Uist Growers Almanac the natural way to grow Sharing local knowledge and skills on growing fruit and vegetables in the Uists and Benbecula, Outer Hebrides
Laura Donkers Local Food for Local People CCF-3812
Uist Growers Almanac the natural way to grow Laura Donkers, Local Food for Local People CCF-3812
All text, design & production (unless otherwise stated): © Laura Donkers Photographs: © Laura Donkers and Sue MacDonald Vegetable illustrations: © The ‘5-A-Day-Club’ (After-School Gardening Club)
CONTENTS Introduction 1
Ground Rules: What can my ground grow?
Getting Started: Planning layout + veg plot rotation
Preparing and Sowing: Seeds + equipment
Soil, Seaweed and Manure
Potting on, Planting out and Direct Sowing: Things to think about
Getting your crop to grow better: drainage, poly tunnels and plants for protection
Weeds and Compost
Soft Fruit and Jam
Harvesting, Storing, Preserving
Planting for Spring
Protecting your plot
Next year it’ll be even better: Reviewing and planning
challenging and wild landscape of the islands of the Uists and Benbecula, Outer Hebrides. It has been commissioned, written and published as part of the
This is the year that you stop making excuses and
outcomes of the Climate Challenge Fund project2
decide to learn how to grow some food for yourself,
Local Food for Local People CCF-3812: a year-long
and your family. It is possible, it is worthwhile, and
project (2015-16) run in partnership by community
it will help you to eat better. It will also allow you to
take some action on climate change because of the
Additional funding providing writing-up time, and
impact that increased local food production can
covering printing and evaluation costs was
have to reduce C02 emissions due to a reduction in
received from The Pebble Trust3.
food miles (the measure of the distance a food
travels from the land to your plate1).
Local Food for Local People CCF-3812 provided
Uist Growers Almanac the natural way to grow
eating and wellbeing, and how to grow fruit and
is a horticultural publication that seeks to share the
vegetables for themselves. It has provided growing
rich resource of local knowledge and skills on growing fruit and vegetables successfully in the
https://www.eta.co.uk/environmental-info/food-miles/ http://www.gov.scot/Topics/Environment/climatechange/howy oucanhelp/communities/ClimateChallengeFund 1 2
opportunities for local people to learn about healthy
facilities in the form of Keder Greenhouses, raised bed allotment plots, and delivered formal (SVQ Horticulture)
and informal horticultural training to support the ‘growing community’ to work towards becoming more self-sufficient, as well as developing understanding of how to use ‘seasonal vegetables’ by working with Sgoil Lionacleit Home Economics teachers and pupils.
Reclaiming the Knowledge Data Gathering Project
information about local growing
through an island wide, inter-generational survey, involving all the schools of Uist. The survey was developed by Geography Higher pupils and their teacher as part of an assignment in understanding land-use. and informal horticultural training to support the
All the island’s children
‘growing community’ to work towards becoming more
were engaged in taking Map shows postcodes where completed surveys were gathered
survey sheets home to their townships to gather information from their families and neighbours about the current area of land under fruit and vegetable production, as well as details about soil type, crops grown, and who does the growing. This gathered data now forms the body of this book and reveals island ways of how, what and where to grow vegetables and fruit in Uist, and also, what to cook with them
acknowledging islander dwellers traditional competence in self-sufficiency
revealing the current growing capacity, knowledge and skills that still exist throughout the islands
informing and encouraging new growers, new crofters and new gardeners to begin growing and increasing the potential of their land
This publication promotes the possibility of a return to more sustainable lifestyles and the development of a more self-sufficient community. Freshly picked, local
produce can directly improve the island community’s diet, afford a healthy and productive activity for its growers, and decrease reliance on supermarkets for fresh food. The Future of Farming, DEFRA 2009 stressed ‘…the importance to ensure that our children reconnect with where, and how the food they eat is produced’. In both farming and crofting, the average age of practitioners is exceeding 55 and there is a real need to attract young people who are motivated to work in this area. The production of an accessible, relevant horticultural publication that is written for island inhabitants and speaks to a broad demographic is a vital aspect to supporting local community growing initiatives and championing more sustainable lifestyles. Laura Donkers, Project Leader
Get to know what your soil will grow
1 January
Ground Rules: What can my ground grow?
Do you know what sort of soil you have? Generally the soils in Uist range from dry sand to water-
logged peat and both of these extremes present a real challenge to the would-be grower of vegetables and
fruit. However, most soils fall somewhere in between these extremes. In fact wherever the ground has been cultivated before it will have been improved to a degree.
As a rule of thumb, sandy soils are too dry and peaty soils are too wet, but we add well-rotted manure and seaweed to them both in order to improve their ability to hold moisture,
improve fertility, increase
the micro-
organisms that are present, and make it more ‘workable’, so that it can grow the large range of vegetables and some soft fruits that we have become accustomed to eating.
Dig out a sample of soil from your vegetable plot, garden, or where you want to start growing. What does it feel like – sandy, peaty, dry, wet? Find out the pH (acidity or alkalinity) of your soil with a Soil pH Testing Kit Most vegetables grow well in enriched soils with a pH of 5.0 -7.0, but add LIME to soils below 5.5 pH if you want to grow a good crop! The active ingredient in lime is Calcium Carbonate and comes in the form of ground limestone - ‘garden lime’, or chalk, or Calcified seaweed When adding lime follow the instructions on the packet.
When to test soil pH It is always worth checking soil pH before starting a new garden, making vegetable plots, planting fruit, where growth has become disappointing, or where yellowing of foliage occurs. We do this primarily to find out whether the soil could do with a dressing of lime. Home testing: You can test your soil pH yourself using a DIY kit widely available at garden centres and online. These kits are relatively cheap and easy to use and give a
Lime increases soil pH and make it less acidic, but it is important to know what your soil’s pH is before going ahead and adding lime. Most soils in Uist are organic soils and naturally quite acidic compounded by the excessive rainfall which compacts the ground spoiling the structure and removing oxygen from it which reduces the activity of bacteria, and leaves it sour. Bacteria cannot grow in soils below 4.7 pH. Plant nutrients become more liquid in very acid soils and therefore are washed out more easily.
good indication of soil pH. Always follow the sampling directions given by the test kit or laboratory to get a representative sample for the area in question. When adding lime follow the instructions on the packet. The active ingredient in lime is Calcium Carbonate and comes in the form of ground limestone - ‘garden lime’, or chalk, or calcified seaweed4.
CALCIFIED SEAWEED is a completely natural product harvested from the seabed. It rapidly absorbs minerals and nutrients from 4
Cultivating the soil through digging, manuring/sea weeding, raking, and hoeing all help to reintroduce oxygen and sweeten the ground, bringing it back into good heart. For cultivated soil where the pH is too low (anything below 4.5) you will not be able to grow vegetables well as they won’t be able to get the nutrients out of the soil, so you will need to start improving it!
the seawater and eventually grows into a hard, brittle coral-like structure with a high mineral and trace element content.
A nutritious winter treat using beetroot and carrot from your garden ‘Elderflower and Honey Ice-cream with Beetroot Smoothie’ by Liana, Finlay and Calum
Elderflower and Honey Ice-Cream Place sugar, milk, liquid glucose into large saucepan and stir well. Over gentle heat warm the milk until it gives off steam, but is not boiling. Meanwhile whisk egg yolks until light and fluffy. Slowly whisk in warmed milk, then put mixture back into the pan, whisk thoroughly. Add cream and
Elderflower and Honey icecream 100gm caster sugar 3 tsp liquid glucose 3 large egg yolks
return to gentle heat, gently stirring continuously until thickened. Remove from the heat. Strain through a fine sieve and leave to cool. Once custard is cool, add the crème fraiche, whipping cream, cordial, honey and stir well. Either churn in an ice-cream machine,
250 gm Crème Fraiche
or pour into a shallow freezer container
150ml whipping cream
beat the mixture 3 or 4 times to break up
3 tspn Elderflower Cordial 1 tbsp runny honey Beetroot Smoothie 2 x Carrots 1 x Beetroot 1/2 Cucumber
and freeze. During the freezing process any ice crystals to create a smooth icecream. Swirl the smoothie into the final beating of the ice-cream. Beetroot Smoothie Scrub the carrots and top + tail them. Scrub the beetroot before chopping into chunks. Peel the cucumber. Juice the beetroot followed by carrot, and cucumber. Mix together in a glass.
Planning layout + veg plot rotation
2 February
Getting Started: Planning layout + veg plot rotation
Vegetables need a fertile soil if they
are to grow well. In Uist, even in a poor growing year, you can expect to grow around 4 kilos of vegetables on one square meter provided you enrich your soil each year by digging in well-rotted manure and seaweed, and set up a crop rotation so that you are not growing the same
vegetables on the same piece of ground year after year.
Crop Rotation The practice of rotating crops was developed thousands of years ago by the early farmers as a way to keep the soil fertile and free from pests, and it is still as relevant today even if you only have a small vegetable plot in your garden.
Draw a simple plan of your vegetable plot Separate the area into four even plots Mark each one as follows: Plot A – Potatoes; Plot B – Legumes (Peas, beans); Plot C – Onions + Brassicas (Cabbages); Plot D – Roots (Carrots, Parsnips) Add manure + seaweed to Plots A, B, C Do not add any manure to Plot D as it will cause roots to ‘fork’ from too much Nitrogen. Carrots grow best in soil that was cultivated and manured the previous year. On new ground dig, manure + seaweed the whole plot and grow potatoes. Next year start the rotation growing potatoes for a 2nd year on Plot A.
The principle of crop rotation is to Potato Group:
Legumes Group:
grow specific groups of vegetables on a different part of the vegetable
Broad beans
plot each year. This helps to reduce
Courgettes and marrows
a build-up of crop-specific pest and
Runner beans
Seakale or Swiss Chard
disease problems and it organises
Onions + Brassicas Group: Roots Group:
groups of crops according to their cultivation needs.
‘In the spring (on wet, peaty ground) dig in plenty of leafy tangle, cow muck, compost, before planting. Do this for all
Onions + Shallots
Spring onions
beds except the carrot and
parsnip bed. Plant carrots and
parsnips in last year’s peas and
beans bed. Don’t enrich the carrot and parsnip bed as this encourages roots to fork.’ Uist Growers advice for a 3 plot rotation leaving out the Potato Group)
‘Veggie Pizza + Cheeky Chips’ Instead of frozen pizza and oven chips why not try Eilidh, Catherine, Laura and Kirsten’s healthy homemade version ‘using leeks, onions and potatoes from your garden?
Veggie Pizza
Sieve the flour into a large bowl, then stir in yeast and salt and pepper. Make a well – pour 200ml warm water and olive oil and stir with a wooden spoon, until a soft fairly wet dough is formed Then onto a floured surface and knead
Veggie Pizza DOUGH: 300g Bread Flour, 1tsp Yeast, 1tsp salt, 1tsp pepper, 1tsp olive oil, 200ml warm water
until smooth. Roll dough out and cut into the shape you have chosen, i.e. star shape Spread tomato puree onto the base. Chop onion, leek and cherry tomatoes.
SAUCE: I tube of tomato puree, 150g
Put the mozzarella onto the pizza base,
TOPPING Mozzarella cheese, I onion, I leek, 3 cherry tomatoes
Put the pizzas onto a baking tray and
Cheeky Chips 5 potatoes, 1 tbsp. olive oil
and add all of your toppings
bake in the oven at Fan for 10 mins approx. Cheeky Chips Peel and cut the potatoes into thin for 20mins until golden and crisp
What will you sow?
3 March Preparing and Sowing: Seeds + equipment “….you knew there would always be the spring, as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen....and when spring came there were no problems except where to be happiest.” Hemingway, E. A Moveable Feast
In Uist, we long for spring just the same as anywhere else. It can seem that it’s slow to come some years, but when it does come it’s not yet the time to start planting! The islands have a maritime climate, which means that the temperature of the land depends on the temperature of sea. This means that it will be May before the land is warm enough to plant into. To some extent you can overcome this by using cloches5, building raised beds, erecting a poly tunnel, or building a greenhouse, but generally sowing seeds directly into open land before May will result in poor germination. Of course it is always feels worth a try if we 5
a small translucent cover for protecting or forcing outdoor plants
[Sidebars are great for calling out important points from your text or adding additional info for quick reference, such as a schedule. Don’t start planting too early The islandsplaced have aon ‘maritime They are typically the left, climate’ right, top meaning that the temperature of the or bottom of the page. But you can easily drag land depends on the temperature of the them to any position you prefer. sea you’re This means that it will May before When ready to add yourbecontent, just the land is warm enough to plant into click here and start typing.] Sow seeds inside so that you have ow? plants ready to plant out in May Sow summer cabbages and cauliflowers: Broccoli; leeks and onions; herbs; spinach; salad Wait until April to sow the later crops like winter cabbages, sprouts, Kale, and purple sprouting broccoli Follow the sowing instruction on the seed packet, but sow indoors rather than outside!
do get some great spring days, because you have the time
plants off from seed in about March and you will need to
and you feel like being outside doing something positive. I
propagate them in the correct conditions i.e. the right
would never say DON’T, but I would say that it’s always
temperature, moisture, and light, and have somewhere to
surprising how much more successful seeds seems to
grow them on and harden-off6 before you eventually plant
germinate when you sow them after mid-May, and that is
them out in May.
because the soil has finally warmed up. What is also surprising is just how quickly things seem to grow and even if you have had some success with early sowings the later ones will grow so fast that you will not notice a difference by the time you come to harvest. So follow the wisdom of islanders and plant when the soil is warm.
Seeds and Equipment All you need is a window-sill Propagator, which is a seed tray with a clear plastic cover and may also have a thermostat so that you can set the temperature precisely. Generally most vegetables including brassica plants7,
This timing means that all outdoor sowings would have to
onions and leeks need around 13-
wait, but the secret is to start some plants off inside such
species, like tomatoes and peppers need 20-
as peas, onions, leeks, cabbage, broccoli, kale, cauliflower,
to germinate. If it doesn’t have a thermostat just sow your
celery, spinach and lettuce, so that they are ready to go out
seeds according to the instructions on the packet, and
in May along with direct sowings of carrots and parsnips,
observe them every day. You are bringing new life into the
radishes, lettuce, and beetroot. You need to start these
world and they need your regular attention.
Hardening off plants is the process, of preparing plants started indoors for the change in environmental conditions they will encounter when permanently moved outdoors. Without allowing plants to harden off, they will be negatively impacted by the
sudden shock of exposure to daytime's sunrays and night time's coolness. 7 Brassicas are another name for the Cabbage family including Sprouts, Broccoli, Sprouting Broccoli, Kale and Cauliflower
Theo’s ‘Potatoes with Kale’ If you grew kale last year you will still have some in your garden which will be particularly tender following frost. So why not make a simple, nutritious addition to mashed potato by adding freshly picked kale from your garden? Theo says ‘it goes very well with vegetarian bacon’ Home grown potatoes Freshly picked young curly kale leaves Milk + Butter Peel potatoes Remove central ribs from kale and finely chop leaves Boil potatoes in lightly salted water until cooked through. Drain and mash adding milk and butter. Add chopped kale to potatoes and let soften in the hot mash before stirring in and serve.
Digging, Manuring and Sea weeding!
4 April Soil, Seaweed and Manure
Soil: Once you have decided where your planting plots are going to be, mark them out into even-sized plots and start
digging. Digging involves starting at one end of the plot and taking out a trench one spade deep across the width
of the plot. Take this soil to the other end of the plot and make a heap. Now go back to the trench and half-fill with manure and seaweed8. Start the next trench, tipping the
soil into the first trench, covering the manure up as you go. Work your way down the plot one trench at a time until you reach the end. Fill in the final trench with the soil from the
heap. N.B. Remember to keep your back straight and take time for regular stretches to avoid back strain. Seaweed and Manure: fantastic, organic fertilisers that are freely available to all growers and gardeners in the islands.
Make sure that any manure and seaweed has been well-rotted for 4-5 months before you dig it into the soil
Before starting to dig mark your ground into even-sized plots Take out a trench at one end of the plot and move this soil to the other end Fork some well-rotted manure and seaweed into the trench Start the next trench tipping this soil into the first trench covering the manure up as you go Do not add any manure where you plan to grow root vegetables such as carrots, parsnips, beetroot, as they don’t need so much Nitrogen. Carrots grow best in soil that was cultivated and manured the previous year. On new ground dig, manure + seaweed the whole plot and grow potatoes for the first year.
All you need is a garden fork and an old coal, compost or animal feed bag to collect seaweed from the beach or get manure from someone who keeps cattle or horses. It is best to let them rot/compost for 3 months before digging
‘Use seaweed and horse manure’ ‘Make and get as much organic material as possible. Have crops growing 12 months of the year.’
it into your soil.
‘Use seaweed as fertilizer’
Advice, hints and tips to share with other growers:
‘Use seaweed every 3 years’
‘get best crops when using seaweed’
‘Top up soil on potatoes when needed – manure better fertilizer than seaweed’
‘Plenty of seaweed – leave it to rot’ ‘Always use seaweed off the shore instead of artificial fertiliser’ ‘Seaweed on the ground make a difference and to do it early as it is easier to plough’
‘Uplift seaweed after mid-November and before March before spreading on ground in March/April’
‘My growing ground is very wet so I put seaweed down in autumn and cover with heavy duty polythene’
‘Dig in plenty of dung’
‘Dig a trench to put seaweed 4 inches deep and then cover over.
‘Mulch with plenty of seaweed’
Make a dent to plant carrot seeds but remember to thin them out!’ ‘I’m a new grower-this is the first time that I have grown any vegetables. My biggest success this year was the kale that just grew and grew. I grew it in peaty soil with seaweed mixed in which seemed to work really well’
‘Put a new spread of seaweed on soil annually’ ‘Use horse manure and seaweed as fertilizer’ ‘Leave seaweed to rot for 2 weeks
2 pieces of bacon 2 onions
Using up the last of the season’s staple vegetables from your store you could make this nutritious and tasty dish: Andrew, Emma, and Hope’s ‘Leek, Potato and Carrot Soup’
4 medium-sized leeks 1 tbsp vegetable oil 225g/8oz potatoes, peeled and cubed 1.25ml/2 pints vegetables stock 150ml/5 fl oz double cream or crème fraiche Heat the oil in a large pan and add the sliced onions, potatoes, carrots and leeks. Cook for 3-4 mins until starting to soften Add he vegetable stock and bring to the boil. Simmer until the vegetables are tender Whizz with a hand blender or in a blender until smooth. Reheat in a clean pan, stir in the crème fraiche or cream through, and serve.
Potting on and Planting out
5 May Potting on, Planting out and ‘Direct Sowing’: Things to think about
Hopefully you will have had some good germination from your sowings in March and you will now be ready to pot on your seedlings. If you have sown the seeds nice and thinly they will be quite strong little plantlets by now, but if you were a bit too generous and sowed too many seeds at once they might look a bit cramped in the seed tray so just pot on the strongest looking ones as the weak ones are best discarded. Transplant them into their own little pots or individual cells by filling the container first with some multi-purpose compost, and lightly tapping to remove air pockets. Ideally only hold the seedling by its leaves rather than stem or roots as these are very vulnerable to damage. Once transplanted water in gently and place in a well-lit space on a base that can be watered such as a tray, or bench. It is best to stand the pots on ‘capillary matting’ or paper towel and keep that watered rather than watering from above as this avoids the nutrients getting washed out of the compost, reduces the build-up of algae, but mainly encourages a better root system to develop.
Once your seedlings start to emerge don’t be in too much of a hurry to move them out of the seed tray The first leaves that appear are only ‘seed leaves’ you need to wait for the first couple of true leaves to appear before starting to ‘pot’ them on Prick out seedling into a small pot or cell-tray (as in photo) Let them grow on for 2-3 weeks ‘Harden-off’ plants gently by taking them outside in the day and bringing them back in at night, acclimatising them to the cooler, breezier conditions Plant out in final positions from midMay onwards Directly sow carrots, parsnips, radishes, spinach, beetroot into final positions
What to Grow? ‘Grow what you like to eat’ In Uist, if you have created a sheltered spot you can grow almost anything outside apart from produce such as tomatoes, peppers, chillies, aubergines, and cucumbers, which need to be grown inside a greenhouse, conservatory, porch or windowsill. You can start off the plants from seed sown inside or sow directly into the open ground from mid-May onwards. If you have space give the following a try: Sugar Snap Peas, and peas: In my opinion the best reason to have a veg garden is so that you can grow peas! They are delicious, prolific, and easy to grow. You can get an earlier crop by starting off some plants inside in cell trays, putting one or two dried pea seeds per cell, but you can also sow them directly into the ground from mid-May where they will grow quite happily in a sheltered position. It is hard to imagine that their delicate looking tendrils could survive the Uist climate, but instead peas prefer our cool, damp summers. The whole Sugar Snap pod is edible, which means that no shelling is required. Sweet Fennel: Is just as easy to grow as celery, but provides a sweeter addition to soups, casseroles and sauces. It is high in vitamin C, and is a good source of dietary fibre, potassium, folate, and flavonoids. Its
feathery fronds are similar to those on a dill plant. Its crunchy green root resembles celery stalks. Its thick white bulb can be thinly sliced, and eaten fresh in fruit and green salads, or steamed, sautéed, or boiled. Shallots: Particularly the torpedo-shaped ‘Banana Shallots grow well and provide a delicious alternative to standard onions. They grow very easily from seed, as long as you have started them off quite early in the season (Jan-Feb) , but if not you should be able to buy as ‘sets’ ready for planting out in May Leeks: Nothing surpasses the rich taste of a freshly picked leek. They are so easily grown as long as you follow the wise advice given to me by Hugh Matheson to plant into a trench filled with manure and lightly covered with soil. They will be the biggest, sweetest leeks you’ll ever have the pleasure of eating. ’Everything this year was sown or planted out late into still very wet and cold soil. Brassicas in particular flourished, but lettuce not so good. So – it varies from year to year. Almost every year something doesn’t grow well.’
Sue’s Rhubarb and Chocolate Mint Muffins
300g freshly picked rhubarb, chopped 3 tbsp caster sugar Juice and zest of 1 orange 300g plain flour 1 tsp cinnamon 2tsp baking powder 120g caster sugar 2 eggs, beaten 200ml milk 100g melted butter 4 heaped tbsp. of fresh chopped Chocolate mint Demerara sugar
Preheat oven 180 Line a 12-hole muffin tin with paper cases Mix rhubarb and sugar together on a baking tray, sprinkle with orange juice and zest, and bake in the oven for 10mins or until tender. Remove from the oven and drain well, reserving the juice. Mix flour, cinnamon and baking powder. Add caster sugar, eggs, milk and melted butter and chopped mint. Mix all of the ingredients together with the rhubarb, do not overmix. Divide mixture between cases and bake in oven for 20 mins or until risen and golden. Mix the demerara sugar with the reserved rhubarb juice and spoon a little over the hot muffins. Enjoy with a dollop of clotted cream!
How to improve your crops
6 June Getting your crop to grow better: drainage, poly tunnels and plants for protection
There are lots of ways to improve the success of your crops. These involve provision of drainage for peaty soils, moisture retention for sandy soils, provision of stock proof fencing, keeping vermin out, and above all slowing down the wind.
Drainage ‘We have found that raised beds work well for us’
‘Lots of drainage for peaty soils’ ‘Add sand to soil’
‘If you have very wet peaty soil adding sand can help it drain better. Doing this turned a boggy piece of land into a useful plot for growing potatoes. Duke of York potatoes so better than most in wet areas but like most potatoes
If possible use a poly tunnel or greenhouse to start off vegetables from seed, and grow them on to be strong plants before planting out in your plots Improve the drainage on your site – particularly in peaty soils Plant less and look after it better Use horticultural fabrics like fleece and environ-mesh to provide protection from pests Use seaweed and manure every year to keep up the fertility of your soil ‘Don’t tamper too much with the rhubarb, they grow better when just left’
they fail in hard peaty soils. Adding sand makes the soil
‘Cover carrots with fleece to stop root fly – and then them
lighter which is great for potatoes.’
‘Improve peaty wet soil with drainage and mixing in sand
To combat root fly we grow cabbages, sprouts, kale,
or sandy soil’
broccoli, swedes and also carrots under fine environ-mesh.’
Crop Protection
‘Good shelter and drainage is a must’
‘Fence out ducks, chickens and other livestock’ ‘Get as much shelter as possible’
‘Poly tunnel has been a revelation and the polythene has survived at least 5 years. A home-made tunnel. Amazing what will grow – a good crop of aubergines, cucumbers, tomatoes, French beans, peppers, chillies and cape
‘Shelter is vital to protect crops from harsh winds. Even a
fishing net along the sides of the beds provide shelter.’ ‘Preferably use a poly tunnel if not able to grow in ‘Grow cabbages and other brassicas under netting to keep
unprotected area’
butterflies off and protect from caterpillars’ ‘The use of a greenhouse or poly tunnel is very handy for
Plants for protection
growing seedlings so that you can plant out big and healthy
‘Use fast growing perennials such as lovage, bronze fennel,
plants whenever possible.’
Jerusalem artichokes, comfrey, or lupins around the edge of large
‘Start off as much in the greenhouse as possible’
vegetable beds as wind protection. Remember that their roots extend into the beds so don’t plant seeds too close to them. Divide the roots every year or two so that they don’t get too big.’
Kate’s ‘Broad beans with Chard in Butter’ reprinted with permission from Uist Wholefoods website http://www.uistwholefoods.com/ 10oz broad beans, shelled” 10oz chard, sliced” 5tbsp butter ^ 1 onion, diced “^ 8 tbsp chopped fresh dill” or 1 1/2 tsps dried dill leaf * 1/2 tsp salt Ingredients marked * are available organically from the Wholefoods Coop,” can be grown locally, and items marked ^ are available as organic, fairly traded, or locally produced from local shops and food producers. Kate says: ‘This dish is unreasonably good. It is pretty simple to make, and so delicious I was eating it out of the pan with a spoon. The broad beans and chard were home grown, but frozen beans will do, and fresh spinach.’ Prepare all the vegetables, then heat the butter in a heavy wide casserole. I used my ‘le creuset’ pan. When the butter has melted and is beginning to foam, add the onion, and stir for a minute. Add the beans, stir and sauté for another minute. Add the chard and dill, and stir for another couple of minutes Add the salt and 2 floz water, cover tightly and simmer for about 15 minutes. This is delicious served hot or warm, with rice or with pitta bread.
Weeding and composting time!
7 July Weeds and Compost
You will never be able to completely stop weeds
growing within your plot as the weed seeds sit within the soil and will germinate along with your carrots or spring onions. It is
possible, however to ensure that they have less places to grow. By the middle of summer you will either have managed to control them reasonably well so that your vegetables are bigger and
dominate the space, and in the process limit the growth of weeds. Or you will be wondering what happened to your carrots and onions! Even if this is the case it is never too late to get your plot back under control. You might need to re sow if you have ended up pulling up the seedlings with the weeds, but you have to do something after all the work you have put in to improving your ground. It is a mistake to think that you can have a rich fruitful garden without any weeds. They are hungry just like cabbages are. You just need to get into the habit of weeding, and hoeing much earlier and more regularly than you have been. Take the advice of some Uist growers who have learned how to deal with their weeds!
Keep on top of the weeds when they are small. That way your soil will feed your produce not the weeds You can compost all the new young weeds but if they have strong roots on them better put them in the bin Never compost perennial weeds if they have seed heads on them, especially nettles or docs Cover the soil around base of perennial plants such as strawberries with ground cover matting, seaweed, cardboard, newspapers, straw to act as a mulch and keep light away from the soil so that weed seeds don’t germinate
‘Keep on top of weeding. Half an hour a day makes a big
as a kitchen caddy or old ice cream tub. Fill your kitchen
caddy or container with everything from vegetable and
‘to stop weed growth cover dug-over veg patch with ‘Asco’ (dried seaweed) for the winter, except for next year’s carrot and parsnip patch. Cover this patch with black plastic. The Asco will mostly melt into the soil over the winter. Throughout the year put Asco around brassicas, fruit bushes and over all bare ground to keep weeds at bay.’
Composting is an inexpensive,
natural process that
transforms your kitchen and garden waste into a valuable and nutrient rich food for your garden. It's easy to make and use. Find the right site: Site your compost bin in a reasonably sunny position on bare soil. If you have to put your compost bin on concrete, tarmac or patio slabs ensure there's a layer of paper and twigs or existing compost on
fruit peelings to teabags, toilet roll tubes, cereal boxes and eggshells. Take care not to compost cooked food, meat or fish! Fill it up: Empty your kitchen caddy along with your garden waste into your compost bin. A 50/50 mix of greens and browns is the perfect recipe for good compost. Wait a while: It takes between nine and twelve months for your compost to become ready for use, so now all you need to do is wait and let nature do the work. Keep on adding greens and browns to top up your compost. Ready for use: Once your compost has turned into a crumbly, dark material, resembling thick, moist soil and gives off an earthy, fresh aroma, then it's ready to use.
the bottom. Choose a place where you can easily add
Use it: Don't worry if your compost looks a little lumpy with
ingredients to the bin and get the compost out.
twigs and bits of eggshell – this is perfectly normal. Use it
Add the right ingredients: Have a container available such
to enrich borders and vegetable plots.
George + Rosemary’s ‘Cucumber Soup’ One onion to each normal-sized cucumber used Peel off about half the skin lengthwise. If very full of seed scrape out some of it. Chop coarsely A few potatoes, chopped small. Sweat them (in butter is good, but fine in olive or other oil), onions and potatoes first till onions are soft, then add cucumbers Add stock to cover Simmer till just cooked Add seasoning to taste, and fresh herbs (e.g. parsley, tarragon, dill) Blend Nice with a swirl of double cream or olive oil, and a sprinkling of parmesan, but fine without this.
Soft summer fruits
8 August Soft Fruit and Jam With so much fruit available in the supermarket at any time of the year you might wonder if it is really worth trying to grow some for yourself. And certainly in comparison with growing vegetables the relatively small crops that you can produce might persuade you to leave fruits out of your garden cropping plans. However, if you ever get the chance to taste some freshly picked strawberries, or eat homemade jam made from ripe, freshly picked blackcurrants or raspberries you will be in no doubt that it is worthwhile. Soft fruits grow on perennial plants (strawberries), shrubs (currants, gooseberries), or canes (raspberries)
Currants: are cool-climate plants and fruit well in northern areas. Blackcurrants are most commonly grown in Uist producing bunches of dark purple to black fruits in midsummer. Redcurrants are particularly tart producing a lovely burgundy-red jelly traditionally used with game but very good with local mutton. White currants are hardly
Best fruits to grow in Uist are: Blackcurrants, redcurrants and white currants Raspberries Gooseberries Strawberries It’s always worth experimenting with others such as Blueberries, cranberries, blackberries etc. but even though they should like our acidic soil they do not seem to cope well with the salty conditions and the constant winter wet.
ever offered for sale in shops, so growing them for yourself is the only way to experience these berries that are pure white to cream in colour, with some ripening to
almost yellow. They are best turned into a jelly to keep the unusual colour and citrus flavour.
Water blackcurrants during dry periods in the growing season. In late winter mulch around base of plants with well-rotted seaweed and manure to suppress weeds and feed. Prune blackcurrants when dormant. Fruit forms on young wood, so when pruning aim to remove older wood, leaving the young shoots. Give a hard prune every three years cutting plant back by one third to encourage and make room for younger, healthy wood.
Raspberries: will grow almost anywhere provided they are planted on well-drained soil. They like a more alkaline soil of around 6.5 so a sandy loam rather than a more peaty soil, although you could improve the latter with the addition of sand, and plenty of seaweed, manure and compost. The main thing is to improve soil drainage, and plant new canes correctly.
Uppermost roots should be no more that 2in below soil level Cut canes back to 6-9 in prior to planting to encourage new growth from beneath the soil level When new growth appears the existing cane should be cut down to ground level to ensure the production of strong new canes
Strawberries: can be grown almost anywhere – in borders, containers or hanging baskets. Home-grown strawberries taste delicious and are great value too!
Plant into well prepared ground Water frequently during dry periods Feed with tomato food As fruits start to develop tuck straw around them to prevent strawberries touching the soil and potentially rotting After cropping has finished, remove the old leaves from summer-fruiting strawberries with secateurs or hand shears. Also remove the straw mulch to prevent a build-up of pests and diseases. Replace plants every 3 years rotating the crop to minimise pest and diseases
Laura’s Blackcurrant Jam 1.8kg (4lb) freshly picked blackcurrants 1.7 litres (3pt) water 2.7kg (6lb) granulated sugar small knob butter Pick the blackcurrants into a bowl or bucket. Add cold water and let it run. Swirl the blackcurrants in the water and scoop out a handful at a time and pick out leaves and stalks. Place clean fruit in a colander. Weigh fruit and place in preserving pan with the water. Bring to the boil and simmer, uncovered, for about 40 minutes, or until the fruit is softened and the water reduced. Add the sugar, stirring frequently until the sugar has dissolved, bringing it up to a gentle boil. Let it bubble for 10 minutes then test for a set - put a spoonful on to a chilled saucer then place it in the fridge for 5 minutes. Turn the jam right down in the meantime. The test should have set to a jam-like consistency if you push it with your finger. If not, return to the heat, re-boil then test again. Add the butter, stir well. Cool the jam for 10 minutes to prevent the fruit sinking in the jar; ladle into sterilised jars - don't fill to the top. Let the jam cool before covering.
Harvesting and storing your produce
9 September Harvesting, Storing, Preserving
Lift and store or leave in the ground? If you have planted a good variety of different produce such as potatoes, carrots, beetroots, parsnips, cabbages, sprouts,
onions, leeks etc. you will hopefully still have some left and might be thinking about whether you need to lift them out of the ground for storing or whether you can just carry on
taking just what you need each day. Onions: Will benefit greatly from lifting out of the ground. You should ideally have lifted them in August and left them to dry off before tying up or storing on shelves in a cool airy place. Leeks: on the other hand are best either kept in the ground and harvested as necessary or picked, cleaned and prepared as if for cooking, and then put into freezer bags and frozen. But use up within 3 months to be sure of keeping a good flavour. Winter leeks keep well in the
It is largely a matter of choice whether you lift and store your veg or leave in the ground, except for the following: Onions must be harvested, and dried well if they are to keep – do this in August Leeks can stay in the ground, as can winter brassicas Roots and potatoes only need to be lifted if vermin are a problem, but if you lift them you need to clean them and store in sand or clean bags and boxes. Always check them periodically to make sure none are rotting
ground until there is a nasty gale and then they can start to ‘melt’ from the excessive wind and rain. So if there is a bad forecast and you still have some lovely leeks in your plot then harvest them all and prepare for the freezer. Brassicas: You never need to lift cabbages, kale or broccoli as they will be able to withstand the winter weather and it
Here’s some advice from Uist growers: ‘Don’t let the rabbits get in’ ‘Bend onions’ stalks June/July to get bigger bulbs’ ‘Top up soil on potatoes when needed’
can actually improve the taste because frosts break down
‘We swap a lot of stuff with my father whose land is very dry
some of the starch into sugars. Cauliflowers, unless of the
machair and totally different from ours.’
Winter variety, are best lifted, prepared as though for cooking and then packed into freezer bags and used as
‘Different parts of Uist have different growing requirements
necessary. As with other frozen veg use these up within 3
whether its machair land or peaty soil on the east side of
South Uist. The islands are generally a month to 6 weeks behind the South of England/Central Belt in terms of
Roots and Potatoes: if you want to lift all your root and
growing season. Society has changed also so less
potato crops it will entail a lot of work to lift, clean and pack
cultivation for personal use is done as people work full-time
into sand or keep in bags or boxes for use throughout the
so have little time for gardening. We were self-sufficient to
winter. It is worth doing if you have a problem with vermin
a degree because we had to be or we would have starved.
eating the crops in situ, or you know that your particular
Climate change with wetter summers and a shorter
garden suffers from frost pockets that might lead to
growing season means horticulture or any idea of self-
spoiled vegetables. However generally it is not necessary,
sufficiency are no longer valid. We also don’t have the
but a question of choice
capital to buy greenhouses’
Norma’s ‘Borscht’ (Beetroot Soup)
Make as your favourite mixed veg soup, but use a good quantity of beetroot. Liquidise after cooking and serve with plain yoghurt or cream!
Beetroot has high nutritional value; especially the greens, which are rich in calcium, iron and vitamin A and C. They’re an excellent source of folic acid and a very good source of fibre, manganese and potassium. The greens should not be overlooked; they can be cooked up and enjoyed in the same way as spinach.
Start to think about next year
10 October Planting for spring
Even if you have been able to give yourself a good supply of winter greens in the form of cabbage, kale, sprouts and early sprouting broccoli you will still be looking forward to a fresh supply of spring greens by the time March and April arrive. If you have a poly tunnel, cloches, or a very sheltered spot then now is the time to start planning and sowing for the spring.
The following is a list of plants that grow quickly and are able to withstand the short day length until February when they will start to perk up and provide some fresh greens for the table by March.
Mustard Greens, Mizuna, and Pak Choi: These greens grow quickly and easily in Uist, are full of flavour, and loaded with nutrients and health benefits. Mustard greens are an excellent source of vitamins K, A, and C. it is also a good source of folate, manganese, calcium, potassium, and vitamins E, and B6, phosphorus, copper, and dietary fiber. Not only do these greens have antioxidant and inflammation fighting properties, but they also support
Think about sowing some fresh greens for the spring choose varieties that are suitable for Winter Cropping. Order your garlic bulbs and plant out before 21st Dec Rejuvenate your old rhubarb crowns by digging down deeply around the base of the plant Cut off sections between two growing points and slice down into the hard woody root. Lift out the piece and leave it upside down for a few weeks so that the air and cold get into it. Replant into a new growing site which has been well dug and fertilised, and Share with neighbours and friends so that they can enjoy fresh rhubarb too!
healthy vision, neurological function, and cleanse and detoxifies the blood and liver. Spinach: Spinach can be grown to produce a crop all year round, making it a useful vegetable to grow when other greens might be in short supply. Prepared and cooked properly, it is a tasty, versatile crop that can also be used in salads. Some cultivars can be overwintered for an early spring harvest. Winter cultivars need a sunny position, but summer types benefit from a little shade. Thin seedlings to 7.5cm (3in) apart when large enough to handle. A few weeks later harvest every alternative plant for use in the kitchen. Winter cultivars will need protection from October onwards. Cover with cloches or protect the crown with straw or similar material and cover with fleece. Don’t forget to get your Garlic ordered and planted up before the winter sets in. It needs a long season in order to grow to maturity, as well as a long spell of cold to enable the bulbs to split into cloves. As a rule of thumb - get it planted before the shortest day (21st December) and you’ll be able to harvest it by the time the longest day comes around (21st June). There are lots of different varieties available, but most of them are bred for growing in much warmer climates than ours.
The Really Garlicky Company in Nairn http://www.reallygarlicky.co.uk/contactus.php grows over 30 acres of the variety ‘Porcelain Hardneck’ and supplies bulbs for autumn planting.
Rhubarb: If you don’t have any rhubarb in your garden then now is the time to get some, perhaps from your neighbours or friends, because it is a good time for them to be digging up some old crowns to rejuvenate them. How to get your rhubarb to grow bigger and better: With a sharp spade dig down deeply around the base of the plant. If it is particularly big cut off sections of the plant between two growing points and slice down into the hard woody root. Lift out the piece and leave it upside down for a few weeks so that the air and cold get into it. Then replant into a new growing site which has been well dug and fertilised with manure, or give away to neighbours and friends so that they can enjoy fresh rhubarb too!
Hanna’s Kale Pesto
My favourite recipe at the moment is probably ‘Kale Pesto’ which I make by steaming or boiling kale to make it soft. After that I put it in a food processor together with olive oil, garlic, parmesan cheese, pine nuts (or almond flakes). Fresh basil and then blitz. Basically it’s pesto with the addition of kale This gets mixed with whatever pasta you want to use. Comfort food. H a n n
Ways to Protect your Plot
11 November Protecting your plot
Your plot needs to be stock, deer and rabbit proof if you want to make sure that you get to eat what you have grown. It will also benefit greatly from some wind protection.
You can do this most effectively by erecting a fence made by attaching recycled fish farm nets to fence posts that have been firmly concreted into the ground.
Fish Farm nets are a waste product from fish farms. Contact your nearest fish farm to find out when they will have some available Don’t add windbreak material to an ordinary stock proof fence as the force of the wind might bring the fence down ‘Living windbreaks’ can be made using robust, quick growing shrubs such as Olearia traversii or Escallonia macrantha, but avoid using Willow varieties such as Salix viminalis (Osier Willow) as this can be very invasive unless cut back hard each year Plants as windbreaks take nutrients from your veg plot. So don’t forget to give them a dressing of seaweed too!
There are other windbreak materials available in the form of
Some Uist growers have the following advice on finding ways to
green shade netting, but these rarely survive one or two seasons
live with the windy conditions:
in Uist before they are shattered or torn by the harsh weather. They are not designed for the extreme conditions prevalent in the
‘Get to know your own ground and have fun experimenting!
islands and therefore are a waste of money.
Be prepared for some things not to work and just keep going
An alternative to a fence is a net covered tunnel erected over your plot. This will afford the necessary protection from stock and wind as well as remaining open to the elements and therefore reducing the need for regular watering as with a polythene covered tunnel, and might provide a solution for a more isolated site away from amenities. Erecting solid walls is not usually considered to be the best
regardless of the number of setbacks and obstacles. Things that don’t work for a neighbour might work for you and don’t follow advice from others too slavishly!’ ‘Once brassica plants have grown quite large don’t stake them but let them lie at an angle. They will still support themselves with lower leaves, but not be battered by the wind so much.’
protection against the wind unless they are of sufficient height. This is because a solid barrier like a wall has the effect of lifting
‘Gardening in the Western Isles is easy. The only thing you
the wind over it which can add to its force when it goes over the
really need to do is break the force of the wind. Pallet-
wall and into your garden. Old walled gardens such as at St Peters, Daliburgh has a wall in excess of 8 feet high and this helps to lift
fences, walls, hedges can all help.’
the wind right over and away from the plots. Its better then to
‘Still learning!’
consider using some sort of fence that will filter the wind rather than attempting to stop it completely.
‘If you don’t plant it, it won’t grow. Any thing’s worth a try!’
Machair Potatoes’ Favourite way of serving potatoes grown on the machair, boiled, with a nob of butter, and served with a
‘ glass of ice cold milk
Tiny Machair potatoes thinned out, cleaned and boiled – great for a potato salad The highly prized Machair Potato is grown using the traditional system of planting on the sandy machair (arable ground just up from the shore) using seaweed as fertiliser. This practice gives the potatoes their rich flavour and leaves them with a drier texture.
I always grow potatoes in machair ground that has not been turned for at least 20 years. I like to experiment with different varieties, e.g. 12 varieties this year. Bonnie, British Queen, Catriona, Cara, Duke of York (White), Golden Wonder, Keers Pink, Markies, Pink Fir Apple, Picasso, record, Shetland Black. All grew well apart from Bonnie! Uist Crofter
Reviewing and planning your plot
12 December Next year it’ll be even better: Reviewing and planning
This is a good time for thinking about what to grow next season. If this was your first year of growing you will have
had some successes and some failures, but don’t be downhearted when something hasn’t gone very well. It’s good to know that new ground takes a number of years to come into proper productivity. So if you only just started
to cultivate your plot for the first time this year then you will have done well to have grown anything to harvest. And don’t underestimate how much you have learned simply
by doing. Every stage of planning, cultivating, sowing, planting, tending, feeding, harvesting, preparing, cooking and eating will have increased your knowledge, ability and awareness of the process of growing to feed yourself and your family.
Think about what did grow well and whether it was
something you liked to eat. You might have started with
Review the plan you made of your vegetable plot If you didn’t make one then consider making one for next year Use a rotation and move the beds clockwise (See January’s notes) Have a look at your old seed packets – check if you have any seed left before buying replacements Seed will keep quite well from year to year provided that you store it somewhere cool and dry and never keep it in a greenhouse or poly tunnel What grew well for you? Did you like eating it? Grow more of what you like to eat, but do try something new as well
some of the staples crops like potatoes, carrots, onions, leeks, cabbage, kale, cauliflower, sprouts. These are easy to grow, are always useful to have in your plot, and will have an improved taste and texture simply because you have grown them naturally, and can pick and cook them fresh from the garden. You might also have found some seed varieties that have a better taste, grow more easily in your soil, or are unusual e.g. different coloured tomatoes or carrots, and you will have started to discover the pleasure and freedom that comes with being able to produce food that you like and are enthused about. There are lots of other interesting vegetables and fruit that grow very well here in Uist provided you have followed the previous guidance on cultivation, management and wind and pest protection. The following list might give you some ideas for trying out a couple of new things alongside your main crop varieties, as well as discovering the added health benefits of eating more vegetables and fruit.
protein and vitamin B-6. They are a perennial vegetable and grow easily on a sandy machair soil, but don’t like the winter wet so may not last long if the season is poor. Grow them from seed and you’ll get a small crop the following year, and if they like your conditions they’ll keep producing for a couple of more years. Asparagus: This is a little tricky to grow if you don’t have a protected plot e.g. cool greenhouse or poly tunnel. It needs damp free-draining soil to do well but can’t deal with our wet winters so the plants eventually rot. I grow it on the shaded side of our poly tunnel where it thrives. Asparagus is rich in folic acid, and is a good source of dietary fibre, potassium, vitamins A, B1, B3, B6, and C. It also contains protein, niacin, magnesium, copper, and calcium. Here are some final wise words from Uist growers: ‘Perseverance’. ‘Experiment!’ ‘Be patient. You learn by your mistakes’
Globe Artichoke: This is an edible thistle, which is rich in potassium, magnesium, dietary fibre, and vitamin C. Artichokes also provide iron, calcium, phosphorous,
‘Very much trial and error, and totally weather dependent’
1 red pepper 2 onions 2 chicken fillets 30g fajita seasoning 4 wraps 8 potatoes
Georgia, Innes, Hamish, and Katie’s ‘Fajita, Chips + Salsa’ is a spicy, warming winter meal that all the family will enjoy and can help to make
Oil for deep frying Fresh parsley/coriander 3 tomatoes
Fajitas: Prepare veg: chop peppers and spring onions. Slice chicken into strips and cover with the flavouring and cook until the chicken is cooked. Add the onions, peppers
3 spring onions
and spring onions. Cook for 5 mins. Keep warm.
2 green chillies
Chips: Peel potatoes and slice into chips. Dry in a tea towel.
1 large garlic clove 1 lime Sea salt
time until golden
and crispy. Drain well so the chips are not oily and put in a dish with paper towels, then serve. Salsa: Wash all of the veg Finely chop parsley or coriander (stalks and all) and place into a large bowl. Peel and finely chop the onions. De-seed
Freshly ground pepper
and finely chop the chillies and tomatoes, and add to the bowl.
2 tsp extra virgin olive oil
Peel and finely grate the garlic. Add the juice of 1 lime and 1 tsp of extra virgin oil. Mix well then season to taste.
Thanks and Acknowledgements
schools Daliburgh, Iochdar, Balivanich, Carinish, Paible,
This book could not have been written without the
help, enthusiasm, guidance and contributions of the
encouragement and contribution towards ensuring that so
following, to whom I offer my heartfelt thanks:
much data was gathered through the ‘Reclaiming the
Lochmaddy; Secondary School Sgoil Lionacleit, especially Anne
Knowledge’ Survey, as well as Veronica Beaton and Our outstanding and dedicated horticultural team:
Katherine Watt, Home Economics, who developed a
Horticultural Staff and Volunteers whose work is featured
valuable and rewarding element of the project to engage
through the publication.
S3 pupils in understanding how to cook with seasonal
Our Partnership: Tagsa Uibhist, Cothrom, Grimsay Community Association, Hebridean Living, Lews Castle College UHI, SAC Consulting; CnES Skills and Enterprise, Storas Uibhist.
produce; and finally, the ‘5-A-Day-Club’ (Balivanich School P5-7) who brought their enthusiasm and energy to the project, not to mention their great illustrations! Our funders: The Pebble Trust; Climate Challenge Fund
Our Supporters: Uist based growers and gardeners who responded to the survey and shared their gardening data; Angus Ferguson, SAC, for support in processing data into visual information; the support of all the islands Primary
Laura Donkers, Project Leader
The publication has been created as part of Local Food for Local People (CCF-3812) Growing More Food Locally | Delivering Horticultural Training and Advice | Supporting a ‘Growing Community’ Local Food for Local People is a Climate Challenge Fund project run in partnership by Tagsa Uibhist and Cothrom aiming to create a low carbon future for Uist by encouraging the growing of more local produce to reduce food miles, reduce food waste and raise awareness of their links to sustainability and climate change, and also provide opportunities for skills development and work experience in the horticulture sector in order to deliver health and wellbeing benefits as well as job opportunities. Growing More Food Locally The project achieved an increased level of food grown, as well as the delivery of workshops that would lead to food waste reduction ranging from cooking to composting: teaching both adults and school pupils how to be more successful at growing and preparing ‘freshly picked’ food, and composting green kitchen waste. Baseline data on the islands’ current horticultural land use was gathered during October 2015 through the ‘Reclaiming the Knowledge’ Survey Delivering Horticultural Training and Advice Teaching how to become more successful at growing food was delivered through formal and informal horticultural training courses at the Cothrom and Tagsa sites. Cothrom delivered a certificated SVQ Horticulture course. Informal horticultural training was delivered across the islands through a wide ranging programme of community workshops and community events. Supporting a ‘Growing Community’ The Growing Community has supported the development of allotments. Site users are further supported through the guidance of Horticultural Coordinators and Volunteers who provide a weekly service of site management, including grounds care, plot management, provision of manure and compost, and general horticultural advice and support. ‘…this project has the potential to bring significant change in our communities’ attitudes, habits and culture in relation to local produce – growing and consumption. It’s significant successes to date have resulted from the connections it has made between a wide diversity of local communities, both geographically and across the generations, and links to learning, and the wider issues of sustainability and climate change.’ Marie Campbell, Regeneration Officer, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar About the author Laura Donkers MFA BA, is Project Leader for Climate Challenge Fund project Local Food for Local People. An environmental artist | horticulturalist | researcher (PhD candidate in Environmental Art/Scottish History at University of Dundee) she has lived permanently in North Uist since 1990 where she ran retail plant nursery ‘Plants for Windy Places’ (1993-2009) Online publication available at https://uistlocalfoodforlocalpeople.wordpress.com/