Features the logo: the integrating force, the logo appears as a spiral composed of fish that are joined together, leading to reading the integration between research and productivity, from a central point to outer point would represent a greater knowledge of the environment and increased productivity. All this is framed by a border to symbolize both the container of these concepts such as aquaculture. Modern typography with character and clean.
horizontal version
orange background
full color
one color
negative version
black background
cyan background
vertical version
one color
full color orange background
negative version
black background
cyan background
The research, sustainable development, industry and the cooperation form an indivisible whole, global, which is expressed in the following logo by adaptation to a spherical shape, in which all external points, which represent the different areas, are at the same distance, and therefore have the same importance, this area has distributed a school of fish. Is a dynamic, evolving and growing. Blue regarding the marine environment, clean and dynamic typography.
horizontal version
orange background
one color
negative version
black background
cyan background
vertical version
one color
orange background
negative version
black background
cyan background
Symmetrical shape of the logo represents a subtle form a cycle. Fish appearing in the two linked, yet some waves (abstract). Predominance of the color of the sea. Clear and consistent typography of the logo.
horizontal version
two color
full color
cyan background
negative version
black background
orange background
vertical version
two color
full color cyan background
negative version
black background
orange background
The logo represents: cycle marine, aquaculture, cooperation, sustainability, research. With a symmetrical shape, and circular, which gives the feeling of cycle and sustainability, added value from a drop of water as a representation of water and marine fish as this cycle. Predominance of the color of the sea. Clear and consistent typography of the logo.
horizontal version
two color
full color
cyan background
negative version
black background
orange background
vertical version
two color
full color cyan background
negative version
black background
orange background
email : locotipos@gmail.com ph : +34 645 105 489 facebook : www.facebook.com/locotipos