Lochcarron Designers Fabric Collection SS23

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Founded in 1947, Lochcarron of Scotland has been creating tartan textiles, cloth and accessories for 75 years. As we reach this milestone, we would like to reflect on the history, craftmanship, heritage and friendships that have evolved over the last seven decades. Also, to take this opportunity to thank our staff, customers, suppliers and friends for their dedication, essential support and valued contribution throughout the years, helping make Lochcarron into one of Scotland’s most successful textile companies. We hope by continuing to work together we can share ongoing achievements and build on our unique heritage as a Scottish textile manufacturer.

Introducing the Lochcarron of Scotland Spring Summer 2023 Collection. Lifting classic stripes & checks and infusing these summer favourites with a burst of colour. Everything is made in our mill in Scotland, designed, woven and created by our skilled team bringing you modern-day craftsmanship and design within all of our signature fabrics and accessories. We have created this online brochure to allow you to easily browse the Lochcarron Spring 2023 Collection of fabrics. Please email us with your swatch requests, enquiries or orders. design@lochcarron.com



DESIGNER FABRIC COLLECTION SS23 Contents CTRV - Reiver Yellow Fabric Collection CTRV - Reiver Green Fabric Collection CTRV - Reiver Mulberry Fabric Collection CTRV - Reiver Mauve Fabric Collection CTRV - Reiver Black Fabric Collection CTRV - Reiver Navy Fabric Collection CTRV - Reiver Hamper Fabric Collection CTRV - Reiver Dancer Fabric Collection 2566C - Donegal Tweed Fabric Collection 2566C - Houndstooth Tweed Fabric Collection 2566C - Basket and Tapestry Tweed Fabric Collection 2774C - Donegal Mohair Fabric Collection CTRV - Reiver Tartan Fabric Collection 654321 7 - 8 9 - 10 11 - 181719 20 - 22 23 - 28 NOTE - All repeat sizes are warp x weft and can vary from the stated average. NOTE - All weights are grams per linear metre. NOTE - Although we aim to create an accurate colour representation of the original swatch they may not be 100% accuate.

2698C 1 DESIGNER FABRIC COLLECTION SS23 Yellow/WhiteCTRV/F5206Gingham Repeat Pattern: Warp: 0.8cm x Weft: 0.8cm Reiver Yellow Collection 100% Pure New Wool - DRY CLEAN ONLY L - Tariff: 51121900 Width: 150cm - Weight: 320/325gms (10oz per linear yard) Hanger No. SS802 CTRV/F5212GoldStripe Repeat Pattern: 4.2cm Width BarclayCTRV/BLD/MDressModern Repeat Pattern: Warp: 20.0cm x Weft: 20.0cm

DESIGNER FABRIC COLLECTION SS23 2 2698C GreenCTRV/F5207Gingham Repeat Pattern: Warp: 0.8cm x Weft: 0.8cm Reiver Green Collection 100% Pure New Wool - DRY CLEAN ONLY L - Tariff: 51121900 Width: 150cm - Weight: 320/325gms (10oz per linear yard) Hanger No. SS803 GreenCTRV/F5213Stripe Repeat Pattern: 6.2cm Width GallowayCTRV/GWH/MHuntingModern Repeat Pattern: Warp: 14.2cm x Weft:14.2cm

DESIGNER FABRIC COLLECTION SS233 CTRV MulberryCTRV/F5208Gingham Repeat Pattern: Warp: 0.8cm x Weft: 0.8cm Reiver Mulberry Collection 100% Pure New Wool - DRY CLEAN ONLY L - Tariff: 51121900 Width: 150cm - Weight: 320/325gms (10oz per linear yard) Hanger No. SS804 RepeatMulberryCTRV/F5214StripePattern:5.5cm Width DundeeCTRV/DUN/AOldAncient Repeat Pattern: Warp: 18.4cm x Weft:19.2cm

DESIGNER FABRIC COLLECTION SS23 4 CTRV Navy/MauveCTRV/F5209Gingham Repeat Pattern: Warp: 0.8cm x Weft: 0.8cm Reiver Mauve Collection 100% Pure New Wool - DRY CLEAN ONLY L - Tariff: 51121900 Width: 150cm - Weight: 320/325gms (10oz per linear yard) Hanger No. SS805 MauveCTRV/F5215Stripe Repeat Pattern: 4.3cm Width KennedyCTRV/KEN/MModern Repeat Pattern: Warp: 15.0cm x Weft: 15.1cm

DESIGNER FABRIC COLLECTION SS235 CTRV ShepherdCTRV/SHPCheck Repeat Pattern: Warp: 0.8cm x Weft: 0.8cm Reiver Black Collection 100% Pure New Wool - DRY CLEAN ONLY L - Tariff: 51121900 Width: 150cm - Weight: 320/325gms (10oz per linear yard) Hanger No. SS800 RepeatBlack/WhiteCTRV/F5210StripePattern:5.9cmWidth ErskineCTRV/ERBBlack/White Repeat Pattern: Warp: 20.0cm x Weft: 20.0cm

DESIGNER FABRIC COLLECTION SS23 6 CTRV Navy/WhiteCTRV/F5205Gingham Repeat Pattern: Warp: 0.8cm x Weft: 0.8cm Reiver Navy Collection 100% Pure New Wool - DRY CLEAN ONLY L - Tariff: 51121900 Width: 150cm - Weight: 320/325gms (10oz per linear yard) Hanger No. SS801 CTRV/F5211NavyStripe Repeat Pattern: 5.1cm Width EarlCTRV/ESAStAndrews Repeat Pattern: Warp: 14.2cm x Weft: 14.4cm

DESIGNER FABRIC COLLECTION SS237 CTRV HamperCTRV/6628/B2Ecru/pink/NavyHamperCTRV/6628/A1Ecru/Gold/Navy HamperCTRV/6628/D4Ecru/Aqua/NavyHamperCTRV/6628/C3Ecru/Lime/Navy Reiver Hamper Collection 100% Pure New Wool - DRY CLEAN ONLY L - Tariff: 51121900 Width: 150cm - Weight: 320/325gms (10oz per linear yard) Pattern Repeat: Warp - 11.9cm, Weft - 12.6cm Hanger No. SS602

Reiver Hamper Collection 100% Pure New Wool - DRY CLEAN ONLY L - Tariff: 51121900 Width: 150cm - Weight: 320/325gms (10oz per linear yard) Pattern Repeat: Warp - 11.9cm, Weft - 12.6cm Hanger No. SS603 DESIGNER FABRIC COLLECTION SS23 8 CTRV HamperCTRV/6628/A2Ecru/Gold/Pink HamperCTRV/6628/C2Ecru/lime/Pink HamperCTRV/6628/D2Ecru/Aqua/Pink HamperCTRV/6628/C4Ecru/Lime/Aqua HamperCTRV/6628/A3Ecru/Gold/Lime

DESIGNER FABRIC COLLECTION SS239 CTRV DancerCTRV/6629/D4Mauve/Ecru/Black DancerCTRV/6629/E5Gold/Ecru/Black DancerCTRV/6629/A1Jade/Ecru/Black DancerCTRV/6629/B2Blue/Ecru/Black Reiver Dancer Collection 100% Pure New Wool - DRY CLEAN ONLY L - Tariff: 51121900 Width: 150cm - Weight: 320/325gms (10oz per linear yard) Pattern Repeat: Warp - 11.9cm, Weft - 12.6cm Hanger No. SS600 DancerCTRV/6629/C3Rose/Ecru/Black

DESIGNER FABRIC COLLECTION SS23 10 CTRV DancerCTRV/6629/C4Rose/Mauve/Black DancerCTRV/6629/E2Gold/Blue/Ecru DancerCTRV/6629/E3Gold/Rose/Ecru Reiver Dancer Collection 100% Pure New Wool - DRY CLEAN ONLY L - Tariff: 51121900 Width: 150cm - Weight: 320/325gms (10oz per linear yard) Pattern Repeat: Warp - 11.9cm, Weft - 12.6cm Hanger No. SS601 DancerCTRV/6629/E4Gold/Mauve/EcruDancerCTRV/6629/A4Jade/Mauve/Ecru

11 2566C DESIGNER FABRIC COLLECTION SS23 Donegal Tweed Collection 31% Cotton, 31 % Wool, 21% Polyamide, 17% Silk DRY CLEAN ONLY L - Tariff: 52122490 Width: 152/154cm - Weight: 490/500gms - Pattern Repeat: Warp - 4.4m, Weft - 5.2cm Hanger No. SS806 2566C/F5200Rosso Repeat Pattern: Warp: 4.4cm x Weft: 5.2cm

12DESIGNER FABRIC COLLECTION SS23 2566C Donegal Tweed Collection 33% Cotton, 31% Wool, 21% Polyamide, 17% Silk DRY CLEAN ONLY L - Tariff: 52122490 Width: 152/154cm - Weight: 490/500gms - Pattern Repeat: Warp - 4.4m, Weft - 5.2cm Hanger No. SS807 2566C/6660/A3Camel/Pink 2566C/6660/C3Pink 2566C/6660/C5Pink/Red 2566C/6660/A7Camel/Peach 2566C/6660/C10Pink/Gold

13 2566C DESIGNER FABRIC COLLECTION SS23 Donegal Tweed Collection 31% Cotton, 31 % Wool, 21% Polyamide, 17% Silk DRY CLEAN ONLY L - Tariff: 52122490 Width: 152/154cm - Weight: 490/500gms - Pattern Repeat: Warp - 4.4m, Weft - 5.2cm Hanger No. SS808 2566C/6660/A10Camel/Gold 2566C/6660/D10PaleGreen/Gold 2566C/6660/D4PaleGreen 2566C/6660/A11Camel/Brown 2566C/6660/A1Camel


15 2566C DESIGNER FABRIC COLLECTION SS23 Donegal Tweed Collection 33% Cotton, 31% Wool, 21% Polyamide, 17% Silk DRY CLEAN ONLY L - Tariff: 52122490 Width: 152/154cm - Weight: 490/500gms - Pattern Repeat: Warp - 4.4m, Weft - 5.2cm Hanger No. SS809 2566C/6660/C9Pink/PaleBlue 2566C/6660/C6Pink/RoyalBlue 2566C/6660/F8RoyalBlue/Lilac 2566C/6660/B2Silver 2566C/6660/B8Silver/Lilac

16DESIGNER FABRIC COLLECTION SS23 2566C Donegal Tweed Collection 31% Cotton, 31 % Wool, 21% Polyamide, 17% Silk DRY CLEAN ONLY L - Tariff: 52122490 Width: 152/154cm - Weight: 490/500gms - Pattern Repeat: Warp - 04.4m, Weft - 5.2cm Hanger No. SS810 Royal2566C/6660/F2Blue/Silver Royal2566C/6660/F12Blue/Green 2566C/6660/F6RoyalBlue 2566C/6660/F10RoyalBlue/Gold Royal2566C/6660/F7Blue/Peach


18DESIGNER FABRIC COLLECTION SS23 2566C Blue/Red2566C/6515/C5HoundstoothHangerNo.SS706 Houndstooth Tweed Collection 31% Cotton, 31 % Wool, 21% Polyamide, 17% Silk DRY CLEAN ONLY L - Tariff: 52122490 Width: 152/154cm - Weight: 490/500gms - Pattern Repeat: Warp - 12.8cm, Weft - 14.5cm Hanger No. SS706 - SS709 Green/Red2566C/6515/B4HoundstoothHangerNo.SS708 Green/Pink2566C/6515/D5HoundstoothHangerNo.SS7072566C/6515/A4Green/BlueHounstoothHangerNo.SS709

19 2566C DESIGNER FABRIC COLLECTION SS23 Pink/OrangeNatural/Blue2566C/6570/A5BasketHangerNo.SS7062566C/6572/A2TapestryHangerNo.SS707 Basket & Tapestry Tweed Collection 33% Cotton, 23% Wool, 15% Polyamide, 13% Silk, 11% Viscose, 3% Polyester, 2% Nylon DRY CLEAN ONLY L - Tariff: 52122490 Width: 152/154cm - Weight: 490/500gms - Pattern Repeat: Warp - 12.8cm, Weft - 14.6cm Hanger No. SS706 & SS708 33% Cotton, 23% Wool, 15% Polyamide, 13% Silk, 11% Viscose, 3% Polyester, 2% Nylon DRY CLEAN ONLY L - Tariff: 52122490 Width: 152/154cm - Weight: 490/500gms - Pattern Repeat: Warp - 8.5cm, Weft - 9.6cm Hanger No. SS707 & SS709 Purple/Green2566C/6572/A5TapestryHangerNo.SS7092566C/6570/D1Natural/GreenBasketHangerNo.SS708

DESIGNER FABRIC COLLECTION SS23 20 2774C Donegal2774C/6631/D4MohairEcru/Blue Donegal2774C/6631/B2MohairEcru/Brown Donegal2774C/6631/A1MohairEcru/Wine Donegal2774C/6631/F6MohairEcru/Mauve Donegal Mohair Tweed Collection 28% Cotton, 28% Mohair, 25% Wool, 11% Polyamide, 8% Silk - DRY CLEAN ONLY L Tariff: Width:51121900154cm-Weight: 510/520gms - Pattern Repeat: Warp - 1.5cm, Weft - 1.8cm Hanger No. L2142 Donegal2774C/6631/E5MohairEcru/Charcoal Donegal2774C/6631/C3MohairEcru/Olive

21 2774C DESIGNER FABRIC COLLECTION SS23 2774C/6631/F2 Donegal Mohair Ecru/Mauve/Brown 2774C/6631/F4 Donegal Mohair Ecru/Mauve/Navy 2774C/6631/A4 Donegal Mohair Ecru/Wine/Blue 2774C/6631/A2 Donegal Mohair Ecru/Wine/Brown Donegal Mohair Tweed Collection 28% Cotton, 28% Mohair, 25% Wool, 11% Polyamide, 8% Silk - DRY CLEAN ONLY L Tariff: Width:51121900154cm-Weight: 510/520gms - Pattern Repeat: Warp - 1.5cm, Weft - 1.8cm Hanger No. L2143

DESIGNER FABRIC COLLECTION SS23 22 2774C Donegal2774C/6631/C2MohairEcru/KhakiDonegal2774C/6631/D3MohairEcru/Teale 2774C/6631/E2 Donegal Mohair Ecru/Brown/Charcoal 2774C/6631/B4 Donegal Mohair Ecru/Brown/Blue Donegal Mohair Tweed Collection 28% Cotton, 28% Mohair, 25% Wool, 11% Polyamide, 8% Silk - DRY CLEAN ONLY L Tariff: Width:51121900154cm-Weight: 510/520gms - Pattern Repeat: Warp - 1.5cm, Weft - 1.8cm Hanger No. L2144

DESIGNER FABRIC COLLECTION SS2323 CTRV Reiver Tartan Collection 100% Pure New Wool - DRY CLEAN ONLY L - Tariff: 51121900 Width: 150cm - Weight: 320/325gms (10oz per linear yard) Hanger No. SS700 MacLachlanCTRV/MLA/AAncient Repeat Pattern: Warp: 20.2cm x Weft: 20.0cm MacLeanCTRV/MLD/AofDuartAncient Repeat Pattern: Warp: 14cm x Weft: 14.9cm CTRV/BRK/A Bruce of Kinnaird Ancient Repeat Pattern: Warp: 13.80cm x Weft: 14.0cm

DESIGNER FABRIC COLLECTION SS23 24 CTRV MacleanCTRV/MLH/AHuntingAncient Repeat Pattern: Warp: 14.2cm x Weft: 14.4cm Reiver Tartan Collection 100% Pure New Wool - DRY CLEAN ONLY L - Tariff: 51121900 Width: 150cm - Weight: 320/325gms (10oz per linear yard) Hanger No. SS701 ScottCTRV/SCG/AGreenAncient Repeat Pattern: Warp: 13.3cm x Weft: 14.0cm GordonCTRV/GDD/ADressAncient Repeat Pattern: Warp: 16.1cm x Weft: 17.0cm

DESIGNER FABRIC COLLECTION SS2325 CTRV StewartCTRV/STD/WDressWeathered Repeat Pattern: Warp: 14.7cm x Weft: 15.3cm Reiver Tartan Collection 100% Pure New Wool - DRY CLEAN ONLY L - Tariff: 51121900 Width: 150cm - Weight: 320/325gms (10oz per linear yard) Hanger No. SS702 BuchananCTRV/BCO/WOldWeathered Repeat Pattern: Warp: 14.9cm x Weft: 15.1cm CrawfordCTRV/CRW/AAncient Repeat Pattern: Warp: 14.2cm x Weft: 14.0cm

DESIGNER FABRIC COLLECTION SS23 26 CTRV BuchananCTRV/BCN/AAncient Repeat Pattern: Warp: 14.7cm x Weft: 14.9cm Reiver Tartan Collection 100% Pure New Wool - DRY CLEAN ONLY L - Tariff: 51121900 Width: 150cm - Weight: 320/325gms (10oz per linear yard) Hanger No. SS703 BarclayCTRV/BLD/MDressModern Repeat Pattern: Warp: 14.1cm x Weft: 14.2cm CornishCTRV/CORNational Repeat Pattern: Warp: 6.1cm x Weft: 6.8cm

DESIGNER FABRIC COLLECTION SS2327 CTRV MusselburghCTRV/MUS Repeat Pattern: Warp: 14.5cm x Weft: 14.3cm Reiver Tartan Collection 100% Pure New Wool - DRY CLEAN ONLY L - Tariff: 51121900 Width: 150cm - Weight: 320/325gms (10oz per linear yard) Hanger No. SS704 MacRaeCTRV/MRC/MConchraModern Repeat Pattern: Warp: 14.0cm x Weft: 14.1cm NapierCTRV/NAP/MModern Repeat Pattern: Warp: 14.2cm x Weft: 15.1cm

DESIGNER FABRIC COLLECTION SS23 28 CTRV MacPhersonCTRV/MSD/MDressModern Repeat Pattern: Warp: 13.8cm x Weft: 14.0cm Reiver Tartan Collection 100% Pure New Wool - DRY CLEAN ONLY L - Tariff: 51121900 Width: 150cm - Weight: 320/325gms (10oz per linear yard) Hanger No. SS705 ShepherdCTRV/SHPCheck Repeat Pattern: Warp: 0.8cm x Weft: 0.8cm MacFarlaneCTRV/MFB/MBlack/White Modern Repeat Pattern: Warp: 13.4cm x Weft: 13.5cm

Riccardo Bises Viale Eroi di Cefalonia, 145 ROMA00128Italy T: 00393355621923 E: REPRESENTATIVEriccardo_bises@hotmail.comCONTACTSRiccardoBisesVialeEroidiCefalonia,145ROMA00128ItalyT:00393355621923E:riccardo_bises@hotmail.comSylvieGueronSylvieGueronTexMode8Placedel’AbreuvoirMarlyLeRoi78160FranceT:0607296730E:sylviegueron@gmail.com Goldtex Trading Company Limited Shop E 23 Fuk WIng Street Sham Shui HongKowloonPoKongChina T: 0085227782950 E: goldtexhk@126.com Goldtex Trading Company Limited Sandy RM. 3002, C Block The Concordia City Garden No. 33 Lin He Street Tian He GuangzhouDistrictZip:510610 T: 00862038251983 E: goldtexhk@126.com Tokyo HasegawaOfficeBldg 3F 2-35-13NingyoNihonbashi–ChoChuo-KuTokyo103-0013Japan T: 00813 3639 9781 E: SEOUL,SEOUL,KeumjinQ2info@uteco.co.jpIBNCoLtdBldg2ndFloorGaeporo22Gil39Kangnam-Ku06308,Korea(Republic)T:(82-2)575-8495E:office@q2ibn.comQ2IBNCoLtdKeumjinBldg2ndFloorGaeporo22Gil39Kangnam-Ku06308,Korea(Republic)T:(82-2)575-8495E:office@q2ibn.comTokyoOfficeHasegawaBldg3F2-35-13NihonbashiNingyo–ChoChuo-KuTokyo103-0013JapanT:0081336399781E:info@uteco.co.jpGoldtexTrading Company Sandy RM. 3002, C The Concordia Garden No. 33 He Street 00862038251983 goldtexhk@126.com Company 23 Fuk WIng Street Sylvie Gueron Sylvie Gueron Tex Mode 8 Place de l’Abreuvoir Marly Le Roi France78160 T: 0607296730 E:

HEAD OFFICE & MILL Lochcarron of Scotland Waverley Mill, Rogers Road Selkirk, Scottish Borders TD7 5DX T: +44 (0) 1750 726123 F: +44 (0) 1750 724100 E: www.lochcarron.comdesign@lochcarron.comwww.lochcarron.comVisitouronlineshop E: hello@lochcarron.com | T: +44 (0) 1750 726025 HEAD OFFICE & MILL Waverley Mill, Rogers Road Selkirk, Scottish Borders 5DX (0) 726123 +44 1750 724100 E: www.lochcarron.comdesign@lochcarron.comwww.lochcarron.comVisitouronlineshop E: hello@lochcarron.com T: +44 OFFICE MILL Scotland Mill, Rogers Road TD7 T: +44 (0) 1750 726123 (0) E: +44 1750

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