Claim No. C01CL855
(2) ST MUNGO’S ________________________________
REPLY TO DEFENCE ________________________________ 1.
In this Reply to the Defendant’s Defence:
a. The Claimant pleads to the Defence dated 24 August 2016 (and served on 25 August 2016). b. Unless the context requires otherwise, references to paragraph numbers are to the paragraphs of the Defence, and references to supporting document pages are to the documents to the Particulars of Claim. REPLY TO DEFENCE TO CLAIM
2. 3.
The Defendant admits that on 25 February 2016 the Claimant met with Howard Sinclair, the Defendant’s CEO, and that the Defendant agreed by subsequent e-mail to provide support to the Claimant on a voluntary basis. As to Paragraph 3 of the Defence:
a. The Defendant avers at 3.b. that “the parties agreed not to enter into a formal, written support agreement, as specifically requested by the Claimant”. On 29 February 2016, Kate Moon of the Defendant sent an e-mail to the Claimant that clarified aspects of the support agreement between the parties (SD, page 22). The Defendant fails to reference this e-mail at Paragraph 3.
b. The Defendant admits at 3.d. that the Defendant sent an e-mail to the Claimant on 7 April 2016 re-assuring him that “any notes recorded from our meetings will be action notes, these will be brief notes recording any actions agreed by all parties in the meetings” (SD, page 21).
c. The support agreement between the parties culminated in an e-mail the Claimant sent to the Defendant, dated 15 April 2016 (SD, page 18), which the Page 1 of 6