FREE 54367 76820 4 HAWAII 1
40 In this issue 8
18 22 28 34
Hut Hut Hike Spectacular Waterfalls Waiting to be Discovered Who’s That?...Dr. Rod! Dr. Rod Labrador Teaches His Students to Connect the College Campus to the Community Overpowering The Evil Monkey Pushing Past the Barriers of the Mind and Body Hawaii’s Rare Plant Program Employees and Volunteers at the Lyon Arboretum in Manoa Fight to Keep Endangered Plants Alive
Chris Leben Did You Blink? You May Have Missed It
40 44
Local Destinations
Botanical Bonanza Koko Head Botanical Gardens Offers an Easy Stroll and A Delightful Biodiversity
Off The Beaten Path New Zealand A Home Away from Home
Taryn Alessandro Traditional Techniques with a New Flare
‘Aha Hipu’u Celebrates the Spirit of Hawaii’s Honorable Kupuna Fitness And Fun More than MMA Meets the Eye at Penn Training and Fitness Center
On The Cover
A Fresh New Face Ashley Soderberg Miss Teen Hawaii International 2011
Stuff We Like
Chop Stick 1965 Nova Project Gadgets Old Ideas Meet New Techology Plugged In Video Game Reviews Growing Couch Potatoes August Flicks Movie and DVD Previews
The Pineapple Room Hawaiian-Style Dishes Mix Local Flavors With Culinary Traditions Rip Curl Gromsearch The Search Continues for the Next Young Grom
The Scene
August 2011 Event Calendar Local @ Night Lava Rock Lounge A Lava Rock Oozing with Great Drinks, Friendly Service, and a Family-Style Feel In A Cinemetropolis The Blue Scholars Share Their “Visual Soundtrack” with the Islands
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EDITORIAL EDITOR IN CHIEF Jennifer Towsley ASSISTANT EDITOR Aaron Ohama CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Cheyanna Donaldson Mimi Palmore Andrea Stephanie McPherson Sean Newsome Jessie Bristow Rachel Burt Jessica Stark Alicia Coppola Christopher DeVasier Chelsey Kaneshiro Linnea Schuster Justin Kalani Acohido Elita Kifer Jeremy Neal Erin Johnson
CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Keoki Cabral Patrick Vieira Roald Kern Mimi Palmore Haein Park Sierra Williams Eric Jordan Joakim Hjelm Troy D. McCloud Lauren Kirchner Sean Newsome
MARKETING AND PROMOTIONS PROMOTIONS DIRECTOR Juice Aguirre Promotions assistant Johnny Garza
A Natural Inspiration Nature has a unique effect on people, sparking an interest in even the most urban dwellers. With tourism at a high, and schools out for summer, the streets of Waikiki bustle with a healthy mix of locals and visitors looking to have a good time. But when catching cabs and weaving through crowds becomes a little too daunting, Oahu’s unique appeal lends a number of educational outlets geared towards the sustainability and preservation of this Island’s natural features.
Hawaii’s Department of Parks and Recreation works diligently to supply space for plants, flora and other natural foliage native to Hawaii and outside tropical regions. The Koko Head Botanical Gardens is one location where visitors can enjoy a nice walk though a landscape of plumerian, hibiscus, cacti and trees, and read informational packets on the various species. Along with Koko Head, The Wahiawa Botanical Gardens, Hoomaluhia Botanical Gardens, Honolulu Botanical Gardens and others strive to preserve, develop, maintain, and study tropical plants for scientific and educational purposes to benefit
PUBLISHERS Aaron Ohama Erin Johnson Robert Griffin
future generations. These parks create a healthy, informative outlet for visitors to learn of indigenous plants that make Hawaii a premiere destination location. This interest in Hawaii’s natural landscape does notstop at tourist appeal. Employees and Volunteers at the Lyon Arboretum in Manoa work everyday to preserve the 311 endangered species of plants living only on the Islands. The center is filled with friendly staff that makes their work accessible to the public. The Arboretum is a great way to learn about the work that goes into sustaining our tropical regions unique plant features. From local artists to restaurant owners, residents of Hawaii all find inspiration through the landscape. Education on the preservation of our natural foliage is a great way to spark an interest with tourists and locals who want to experience a different Hawaii. Take away the high rises and concrete freeways to find a lush landscape that once covered the islands, and breathes life into the community with beauty and importance.
CFO Tom Bo Douglas SALES/MARKETING DIRECTOR Jeremy Neal SALES MANAGER Sheryl Abellanosa SALES REPRESENTATIVES Dwight Witlarge Benjamin Pettus Juice Aguirre For all sales inquiries email
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The content in this magazine is for entertainment only, and is intended for a mature audience with a sense of humor. Advertisers are responsible for their advertisements placed in this magazine. Local Magazine is not responsible for any actions taken by their readers. We may on occasion use images placed in public domain. Sometimes, it is not possible to identify or contact the copyright holder. If you claim ownership of something we’ve published, we will gladly make a proper acknowledgement in the following issue. Local Magazine does not always share the opinions of their writers. Some of the content published may be of a mature nature and Local Magazine does not condone underage drinking or any other illegal activity. All submissions submitted to us by mail or via the internet become property of Local Hawaii Magazine. All Rights Reserved. 2011
By Jeremy Neal and Erin Johnson
Lions and Ligers and Bears, Say What? After its depiction in the 2004 film “Napoleon Dynamite,” this seemed to be a fictional animal, but the liger is the real deal. These are the largest animals in the feline family, with the head and tail resembling that of a lion, and the body and underbelly resembling tiger-like characteristics. “Uh, It’s pretty much my favorite animal. It’s like a lion and a tiger mixed... bred for its skills in magic.”
Can you say Humuhumunukunukuapua’a? The humuhumunukunukuapua’a, or humuhumu for short, was first designated Hawaii’s state fish in 1985, only to lose its status five years later. It wasn’t until former Governor Linda Lingle signed a Law on May, 2 2006 that the humuhumu, was once again the permanent, official state fish of Hawaii. It may be a tongue twister, but it’s here to stay.
Liquid Diet
Spectacular Waterfalls Waiting to be Discovered Part of the allure of our aina is the beautiful landscape that’s offered just about anywhere you go. From Pupukea to Aina Haina, you are taken back by the beauty that Hawaii has to give. But, outside of the towns, and off the main roads you’ll discover a different part of the island, one that can’t be reached by cars or mopeds, but only by foot. These are the many hikes of Oahu. Embarking on many hiking endeavors is not necessarily something that you have to be in excellent shape or a fitness expert to do. Many trails, such as Makapu’u Point or Manoa Falls, take less than an hour to do, but offer breathtaking views. On a clear day from Makapu’u, you can view the many whales spouting water as you look out from the beautiful south shore of Oahu to the shores of Moloka‘i and Lana‘i. Manoa Falls is also a relatively short hike that takes hikers, on their way to a beautiful waterfall, through movie and TV sets where shows like “Jurassic park” and “Lost” were filmed. Hikes such as these offer a great reward without having to devote too much time. For the hiker with a bit more time on their hands,
By Jeremy Neal
there are multiple hikes that provide the same reward and spectacular views, but also add a little bit of challenge and triumph. Trails like Maunawili falls and Olomana in Kailua, though still not too difficult, take a bit longer but prove to be well worth it. Once you’ve reached Maunawili falls, the small difficulty of the hike doesn’t even seem to matter after jumping into the fresh water and swimming underneath the base of the stunning waterfall. And though Olomana at times can be a bit frightening because of the narrow ridges, the panoramic views of the mauna and kai will make you happy you took the risk. These are only a few of the countless amazing hikes that can be found on the island. Just like everything else we’ve grown to love about our aina, these hikes are remarkable because of the natural beauty that they bestow. It is important to keep these places beautiful and make sure that you respect them the same way they respect you, without littering or leaving rubbish behind to lessen the incredible beauty for those who follow. So now that you’re ready to gear up, we’ll see you on the trail!
Ever wonder why ants seem to flock to water? Adult ants cannot eat solid food. Instead, to get nutrients, they hold the food in their mouths, and squeeze the liquid out with their sideways jaws. They digest the liquid and throw the dry crumb away.
Every Day is a Holiday! For those of you who like to celebrate holidays, and have an excuse to throw a party, bbq, or what have you, here are a few holidays that August has to offer. August 1st-7th is National smile week, the 11th is presidential joke day, the 15th is national relaxation day, the 30th is toasted marshmallow day, and the whole month is National catfish month, so break out the grills, because there’s a lot to celebrate!
A Breath of Fresh Air As of February of last year, the World breath-holding record was officially shattered, and still holds after multiple attempts to break it this year. A Swiss free diver by the name of Peter Colat held his breath underwater for an astonishing 19 minutes and 21 seconds, smashing the old record of just 11minutes. After this ordeal, it took him months to recover.
Master of Disguise On October, 29th 2010, Canadian authorities began investigating a case when a young Chinese man was able to successfully fool airport security, and board a flight from Hong Kong to Canada disguised as an
elderly man. He may have been able to get away with it too, had it not been for the suspicion caused by an elderly white man going into the lavatory and emerging a young Chinese man. Not even Benjamin Button could pull that one off.
Who’s That?... Dr. rod!
Dr. Rod Labrador Teaches His Students to Connect the College Campus to the Community By Sierra Williams If you haven’t figured it out already, there is one, main driving force behind the series of community events and concerts sponsored by the Ethnic Studies Student Association (ESSA) at the University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM); his name is Dr. Rod Labrador. What began as a love for hip-hop music has formulated into a passion for Ethnic Studies and an ability to connect with students across diverse backgrounds. Born in the Philippines, Dr. Rod moved to the United States when he was six years old and grew up in a largely African-American and Mexican community in San Diego, California. He says that he could not escape falling in love with hip-hop throughout his San Diego upbringing, especially during the high school years. During that time, many groups of people were feeling marginalized but had no voice. Hip-hop became their voice, criticizing institutions of power, such as the government and police, head-on. Dr. Rod explains that his experiences growing up in San Diego were very closely related to African-American and Mexican communities due to the fact that most people were not aware of what being Filipino meant. Dr. Rod began a Master’s program at UHM’s center for Asian studies. Thereafter, he completed PhD research in Anthropology at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) that focused on public expressions of Filipino culture in Hawaii, while mentoring high school students as the Director of Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP) at the University of Manoa.
from the highly politicized, popular form to an era of mass commercialism and consumerism, Dr. Rod realized through meeting Bambu and Geo that politicized hip-hop had gone underground and he had to look harder to find that kind of music. His shift from GEAR UP to a full-time professor in the Ethnic Studies (ES) department at UHM came in January of 2009, and one of the first things he accomplished was the establishment of ESSA. The second most important accomplishment was the introduction of his Filipinos in Hip-Hop class. It is in this class that students are able to connect Filipino history to hip-hop music through artists such as Bambu, Blue Scholars, Kiwi and Native Guns. In addition, students in his classes became involved in ESSA, which taught them not only leadership and organizational skills through planning events, but also allowed them to connect the classroom to the community, which is one of the major principles of ES. Dr. Rod says that ES strives “to give voice and validation to communities that have been traditionally underrepresented or not represented in academia.” His reconnection with politicized hip-hop and introduction of hip-hop music into the classroom, has led to a number of events sponsored by ESSA that seek to open up a cultural dialogue with the community. Artists who are involved with ESSA events embrace the ES principles and are typically, heavily invested in their own communities through organizing and mentoring.
Dr. Rod’s first teaching job was as an adjunct professor at UCLA, and it was here that he was introduced, by one of his students, to Bambu and Geo of the Blue Scholars. Although his love for hip-hop had faded over the years given it’s shift
Next time you are at an ESSA event or on the UHM campus, make sure to take time to say hello to Dr. Rod. And, if you are a UHM student, sign up for one of his classes, it may very well be one of the best classes of your college career!
Movin’ On Up For many years scientists have worked to prove that the Earth’s tectonic plates move
because of areas of unusually hot magma coming from our planet’s core. These “hot spots” cause plate movement leading to earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountain formations. Scientists at UC San Diego have finally proven the hot spots caused plate movement dating back as far as 70 million years ago. Active hot spots are Hawaii, Iceland, and the Galapagos.
Beware Comet Elenin! Strange coincidences between huge earthquakes and our planet’s alignment with the sun and an incoming comet, have people starting to freak out about the “end times”. Comet Elenin, discovered by Leonid Elenin, in December 2010, has some people questioning if it’s a comet or a highly dense dwarf star. Upon it’s recent approach, it has aligned with our planet and the sun, three times, each of these dates, we’ve experienced major earthquakes, Chili, New Zealand, and most recently Japan. This has skeptics doubting it’s really a harmless comet. It will have three more alignments with our planet, and our sun, before it leaves our solar system for another 600,000 years. Google search “comet elenin and jpl” to track this badboy as is wizzes past us next month.
Overpowering the evil monkey Pushing Past the Barriers of the Mind and Body
By Cheyanna Donaldson Photo by Joakim Hjelm
To dive is to plunge freely into the depths of the earth. As humans, it is our curiosity that implores us to venture out and seek the unknown. We are explorers, all of us, and in our investigations we have discovered more about the surface of the moon than of the ocean floor. We vastly understand our capacities in space, but very little under the ocean surface. Below sea level can be a very scary thought to some, but to free divers like Julie Bisaillon Hjelm it’s an adventure and a push farther into depths of the unknown. Always a water person, Julie sought out Hawaii as a place to continue her water adventures. While finishing her Divemaster, Julie had the opportunity to take a class from Performance Free Diving International on Oahu where she succeeded greatly. Voted onto the free diving team, Julie traveled to Egypt to compete in the World Free Diving Championship. Her second competition offered her the North American static breath hold record at seven minutes and fourteen seconds. Free Diving has many areas of competition including distance, depth and time, with and without the use of fins, but there is more to free diving than just competition. Taking classes on free diving can help with a variety of other activities, including spear fishing. As any person knows when training to perform better at something, there is a great level of preparation and conditioning that goes into perfecting a practice. Specific techniques are used when performing free diving. It is the only sport along with high altitude hiking that requires precise restrictions in order to execute the vast feats these free divers must overcome. Reaching a depth of 50 meters, about 160 feet, Julie has plunged twenty feet farther than recreational scuba divers are even allowed to go. “It’s all about
overcoming compression and not listening to what we call “the evil monkey” on your shoulder. It can stop you from pushing your hardest, but you know your limits so don’t listen to it.” Humble about her accomplishments, Julie knows it is a never ending road of practice to successfully compete in her chosen sport. “Your body is absorbing high levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide so you must prepare it for both. Work past your resistance every time you practice.” Running is, of course, a good exercise, but yoga can be the best for controlling your breathing. Slowing down your breathing and holding your breath while moving can help condition your body on land to the pressures under the surface. “There is a lot that can happen when your body goes through that type of work, so safety is key.” Similar to the rules of scuba diving, it is extremely recommended to dive with a buddy. “You must always work together! You don’t want to over exhaust yourself by doing too much. You will use a lot of oxygen that way and if you have too much weight then it will be hard to come back up.” While free diving is a serious sport, it can also be a lot of fun, and finding a great place to dive can bring out different sensations compared to snorkeling or scuba diving. “My favorite place to free dive in Hawaii is Honaunau, on Big Island, known as the Place of Refuge. It’s beautiful! But Sharks Cove is definitely my favorite spot on Oahu.” There is another world under the sea and whether you’re an avid scuba diver, a frequent snorkeler or a practicing spear fisherman, free diving can help with many aspects of breathing, conditioning and of course, swimming. Check out classes and helpful hints at
Extremely happy hour. $5 cocktails, 4pm-6pm Plus live entertainment nightly.
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5/16/11 9:43:48 AM
Hawaii’s rare
plant program
Employees and Volunteers at the Lyon Arboretum in Manoa Fight to Keep Endangered Plants Alive Written by Jessie Bristow Photos by Sean Newsome
Warm weather, beautiful beaches, waterfalls, and luaus are what stereotypically come to mind when Hawaii is mentioned, but when it comes to the survival of an increasingly growing number of endangered plants, few people are aware that it is in the hands of a small cottage filled with volunteers and workers at the Lyon Arboretum in Manoa. Among all the places in the world, Hawaii has some of the most rare plants in existence. The United Sates Endangered Species Federal List contains 422 plants, with 311 of those plants living only in the islands of Hawaii. The plant program works mainly on rescuing and recovering Hawaii’s endangered plants, and serving the conservation community. Nellie C. Sugii, 52, UH Alumni in Horticulture, who
runs the program has been keeping busy with the large number of plants her and her staff have to look after. “We are kind of a unique program…most of the other programs work for their island, but because of the nature of our program where we do tissue culture and specialize in propagation, we take care of all the plants of all the islands.” Lyon Arboretum is a federal grant funded program that has interests with The Nature Conservancy, private landowners, and is an outreach program for the University of Hawaii. The arboretum is a member of the American Public Gardens Association, Center for Plant Conservation, Hawaii Museum Association, Hawaii 15
Alliance for Arts Education, and Hawaii Visitor and Convention Bureau. Tissue culture is a means of propagation for germ plasm storage. In a more simple explanation, germ plasm storage is practiced to store plant tissue in a sterile environment such as a glass culture (test tube). This allows the plant to grow without the threat of invasive species, wild pigs, deer, goats, and diseases until it is strong enough to be planted at a “restoration site.” Most of the work is done in the Transfer Room where everything is sterilized and the air is purified. If anything is contaminated, there is a large risk of the plant contracting diseases, and losing its life at an early stage. “When the plants get too big in a test tube they start to exhaust all the nutrients, because they are living, they also produce by-products.” The plants are taken out of the test tubes with no physical contact from human hands, trimmed and cleaned with sterilized tools while purified air is being flowed through the area. The plants are then transferred to a new test tube, and if they mature enough, they are cut and cloned. During this process, researchers keep a tight track record of the plants genealogy. “We know exactly which plant it came from in the wild and how many seeds and cuttings we have.” With a staff of one and a half permanent employees, four student helpers, and 16
two interns, it is obvious why the program has difficulties keeping up with the endangered list. 900 hours of volunteer work makes up for the lack of funding and is the main reason why this program has seen so much success. There are programs on each island, but at the Lyon Arboretum, the lab is a nursery for plants all across the state. With a room filled with over 13,00 plants there is a lot of work to be done. When plants from other islands are strong enough they get sent back to their native area. The largest threat to this program is urbanization. The lack of consideration to native and endangered species when development is brought to rural areas is overlooked. The arboretum has its worked cut out for them, and with the climate change on the rise, Hawaii is seeing more plants enter the endangered list while the program works hard to stay successful and conserve the plants of Hawaii. If you would like more information on the Lyon Arboretum in Manoa, please contact: Nellie C. Sugii 808-988-0470
bonanza Koko Head Botanical Gardens Offers an Easy Stroll and A Delightful Biodiversity
Written by Linnea Schuster Photos by Sean Newsome
Approximately 1,200 feet below the apex of Koko Head, one of O’ahu’s more grueling though rewarding hikes, is the little-known 60-acre Koko Head Botanical Garden. Though the view from the top of Koko Head is dominated by an array of ocean, sprawling suburban living, and groves of invasive species such as Haole Koa and Kiawe, the inside of cone has been cleared and imbued with a native and international collection of fascinating flora. The shallow-grade two-mile loop is an ideal stroll for those who balk at the nearby staircase of pain and instead prefer a secret garden of easy-going biodiversity in their own backyard. The entrance to the garden, at the end of Kokonani Street past the golf courses and planned communities, is marked by a shaded parking lot, a gate, some picnic tables, a horse stable, and a mailbox filled with informational pamphlets. Visitors are encouraged to wear covered shoes and bring their own water, though there is a working spigot near the Africa section, and one can escape with minimal thorns in slippers. 18
The first leg of the hike is flanked by plumeria and bougainvillea groves, a telling juxtaposition for the rest of the trail. The four geographic landscapes featured in the main loop, the Americas, Hawai’i, Madagascar, and Africa, reflect both the semi-arid desert climate of the bougainvillea and the lush landscape of plumeria. Additionally, above the groves, the once-volcano is dotted with cacti, brown grass and rock that would make any mainland desert-dweller feel right at home. After the groves is perhaps the least exciting part of the hike, which makes the rest so much more enjoyable. The trail grade increases and the ground is rocky, dusty, and pinpricked with glare from the microscopic olivine crystals left over from the eruption thousands of years ago. No colorful plants surround this area, rather thickets of thistles and thorny introduced exotics, namely haole koa and kiawe. Were it not for the efforts of the Department of Parks and Recreation to transform the crater into a botanical garden, these unattractive and invasive species would otherwise dominate the area, choking out native species.
The first stop on the main trail loop dedicated to a geographical location is the Americas section, which features a shaded picnic area and some of the weirdest cacti known to man. The golden barrel cactus, some bigger around than a car tire, are covered in characteristic pokeys except for bald spots at the top, which instead are punctuated with bright yellow blossoms. Then there are the first of many seemingly Dr. Seuss-inspired plants, most peculiarly a cactus with long, wandering stalks growing orange-brown fur on their ends. Yes, fur. Extending from a thick stalk in the earth, the cactus’ branches resemble tarantula feelers tentatively sensing the air for their next victim. The Hawai’i section actually incorporates plants from all over the Pacific, and is a welcome break from the bizarre. Numerous species of hibiscus brush the edges and further flung areas around the trail, as well as a screw pine tree (a hala tree), and a wiliwili grove. One species of Tahitian hibiscus is nearly unrecognizable when compared to its flashy Hawaiian counterpart: instead of ruffly, expansive petals the Tahitian species’ petals are pointed and slender, and the entire flower is no larger than the palm of a hand. Were it not for its vivid reddish-pink coloring and characteristic anthers, there would be no indication of botanical connection to its famous cousin.
The Africa section beholds the most unique tree on the hike: the kigelia or sausage tree, native to tropical and southern Africa and is also found on the campus of the University of Hawaii at Manoa. What can be described initially as a normal tree, (trunk, bark, leaves, shade), immediately disintegrates into something evolutionarily, smutty once its fruit worms into the picture. Shaped like large, long, sausages, pimply and stubby in its earlier stages of growth, children and grownups too are sure to find all sorts of naughty and silly things to say about this tree’s ultra-weird brown fruit, both bulging from branches and strewn rotting into the humus. The remainder of the loop is florally innocuous when compared to the wild Africa section, but provides visitors with a newly familiar downhill path during the return mile of the hike. Completely free and open everyday excluding New Years and Christmas day, the Koko Head botanical garden is an accessible, educational and fun way to explore some of the world’s unique hot-weather plants. If you plan on going with a group, be sure to request a guided tour from an expert at the Department of Parks and Recreation. Contact: 808-522-7063 (Dept. of Parks and Recreation) 21
off the beaten path
New zealand A Home Away from Home
Written and Photographed by Mimi Palmore
At one oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;clock in the morning, two mini vans filled with boxed wine, trail mix, and 14 eager 20-something-year-olds pulled into a pitch black camping ground. Our headlights and few flashlights told us that we were surrounded by giant RVs, while our ears told us a beach was just 50 feet away. After laying out our tarps and sleeping bags, a few brave souls ran into the water where incandescent plankton lit our feet and pinched our toes. Once the stars lulled us to sleep, our dreams attempted to illuminate our surroundings, but it was the low rumble before dawn that revealed the truth. Beneath the protection of my sleeping bag, I heard the deafening crescendo of what seemed to be hundreds of cows mooing their way through the campground. 22
I figured curling into a tight ball would save me from their massive hooves, but after a few minutes the moos were joined by my friendsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; boisterous laughter. I uncovered myself and saw first my friends, also just emerging from their cocoons, then a dozen or so Kiwis staring down at us from their RV windows, and finally the breathtaking view surrounding me. The hills were dotted with just a handful of cows, but the tight bay echoed their cries and amplified the bright blue sky, orange hillside, and stormy, grey ocean. New Zealand had just welcomed me with open arms and a Gotcha! smirk - my trip in this quirky country was just getting started. Just east of the capital Auckland is Coromandel, a small tongue of land perfect for weekend trips. My companions
“...sometimes you have to fight injured, but it’s like turbulence on an airplane, you can’t worry about it, what you gonna do?” - B.J. Penn
â&#x20AC;&#x153;The hills were dotted with just a handful of cows, but the tight bay echoed their cries and amplified the bright blue sky, orange hillside, and stormy, grey ocean.â&#x20AC;? -Mimi Palmore
and I were spending just three days at this mostly dirt road peninsula, with minimal direction other than a severely un-detailed map and a couple of suggestions from locals we had met in weeks previous. At the very tip of the peninsula was one of those suggestions: Port Jackson. A couple hours away from the main tourist drag, local New Zealanders, or Kiwis, serpentine through muddy, cliffside, and often one-way, roads to this small bay because of its unparalleled beauty and off-the-radar appeal. As soon as the Kiwis stopped laughing at us, which took a few hours, a couple offered us freshly caught snapper fish and gave us tips as to where we should head next. We heeded their every word and though my travels spread across the entire country over the next six months, I still consider that weekend in late February of 2009 the best few days of my journey. While in New Zealand, I lost all sense of time and learned how to breathe - getting lost, running out of gas, being hailed on in the middle of a four day-long canoe trip, all seemed humorous and inconsequential. Even my Hawaiian-style, stress-free life was far too rapid in comparison to the Kiwi Way. Being in New Zealand gave new meaning to the phrase, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do,” because while there I became a Kiwi. The New Zealand tourism industry is geared not only towards visitors, but also
their own people. Each town is clad with hostels and campgrounds, and tramping (New Zealand’s word for “hiking”) trails abound around every corner. Kiwis love their country, and thanks to the Department of Conservation, are able to share the majority of it with visitors of all sorts. The country begs to be explored, and many sweet as (equivalent to “awesome”) places have barely even been touched by Kiwi feet. In the middle of my travels, a close friend and I decided to take a ferry ride just north of Auckland to Great Barrier Island, not to be confused with Australia’s reef, where the population peaked at 400 and food was scarce. We packed plenty of rice and beans in case our fishing reels failed, stuck out our thumbs, and easily hitched into Harataonga Beach, where we ended up staying for two weeks. We never knew what time it was, nor the day. We slept in a small tent while a flock of sheep grazed by our picnic bench and a couple of endangered pateke ducks nibbled on our half-cooked beans. The twilight told us when to light our candles and the dawn told us when to start catching fish (which we never caught). Being in Harataonga left me completely suspended. I flew to New Zealand to get off the radar and escape from perpetual motion and found myself in a utopian nation that I can now call home away from home. 27
alessandro Written by Jen T. Photographed by Kevin Williams
Diary of an Epic Sunset 2011, 30”x30” Mixed Media on Panel
Traditional Techniques with a New Flare
Hawaii exudes a unique artistic culture, which caters to creative professionals searching for inspiration. After earning her degree with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in painting from Boston University is 2007, Taryn Alessandro studied fine arts at the Lyme Academy of Fine Arts, the Decordova Museum School and studied painting abroad in Italy. With an academic background to back her impressive body of work, this rising artist from Connecticut continues to inspire others with her gift of creation.
not only from the cascading landscape that surrounds her, but also in the emotional complexities of the people she comes into contact with. Observation is a strength that heavily lends to her ability to create beauty in a physical form. She believes, “Real people in raw, candid, everyday, unromanticized yet beautiful moments nearly always become the focus of my works.” With a plethora of scenic beauty and backdrops that accommodate her everyday life, Taryn’s art presents a unique appeal with her focus on the human emotions that drive individuality, while paralleling these features with the innate beauty that only Hawaii can offer.
Surfer’s High 2011, 30”x30” Mixed Media on Panel
Diary of an Epic Sunset 2011, 30”x30” Mixed Media on Panel
A resident of Lahaina, Maui, Taryn is a talented young artist who seeks inspiration
“I have been in a love affair with drawing and painting ever since I can remember. Creating art completely immerses me. More than a passion, it almost becomes an obsession...”
’Out to Lunch’ in Lahaina 2010, 16”x12” Mixed Media on Panel
- Taryn Alessandro
Apple Sol & Captain Smiles 2010, 18”x24” Mixed Media on Panel
’Out to Lunch’ in Lahaina 2010, 16”x12” Mixed Media on Panel
Under the Palm & Dreaming 2011, 12”x36,” Mixed Media on Panel
Just as emotions change from person to person, so do Taryn’s choice of materials. As a mixed media artist, her process “involves many layers, and a fine balance between structure and play.” Working from various references of photos, textiles, design, imagination and more, materials used include, “Gold leaf, paper, resin, sand, corrugated cardboard, and other found objects that add texture, depth, and excitement to [her] work, providing both a visual and tactile experience.” With a multitude of objects used, Taryn tells her story with these tangible items, weaved together to provoke a new emotion in each new viewer. Her work projects a life-like feel with the incorporation of paint and sand on select canvases, connecting physical and internal elements together. The essence of her art lies in her ability to appreciate the beauty and power in an individual movement or expression in its natural environment. With a growing portfolio and fresh approach to classic techniques, Taryn has and continues to enjoy each new creative impulse that comes her way. “I have been in a love affair with drawing and painting ever since I can remember. Creating art completely immerses me. More than a passion, it almost becomes an obsession. I feel blessed that it is also my career.” Taryn is currently represented by Images Fine Art Gallery at 900 Front St., Lahaina, Maui. Please visit her website at to view more of her work.
Island Secret 2011, 30”x30” Mixed Media on Panel
Celebrates the Spirit of Hawaii’s Honorable Kupuna Remember our wonderful James Bartels of ‘Iolani Palace? A beautiful storyteller and historian who once shared the story of the ‘aha: “if you were to look through the jewels of Kalākaua and the monarchs of the late 1800’s, you might be surprised to find, among the rubies, emeralds and other precious jewels, a spool of ‘aha. One might wonder why the King would have a spool of cordage? Well that spool was just as precious as any precious gem. At the birth of an ali’i, a cordage of olona was woven. Into this cordage, or ‘aha, words were chanted as if the words themselves helped to bind the ‘aha. As the ali’i child grew, so too did his ‘aha. When the ali’i became the custodian of an area or even district, the ‘aha was strung to surround his compound. Two other pieces of ‘aha were strung across the doorway of the ali’i’s house. It is said that when an ali’i of higher rank entered the area of the ali’i compound, the ‘aha would mysteriously drop to the ground signifying that a higher ali’i was present. At the death of the ali’i’, the same ‘aha was used to wrap the bleached bones of the ali’i, creating his ka’ai.” The Royal Societies, jointly known as ‘Aha Hipu’u, will be sponsoring the 6th Annual Kalani Ali’I Awards Banquet on Saturday, August 27, 2011 at the
Written by Leilani Kupahu-Marino
Manoa Ballroom. The five selected kupuna to be honored, who’s spirit have been influential to the perpetuation of Hawai’i’s cultural arts, education, and history are: Agnes Kalaniho’okaha Cope, Haili ‘Ohana, S. Haunani Apoliona, Sarah Patricia Ilialoha Keahi, and William Kaihe’ekai Maioho. The honorees were chosen as they are a reflection of the treasured ‘aha and exemplify precious gems of Hawai’i. Their lives reflect the strength of olona and their words have helped to bind our people together. The ‘Aha Hipu’u was formed in 2003 to perpetuate the legacies of Hawai’i’s royal monarchs by unifying the four benevolent royal societies, which have been in existence for over 100 years. We invite you to purchase individual tickets @ $50 each or sponsor a table through one of the four royal societies: Royal Order of Kamehameha I, Ahahui Ka’ahumanu Chapter I, Hale O Nā Ali’i and Daughters and Sons of Hawaiian Warriors-Mamakakaua. You may also visit for information or contact Donna Lei Smythe at 808-595-3983 for more information. E Hele Mai!.
Fitness and fun? more than MMA More Than MMA Meets The Eye at Penn Training and Fitness Center
When most people think about the gym, they either relate it to a large fitnesstraining center or an exercise room. Some may be a little apprehensive while others look at it as a second home. The latter is likely what you will find at Penn Training and Fitness Center located in Hilo. Just off the gorgeous windward side of Big Island, Penn Training and Fitness Center is a premiere location for health and wellness. Dedicated to their member’s well being, the staff treat their wide range of members like family, helping all ages of wellness seekers to reach their physical, mental and emotional potential. Focused on community involvement, Penn Training and Fitness Center isn’t just for adults. With the youngest member at age four and the oldest reaching 78, there are a wide variety of activities on-site dedicated to helping your every need. With a mission to “help as many people as [they] can achieve the goals they have set for themselves in relation to their fitness goals and overall health” it’s no wonder they’re the best at what they do. If you know the Penn family, then you know that nothing is more important than ohana. There are many programs to incorporate families together or to involve individuals in their own specific activities. Change is crucial to the achievement of your goals, and with the expansion of their facilities, Penn Training and Fitness Center will be able to offer even more than they already do. With their new designs, they don’t just offer an extensive Mixed Martial Arts training facility, although their MMA program is pretty impressive. They also offer group fitness classes ranging in 36
By Cheyanna Donaldson Photos by Roald
a variety of up-and-coming specialties, as well as, keiki jiu-jitsu classes to help your child build self-esteem and find a productive activity. And if classes and formal instruction isn’t your thing, there is a weight room with high quality exercise equipment and essentials needed for any workout experience. It’s not just on-site help provided either. On-line at the Penn Training and Fitness center offers nutrition and meal plan advice for everyone. It’s a foolproof guide to help you not only achieve your ideal weight, but to maintain your nutritional values through food in-take and exercise. Nutrition is more than just counting calories; it’s about keeping up with your daily vitamins and minerals in order to achieve the real goal: being healthy. You can still eat your favorite foods and maintain a balanced nutrition. With the help of their online meal plan guide you can type in what foods you have eaten for the day and the guide can help you see where you need to fill in the blanks. Some foods we know can give us the nutritional value we need, but sometimes we are getting too much of one thing and not enough of another. This guide can help you understand what you’re missing and suggest foods that can fill your nutritional gaps. Although a large part of fitness is working out and eating right, there is an immense variety of work that goes into reaching your healthy goals. Sometimes it can be hard to do alone and Penn Training and Fitness Center understands that. That is why they offer their help in a variety of ways so you can get where you want to be at a comfortable pace.
Chris LebEn
Did You Blink? You May Have Missed It
By Jeremy Neal
On July 2 , Chris Leben hopped into the ring at the MGM grand and did the unthinkable—defeated a MMA legend in incredible fashion. Though nobody doubted Leben’s heavy hands or iron chin, the quick outcome of his fight came as a surprise to many. Leben approached the ring with the look of determination in his eyes, and though his entrance music was “love rollercoaster,” he showed absolutely no love to Wanderlei Silva. nd
These two men have both had exceptional careers as UFC fighters, and are both known for their heavy hands and aggressive styles. While, Silva’s career has been much longer, you cant help but have respect for the impact that Leben has made in the sport, with notable wins over Mike Swick, Patrick Cote, Jorge Rivera, and many others. After the introduction of the fighters, the fight was on. About five to ten seconds was spent between the two sizing each other up. Silva then made the first move, shooting in for a strike that barely landed, but seemed to kick Leben into gear. Leben then grabbed the back of Silva’s head and unloaded a vicious flurry of uppercuts that sent Silva to the ground. It took Chris Leben only twenty seven seconds to quite possibly put an end to a fifteen-year career. Chris is now kama’aina and runs Chris Leben’s Ultimate Fight School in puck’s alley on University Avenue. For information about the gym or more on Chris Leben, visit and look for Chris in later issues. 38
From Sunburn to Suntan
Island Secret Burn-To-Brown Cooling Gel 39
Credits Photographer: Keoki Cabral Lighting Specialist: Eric Jordan Special Thanks to Natalie “Cookie” Kim at Cookie Couture for providing hair and makeup to Ashley, and the Kahala Hotel & Resort for accommodating Local Hawaii Magazine’s Cover shoot. Please visit for more information on the Kahala, or call (808) 392-6069 to make an appointment with Natalie Kim at Cookie Couture Salon.
A Fresh New face
soderberg Miss Teen Hawaii International 2011
Beauty Pageants are a cultural phenomenon. Little girls across the globe sit in front of their TVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s to watch who will be crowned the next queen, and view in awe as the perfectly manicured women glide gracefully down the stage with smiles from ear to ear. The makeup, gowns, and perfect posture can be somewhat intimidating to pageant outsiders, but meeting with Ashley Soderberg, Miss Teen
Written by Kristy Nicole Photos by Keoki
Hawaii International shows that there is more to this competition than meets the eye. The Beautiful Kahala Resort was the backdrop for the interview and photo shoot with Ashley. As the photographer set up his equipment, a poised and professional girl walked in, somewhat shy to the 41
bustling sounds and people around her. A quick introduction of “hellos” and “nice to meet yous” sent her on her way to change for the first set of photos. Although quiet, Ashley lit up once the sash was on and the camera was rolling. Giggling at times in-between takes; it took only a few moments until her ease showed in the photos. As guests and onlookers passed with interest and wonder in their eyes, Ashley answered questions in-between shots, in a calm and collected manner just as a true professional would. Interestingly enough, Ashley has been involved in the pageant business for only a few months. With someone so comfortable in front of the camera, I found that hard to believe. Her mother Lovey, explained that although she has only been in pageants for a short time, Ashley has been involved in the modeling industry for years. This experience lends her comfort while on stage, and helps her manage stress. Although every contestant deals with a certain level of anxiety during a competition, Ashley aims to always “make a great first impression.” When making an impression is confined to a time sensitive scenario, the first impression is the key to a lasting impression with judges. Behind the scenes, Ashley found that, “everyone was very helpful with makeup, hair, and advice. I feel really comfortable with it all.” Aside from her newfound pageant life, Ashley’s passion for music has also taken center stage. A self-proclaimed singer, guitar and pianist, her range of talents far exceeds the confines of pageant life. When asked about her music, she lit up, 42
excited to tell me of her show at Jazz Minds that night. Her solo performance was her focus and noticeable passion. “I can’t wait to get to play my music. It’s what I love.” With a bright future ahead of her, this young girl has all the components that make a true beauty queen. Lovey tells me, “she’s such a tom-boy. I’m going to laugh if one day she turns into a diva.” Her girl next-door appeal has made quite an impression on judges in Hawaii, and on Sunday July 24th, Ashley and her parents will travel to Chicago, Illinois where she will compete to win the title of Miss Teen International held July 22nd and 23rd 2011. The Miss Teen International Pageant consists of an interview competition valued at 40% of the contestant’s total score. The popular evening gown competition is valued at 20%, with a fitness and fun fashion section valued at 20% each of the total score. Here, Ashley will surround herself with outgoing, young women like herself with varying backgrounds, ethnicities, and customs. Contestants spend a week prior to the two evenings of competition participating in various activities set by the pageant to ensure that each individual has the opportunity to educate themselves and others on the importance of multiculturalism and diversity. It was a pleasure meeting Ashley Soderberg. With a bright future ahead of her in beauty pageants and music, and a friendly personality to complement her talents, Miss Teen Hawaii International will continue to make an impact on viewers worldwide for years to come.
STICK 1965 Nova Project
By Noah Thomas
It began life as a 1965 Chevy Nova Super Sport. A project car that would look great restored to original condition, painted factory color, and taken to the local cruise night. Owner Joyce-Anna tells us, “Every part of the car was bad. The floors were rusty, the quarters were dented, and it smelled like a billy goat had lived in it; the only good part was the roof.” The car was taken to her friend who was working on a waterless sprinkler design at the time, but toyed with cars on the side. After a brief design meeting, the two decided against an original restoration, and opted for a custom, one of a kind candy colored roadster. The roof was chopped off and a stick shift was installed giving it the name “Chop Stick.” We spoke to the builder who didn’t want his name published and he told us, “The project was a lot of fun, it was really easy and took no time at all.
Everything just bolted on and the parts seemed to weld themselves. I would definitely recommend this type of build to anyone who knows how to pick things up off the floor with their toes.” The Nova features a LS1 motor borrowed from a Corvette, and a six speed Tremec transmission. In the rear a independent Jaguar style suspension is home to a 4:11 gear ratio. Wilwood four piston calipers on all four corners provide the stopping power, and BF Goodrich supplied the rubber. The body was covered with PPG Vibrance collection and rubbed flat with 3M.
Steel, Magna-flow Mufflers Chassis Front Custom IFS Rear Polished Independent Rear Brakes Wilwood 4 piston Engine Make Chevy LS1 Exhaust Custom Stainless
Transmission Make Tremec 6 speed Shifter B&M Body Body Style/Material Roadster/ Steel Body Manufacturer Chevy Body Mods Modified Deck Lid, 1970 Nova Tail Lights
Brought to you by
Old Ideas Meet
New techology with These 5 Products
#1 Joystick-it Mobile Smartphone Arcade Stick The primitive use of arcade games ended with the widespread popularity of touch screen technology. Attach this mini joystick to your smartphone, and reminisce of the days when gaming required more than a tap of a screen.
#2 My First Bacon
This huggable plush bacon will put a smile on anyone’s face. Squeeze him to hear “I’m Bacon!” and laugh the day away knowing that a piece of bacon is waiting at home for you in the bedroom, not the kitchen.
#3 PadTab Tablet Mounting System Hands-Free accessories don’t stop with phones. Mount your iPad tablet on the fridge, cabinet, or wall and multi-task away! Unlike bulky TV mounts, the wall tab uses industrial strength “peel and stick” adhesive, so no nails or screws will ruin your walls.
#4 iCade iPad Arcade Cabinet If the smartphone joystick isn’t retro enough, the iCade Cabinet will get the job done. A housing for your iPad, this cabinet hosts real buttons and a joystick to accommodate classic games available through the App Store. Pac Man and Asteroids make a come back with this interactive console.
#4 46
#5 Geek Kids Twin Bed Sheet Set Kids will love these sheets. Pirates and dragons cover this cloth to bring the bedroom to life. With a plush bacon by your child’s side, bedtime will be the highlight of the evening.
Growing Couch Potatoes
By Justin Acohido
Shadows of the Damned
Xbox 360 and PS3 Electronic Arts 6/21/11 Shadows of the Damned might simply be referred to as a survival horror action game including puzzle elements and the like. This description, however, doesn’t quite do this title justice as it is steeped in a hilariously immature brand of humor that will tickle the funny bone of the twelve year old within us all. Get ready for a barrage of fart jokes and campy one-liners as you traverse the depths of Hell while battling demonic creatures and perilous traps as the game’s protagonist searches for his recently kidnapped girlfriend. Pros Over-the-shoulder camera style blends flawlessly with full range-of-motion shooter gameplay to deliver a smooth combat experience while maintaining a classic survival horror perspective. Fart jokes. Cons No enhanced replay mode to try earlier levels with earned powerups leaves you with a once-through and done experience. Opinion At times it will be tough to notice how well this game actually was designed and plays while you’re busy cracking at its onslaught of gloriously adolescent and entertaining moments.
Duke Nukem Forever Xbox 360 and PS3 2K Games 6/14/11
Yet another entry into the shooter genre for this classic series comes to us after more than a decade in development. “DNF”, however, does deliver the goods graphically and with entertaining dialogue true to Duke Nukem form. Pros Good level design and a variety of different types of action and combat sequences keeps playtime fun. Cons Multiplayer didn’t get enough love and the hit detection suffers for it. Opinion Series fans should try this one out if not only for the solo campaign experience. Multiplayer won’t be stealing any thunder from other prominent titles in the genre anytime soon.
F.E.A.R. 3
Xbox 360 and PS3 Warner Bros. Interactive 6/21/11 You have every right to expect improvement on a third installment title who’s original release delivered the freaky kinds of gameplay moments that the title so suggests. This shooter promises to deliver frightening surprises and horrific visuals throughout the story as you take control of either of the two main protagonists who boast a diverse set of weapons and special abilities. Pros Super fun multiplayer modes that will keep you on your toes. Can someone say “co-op mode?” Cons All in all the story driving this series has dwindled down to the end of its course which, in turn, robs the experience of its trademark scary factors. Just can’t be frightened by the same old tricks over and over. Opinion Definitely check this one out for the multiplayer experience alone. Might want to consider it a rental though if you don’t want to be stuck with the full tab on a title that could potentially end up collecting dust.
August flicks
By Jessie Bristow
Too See or not Too See DVD Previews by Jessie Bristow
Soul Surfer Release: August 2, 2011 The Hollywood story of Hawaii’s own Bethany Hamilton and how she overcame a shark attack, continues to surf the world and inspire all. Hamilton, played by AnnaSophia Robb, made a large effort to be on the set of this film and make sure that the proper story was told. With Dennis Quaid and Helen Hunt playing Hamilton’s parents, the film displays truth and shows how a young girl succeeds after her life changing incident.
30 Minute or Less
Release: August 12, 2011 A small town stoner is forced by two low life “entrepreneurs” to rob a bank within nine hours before a bomb locked to his chest blows up. He turns to his best friend for help, and the two get caught up in their mission with spray painted air-soft guns. Directed by Ruben Fleischer (Zombieland) stars a cast that rolls with comedy. Jesse Eisenberg, Danny McBride, Aziz Ansari, and Nick Swardson, are sure to get audiences roaring.
Release: August 26, 2011 Writers Luc Besson and Robert Mark Kamen (Taken and The Fifth Element) team up to do the screenplay and write this film to accommodate the need for some good old-fashioned summer action fun. The sexy and talented Zoe Saldana (Avatar, Star Trek, and Death at a Funeral) stars as an orphaned girl who becomes an assassin who seeks revenge from her parents’ killer. Columbiana makes up for the lack of action films this summer (aside from the comic book ones), and Saldana looks good doing it.
Madea’s Big Happy Family Release: August 30, 2011 Tyler Perry is back with his dysfunctional family antics in a film where the head of the family, Madea, uses her old-school raising methods to help get her “loved ones” through tough times. Accompanied by Perry’s usual cast of comedic actors, the movie brings a sense of union and values along with laughs.
Rise of the Planet of the Apes Release: August 5, 2011
James Franco and Apes running amuck San Francisco does not seem too appealing. The first Planet of the Apes with Charlton Heston had it all. The mystery, the sci-fi, and the element of an apelike-hybrid human are what made the film original. Tim Burton should have left the film alone in 2001, and James Franco should have done the same this time. Hollywood should let the classics stay classy.
The Change-Up
Release: August 5, 2011 With the same idea as Freaky Friday, the director from Wedding Crashers, and the writers from the Hangover, Jason Bateman and Ryan Reynolds are two best friends who live completely opposite lives and somewhat envy each other. One is married with kids, and the other is a single bachelor. One night they switch bodies and the both get what they wanted. With an R rating, the film should be a little raunchy and seems pretty amusing.
The Conspirator Release: August 16, 2011 Robert Redford brings you the story of what directly happened after the death of President Lincoln and the conspiracy of how one bullet killed the president, and the men behind the assassination. Mary Surratt (Robin Wright Penn) is held accountable for aiding those who killed the president, and her lawyer Frederick Aiken (James McAvoy) is the only one who can help her while he tries to discover the true story of what really happened.
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*Gift Certificates Available. *To cancel an appointment, we request 12 hours in advance notice to avoid a 50% cancellation charge. *Hawaii state general excise tax will be added to each service. * Prices subject to change.
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The pineapple
Hawaiian-Style Dishes Mix Local Flavors With Culinary Traditions
Written and Photos by Mimi Palmore
When “local” became the buzzword for cuisine, Alan Wong was already years ahead of the game. When farmer’s markets began vending organic produce to the masses, Alan Wong was already creating “Hawaiian-style” dishes that represented not only the unique culinary traditions of the 50th state, but also its rich ‘aina, or land. Sharing this philosophy of Hawai’i Regional Cuisine (HRC) along with thirteen other chefs, Alan Wong has paved the way for both fine and casual dining in the islands, proving that it’s fully possible to enjoy locally grown food that’s delicious, affordable, and most importantly, sustainable. After the immense success of Alan Wong Restaurant, tucked away on the third floor of an office building on King Street, both Chef Alan and Chef Lance Kosaka sought to create a more casual dining experience while still maintaining Chef Alan’s vision of HRC. Just around the corner from the women’s swimsuit section on the third floor of Macy’s in Ala Moana Center, sits an unassuming, toddler of a restaurant: The Pineapple Room. Much like its senior location, the majority of the menu items feature produce and meats that are grown right here on the islands, and are prepared to appease the “local” appetite, with dishes ranging from the infamous Loco Moco (ranked one of the best in the state), made with Maui Cattle Company Beef, to the Filipino-style Halo Halo, complete with coconut shave ice, sweet corn, and azuki beans. “We’re supporting our local community,” says Chef Lance. By purchasing the freshest ingredients from local farmers, ranchers, and fishermen, Chef Lance believes that Hawai’i could become a more agriculturally self-sufficient state, leading not only to a boost in the economy, but also a decrease in the carbon footprint left by overseas imports. Aside from the implicit advantages of using locally produced foods, the more blatantly satisfying indicator that local is simply better is the taste. “Everyday that fruits and vegetables are picked from the earth, they lose their nutrients,” says Chef Lance. The fresher the product, be it fruits, vegetables, beef, or fish, the more beneficial for our health and our taste buds. In order to fully inform patrons that their meals are made of the best-possible ingredients, the chefs at The Pineapple Room not only supply menus that mention the origin of the produce or meat, but often employ side-by-side tastings that challenge the pallet. As a feature on the dinner menu, the side by side tasting of Ron & Lita Weidenbach’s farm-raised North Shore tilapia comes with two pieces of fish, cooked to soft, supple perfection, one boasting grilled, slightly crispy skin while the other without. The dish also features Ma’o Organic Farm’s organic baby kale (located in Wai’anae), and Hamakua Springs heritage eryngi mushroom (located on Mauna Kea of the Big Island). “Local” doesn’t stop at produce and meat; the Waialua dark chocolate tart, a feature on the dinner menu’s five-course Farmer’s Tasting, is made from cocoa grown right on Oahu’s North Shore, and paired with the rich, dense, Waialua Coffee Ice Cream, will quench any one’s desire for sweets after a meal.
The Pineapple Room is open everyday for lunch, Monday through Saturday for dinner, and Saturday and Sunday for breakfast.
Photo by Sean Newsome
rip curl gromsearch The Search Continues for the Next Young Grom
The Rip Curl Grom is a global search for up-and-coming male and female surfers. On July 9, 2011, the best young talent from all over Hawaii invaded Kewalos Basin for their chance to become the next top rider. The Gromsearch heads to their 3rd location in New Smyrna Beach, FL on August 13th and 14th. For more information please visit Here are the Oahu, Hawaii results.
Boys 16 and under 1. Isaiah Moniz 2. Kaito Kino 3. Josh Moniz 4. Kain Daly
Boys 14 and under 1. Josh Moniz 2. Kaulana Apo 3. Seth Moniz 4. Elijah Gates
Boys 12 and under 1. Noa Mizuno 2. Wyatt McHale 54
3. Taichi Wakita 4. Cody Young
Girls 16 and under 1. Tatiana Weston-Webb 2. Mahina Maeda 3. Makani Adric 4. Cayla Moore
H20 Overdrive Maneuver of the Event Josh Moniz - $100
Dragon Alliance High Heat of the Event Seth Moniz - $50
Sponsors Official Retail Sponsor-Hawaiian Island Creations Presenting Sponsor-H2O Overdrive Dragon Alliance Kicker Audio Power Balance Future Fins Wahoos Rip Curl Surfers: Dane Rust, Dorian Blanchard, Wyatt McHale The contest is run by Rip Curl Team Manager Nick Greeninger.
Photos by Patrick Vieira
august2011Calendar 43rd Annual Hawaiian Invitational Water Polo Tournament
Incubus Live Friday August 5th @ Kaka’ako Waterfront Park Amphitheater 7:00 pm- 10:00 pm, GA $55, VIP $120
August 8th-August 14th @ The University of Hawaii, Punahou School, ‘Iolani School, and Kamehameha
2 tue
3 wed
Lyon Arboretum Tours Guides share highlights of the Arboretum collections, reservations required @Lyon Arboretum, University of Hawaii, Manoa 100:00 am- 11:30 am (808) 988-0461
43rd Annual Hawaiian Invitational Water Polo Tournament @The University of Hawaii, Punahou School, ‘Iolani School, and Kamehameha
10 wed
The Pushovers Live Music Every Wednesday @Waikiki Sandbox, 21+ 2260 Kuhio Ave
43rd Annual Hawaiian Invitational Water Polo Tournament @The University of Hawaii, Punahou School, ‘Iolani School, and Kamehameha
11 thu
Authentic Hawaiian Music & Hula @Kuhio Beach at Ulunio & Kalakaua Ave in Waikiki Seating on the grass; beach chairs, mats, etc. are suggested (808) 843-8002
12 fri
Pajamarama Pajama Massive w/Lisa Lashes & Christian Martin, #1 Female DJ Lisa Lashes from Britain (UK) @The New SoHo, 9:00 pm
13 sat
Submerged Saturdays House, Techno and more @Indigo Ultralounge 9:00 pm- 3:00 am 18+ $10 before 11, $15 after 21+ $5 before 11, $10 after
9 tue
Shearwater Soiree Hawaii Audubon Society Fundraising Event @ Thirtynine Hotel 5:30-9pm, Cost: $15 pre-sale/$20 door Food, Entertainment, Silent Auction,Freeman Seabird Preserve Update,Adopt a Shearwater Launch or Call 528-1432
Hawaii Conservation Conference Public Event Art exhibit, photographer and conservationist Susan Middleton lecture (5:30-6:30 pm) @Hawaii Convention Center 5:30 pm-8:00 pm
ater Shearw Soiree M
WHERE: thirtyninehotel 39 Hotel St.—Downtown Honolulu (between Smith st. and Nu`uanu St.)
ISSION STATEMENT: To foster community values that result in the protection and restoration of native ecosystems and conservation of natural resources through education, science and advocacy in Hawaii and the Pacic.
DATE: 08.02.2011
TIME: 5:30—9:00 pm
COST: $15 preǦsale / $20 door __________________ . Food . Entertainment . Silent Auction . . Freeman Seabird Preserve Update . . AdoptǦaǦShearwater Launch .
Come to my
rst Soiree!
A fundraiser to support Hawaii Audubon Society’s Mission.
4 thu
The Repeat Music @The Manifest 10:00 pm- 2:00 am, 21+ 32 North Hotel Street
5 fri
Incubus Music Concert @Kaka’ako Waterfront Park Amphitheater 7:00 pm- 10:00 pm, GA $55, VIP $120
6 sat
Summer Fest 2011 Local island crafts, specialty items, produce and more @Kailua Methodist Church 9:00 am- 3:00 pm 1110 Kailua Rd.
14 sun
Full Moon Party Leo & Virgo Free Cocktail for those born between July 23rd and September 22nd @Hula’s Bar and Lei Stand, 9:00 pm- 2:00 am 134 Kapahulu Ave, Second Floor
7 sun
Tailgate Extravaganza 2011 Hawaii Polo Match @Mokuleia Polo Field Gates open at 10:00 am $10 Admission ($8 Military, senior, students)
15 mon
Industry Night @Lava Rock Lounge Every Monday Night 2330 Kalakaua Ave (808) 921-9978
8 mon
Industry Night @ Lava Rock Lounge Every Monday 2330 Kalakaua Ave (808) 921-9978
43rd Annual Hawaiian Invitational Water Polo Tournament @The University of Hawaii, Punahou School, ‘Iolani School, and Kamehameha
For more information or to purchase tickets visit or call 808.528.1432
First Friday Honolulu Art Walk @Chinatown, Honolulu 5:00 pm- 9:00 pm
16 tue
Korn with special guest Five Finger Death Punch Music Concert @Blaisdell Arena 7:00 pm, GA $60, Upper Level $55
43rd Annual Hawaiian Invitational Water Polo Tournament @The University of Hawaii, Punahou School, ‘Iolani School, and Kamehameha
Once-A-Month Punk PBR Master of Oz KEG PARTY, by Top Shelf Entertainment (old school keg party/ Your favorite rock covers) 10:00 pm- 4:00 am @ Waikiki Sandbox, 21+ 2260 Kuhio Ave
29th Annual Slack Key Guitar Festival
August 12th Pajama Massive w/Lisa Lashes & Christian Martin #1 Female DJ Lisa Lashes from Britain (UK) @The New SoHo, 9:00 pm
August 21st @Kapiolani Park, Waikiki 12:00 pm- 6:00 pm (808) 226-2697
17 wed
DJ Jimmy Taco Top 40 Hip Hop, R&B, Dance Roof top party every Wednesday @Dave & Busters 10:00 pm- 2:00 am
25 thu
18 thu
Rick Rocks Thirsty Thursdays @Zanzabar Waikiki (808) 924-9978
26 fri
19 fri
Boiling Point Every Friday Night Through the Summer @ Rumfire, Waikiki Sheraton (808) 922-4422
27 sat
20 sat
Made in Hawaii Festival Hawaiian products including food, books, plants, art, and more @Neal S. Blaisdell 10:00 am- 9:00 pm, $4 admission
4th Annual Biggest Little Airshow on Ford Island Celebrate the centennial of Naval Aviation @Ford Island 10:00 am- 4:00 pm
21 sun
Made in Hawaii Festival Hawaiian products including food, books, plants, art, and more @Neal S. Blaisdell 10:00 am- 9:00 pm, $4 admission
29th Annual Slack Key Guitar Festival @Kapiolani Park, Waikiki 12:00 pm- 6:00 pm (808) 226-2697
22 mon
23 tue
24 wed
Lulu’s Waikiki Surf Club Industry Day 50% off food and drinks with industry ID @Lulu’s Waikiki, every Monday 7:00 am- close Giovanni Pastrami Happy Hour. Free pizza slice with drink purchase 3:00 pm-5:00 pm Monday thru Friday (808) 923-2100 Paramore Pop-Punk concert @The Waterfront at Aloha Tower 7:00 pm- 10:00 pm, GA $38(in advance), VIP $80(in advance)
10th Anniversary Duke’s Oceanfest Longboard surfing, surf polo, swimming, stand up paddling @Duke Kahanamoku Beach (808) 545-4880
Kona Brewing Company Happy Hour drink and pupu specials 3:00 pm-6:00 pm Monday thru Friday (808) 394-5662
Chevron Rainbow Wahine Invitational @Stan Sheriff Center Times vary depending on date Waikiki Artfest Artists, handcrafters, music, and food @Kapiolani Park by Bandstand, Waikiki 10:00 am- 6:00 pm
Once-A-Month-Punk Top Shelf Live Music Collective. (An eclectic blend of Hawaii’s best live music performers) 10:00 pm- 4:00 am @Waikiki Sandbox, 21+ 2260 Kuhio Ave
28 sun
Live Music Local bands and Musicians @Tiki’s Grill and Bar 6:00 pm
Waikiki Artfest Artists, handcrafters, music, and food @Kapiolani Park by Bandstand, Waikiki 10:00 am- 6:00 pm
29 mon
Aulani Disney Resort & Spa Grand Opening @Aulani Resort, Ko Olina
30 tue
Authentic Hawaiian Music & Hula @ Kuhio Beach at Ulunio & Kalakaua Ave in Waikiki Seating on the grass; beach chairs, mats, etc. are suggested (808) 843-8002
31 wed
Open Mic Night @Tiki’s Grill and Bar 6:00 pm
If you’ve got events you’d like to see listed in our next issue or are interested in finding out more information about how you can get involved in promotions please email us at
Local @ Photos by Keoki and Eric Jordan
POWER104.3 Flirt @ Soho ( special thanks to Romeo Valentine and Micah Banks )
LuxII @ Trump Hotel ArtbyWinette and Anne Namba Fashion show. ( special thanks to Cynthia Altman and Paul Leo Klink ) 58
Bar35 DesignU ( special thanks to Cyrina Hadad Ralya and Melanie Blandino ) JimmyTaco ( special thanks to Jimmy Taco )
The Rej3ctz @ Zanzabar ( special thanks to Rick Rock ) 59
Trail by Fire @ Maddog ( special thanks to Alex Iverson )
NextDoor Summer Shines Ooklah the Moc Mike Love Duo 60
Indigo ( special thanks to Cameron Pepper and Miko Franconi )
First Friday - KCCN FM100 Hot Hawaiian Nights with Kalaeloa @ Trump Hotel special thanks to Charito Rivera, ChinaTown Block Party 61
LAVA rock lounge
A Lava Rock Oozing with Great Drinks, Friendly Service, and a Family-Style Feel By JT Photos by Keoki In the corporate jungle of Waikiki bars, restaurants, and clubs, lives a venue that is truly unique to this industry. Nestled beneath the spanning trees in the heart of the International Marketplace sits Lava Rock Lounge. Tiki torches, surfboards, red-leather couches and low lighting make this lounge the ideal Hawaiian bar to visit. The venue boasts a lava rock setting of interior and exterior black rock walls, exuding a welcoming appeal Hawaiian culture prides itself on. Owner Tony Nelson provides a friendly atmosphere where guests can enjoy a relaxing cocktail after work, or party all night with friends. His family-oriented work environment transcends beyond the bar, and into each bar stool where guests feel like a friend, and not simply a random customer. With an abundance of bars to choose from centered in Waikiki, Lava Rock continues to be the favorite among local industry employees, showing that comfort still outshines pricy drinks and dress codes.
Along with the friendly service and premium cocktails, Lava Lounge hosts an array of entertainment ranging from pool tables, a Nintendo Wii station, darts, Flat Screen TV’s, music, interactive computer games, and a dance floor positioned in the center of the bar. Cocktail tables allow for private interactions between friends, and couches spread throughout the venue provide a space for intimate conversations. The popular Waikiki Pub Crawl hits Lava Lounge every Saturday night packing the space with partygoers who are out to dance, sing, and drink the night away. Guest Dj’s spin on select nights and fill the cave with echoing music heard from the street above. The unheard of “Power Hour” from 11:00 pm to 12:00 am offers $1.50 select drink specials every night making this once again the top choice for pre and post partiers. Open until 4:00 AM, Lava Rock is at the disposal of cocktail enthusiasts all night into the early morning hours.
A Sunday-to-Sunday Happy hour from 11:00 am to 11:00 pm makes this the premiere bar to enjoy a couple cocktails without breaking the bank any day of the week. With resort prices at a high, it’s nice to know that there is still an affordable Mai Tai in Waikiki. A mixture of local and international liquor brands offers guests the option of ordering traditional cocktails or something new. Oceans, 808, and Hawaiian are all local Vodka brands offered, available to mix with any number of fresh juices or sodas.
Tony takes pride in his rock and is in the process of upgrading his venue. Lava Lounge now hosts a shiny new bar-top, hand-carved Tiki posts, re-finished pool tables, and additional surf décor on the walls, brought in to enhance the appeal and create an aesthetically pleasing atmosphere for his guests, new and old. Friend and long time employee Todd feels “with so many corporate businesses in Waikiki, it’s nice to come to a bar where you feel like a friend.” A feeling shared by many who frequent this hidden gem, Lava Rock Lounge is a family admired for their friendly hospitality and welcoming Hawaiian-style accommodations.
in a cinémetropolis
The Blue Scholars Share Their “Visual Soundtrack” with the Isalnds On their third trip to the Islands, Seattle-based, hip-hop duo the Blue Scholars did more than pack the house on Saturday, July 9th at Loft in Chinatown. Upwards of 500 people attended the event, making it one of the most memorable, underground hip-hop shows in Honolulu history. Hosted by the Ethnic Studies Student Association (ESSA) and the Night Marchers, the concert featured openers Bambu, Omega Six and the Prolific Unknowns. The support of the hip-hop community in Hawaii and the love for Blue Scholars was truly seen through fans who endured the heat and stuffiness created by hundreds of bodies. Formed at the University of Washington, MC Geologic and DJ/Producer Sabzi have been making music together since 1997. The duo came from humble beginnings as part of the Student Hip-hop Organization of Washington (SHOW), a collective of students and artists who put on hip-hop events for the community. Their connection to students and the greater community has only grown stronger over the years. Their passion for mentoring youth and community organizing goes hand-in-hand with their socially relevant music. Typically charged with commentary on current events and civil rights, the Blue Scholars’ music has a profound impact on fans. They maintain a deep connection with their Seattle community, which can be felt in tracks such as “Joe Metro” and “Fou Lee,” as well as strong ties with the islands, making projects such as “OOF,” specifically for the Hawaii audience. During this trip, the Blue Scholars celebrated the release of their current project, Cinémetropolis, described by Sabzi as a testament to the fact that “the world we live in is almost more through moving pictures and audio, than the real life that we live.” Presented as a “visual soundtrack,” Cinémetropolis’ tracks are short films in and of themselves, titled with the names of people and telling a specific story. All 64
Written and Photographed by Sierra Williams
of the tracks on the album will eventually be accompanied by short film projects, such as the “Slick Watts” short film that has been released by Sonicsgate. Although the album is a commentary on the various layers that society has been removed from reality, it does so by existing somewhere in-between reality and the current status quo. In addition, Sabzi and Geo will be releasing the instrumentals of all the album tracks as a way of helping others gain control of their own camera lens. Geo expresses that in the past, film was used as a form of “mind control” and it was run by “very few privileged hands,” who held the power. The album touches on this issue and is further seen through the release of instrumentals; a blank canvas of sorts. With the potential of becoming a worldwide artistic movement, the instrumentals from Cinémetropolis can be used by fans and artists to create their own reality. In addition to the buzz surrounding Cinémetropolis, the duo ushered in the release of Prometheus Brown and Bambu Walk into a Bar, a side project featuring Geo (aka Prometheus Brown) and LA-based rapper, Bambu. Also a driving force in the community, Bambu joined the Blue Scholars on the University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM) campus on July 6th – 8th for a number of talk story sessions ranging from community organizing to filmmaking. Sponsored by UHM’s Native Hawaiian Student Services, the Rise Up! Represent! Talk-story sessions were a unique way for students and community leaders to develop relationships with each other and the artists. Bambu and Blue Scholars’ tireless efforts to raise awareness and fight for individual rights resonates deeply with their fan base and the greater community; they are truly doing important work. For more information and to get your copy of Cinémetropolis and Prometheus Brown and Geo Walk into a Bar, please visit
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