka into new forms.
#4 Batman Money Clip
This money clip is no “Joker.” The feel of real stuff that you would expect batman’s stuff to be made of. You can own this without putting a “Harvey Dent” in your wallet. Remember it’s always good to have cash in case the bank decides to “Mr. Freeze” your ATM card. Don’t forget “Two-Face” your bills.
#5 Metal Inkless Micro Pen Has carrying a pen in your pocket become a real chore for you? Tired of never having anything to write with when you need it? Do you find that regular size pens are always poking you in the eye? Well not anymore, this inkless micro pen fits on your keychain for use in phone number emergencies, and because there is no ink, your pocket is safe. It’s micro size lets you get really close to the paper to see what you’re writing without the danger of impaling your cornea.
PLUGGED IN Try These On For Size
By Justin Acohido
Mortal Kombat Xbox 360 and PS3 Warner Bros. Interactive 4/19/11 “M.K.” represents the proper way to rework a timeless arcade classic into a top-notch modern console fighter that stands on its own. You do that by taking it back to a 2-D fighting plane where games of this genre belong and use all current technological advancements to enhance control capabilities and game play. Add to the recipe a character roster that spans several bloody generations, cutting edge graphics and sound, and of course the trademark uber gory “Fatality” finishing moves, and you’ve just baked yourself some serious brownies worthy of an original namesake. Pros: Everything noteworthy of its predecessors with extra sauce. Online multiplayer is also a nice touch. Blood. Cons: Unfair A.I. at times. Bosses and higher-level opponents are unaturally hard with their boosted immunity to attacks. Opinion: This game kicks the competition right in the junk...then disembowels it, ties its intestines into a noose and hangs it with its own entrails (all while simultaneously freezing it from the waist down and setting the rest on fire). 48
Dirt 3 Xbox 360 and PS3 Codemasters 5/24/11 “Dirt 3” takes the rally racing genre to the next level with the addition of Gymkhana events where you display your freestyle driving skills like drift sliding through tight gaps, jumping stuff, and doing doughnuts. Pros: Sweet looking graphics and killer sound effects along with smooth polished controls make for a great time behind the wheel. It’s a video game so you can drive as drunk as you see fit! Cons: Career mode takes a dump on your soul by dropping key components from previous “Dirt” titles that added a sense of realism to the whole experience, such as paying out of your own pocket for vehicle damage repairs as needed between races. Opinion: This game is a blast to play especially if you can get your hands on a force-feedback steering wheel peripheral to do it with. Although you may be left with some residual depression after realizing that you’ll never be able to afford doing this stuff in real life.
Michael Jackson The Experience Xbox 360 Kinect Ubisoft 4/12/11 Dude it’s a freaking game that has you singing and dancing on stage as the King of Pop yo!!! I don’t know but it may just beat your bathroom mirror and empty toilet paper tube microphone with the ghetto blaster bumping “Billy Jean” in the background...? Pros: Did I mention that it’s a game that has you singing and dancing on stage as the King of Pop? Super fun multiplayer modes that generally result in hilarious and embarrassing photos. Moonwalking. Cons: Some cuts don’t offer the choice to either sing or dance or both. Difficulty levels are set in stone per track so there will be no adjusting the freakiness on “Thriller” cause it’s too hard to master. Opinion: Stop being ignorant and go buy it already! This game is a must have for true fans...especially young vulnerable children fans. (Too soon?) 49
Theaters heat up This July
By Jessie Bristow
Too See or not Too See DVD Previews by Jessie Bristow
Limitless Release: July 19, 2011 Imagine using all your abilities to your full potential, and succeeding in every possible way. Bradley Cooper stars as a lacking writer who stumbles upon NZT, a drug that allows him to successfully do everything he wants. Every drug has its side effects, and this film takes you along the gripping path of his fortunes and survival; an original film that makes you want to watch it again and again.
Captain America: The First Avenger Release: July 22, 2011
Chris Evans is back as Captain America. Originally Fantastic Four’s Human Torch and Johnny Storm, Evans gets the opportunity to have the lead role as America’s World War II comic hero. Marvel continues to put out their franchise of classics. With Joe Johnston as director (October Sky, Jumanji, Hidalgo), and Hugo Weaving as The Red Skull villain, this film could be another blockbuster or could sit on the sidelines with the 2006 Superman Returns or the 2003 Daredevil.
Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part II Release: July 15, 2011
Ten years in the making since the first Harry Potter film, the muchanticipated finale is here. Harry, Hermione, and Ron return to finish what they started, and Harry has to face Voldemort to complete his quest. Director David Yates has taken the series since Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Part II of The Deathly Hallows will be the film of the summer, and the world will be waiting to see if the movie can live up to the book’s expectations.
Rango Release: July 15, 2011 Join Johnny Depp as he voices the character of Rango, an out of place chameleon lost in a Mojave Desert town. Quickly noticed as not belonging, Rango finds the challenge of being the town’s last hope for justice. Directed by Gore Verbinkski, the successful man behind the first three Pirates of the Caribbean, this film is sure to be enjoyed with family and friends.
Horrible Bosses
Release: July 8, 2011 Fed up with their bosses to a point where murder is becoming their only option, three friends (Jason Bateman, Jason Sudeikis, and Charlie Day) plot to take them out one at a time. Kevin Spacey and Colin Farrell play jerks of bosses, and Jennifer Aniston goes against her stereotypical role of good girl to play a seductive sexy dentist. With a “Hangover” type style of ruckus, this film gives off the feel of a lot of fun and laughs.
Friends With Benefits Release: July 22, 2011
A cute film that fits the cookie cutter romantic comedy, Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis star together playing two characters that are emotionally unavailable, and just want to keep their relationship physical with nothing else. No Strings Attached with Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman came out earlier in January 2011, so if you already saw that film, don’t waste your money at the box office on this one. 50
Insidious Release: July 12, 2011 A family try’s to save their son from demented spirits and from being trapped in another realm of evil. Starring a small cast of Patrick Wilson, Rose Byrne, and Ty Simpkins, but directed by James Wan who has wrote for most of the SAW series, gives it some potential. A good-looking horror film with some cheap scares to keep everyone entertained.
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This is
Local Ingredients Promote Change
Written and Photos by Haein Park
There’s nothing like a good picnic, or a much needed visit to Town, to make an already gorgeous summer day all the more fabulous. Though there are an ample number of restaurants I love and frequent, and even more that I’m still dying to try (I’m late, but Marukame Udon, Yakitori Yoshi, Sushi Sasabune, Nanzan GiroGiro, Le Bistro, Broadway, and Cream Pot, are just a few); I must say Town is definitely one of my favorites. A winsome little spot quietly located in Kaimuki, Town has an unpresumptuous demeanor and exudes a rustic ambiance with modish flare (i.e. their camouflaging cabin-esque exterior with industrial stainless steel chairs and tables). Their food focus is on locally-grown or locally-available produce, their slogan being “local first, organic whenever possible, with Aloha always.” With their seasonally updated menu, there are always fresh and magical choices to accentuate the best that bountiful Hawaii has to offer. Their menu reads like a list of ingredients, all very simple and clean. Town assembles the freshest ingredients of right here and right now so that their purest flavors are preserved, brought forth, and naturally enhanced in unadulterated dishes. Their salad of ma’o organic lettuces with pancetta, grape tomatoes, manchego, and walnuts exemplifies this perfectly. It is a harmonious symphony of natural, complementing flavors. Their hand-cut pasta and kuahuwi grass-fed 52
burger (served alongside the most wildly addictive french fries, ever) are also a must-try. While the prices may be somewhat on the steeper side, they are more than reasonable when considering the quality of work employed in being one of Hawaii’s leaders in advocating “Local FIRST” in the food and beverage industry, in addition to the quality of thought and preparation evident in their culinary execution. This is especially important since as citizens and inhabitants of this island-state, we need to begin re-evaluating our priorities for a more sustainable economy. Particularly for Hawaii, we’re only 15% food secure at best. That obviously isn’t very “secure” given the fact that we live in the middle of an ocean, and if our outsourced food supply were to be cut off at any given time, our on-hand supply would deplete in a matter of days. The unfortunate aspect of this dilemma is that farmers in Hawaii pay a high price to produce food and do not have economies of scale to equally compete with the nominal prices of imported produce and food. Therefore, in order for these humble farms to remain viable in this noxious economy, there needs to be a change in the seemingly immutable industry in addition to our personal daily lives. This is what Town admirably aims to do - talk about food for thought!
12,000 Barrels of Beer on the wall If You Take One Down and Pass it Around, You’ll Have to Add to the Brewery’s Recipe Box Ale, lager or stout, whatever your choice brew may be, Kona Brewing Company has a beer to fit your mood. The only brewery to pour out Liquid Aloha, Kona is dedicated to maintaining quality taste with the experimentation of Hawaiian vegetation. Each beer is crafted with care and designed specially by Kona’s expert brew craftsmen. Recognizing their efforts and success, the Craft Brewer’s Alliance is strengthening their relationship with Kona to help them reach their full potential. This alliance will help Kona branch out to more consumers, and build a stronger organization with even more varieties to choose from, which of course means more delicious beer for us. From Da Grind Buzz Coffee Stout’s zesty zing, to the smooth, velvety Bourbon Barrel-aged Lavaman Red, Kona has crafted a brew to quench anyone’s thirst. The famous Longboard Island Lager and Castaway IPA are two favorites enjoyed by visitors and locals year-round, along with the popular Wailua Wheat and Pipeline Porter. Eleven beers are always on tap and there are dozens of seasonal brews to choose from throughout the year, like their Hawaiian Chili Pepper Porter. 12,000 barrels of beer are brewed every year, one batch at a time with the utmost care, 54
By Cheyanna Donaldson Photos by Roald
but its not just beer that is made in Kona Brewery. If it’s grindz you seek, ono you will find. Kona offers an extensive food menu ranging from the popular Puako Pie pizza, made to order Pepperoni Rolls, Imu Pork sandwich and more. The spent-grain bread used in various menu items is made daily to create a distinct flavor and texture, and promotes their hand crafted brewing philosophy in the kitchen. Kona Brewing extends their Go Green campaign to the community by donating grains and other such waste to local farmers and agricultural establishments. Solar panels allow the sun to keep the brewery charged and lit to cook up barrels and barrels of delicious aloha. Not just in liquid form, Kona displays aloha with community support, participating in local events and focusing on reducing their impact on the environment. The Brewery is located on the Big Island where guests have the opportunity to take tours of the facility and learn about the process and work that goes into each barrel of flavor. On Oahu, visitors can enjoy these exceptional brews and food at the Koko Marina Pub located in Hawaii Kai.
“Why wouldn’t you try our beans?”
www.shanghaikonacoast.com 55
Fish Auction
The University of Hawaii at Manoa works to build a community of sustainability At 5 o’clock in the morning, before the sun begins to rise over the eastern Pacific Ocean, only a handful of commuters dot Nimitz Highway on their way to work in downtown Honolulu. Take a detour to Pier 38, and you’ll find not only an overflowing parking lot, but also a few dozen men in fatigued jackets and thigh-high boots, smoking what would seem to already be their second round of cigarettes for the day. Just another typical day at work for the fishermen of the Honolulu Fishing Village. Accounting for about 72% of the local fish sold on O’ahu, the Hawai’i Fish and Seafood Industry has been located at Pier 38 since 2004. Bells chime at 5:30 a.m. to signal the start of this morning’s auction. Hundreds of yellowfin and bluefin tuna, opah, swordfish, mahimahi, and marlin line the gigantic refrigerated warehouse, kept at a cool 60 degrees, each already labeled and gently sliced at the tail end to display the deep, fresh red meat inside. “On a good day like today, we’ll sell about 30,000 pounds of fish,” says Brooks Takenaka, assistant general manager of the United Fishing Agency, “which means close to $250,000.” At one end of the warehouse is a small group of booted men, each of whom works for either a fish market or restaurant here on O’ahu, scoping out today’s selection. In moments, the auction is underway, and as the auctioneer blurts out numbers in rapid succession, a mere raising of the eyebrows or small grunt signifies a bid.
Written and Photos by Mimi Palmore
A yellowfin tuna is sold for $800 in less than five seconds. The next in line, seemingly of similar size and freshness, sells for only $500. Though these men know precisely how much a fish is worth just by glancing at the color of its meat, it is difficult for the common bystander to differentiate between one fish and the next. Color contrast in the meat is by far the most telling factor of a fish’s freshness, but even the fashion by which it was caught can determine its tenderness, making the difference between sashimi and stir-fry. Fish that are caught in the old-fashioned, hook-and-reel method are, for the most part, of poor quality. Because of the stress induced on the animal moments before death, its blood reaches such a high temperature that if not properly cooled on the boat, the fish will literally burn on the inside, causing the meat to cook before its even reached the auction. Today, most fish are caught in a much less abrasive fashion; by leaving miles of hooked line deep in the ocean, the fish merely chomp down and are caught instantly - the fishermen just have to slowly reel them up. “We take real pride in our work,” says Takenaka, “and the captains who treat their workers well end up with the best product.” As the sun finally begins to peak over the mountains, reaching the edge of the pier, the purchased fish are covered with mounds of ice and loaded up into various trucks and vans, eventually making their way to hungry Hawaiian mouths.
JuLY2011Calendar Kona Brewing Company
Heather Brown Art
Happy Hour, Monday thru Friday
(Featured on Pages 24-29)
3:00 pm- 6:00 pm $3 Kona Draft Beers, ½ off selected Pupus
@ Wyland Galleries in Waikiki
July 10th July 9th
@ Wyland Galleries in Haleiwa
First Friday Honolulu Downtown Gallery Walk @ Chinatown, Honolulu 5:00 pm- 9:00 pm
Live music every Friday Night Local Musicians @ Hard Rock Cafe Honolulu 10:00 pm, 21+
Aloha Salads Summer Sprint 10K Run, 20K & 40K Mountain Bike Races, 800/1600m Swim Races @ Kualoa Ranch www.freedomefesthawaii.com
Tailgate at the Hawaii Polo Matches @ Mokuleia Polo Field Gates open at 10:00 am $10 Admission ($8 military, seniors, students)
3 sun
Aloha Salads Summer Sprint 10K Run, 20K & 40K Mountain Bike Races, 800/1600m Swim Races @ Kualoa Ranch www.freedomefesthawaii.com
Tailgate at the Hawaii Polo Matches @ Mokuleia Polo Field Gates open at 10:00 am $10 Admission ($8 military, seniors, students)
4 mon
Turtle Bay Resort 4th of July Celebration Entertainment and Fireworks @ Turtle Bay (808) 293-6053
Ala Moana Center 4th of July Spectacular Fireworks @ Ala Moana Center, Magic Island, 8:30 pm (808) 955-9517
5 tue
1 fri
2 sat
9 sat
Heather Brown Art @ Wyland Galleries in Haleiwa www.heatherbrownart.com
Blue Scholars Concert @ The Loft, 18+ For more info contact essahawaii@hotmail.com
Youth Speaks Hawaii @ Mark’s Garage 3:00 pm, $3 admission
10 sun
Heather Brown Art @ Wyland Galleries in Waikiki www.heatherbrownart.com
Lava Lounge Happy Hour You call it Sundays, $3 drink of your choice @ Lava Rock Lounge 2330 Kalakaua Ave (808) 921-9978
11 mon
Pacific Handcrafters Guild Festival Art Festival @ Thomas Square Park www.pacificandcraftersguild.com
12 tue
US Open Synchronized Swimming Championships @ Duke Kahanamoku Aquatic Complex 8:00 am- 6:00 pm 1337 Lower Campus Rd., (UH Pool)
Giovanni Pastrami Happy hour. Free pizza slice with drink purchase 3:00 pm-5:00 pm M-F (808) 923-2100
13 wed
Soul By The Pound New Classic soul, funk, and R&B every Wednesday night @ Thirtyninehotel (808) 599-2552
6 wed
2Racks Rap Contest Hosted by Sellassie @ NextDoor, 21+ 8:00 pm $10 Admission
14 thu
Hula’s 37th Anniversary Comp Cocktails, free food, and live music @ Hula’s Bar and Lei Stand 134 Kapahulu Ave.
7 thu
Happy Hour Premiere Drink and Food Specials @ RumFire Waikiki 4:00 pm- 6:00 pm, 9:30 pm- 11:15 pm 2255 Kalakaua Ave www.rumfirewaikiki.com
15 fri
Golf Bytes Golf Tournament 2011 @ Honolulu County Club 10:00 am- 7:30 pm 1690 Ala Puumalu St.
BayFest 2011 Joe Nichols, Puddle of Mudd, Cecilio & Kapono, and Hoobastank @ Marine Corps Base, Kaneohe Bay www.bayfesthawaii.com
16 sat
Once-A-Month-Punk House of Flys sponsors local punk rock marathon 10:00 pm- 4:00 am @ Waikiki Sandbox, 21+ 2260 Kuhio Ave
Prince Lot Hula Festival Hula Exhibition @ Moanuala Gardens Foundation (808) 839-5334
8 fri
Kunoa, Vaihi, Boarderline Live Music, food, drinks @ Tiki’s Grill & Bar 6:00 pm www.tikisgrill.com
Firework Celebration @ Fireworks at Aloha Towers 8:45 pm, Free Admission
Ikaika Bodybuilding, Figure & Bikini Championships @ Neal S. Blaisdell 5:30 pm- 10:30 pm $45 Admission (808) 591-2211
Pacific Handcrafters Guild Festival Art Festival @ Thomas Square Park
DJ Jimmy Taco Top 40 Hip Hop, R&B, Dance Roof top party every Wednesday @ Dave & Busters 10:00 pm- 2:00 am
14th Annual Haleiwa Arts Festival Summer Event @ Historic Haleiwa Town, North Shore 10:00 am- 6:00 pm
BayFest 2011
Hawaiian Vodka Release Party
July 17th Joe Nichols, Puddle of Mudd, Cecilio & Kapono, and Hoobastank @ Marine Corps Base, Kaneohe Bay
July 22nd
@ Lava Rock Lounge 8pm, 21+ 2330 Kalakaua Ave
Lulu’s Waikiki Surf Club Industry Day 50% off food and drinks with an industry ID @ Lulu’s Waikiki, every Monday 7:00 am- close www.luluswaikiki.com
17 sun
14th Annual Haleiwa Arts Festival Summer Event @ Historic Haleiwa Town, North Shore 10:00 am- 6:00 pm
BayFest 2011 Joe Nichols, Puddle of Mudd, Cecilio & Kapono, and Hoobastank @ Marine Corps Base, Kaneohe Bay www.bayfesthawaii.com
25 mon
18 mon
Roy Sakuma Ukulele Festival Hawaiian Entertainment @ Kapiolani Park 9:30 am (808) 732-3739
Industry Night @ Lava Lounge every Monday 2330 Kalakaua Ave (808) 921-9978
26 tue
19 tue
Happy Hour Premiere Drink and Food Specials @ RumFire Waikiki 4:00 pm- 6:00 pm, 9:30 pm- 11:15 pm 2255 Kalakaua Ave www.rumfirewaikiki.com
27 wed
20 wed
The Pushovers Live music every Wednesday @Waikiki Sandbox, 21+ 2260 Kuhio Ave
28 thu
Rick Rock’s Thirsty Thursdays Drink Specials, music, dancing @ Zanzabar (808) 924- 3939
21 thu
Rick Rock’s Thirsty Thursdays Drink Specials, music, dancing @ Zanzabar (808) 924- 3939
29 fri
ArtafterDark @ The Honolulu Academy of Arts 6:00 pm- 9:00 pm
30 sat
JACO Chun’s to Waimea Swim Surf’n’Sea Series 1.6 mile swim @ Chun’s Reef www.hawaiiswim.com
31 sun
The 15th Annual Molokai 2 Oahu World Championships Race ends at Maunalua Bay www.molokai2oahu.com
22 fri
POWER HOUR Dollar Drinks @ Lava Rock Lounge 2330 Kalakaua Ave (808) 921-9978
23 sat
Summer Salsa in Paradise Featuring The Son Caribe Music, dancing, food, drinks @ Hard Rock Waikiki 10:30 pm, $20 Admission www.hardrock.com
24 sun
Honolulu Tinman Marathon and Race @ Queens Beach, Kapiolani Park, Diamond Head Road 5:30 am (808) 595-5317
Realm of Fate Hypersquad Dance Company Presents Heroes vs Villians @ McKinley High School Auditorium 1:00 pm, 6:00 pm, $15 General Seating, $20 VIP, $12 Matinee
The Avett Brothers with Kings of Spade Waterfront @Aloha Towers 7:00 pm The Pushovers Live music every Wednesday @Waikiki Sandbox, 21+ 2260 Kuhio Ave
If you’ve got events you’d like to see listed in our next issue or are interested in finding out more information about how you can get involved in promotions please email us at promote@localhawaiimag.com
@ night
When The Day Is Done, Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Time For Fun
Photos by Keoki
Soho Blackout Party with Superstar DJ Keoki & Miko, Special Thanks to Odinworks
Pearl - Beautiful Event with DJ MIKE D, Russell Tanoue, Miss Hawaii 60
MMA Expo with Governor Neil Abercrombie and Friends. Mahalos go out to to Jody Ribao, Malia Mansanas, Rene Pagaoa, Angnes Queja and Caleb Shinobi.
Once-A-Month PUNK at the Sandbox. Thank You Simon for Putting on Such Great Shows! 61
808 on the come up
K-Luv Music Video Premier and Prolific Release Party 808 Hip Hop is on the come up, but still doesn’t get the Aloha it deserves. At the helm of a brand new generation of island rap are two groups and one individual who stand out amongst a host of talented MCs. On May 21st at Honolulu’s Manifest, one of Chinatown’s thriving night life venues, Hip Hop artist, K-luv premiered his video for his most recent single, “Nothing” and the Prolific Unknowns officially released their mix tape. A few other friends of K’s stopped by to celebrate: up and coming Hip Hop act, Ill Hill Society (which includes Kwalified and Jon Cozy), K-luv’s better half, Big Mox (which together, comprise the Prolific Unknowns) producer and emerging rapper Pro, and DJs Jah and Westafa. Hawaii Hip Hop fans are always in for a good show; without fail, artists here deliver their craft and the energy is palpable, but there’s something special about a performance that includes K-luv, Prolific Unknowns, and Ill Hill. Their fans are loyal and consistently enthusiastic and this weekend was no different. The place erupted each time an artist would take the stage. The audience couldn’t get enough, was chanting their respective names, reciting all the lyrics and even at one point lifted K-luv into the air in the middle of one of his songs. 62
By Andrea Stephanie McPherson Photos by Troy D. McCloud
After flawless performances, an electrically charged Manifest audience was able to view an encore showing of K-luv’s “Nothing” video. The only apropos phrase that came to mind while watching the video was: mind blowing. The beautiful thing about K-luv’s work in particular is that it’s made for a very special type of Hip Hop fan; the genuine kind. His music isn’t simply for show and his new video reflects that. Artistically risky, simple and stark, this video features a close up of Kluv’s face and not much more, forcing the listener to get lost in an eerie beat and listen to the song’s poignant lyrics. The cinematography, editing, lighting and direction of the video fit perfectly with the single and I was surprised and drawn in by its simplicity. Riana Tittahbyte of Rudified media shot and edited the piece and K-luv himself directed it. A diamond in the rough that’s yet to get its warranted shine, Honolulu’s Hip Hop scene is not likely to disappoint and sure to keep making strides on an independent level. Currently, K-luv is sponsored by In4mation street and urban wear and travels back and forth from Honolulu to California to record. Keep a close ear to the streets, because Hawaii Hip Hop will most definitely stake its claim on the national US music scene.
souled out
Giving Popular Music a Jazzy Makeover
By Sierra Williams Photo by Troy D. McCloud
A shoot off of the already popular R&B/Jazz group The Bentos, Jason Gay’s “Souled Out” crew is nothing short of amazing. Imagine if one day you turned on your favorite radio station and all of the songs had been revamped with the sumptuous tones of a saxophone and piano, the funkiness of an electric guitar and bass, and the heart-hitting tempo of jazzy drums; what would you do? Hopefully, flock to the nearest location where you can hear the music live and upfront. That’s exactly what the patrons of The Dragon Upstairs have been doing for months - packing the jazz club from wall to wall to partake in the visionary music of the Souled Out men. With Jason Gay on saxophone, Ethan Capone on the keys, Jon Hawes on bass, Trevor Shiflet on electric guitar and Ed Williams on the drums, you are sure to be in for an experience like none other. Expect to hear songs such as the Red Hot Chili Pepper’s “Dani California,” Katy Perry’s “Firework,” and Nirvana’s “Smells Like Teen Spirit.” It seems almost unfathomable that songs such as these could have a jazz sound at all, but with such a talented group of men with years of musicianship under their belt, I would expect nothing 64
less. If there is one group of musicians who can pull it off, it’s the Souled Out crew. With most of the men coming from a traditional jazz background, their interpretations of pop songs are chock full of soaring saxophone and piano solos, blood-pumping drum solos and kicking electric bass and guitar solos that truly showcase their talent and ability to adapt to an ever-changing musical landscape. Perhaps the most fantastic thing about these men is to witness them play a requested song not all of them may know, but completely take command of, and always deliver a thrilling composition for their audiences. By playing The Dragon Upstairs on First Friday, Souled Out has been able to draw a younger audience that otherwise may have been reluctant to hang out in a jazz club. Here they witness to the flexible nature of jazz and the Souled Out men’s ability to break the mold. The agents: the men of Souled Out. Their mission: “to play jazz interpretations of popular music and reach a wider audience by performing very creative music that hopefully everyone can relate to.” Mission accomplished.
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A fi ne steak. A fi ne experience.
beachhousewaikiki.com • 808-921-4600 Complimentary valet parking. 67
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Snorkeling Oahu
The Snorkeling in Oahu has never been better! Written and Photos by Mimi Palmore It’s too often we see restaurants that fall into a pattern of settling for what’s easy; Low quality food, low quality service, and an overall low quality experience. Though it is very easy to do, especially for brunch places, it’s quite refreshing when you find that diamond in the rough that goes above and beyond to break away from that mold. I have recently stumbled upon a place that does just that. Café Kaila, nestled in the heart of Kaimuki in the Market City Shopping Center aims to please. When initially arriving, the line out the door is the first indication of its popularity. Though there sometimes is a wait, it is often made less significant by visits from the friendly staff offering up samples of their signature Belgian Malted Waffle. This waffle, simply put, is remarkable! Additionally, the waffle, as well as the pancakes and the cinnamon french toast can be ordered with multiple types of fresh fruit. 72
You can tell when you eat it, that the ingredients are fresh and made to order. The rest of the menu boasts the same qualities, with fresh vegetable omelets and scrambles, to weekend specials, like smoked salmon or crab cake eggs benedict. You won’t go thirsty either with the large array of “coffee shop style” drinks, or why not take in your own bottle of champagne and enjoy a mimosa with your breakfast! Whether you visit there for breakfast or lunch, you are pretty much guaranteed to leave satisfied. After visitisatisfied. After visitisatisfied. After visitisatisfied. After visitisatisfied. After visitisatisfied. After visiting a few times, you feel more like family than just someone going out to breakfast. Owner Chrissie Castillo, takes a very hands on role in creating a warm pleasant atmosphere within her restaurant that leaves you wanting to come back again and again.
Life in paradise
Local’s Showcases Some of the Best Places to Hang Your Hat. Written and Photos by Mimi Palmore It’s too often we see restaurants that fall into a pattern of settling for what’s easy; Low quality food, low quality service, and an overall low quality experience. Though it is very easy to do, especially for brunch places, it’s quite refreshing when you find that diamond in the rough that goes above and beyond to break away from that mold. I have recently stumbled upon a place that does just that. Café Kaila, nestled in the heart of Kaimuki in the Market City Shopping Center aims to please. When initially arriving, the line out the door is the first indication of its popularity. Though there sometimes is a wait, it is often made less significant by visits from the friendly staff offering up samples of their signature Belgian Malted Waffle. This
waffle, simply put, is remarkable! Additionally, the waffle, as well as the pancakes and the cinnamon french toast can be ordered with multiple types of fresh fruit. You can tell when you eat it, that the ingredients are fresh and made to order. The rest of the menu boasts the same qualities, with fresh vegetable omelets and scrambles, to weekend specials, like smoked salmon or crab cake eggs benedict. You won’t go thirsty either with the large array of “coffee shop style” drinks, or why not take in your own bottle of champagne and enjoy a mimosa with your breakfast! Whether you visit there for breakfast or lunch, you are pretty much guaranteed to leave satisfied. After visitisatisfied. After visitisatisfied. After visitisatisfied. After visitisatisfied. After visitisatisfied. After visiting a few times, you feel more like family than just someone going out to breakfast. Owner Chrissie Castillo, takes a very hands on role in creating a warm pleasant atmosphere within her restaurant that leaves you wanting totisfied. After visiting a few times, you feel more like family than just someone going out tt someone going out to breakfast. Owner Chrissie feel more like familtisfied. After visiting a few times, you feel more like family than just someone going out ttisfied. After visiting a few times, you feel more like family than just someone going out that leaves you wanting to come back again asdcsdcsdcsdcs sdcioefjwefwe It’s too often we see restaurants that fall into a pattern of settling for what’s easy; Low quality food, low quality service, and an overall low quality experience. Though it is very easy to do, especially for brunch places, it’s quite refreshing when you find thattisfied. After visiting a few times, you feel more like family than just someone going out tnd beyond to break away from that mold. I have recently stumbled upon a place that does just that. Café Kaila, nestled in the heart of Kaimuki in the Market City Shopping Center aims to please.