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New 5-Week Program Sessions
In an effort to provide our customers with a more consistent, year-round program schedule from season-to season, we’re also kicking off 2020 with a new 5-week class schedule during the Winter/Spring and Fall months. This new schedule allows us to offer you extended instructional programming, observe the school-year and summer breaks in alignment with LUSD, and conduct monthly, quarterly and annual facility maintenance more effectively with minimal disruption to scheduled programming. Thank you in advance for familiarizing yourself to this schedule.
This activity guide “Play Lodi!” is published three times per year – Winter/ Spring, Summer and Fall.
It appears in digital format on our website and printed copies are always available at our two Guest Services locations – Hutchins Street Square (125 S. Hutchins St.) and our Administrative Offices (230 W. Elm St.). Visit Lodi.gov/PRCS.
Winter/Spring Sessions: January - May
Winter Session 1 - January 6 - February 9
Winter Session 2 - February 10 - March 15
Spring Break Workshops - March 16-22
Spring Session 1 - March 23 - April 26
Spring Session 2 - April 27 - May 31
Summer Sessions: June - July Session
Summer Session 1 - June 1-28
Summer Session 2 - June 29-July 26
Summer Break Workshops July 27 - Aug. 2
Fall Sessions: August-December
Fall Session 1 (A) - August 3 - Sept. 6
Fall Session 2 (A) - Sept. 7 - Oct. 11
Fall Break Workshops - Oct. 12-18
Fall Session 2 (B) - Oct. 19-Nov. 22
Fall Session 2 (B) - Nov. 23 - Dec. 27
Winter Break Workshops - Dec 28 - Jan. 2