The mystik way magazine Oct?Nov 2015

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Mystik Way Magazine Issue 01 Volume 2 Oct/Nov 2015

Samhain Ritual

Introduction to the Temple

Magical Plants and Herbs

of Spiritualism

The Goddess Temple

Mexican Hot Chocolate





3. Welcome to Issue 1 Volume 2 4. The Glastonbury Goddess Temple 6. Magical Plants and Herbs 7.Animal and Plant of the Month 8. Introduction to the Temple of Spiritualism

Magical plants and herbs

12. Meditation in action: Walking Meditation 14. Samhain ( All Hallows ) 15. Samhain Ritual 16. Mexican Hot Chocolate Cupcakes

Editor: Mystik Master Design: Lois Burt Contributors

Introduction to the Temple of Spiritualism

Mystik Master, Richard Hayes, Jennifer Adele Kornberger, Rachel Pattersons and Tracey Roberts


Welcome to issue one volume two

Well after a period of restructure we return, there will be many of your favourite writers as well as some new features in future issue’s.

We aim to cover all aspects of the spiritual pathway as all roads lead to the same objective.

That said let us now get on with the real stuff as we approach the most important celebration of Samhain, all Hallows, the veil draws thin between the realms & in ancient times was considered new year’s eve, the

end of natures year. There are articles and a ritual concerning the festival in the magazine so without further ado lets get going.

Wherever you are and whatever you are doing have a wonderful time

celebrating, we will here at MystikWay HQ

Samhain Blessings to all.



Situated or rather should

by magnificent flower bas-

I say secretly tucked away

kets in full bloom, a wonder-

amid a Magikal olde worlde ful aroma of wafting incense, style courtyard, nestling just birds singing there was a above a beautiful flowered

steady wandering of souls

eating area….crystal &

climbing the wooden outside

book shops…various heal-

stairs to the sanctity of the

ers…Tarot readers and more

Temple seeking comfort,

is the Magikal Glastonbury healing or just good old revGoddess Temple. As you

erence for the Goddess. As

enter via a sort of tunnel

this is a regular stop off for

(covered in beautiful murals

me for many years I know

of the Tor and the Goddess)

the benefits, so we then de-

from the main high street one cided to lead our two friends can feel the reverence, the

who had not experienced this

peace & serenity as though

before slowly up the stairs.

you have entered a completely As you arrive at the endifferent dimension, a time-

trance (the door is always

warp. Under your breath you open) and peer inside you are can only utter the word

always greeted by a warm

“Wow”. As we sat chat-

smiling face as well as the

ting, replenishing our thirst

wonderful energies and smell

with herbal tea's surrounded

of incense, on removing your 4

shoes & quietly leaving

wish to convey the wonderful

them by the door you can ei-

experience of the visit.

ther sit on a wonderful array Needless to say the two of cushions scattered around friends who had never been the walls where you can al-

before were totally in love

ways see the main alter

with the place & felt great

(which is always totally

peace as well as a release of

awesome) or just lay on the

many hurts/fears. So do if

floor and let the Goddess en- possible one day visit there ergies encompass you, trans- & if you are not able to at cending time and space re-

the moment look up their

turning you to a land of

Facebook site, check out

Magik where Love, Peace

their website because there is

& harmony rule. You may

a great deal of knowledge/

only ever visit there once &

guidance about the true old

you may physically leave but

path there just waiting to be

your Heart will forever re-

re discovered.

main there.


I will print here their web-

site and contact details (they do have a Facebook page) so I will let the lovely ladies who run the temple explain the workings, I just 5

Rosemary is a woody, perennial herb with fragrant, evergreen, needle-like leaves and white, pink, purple or blue flowers. It is native to the Mediterranean region and is a member of the mint family. The name "rosemary" derives from the Latin name rosmarinus, derived from "dew" (ros) and "sea" (marinus), or "dew of the sea" because in many locations it needs no water other than the humidity carried by the sea breeze to live. The plant is also sometimes called Anthos, from the ancient Greek word ἄνθος, meaning "flower". Rosemary is used as a decorative plant in gardens and has many culinary and medical uses, too. The plant is most often said to improve the memory, and the leaves are often used to flavour various foods, like stuffing’s and roast meats. Symbolism: remembrance, fidelity, truth, representation of loved ones, righteousness. By Jennifer Adele Kornberger 6

Animal of the Month Deer Deer are the ruminant mammals forming the family Cervidae. Species in the Cervidae family include white-tailed deer, moose, elk, reindeer, red deer, roe, and chital. This month’s deer totem is energetically closer to the white-tailed deer than other species and will hold more of a feminine interpretation.. The deer's energetic pattern includes gentleness in all forms and from people in word, thought, and touch. The deer gives the ability to listen well, the grace to move softly and swiftly, and appreciation for the beauty of balance. Deer people have a deep understanding of what's necessary for survival while countering that severity with the power of gratitude and giving. Oftentimes, people working with deer energy feel a connection to the woodland gods and goddesses and to the woods themselves. Alternative paths will lead deer totem people to their life goals, like deer trails in the forests‌ barely noticeable to others, but deer folks know that they are there and where they can lead.

If you are looking for an animal to teach you how powerful it is to be of gentle demeanor, to exert keen observation and sensitivity, then deer is an excellent choice for meditation this summer month. Deer are in tune with nature and all it comprises. They are sacred carriers of peace and show those with this power animal how to open their hearts and love unconditionally. Symbolism: grace, agility, softness, innocence, freshness, tenderness, secrets, sensitivity.

Plant of the Month Lily of the Valley Convallaria majalis, commonly known as the Lily of the Valley, is a poisonous woodland flowering plant native throughout the cool temperate Northern Hemisphere in Asia, Europe, and in the southern Appalachian Mountains in the United States. It is possibly the only species in the genus Convallaria (or one of two or three, if C. keiskei and C. transcaucasica are recognised as separate species). It was formerly placed in its own family Convallariaceae, or earlier, like many lilioid monocots, in the lily family Liliaceae. A limited native population occurs in Eastern USA. There is, however, some debate as to the native status of the American variety.

This plant is best known for its wonderfully fragrant petite, white nodding bell shaped flowers, which are surrounded by deep green oval leaves. It spreads nicely as a ground cover for a shaded area or woodland settings and is perfect for those tough spots where nothing else seems to grow. Symbolism: return of happiness, good luck, purity, sweetness,summertime, humility. By Jennifer Adele Kornberger.


Spiritualism accepts that Creation contains both the Seen and Unseen Worlds. As well as the physical universe and planet earth, it also contains many different expressions of the Unseen Spiritual Worlds. These Unseen Worlds are real on their own plane of reality, and can be accessed by mediumship, through the use of a medium’s trained psychic ability. Spiritualists also accept that all humanity pass on death into these Unseen Worlds of Spirit, as a reflection of Natural Law, and that transition is for all, irrespective of the nature of the life that they have lived on earth, or whether they belong to any organized religion. They also accept that there is access to the Spiritual Worlds by mediumship, and that our loved ones continue to exist and are able to communicate from their world to ours, through the powers of mediumship.

would know about them, to demonstrate that they are still alive and able to communicate with you. This is called Proof of Survival Mediumship, and is the fundamental practice of all Spiritualist Churches and Centres.

In recent years, many mediums have performed on stages in theatres and on television to demonstrate to a far greater audience than those who attend Spiritualist Churches, the truth of the survival of the human spirit and its ability to communicate with loved ones on earth. What is not seen in the halls or on television is the extensive body of teachings and philosophy which has been received over the last 150 years, through mediumship directly from the Spirit World. Often referred to as the Philosophy of Spiritualism, these teachings explain the nature of the spirit world, human spirituality, ethical and moral teachings, and an explanation of how mediumship works. Some of these teachings are received directly from a Spirit Guide or Teacher through Trance Mediumship, where the medium suppresses their own consciousness and allows the spirit communicator to draw close and talk through them, using the medium’s consciousness. Other teachings have been received by Evolved Souls, who have had their thoughts influenced by the Spirit World, and written these down as they receive the ideas from Spirit.

If you are able to accept that as well as being physical beings, we are all spiritual beings with an immortal spirit which survives death and continues to exist in the World of Spirit, and that it is possible to communicate with that spirit through mediumship, whether you are aware of it or not – you are a Spiritualist! Spiritualism attempts to prove these truths, through the demonstration of mediumnship, where the medium makes contact with departed loved ones, and provides evidence in terms of information that only you 8

Another important aspect of Spiritualism is the practice of Spiritual Healing, where a Healing Medium attunes to the Spirit World, and allows spiritual energy to flow through them to the patient, bringing the possibility of spiritual, mental, emotional and physical healing. This direct link with the Spirit World, Spiritual Guides and Spiritual Helpers, is often seen as the highest form of mediumship. Spiritual Healing not only offers the possibility of physical improvement, it enhances our mental and emotional state, provides relaxation, and can assist in pain relief. In serious cases, it can also help the patient to adjust to their circumstances, provide hope and reassurance of the eternal nature of the human spirit.

ditionally the temple is raised up on three steps, to demonstrate its separation from the physical world. The entrance portico is shown with three columns supporting a pitched roof. In front of the temple I have painted my symbolic Tree of Spiritualism. Standing in front of the tree is the central figure of a Medium, representing mediumship as the principle activity of Spiritualism. The attic space in the roof is shown as the Divine World, which is separated from normal humanity, and it is represented by the Higher Spheres of the Tree of Life – Keter, Hokmar and Binar. These are shown as the powers of Divine Spirit, represented by the seven- pointed Star of Spiritualism, and the Tao Circle of interacting, balanced energies. The two other spheres are shown as the realms of the Gods and Goddesses. The goddess at Binar is linked to the powers of the Moon, and the God power of Hokmar is linked to the powers of the Sun. This is also the realm of the higher Angelic Forces, shown linking Keter to Humanity.

The true Temple of Spiritualism is not a physical building, but a creation in the Astral World of creative imagination, which is the natural home of spiritual ideas. This temple contains a vast body of spiritual teachings, and is the natural home of many guides and spiritual teachers, as well as our loved ones who we have known on earth. It is in the Astral Plane, the level of consciousness between normal human consciousness and divine consciousness that all spiritual work is carried out. The activities of Spiritualism is centered in this Astral Temple which has been created over the years by many great souls who have brought their teachings to the earth plane, and the diligent work throughout the ages of many enlightened mediums working on the earth plane. It is truly the meeting place of heaven and earth, where we can explore and develop our spirituality.

At the top of the nave inside the temple, is shown a grey area representing the Abyss of the Tree of Life, and this is being crossed by the Angelic Forces which link the Divine to Humanity on the earth plane.

In the upper level of the temple – coloured yellow, is shown the Heavenly Hosts, which at the highest level comprises the Angels, Masters, Spiritual Teachers and Guides. At the lower level is shown on each side our Loved Ones in Spirit, and in the centre our Door Keeper (Main Guide) surmounted by our own Holy Guardian Angel.

Explanation of Picture I have painted my impression of the Astral Temple of Spiritualism. Tra9


the higher spiritual worlds of the temple. At the top of the tree is flowering blossom, which is the crowning glory of the tree, and represents Proof of Survival Mediumship, which attracts many interested people to Spiritualism, and the path of individual spiritual development. It is said that the blossom (Proof of Survival Mediumship) at the crown of the tree, can only thrive if the roots of the tree are active and secure. These roots are nourished by the study and understanding of the Philosophy of Spiritualism.

The three columns of the portico represent the Pillars on which Spiritualism is founded - Proof of Survival Mediumship, Spiritual Healing and Spiritualist Philosophy – all of which support the Astral Temple of Spiritualism. The lower part of the nave is shown as a natural landscape, and this is the realm of Human Beings on Earth. The figures at the base of the tree represent people being drawn to Spiritualism, to begin their spiritual development.

onclusion All Ritual Magic, which is carried out in a Circle using an altar and spiritual symbols, creates an Astral Temple. It is in this astral temple, which is situated between the physical and spiritual worlds, that true magic takes place. This is also true of all Magical Lodges which enact ritual for initiation and spiritual advancement. At this level, the astral forces are created, which have an effect on physical reality and are directed by the Magician or Priest. Every lodge or spiritual group creates its own psychic energy which forms an astral temple, which encompasses their beliefs and spiritual practice, and it is in their astral temple that the members of the group meet the Spiritual Masters who direct their activity from the World of Spirit.

In the centre stands the Medium linking the World of Spirit to the Earth Plane. Their arms are lifted up to the heavens, and their higher chakras are shown illuminated as they centre themselves in the Heart Chakra and open up the psychic and spiritual centers of the Throat, Brow and Crown Chakras. Above their head resides their Higher Spiritual Self, which makes direct contact with the Spirit World, and links them directly to their Main Guide and Guardian Angel. The medium is shown enveloped by their spiritual aura, the psychic bubble into which they invite spiritual entities to enter, so that they can communicate with them.

Just as the medium links the earth to the heavens, so does the Tree of Spiritualism, which is shown planted in front of the Temple. It’s roots are shown in the earth beneath the temple and represents the Philosophy of Spiritualism. Its trunk is linked to Healing and Mediumship, and its branches and leaves link the tree to both the normal physical world of the lower part of the picture, and to

Perhaps you can now see that what I have said about Spiritualism is true of all spiritual and magical groups, and their success is dependent on the creation and maintenance of their Astral Temple. That temple can then be a source of Power, Enlightenment and Healing, such as is demonstrated by the Goddess Temple in Glastonbury. 11

Meditation in Action: Understanding Walking Meditation

Walking meditation is quite simply a form of meditation in action, and is something that I, personally, have been practicing for the past 17 years. It is a hyper-physical form of meditation that not only puts us in direct and balanced touch with the inner workings of our own minds, but also in deep communication with both the stillness and the rhythms of our own bodies. Walking meditation acts as the bridge that creates the wholeness of the body-mind, and it has had a profound and completely positive impact in my own life. In walking meditation, we use the experience of walking, instead of sitting stillness, as the focus. The movement becomes a non-verbal mantra and a whirling center of peace. This then allows us to become more mindful of our experience while walking; we do more than literally walk and we become more than the tangible quotients of who we seem to be externally. And, we learn to respond instead of merely react.

mind merges with wholeness of the greater shared reality. We have to be aware of things outside of ourselves… and there are many other things that we will be more aware of than when we are doing sitting meditation… especially if we sit inside. These include the wind, the sun, the rain, the sounds of nature, and of humans and machines. But one of the biggest differences perhaps is that walking meditation is easier, for most people. People often report feeling more easily and readily aware of their bodies while doing walking meditation, compared to sitting forms of practice. When your body is in motion, it is generally easier to be cognizant of it compared to when you are sitting still. When we’re sitting still in meditation, the sensations that arise in the body are much more subtle and harder to pay attention to than those that arise while we’re walking. This can make walking meditation an intense experience. You can experience your body very deeply and fully, and you can also find incredible enjoyment from it.

Obviously, there are some differences between walking meditation and sitting meditation, and that is a great place to start, descriptively. First and foremost, we keep our eyes open during walking meditation, and that difference implies other changes in the way we do the practice. We are not withdrawing our attention from the outside world. On the contrary, we are holding in our awareness the existence of the shared reality of that world and then better grasping our own place in it. Wholeness of the body-

The practice of walking meditation can also be fitted into the gaps of our lives quite easily. It is highly convenient and therefore even more effective. Just walking from the car into the supermarket can be an opportunity for a minute’s walking meditation. Most people who practice this form of meditation agree that outdoor experiences are best and 12

create a sense of renewal within the self that simply can’t be achieved while insulated by indoor surroundings. For your first attempt, you might want to find a park or open space where you will be able to walk for twenty minutes or more without encountering heavy traffic or excessive stimuli.

aware of how it moves as the heel is placed on the ground, and then the movement rolls to the ball of the foot and toes. Notice how it feels as the foot lifts and moves forward. Allow your awareness to move up through every part of the body, noticing the sensations as you walk. Gradually scan all parts of your body as you bring your attention to the ankles, skin, calves, knees, thighs, hips, pelvis, back, chest, shoulders, arms, neck, and head. When you become aware of tension anywhere in the body, let it go. Allow that part of your body to relax. Allow all of your body to relax. As you do this, the walking will become more enjoyable.

Now, let’s get to the basic “How-To”: Before starting to walk. Spend a little time standing still. Allow your awareness to be with your body. Take some deep breaths, inhaling deep into the belly. Put your full attention on the sensation of breathing. Then allow the breath to return to normal and notice it going on its own for a little while. Now bring your awareness to your body, noticing how your body feels as you are standing, and becoming aware of all the sensations going on within.

Take in the rest of the world around you… without judgment. Once you are centered, begin to bring in an awareness of your surroundings – wind, sun, air temperature, moisture, nature sounds, structures, people, etc. Incorporate into your sense of oneness, Now begin walking. Walk at a relaxed, of wholeness, that you have with your bodyfairly slow but normal pace. Pay attention to mind all of these external factors until there the sensations in your body as you walk. It is is the understanding and the experience of a natural to find your attention drawn to the universal One. sights around you, but keep bringing your attention back to what is going on internally, Enjoy & Be Blessed! first. The idea is to have your attention on the physical experience of walking. If the mind starts getting caught up in thoughts, easily bring your attention back to the experience of walking. Notice how the body feels in great detail. The entire body is involved in the act of walking — from alternation of the left and right foot to the swinging of your arms and hips. Notice how the soles of your feet feel… the contact they make with your socks or shoes, the textures of the fabrics touching them, the way they feel as they bear the weight of your body and the sensations in them as your walk along. Feel the entire foot, being 13

Samhain (all Hallows)


Samhain Ritual We are between the Worlds, Beyond the Realms of Time. When Night and Day, Birth and Death, Joy and Sorrow meet as One.

After the End and before the Beginning, comes a time when the Veil is Thin. Listen to the Ancestors calling, Open the Door and let them in. MystikMaster


Mexican Hot Chocolate Cupcakes Ingredients For the cakes: 35g (1/3 cup) ground almonds 170g (1 cup) self raising flour 250g (1 ¼ cup) sugar ½ teaspoon bicarbonate of soda 35g (1/3 cup) cocoa powder 1/2 teaspoon mild chilli powder 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 250g (9oz) butter, softened

4 large eggs ½ teaspoon vanilla extract 3 tablespoons milk

For the icing: 50g (1 3/4oz) dark chocolate 100g (3 1/2oz) butter, softened 200g (7oz) icing sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 tablespoons milk A little grated chocolate to decorate 16

Preheat the oven to 170C/375F/Gas 5. Put all the dry ingredients into a large bowl and give it a mix. Add the eggs and the butter and beat together for a minute or two (I use a food mixer). Add the vanilla extract and the milk and mix until combined.

Fill 12 muffin cases or 24 fairy cake cases with the mixture and bake in the oven for 20 minutes. Leave to cool on a wire rack.

To make the icing melt the chocolate in a bowl over a pan of simmering water (or very carefully in the microwave). Allow the chocolate to cool a little. Beat the butter in a bowl until it is soft then gradually beat in the icing sugar. Add the vanilla extra and then fold the melted chocolate into the mix. If it is a little thick you can add a little milk. Ice the cakes and decorate with grated chocolate.

Kitchen Witch Rachel Patterson & Tracey Roberts


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