Witness Statement

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Claim No. C01CL855 IN THE CENTRAL LONDON COUNTY COURT Between: DECLAN HEAVEY Claimant and ST MUNGO’S Defendant __________________________________ WITNESS STATEMENT __________________________________

1. 2.

I, Declan Heavey of 71 Queens Road West, London, E13 0PE am the Claimant in this claim. The facts in this statement come from my personal knowledge.

My contentions that St Mungo’s has breached the Data Protection Act 1998 (the “DPA”) are confined to those on the claim form (with enclosures) and Reply dated 5 September 2016 and as directed by the Court to the two action notes that were deleted by St Mungo’s days before the Preliminary Hearing on 11 October 2016.

Background 3.



Paragraph 1 of the Particulars of Claim is admitted by St Mungo’s. Its Clearing House service matched me and my wife to a Family Mosaic property as clients of the Mayor of London’s Housing First programme, with our support being provided by St Mungo’s Tenancy Sustainment Team (“TST”) since 1 April 2016.

Housing First is an internationally acclaimed programme for people with a history of rough sleeping, the core principle of which is the provision of permanent accommodation and non-compulsory support (Johnsen with Teixeira, 2010). The Mayor of London’s Housing First programme ended in January 2015, within months of the commencement of our tenancy.

St Mungo’s admits that although its TST model is coercive, it has been agreed with me that my and my wife’s support is voluntary. (It was established in judicial review proceedings we do not require support to live independently but are vulnerable through no fault of our own.) St Mungo’s further admits, in relation to the Support Agreement referred to in Paragraph 3 of the Reply, that TST Manager Kathleen Sims wrote on 7 April 2016 that “any notes recorded from our meetings will be action notes, these will be brief notes recording any actions agreed by all parties in the meetings”.

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