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The First Word By Lola Osunneye


The purpose of this assignment is to: •  Explore ideas in Fine Art through making •  Generate crea@ve and imagina@ve ideas through materials and process led approach The brief introduced a set of words in which I chose the word ‘Submerge’ due to the fact that I thought it’ll be interes@ng to work with water.




plants Sea creatures

beneath Water







MY IDEA My direc@on is to extend my book project and cut into books using images of people and then placing it in water with different substances or rather photographing the books and then edi@ng them on Photoshop to look submerged.

Drown Immersion in liquid


Fizzy water Ink Different colours

ARTIST RESEARCH Alban Grosdidier This photographer was working on a project called “Drowning” using water inside the portraits, emphasizing the act of drowning and showing by example how big city life can tear someone down that they feel they are suffoca@ng in life. Drowning is a metaphor and the enemy of the feeling of submersion that one can have living in a big city. The black and white photography adds more effect as it displays beau@ful reflec@ons.

ARTIST RESEARCH Laurence Demaison Her work is mainly black and white self-­‐portraits from 1993 to 2009 with gestures that bring to mind near death experiences or Francesca Woodman's work. Without any digital tricks she plays around with film photography and creates amazing photos. She takes advantage of what the camera sees, no par@cular manipula@on intervenes beyond the shot, with mul@ple reflec@ons, repe@@ons, overlapping and posi@oning which become smudges of light in darkness. The photographer uses analog techniques for the photography itself, development and prin@ng.

ARTIST RESEARCH Nigel Tomm Nigel Tomm is a unique ar@sts because usually when ar@sts crumple up their art work, it’s because they are not pleased with and throw it away. This photographer is completely content with his scrunched-­‐up work, manipula@ng each of his pieces on purpose and crea@ng distorted images.

Book One

These are images of my first book in which hasn’t been submerged yet but an original. I took interest in an architecture book which had a colour collage page and decided to cut them and flip them up to add a 3D effect.

When you turn the page

It was interes@ng that when I turned the page, the square shapes seemed like windows. The fact that it slightly looked like a building was pleasing seeing as I was cu_ng into an architecture book.

EXPERIMENTING The ini@al idea of working with this book was an experiment before I began using books with images of people. These images show when I placed the actual book into water. The result wasn’t what I wanted so decided to print out the images instead and then photograph them again.


I decided to print out one of the pictures I took of my book and experiment of how it would look when placed in to water, especially with photocopy paper. I got a tray and used tap water to fill it, I then put some hand soap in a cup with water to create the bubbles at that point I poured it into the tray, placing the image aberwards. I believe the water made it look like cinema/ stadium seats.

On this page, I edited the pictures so they are black and whit to have rela@on to my ar@st Laurence Demaison. It was inspira@on from her work that brought me to add bubbles to my work. I think the water and shadows allows the image to appear more 3D. The black and white effect displays submerges with the white, black and grey sec@ons; its as if the top part is shoo@ng out while the rest sinks in as it appears smaller towards the end.


The outcomes displayed similari@es to Nigel Tomm’s work as placing the photocopied sheet in the water allowed the paper to crease up and with it soaked in the water for a while it began to rip which created an interes@ng effect.

This is an image of the photocopied paper taken out of the water.

Book Two

I decided to cut into this book cover because I took interest in the image of a woman underwater which has a clear rela@on to submerge, cu_ng into it made it look more 3D as if she's really falling deep

OUTCOME To include a different approach I decided to work with Photoshop and secondary images. I researched into water textures and downloaded what one I wanted to use.

I did so by placing the image of the water onto my original photo and looked at ways I could blend the two.

I believe the result was successful as it does look as if the image was underwater.

Book Three

Thomas Allen Photography

By photographing the book from this angle , it linked to Thomas Allen’s works, also with the image popping out of the page crea@ng a 3D effect which it what I aimed for.

Book Four

This image was edited using Photoshop and secondary image of water tex@les. I think the image does look submerged and at the boeom of the ocean.

Con@nues on hep:// lolasphotography.tumblr. com/Submerge

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