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APRIL // MAY 2016

past / present / future

Local Riot is a collaborative magazine created by two girls who wanted to provide an outlet for the creative souls of the world to share their work, thoughts and opinions. It is a magazine for young people by young people place to come together, a and is a place to be free of ridicule, a make friends, a place to place to educate yourself, a place to express yourself, a place to be heard.

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MANY THANKS TO: • Everyone who contributed in ‘Your Say’. • All those who submit work. • You, for being so patient whilst we worked on this issue. Thank you.

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CLASSICS: monthly mixtape monthly favourites pursuit of positivity audio sensual the reading corner your say: PAST PRESENT FUTURE FEATURES: PAST the involution of television #BUYFILMNOTMEGAPIXELS coloured in PRESENT carpe diem racism: now and then the nobility of sincerity and love FUTURE a letter to my future self exam stress and pressure on our future life in a box future embarrassment from our present 16 local riot magazine // 5

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Hey Riots! Firstly, we would like to apologise for the lateness of this issue; life has been hectic for the both of us with school and such. Secondly, this issue is split into three sections: Past - reflection, influences, history. Present – youth, change, lessons. Future – unknown, fear, guesses.

Love always, Ailish and Maisie

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Get to Know the Team REGULARS issue eight – PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE // april 2016

Social Media Twitter: @localriotmag Instagram: @localriotmag

ELLIE CONNOR-PHILLIPS: Twitter: @elliecp Instagram: @elliecp_


DOMONIQUE HARRIS: Instagram: @babeypeach Blog:

Ailish Delaney

Maisie Evason

Graphic Design Ailish Delaney

JESSIA KHALIS: Instagram @jessiakhalis Blog: thepebblehuntress.wor AVA WHYBROW: Twitter: @avawhybrowx Instagram: @avawhybrowx SAM PASSMAN: Instagram: @samstarkid Tumblr: CAROLINE GADSBY: Twitter: @CarolineGadsby_

IOANA FLORESCU: Twitter: @preachitjessie Instagram: @isthatioana

Contributing Writers

Get to Know the April Team

Contributing Photographers Maile Edwards Jessia Khalis Thomas Lakey

AILISH DELANEY: Twitter: @probablyailiish Instagram: @ailish.delaney Tumblr: MAILE EDWARDS: Instagram: @maileinthewild


Maile Edwards Ellie Connor-Phillips Ava Whybrow Sam Passman Jessia Khalis Eirinn Gilmartin Holly Murphy Ioana Florescu Caroline Gadsby Domonique Harris

MAISIE EVASON: Twitter: @thebrkfstciub Instagram: @thelittlemermais

Want to see your work here? If you’re a creative soul and want to see your work, whether it be art, modelling, writing, poetry, photography, etc, just email it to us at

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Get to Know the Team RIOTS EIRINN GILMARTIN: I’m seventeen and love writing and photography. Think of a gal who’s full of love and just wants to see some kind of change and good in the world before she goes. Instagram: @eirinnjane Twitter: @eirinnjane THOMAS LAKEY: Instagram: @tmslke HOLLY MURPHY: I am 17-years-old, I live in Ireland and I have a lot of feelings. Instagram: @starirsonjupiter Twitter: @toomuchtooyoung

Want to see your work here? If you’re a creative soul and want to see your work, whether it be art, modelling, writing, poetry, photography, etc, just email it to us at

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ISSUE #125

The Local Riot Bugle

2016 / $2.50




Kiiara // Gold Aeorsmith // Walk This Way INXS // Never Tear Us Apart Dexy’s Midnight Runners // Come On Eileen

Zara Larsson + MNEK // Never Forget You Rihanna // Needed Me Catfish and the Bottlemen // 7

David Bowie // Heroes

The Wombats // Greek Tragedy

Oasis // Wonderwall

Drake // One Dance

The Beatles // All You Need Is Love

Twenty-One Pilots // Stressed Out

The Ride // Catfish and the Bottlemen Dorothy // Raise Hell Aurora // Murder Song Broods // Free Dua Lipa // New Love Band Of Horses // Why Are You OK

The Eagles // Hotel California David Bowie // Space Oddity Gloria Gaynor // I Will Survive Joy Division // Love Will Tear Us Apart

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BED SOCKS April has brought with it much cooler weather and I have been able to reignite my love for bed socks. I have always had cold feet so bed socks really come in handy during winter. They are super comfy and stop my feet from feeling like blocks of ice. THEATRE I’ve always loved the theatre! This month I took myself to a production Picnic At Hanging Rock, and it was incredible. Theatre shows are just a wonderful break from life, for just a couple of hours you get to relax and watch people doing what they love and doing it well. Even if it’s only community theatre, I highly recommend watching a show or two if you ever see any advertised near you! TRASHY ROMANCE NOVELS Although my old English teacher makes fun of me for it, I love trashy romance novels. I find that when I’m really stressed it’s difficult to read and focus on more complex books. The cure to my problem is Nicholas Sparks and various other trashy romance novels. Most recently l read Life and Death: Twilight re-imagined. Was it horrible? Yes. Did I love every second of it? You bet.

- Maisie

7 // CATB 7 is, well was when I wrote this, Catfish and the Bottlemen’s latest song. It has a different sound and feel to it in comparison to their other music. The first time I listened to it I was really unsure of whether or not I liked it, but now I can’t stop listening to it. I find myself constantly humming the tune or thinking of the lyrics. It’s just a great song that I thoroughly enjoy, I cant wait for their album! WAFFLES Over the past few weeks I’ve been experience waffle cravings and finally got around to going out and getting them twice. Waffles are so delicious and when paired with nutella, strawberries and marshmallow fluff, you can’t go wrong. 1984 I had to read 1984 by George Orwell for my school’s reading programme and boy, was it worth it. It had me hooked once I got started and I found myself entranced, wondering what was going to happen to Winston. The book messes with your mind and causes you to really think about the world we live in. The ending will leave you shocked. It was especially useful to me as the context behind the book relates to what I’m studying in history! I definitely recommend adding this to your ‘To Be Read’ list.

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By Ailish Delaney

“When stress is at it’s highest, just know it can only go down.” – Tom Rataj Stress. It’s something that I’ve been consumed with lately. I feel as if I have been filled to the brim with stress and pressure, I can feel myself cracking under the expectations that I have and the goals that I have set for myself. I feel like my mental health is fluctuating. But hey, education is important folks. I know I’m not alone in feeling like this sometimes. I have a whole year group who are suffering alongside me; we’re all in this together right? Everyone is tired, exhausted actually. Everyone is stressed. In my economics class, someone cries at least once a week due to a bad result or just life becoming too much. People seem to be not as lively, not as lifelike. We’re losing ourselves; we’re letting stress win. To fight stress you need to take ‘me time’.

You need to find time in your busy and hectic life to sit and think, ‘What do I want to do right now?’ and then do it. You need to be able to take a warm bath and use that bath bomb you’ve been saving for a special occasion, make that your occasion. You need to be able to put on your pj’s, climb into bed and watch your favourite movie all snuggled up under your sheets. You need to be able to watch your favourite TV show, read your favourite book. To go for a walk, a run, an adventure. You need to be able to breathe. Don’t be afraid to take time for yourself, time to de-stress. Don’t be afraid to do what you have to to regain stability and control over yourself. You have to always come first. Your mental health is greater than any test score. Your happiness is worth more than a grade. I’m writing this to myself, to all of those who I know that need it and to those I don’t but need to hear it too. School is only for now. When you look at your life on a big

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scale, this test, assignment or exam is not that important in the big scheme of things. So what, you had a bad day? We all do. Everyone makes mistakes. Everybody has been there. There is so much more to life than your grades, and this is coming from someone who often measures their self-worth by the grades they receive. Some tips that are, apparently, scientifically backed to help you to de-stress: • Go for a walk: It ill help clear your mind and exercise is good for you, especially when you’re stressed! • Breathe deeply: It can help you to relax, your body will thank you for the extra oxygen. • Eat a snack: Renourish your body, fill yourself up. • Buy yourself a plant: I love plants and I know that, for me at least, they help me relax and are comforting to be around. • Play with your pet: This is selfexplanatory. Nothing is better than some love from your furry friend. • Step away from the screen: Frequent breaks away from the screen will help. • Chew gum: It can relieve anxiety. • Listen to music. • See a friend. Take care of yourself. I’ll try my best to too.

“The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.” – William James

Yours sincerely, Ailish

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Photographer: Jessia Khalis

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Domonique Harris

ZAYN MALIK – MIND OF MINE March 23, 2015, Zayn left One Direction. I for one had never been happier, seeing how he had so clearly been unhappy and he was finally able to leave and pursue what he really wanted to do. A year later Mind of Mine was released, his solo debut. This album means a lot to me as someone who had been a fan of One Direction and particularly drawn to Zayn since 2012, as well as someone who is all about pursuing happiness. So without further proud ramblings, here is a trackby-track review of Mind of Mine (DELUXE). 1. MiNd Of MiNe (Intro)- I just love listening to this, it's so different and airy. It's peaceful and puts me in a good mood. Even though it's barely half a minute long, it's a beautiful start to the album. 2. PILLOWTALK- I understand this song comes on the radio all the time and that should make it overplayed, but for some reason I find myself pleading for it to come on. The whole idea that when Zayn left and then

announced this album, so many had been 'fans' said he was going to flop and so many people doubted him for leaving, and that now he's successful and he's going places without having to be held back by constraints is so wonderful to know. Like people listen to this song and without knowing they're sort of supporting this amazing, talented recently solo musician and that makes me so happy. The song itself is absolutely raunchy and hot, it sets the tone for this relationship that is portrayed throughout the album. Which is a complete mess that includes a lot of fighting, sex and one-sided love? 3. iT's YoU- This song is so different and calm. The beat is just so amazing and the lyrics!! I love the way he sings about this girl and how loving her makes no sense, it's just how it works. His brain can't equate it but he knows that it's her, like she's the one- and I love that. This is a song you play after you break up

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with someone and start realizing there was someone ten times better all along.

4. BeFoUr- Don't even try to act like this isn't shade at One Direction/FOUR. We all know, and denying it is just ignorant. This song screams petty ex for some reason. Like none of this is new, you aren't special and I'm moving on. And in the chorus he's calling out the ex for not being able to talk shit to his face, I love it. It's a groovy song as well and good god it's good. His vocals are amazing. 5. sHe- Whoever this woman is, she is beauty and she is grace. The way the song is presented makes her seem like an erratic mess, but it's intriguing and she just wants love and help. I appreciate how he doesn't make it about how he is the one she needs or how he's perfect. It's just a song about HER and that's fantastic. This is a song a billion times more positive than a Drake song about a mess of a girl who needs to be loved. 6. dRuNk- He sings this entire song in such a beautiful way. I think this song is about a couple and how their relationship has just been a breeze, floating along- a summer romance. But he feels more for her than he lets on and he wants maybe to not be 'drunk on summer' and instead sober, getting her full effect. It's a song I can't describe, but holy shit it's good. 7. INTERMISSION: fLoWer- Who

would've thought one of my top favorite songs is one minute and barely 41 seconds, in a language I know none of. It's just so beautiful hearing him speak Urdu and then the translation is equally beautiful. It's just this beautiful little part of him tucked into the middle of his album and that's important.

8. rEar vIeW- I get a sad, but kind of positive vibe from the song. As in, the past of one person and the history of the two is being acknowledged and it isn't always the best, no they're leaving the person who's perspective is portrayed via the singing; hence 'rear view'. They are moving on and the first person wants them to think about everything they've been through, how the second person makes the first feel. It's a great song and the lyrics when you hear them fully for what they are absolutely beautiful. 9. wRoNg- I love the little stair step beat in the beginning of this one. I like this song for what it's about- love being sought out in the wrong way. Overall the feelings are basically, this isn't the way to get my affection and you can keep doing it this way, but I'm over itI don't really care. It's an empowering song about moving on for yourself because the other person doesn't care enough about you to love you the right way, kind of. The beats and Kehlani absolutely kill the game... More ft. Kehlani or//vice local Zayn riot magazine 15 versa

could save the world from ending. 10. fOoL fOr YoU- This is probably my favorite song off of this album. The clear vocals and Zayn's absolutely stunning range; this song shows both in a brilliant way. The piano and soft tones used make me so emotional for some reason. I feel like having someone come to close to describing the emotions portrayed in this song, is something a lot of us know. It's raw; a bare all song. I can't tell if this song is sad, cute, or happy- I think it's a heavy mix of all three... 11. BoRdErZs- One of the more lyrically heavy songs, I would say. The kind of whispering he does makes me want to listen to what he has to say and kiss the tip of his nose. I think this song deals a lot more about the psychological aspects of this relationship, how it makes him proud, careless. I think despite everything that may or may not happen in the relationship he wants it all. While it could be taken in a sexual manner, so take it off, I think it's more about just being 100% real in the relationship. Let's break down all our walls, Right now I want it see it all- I feel like he's saying no matter what I want to see everything about you because all that matters is me and you not anything else and I fucking love that idea of this song. 12. tRuTh- The vibes of this song are funky and chill. It's a relaxing song

about wanting to get the truth from someone about things going on in a relationship. I think it deals with someone who wasn't being honest post relationship and now he is sort of being the bigger person. Like- I won't say it was you, but he knows it was them... I like it, it's like an indirect tweet and some shade- absolutely wonderful. 13. lUcOzAdE- This song is trippy in hindsight but I think if you read the lyrics as you listen to it and you're aware of his situation with Modest! you'll get it. Simply put I think this song, in some ways, is about how his experience being with One Direction was and how it made him feel. But in a more relatable sense it's about a break-up from a not good relationship. Also the very last line of this song is iconic - I think I got it wrong, when I told you I was over you, or were you under me? 14. TiO- I feel so hot and promiscuous when I listen to this song. I love just having it on repeat and dancing around my room- this song brings out my inner self love. I imagine that this song is supposed to make you feel that way. Like hell yeah, take off your clothes and your makeup. On the regular album this is the last song and it perfectly ends the album on such a high note. 15. BLUE- Personally I think this song is what makes buying the Deluxe album

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a must. At the beginning I absolutely adore the soft do-do-do's in the background. He seems so in love with this person, she is almost his everything but in a more physical sense. Like actually having this person in a tangible sense is something he's been missing for so long- I've been doing it wrong for too long. And now that he has her it's just so monumental. It's a lovely song and the manner in which he sings it paired with the piano and soft noises, makes it a monumental song. 16. BRIGHT- I love this song. I don't know why, but it's poetic in a way. I found my life in between a first kiss and a last goodbye. This song just makes me think he kind of idealizes this girl and wants to see her 'bright' as in to him she's just this glowing angel figure and I love it.

wonderful. The song exceeds expectations and after going through the whole album the funky and edgy vibes it puts off is wonderful. In this particular song he's basically talking about hoe he wants this girl, but she doesn't love him in the same way so he screws around. This song ends the entire album on such a high note it puts me into an immediate replay mode. It makes me want to dance and break hearts- it's one of those. Now there are two additional songs on the Target exclusive album, which are actually everything and you need to hear them. I am not going to review them simply because going in blind will make it a ripe and rich experience. If you have the money I highly recommend buying Mind of Mine.

17. LIKE I WOULD- Zayn is so rhetorical and damn sassy with this song. This is a sure you can leave, but you're gonna miss me song and I love it. It's not even a possessive way, it's just like you won't ever meet anyone like him and honestly where's the lie? Zayn is one in seven billion... The song itself has this overwhelming I'm better than you vibe that makes it almost overwhelming. 18. SHE DON'T LOVE ME- The conclusion of the deluxe album is

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Welcome to The Reading Corner how to engage a reader. The because I decided that whilst only storyline is full of unpredictable plot discussing Popular Penguin books twists which are the reason I allowed for a cool title, it was very finished the book as quickly as I did; much restricting what I could talk I just couldn't put it down. about in terms of books and book reviews. The main reason I enjoyed this book is because it really gets you thinking In keeping with this issues theme and evokes a lot questioning (which I don't usually do, but there's a because you start to think about first time for everything) I have how much the past really affects the decided to discuss a book that future. If you change the past, would touches on all periods of time, Ben the present be better or worse? Or is Eltons novel ‘Time and Time Again.’ it destined to end up a certain way? Are we a product of the past, or is The novel follows the protagonist, our existence set in stone? I love Hugh Stanton, as he is given the books that allow me to become a opportunity to go back in time and philosopher for a few hundred attempt to create a better future. Isaac pages and I highly recommend Newton discovers that time travel is reading this book. As an author, I possible if you are at the right place, don't know much about Elton so I at the right time. He gives this can't comment on his other work information to a close friend and it is (but he did write some good TV passed down until it is found in the shows!) hands of Professor McClusky as she asks her former student Stanton, if he had one chance to change one event and make the world a better place, where would he go and what would he do. They agree that they would travel to Sarajevo in 1914 and prevent the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand thus removing the catalyst for World War I. So that is what they set out to do. I loved this book. Every character, every tense and every plot twist. It was brilliant. Elton certainly knows


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YOUR SAY – PAST You turn on the video recorded and watch the footage of your first steps. Your stumpy legs seem as if they will crumble under the weight of your small body. You take one wobbly step after another, constantly looking towards whoever is behind the camera for approval, and that is what you get. There is cheering and laughing, maybe even tears of joy, as you waddle towards your family. You remember the feeling of heartache as you sit alone in the coffee shop feeling tears brimming your eyes. They just left, left you and the shop; your first relationship is over. You can’t remember what exactly was wrong, maybe it was something you did, or they did, maybe it just wasn’t working out, but boy did it hurt. You seemed to be crying for days, a hole was left in your heart. You learnt about events in history class and found yourself intrigued about the past occurrences, leaders and events. You wonder how your life is so separated from this past; it happened but you cannot connect with it as well as you wish to as you did not experience it. You love history for the knowledge it gives you about people and human nature. The past is all about memories, whether they are your own or events in history. The past has shaped our world, and the people in it, into what we live in, and who we are, today. For some, looking back on the past is like watching a highlights reel for the movie of their life, for others it seems to be a collection of bad times. We know that no matter how bright your past has been, if given the chance there may be something that you wish to change about it. We took to you, the public, to find out, ‘If you could change one thing about the past, what would it be? Why?’ local riot magazine //20

‘If you could change one thing about the past, what would it be? Why?’

“I would change my bachelor degree because I chose my first degree (pharmacy) just to impress people around me, including my parents, but it turns out that I was just harming myself for 2 years because I didn’t enjoy it and I experienced a lot of pressure. Now I’m doing a degree that I’ve always wanted to do and enjoy. I would say choosing the degree I wanted to do in the first place rather than choosing something just to impress people.” – Anonymous “I would go back and fix my relationship with my father before it was too late so I wouldn’t have these regrets now.” - Anonymous “Focusing so much of my time on celebrities. That time and money could have been spent on focusing on me!” – Alani

“Although I have made a lot of mistakes in the past, I wouldn’t change anything because if I hadn’t have made any of those, I wouldn’t know how to make things right.” – Anonymous “I would stop my parents from meeting because my mum deserves so much better.” – Tammy “I would accept his love for me while he was still interested, because he isn’t anymore and I’m so upset.” – Anonymous “I would’ve ditched that guy I wasted a year on trying to get him to like me.” – Cahli

“Get my licence sooner.” – Ciara

“If I could change one thing about the past it would be to try to socialise more as a kid and fit in more, because then I wouldn’t be stuck how I am now.” – Anonymous

“Not loving myself earlier and not losing touch with old friends.” – Aly

“I would cherish the time we had together because now he isn't in my

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life and I don't know what to do without him.” – Anonymous “If I could change one thing about the past it would be to change my focus of the past 7 months, focus more on others and how they feel and take it into consideration.” – Anonymous “I wouldn’t change anything about the past as I believe that everything happens for a reason. Plus, we wouldn’t be able to learn from our mistakes, so similar events could reoccur.” – Anonymous “I would change my brain because it makes me overthink every situation. It's worse because it's always over things I care about and then I end up ruining things that are important to me.” – Harry “If I could change a thing about my past I would probably change my DNA to be more extrovert and more careless. Oh, and less hairy.” – Anonymous “If I could change one thing from the past I would probably make everyone be treated the same way, because I hate reading about how in history women are used like napkins or

jewels, and I hate seeing men in my country act like they own and are superior to women.” – Anonymous “I would’ve told my mum to just leave my dad before she had three kids with him, because he’s a cheater who doesn’t love us because we looked too Asian.” – Anonymous “Breaking his heart. I’m sorry.” – Anonymous “The main thing I think of when I look at my life so far, is that I spent so much of it being negative or surrounding myself with negative people and people who made me feel bad about myself. If I could, I’d take back all the mean things I said and harsh ways I spoke to people I should have shown love in previous years.” – Eirinn “I would change the part of me that chose academics over doing what I love. I should have joined a theatre group and auditioned for what I wanted and picked drama. Done what I enjoyed not what I thought was the right thing to do for my parents.” – Michaela

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16 – a reflection

Photographer: Maile Edwards

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16 – a reflection

Photographer: Maile Edwards

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The Involution Of Television: A retrospective on cartoons Ioana Florescu

My fondest memories as a kid were the mornings in which I would wake up earlier to eat my cereal and catch up on my favourite cartoons before school. I bet that was every sevenyear-old’s routine, or at least back when I was a child. Everyone is reliving their childhood in the present, whether it’s through some old, worn out toy or by eating a piece of candy reminiscent of their youth. I choose to do that by allowing myself to get immersed in the wonderful world of cartoons. Cartoons as we know them, are a far cry from what they used to be back in the 90’s. Why do I say that? It is true. Everything has changed due to the technological developments in television. Animation has evolved tremendously since its first apparition. However, it all comes down to the core process: sketching. It has been reported that for a 20-minute episode of “The Simpsons”, a show from 1989 that most of you probably know, 24,000 drawings are necessary to be put together. On average, a drawing can take from a minute to twenty, depending on the grade of complexity. I find that kind of punctilious labour fascinating. I cannot help but express my concern for the craft. I’m afraid that one day, it will all get lost in a whirlwind. That people will stop putting their hearts into their work, that it will all become lazy and rudimentary, just conglomerates of shapes with no individuality to set them apart, other than the voice actors which still take on more than one character. I can see it happening under my very eyes.

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Besides the technical aspect of things, there is another side of animation to consider: moral values and the impact a fictional character has on you. Yes, that is highlighted in daytime television, but less and less in cartoons. Children are taught that they can be a superhero in their own right, but at what cost? At the end of the day, violence in children’s shows promotes even more violence and irrational behaviour. I would blame their age, but children are easily influenced by mass media. The only valuable lesson we can learn from violence is to prevent it. Otherwise, I find some of today’s topics very insubstantial and shallow. If someone were to ask me what my favourite “child show” was, I would probably say “Daria”. You know her, brown hair, round glasses and her signature green hoodie. She first appeared in the 1993 MTV sitcom “Beavis and Butthead”, only to get her own show four years later. That show tackled real social issues, under the façade of an average town and an average high school. That is why I liked it, because it showed a darker side of the world, as we know it. Would I recommend it to younger viewers? Maybe not, given that the content is a little bit graphic and more complex than what they’re used to. Nevertheless, I can tell you this. One day you will be parents, and your children will be exposed to the media. That’s bound to happen. Let them be whatever they want to be. Give them that opportunity to be their own person, but teach them the difference between right and wrong. Help them understand that there is also good in this world. In the end, nothing is as pure as a child’s innocence.

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Photographer: Maile Edwards

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16 – a reflection

Photographer: Maile Edwards

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Jessia Khalis

I was scrolling through my Facebook timeline when I first saw my friend’s film photography album. There’s something about their grainy textures and vintage feels that really attracts me. His photos look so out-of-this-world and inexplicably beautiful; they look like they were taken long time ago, and the moments captured seem like they took place in another era. And I think that’s what I like about film photography – they give dreamlike quality to a seemingly mundane experience. So I started saving money to buy my first film camera. I remember researching on various options on the Internet and finally deciding on Canon AE-1 as my first film camera. It has now been almost 2 years since I first started taking analogue photos and here are some things I love about films: 1. Screw perfection Unlike digital photography, films are not meant to look perfect. Light leaks, dust particles, blurry shots, those are the things that make film photos unique and beautiful. Before shooting, I would usually have an idea of how I want my images to look like. But often, if not most of the time, the images turn out to be different from how I imagined them to be (especially since we can’t see the results until the film is developed), and I’ve learned to be okay with that. Sometimes, they turn out not so great. But when I’m lucky, I’ll get results that are even better than what I had expected. It reminds me of how this life works; we can only take charge of what we can control, and we must let go of what we can’t. 2.

The process I feel like the art of film photography is not just in the final photos. The entire long process from choosing the right film to scanning your film is something really interesting in itself. Unlike other instant photography mediums, analogue photography takes a lot of patience and considerations. First you have to choose which film to use and which ISO will suit your shooting condition, then you have to load the film properly into your camera if you

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don’t want to end up wasting one entire film roll (I learned this the hard way). Then comes the fun time when I can’t wait to finish my film roll and get it developed, while at the same I don’t want to waste my film by taking unnecessary photos. One of the best feelings in the world is finally getting my photos back after being developed and scanned. There’s an element of anticipation that makes it so exciting – to finally be able to see the long awaited results of my photos. 3.

It helps me to be present Although many people see photography as a distraction from living in the moment, I think film photography does the opposite. Because there are only so many photos we can take in one film roll, I’d make sure to be more selective in what I choose to capture. Instead of holding my phone all the time and spam my Camera Roll with a bunch of photos, I’ll wait for the perfect moment to capture before pressing the shutter button. It is in those moments, between pressing the first shutter button and the next, I tell myself to slow down, and just be present. To be honest, I think the best moments in my life are not captured in photographs. And as much as I want to use photography as a means to remember a specific moment in my life, I always remind myself to live that moment well.

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The shirt fell on me during a swift altercation between myself and my wardrobe; I was running late as usual, and it turned out trying to grab a handful of clothes from it’s wooden chest wasn’t actually the most efficient method of getting ready fast. I managed to yank off a sweater and rummage to find some jeans, but by then had destroyed the perfect equilibrium of fabric balanced upon fabric, and was at high risk of an avalanche. The shirt was the first to fall; I caught it in both hands, pausing my wild morning panic for a moment to think how it’s pattern, incorporating mustards, burnt umber, reds and shades of sienna into a swirling floral print, represented so much of the time I used to wear it. The story is the same for so many colours; I might stumble across a piece of material in the same shade as an old jacket, or walk into a room painted the same yellow as my childhood bedroom, each time remembering how much that particular colour dominated the period of time that seeing it again brought to mind. I know, of course, that memory often works like this: your brain seemingly picks out particular sensations in your environment, be them sound, smell or sight, and attaches them to memories so that when you encounter them again, you find yourself somewhat re-living the experience that came before. It is fascinating to me though, that whole chunks of my adolescence can be recognized by the colour inspiring me at the time, be it consciously or unconsciously. When I look back at my past experiences, the years I started to develop my own style are predominantly pink. Everything from riot Grrrls, Petra Collins, Lolita fashion and the pastel gems found in charity shops spurred on this theme, and remained steady for a good two years before my tastes began to mature and I became interested in darker colours, older periods of vintage clothing, nature and olive green. My life became an eternal autumn, my days coloured with mustard and orangey, earthy colours. The shirt that fell on me was from this time period – holding the thin cotton in my hand, finger trailing along the lace edging, I wonder whether the time I am experiencing now has a colour, what it is, or when I will find out about it.

COLOURED IN ELLIE CONNOR-PHILLIPS local riot magazine //36

I began thinking more about this after reading about a girl who called into a

radio station to tell the DJ about her synesthesia, which is the sensation of seeing sounds, or other non-physical things, as having a distinct colour. He asked her what colour his voice was and she described it as autumn sunlight; the golden colour reflecting on the ground and sparkling, a kind of warm yellow tone. I loved the idea that a whole person could be seen as having a particular colour…I wondered about what colour my life has taken right now, and what colours I will be in the future. It’s a nice way to be able to remember experiences, be them moments in your past or people you have met, through the colours they remind you of and how those colours made you feel. My granddad will, for me, always be brought to mind when I encounter ice blue – his eyes were like frozen crystals or huskies eyes, piercing and cold but simultaneously honest and caring. Like ice, there was no hidden truth or secret – his eyes were translucent, only truth came from them in the same way one can see straight through ice; it cannot hide it’s contents or thoughts in the way an opaque material can. When I think of my friends, I think of yellows, pinks and glitter – comforting morning light, disco balls and dancing. Analysing the colours of my past also makes me question the colours of my future – studying art away from the homely bubble I live in now will be a huge step out of my comfort zone, and my excitement to push new boundaries and discover more about myself and my craft comes to me in bold blue and oranges, geometric patterns and block colours. I wonder how true this prediction is, and whether others will be able to see the way colour dictates so much of my life, or whether it’s a purely personal thing that only I can notice and observe, or if everyone else feels the same about their own lives too. As I wrap the shirt back over the hanger it had sprung from, I begin to feel excitement about what sorts of new colours I will soon encounter, and the memories I will one day recall when I see them again.

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YOUR SAY – PRESENT Life is short, yet the longest thing we will ever experience. Each of us travels a different path throughout our lives. We all have different experiences that mould us into the people we are today. It is important to recognise that we must make the most out of life we have been given; seize the opportunities we are given and not take it for granted. We each find different ways to appreciate the life we have. It may be by recognising the small things such as the way the clouds look when there is a sunset, the sound of the ocean waves as they crash against the shore, or how your friend’s nose crinkles upwards when they laugh. Some people make the most out of their lives by taking risks, facing their fears and not saying no. They may conquer their demons and find beauty in danger and the adrenaline rush that reminds them that they are here, they are present, and they are alive. The way someone appreciates the world around them and the life that they have been given is personal and unique to each individual. ‘How do you make the most out of the present?’

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How do you make the most out of the present? “Always work

love, for the things you will still happen!” – Ellen let it be friends, family, hobby or career. Do things that make you “Live life to the max, stop worrying happy and be with people who make about all the little things and focus on you happy. I'm being hell cliché. I the things that really matter; enjoy the guess don't give up on the things that simple things in life.” – Gareth mean the most to you and don't be afraid to care or show it.” – Harry “Enjoy life’s little pleasures and just go for it.” – Ebony “I live my life by the quote from C.S Lewis; ‘This moment contains all “By trying to seize the day to its moments.’” – Fran fullest, romanticize every thing, to turn your dreams into goals by “Take each day at a time and focus working hard.” – Anonymous sj on the good rather than the bad. And look to your friends and loved ones “Do the things that make you for help.” – Deanna truthfully happy, and don’t let anyone’s judgement bring you “Unfortunately, I don’t make the most down.” – Brittany of the present, but I would have to say not letting little things get in the “By living in the moment, just being way of you doing things that you want in the moment and enjoying what you to, like not being afraid to look have.” – Anonymous stupid, because in a few years the only people laughing at you will be “I try to make the most out of the the ones who never experienced present by not necessarily ignoring finding something they loved to do the issues that confront me, but and are envious of you… Plus I guess acknowledging the negative and it would also be trying not to worry moving forward, trying to see only the about what is going to happen (it’s so highlights of each day – otherwise I’ll difficult I know) because no matter get too fixated in my own mind.” – how much you worry, the bad things Anonymous

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Photographer: Thomas Lakey

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Ailish Delaney

“Carpe, carpe diem, seize the day boys, make your lives extraordinary.” Prepare yourself for multiple Dead Poets Society references throughout this piece, not only because it’s one of my favourite movies but because when talking about being present and making the most of the moment this movie is a perfect example, it is full of inspiring quotes and moments that make you want to get up and make your life extraordinary. The idea of ‘Carpe Diem’ is something that I love; seize the day. You have been given the greatest gift of all, the gift of life. You have been blessed with multiple opportunities that are passing by you every day. There are things which you take for granted because they are simply a part of your every day life, yet you fail to recognise the importance of these things; the importance of your friends greeting you good morning, the woman whom always smiles at you when you walk passed her on your way to school, a city full of life which is only a short train ride away. In order to truly make the most of your life, you must recognise the blessings that you have been granted with and be grateful. Once you are grateful and able to understand that there are elements in your life that you are lucky to have, there are things that you can use to make the most out of the world, you are able to seize the day. There are many ways in which one can apply the idea of ‘Carpe Diem’ to their lives. For me, the easiest way is to say yes. Take the opportunities that you are presented with. Conquer your fears. Don’t be afraid to say yes. One simple word can change your life in such a drastic way. By beginning to say yes to new opportunities, rather than no, a whole world will open up before you. You will meet new people, experience new things, find new places, and discover more about yourself and about others. By saying yes you’re being brave, finding the courage within you to step out of your comfort local riot magazine //45 zone and truly make the most out of your life, you’re seizing the day. How many

opportunities fly by you weekly purely because you’re too afraid to say yes? How many do you regret not taking? You’ll find that there are more times that you’ll regret not saying yes than taking the chance, if something goes wrong at least you tried, otherwise you’ll spend the rest of your days wondering about what could have been, thinking “What if?” Life flashes by you so incredibly fast, yet it’s the longest thing you will ever experience. You don’t want to find yourself close to the end of your life and realise that you have more regrets than experiences; that you spent your life focused elsewhere rather than being present. It is important to be present sometimes, to recognise that you are in the moment, this moment, and that you are a part of what is happening. It is okay to stop worrying about the future, stop reminiscing on the past, and simply be. Be present. Let yourself take in your surroundings and reflect on how you’re feeling and what you’re thinking. Be in the moment and be okay with that. Laugh with your friends, smile by yourself, find the beauty in the small things. Be present and make the most of your life, day by day. Adventure. Go outside and find places to go. Go there. - Drive with your best friend with the windows down and the music blasting. Smile as your hang your hand out the window, feeling the breeze running through your fingers. - Find a secret garden and discover that you should’ve worn wellies or older shoes. Try to avoid the mud and use a giant stick you find on the floor as something to test the stability of the floor and how muddy it is. Laugh as you realise you feel like Gandalf and take pictures of the beauty you are surrounded by and the people you are there with. - Go to the city to a new art exhibition. End up going to a milkshake shop that sells overpriced drinks with ridiculous toppings. Buy one anyway, why the hell not? - Head to the beach when it’s dark outside and sit on the sand with your friend. Talk about the world, religion, love, the meaning of life. Talk about everything. Feel and understand. Make your mark on the world through the people you talk to, the places you see, the way you love. People will remember you by your smile, your laugh, your greatest qualities; you will be remembered and you will leave a mark. You are contributing to the world we live in, continue to do so and make the most of the life you live. Seize the day. powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse.” What will your “That the verse be? local riot magazine //46

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Photographer: Jessia Khalis

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RACISM: NOW AND THEN BY CAROLINE GADSBY “The best thing about the past is that it shows you what not to bring into the future.” At the historic March on Washington, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. that his children “will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character.” The point being, that racial discrimination should be left in the past, and not a part of the future. Fifty years later, the unfinished business of realizing racial equality stands starkly illuminated in the wake of the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the death of Trayvon Martin. While on a trip to visit his father’s fiancée, 17 year old Trayvon Martin was like any other kid his age, and went out to buy a pack of skittles and some iced tea. On his way home, he was followed by a neighborhood watchman, George Zimmerman, as he detected suspicion in the teen’s demeanor. Ignoring authority requests to leave Martin alone, Zimmerman took it upon himself to fatally shoot him, an unarmed teenage boy, who just so happened to be African-American. This case stirred tremendous controversy throughout the country, with some people saying Zimmerman rightfully shot Martin under self-defence, and others saying that it was a violent hate crime. The case ended with Zimmerman locked up for second-degree murder, but the painful reality of racism is still lurking the streets. This is just one of many examples of how racial discrimination is still prevalent in today’s society, despite the efforts made to get rid of inequality among African Americans during the Civil Rights movement. The movement, although it helped elevate the groups and pushed for the equal rights they eventually gained, there are still social tensions amongst races. While we are finally equal by law, socially we still have a long way to go as there is still targeted police violence against minorities as well as unequal social treatment amongst other issues. Luckily, there are movements now that work toward social equality for minorities such as Black Lives Matter, and they are important because they work against the discrimination that unfortunately still happens today.

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Photographer: Thomas Lakey

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The Nobility of Sincerity and Love Eirinn Gilmartin

How do we know if what we do today or tomorrow will leave a lasting impression on some corner of human existence? The answer, or at least a possible suggestion; live each day to the best you can, love the best you can, and live for you, for every day of your life. Because really, where did hate ever get humanity? There is such immense pressure on people of all ages, colour and creed, to excel and to achieve, when, in reality, one’s significance lies not only in these bounds. There are people who surround us and engulf us everyday who face pressure from the media and from family and from themselves to be a person they’re supposed to be; to fill the shoes moulded on someone else’s feet, as if to assume a ‘one size fits all’ approach to life. And the thing is, we, the youth of today, understand a crazed notion of individuality. We know that the moulds presented by our forefathers might not necessarily fit our goals and dreams. But somewhere inside lies this ever-burning, never-ending drive to succeed and be known. When we’re young we dream of being actors and singers, astronauts and vets, doctors and race-car drivers. The people we wanted to be were modelled off what we thought would get us into the history books, or what we thought would make us important in someone, or some dog’s life. When I was younger, about 10, I was utterly obsessed with the Guinness Book of World Records. I read and re-read my 2008 copy seemingly thousands of times, and I had convinced myself that I too would perform an amazing feat and make it into this spectacular book. This, might I add, following my four year ‘I’m Going to Be a Famous Singer Like Avril Lavigne” phase. Eventually many, including myself, settle for possibly more realistic dreams and these, though never less important, often resist the lures of “greatness” we

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had once imagined for ourselves. But we weren’t too wrong in our initial aims. Wanting to make a difference in someone’s life, regardless of how large or small that impact may be, is not inherently a bad thing. The best people in history are arguably those who did not endeavour to specifically achieve greatness. Some who come to mind include Eleanor Roosevelt, Walt Disney, Martin Luther King Jr, Roald Dahl, the list goes on and is, of course, different for each person. These people became household names for the selfless and generous contributions they have made to the wellbeing of people of the world. The people we derive inspiration from speak greatly about our value systems and aspirations, but do not define what we should envisage ourselves to be. Realistically, we will not grow up to actually be the people we idolise in our youth. Perhaps the best way to assume a fulfilling role in our lifetimes, is to treat people and ourselves with the respect and tenderness we deserve. And it sounds simple, but I spent so much of the former years of my life hating people because of what I thought they thought of me. I spent so much time speaking to my friends like I was a bully. I wasted so much time fixated on hollow ideas of “betterness”, trying to create a persona for myself I didn’t fit. Though it certainly attributed to the, hopefully, smarter and wiser person I’m growing to be, much of me wishes I had just been a nicer person. I’ve come to realise that the way I get through life is, in its simplicity, one day at a time. Great, sweeping 5, 10, 20 year plans might work for you, but for a fragile, overwhelmed teenager, it doesn’t suit me. Nor does meditation or drinking herbal tea. It was last year when I came to the realisation that, with the weight of the world on my shoulders at the present time and the aim to come out of my final year of high school alive, to achieve, I had to be positive. And I assure you this is easier said than done. But with an aim for a healthier lifestyle and a focus on the things and love I have in my life, over that which I don’t, has made me a person who is much more calm and at peace. The truth is, I would still love to be a world famous singer, and that dream will probably stay with me to the grave. But I know now that that may not be where I need to focus my energy. I guess I could consider my life a great one, if just one person feels happiness for a moment in their life because I was with them. And that, for now, is my persevering aim.

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My point is not to profess to the world an all-assuming method to achieve greatness. Rather, I suppose I aim to encourage you to examine your life for

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Photographer: Thomas Lakey

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Photographer: Thomas Lakey

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No one knows what the future has in store for them, only time will tell. We can hope and we can dream about what will happen. We can write stories, visit psychics, attempt to predict our own future. The only way we will ever find out is when tomorrow comes, when the sun rises and the new day, the future, begins. We can plan our dream jobs, our dream families, our dream lives, but it is never certain that we will achieve this, our lives may take a different course. In the future, things will be different. Whether we think about tomorrow, or 50 years down the track, things will be different to today and to right now. There will be a mix of new and old, there are some things that we hope will carry on and continue in the future and some things that we wish would occur. What’s one thing you hope to exist in the future?

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What’s one thing you hope to exist in the future?

“I hope there is a book about my life in the future. I hope it has all my adventures, and especially all the important people in my life. I wish there was one so that when I’m older I can look back and never forget. I want to remember people. It wouldn’t really be a story about me; it’d be a story about the people in my life. I think that’s something about me, I like to remember.” – Harry “I hope that peace exists throughout the world. That people put down the guns and the weapons and remember that when we cut down to the bone, we are all the same.” – Maisie

“A cure for just about everything and knowing that no one will suffer anymore. Also, hope. I hope that more people have hope and faith in themselves that they can do anything they set their mind to.” – Ebony “In the future, I wish global warming was solved.” – Brittany “One thing I hope exists in the future is an education/university entrance system that doesn’t cause excessive amounts of stress and anxiety, and doesn’t make people think that they’re stupid because they can’t do something in school.” – Ellen

“I hope old-fashioned love still exists, the kind you see in the movies.” – Deanna “I hope love still exists.” – Fran “Breaking gender roles/stereotypes and marriage equality.” – Gareth

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In grade 1, you were given a project entitled, “When I'm 21...” You wrote about how you were going to be a rockstar, how you would have a limousine that took you everywhere and how you would have a house full of dogs. A few years passed and you found you no longer liked dogs and by then you had realised that your chances of becoming a rockstar were slim because you never could sing very well and you didn't have the knack for playing guitar. You told yourself it was okay, because there would be new dreams. In grade 7, a teacher told you that you would amount to nothing, simply because, at the age of 12, you weren't able to write him a letter telling him what you wanted to do when you left school. You told your English teacher that you wanted to be a personal shopper when you left school, because what could be better than getting paid to shop? You told yourself that maybe a personal shopper was the only thing you had the brains for. In grade 11, you struggled to get out of bed in the morning but still found yourself wishing the weekend away so you could attend English class. You found comfort in other people's words and pictures, and the way in which Lady Macbeth liberated herself. It was then you decided you wanted to spend the rest of your life in an English class. You told yourself that you knew what you wanted to do with your life. We had a lot of dreams, although I will admit that some were more achievable than others. In grade 6, you said you wanted to be a vampire because Twilight had taken over my life. When you turned 16, all you wanted was for your life to be like a John Hughes film; you wanted a boy to fist-pump the air because he finally “got” you and youlocal wanted to be spontaneous. riot magazine //62

I don't know where you'll be now. Maybe when you sat in English class in grade 11 and decided that you would be an English teacher, you made the right choice. As I write this letter, I believe it's the right choice for us. But when I sat my grade 1 class declaring I'd be a rockstar, I thought that was the right choice too. The funny thing is, when I look back on my life thus far, it never really mattered. My life thus far has been a huge series of unfulfilled dreams, but as I drown in my final year of schooling and all the work that comes with it, my 7 year old self with big dreams and a huge smile reminds me how much my lungs love to breathe. There is so much pressure on me at the moment. I have to pick a university, choose a career and decide what I want out of this life. But I have spent my whole life looking forward, and dreaming about a future version of myself and I don't want to map out my life anymore. So I want you to know that everything we want now is just a rough draft. Nothing is set in stone, things always change. I don't want you to think you're a failure because you didn't live up to the expectations you created when you were 17, because life is unpredictable and we never really were very good with plans. I hope you realised that life is unpredictable and that is neither good nor bad. It is life. I hope you take the road less travelled because they always did say it makes all the difference. I hope you tear the plan into shreds and buy a one-way ticket to Rome someday. I hope the bags under your eyes are no longer the product of a sleepless night full of tears, but the product of books that are too good to put down and late night adventures. I hope you still love to read and write, it's always been a help to me. I hope you find stability, because lord knows I don't have any in my life now. I hope you learn to dream again. I hope you actually believe all the things I try and tell myself now; that life isn't about plans, that people really are good at heart, that it will all be okay in the end. In all honesty, all I want out of this life is happiness. I hope you found it. I hope many things for you, for us. But above all what I hope for you can be summed up using the last line of our favourite quote; “I hope you live a life that you're proud of. If you find that you're not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.� Love always, Maisie.

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Exam Stress and Pressure on Our Future Ava Whybrow

Since entering secondary school five years ago I have been programmed and prepped for my coming exams. If I had a penny for every time I’ve been told how crucial these exams are, I wouldn’t have to take them. Being a teenager, exam stress is something that just comes naturally I think, even the smartest people in my classes who are practically guaranteed an A will be stressing and worrying. It’s just the way things are, and for the past couple of weeks as my teachers shout at me for forgetting a book or losing a homework so close to the “most important time in my life” (that’s not a joke, my religious studies teacher literally told me that), I started to ponder how key exams are for our future and whether or not a little exam stress is healthy. I’ve never been smart but somehow with a bunch of tutoring forced upon 10-yearold me by my parents I managed to get into a great secondary school and according to everyone, had my path laid out for me. In six years time I would take my exams (GCSEs), which would help me get into a great sixth form (a bit like Australian senior school but it’s from year 12 and 13 instead of 11 and 12) which will help me secure a good university, thus a respected degree and onto a well paid stable job. That was the plan. Only as I prepare for my exams in 3 weeks I wonder if the sick feeling in my stomach is meant to be there. I mean, it’s only the rest of the life I’m prepping for right? You might be wondering why I’m so scared for exams, which are basically at the bottom of the ladder, as I’ve explained, but it’s very much a domino effect. If I don’t do well in these exams, I won’t have the opportunity to do well in the next set and so on and so forth. It’s really quite terrifying. Parents, teachers and even friends apply all this pressure on to you, whether it’s intentional or not, it is still very real. It keeps me up at night, playing in my mind what will happen when results day comes and all my friends get into a good sixth form and I

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am staring at my Ds on the paper unsure what to do. Teachers apply pressure because it is their job. For me at least, my life is not like a teen movie (Easy A, etc.) in which the protagonist has a favourite teacher who is their mentor and they want to please. I am yet to find a teacher who actually wants me to do well because they actually want me to be happy, it is only because it is what looks good on their report. Now this isn’t to say there aren’t lovely, wonderful teachers out there who care about their students, nor am I saying that my teachers are horrible people; I am simply saying they don’t care. In a year's time when they no longer teach me, they won’t sit around and go, “Wow, I hope ‘so and so’ got into her sixth form or university”, they will just be glad if I got a decent enough mark to make them look good. I think this worries a lot of students, including myself, that the people who are entrusted with our education, a huge role in our lives, don’t have faith in us. In England unemployment is once again dipping, this means that even if we exit sixth form with great A-Levels and leave university with a well-regarded degree, there is still no certainty that we could acquire a job. Also even if we do get a job, it is unsure whether or not it will be permanent. In my house, my dad has been made redundant before which is not something you want to see someone you love go through. This fear and uncertainty is terrifying especially at young ages such as a fifteen/sixteen. I would like to point out that I understand my privilege; the luck of being born into a family and country in which I can receive education from skilled teachers is a fortunate thing for me. I am in no way being ungrateful for my education but I just believe that when children as young as fourteen can start to feel extremely pressured to perform well at school leading to depression or any other form of mental illness or abuse, it is a broken system. Last year, in London alone, ChildLine counselled 412 students for exam stress. 64% of students feel as though they have never received any support in dealing with exams. 67% of students have lost sleep over exam stress. And almost 50% have skipped meals. Just because we have access to an education does not mean that it is without fault.

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Life in a Box - Holly your life in a box, in the hallway your clothes, your books, your photographs, your CDs, your trinkets, in the hallway your mum standing frowning in the bathroom at the numerous bottles of sprays and liquids that populate the porcelain surfaces *insert name* gave us this as it tumbles down the bin your dad playing Tetris with the kitchen utensils we are never going to make a casserole he frowns at the dish as it is placed to one side the maze of boxes becomes harder to get out of in the hallway in doorways on the doorstep into the van, onto new doorsteps into new doorways into new hallways the first night is a release, your head collapses onto the pillow into a new star which rises that morning, you blink into focus your new walls, new surfaces waiting to be touched and memorised the weight of doors to get used to the height of the fridge to get used to washing machine, window latches, cupboards locations, taps, keys fitting in their own way into stiff locks fitted new into freshly painted doors, the back door (always exciting) and where it leads: adventure new birds are old birds new sunlight is old sunlight, plants grow as do the cracks and creases of skin and paint along with the flowers along with the barking and laughter of Spring comes this new roof over my head this april

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Photographer: Jessia Khalis

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Future Embarrassment From Our Present

Sam Passman

There's an abundance of memories that hold fond places in my heart. Most contain nostalgia over things not used as commonly today. I believe in the future, some of these will come back into style. Cassette tapes are one of my favorite things. I love them, and I'm lucky enough to have a few. People have decorated them for me with stickers and sharpies that show how they felt or anticipated for me to feel. Cassette tapes allow for a connection to be made in the physical and emotional realm. My friend Katie has her own band and for her first concert, she made me a cassette tape with stickers covering the surface. I felt so appreciated and included, since I couldn't attend that concert. I feel like if cassette tapes made a comeback, people would feel cared for and like they have something to connect with. In the future, I hope to have collections of cassettes from friends and family. Another thing I find is underrated are constellation maps. I remember always being fascinated by space and absolutely begging for constellation maps and telescopes. They haven't exactly faded into the past, but unless you go to a space museum, it can be tricky to locate one. With the new Europa mission and the findings found about Europa having liquid water, I feel like there will be a major shift into interests of space. In the near future, I hope that space travel and star charts will become treasures that children will cherish again. When I was younger, I loved this goofy lampshade I had. It was a cloud lampshade and it had a custom lamppost so that it would look like a cloud in

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the sky. Now when I visit friends, I don't see lampshades often. Maybe it's a silly thing, but I like the look of a lamp and I love quirky lampshades. They remind me of my cloud and how I was always told that I could reach the stars. Futuristic values should hold the quirky antiques as treasures; the way people cherish old rings and heirlooms. In my opinion, the future may have a revival of some older trends. Like the revival of the 80's fashion, it may be homage to what was once known. Whatever the case may be, the future will have goofy trends. I just hope it will also have a revival of some of the past trends in our present.

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Maile Edwards

at 16 I disappeared at 16 I became. surfing every day til I was red in the face any place is better than school I guess. my friends were stressed about finals and I had just gotten a raise and bought a new surfboard. I went to my prom well, it would have been my prom with my best friend my former classmates looked like they’d seen a ghost. but I guess I kinda was a mystery. why I dropped out gave it all up they act like I lost precious time, but I have the

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freckles and scars from scraped knees that say otherwise. I got my GED the hot minute I turned 16. For a long time I felt ashamed of it, because GED grads are frowned upon and stereotyped for being teen moms or drug addicts. I see the shock on people’s faces when they find out, and tell me I don’t “look like a GED grad,” as if they would be able to tell if someone got their GED just by looking at them. For me, leaving high school wasn’t a copout. It wasn’t because I was flunking or getting into trouble. In fact, I was a straight-A student, a varsity swimmer, and active in drama club at my high school. I enjoyed my extracurricular activities, but I was just over it – the 8-3 days in hot classrooms, teachers that didn’t care about me, and the after school stuff wasn’t enough to keep me content. So I opted out. I talked to my parents on a Sunday afternoon and they filled out the paperwork the very next day. I remember feeling so free walking out of my school’s office. The very next day I went surfing with my friend who was home-schooled at the time, and on my last wave I wiped out and sliced my leg open. That’s sort of how life continued for the next year and a half – going surfing, getting sunburnt, and accumulated scrapes, bruises, and broken bones. Fast forward: I turn 20 in June, which is nerve-wracking. 20 is daunting, and gives me an upset stomach at the thought. It’s funny how all our lives we can’t wait to grow up, to finish school, to go to college, to be an adult. Freedom is the expected package deal to numeric maturity, but I’ve never felt more free than when I was sweet 16. Adulthood comes at you fast, and you’re sort of prepared and sort of confused. It’s kind of like figuring out how to work a film camera for the first time. It’s all about trial and error, and in the bumbling, giggling, confusing mess of it all, you get the prints back and remember what glorious times they were. Happiness and freedom are very personal things, personal feelings. I don’t want my sisters to waste their lives waiting for a certain age and waiting to play the cards they were dealt because they think a better deal is coming down the road. Pardon my French, but fuck that. Teenage-hood is amazing, and if you don’t believe me, consider how many awesome movies are made about high school kids. That 70’s Show was a masterpiece of comedy about a group of small town kids who were doing the same old thing they did last week. A film about the conversations amongst teens at Saturday morning became // a 75 cult localdetention riot magazine classic. There’s magic in the characters from small towns where there’s “not much to do,” and there’s magic in the commodities of youth. We may not all have the

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