The Typology of Pudu Wai Sek Kai

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Ana s s i g nme ntofF ood&Cul t ur eCL S 60203 THETYPOL OGYOF


L oc kTi a nJ i un|0327636|Mr . Ni c hol a sNg

AFo o d&Cul t ur ea s s i g nme nt Thet y p o l o g yo fPud uWa iSe kKa i Na me :Lo c kTi a nJ i un I D:0 3 2 7 6 3 6 Tut o r :Mr . Ni c ho l a sNg Pr i nt e di n2 0 t hJ une2 0 1 9



Pr ef ace前言


I nt r oduct i on介绍


Spat i alL ayout空间摆设


Pr opor t i on规模/比例


Ci r cul at i on人流


Ambi ence气氛


Cons umpt i onBehavi our饮食态度


Concl us i on结论


Pr ef ace 前言

I nt hi sst udyt oi dent i f ywhatar et hesubt l ef ac t or sofPuduWaiSekKaiaf f ec t s c onsumer sc onsumpt i onpat t er ni nr el at i ont ot hest r eetf oodc ul t ur e,var i ousof obser vat i onsandst udi esar emadet odet er mi net hepat t er nofc onsumer ’ sat t i t ude t owar dsst r eet f ood. Asanobser v er , apar t i c i pant , andavi si t or , I amabl et ogat heral ot of i nf ot hr ought hesenseof pl ac ewher ebyt heambi ent of PuduWai SekKai r ef l ec t st he l oc alc ul t ur alessenc eswhi c hc ont ai nsmanyi nt angi bl eval uest ot hepr ef er enc eof di ni ngar ea.T hec ont entf ur t herel abor at esonhow woul dt hesef oodal l eyel ement s r el at esandc r eat est hebehavi ourofc onsumpt i onal ongt heal l ey .Al ongt hi sst udy ,I hav eexper i enc edt heval ueofper si st enc ef r om t hef oodhawker sandt hec ust omer s t hatt heyal way skeepi nmi ndt hatt heyneedt opr eser v et hi ski ndoff oodc ul t ur easi t si gni f i c ant t ot hehi st or yof ourl i f est y l e.


I nt r oduct i on 介绍


r sa a P an l Ja aPudu i ays PosMal

u r ha Ba ar s Pa an l Ja


ur y Sa n a l Ja

7C 1/7 an l Ja

du Pu an l Ja

k anda anL al J

Pudu WaiSekKai

ket PuduWetMar

I nt r oduct i on介绍

AboutPuduWaiSekKai 半山芭为食街的来历

Loc at edi nt hehear tofPudu,Jal anSay ur ,PuduWaiSekKaihasbeenapr omi nent l andmar kf ort hel oc al sf ormor et han60y ear sandi t st i l l goi ngst r ongandvi br ant . T hi s st r eetf oodal l eyof f er sal l sor t sof del i c ac i esf ort hepeopl ewhowi shedt ot r yt hem.I t s l oc at i oni snot easi l ydet ec t abl ef ort hevi si t or sat ni ght . Despi t et hat , t hevi si t or swoul d st i l l c r ac kt hei rheadsof f j ust t of i ndt hi sst r eet f oodal l eyf orac oz ymeal . Foodhawker s ar est i l l usi ngt hei rt r adi t i onal met hodsoff oodpr epar at i onf ort hei rc ust omer ssot hat t heyst i l l c ant ast ewhatt hepastof f er edt hem. T heunshadedset t i ngf oodal l eyc r eat es ani dealambi enc ef ort hepeopl et ogat hert hemsel v est ohav ei nt er ac t i onswi t ht he peopl ear oundt hem. T hesec har ac t er i st i c sar et heoneswhi c hmakesPuduWai SekKai sopopul arunt i l t oday .


I nt r oduct i on介绍

L egend标记 Bui l di ng建筑物 HawkerSt al l小贩摊位 T abl e桌子


PuduWaiSekKai ’ sPl anVi ew 半山芭为食街平面图

Spat i alL ayout 空间摆设

Spat i alL ayout空间摆设

T ypi calF oodHawkerL ayout 典型小食摊摆设

T hespac ebet weenbui l di ngs, t heal l eyhaspr ovi dedani dealspotf orf oodhawker st o hav et hei rbusi nessr unwi t hease.Usual l y ,f oodst al l sar esor tofanopenki t c hen,a smal l wor kspac ewher eev er y t hi ngc anbedonequi c kl yandeasi l y . T her ef or e, i tneeds t obesmal landhi ghmobi l i t y . T hehawker sar r anget hei rf oodst al l satt hesi deoft he al l eyi napar al l elc onf i gur at i on, al l owpeopl et ohav eagoodvi ewt oseet heavai l abl e f oodst al l swhi c hi savai l abl ei nf r ont of t hem. T hest al l sar eal soeasyt okeepaf t ert hei r busi nesswher ebyt heykeept hei rst al l sj ustr i ghtatt hei rsel l i ngpl ac e.Somet i mes, f oodhawker swi l lset upt hei rownc anvasr ooft oc ov ert het opoft hei rst al landev en pr ovi det ot hec ust omer sf orhavi ngashadei nc aseofanyunf av our abl eweat her oc c ur s.


Spat i alL ayout空间摆设

Si deBySi de肩并肩 T hef oodst al l sar el oc at edatt hesi deoft heal l eywhi c h c r eat esasenset hatt hehawker sar ewel c omi ngt he c ust omer st obuyt hei rf ood.


Spat i alL ayout空间摆设

Cus t omer ’ sSeat i ngAr r angement 食客的座位排法

I nt er msof t heseat i ng’ sar r angement , t her ear esomekeyf ac t or swhi c hdet er mi net he ar r angementi nt heal l ey .I nt hi sc ase,PuduWaiSekKaihast hear r angementoft wo r owsof seat i ngwi t ht hef oodhawker sf ac i ngi t . T hear r angementof seatar eal sof ai r l y apar t f ort heeaseof wal kabi l i t yof peopl e, l eavi nganar r owwal kwayat t hec ent r eof t he al l ey . Ev enso, t hear r angement of seat i ngsmaybevar yf r omt i met ot i measc ust omer s ar el i kel yt omov et hei rseat i ngsf ort hei rownc omf or t .Asi mpl edesi gnedpl ast i c t abl esandc hai r swer eusedbyt hehawker st oenabl et hemobi l i t yof t hear r angement . Andal so, c heapi nal l t er ms. Wi t hsuc har r angement , t hevi si bi l i t yof t hec ust omer sand hawker swi l lnotbebl oc kedordi st ur bed.T hef oodhawker sc anhav ebet t ervi ew t o l oc at et hei rc ust omer ’ st abl eanddi r ec t l ysendt hei rf oodt ot hemwi t hnowor r i es.


Spat i alL ayout空间摆设

T woRowsF orWhol e两行为齐 T hear r angementoft het abl esar ei nt wor owswi t ha passabl egapf orpeopl et owal kt hr oughandpr ovi de enoughspac ef ort hec ust omer st onotf eeldi sc omf or t whi l ehavi ngt hei rmeal .


Spat i alL ayout空间摆设

F i vef oot / Shel t er edWal kway 五尺/ 有遮走道

HawkerSt al l

HawkerSt al l

T heAl l ey巷子



Seat i ngs

Pedes t r i an

Seat i ngs


Pat h



Over al lSpat i alL ayout全面的空间摆设


F i vef oot / Shel t er edWal kway 五尺/ 有遮走道

Pr opor t i on 规模/ 比例

Pr opor t i on规模/比例

Scal eofPedes t r i anvsF oodSt al l svsBui l di ngs 人与摊位与建筑物的比例

T heal l eybet weent wor owsof bui l di ngsc r eat edani deal c ommunal spac ef orpeopl et o gat herar ound,whi c hi sv er yobvi oust hatPuduWaiSekKaii shavi ngsuc hper f ec t c ondi t i on.T hef oodst al l sar esi t uat edbeneat ht hebot hsi deoft hebui l di ngs,whi c h c r eat edasenseof uni t yasi t seemsl i ket hef oodst al l sar eoneof t hepar t of t hebui l di ng. T hesc al ec r eat edbybot hsi desof bui l di ngst ot hepeopl ear at herc onf i nedspac ewher e t heyc anhav et hei rf oodwi t hf ul lvi sual ,smel l ,t ast eandsoundexper i enc e.Wi t ht he benef i tof bot hsi deof t hebui l di ngs, t hec ust omer ’ sangl eof vi ewwi l l behi ghl yf oc uses par t i c ul ar l yont hef oodal l eyi t sel f , t husi nc r easest het endenc yt obuyt hef oods. T he c ont r astoft heset hr eeel ement sf or medast r onghar monysenseofl oc al ar c hi t ec t ur e at t ac hedwi t ht hel oc al l i f est y l es.


Pr opor t i on规模/比例

Bui l di ngcr eat esboar der

Bui l di ngcr eat esboar der



Vi ewsar el i mi t edt os mal l ers cal ei nor dert omaxi mi s e t heconcent r at i onofengagementwi t hi nt hes pace 视野被缩小至小型比例为了让互处得到最大的发挥空间

Spat i alQual i t yAf f ect edbyPr opor t i on被比例带动的空间质量


Pr opor t i on规模/比例

APos i t i veBar r i er正能量的屏障 T heboundar ypr ovi dedbyt heexi st i ngbui l di ngsonbot h si deof t heal l eyf or medal i v el yc ommunal spac e.

Smal lButI nt er es t i ng渺小却有趣 Ev ent hought hevi ewar el i mi t edbyt hebui l di ngs, Pudu Wai SekKai i sst i l l sovi br antast hepeopl ec anbemor e f oc usont hef oodandt heambi ent ar ound.


Ci r cul at i on 人流

Ci r cul at i on人流

L i nearCi r cul at i on 直线人流

T hel i nearc i r c ul at i onc r eat est opt ot oeac c essi bi l i t yf ort hec ust omer sandhawker s. T hel i near i t yof t heal l eyi sf or medbyt hel ay outof t heseat i ngsandf r om t hef or m of t he st r eetasment i onedear l i erandi ti st hemostdi st i nc t i v ec i r c ul at i oni nt hef oodal l ey . Basedonmyobser vat i on, t hec ust omer swoul dwal kf r omheadt ot heendf i r st t of i nda sui t abl epl ac et ohav et hei rmealandj ust i f ywhi c hf oodst al lshoul dt heygof orbef or e engagi ngwi t ht hef oodhawker s.


Ci r cul at i on人流

St r ai ghtL i ne直线 Peopl eusedt owal ki nal i nearwayasi ti sdesi gnedf or i t spur poset ol etpeopl et ogett hr oughal ongt hePudu Wai SekKai .


Ci r cul at i on人流

Mi x/ Random Ci r cul at i on 自由式人流

Besi desl i nearc i r c ul at i on, t her ei sanot herc i r c ul at i ondev el opedbyt hespont aneous mov ementoft hec ust omer sandf oodhawker s,whi c hi st her andom c i r c ul at i on. Random ormi xc i r c ul at i onoc c ur swhenc ust omer st r i edt ogett ot her espec t i v ef ood st al l si nor dert oor dert hei rf oodandwhenf oodhawker st r i edt osendt hei rf oodt ot hei r t abl e.Al t hough i tmi ghtl ookc haot i c ,t hese c i r c ul at i onsenhanc et he i nt er ac t i on bet weenpeopl eandc r eat esl i v el yambi enc et ot hesur r oundi ngwhent hec ust omer s havi ngt hei rmeal .T her andomnessoft hec i r c ul at i onf l ow al sot r i gger sc ust omer ’ s c ur i osi t yandat t r ac t speopl et oc omebyasi f t her ei ssomet hi nggoi ngonat t hat pl ac e.


Ci r cul at i on人流

Gett oPl aces往其他地方 Whenpeopl ewant st oor dert hei rf ood,t heywi l lwal k t owar dst hest al landor deri t , t hent heywi l lgobac kt o t hei rr el at i v e seat i ngs, whi c h f or med t he mi x c i r c ul at i on.


Ci r cul at i on人流

Bl ockedCi r cul at i on 被阻挡的人流

T her ei sonec ommonphenomenat hatal way sgoi ngoni nPuduWai SekKai , whi c hi sa bunc hofpeopl el i ni ngupt oor derandgett hei rf ood.T hepeopl el i neuphor i z ont al l y whi c hr esul t i ngbl oc kedc i r c ul at i on.T hi swoul ddec r easedt hewal kabi l i t yf ort he c ust omer sandf oodhawker sandpot ent i al l ybumpedi nt ot hef oodc ar r y i ngbyt hef ood hawker s. Somesayqueuei ngneedst obec hangef ort her easonment i onedabov e, y et mostoft hef oodhawker ssayt hati ti sa‘ nec c essar yevi l ’ t omai nt ai nt hi shabi tasi t c oul dpor t r ay soutt hepopul ar i t yof t hef oodst al l andi nt r i guest hec ust omer st ospend t hei rmoneyt obuyt hei rf ood.


Ci r cul at i on人流

RoadBl ock路障 Of t ent i mes, peopl ewoul dl i neupt obuyt hei rf ood, y eti t c ausesbl oc kagef orc i r c ul at i on. I nf ac t , t hesebl oc kage ar ewel c omedbyt hehawker sasi tc anshow t hatt he popul ar i t yof t hei rr espec t i v est al l .


Ambi ence 气氛

Ambi ence气氛

AHar moni cYetChaot i cEnvi r onment 和谐且凌乱的环境

St r eetf oodar easar eof t eni nahust l eandbust l esi t uat i on, whi c hi swhatmakesi tone oft hei c oni cpar tf orpeopl et obeat t r ac t edt ot hest r eetf oodar ea. T her ei sonc esai d: “ T her ewi l l benoc haosi f t her ei sn’ t anyf oodbaz aarorhawker sy el l i ngt oeac hot her s” , samegoest oPuduWai SekKai . I nmyobser vat i on, c ust omer sandhawker sar eof t en y el l i ngateac hot her , nott hatt heyar ebei ngi mpol i t e, buti ti st hei rwayof c ommuni c at e i namor ef r i endl yandmor el oc alappr oac h.Wec anof t enseent hatt hec ust omer s wav est hei rhandwhent heywant edt oaskf oror derandt hehawker sr epl i est hem i na sameway .T hi sper f ec t l yc r eat edenvi r onmentenhanc esc asuali nt er ac t i onbet ween bot hi ndi vi dual sandof f er saweal t hof sensual var i at i on.


Ambi ence气氛

GoodConver s at i onT i mi ng最佳谈话时刻 Af t erhavi ngt hei rmeal , someoft hec ust omer swi l lnot l eav et het abl ey et .I nst ead,t heyst ar t edt oc hi tc hat aboutt hei rst uf fwher ebyt heyunc onc i ousl yt hi nkst hat t hi si sabestt i mi ngt ohav eac onv er sat i onev ent hough i t i sv er ynoi sy .

Sel fSer vi ce自助式 Someoft hest al l sdi dnotpr ovi deanyf oodser vi ng ser vi c e,t her ef or et heyaskedc ust omer st osel fser v e t hemsel v esbyt aki ngt hef oodt ot hei rownt abl e.


Ambi ence气氛

A‘ L i vePer f or mance’ 一个‘现场表演’


Ambi ence气氛

A‘ 4D’Exper i ence4D体验 T hepeopl ewhowi shest obuyornotwi l lsur r oundt he hawkert hat i spr epar i ngt hef oodasi t l i ket hehawkeri s per f or mi ngsomet al ent show. Mor eov er , t hesc ent f r om t hesmel l t r i gger st hec ust omer st obuyt hei rf ood.

F r es hF orPr epar at i on新鲜准备 Her e, t hepeopl ec anwat c ht hef oodpr epar at i onasi tan exposedki t c henwher ebyt hec ust omer sc anseet hat whet hert hei ngr edi ent sar ef r eshornot . I t i sal soni c et o wat c hast heypr epar eswhent hef oodi sor der edbyy our own.


Ambi ence气氛

Nons haded/ OpenDi ni ngAr ea 无遮荫/ 开放式用餐区

Bei ngi nast r eetf oodar ea, y ouwoul dl i kel ygoi ngt obei nanopendi ni ngspac e. T hi s appr oac hhasbeent her esi nc ei t sopeni ng. T hepeopl el i kesuc hdi ni ngar eai st hati t c r eat esac asual di ni ngef f ec t r at hert hani ndoor / f or mal di ni ng. T heybel i ev edt hat open di ni ngi sawayt ogetc l oserc ont ac twi t hl oc al ast hi shasal r eadyi nf usedt ot hei rf ood c ul t ur e.I nf ac t ,opendi ni ngi nc r easesi nt i mac ybet weenpeopl ewher ebyt her ei sno r ul esandr egul at i onst hatl i mi t sy ourf oodexper i enc e, whi c hmostpeopl epr ef er st o. T henonshadedar ea,whi c hi snoc ei l i ngpr ovi ded,f or msamoodf ort hec ust omer s whi l ehavi ngt hei rmealast heni ghtskyandt hel i ght i ngspr ovi deadequat eamountof vi sual ambi enc ef ort hec ust omer st oenj oyt hei rmeal .


Ambi ence气氛

OpenConcept开畅的概念 Peopl e who c ome t o Pudu WaiSek Kaienj oy st he ambi entf orbei ngundert heni ghtskyasi ti sv er yopen andgoodi nnat ur alv ent i l at i on,t hust heyc anf r eel y enj oyt hei rmeal i nsuc hambi enc e.

HaveI tWhenYouNeedI t有备无患 T hec anvasar epr epar edorst andbyont opoft he bui l di ngwal kwaywhent her ei sneededdur i nganydown pour .


Cons umpt i on Behavi our 饮食态度

Cons umpt i onBehavi our饮食态度

Var i et yofI nf or mal / Cas ualDi ni ng 非正统/ 自由式用餐的类别

Asment i onedbef or e, t heambi ent of t hesur r oundi nggi v esahugei mpac t f ort hepeopl e t oc hooset hei rdi ni ngar ea. I nPuduWai SekKai , t heambi enc ec r eat esat y pi c al c asual di ni ngef f ec tr at hert hanaf or mal di ni ngsc enar i ot ot hepeopl e. Asar esul t , peopl ear e l i ki ng c asualdi ni ng t han f or maldi ni ng asc ust omer swi l lnotf eelr est r i c t ed by pr ot oc ol sdur i ngt hei rmealwhendi ni ngf or mal l y . Her e, t heyc aneatasf r eel yast hey wantandt her ewi l lnotbeany onel i mi t i ngt hei rr eac h.I nr el at i ont ot hec haot i cy et har moni cambi enc eandt hec asualdi ni ng,t hec ust omer si nv ent edt hei rownc asual di ni ngwher ey ouc aneasi l yseeni nt hi sf oodal l ey . Usual l y , t hedi ni ngac t i ont akenbyt he c ust omer sar emooddr i v en,gi vi ngt hem t hec hoi c ewhet hert heywant edt ost and, wal k, orsi t t oeat .


Cons umpt i onBehavi our饮食态度

St and&Eat站着吃 Usual l ypeopl ehavi ngt hei rf oodst andi ng andhav eac onv er sat i ont ot hehawker . T heyal soc anvi ew t hef oodpr epar at i on whi l et heyst andandeat .

Wal k&Eat走着吃 Wal kandeati squi t ec ommoni nst r eet f oodc ul t ur east heyj ustbuy andgo. T hey c anc ont i nuet oexpl or et hest r eetdur i ng t hei r meal whi l e engagi ng t o t he sur r oundi ngambi enc e.


Cons umpt i onBehavi our饮食态度

Si t&Eat坐着吃 Mostoft hec ust omer si nPuduWaiSekKaiar ehavi ngt hei rmealwhensi t t i ng, usual l yi nabi ggr oupofpeopl el i ke f ami l i esorf r i ends. Whet hereat i ngal oneornot , t hec ust omer sc anhavi ngt hei rgoodt i met oengagewi t heac hot heror st r anger si nsuc hsi t uat i ont oi mmenset hemsel v esi nt ot hesur r oundi ng. Fort hosewhoc omei naf ew peopl e, t heyc anshar eandt ast et hei rf oodbyor der i ngvar i et i esoff oodf r om var i ous hawker s.Conv er sat i onswi l li gni t er egar di ngt her evi ew ofeac hdi shes.T heyt endt omaket hec onv er sat i onl oud, c r eat i ngal i v el yenvi r onment t hat at t r ac t spasser byt oj oi nt hi sf oodal l eymeal t i me.


Concl us i on 结论

Concl us i on 结论

Havi ngst r eet f oodwasv er ymuc hasoc i al ac t i vi t y , wher epeopl ec onnec t swi t hpeopl e, orsomet i meswi t ht hesur r oundi ngdur i ngt hei rmeal . T hespat i al pl anni ngof PuduWai SekKai mar ksasuc c essf ul poi nt wher et hepeopl ec amewer edr i v enbyi t sl oc al i t yand aut hent i c i t yt hat t heyc anobser v eandexper i enc e. T hef r eedomof di ni ngt hat ev er y one i sdr eami ngofc anbedonei nsuc hsmal lal l ey , t husmul t i pl ec onsumpt i onbehavi our s ar ef or medi nor dert omakey our sel ff eel t haty ouar e‘ l oc al ’ . T hei nt i mat et i esbet ween eac hc ust omer sandt hehi st or i c al publ i ceat er yspac ear ebondedt oshar emeani ngf ul memor i esdur i ngt het i met heyspent t her e. New t y peofar c hi t ec t ur el anguagec anbel ear nedf r om byi nc or por at i ngst r eetf ood ambi enc et oourdesi gn.Wi t ht heunder st andi ngofdev el opi ngur banar c hi t ec t ur e l anguagei nami c r oset t i ng,wec anut i l i set heessenc eofst r eetf oodambi enc eand spat i all ay outt oat t r ac tmor ec ust omer sandal sopr ovi di ngabet t erenvi r onmentf or t hepeopl e.


Ref er ences 参考

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