Local Food for Local People CCF-4744

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Local Food for Local People CCF4744 Final Project Report

Laura Donkers, Project Leader 2016-2017


Local food for Local People CCF-4744

growing more food locally delivering horticultural training and advice supporting the ‘growing community’

Local Food for Local People is creating a low carbon future for Uist by reducing food miles, reducing food waste, and raising awareness of their links to sustainability and climate change whilst benefitting the health and wellbeing of the community and the environment

Local Food for Local People CCF-4744 T: 01870 608905/01870 608906

Tagsa Uibhist, East Camp Community Enterprise Park, Balivanich, Isle of Benbecula HS7 5LA W: www.uistfood.com F: https://www.facebook.com/uisthortiproject/




1. Starting Point


2. Executive Summary


3. Project Activities


4. Outcomes: CO2e


5. Outcomes for the Community


6. Learning and Reflection


7. Finance and Administration


8. Legacy


9. Supporting Information


9.1 Case studies: 9.1.1

Supporting Young Volunteers into Horticulture


‘Potatoes for Schools’ Pilot Project


Home Economics Literacy Project


‘Polycrub for Berneray’ Project

9.2 Materials: 9.2.1

‘Sewing Wildflowers’ exhibition catalogue


Food Waste Diary: participant responses


Project Sites: Data sheets


Horticultural Learner’s feedback

9.3 Partnership Agreement 9.4 Press/Media coverage 9.5 Website and Facebook page

10. Report Author


11. Activities Grid




1.Starting Point Local Food for Local People CCF-4744 (2016-17) is a community project creating a low carbon future for Uist by encouraging the growing of more local produce to reduce food miles, reduce food waste and raise awareness of their links to sustainability and climate change. It also aims to provide opportunities for skills development and work experience in the horticulture sector to deliver health benefits and job opportunities for the community. It is run in partnership by Tagsa Uibhist and Cothrom – two organisations with long track records in successful engagement with the local community to identify and meet local community needs, and in managing a wide range of community projects. •

Tagsa Uibhist is a voluntary organisation based in Balivanich, Isle of Benbecula providing community services that meet the needs of the elderly and vulnerable population in Uist through provision of their own Residential Care Home and a ‘Care at Home’ service. In addition, they also provide a popular community transport service, a handyman service and a domestic service, as well as a Mental Health & Wellbeing Outreach Project offering support and information to help individuals manage their mental health Cothrom is a community and development organisation in South Uist predominantly providing certificated training opportunities, as well as running a full-time Gaelic Nursery, a recycling enterprise Re-Store, and community economic development team

The development of Local Food for Local People has been widely supported in Uist by the following organisations: East Camp Trust; Lews Castle College UHI, CnES Skills and Enterprise; Grimsay Community Association; SAC Consulting; Storas Uibhist. Tagsa Uibhist previously piloted a Horticultural Project in 2011, funded by Outer Hebrides LEADER, which provided opportunities for people to grow fruit and vegetables targeted particularly at vulnerable adults affording them therapeutic, health eating and wellbeing opportunities. Local Food for Local People CCF-3812 (2015-16) run in partnership by Tagsa Uibhist and Cothrom built on that legacy by expanding growing facilities, and formal (SVQ Horticulture Level 1) and informal horticultural training to support the ‘growing community’ in Uist to work towards becoming more self-sufficient. Project Outcomes

Reducing CO2e emissions by 12.38 tonnes and by 185.72 tonnes over the project lifetime through increased local production of fruit and vegetables Reducing CO2e emissions from food waste going into landfill by 17.14 tonnes and by 257.24 tonnes over the project lifetime Developing horticultural skills and horticultural employment opportunities Raising awareness of biodiversity and its links to sustainable food production 6

2.Executive Summary Local food for Local People CCF-4744 growing more food locally delivering horticultural training and advice supporting the ‘growing community’

Local Food for Local People CCF-4744 is a Climate Challenge Fund (CCF) project run in partnership by Tagsa Uibhist and Cothrom to create a low carbon future for Uist by reducing food miles, reducing food waste, and raising awareness of their links to sustainability and climate change through skills development and work experience in the horticulture sector benefitting the health and wellbeing of both individuals and the community. In addition, to our core activities of growing more food, delivering horticultural training and advice, and provision of support to enable people to develop their skills, we also sought to improve the carbon literacy of the community by getting more young people, young families, and volunteers involved in growing, cooking and eating fresh local produce. We also sought to reduce the amount of wasted food through ‘Life Skills’ classes and by offering composting services to local food businesses. Highlights: During 2016-17 we have Improved carbon literacy • • • • • • • •

Developed new project sites for at least 20 people 3 certificates for CCF Carbon Literacy course awarded to 2 project staff and 1 SVQ Horticulture learner 1 local food business sends over 1 tonne of food waste to project for composting rather than into landfill 100 composting information posters are distributed 1425kg of locally grown potatoes are supplied to schools’ canteens to reduce Food Miles 2653.5kg food grown through project activity to further reduce Food Miles Delivered Formal Training – SVQ Level 1 Horticulture (6) SVQ Level 2 Horticulture (6) Horticultural Apprentice SVQ Level 2 Horticulture (1) and ‘Gardening for food’ course (6) Delivered a Life Skills workshop programme

Got more young people growing and cooking • •

Polycrub for 14 participants, including 2 families and a plot for the youth club 40 secondary school pupils undertake Home Economics course that includes Carbon Literacy input - developing understanding of seasonal produce and how to use it


• •

10 primary school pupils attend weekly 5-A-Day Club after school, to learn about, taste and grow vegetables 4 young families are supported to grow food for themselves through new allotment provision at St Peters Walled Garden, Daliburgh

Launched ‘Potatoes for Schools’ Pilot Project • • •

5 crofters supply 1425kg of machair-grown potatoes to project Tagsa Community bus service delivers potatoes to schools on request 5 schools take part in the pilot project

CO2e Reductions: During 2016-17, we have reduced CO2e through increased growing of fruit and vegetables, by: 14.36 tonnes and by 215.4tCO2e over the project lifetime During 2016-17, we have reduced CO2e through reducing food waste, by: 24.8 tonnes and by 372.5 tonnes over the project lifetime

3.Project Activities Local Food for Local People has been operating since April 2015 to encourage the growing of more local food by people who currently cannot grow food for themselves by expanding growing facilities and delivering horticultural training and community workshops that would lead towards the goals of great self-sufficiency, and improving the community’s carbon literacy. Improving Carbon Literacy This project enabled us to improve the community’s carbon literacy by reaching a wider audience, both geographically and demographically. In addition to the established growing sites at Tagsa Uibhist and Cothrom1, additional members of the community (20), particularly younger people and young families (under 35 year) in North Uist and South Uist were encouraged to grow through the provision of new facilities in the form of the installation of a 12m x 4m Polycrub 2 (North Uist) where 14 growers are now established including 2 young families and a plot for the local Youth Club, and in South Uist the provision of family-sized allotments beds (4), and 10m2 raised beds and refurbishment of a Keder greenhouse. The project also supported the development of the new Local Food Production course for adult learners (6) ‘Gardening for Food’, run by Lews Castle College UHI, through the provision of propagation and growing facilities at Tagsa Uibhist. These developments lead to additional reduction in CO2e emissions delivered through a range of measures including provision of SVQ Horticulture training (13), Project Outreach Ambassadors (2) to support horticultural activity at community level. Our Community Workshop Programme increased the community’s skills and awareness of the benefits of growing locally and the importance of composting as a measure to reduce CO2e, as well as improving awareness of biodiversity and its links to sustainable food production. We

1 Our

2015-16 project Local Food for Local People CCF-3812 provided horticultural facilities in the form of 2 x Keder greenhouses http://www.kedergreenhouse.co.uk/ to provide protected raised bed allotments and heated propagation and growing-on facilities for new growers at Tagsa Uibhist and Cothrom. Full details contained in CCF-3812 Final Report March 2016 available to download from project website home page http://www.localfood-uist.co.uk/home or go directly to https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/logs.omnibuilder/e897b6c5-1621-4256-aadc-4bfaf4d40545/45092a18-3417-4077ac6c-3aafd4762f2e.pdf 2 http://www.nortenergy.co.uk/ ‘At Nortenergy, we’re very proud of our polycrub. It’s a tremendously strong structure, and is built with a solid green ethos. The frame is made from recycled salmon pipe, which gives this material another new, long, useful purpose. During the last few years, several kilometres of waste salmon pipe have been diverted from landfill in Shetland’


also made sure that we were carbon literate with 3 participants successfully undertaking CCF’s Carbon Literacy accredited training course. o

Formal Training – SVQ Level 1 Horticulture (6) SVQ Level 2 Horticulture (6) Horticultural Apprentice SVQ Level 2 Horticulture (1)


Community Workshops (8) - Informal Horticultural training (21); composting workshops (2); Composting demo (28); new gardeners starting composting (13); Composting posters distributed (106)


Community Events 2) - Open Days (142); (2) growing/fertility workshops (17) Planting/harvesting ‘Away days’ (40)

More Young People Growing and Cooking During 2015/16, project data gathered through the Reclaiming the Knowledge Survey (October 2015) revealed that over 90% of current growing in Uist is carried out by over 35-year-olds. We wanted to find a way to increase the number of young people and young families involved in growing food and eating better so our new project sought to prioritise training and allotment facilities for young families, as well as ‘Life Skill’s provision through schools-based (40) and Adult Learning-based workshops (140). The workshop programme included cooking from scratch, meal planning using seasonal produce available from our allotment sites, and guidance on how to avoid or reduce food waste. Information and a visual exercise in calculating the amount of material waste from vegetable preparation took place this year with Sgoil Lionacleit Home Economics S3 pupils. This exercise involved Home Economics teachers (2) and S3 pupils (40) receiving a supply of fresh vegetables from the Tagsa allotment site, weighing the vegetables (7kg) prior to preparation for cooking, and then weighing the waste produced (5kg). This was an exercise to expand understanding of the amount of waste that needs to be kept out of residual rubbish bins and instead be turned into compost. The pupils visited the nearby allotments to see produce growing, learn about seasonality, and carry out cooking and meal planning activities that took these factors into account. For more information see Case Study 9.1.3 Home Economics Literacy Project Schools engagement - 5-A-Day-Club – afterschool gardening club (212); Planting workshops (26); Literacy Project – composting exercise, site visits + meal planning (40) Volunteer hours - Tagsa – 7 volunteers 925 hours + 290 hours (1 x pupil work experience); Cothrom – 10 volunteers 500 hours ‘Potatoes for Schools’ Pilot A commitment from our local authority, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar (CnES), to support the Scottish Government’s initiative ‘Better Eating, Better Learning’ provided an opportunity for us to encourage local growers and crofters to supply the islands schools’ catering departments with local produce. Through the pilot project ‘Potatoes for Schools’, we committed to directly reducing food miles on canteen produce by supplying the islands’ schools with ‘machair-grown’3 potatoes – 1,425kgs were delivered to the cold store at Tagsa Uibhist’s project site. A promotional campaign through local TV, radio and newspapers yielded the support of 5 crofters who would supply the required amount, and catering staff were advised of the purpose of the project and informed about how they could make their orders. The potatoes would be delivered to the schools via Tagsa Uibhist’s


The highly-prized ‘Machair Potato’ is grown using the traditional system of planting on the sandy arable ground just up from the shore, known as ‘Machair’ using copious amounts of locally gathered seaweed as fertilizer. This practice gives the potatoes their rich flavour and leaves them with a drier texture that is particularly favoured locally.


community bus service. The project featured in a BBC video for ‘An La’ (Gaelic News Programme) and included interviews with local crofters, catering staff and a local councillor. It can be viewed at the following link http://www.bbc.co.uk/naidheachdan/3644667 ‘The pilot project to supply Machair-grown potatoes to all Uist Schools under the Better Eating Better Learning initiative from the Scottish Government has been a great success. One of the aims of our Whole School Food Policy is to explore the provenance of our food and to encourage the use of fresh, seasonal, local and sustainable ingredients. This project has ticked all these boxes. Tagsa Uibhist’s Horticultural Project, Local Food for Local People, has been able to source, supply and deliver Machair-grown potatoes to each School weekly through the islands. Our Cooks have been able to discuss with the Project Leader what their requirements are and have been able to ensure that on their menus we can prove the sustainability and provenance of our potatoes. The Catering Department are hopeful that this project will continue in the future.’ Mairi Boyle, Assistant Operations Manager, Education and Children’s Services Department For more information see Case Study 9.1.2 ‘Potatoes for Schools’ Pilot Project

4. Outcomes - CO2e Reducing CO2e emissions by 12.38 tonnes and by 185.72 tonnes over the project lifetime through increased local production of fruit and vegetables 1.Reduce CO2e emissions through increased local production of fruit and vegetables The production rate of 4.43kg/m² was used for this project, based on the 2015 Food production rate 4.43 kg per m² (based on total weight of produce grown 663.5 kg ÷ Tagsa Allotment site 149.6m² = 4.43 kg per m²). N.B. During the CCF-3812 project 2015-16 the Steering Group agreed that this figure should be used to calculate an assumed rate for the overall project production due to the lack of any consistent production recording taking place at Cothrom/St Peters during that year. TARGET OUTCOMES: Using this production rate, the targets for production were: • • • • •

Tagsa Uibhist - 800kg based on its new growing space of 180m2; Cothrom/St Peters - 3,039kg based on growing space across two sites of 686m 2; Sacred Heart House – 137kg based on raised beds and Keder- 31m²; and Berneray- 213kg based on Polycrub - 48m²; Crofters to supply 3,800kg to project

Giving a target total for production of 4188.12kg on 945.4m² (across all project sites) + Crofters supply of 3,800kg Machair-grown potatoes to project

Target: Reduce CO2e emissions by 12.38 tonnes and by 185.72 tonnes over the project lifetime ACTUAL OUTCOMES: •

Tagsa site exceeded the target by growing 954.5kg;


• • •

Cothrom/St Peters did not achieve the target as it grew 450kg, but when the total of produce grown in SVQ Horticulture students own gardens - 1249kg - is added, the total comes to 1699kg; Sacred Heart House and Berneray Polycrub did not produce anything due to delays in getting the structure up and running in time for production to occur; Crofters supplied only 1,425kg Machair-grown potatoes to the project, due to lower yield/acre than expected;

Giving an actual total vegetable production of 2653.5kg on 945.4m2 (across all project sites) + Crofters supply of 1,425kg Machair-grown potatoes to project

Actual: Reduced CO2e emissions by 14.36 tonnes and by 215.4tCO2e over the project lifetime CO2e emissions reductions achieved We have reduced CO2e emissions by 14.36 tonnes and by 215.4 tonnes over the project lifetime through local production of fruit and vegetables. We have managed to do this despite the production of food for the project being just more than half of the target projections, by using the latest CCF emissions factor (2016) for average embodied emissions for food and drink - 4.060kgCO2e, rather than the previous baseline emissions figure of 2.09kgCO2e, we can in fact show that we have achieved and surpassed our target for CO2e emissions savings. Table 1: Project Activity CO2e calculations: Growing Food ESTIMATED ACTUAL Total project site (2016) 945.4m² (Tagsa) 180.4m² + (Cothrom) 86m² + (St Peters’) 600m² + (Sacred Heart House) 31m² + (Berneray) 48m² = 945.4m²)

Total project site (2016) 945.4m² (Tagsa) 180.4m² + (Cothrom) 86m² + (St Peters’) 600m² + (Sacred Heart House) 31m² + (Berneray) 48m² = 945.4m²)

2015 Food production 663.5kg (Tagsa site) 663.5 kg ÷ Tagsa Allotment site 149.6m² = 4.43 kg per m²

2015 Food production 663.5kg (Tagsa site) 663.5 kg ÷ Tagsa Allotment site 149.6m² = 4.43 kg per m²

Food Production 4188.12kg + 3800kg = 7988.12kg

2653.5kg + 1425kg = 4078.5kg

Step 1 Calculate Baseline Emissions 7988.12kg x 2.09kgCO2e = 16695.17kgCO2e

4078.5kg x 4.060kgCO2e = 16558.71kgCO2e

Step 2 Calculate Project Scenario Emissions 7988.12kg x 0.54kgCO2e = 4313.58kgCO2e

4078.5kg x 0.54kgCO2e = 2202.39kgCO2e

Step 3 Calculate Annual Emissions Savings in Tonnes CO2e 16695.17kgCO2e - 4313.58kgCO2e = 12.38 tonnes 16558.71kgCO2e – 2202.39kgCO2e = 14.36 tonnes CO2e CO2e Step 4 Lifetime Calculate Lifetime Emissions Savings of the project 12.38tCO2e x 15 years4 = 185.72tCO2e 14.36tCO2e x 15 years = 215.4tCO2e *This figure is derived from the 15-year lifespan of the three core horticultural sites

1.1 Construction/improvement of growing facilities in new geographical areas o o

North Uist: Provision of Polycrub 4m x 12m at Taigh Sgoile, Isle of Berneray Daliburgh, South Uist: (a) Provision of raised beds and refurbishment of Keder greenhouse (4m x 2m) (b) St Peters Walled Garden: Provision of 4 x 12 m² allotment beds for 4 young families (under 35 years) 4

*This figure is derived from the 15-year lifespan of the core horticultural sites


Development of new sites Polycrub development project The proposal was to site a Polycrub (12m x 4m) at Taigh Chearsabhagh Museum and Art Centre, Lochmaddy. While this proposal had been approved in Dec 2015 by the TC Board, in the interim, no activity had taken place to further this aim. By May, following extended discussions, site meetings and deliberations with staff, we reluctantly decided to seek an alternative site due to the difficulty in locating a suitably level site that would enable us to erect the Poly Crub within our identified budget. The need for this only came to light at the point of seeking Planning Permission when the originally identified position i.e. adjacent to carpark, was found to be unacceptable to North Uist Estates (landowner) who would only agree to a less conspicuous position that was either too wet or too sloping, and would require the provision of substantial ground works involving digger hire, earth moving, and the provision of infill, for which we had not budgeted. This situation left us very behind schedule and without a site to erect the Poly Crub or a community to use it, so we decided to seek a more suitable site elsewhere in North Uist that would enable us to deliver the planned community engagement within budget. To this end, we held an open meeting on the island of Berneray to propose the project. This meeting was very positive and attended by a group of 5 interested community members. They agreed to find a suitable site, and in the end settled for a new site at the Taigh Sgoile social housing scheme, managed by the Hebridean Housing Partnership (HHP). The group successfully applied for Planning Permission, and by October the polycrub had been constructed. The delays to this project starting meant that the food-growing target for this site was not achieved. However, the site is now fully functioning. There is an avid group of growers (14) that includes two young families, and a plot has been taken on by the Berneray Youth Club. The site is supported by Project Ambassador, Joan Macdonald, a local crofter, who works with the group for half a day each week to help them get started with growing, and holds regular meetings with them to discuss planting plans and other issues as they come up. At the beginning of December, the group held an open day for the community to come in and see the Polycrub for themselves. They were invited to turn up with a wheelbarrow and a shovel to help move the 20 tonnes of topsoil into the raised beds. They were delighted that so many islanders turned up (28) along with their children (8) to help take on the work, find out about the plans for the facility and share the all-important cup of tea. Recently, some member of the group (5) went on a study visit to Isle of Lewis to the Horshader Community Polycrub development. They saw for themselves the best way to use the Polycrub, and had a chance to ask the site gardener, David, about the day-to-day running of the Polycrub to ensure a good crop. See Case Study: ‘Polycrub for Berneray’ for more information ‘It is definitely community building! I have met and talked to Berneray people in the last month whom I had no chance to meet in a deep way before. And I like the two children being around. Last Saturday we had tea and cake (latter brought by Joan) in the ‘Crub’. The little plots are beginning to show life. It is a pleasure. And I especially love the atmosphere, quiet, calming.... and warm on a sunny day (it was almost up to 30C Saturday). Joan is a great supporter; gentle and very helpful, with suggestion, tools etc., and Stu has done a lot of practical work (with Anna's husband they have organised a water tank etc.). I use the Crub to start plants off, which I then will transport into my garden AND to grow more weather vulnerable veggies. I look forward to see tomatoes growing for the first time in Berneray! Loriana Pauli, Berneray Polycrub Group member

The polycrub is fabulous! We, as a family, are loving it. Getting totally hooked on what seeds to plant, how to collect water, ways of up-cycling things to befit the polycrub. I think my 5-year-old daughter would live in it. Dawie has found himself a hobby too. It's just all very exciting. We're all eager for everyone to do well; it has a great community feel to it. I feel very lucky to have the polycrub. Anna Parkin, Berneray Polycrub member 12

‘There is a great deal of enthusiasm, most people have planted their plot and so far everything looks nice and tidy. Stuart, Dawie and Anna have rigged up a water tank, previously used for cattle on the machair, and this supplies water at the moment along with the rainwater from the rones, which feed into 2flattish covered containers. The youth club has made a start on their plot. Ross and Sadie were busy in their Mum's patch planting a strawberry plant each, which had been given to them locally as gifts by Corky and Sarah May who are themselves greenhouse fanatics. So it seems that there is enthusiasm and support locally for the venture.’ Joan Macdonald, Project Ambassador and Support Worker for Berneray Polycrub ‘This project has many benefits for our tenants, both financial and social, some tenants on very low incomes are unable to afford to buy fresh fruit and vegetables and have little or no growing experience. The project also helps prevent social isolation and knits the community together.’ Katie Walker, Hebridean Housing Partnership, Area Manager (Harris, Uists and Barra)


Sacred Heart House site development Work to develop the new sites began in June, with constructing growing facilities at Sacred Heart Residential Care Home, Daliburgh, South Uist in the form of raised beds for their existing courtyard garden and the refurbishment of their small Keder greenhouse, but it would be July before they could be will be filled with manure and topsoil. Delays in progression of activities were due to a variety of issues including staffing, finding affordable quotations from contractors, and then getting delivery of services underway. Wildflower plants were added to the existing borders to improve the biodiversity. Eventually, in August a project Ambassador, Liz Brock was recruited to carry on the work. Delays to this project meant that the food-growing target for this site was not achieved. However, the site is now fully functioning. A local, Daliburgh resident will take on the management of the Keder by using it to grow in while he undertakes the SVQ Horticulture Level 2 course, and he will maintain the raised beds as the season progresses. ‘Our clients are delighted with the raised beds, they will now be able to attend to nurturing the plants without getting a sore back, and enjoy the benefit of fresh air, all this in turn will improve their mood/ mental health. A huge thank you to all you took part in the project.’ Christine MacInnes, Manager Sacred Heart Residential Care Home Growing activity at existing sites At the Tagsa and Cothrom sites, we started the season by growing ‘ready-to-plant’ vegetable plants, including courgette, tomato, cucumber, and brassicas, for planting-out across the project’s sites to grow on to maturity to be used in project activities, by allotments holders or sold later at several market outlets, namely Grimsay Market, Nunton Steadings and a stall at the Share outlet, Daliburgh. Some were also sold as young plants through Grimsay Market to support other home growers. Weighing scales and a Record Book were set up in the Allotment Sheds at Tagsa and Cothom to enable horticultural staff, allotment holders and horticultural course students to record the weight of all produce grown on site. SVQ Horticulture learners (13) were also requested to undertake weighing of all produce grown in their own gardens. We have had some difficult growing conditions to contend with this year. In contrast to last year’s difficulties with excessive rainfall, this year has brought a mixed bag of sunny and dry conditions with high temperatures followed by cold winds, and heavy rain, and then damp, misty conditions that have brought blight to our potato crops. We have also had to contend with the nationwide phenomenon of a Diamondback Moth infestation that decimated our brassica crops on all sites. The insect is of concern to commercial growers of summer cabbages, cauliflowers and calabrese because of its resistance to pesticides. The consequences for our project is that it will lead, inevitably, to a large gap in our harvesting programme, but to counteract this we have already sown many overwintering brassica and lettuce crops, and have ordered an amount of autumn growing onion sets that we hope will lead to us being able to fulfil our targets on food grown to satisfy our commitments on CO2e reduction. Weights of produce from SVQ Horticulture Level 2 students. 2016/ 17 Students





























































































































1249 kg

1.2 Support growers/crofters to supply island schools’ catering departments by: Developing a pilot project ‘Potatoes for Schools’ to supply ‘machair-grown’ potatoes: o o

Share information on what supplies are needed Support supply of approx. 3.8 tonnes potatoes (based on supplying 100 kg per week per 38 weeks) through acting as supplier/storing/delivering crofters potatoes to schools catering depts.

Potatoes for Schools: a consultation exercise took place in December involving all those involved in the pilot project (Potatoes for Schools) – Growers, consumers (Schools catering depts., school staff, public), support staff (Local authority staff, horticultural staff, bus drivers). The potatoes (1425kg) were supplied by five different crofters from Truimisgarry (1) and Paiblesgarry (2) in North Uist, Liniclate (1) in Benbecula and Cille Pheadair (1) in South Uist, and stored at the East Camp bunker prior to delivery to all Uist school via the Tagsa Community bus service. Questions: All participants were asked: 1.

What do you feel about using local produce?

Growers: Growers particularly cited their passion for growing potatoes, along with their enjoyment at choosing to grow potato varieties i.e. Record, British Queens, Duke of York, Kerrs Pink, Casablanca. Also, they were: • • •

keen to see the land being used more wanted to have opportunities to stay working on the land as a meaningful activity wanted to work at the potatoes with their families and neighbours as a family/communal practice.

Consumers: Generally, consumers i.e. Schools catering departments, pupils and staff, members of the public, were very enthusiastic about the chance to eat local potatoes as: • • • •

they felt they tasted better knew where and how they were grown knew the people who had grown them remembered the taste as being reminiscent of childhood and family life.

Most people cited that the best reason was particularly because of the ‘dryness’ of the machair-grown potato for cooking purposes making them great for boiling, roasting and chipping, but also the ‘flavour’ that is


present since seaweed is used as fertilizer and that they are grown in soils that have been enriched following decades of seaweed applications. Local food businesses cited that ‘people knew when local produce was being served’ because of the flavour and texture of the produce. and would be willing to purchase ‘any amount’ of locally grown potatoes, carrots and swede due to their perceived better taste, knowledge that they would be grown ‘naturally’, and opportunity to advertise their ‘locally-grown’ status. (30.11.16) Interview carried out with main supplier Donald MacInnes, Cille Peadair, Isle of South Uist Produced –

4.5 tonnes on 1 acre (2016) potatoes grown on machair (approx. 1 kilo/acre)

Supplied –

40 x 25kg bags (1 tonne) ‘Lady Rosetta’ (red), ‘Piccolo Star’ (white)

Set-up -

Potato planter, Potato harvester, Vegetable harvester, Potato grader, paper bags + handheld sewing machine Retained one third of harvest for seed potatoes for replanting next year. Applies seaweed pre-planting Has tried growing o o

Plans –

‘Rooster’ + ‘Record’ which grew well, had a tough skin so were easy to manage/store ‘Maris Piper’ + ‘Kerrs Pink’ which grew very well to a large size but had a delicate skin that required careful handling to avoid damage

8-10 tonnes on 2 acres in 2017 – expand up to 10 acres / develop potato processing Applying for funding from Storas Uibhist for premises for sorting/storage/processing Developing a contracting service to lift potatoes for crofters using his own harvesting equipment – can harvest 30-40 bags in 2 hrs Could harvest for a co-operative of potato growers

Benefits 2.

Slow grown, cleanliness of environment, traditional methods of production

Has the service provided by Tagsa Uibhist helped to establish the supply?

Growers: Although they had also found their own local outlets for potatoes, growers were supportive that Tagsa Uibhist had taken on the role of supplier to the Schools’ catering outlets for the following reasons: • • • • • •

They could grow extra potatoes without the worry that they would not be used They only had to grow, harvest and bag potatoes, and deliver to Tagsa Uibhist site Were paid straight away for their produce on delivery to storage site They did not need to pay for individual Public Liability insurance, as Tagsa Uibhist was covered They did not have to source outlets Price was agreeable

Schools catering outlets were pleased that • •

they could order just what they needed potatoes were delivered by Tagsa Uibhist community bus service so they could ring up with short notice and receive supply quickly 16

• • •

Price was acceptable Generally, the potatoes were of good quality and suitable for their cooking methods (steaming) They would like the service to continue


What problems were experienced?

• • • •

Yield was less than expected Harvest was delayed due to poor autumn weather Service to outlets was delayed by 2 weeks Some schools catering departments were initially slow to order potatoes, but extra communication solved this problem

4. What changes would help to make this a better service? • • • •

Long term supply would be good Potatoes could be a little bit bigger Local Fish ’n Chip Shop would like to use them but they are too small for his chipping machine, reiterated by Head Chef at Hammersay House Hotel, North Uist Dedicated storage facilities would facilitate a longer-term supply

Conclusions 1. 2.

The ‘Potatoes for Schools’ project should be continued and developed to include more growers so that the lower than expected yield can be covered by a wider production base. This development needs to be supported by agricultural professionals, from organisations such as SAC Consulting, to increase production of local and sustainably grown potatoes reviving traditional potato growing practices on local machair areas and bringing land back into local production. Subsequent increases in production can then be spread more widely across the food chain via local outlets

‘At present, there are very few crofters growing more produce than they will consume within their own family. With potential markets for local produce this has always seemed to be a missed opportunity as we have land, which can grow a range of crops. One of the major stumbling blocks has been sourcing a secure market to sell the crop. I am happy to see that the Local Food for Local People project has taken on the promotion, growing and utilization of local produce, continued support will help to encourage locals to sell produce and will help reduce the carbon foot print of our food by reducing Food Miles. Angus Ferguson, Agricultural Consultant, SCA Consulting

Reducing CO2e emissions from food waste going into landfill by 17.14 tonnes and by 257.24 tonnes over the project lifetime 2. Reduce CO2e by reducing food waste going into landfill 2.1 Continuing to encourage prevalence of composting activity Composting Food Waste Composting demonstrations were delivered at a variety of sites and in several ways: 17

• • •

• •

At Allotment Holders meetings (3) During volunteer training sessions (4) In ‘Life Skills’ sessions (2) where the preparation of vegetables involves the production of lots of green waste attention was drawn to the importance of composting that waste rather than placing it in the residual waste bin and ending up in landfill. At Agricultural shows (2), Composting Advice posters were handed out following the composting demonstrations as an aid to participants to help them set up their own compost bins at home. These demonstrations were timed to follow cooking demonstrations (2) that promoted the use of local, seasonal produce, to a) show how much ‘waste’ is produced in preparing freshly picked vegetables; b) how that ‘waste’ can be turned into valuable nutrition for next year’s vegetable plot; c) why putting food waste into landfill is particularly bad for the environment because of how that leads to the production of Methane gas.

Arrangements were made with a local bakery and restaurant to deliver their green kitchen waste for conversion into compost at the Tagsa Horticultural Project site. Weekly collection of food waste from local food business (Macleans Bakery) is added to 30m³ compost clamp at Tagsa Allotment site. More than 1,000kg of food waste has been collected since the start of the project and is added to the supply of horse manure and seaweed to make excellent compost for the allotment holders to use on their plots and for the project site a s a whole. At Cothrom as much food waste as possible is composted in the St Peters compost bins, collecting and weighing compostable kitchen waste from Cothrom kitchen caddies that has amounted to 150kg of food waste. Composting workshops are including in both SVQ Horticulture courses. There is provision of composting bins at all project sites.


2.2 Increase number of meals cooked from fresh rather than ‘ready meals’ TARGET OUTCOMES: ‘Life Skills’ training – number of sessions (16) x number of participants (8) (Oct – Mar) = 128 participants cooked 128 meals

Target: Reduce CO2e emissions by 17.14 tonnes and by 257.24 tonnes over the project lifetime ACTUAL OUTCOMES: ‘Life Skills’ training – number of sessions (17.5) x number of participants (8) = 140 participants Sgoil Lionacleit Home Economics S3 – number of sessions (4) x number of participants (10) = 40 participants

Actual: Reduced CO2e emissions by 24.8 tonnes and by 372.5 tonnes over the project lifetime Table 2: Project Activity CO2e calculations: Reducing Food waste going into landfill Step 1 Calculate Baseline Emissions ESTIMATED Workshops: ‘Life Skills’ training – number of sessions (16) x number of participants (8) (Oct – Mar) = 128 participants •

16 Life Skill Sessions*

Average weight of food waste/household (2011 figures presented in the CCF Low Carbon Route Map) = 330kg 330kg x 128participants = 42240kg 42240kg x 4.06 = 171494.4kgCO2e

ACTUAL Workshops • 17.5 Life Skills Sessions (140) • Literacy Project 4 sessions Sgoil Lionacleit Home Economics S3 (40) Average weight of food waste/household (based on 2011 CCF Low Carbon Route Map) = 330kg 330kg x 180 participants = 59400kg 59400kg x 4.06 = 241164kgCO2e Composting Food Waste Volume of food waste diverted from landfill


Conversion factor: Landfilling food and drink waste


1000kg x 0.723 = 723 *Life Skill sessions to comprise of several workshops per session to deliver a range of activities that involve cooking, budgeting, preserving, buying practices, understanding composting, growing vegetables from seed, harvesting and preparation, preparing cooked lunches, generating awareness of where food comes from, how money can be saved by growing your own food, and the convenience of having food ready on the doorstep to harvest fresh

Step 2 Calculate Project Scenario Emissions Workshops Estimated food waste reduction = 10% 330kg x 90% = 297kg 297kg x 4.06 = 1205.82kg x 128 participants = 154344.96kgCO2e

Workshops Estimated food waste reduction = 10% 330kg x 90% = 297kg 297kg x 4.06 = 1205.82 x 180 participants = 217047.6kgCO2e Composting Food Waste Conversion factor: Composting food waste


1000kg x 0.006 = 6

Step 3 Calculate Annual Emissions Savings in Tonnes CO2e Workshops 171494.4kgCO2e - 154344.96kgCO2e ÷1,000 = 17.14tCO2e

Workshops 241164kgCO2e - 217047.6kgCO2e ÷ 1,000 = 24.12tCO2e Composting Food Waste 723 – 6 ÷ 1,000 = 0.717 tCO2e

Step 4 Lifetime Calculate Lifetime Emissions Savings of the project Workshops 17.14tCO2e x 15 years* = 257.24tCO2e

Workshops 17.14tCO2e x 15 years* = 361.8tCO2e Composting Food Waste 0.717 tCO2e x 15 years* = 10.755tCO2e

*This figure is derived from the 15-year lifespan of the three core horticultural sites


Cothrom Life Skills Course The purpose of the Life Skills course has been to generate more awareness of where food comes from, how money can be saved by growing food, and the convenience of having food ready on the doorstep to harvest fresh. Life Skill sessions comprised of several workshops per session to deliver a range of activities that involve the growing of vegetables from seed, harvesting and preparation to preparing cooked lunches. ‘I have assisted with parts of the Life Skills courses by collecting fresh vegetables, preparing and cooking lunches, and in the process students have made the connection between sowing, attending and eventually harvesting and cooking and eating their veg. There is now more awareness of where their food comes from and how money can be saved by growing their own food. Also, the convenience of having food ready on the doorstep to harvest fresh. Cothrom has enough fresh veg now all year for any student to be able to collect a handful of fresh greens and to cook it into some tasty menus.’ Sue Macdonald, Horticultural Support Worker. Food Waste Diaries were kept by participants during December. Barbara Macdonald, Manager at Cothrom explained: ‘A food waste diary was used with learners but also with Cothrom staff to highlight the amount of food that is wasted by the average household.’ After finishing the Food Waste Diary, participants gave the following answers about what they had learned about the food they were wasting • • •

Need to stop buying surplus bread, or freeze it in portions How much I throw in the bin when the waste could be used in other ways Most of it could be composted if we had a compost bin or made a heap of some sort. We have just taken ownership of a raised bed so a vested interest now.

For more details see Supporting information 9.2.3 Food Waste Diary: participant responses Sgoil Lionacleit Home Economics Literacy Project Further development work was carried out with Home Economics teachers (2) and S3 pupils (40) to expand understanding of local seasonal produce by visiting horticultural facilities to see produce growing, learn about seasonality, and carry out cooking and meal planning activities that took these factors into account. Literacy Project devised by Home Economics teacher, Katharine Watt, which proved to be a very successful development for all parties. The remit was to develop a dish using a selection of locally-grown, seasonal vegetables. One of the restrictions stated that a minimum of three locally-grown seasonal vegetables must be used in the dish. The visit to the garden formed the statutory first investigation. In their final evaluation, some comments from the pupils related to facts that they had learned about the vegetables and garden, as well as the realization that a few vegetables could make a healthy, enjoyable meal. ‘The Design Brief project has had a real impact on pupil’s learning. It has been good to work in a different and positive way with an outside partner and I would be willing to take part in such an exercise again.’ Katharine Watt, HE teacher, Sgoil Lionacleit Tagsa Uibhist Allotments Horticultural Coordinator, Rebecca Cotton, explains how the project is developing allotment support: “A contact list of allotment holders (35) was designed to improve communication links to try to prevent wasted/unused plots reoccurring, so now all allotment holders and volunteers are compiled onto a data base. Through both website and Facebook, we have raised the profile of the project locally. We regularly communicate with them by email and Facebook. The volunteers who come to the project also help to develop the 20

allotments service by preparing them at the start and throughout the season by applying manure and seaweed, weeding when beds that have become too much for the allotment holder, and general support in erecting windbreak fences and general tidying work. This is a service that is helping to turn the allotments into an orderly, well-run site. It also enables the volunteers to show that they are providing valuable support to the project, which is valued by all the users. Check our Face Book page to see project photos and site news.” https://www.facebook.com/uisthortiproject/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel Cothrom/St Peters sites Horticultural Coordinator, Ameena Camps reports on the challenges that growers face throughout the year, but especially during Uists long winters: “A winter storm hit at the end of December with very strong gusts up to circa 70mph. Cold temperatures crept in with the need for fleece protection use over susceptible crops in the greenhouse, with greenhouse temperatures dropping to 0 degrees Celsius. Snow and sleet came in January, and with the strong winds continuing through January, some garden crops were lost and have not been able to recover. The wind protection fishing nets added to nursery garden beds have had to be reinforced with wood strips nailed to the bottom of the nets, and it has been difficult to effectively ventilate the greenhouse with wind speeds being consistently quite high. Despite the weather, some crops remain very resilient, particularly the curly kale. Kale, Spinach and Chard have been harvested during January, as have the remaining leeks at St Peter's garden. Seedlings continue to grow slowly in the Keder greenhouse, including winter peas, spring cabbages, and onions, shallots and garlic are continuing to show green growth. There have been some seedlings disposed of due to mildew which is difficult to avoid with low levels of ventilation. There has also been a little plant loss due to a rodent problem which is now under control and they tended to prefer flowering bulbs more than tender vegetables. Additional greenhouse beds have been and are in construction by volunteers, the tutor and the horticulture apprentice using recycled timber from pallets, to enable planting of winter seedlings in advance of further sowing for Spring. Construction of additional beds for the nursery has also begun using recycled timber. The remaining garlic bulbs have been planted in pots and if required will be transplanted in summer. A weekend parents group meeting was held with the parents where in addition to other topics, the allotments, growing and composting were discussed, with parents taking allotment and composting leaflets.

5. Outcomes - Community Developing horticultural skills and horticultural employment opportunities 3. Develop horticultural skills and horticultural employment opportunities SVQ Horticulture (Cothrom) SVQ Level 2 – 7 students completed course SVQ Level 1 – 6 students completed course Creation of Project Outreach Ambassadors (2) providing paid work experience opportunities to raise awareness of the project in the community by working in Primary School, care home and at new facility in North Uist Project supports the Gardening for Food Course (40 hours over 12 weeks) for 6 students through the provision of the propagation and growing facilities at Tagsa Keder greenhouse


All 13 students for this year have completed the two courses. The external review is expected on the 10th of May, so unfortunately that means no students will be passing the course during this year's project as the folders must go through external review in May 2017. “All 7 Level 2s and 6 Level1s have now finished (and hopefully passed). Their portfolios of evidence have been set to Helen (Cothrom’s Internal Verifier) and then onto External Verification by John MacLennan, SRUC. I am confident all will pass. The project developed as we went through the growing year, with improvements in the soils for growing; being year 2 the veg plots at St peters were already to go by March which made this part of the project much easier and less back breaking from the start. With the introduction of manure to the site also helped veg production throughout the year. The garden shed at St Peters is a big asset and has been used a lot for paperwork catch up and to shelter! It was useful having the veg growing area at Cothrom so that students could gather information and have some practical sessions without going to St Peters. With the course development, it’s been important to keep up with the matrices as the course progresses, and keep the students up to date with these after each tutorial. It did take a long time to prepare all the paperwork for each student, next year it would be useful to have all this printed off before students arrive so we don't waste time doing this with students waiting. It’s also important to make sure the students know the time they must commit too, as the course progressed attendance did drop off, especially during the summer holidays. Due to students with a lot of other commitments I found that several tutorials were repeated, this took up a lot of time. I found I should have discussed an individual timetable for each student, as well as working out group tutorials from the start. Perhaps then, if students miss a session they must make up the time before the next tutorial? It has been 2 very enjoyable years and there have been many experiences learnt in vegetable growing and practical solutions found to protect and nurture veg production. Also, many friendships forged along the way.” Horticultural Support Worker, Sue Macdonald


Finlay, Horticultural Apprentice, had completed her portfolio by September and has passed SVQ Horticulture Level 2. She has now left the islands but had this feedback to give about her experience as an apprentice.

SVQ in Horticulture at Level 2 Feedback from students in CCF Project – Local Food for Local People 1.

What have you learned by taking part in this project?

I learnt a lot about propagating seeds, about plants and vegetables. Good experience of maintaining the crops, watering etc. Crop rotation and different varieties of fertilizers. 2.

What would you like to have learned/done?

I would like to have been to other places of my choice, e.g. Lochboisdale, Sacred Heart, to see & experience more. 3.

What did you not enjoy doing?

I didn't enjoy doing the labour bit. Moving stones, glass etc. Just wish I had more hands-on experience with growing and other people, and more proactive with things. 4. Would you like to stay involved with the project in the future? I've moved off the island and now working including looking after plants and flowers in Morrison’s supermarket as customer assistant. If you wish to add any other comments, please do so below. Highlight was working in the Keder House & meeting and working with new people with a variety of needs.

Project Ambassadors Sacred Heart House site development – Liz Brock was recruited to carry forward the growing activity with the Residential Care Home clients. She is a keen gardener and a Relief worker at the home so is well-known to all the clients. Berneray Polycrub development - The site supports a group of local growers (14) that includes two young families, as well as the Berneray Youth Club. Joan Macdonald the Project Ambassador. She is a local crofter, who works with the group for half a day each week. She will continue to support the group in the coming year through our new CCF5 project ‘Grow Your Own Community’. Gardening for Food (Tagsa) • 6 students enrolled on 12-week course (Mar – Jul) A Local Food Production Course that includes a Horticulture module is offered as a Higher qualification (NC Level 6) at Sgoil Lionacleit and Adult Learning level by Lews Castle College UHI, to deliver a spectrum of training to young adults considering working in the food industry. 6 students enrolled on the course and attended weekly sessions at Tagsa Greenhouse to learn how to grow a range of vegetables from sowing to harvesting. The students on ‘Gardening for Food’ course have produced great vegetables in their communal growing set up, which comprises of 4 large raised beds that have been planted per a rotation system. • Potato Plot – early potatoes, tomatoes, courgettes; • Brassica/Onion Plot – early ‘Cavalero de Nero’ kale, Italian cauliflowers, lettuce, leeks, spring onions; • Legume Plot – French Beans, peas/mange tout, lettuce; • Roots Plot – parsnips, carrots, radishes, beetroot, mini-pop sweet corn 23

Community Workshop Programme • (8 workshops) were designed and delivered at community sites in South Uist, Benbecula and North Uist Sowing and Soil Workshop (17); Soil Heart and Health Workshop (3); Expert talks series x 2 (8); composting workshops (2); Allotment Holders Socials (20); Allotment Holders Training (20) Volunteers Provide training for 10 volunteers through Tagsa and Cothrom’s services; increase volunteer numbers by 50% Volunteer hours - Tagsa – 7 volunteers 925 hours + 290 hours (1 x pupil work experience); Cothrom – 10 volunteers 500 hours Horticultural Coordinator, Rebecca Cotton, reports on her work with developing the volunteers experience at the Tagsa site: “More volunteers joined project, which meant there was less time for coordinators to concentrate on production, but it was more ‘meaningful’ work instead. Setting up better and safer systems for volunteers and for project generally became important. E.g.: Risk assessments for the site and for cooking for and with volunteers, which is now a much larger part of what we do. We have set up a system to support and monitor our work with volunteers, but have a way to go, especially in relation to full disclosure of their needs/any medical conditions and how volunteering may affect their benefits etc. More joined up support is needed for volunteers: how and who best to supply it e.g.: alcoholism, benefit advice. I hope the project continues and expands. It is at the cutting edge of climate challenge work and for such a small community and geographical area plays a key role in helping to ensure sustainable lifestyles and healthier diet for the local community. It has great potential especially in relation to really supporting and working with vulnerable people of all ages and backgrounds. “



Raising awareness of biodiversity and its links to sustainable food production 4. GROW WILD project: ‘Sewing Wildflowers’ - Raising awareness of biodiversity and its links to sustainable food production in collaboration with Grow Wild RBG Kew Audience/Participant figures Exhibition – 220 (Mixed ages) Exhibition Opening event – 20 (Mixed ages) Planning meetings x 2 – 12 (mixed ages) Public events x 2 – 101 (mixed ages) Art workshops x 2 – 16 (mixed ages) Seed sowing workshop – 3 (12-15 yrs) Plant potting-on workshop – 3 (12-15 yrs) Planting out workshops x 4 – 26 (12-15 yrs) Biodiversity workshops – 13 (12-15 yrs) 'Sewing Wildflowers' was a biodiversity project in collaboration with GROW WILD RGB Kew. It aimed to raise awareness of biodiversity and its links to sustainable food production through transforming the appearance, character and biodiversity of Tagsa Uibhist’s brownfield site in East Camp, Balivanich, Isle of Benbecula. East Camp was formerly an M.O.D. site known as RAF Benbecula. All project activity and photographs have been updated to our Community Project page on GROW WILD website: https://www.growwilduk.com/communityprojects/sewing-wildflowers This process was carried out in conjunction with help from the local secondary school – Sgoil Lionacleit’s Crofting Course pupils, the resident Riding Stables Pony Club and An Caladh Trusts’ Youth Café. Together we learned about biodiversity’s importance to fruit and vegetable production through using the onsite propagating facilities to grow, care for and plant out the wildflowers. The project brought together local expertise to teach participants about the importance of the Western Isles’ biodiversity in its broadest sense as well as to local fruit and vegetable production. Onsite propagating facilities were used to grow, care for and plant out over 2000 wildflower plants into the surrounding area. The site accommodates local charities East Camp Trust, Tagsa Uibhist, An Caladh Trust, and East Camp Community Riding Stables, as well as a wide range of local businesses, and a total of 35 local growers who grow fruit and vegetables on the indoor and outdoor raised-bed allotments. With expert support from members of the Outer Hebrides Biological Recording Group (OHBGR) and Natural History Group ‘Curracag’ we found out about local plant and insect species. With creative assistance from local botanical artists and crafts women we will delivered a Youth Programme and a Public Programme of activities and events which created and nurtured an interest in the wider importance of biodiversity to growing food. The focus of ‘Sewing’ attracted a wide variety of participation from young to old, sailor to crofter, gardener to artist to develop a wall hanging that reflected the floral texture and substance of this rural crofting environment. All outputs from the Community Project were presented in a community exhibition at Museum nan Eilean, Sgoil Lionacleit accompanied by an exhibition publication. (Download publication here) I’m delighted to support this project combining growing, identifying and sewing flowers and hope you leave the exhibition inspired. Flora Donald, SNH area officer for Uist & Barra

Be inspired, learn, explore and make a difference.

Christine Johnson, Chair of Curracag 26


6. Learning and Reflection There have been a variety of difficulties experienced throughout the year ranging from environmental ones, such as lower than expected temperatures, severe gales, infestation from unusual pests (Diamond Back moth); communication problems causing delays in securing a site for new project activities (Polycrub), attracting sufficient number of allotment holders (St Peters), and; organisational problems, such as delays in recruiting and keeping project staff on board, which affected project production, planning, and execution throughout the project. These issues have contributed to lower than expected food production rates (recorded) across most of the project sites, and in data gathering of actual Food Waste reduction through Life Skills classes. However, in the final weeks of the project we have been able to deliver on delayed outputs, by finding 4 allotment holders for St Peters, and establishing a vibrant group of new growers (14) for the Berneray Polycrub site. Food Waste Diaries have been completed by Cothrom’s Life Skills participants (8) that reveal a change in attitude to the use of fresh food that should help to bring about a reduction in food waste through better cooking, purchasing, and storing of food (see supporting information). This goes to show that local food growing initiatives require not only good weather and facilities, but primarily a well-supported, stable and engaged project team who have sufficient time and resources to develop plans, strategies and effective communication to deliver the promised outputs. Partnership Local Food for Local People CCF-4744 was run in partnership by Tagsa Uibhist and Cothrom, with the joint aim of creating a low carbon future for Uist by encouraging the growth of more local produce to reduce food miles, reduce food waste and raise awareness of their links to sustainability and climate change, and provide opportunities for skills development and work experience in the horticulture sector to deliver health benefits and job opportunities. This partnership continued from Local Food for Local People CCF-3812. At the start of the new project, following managerial discussions, both parties agreed to the signing of a Partnership Agreement to lay out clearly the outcomes that each organisation was responsible for delivering. For a copy of this document please see Supporting Documents 9.3 Partnership Agreement The Partnership Agreement was a useful way to present the breadth of the project to be delivered, it provided a record of accountability and showed balance in how the project was set out, and it also identified a definitive end to the partnership. However, it will be seen, with the following feedback from key organisational personnel that it was not enough to solve embedded problems with the partnership. It should also be noted that despite several requests no other members of the project’s Steering Group chose to give feedback on the project. Feedback: Peter Keiller, Chair of Tagsa Board of Directors Main lesson learnt: •

It’s easy to enter partnerships with other organisations but not so easy to finish them. It looks good on applications and funding bodies love it. Unfortunately, however good the communication and collaboration is between the organisations there will always be some differences in emphasis, unwritten assumptions, hoped for goals and outcomes or just clashes of culture in the way the organisations function. Work is focused on achieving the funding, time is given to getting the project running but understandably much less thought is given to legacy issues and “ownership” after funding ceases. We had two goes with this project and I think these issues were less of a problem in the second year when there was a better-defined split of responsibility for delivering the project. 28

How did your project change as you went along, and why was it necessary? •

We initially had one year’s funding and experienced significant issues at the interface between the two sponsoring organisations. It placed considerable and unreasonable pressure on project employees. Some restructuring and clarification occurred during the first year which helped to free up staff to deliver the goals of the project. A late invitation to apply for a further years funding meant that although a decision had been taken not to continue with collaboration we reluctantly elected to submit a joint application on the basis that the project would be restructured to deal with the dysfunctions of the first year. I felt that there was a significant improvement in the 2nd year, although problems were by no means solved.

Advice to other groups: •

• • •

Consider carefully before entering a collaborative project. If doing so spend time considering how the 2 (or more) organisations will be working together. Consider what will happen to both the physical and other aspects of the legacy of the project after funding ceases. Invest in time at senior manager/director level to have face to face meetings with the participating organisations. Try to ensure the project leader is protected and free to deliver the project, and is not pushed into acting as a go between and/or mediator between the respective parties. Identify and deal with structural issues early before problems/positions become entrenched.

Feedback: Murdina Naylor, Manager Tagsa Uibhist Barriers & changes Member of staff leaving in October This caused issues again of only having one co-ordinator to work on the project. This was overcome partly by getting seasonal workers and it was helpful that this was agreed quickly with CCF. But still some of the responsibility fell on the line manager. Lesson learnt is that you always need a backup plan and working with the account manager makes the process for changing things when required so much easier. Difference next time – two full time staff. We have tried with part time staff and for the project to run smoothly it does require two co-ordinators with the project leader. It clearly hasn’t worked for us. It is not a small project and because you have so much going on, it does require a team of workers. Advice to other groups – work with CCF – if unsure or need advice to change things speak to the account manager. Feedback: Barbara MacDonald, Manager Cothrom Ltd CCF Feedback Cothrom Ltd January 2017 * What barriers did you come up against and how did you overcome them? Progressing the horticultural project development on our campus with a major building project happening at the same time. We have worked with the building contractor to enable some of the work to continue, some has been delayed until they are off-site. This has meant the conditions around the Keder were not suitable for some learners and the Grow to Learn programme has been delayed. The main barrier in this project has been working in partnership with Tagsa Uibhist who half way through the year decided that they didn’t wish to continue working with Cothrom. This has meant that the partnership remains in name only and there is no co-operation between the two groups. For Cothrom the main emphasis of the project has always been the skills training and behaviour change. The work with learners has always been at the heart of the project and we work in a very collaborative way with learners and volunteers, which can often take more time but brings better outcomes. One of our barriers this year was an unrealistic target based on the full growing area of St Peters garden, when 29

not all the space is under cultivation. This had the potential to undermine the work that was being carried so this information was not shared with learners and volunteers. Volunteers are a huge asset to Cothrom and the horticultural project, however require much in the way of support themselves. Plans have had to be quite flexible both with volunteers in mind and the weather in the Hebrides, not set in stone but changing as the volunteer group were able. * How did your project change as you went along and why was this necessary? We developed the nursery garden to allow more community use. The children continue to grow in this area but we have also been trialling winter growing using fish nets and ‘Enviromesh’ to protect the plants. Winter planting in the Keder for the first year- provided work for the Apprentice and volunteers in the bad weather. This has extended the growing season and provided earlier crops to meet the needs of the ‘lifeskills’ students Cothrom closes for two weeks at the height of the growing season in July so new and innovative methods of watering had to be found using bottles, leaky pipes and cloth wicks to keep the soil moist. In addition, staff and volunteers made visits during their holidays to make sure the growing continued. We improved our record keeping in terms of food grown and harvested and food waste composted. This was required to keep accurate records for CCF. A food waste diary was used with learners but also with Cothrom staff to highlight the amount of food that is wasted by the average household. The nursery children have developed a cafe once a month using the produce from the garden to make soup, this is sold to staff in a Cafe style setting. The children have embraced planting, growing and harvesting the vegetables required and helped by staff have created some wonderful soup. They are also attempting to grasp the enterprise aspects of the cafe. * What lessons did you learn? We are in our second year of growing in the Keder and the main lesson was that we need to be more reactive to the changeable growing conditions. However, in the year staff, learners and volunteers have learnt more about growing generally – kale is important. Outreach – skills training, the work with learners to create and develop their own gardens is very worthwhile and fully engages them in the process of growing and in the SVQ as they require a diary to show their progression. The nursery children went to St Peters garden once a week in the summer term and learnt a huge amount from their time outdoors, which has been helpful in meeting the Curriculum for Excellence outcomes. * What would you do differently the next time? Encourage the children in the nursery to be even more involved in the garden as they learn so quickly and can influence the family at home. Start seed planting earlier – tomatoes were quite late and didn’t ripen properly (they were used in chutney instead) Run more events, particularly in St Peters to encourage more allotment holders * What advice would you give to other groups? Spend time working with your partners to make sure there is a similar ethos and understanding of the project and its outcomes. Be patient, growing takes time, don’t expect too much. In terms of the SVQ 2 the learners need to focus on the portfolio part of the course throughout the year as well as the practical work rather than leaving all the written work to the end of the process. * Are there any key issues that you want to highlight for your board, your colleagues, funders or other CCF projects? My understanding of this partnership project was that staff were to be employed by the two separate organisations but managed and directed by the steering group i.e. they work for the project and not the individual organisations. This distinction has never been taken on board properly and has meant that from the beginning of the project there was an unequal distribution of the Project Leaders time in favour 30

of the employing organisation. Before entering a partnership practical aspects such as this should be discussed and recorded to ensure the smooth running. Project Staff – Project Leader’s Feedback The staffing for the project (as at Feb 2017): • • •

Project Leader: Laura Donkers, Freelance Consultant (Environmental Art Hebrides) 0.5 F/T equivalent Horticultural coordinators: Rebecca Cotton, Ameena Camps, Sue Macdonald 2.5 F/T equivalent Training Support Workers (tutors): Sue Macdonald, Margaret Macdonald 1 F/T equivalent

There were a series of disruptions to the smooth progress of the project because of unavoidable delays in staff recruitment caused by the project starting 1st April, and posts not being advertised until after this date. This meant that two full-time horticultural coordinators were not in post until mid-May (Tagsa) and early June (Cothrom) requiring the existing part-time coordinator at Tagsa to take on development of this site unaided for the first six weeks while the Cothrom/St Peters sites were not being coordinated at all until June. Although Cothrom’s horticultural support workers were in post and working with their new cohort of students, the new post of coordinator, which had been identified as crucial to horticultural site development at Cothrom, would not come to be established until well on into the growing season. Subsequent instances of staffing problems involved one staff member (tutor) resigning her post and leaving the project, while a further staff member working as coordinator (Tagsa) and tutor (Cothrom) vacated the former post to take up additional hours at Cothrom, leading to two new members of staff taking on the vacant roles in September and October. These delays and changes at crucial times throughout the project caused their own problems along with disrupting the flow of planning, decision making and production that have contributed towards the lower than expected level of food production at several sites. However, it must be stated here that the work of all the horticultural staff has been exemplary in their efforts to overcome adversity and deliver project objectives, and that time and environmental constraints have also impacted on the desired outcomes. A solution to addressing some of the problems stated above would be for CCF Food Projects to be given funding in January so that the most important time at the beginning of the year could be used to recruit new staff, and enable the whole team to plan and direct production. It would also identify a natural end to the project in December, avoiding the malaise that develops over the new year with the uncertainty surrounding new funding, and a need to get sowing plans underway without any certainty of the project’s continuation. Feedback comments from Project Staff: •

What barriers did you come up against and how did you overcome them? The primary barriers were a resistance to change and understanding of why the project is important and beneficial. To an extent these are on-going as messages need to be repeated. It is still early days in encouraging and reinforcing sustainable living practices and takes time to become part of everyday practice and routine. As a general comment, there was not enough ‘buy-in’ from the Board. We have endeavoured to communicate better with them and invite them to all events. Staff, at Tagsa are very supportive of the project, drivers included, who help us to deliver our vegetables. The main barrier to this project being successful was the amount of conflict involved at management, staff and inter-organisational level. In 25 years of working for environmental organisations, I have never encountered this level of difficulty. Whilst there is much support locally for the project and within the relevant organisations project staff have to show tenacity and endurance to perform at their best, and just keep going. I started as a tutor for Level 1 students in September when everything in the garden was well established making it difficult for me to see what the students had learned and what the course was doing for them. However, when I met and talked to them about the course I soon realised that they had a good understanding of how to grow and look after the garden, and they had managed to grow lots of veg in their own gardens. 31

How did your project change as you went along and why was this necessary? It slowed down. Things take longer than expected. Stumbling blocks and working with a wide variety of people means any project must be flexible and flow according to circumstances. Through both website and Face Book we have raised the profile project and communicate more with local and wider community. This has been successful judging by no. of hits. Selling potatoes to the local community not just schools: importance of social media and Face to Face contact with people to get word out in such a small geographical area.

As I was late in starting with the students we started to grow some winter veg, and this allowed me to see that they were capable and knew the correct procedure for planting from seed and the aftercare needed. What lessons did you learn? Certainly, a lot about growing in the Hebrides. Resilient crops, wind protection, the Diamond Back moth destruction and recovery of some crops, also, the very changeable knowledge base of people on all aspects of the project – why we compost, sell-by-dates, preserving, growing, climate change and emissions. Some people on the island have a lot of knowledge on growing, to the extent we could learn from them; whereas others have very little knowledge. How to integrate production and volunteers on site How to work/manage with different levels of skills and problem - On-going How to make people more carbon aware Value of Face Book in raising profile and educational tool How vital it is to have people on site out of hours for watering etc., and when we have adverse weather To work well and communicate well with the students and fellow workers and always ask for advice

What would you do differently next time? If supported, try to get more buy in from the community. By selling produce earlier in local shops, and having display stands with information/tasting sessions More planning e.g.: crop plans, volunteer involvement plans, more training and support for volunteers Hold more carbon related/climate change workshops on site early on to make sure the link between growing veg and carbon offsetting is clear. Especially with local school Have more access/info about budget. Implement a system of ordering which might enable things to be planned better and spent more efficiently Ensure adequate qualified staff on site to manage out of hours working and when things get busy I thought the course went well, obviously, it would be better if the same tutor would be around for the whole course as every tutor has a different way of showing students what to do.

What advice would you give to other groups? Be patient and hold more open sessions to present and discuss the project right at the beginning so all understand the purpose and what it means to them. Also, make sure you have costed everything into


the budget – it’s amazing how much tools and equipment can cost, especially if you are in a remote, rural environment. Re Horticultural courses • • • • •

Get all paperwork printed for the portfolios before students arrive Keep up to date with matrices and writing up of observations Set realistic timetables for students and factor in enough portfolio building sessions Visit other gardens to keep interest up Have group sessions to assist other students’ gardens if there is need for this

Enjoy learning, and if there is anything you don’t like about the course or tutor, you should speak to management and try to resolve the situation Grow a good range of veg to sell. Plan well Make relationship clearer between weight veg and carbon offset right from start of project If working with another partner organisation, make sure they are 100% committed to the same aims or else there will be conflict •

Are there any key issues that you want to highlight for your board, your colleagues, funders or other CCF projects? The tight timescales for turnaround of proposals makes it difficult to cost out a project fully, which means there may be gaps in the budget for items not accounted for. There should be a longer lead-in time for the call for proposals. Separation of project leader and line manager sometimes caused confusion. Not enough access to budget info. Not enough briefing about volunteers. More disclosure needed to ensure safe working practice. More support and more joined up thinking about how paid work affects benefits. Project salaries are difficult to live on and do not reflect mainland similar jobs. More accountability and evaluation of project staff: Organisation is small and is evolving to allow this. If staff member leaves half way through project, more support needs to be put in place, more immediately for other staff sharing work load. Make people more aware that ‘growing your own’ can be fun and very rewarding and it would be a shame to loose these kinds of courses.

Production Targets Criticism of production targets as being ‘unrealistic’ has been cited as one of the barriers of this project. An explanation of the rationale is outlined in the Section 4: Outcomes – CO2e, but for the purposes of addressing the Learning and Reflection section of this report, the production rate of 4.43kg/m² was used for this project because it was used in the previous project with full agreement from the Steering Group (CCF-3812). At that time, the Project Leader was given permission to use this Production Rate to enable her to calculate an assumed rate for the overall project production due to the lack of any significant production recording taking place at Cothrom/St Peters during that year. There was no concern then that it may become a barrier. Lessons taken from this are as follows: (a) To be aware that growing in different locations can vary significantly in the growing methods used, for instance, what produce is being grown; whether sufficient manure and seaweed has been applied; 33

how much available land is kept out of production; how many growers are working on the site and how often; whether plans to have more growing take place are put into practice (b) All these factors influence the production rates achieved (c) Failure to record production at all sites creates problems for future projects, and can distort the picture of achievement that has taken place, potentially undermining all the good work that has been done On reflection, it has been very unhelpful to the Project Leader and to the project in general that regular opportunities to discuss issues of this kind have not been made better use of. In addition to the usual forms of communication such as staff meetings, email, telephone, face to face meetings, the Steering Group, along with all project staff have met every 4 – 6 weeks, and the format is such that any issue can be brought up that is not covered in the agenda. There has been a lack of cooperation to achieve the common aims of this project that has made progression difficult at times, however, despite this it has achieved its aims well, and that is because of the commitment from staff and volunteers who have contributed so much effort to ensuring a successful outcome for this project. Polycrub development project As described in Section 4: Outcomes – CO2e this important element of the project had its difficulties at the beginning, leaving us very behind schedule and without a site to erect the Poly Crub or a community to use it. Our decision, to seek a more suitable site elsewhere in North Uist that would enable us to deliver the planned community engagement within budget, was a good one. However, the delays to this project starting meant that the food-growing target for this site was not achieved. It was an ambitious plan, and the early proposal that was lodged and accepted by this potential new partner in December 2015 was not enough to ensure a successful outcome. Attempts had been made to initiate more meetings with the TC Board and staff but these did not happen, although a significant amount of work did take place to try to achieve the hoped-for outcome. Experience with the Berneray development has revealed that both time and action is needed to get productive discussions underway. Here, the Berneray Community Council were very effective in following up on their promises, along with locally based staff at Hebridean Housing Partnership who saw the benefits of the project, having had personal experience of the Local Food for Local People project through Tagsa allotments. Action for the community was also forthcoming, with several able and proactive individuals coming forward to seize the opportunity of acquiring the use of such an excellent facility. Advice to other groups is to work in broad collaboration with co-invested individuals and organisations to achieve successful outcomes to stand alone projects such as these. Sacred Heart House site development Work to develop the new sites began in June, with constructing growing facilities at Sacred Heart Residential Care Home, Daliburgh, South Uist in the form of raised beds for their existing courtyard garden and the refurbishment of their small Keder greenhouse, but it would be July before they could be will be filled with manure and topsoil. Delays in progression of activities were due to a variety of issues including staffing, finding affordable quotations from contractors, and then getting delivery of services underway. Wildflower plants were added to the existing borders to improve the biodiversity. Eventually, in August a project Ambassador, Liz Brock was recruited to carry on the work. She was a retiring member of staff who had a personal interest in gardening. She also continued to work as relief staff for the home, and is therefore well known to all the residents. Delays to this project meant that the food-growing target for this site was not achieved. However, the site is now fully functioning. During 2017, a local, Daliburgh resident will take on the management of the Keder by using it to grow in while he undertakes the SVQ Horticulture Level 2 course, and he will plant into the raised beds as the season progresses.


7.Finance and Administration The Finance and Administration was carried out by Tagsa Uibhist Manager, Murdina Naylor Budget: Our original Project Budget was £144,768 to be spent in 1 year Changes during delivery of project: At times budget headings need to be changed. This was partly due to a coordinator leaving in October. Also, a couple of other headings required less funding than originally thought so we spent where needed. Managing staff and volunteers: Staff were recruited via a joint advert on social media, local paper, posters, website. Interviews took place separately for both partners and then partners took on staff and managed them, separately. Financially everything was manageable and CCF have been very helpful when changes required and giving advice. Staff issues had been due to strong personalities in post and it was covered with more staff meetings, which included line manager. When a co-ordinator left in October we discussed a solution with our Development Officer, which would help us till the end of the project and give our volunteers a small income. Useful Support: Our Development Officer, Davina, has been very helpful and clear on several issues. It was also useful for us to meet Davina and other groups funded by CCF in the Western Isles, giving us a network of other groups, sharing ideas, etc. Talking face to face with Davina was also very helpful and we had been pleased that she came to Uist. There were no main problems with finance and admin, it ran well and if there were any questions regarding the claims from CCF we tried to answer them that day and not later than 2 days. We hope this time to have co-ordinators in place as soon as the project starts or as close to the project starting as we can. It is always difficult if a project has started and you may have to wait a month or two before a person can come into post.

8. Legacy The established allotment site at Tagsa Uibhist will continue to provide valuable growing opportunities for the community, and the facilities at Cothrom and St Peters will continue to be used by the learners and volunteers on their Horticultural and Life Skills courses, which will continue to run as before, in partnership with Lews Castle College UHI. In addition, the raised beds at Sacred Heart House Residential Care Home will continue to grow herbs and salads for use by the residents, and the Island of Berneray’s Polycrub will continue to develop as a facility for its group of 14 growers. As we were successful in our bid to CCF-5 for our new project Grow Your Own Community the horticultural facility in Berneray will become part of a network of growing hubs throughout Uist. Small locally sited facilities that support groups of residents to learn to grow almost on their own doorsteps: overcoming isolation, strengthening social cohesion and developing a low carbon future for Uist through provision of a carbon literate network of horticultural trainers. In addition, building on the success of the ‘Potatoes for Schools Pilot Project, Grow Your Own Community plans to continue this service and increase outlets for locally grown potatoes by increasing capacity in the islands crofting community to produce and promote ‘Machair Potatoes’ more widely.


9. Supporting Information 9.1Case studies:

9.1.1 Supporting Young Volunteers into Horticulture


9.1.2 ‘Potatoes for Schools’ Pilot Project


9.1.3 Home Economics Literacy Project


9.1.4 ‘Polycrub for Berneray’ Project


9.2 Project Materials: 9.2.1 ‘Sewing Wildflowers’ exhibition catalogue (Download your copy here)

The project brought together local expertise to teach participants about the importance of the Western Isles’ biodiversity in its broadest sense as well as to local fruit and vegetable production. Onsite propagating facilities, were used to grow, care for and plant out over 2000 wildflower plants into the surrounding area. The site accommodates local charities East Camp Trust, Tagsa Uibhist, An Caladh Trust, and East Camp Community Riding Stables, as well as a wide range of local businesses, and a total of 35 local growers who grow fruit and vegetables on the indoor and outdoor raised-bed allotments.


9.2.2 Food Waste Diary: participant responses





9.2.3 Project Sites: Data sheets





9.2.4 Horticultural Learner’s feedback



9.3 Partnership Agreement

Parties This agreement is between:

Tagsa Uibhist & Cothrom Together the “Parties” 1. The project 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

The project is for the delivery of Local Food for Local People This project and agreement are supported by Tagsa Uibhist, Cothrom & CCF This project will begin delivery 1st April 2016 until 31st March 2017 It is the joint responsibility of the partners to cover all aspects of the project

2. Aims of the Project 2.1 Outcomes 2.2 2.3 2.4

– Reduce CO2e emissions through increased local production of fruit and vegetables – Construction/improvement of growing facilities in new geographical areas – Support growers/crofters to grow extra produce to supply island schools’ catering departments

2.5 2.6 2.7

– Reduce CO2e emissions by reducing food waste going into landfill – Continuing to encourage prevalence of composting activity – increase number of meals cooked from fresh rather than ‘ready meals’

3. – Develop horticultural skills and horticultural employment opportunities 4. - Raise awareness of biodiversity and its links to sustainable food production Responsibilities of Cothrom Cothrom will be responsible for co-delivery and co-promotion of the project In consultation with partners, ensure that the project meets the outcomes Progressing training – continuing the provision of SVQ Level 1 in Horticulture and offering a Level 2 qualification in Horticulture SVQ Horticultural learners to undertake weighing of all produce grown at project site/own garden Composting workshops, including in SVQ Horticultural course St Peters Walled Garden - provision of allotment beds for 4 young families (under 35 years). Sign allotment agreement, deliver training and support. Produce grown on site also to be weighed, so provision for scales and book to be provided Provision of composting bins at Cothrom site and St Peters site 51

Use ‘Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale’ to measure the success of therapeutic activities and people’s mental health Life Skills – Workshops – 16 weeks for 10 people Community Workshop Programme (8 workshops) will be designed and delivered at community sites in South Uist, Benbecula and North Uist Provide training for 10 volunteers through Tagsa and Cothrom’s services: increase volunteer numbers by 50% Creation of project Outreach Ambassadors providing paid work experience opportunities to raise awareness of the project in the community by working in Primary School, care home and at new facility in Lochmaddy, North Uist Accounts department to send claim information to Tasga Uibhist. It must be clearly marked on the items being claimed which budget heading they are required to be taken from Contribute to the update of the project website Responsibilities of Tagsa Uibhist Tagsa Uibhist will be responsible for co-delivery and co-promotion of the project In consultation with partners, ensure that the project meets the outcomes Lochmaddy, North Uist – provision of Polycrub at Taigh Chearsabhagh Museum & Art Centre. Daliburgh, South Uist: - provision of raised beds and refurbishment of Keder greenhouse at Sacred Heart House (residential care home) Developing a pilot project ‘Potatoes for Schools’ to supply ‘machair-grown’ potatoes Share information on what supplies are needed Provision of composting bins at Lochmaddy and South Uist Use ‘Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale’ to measure the success of therapeutic activities and people’s mental health. Community Workshop Programme (8 workshops) will be designed and delivered at community sites in South Uist, Benbecula and North Uist. Provide training for 10 volunteers through Tagsa and Cothrom’s services: increase volunteer numbers by 50% Project will support the development of Local Food Production course run as 2-3 hours per week (evening or weekend) for up to 6 students through the provision of the propagation and growing facilities at Tagsa for the Lews Castle College Grow Wild Project: Sewing Wildflowers’ – this project will transform the appearance, character and biodiversity of the site through two programmes of activities (Young People’s Programme and a Public Summer Programme). Weigh all produce grown on Tagsa site. Deliver produce to Grimsay Market weekly (when available). Sell to the public on Tagsa site at East Camp. Contribute to the update of the project website Responsibilities of Partners Participate in recruitment and selection of candidates for the project, which are relevant to the two partners Provide information for month reports to the Project Leader. 52

Site Co-ordinators to work with Project Leader to deliver the project and also collate required information by having monthly meeting prior to report being submitted. Attend stakeholder meeting each month Stakeholders Hazel Smith (UHI), Theona Morrison, Angus Ferguson (SAC), Matt Topsfield (Grimsay Mkt), Peter Keiller (TU), Barbara MacDonald (Cothrom), Murdina Naylor (TU), Sarah MacLean (Barra), Andy MacKinnon (TC) Stakeholders have the responsibility of overseeing the project and guiding it to meet its objectives Funding Cothrom & Tagsa Uibhist will be in partnership for the purpose of CCF funding only. Specific Conditions of Award •

All CCF funded projects are required to send a representative(s) to a one day workshop organised by Keep Scotland Beautiful entitled ‘Understanding and Communicating Climate Change’. The session is part of the CCF’s Community Action Support Programme (CASP) which will assist you to understand the need to take action on climate change to your community. You must ensure the waste element of your project is run in accordance with SEPA guidelines with any licences or permissions are in place before work begins.

Signatures of the parties

Signed for Tasga Uibhist: .........Peter Keiller.................................................................. Date: ....................

Signed for Cothrom: .......Barbara Macdonald.................................................................. Date: .....................


9.4 Press/Media coverage



10. Report Author 20th March 2017

Laura Donkers (Project Leader)

11. Activities Grid Activities Grid – Please fill in only those activities which relate to your project. More information about all of these activities can be provided in other sections of the report – these figures will enable us to collate some overall impacts of the CCF. How many advice/information centres – regular drop-in centre, advice surgery etc. - is your project


running? How many training sessions where skills and/or information were passed on – e.g. composting


training, cooking workshops, etc. – has your project has held. How many events did your project hold, e.g. information fairs, open days, etc.? Do not include events


held by other organisations which you have attended. How many staff, volunteers or community members have achieved qualifications through the


project – e.g. City & Guilds Energy Awareness, Trail Cycle Leader, etc. How many people were directly employed by your project. Tell us the full-time equivalent (FTE)


number of employees (e.g. 3 days per week = 0.6 FTE). Is the project is supporting the development of any long-term jobs which are not dependent of CCF Funding? How many? How many people are actively involved in your project – attending groups & workshops, using the


project facilities etc.? How many people volunteer their time and energy to keeping the project going – don’t forget the


members of your management committee or board. How many schools are involved in your project?


How many community-owned buildings have been refurbished? How many Home Energy Checks or similar energy efficiency reports have been carried out by your project?


How many households have been referred on to other agencies or providers (e.g. HES, Green Deal assessor) for further action? How many households installed energy efficiency measures – loft, wall or floor insulation, draftproofing, double glazing etc. – as a result of your project? How many households installed green energy generation measures – photovoltaic panels, solar thermal panels, air or ground source heat pumps, wood fuelled heating systems etc – as a result of your project? How many miles of car journeys have been reduced through the activities of your project? How many square metres (m2) of community growing space (allotments, poly-tunnels, raised beds,


community gardens) has your project brought into use? How many tonnes of waste have been diverted from landfill because of the activities of your project? How many kWh of energy has been reduced because of the activities of your project?



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