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Exciting Next Steps for DeBenedetti Park
Exciting Next Steps for DeBenedetti Park
Back in July 2019, City Council approved the master plan for DeBenedetti Park. Callander Associates Landscape Architecture (CALA) developed the master plan and, with Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services (PRCS) staff, identified the first two project phases of the plan.
At the November 20, 2019, meeting, Council approved the hiring of CALA to develop the Phase 1 and Phase 2 construction documents that will be used as the construction plans and specifications for bidding out this work. The cost for this work is an amount not to exceed $338,480, which includes construction assistance for Phase 1. In conjunction with Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services, the Public Works Department has reviewed and approves of CALA’s proposal. Phase 1 consists of a 113-space parking lot off West Century Boulevard with two driveway entrances, planting, irrigation and parking lot lighting, pedestrian walkway access from the parking lot to the bottom of the northwest detention basin, and a prefabricated restroom/concession building with water, sewer and electrical services. Estimated cost for this work is approximately $2.3 million.

Phase 2 consists of an approximately 1.5-acre neighborhood park in the northeast corner of the site, including a small play area, drinking fountain, small picnic area, pedestrian walkways, security lighting, planting and irrigation. Estimated cost for this work is approximately $1.1 million.
Park impact fees will be used for this project and are included in the fiscal year 2020 Capital Improvement Program. Depending on the pace of impact fee collection, Phases 1 and 2 could be bid separately or combined into one project.
The fiscal impact of this project is described as follows in the staff report to Council: Park impact fees are collected to provide the expanded services associated with the community’s growth. Construction documents are required in advance of spending the fees on growth-related projects. Timing of the actual construction depends upon fee and collection rates.
To remain informed on this project and other park system related improvements, visit Lodi.gov/PRCS.