Journey Into The World

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Journey Into TheBy World Lola Osunneye

SPECIFICATION I have decided to work with photography and will be producing fashion outcomes acknowledging the beauty of African Culture. I am Black BriEsh with Nigerian roots and I will be photographing a model dressed in African aFre. Thinking about the theme ‘Journey into the world’, I haven’t been anywhere around the world apart from Nigeria and France and I don’t have any photos taken there for evidence, so the idea of using a Double exposure was brought to mind, so I can then use secondary images of Africa and merge it with the pictures I will be taking which can be interpreted like places the model is thinking or has dreamt of visiEng; a subconscious journey in their mind.




He is a contemporary arEst who specializes in photography, illustraEon editorial & moEon design in the modern age 21st century. He is a 21 year old graphic design student living in Brighton, England and very much talented. He displays a series of double exposure photography usually reflecEng ethereal imagery. He’s skills to merge people with landscapes and buildings and capture and image without ediEng or using Photoshop is simply amazing. This photographer only brings in Photoshop to adjust tones or remove imperfecEons from the image. CreaEng images with a black and white effect adjusts the effecEveness.



There was not much informaEon of Aneta’s work on the internet. I think she's talented and she interprets double exposure photography with a female approach using females as the human subject maXer. She is similar to the way Dan MounZord works as she includes locaEons to merge with the model. I love the black and white effects and the fact that the model is mostly looking up gracefully, she also brings to the eye the beauEful body forms of a woman.


Stella Jean

Stella Jean is a

young emerging fashion designer born in Rome with Caribbean origins. She interprets fashion using African prints which include vibrant colours and brings a sense of elegance. The model usually takes a unique preparaEon technique when geFng fiXed. She always uses White females to model the clothing which is interesEng because African culture and white culture is very diverse. It is also nice to see people of a different culture embracing African clothing, its like Stella Jean is showing the world that you can look fashionable in anything. Her style reflects her heritage and evokes Creole cultures in which they combine the old and the new, the opposites are then combined in a conscious femininity of her precious uniqueness.



My Photography

Outcomes My iniEal idea was to photograph myself using self Emer on the camera and edit it relaEng to my arEsts work but a_er discovering the fashion and photography of Stella Jean, I decided to use someone who in fact is not black but of a different race. I didn’t use a white model like Stella Jean does because I wanted to include my idea of the concept and how I would interpret it in a different way. Using a mixed race person to photograph created a beauEful contrast between her skin colour and the vibrant colours of the African dress. The idea was to seem like her journey into the world, embracing the textured dressing from Africa. It was interesEng to see a different race wearing my cultural dressing, she had a good experience and it was like a realisEc literal journey in wearing something in a certain way in which she has never done before.

Second Idea

ConEnues on


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