Reclaiming the Knowledge Data Gathering Project

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End of Project Report to the Pebble Trust: Reclaiming the Knowledge Data Gathering Project

Reclaiming the Knowledge Data Gathering Project was a research project carried out in 2015/16, as part of the Uist-based Climate Challenge Fund Project Local Food for Local People CCF-3812. Its purpose was to gather data on current fruit and vegetable production in the islands of Uist and Benbecula in the Outer Hebrides, via an island wide, inter-generational survey designed to gather baseline figures that accurately reflect the current area of island-based horticultural growing. The data contributed towards the production of a horticultural handbook entitled: ‘Uist Growers Almanac the natural way to grow’ This publication would: • • • •

acknowledge the islands’ traditional competence in self-sufficiency reveal the current growing capacity, knowledge and skills that still exist throughout the islands inform and encouraged new growers, new crofters and new gardeners to develop the potential of the land promote the possibility of a return to more sustainable lifestyles and inform the development of a self-sufficient community

It is widely accepted that freshly picked, local produce can directly improve the community’s diet, afford a healthy and productive activity for its growers, and decrease reliance on supermarkets for fresh food. The Future of Farming, DEFRA 2009 stressed ‘…the importance to ensure that our children reconnect with where, and how the food they eat is produced’. In both farming and crofting, the average age of practitioners is exceeding 55 and there is a real need to attract young people who are motivated to work in this area. The publication of this accessible, relevant handbook of island-based gardening practices and advice written by and for island inhabitants, and those from similar climatic regions, is a vital aspect to supporting local growing initiatives and championing more sustainable lifestyles across Scotland. The key aims of the project were to: 1. Raise awareness in the community and further afield of the current scope and validity of local horticultural knowledge and activity through the production of a growers’ handbook – ‘Uist Growers Almanac the natural way to grow’ 2. Promote the potential of islanders to become more self-sufficient by increasing their knowledge and capacity to produce fresh food and decrease reliance on supermarkets 3. Directly address climate change in Uist and the impact that increased local food production can have to reduce C02e due to a reduction in food miles.

RECLAIMING THE KNOWLEDGE DATA GATHERING PROJECT The Reclaiming the Knowledge Data Gathering Project gathered base line data that:

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a. Recorded accurate information on current horticultural land use b. Enabled the accurate collecting of data on new production c. Engaged the community by o recognizing the islands historical capacity for self sufficiency o recognizing current growing capacity o recognizing current knowledge and skills o enabling sensible targeting of areas for expansion and training development It comprised of two phases a) Reclaiming the Knowledge: Schools Project b) Reclaiming the Knowledge: Almanac Production Reclaiming the Knowledge Schools Project A project to train pupils to become crowd cartographers and gather data on Garden and Croft production in their home townships and communities. Baseline Data was processed using technology available through SAC to produce printed maps of areas and rates of production. This project was designed to engage different generations by training the school pupils to gather data from their family members, extended families, neighbours and township residents, such as: a. b. c. d. e.

What food is currently being grown? What size and type of land is this? How long has this area of ground been in cultivation? Who are the people who do the growing? What do they do with the produce they grow? – Use in the household/share in the community/sell to the community

Timeline Sep 2015:

Project planning with teachers – Secondary and all 6 Uist Primary Schools Train S4 and S5 Geography pupils in the theory and practice of ‘Crowd Cartography’. How to gather research data on land use – what questions should they ask? How to record the data. Design Survey with SAC input

Oct 2015:

Deliver initial stage of research gathering SAC to produce Land Use maps for publication and schools use

Nov 2015:

Reclaiming the Knowledge: Almanac Production Phase Transform data into useful information and knowledge

Dec 2015:

Design layout

Jan 2016:

Prepare draft for dissemination to Steering group, and school partners Gather feedback/Make adjustments

Feb 2016:

Send to printers (

Mar 2016:

Distribute publication to local community via schools and community organisations Deliver public presentations to schools/local council about the publication

Oct 2016:

Design and carry out evaluation of publication project through a public survey


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Project Planning with teachers Train S4 and S5 Geography pupils in ‘Crowd Cartography’ Launch Survey (printed) Online Survey

November 2016 February March

Funding received Publication sent for printing Distribute printed publication to schools Distribute publication to local community via schools and community organisations Public promotion



July August Evaluation + report

November March 2017


Planning activities took place with all 6 Primary Schools and 1 Secondary School How to gather research data on land use – what questions should they ask? How to record the data. Survey was printed and distributed to all schools for pupils to undertake survey during October promoted via Facebook and project website £5000 received

8 x teachers took part in planning activities

Not ready for printing

Writing continues throughout Feb

e-publication developed on ISSUU

e-publication launched online, promoted via FB and project website Undertake services of Graphic Designer

Not ready for printing – problems as pics not high enough resolution for printing ‘Gardening for Food’ course begins New hi-res food images are produced Publication for print sent to printers Delays to printing mean that schools’ distribution is delayed Copies distributed to food production course participants incl. ‘Gardening for Food’ (7), SVQ Horticulture Level 1&2 (13) Copies distributed to local and island-wide organisations


September October


Funding spend complete

Copies distributed to Sgoil Lionacleit Copies distributed to local outlets (4), incl.local Agricultural shows(2) Promoted via FB and local outlets Copies distributed to island primary school Am Paipear promotion Evaluation + report writing

20 x S4 and S5 Geography pupils trained 500 copies of survey printed and distributed to all schools100 completed surveys returned 9 online surveys completed Publication writing commences

e publication is used as handbook for Lews Castle College ‘Gardening for Food’ Publication prepared for print Printed version produced - 500 copies Copies distributed to island schools 20 copies

Tagsa (150), Cothrom (30), Fas Fallain, Lewis (20), Horshader Community, Lewis (10) 100 copies 70 copies 100 copies 1 newspaper article Writing begins

Printed copies sold at local schools to raise funds for food projects

200 copies sold

Evaluation and Report completed

Project complete

RECLAIMING THE KNOWLEDGE DATA GATHERING PROJECT Uist Growers Almanac the natural way to grow (E-Publication and Printed Publication) Uist Growers Almanac the natural way to grow was produced both as an online book and in printed format to reach as wide an audience as possible. It was intended as a horticultural publication that shared the rich resource of local knowledge and skills on how to grow fruit and vegetables successfully Page | 4 in the challenging and wild landscape of the islands of the Uists and Benbecula, Outer Hebrides. It was commissioned, written and published as part of the outcomes of the Climate Challenge Fund project Local Food for Local People CCF-3812: a year-long project (2015-16) run in partnership by community organisations Tagsa Uibhist and Cothrom. This publication would raise awareness throughout the local community of how to grow plants and produce locally as well as composting, thereby playing a role in the reduction of CO2e emissions in the Uist community. The costs of publication were fully supported by the Pebble Trust, who provided funding for writing-up time, and covering printing and evaluation costs. This project was devised as a promotional tool to share the local knowledge and practices of growing food in Uist. Funding of £5,000 was received from the Pebble Trust – a new funding source which looks to support projects centered on sustainability in the Highlands and Islands – to pay for the staff hours required and initial publication costs. E-Publication Visitor/follower numbers: e-publication made available for online sharing from 30th March 2016 via the following link:

ISSUU Lifetime Statistics: Reads:


Average time spent:


Total Read time:


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Shares: 2 (Number of users who shared this publication from issuu)



(Number of clicks on a publisher made link)

From Who to Where: • •

Reading Devices: Desktop - 44%; Tablet – 24%; Mobile – 32% Readers Around the World: UK – 38; New Zealand – 8; Ireland – 1; US – 2; Denmark – 1; Spain – 1; Canada - 1

RECLAIMING THE KNOWLEDGE DATA GATHERING PROJECT Printed Publication: 500 copies of 64-page book distributed across Outer Hebrides Community organisations: Tagsa (150 copies), Cothrom (30 copies), Fas Fallain, Lewis (20 copies), Horshader Community, Lewis (10 copies) Schools: Sgoil Lionacleit (100 copies), Primary Schools (100 copies) Page | 5 Handbook for horticultural courses (20 copies) Direct book sales to public via local outlets (4), incl. local Agricultural shows (2) (70 copies)

Publication Review: ‘Uist Growers Almanac is a must read for local gardeners’ Am Paipear Editor, Ian Stephen Morrison, reviewed the book for the September edition of local award winning newspaper, Am Paipear. Full transcript (App. 1). He commented on the accessibility of the publication to novice growers: ‘Knowledge harvested from local growers is presented clearly and succinctly within the Uist Growers Almanac. While clearly the product of a semi-scientific exercise, the instructions and advice contained within the book are accessible to even the most inexperienced horticulturalist... Anybody apprehensive about getting stuck in the garden should find an invaluable resource within the pages of the Uist Growers Almanac. Clearly presented guidance – supported by common sense hints and tips – make this a must have book for all local gardeners.’ Iain Stephen Morrison, Editor, Am Paipear

Publication Feedback Fas Fallain Manager, Mary Maclean, runs the ‘Healthy Eating on a Budget’ course for members of the Hills Group ( She visited the Local Food for Local People project in June 2016 to deliver ‘Poverty Awareness’ Training to the horticultural staff. We discussed the Reclaiming the Knowledge Data Gathering Project and presented her with 20 copies of the book to share out amongst her colleagues and clients. She said: ‘This book is exactly what people need to see to encourage them to take up growing food as an activity. It really helps that the information comes particularly from local people sharing advice about how they grow their food in the Western Isles. It is beautifully produced, and full of so much information, including some wonderful recipes developed by pupils at Sgoil Lionacleit, as well as some good old local recipes. I’m going to make sure that everyone in the Hills Group gets a copy.’ Mary Maclean, Fas Fallain Manager, NHS Western Isles Health Promotion Participants in the ‘Gardening for Food’ course run by Lews Castle College at the Tagsa Uibhist Allotment site received a copy of the publication as the course handbook. ‘The course was very useful, as although I've grown vegetables before, the Uist Growers Almanac’s guidance and tips for planting in Uist were really helpful. I also learnt some new techniques particularly in relation to rotation. It was also great exchanging ideas (and plants) with others on the course. PS also it's good enjoying the fruits of our efforts...’

RECLAIMING THE KNOWLEDGE DATA GATHERING PROJECT Diane MacPherson, course participant ‘Gardening for Food’ The publication in both e-book form and printed version was publicised on the projects Facebook page. FB comments: Page | 6

Kevin Donkers: ‘Very proud to share this publication showing anyone how to grow their own food using the wisdom of the Isles.’ Deirdre MacKenna: ‘…as well as making it all seem so natural, and easy, I really like the acknowledgement of Time and its rhythm throughout the publication, programme and work.’ Roslyn Macpherson: ‘ePub is handy, but I think I'd like a physical booklet in my hand’

Evaluation of Feedback The possibility to share the publication in electronic format achieved widespread promotional advantages, as well as creating a buzz of interest across the community and beyond. However, closer inspection of the audience figures reveals that skimming through the publication in an average of 2:48 minutes is not necessarily conducive to gaining knowledge of practice, but more a chance to gain an impression of the books likely usefulness. However, a total of 18 hours reading time did take place, so clearly some people took the opportunity to read through the publication. Despite this, the opportunity to purchase a printed copy of the publication as a handy reference tool is likely to produce the intended outcomes of it being used to (a) acknowledge the islands’ traditional competence in selfsufficiency, (b) reveal the current growing capacity, knowledge and skills that still exist throughout the islands and therefore (c) inform and encourage new growers, new crofters and new gardeners to develop the potential of the land, which (d) ultimately promotes the possibility of a return to more sustainable lifestyles by informing how growing your own food can contribute to the development of a self-sufficient community. Learning and Reflection It took longer to prepare the manuscript for printing, and cost more than expected to produce. Details are outlined as follows: Extra time commitment - The process of writing-up the manuscript for the publication, both e-version and printed, took longer than expected. Although the deadline was met for the e-publication to go live (end March 2016), it would be several months before the printed version was available for distribution (end June 2016). Delays in printing – These were due to the need to secure the professional input of a graphic designer to ensure the publication would be ‘print ready’. This was an unexpected expense and took time to find a suitable designer who could make the necessary changes in as short a time as possible. He advised that the photographs, particularly of prepared food, were of insufficient resolution to print well and therefore a whole new set of photographs had to be set up and taken. Extra costs incurred – In addition to Graphic designer fees, the publication became much larger than originally planned (from 40 pp to 64 pp) and therefore cost more to produce. However, it also became worth more to sales (RRP from £1 to £5 per book).

RECLAIMING THE KNOWLEDGE DATA GATHERING PROJECT Delays in distribution – the knock-on effect of the printing delays meant that the printed version was not available to distribute amongst the local schools as originally planned (Mar 2016). Instead, following discussion with the Geography and Home Economics Departments at Sgoil Lionacleit secondary school,100 copies were sold at the upcoming prize day and other suitable occasions in the following term. Page | 7 Books were not distributed to Primary Schools until the start of the new school year (September 2016). Also, only 100 copies were taken by schools because in the interim 2 of the schools had closed, and several head teachers (3) had changed schools. The general change of circumstances and lack of continuity led to a decision to either sell the books directly to the public, or hand out to Horticultural Course participants (SVQ Horticulture and Adult Learning level). Further copies were distributed to other community organisations for either passing on to their staff members or students – 100 copies. Copies were sold at various public events during the summer to promote the work of the project and to ensure a wide spread of purchase. 350 copies were distributed to different outlets with a store of 150 retained at Tagsa Uibhist for further distribution as necessary. Delays to evaluation process – Due to production and distribution delays as outline above, the evaluation survey was not carried out and reporting was delayed until March 2017 Evaluation Table OUTCOMES




Promotion of local horticultural knowledge

No. of contributors to Baseline data survey

Baseline data gathered through survey into accessible and practical publication Total no. publications sold to public by Oct 2016 Contact list of bodies

109 contributors

Sales of Publication Dissemination of data

No. of bodies sent evaluation report/publication

500 copies sold/distributed • • • • • •

Increase in local food consumption

No. of Statutory bodies adopting baseline data Amount of productive land Increased Amount of local food consumed

Evidence of bodies referencing report Evaluation survey records new land in production Evaluation survey records quantities of locally grown, freshly picked food sold through local outlets

Climate Challenge Fund, Davina Bright, Tagsa Uibhist Board of Trustees, Chair, Peter Keiller Cothrom Ltd, Barbara Macdonald, Manager Fas Fallain, Mary Maclean, Manager Horshader Community, Angela Macleod, Manager, Centre for Environmental Change and Human Resilience (CECHR), University of Dundee, Ioan Fazey

n/a 2015/16 new land increase: 9,527m2 2015/16 amount local food :29533kg Food production 3.1kg per m² (Based on Figures recommended by Bogsa, Sustainable Uist, and Uni. of Cumbria)

RECLAIMING THE KNOWLEDGE DATA GATHERING PROJECT Financial Report Budget was spent on writing up time, preparation for printing, printing and evaluation costs

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Date - 2016 Jan – March

April May Nov

Expenditure Writing-up survey findings, collating all information, preparation for e-book, preparation for printed book, producing hi-res food images for printed version Graphic Designer-Preparation to make ‘Print Ready’ Printing: Elite Publishing Academy 62pp book, incl. full colour illustrations Evaluation and report

23 days

9 hours 500 copies + Postage 2.7 days

Rate £ £125 per day

Total £ 2,875

£25 per hour

225 1562

£125 per day


338 5000

Project Legacy Prior to this project taking place there was a general low expectation of the potential for the islands of the Hebrides to develop their capacity for growing food, even though formerly it had been largely selfsufficient in potatoes, eggs, basic vegetables, meat, fish, etc. Currently there is evidence of modestsized domestic fruit and vegetable production seen in the garden produce sections of the islands’ annual Agricultural Shows, and a prevalence of local plant and vegetable sale activity, as well as established crofter-production of potatoes for the home, incl. extended families and townships. This project was developed to encourage and support new growing and sustainability initiatives while, at the same time, developing community confidence by building on intrinsic competence. This project has done this by recognising and championing current and traditional knowledge and activity in food production and self-sufficiency. Previously, there were no accurate figures that recorded contemporary horticultural production on the islands. This project carried out baseline research that recorded the current land area of fruit and vegetable production on the Hebridean islands of Uist and Benbecula to show, both quantitively and qualitatively, the scale of this community’s capacity for development in food growing initiatives, whether for climate change mitigation purposes or general economic and social improvement. The production of the ‘Uist Growers Almanac the natural way to grow’ has addressed the poor perception of food growing for the household as a worthwhile activity by gathering production figures, soil types, location/climatic fluctuations, local growing advice, cooking hints and tips, to encourage and guide the new grower to develop their ability, become more familiar with their environment, but mostly to increase awareness of the extent of the resources, knowledge and support available in their own community. Thanks We would like to take this opportunity to express our thanks to the Pebble Trust for their support in this venture. Report Author

Report Date

Laura Donkers, Project Leader

10th April 2017

RECLAIMING THE KNOWLEDGE DATA GATHERING PROJECT App. 1: Review by Iain Stephen Morrison, Am Paipear:

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Uist Growers Almanac is a must read for local gardeners An all new publication that seeks to share local knowledge on growing fruit and vegetables and in turn encourage more production on the islands is available now … Uist Growers Almanac is the product of a survey conducted by local young people. An off-shoot of the Local Food for Local People project run by Tagsa Uibhist and Cothrom, ‘Reclaiming the Knowledge’ was designed to establish what it is possible to grow in the different soils and conditions that prevail here in the islands. Towards the end of last year, every school pupil between Eriskay and Berneray set about retrieving information from their own townships and villages through a paper survey. Their findings – combined with the results of an online survey – built up a broad picture of local production, supplemented with advice and tips from experienced growers. Knowledge harvested from local growers is presented clearly and succinctly within the Uist Growers Almanac. While clearly the product of a semi-scientific exercise, the instructions and advice contained within the book are accessible to even the most inexperienced horticulturalist. In this regard, the Uist Growers Almanac has the potential to become a great asset to the Local Food for Local People project, which has the stated aim of increasing the amount of produce grown locally in order to reduce food miles, cut food waste and raise awareness of climate change.

RECLAIMING THE KNOWLEDGE DATA GATHERING PROJECT With the exception of a brief introduction and a short series of graphs, the Uist Growers Almanac is divided into twelve sections one for each month in the year. Each chapter – as it were – follows the same pattern. Instructions are given concerning what kind of work should be undertaken at each stage of the year. Quotes from knowledgeable but anonymous local gardeners are presented alongside the many high quality photographs that also give some indication of the changing garden through the year. Page | 10 A different recipe accompanies every month, giving further encouragement to give growing a go. Anybody apprehensive about getting stuck in the garden should find an invaluable resource within the pages of the Uist Growers Almanac. Clearly presented guidance – supported by common sense hints and tips – make this a must have book for all local gardeners. Uist Growers Almanac has been commissioned, written and published as part of the outcomes of the Climate Challenge Fund project, Local Food for Local People – a year-long project run by Tagsa Uibhist and Cothrom. Additional funding for writing-up time, printing and evaluation costs was provided by the Pebble Trust. Uist Growers Almanac is available now for £5 from Tagsa Uibhist, Cothrom, Grimsay Market, Taigh Chearsabhagh Museum & Art Centre, and Nunton Steadings. It will be sold through all the local schools in the autumn as a fund raiser for school activities.

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