The mystik way magazine december 2015

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Contents 3. Welcome from the MystikMaster 4. Greetings from Glastonbury 6. Kitchen Witch Wandering - Seasonal Moon 8. A Waterfall Ritual 12. Hedgewitch 14. Winter Solstice 16. Mary Magdalen and the Search for the Holy Grail 20. New Moon Meditation 22. Muses, Meandering & Wandering 24. Yule, Winter Solstice 25. The Magik of Plants & Herbs

26, Salted Caramel Torte 30. Banishing Protection Ritual 32. Fear, My Friend 35. Full Moon 36. Celtic Moon Month Tree 37. Rituals

40. Astrological Chiron Contributors Rachel Patterson

Jenny Spirit

James Middleditch

Lois Burt

Richard Hayes

Yvonne Young

Jill Nelligan

Editor: MystikMaster


Design: Lois Burt 2

Welcome to issue number two Winter Solstice, Yule & New Year. Yet again the wheel turns & as one era in time & spaces closes another opens….A monumental shift in human consciousness has occurred as more & more people awake and begin to question, who am I, what am I, what is my purpose n being here….there must be more. And this is due in no small part to the internet, the power to reach everyone everywhere & supply them with the availability of knowledge on any given subject. In the twenty first century there is no excuse for ignorance as all knowledge can be found easily on the internet.

This time of festivities is an ideal time to reach out to the many who seek, not to get them to believe in any particular system or way but to show them that there are many ways to enlightenment & each path is individual, we are there to show them the way to their own divinity by embracing all spiritual knowledge & giving that wisdom freely. That said, I believe all life is a celebration not just a one off once a year event….a Magikal Mystery Tour & therefore should be treated as such. Why do we need an excuse to celebrate, to give gifts, to help and be kind to others, this should be a natural course of daily events…the very fact you have food, a home and all the gadgets that accompany it is a manifestation of Magik…you are indeed blessed & should share those blessings with others not matter who or what they are. Make a special effort to be grateful each & every day…..see the magik in the everyday things normally taken for granted, bless and help others when you are able to do so,,,treat the animals & birds as dear friends.

You dwell in an Enchanted realm, a land of Myth & Magik not the stress and turmoil ridden world that society, government and media have convinced you is real. Many Blessings for a wonderful & enlightened time as we head towards another yearly cycle.





By Rachel

We celebrate eight seasonal festivals, the Sabbats,

The equinoxes and solstices are astronomical dates

celebrating the cycles of nature and the process of

linked to the position of the Sun. The cross quarter

growth, decay and rebirth that we are part of.

festivals are dependent upon the rhythms of plants

Naturally, certain festivals lend themselves to being and animals. marked with a Full, Waxing or Waning Moon.

It is not hard not hard to see that different phases of the Moon may be linked to different festivals. In

Yule is a time of rebirth, when the Sun stops retreating, stands still (the meaning of the word solstice) and begins to return.

fact the yearly cycle of the Sun is echoed by the monthly cycle of the Moon. Yule for instance is associated with the New Moon and might be appropriately celebrated at this time, while Imbolc is associated with the first quarter,

Imbolc is when the first signs of spring growth are seen, deep in the belly of the Earth life is stirring.

Beltane with pre Full Moon, Litha with Full Moon and so into the waning cycle until Samhain at the approach of Dark Moon.

Ostara is a festival of plant fertility and marks the As you note the phases of the Moon and their time when day and night are equal in length. Beltane is a time when we celebrate human fertility, with the sacred marriage of the Earth Goddess and the Sun God.

effects, you may also tune into the different times of year. The wan, shrinking Moon haunting the small hours at Samhain may look all the more melancholy because of the late Autumn, while a Full Moon around Beltane may seem even more luxuriant.

Litha is the climax of the seasonal cycle, when the hours of daylight are longest.

Lughnasadgh is the first harvest, abundance is celebrated.

So let’s look at the New Moon‌

We consider it to be the new moon up to 3 1/2 days after the official new moon. She rises around dawn, sets around sunset. Because she is between the sun and the earth nothing or very little is reflected and

Mabon the last harvest and the time when the

for a few days the moon is lost in the brilliance of

mists are rising and the veil between the worlds is

the sun. When we cannot see any moon in the sky,

becoming thin.

after the waning moon and before we see the first

Samhain is when we mark the darkest time of the year, the death and decay we now must be gone

glimpse of the crescent it is often referred to as the Dark Moon.

through for new growth to arise. 6

l Patterson

As the sun and moon are on the same side of the

New Moon crystals:

earth the pull on us is the strongest. Because the

Garnet, petalite, sapphire, quartz, labradorite, car-

sun, moon and earth are all in a straight line this

nelian, charoite, peridot and phenakite.

creates a time when the high tide is higher and the low tide is lower than usual. New Moon oil recipe: 4 drops patchouli essential oil

This is a wonderful time to make new beginnings of all types. It is especially good for getting rid of bad

3 drops cedar wood essential oil

habits. Habitual ways of thinking that are harmful

4 drops sweet orange essential oil

and negative can also be abandoned at this time. It is also a good time to start something creative. New projects at work can also be launched.

Add to a base oil such as sweet almond or grape seed (about 15mls of carrier oil should be about right).

The first day of the New Moon is really best devoted to the planning stages of ventures. It is good to feel just a little excited and filled with

New Moon incense recipe:

anticipation, although your energy may not be at its

2 parts copal resin

highest. A day or two into the cycle is the time to

take the initiative, apply for that job, and start house 2 parts sandalwood hunting or any similar endeavours. Good for

1 part dried rose petals

attracting positive energies, bringing about change,

A few drops of myrrh essential oil

good luck and growth.

New Moon colours: Green, white, orange and red

New Moon herbs, oil & incense ingredients Sandalwood, frankincense, copal, myrrh, rose, saffron, sweet grass, heather, patchouli, cinnamon, lavender, verbena, witch hazel, jasmine, cardamom, cypress, ginger, nutmeg, orange, chamomile and lemon 7

By James Middleditch

“The Waterfall remembers. It is our memory” Century Falls by Russel T Davis

Introduction I have always been drawn to waterfalls; I can remember visiting one in Wales as a child and becoming utterly mesmerised by it. Inspired by that, I would seek out pictures of them, and was later pleased to discover many to be found in spiritual shops, on posters and book covers such as James Redfield’s The Tenth Insight. Many inspirational quotations can now be found on waterfall images all over the internet. I’ve been inspired to write this ritual after visiting a spectacular waterfall at the Krka National Park in Croatia, where I laid down and meditated, pondering the energies that manifest in these extraordinary places. The difference between looking at a picture of a waterfall and being at one may seem obvious; a photograph captures an unstoppable torrent at one precise moment. However, the combination of stillness and dynamic action is one that runs deeper into our consciousness, and is one that forms the basis of the ritual. The Waterfall Ritual There are three parts to this ritual, and you should start by looking at an image of a waterfall and preparing your mind and body. Study the stillness of the picture, and sense the potential contained within the image. The tiniest moment before, and the tiniest moment after the picture was taken, the waterfall was moving at great speed, as it will have done for centuries before and will do for millennia to come. Feel that energy, held in that one moment of stillness. Shift your consciousness to the pools at the top of the waterfall, where the water moves calmly to its moment of dynamic flow. Explore the parts of your mind that are similar to these pools, where energy and motion are stored, ready to be expressed. These could be places of old habits or plans that have stalled, that you wish to transform into something new. Read or say aloud these words : WATERFALL CAPTURED, WATERFALL STILL FILL ME WITH THE FORCE YOU HOLD FOLD ME SAFE AMID YOUR FLOW KNOW MY FACE AND SOUL BELOW



Now, in your mind’s eye, allow the waterfall to slowly come to life. See the image begin to move, the water from the pools at the top tipping over the edge and tumbling down with faster and faster motion to the bottom. Concentrate on the fall itself, feeling the sheer exhilaration of the particles as they are liberated, dancing down and down together. Allow the part of your mind that has rested in stillness for too long to express itself fully; see the actions you wish to take and the outcomes you wish to achieve. Read or say aloud these words : WATERFALL FLOWING INSIDE MY MIND FIND THE POWER I MUST RELEASE PEACE IN POOLS TO TORRENT FAST PAST IN DEPTHS FROM FIRST TIL LAST Finally, move your mind’s eye to the bottom of the waterfall, where the water, freshened and energised by its fall is sparkling in sunlight, happy to be in its new space, joined by new torrents every moment, feeling the completion this place symbolises. Let this sense transfer into your own mind, imagining the new confidence and freedom you have, allowing you to take actions you have previously shied away from. As you commit the waterfall’s power to the deepest part of yourself, where it can then begin to manifest itself in your life, read or say aloud these words : WATERFALL LIVING WITHIN MY SOUL CONTROL AND FEARS NOW ARE SHED FLED ARE THE CHAINS THAT MAKE ME SMALL ALL I WANT IS FREE TO CALL


Take a final look at your waterfall image, knowing that it has taken on a life within you, always moving in your imagination, providing you with the balance between stillness and action, peace and movement, thought and deed. Bring yourself back to the outside world. Go with the Flow – Doing More With Waterfalls I hope this ritual is helpful in providing a sense of renewed dynamism and energy. If you have any waterfall images that you think would be useful for the ritual, please feel free to post them on The Mystik Way website. A waterfall soundtrack would be good to accompany the ritual, and there are a variety that can be purchased online and in spiritual shops. The ritual uses a technique called ‘serpentine rhyme’, in which the last word of a line leads into a rhyming word at the start of the next, evoking a natural flow forwards. Louis MacNeice wrote beautiful nature poetry using this technique, such as The Sunlight on the Garden, which could also be used for ritual purposes and can be found online. Century Falls, from which the opening quotation is taken, is a powerful and spiritual drama focusing on a waterfall as the centre of a village’s psychic powers, and is available to buy on DVD.

Waterfall photographs are available to purchase in a variety of sizes and formats; contact me via Facebook or email for details and prices.


She sat in her cottage, feeling really on her own. The neighbours ignored her, they left her alone. She worked at her table, making pendants and charms She liked what she did, it didn’t do any harm

Her belief was in nature and the power of the earth. She fed all the wild life, to her it was worth being kind to them daily and keeping them free, from the foxes and hedgehogs, to the birds in the trees.

They all had the right to live as they could and she helped them as well, it made her feel good. But people called her crazy, ‘cause she didn’t conform to their way of life, what they thought was the norm.

Society today, well they like to be ‘cool’ If they don’t like your ways, it’s you they ridicule. She knew what they said, and although she was hurt, she smiled at them all, though they thought she was dirt.


In her mind she kept thinking of the old 3-fold law, What they do, what they say, will come back 3 times more. So she kept up her appearance for them all to see, To them she was nothing, to her she was free.

So all of you out there, who do your own thing, Continue to do it, and your heart it will sing. The Hedgewitch she stayed with her own true belief, With her spells and her potions, she found her relief.

We all have the right to go our own way and live out our lives, how we want day to day. And we should not ridicule what others believe, ‘Cause one day we’ll know – thats the day that we leave

©Jill Nelligan



Solar Festival 21 Of all the Festivals on the wheel of the year, Yule as it was called by the ancients brought the most anxiety and fear. The Sun appeared to have vanished, it was the longest night and the shortest day, it was cold and bleak, the Earth lay dormant, it was a scary time as all were worried would they survive the long & cruel winter months. The crops were gathered in, the animals tethered in barns in preparation for the long winter nights. On the night of the 21st as the sun sank below the horizon they would prepare huge bonfires and prepare a great feast, the entire village would join in....Rituals were performed to honour to the Sun in the hope it would hasten it's return. After the shortest day and the longest night at the darkest time....the Sun is reborn.....the waxing cycle of the Sun begins again.....the year begins. Much rejoicing and merry making...dancing....chanting....a time for feasting a time for giving, sharing, regeneration and rebirth. The entire 14


1st/22nd December population of the village would gather around a huge fire in the chief's round house at the coldest & darkest part of the night to perform rituals asking for abundant crops in the coming year. They decorated their homes with Holly, Ivy & Mistletoe, red & green signified abundance...the white of the Mistletoe meant fertility. They would also spend much time remembering the ancestors and paying homage to them, truly a time for all to be together...the living and the dead. MystikMaster


Mary Magdalen and The S

By Richa

As part of my search for the Holy Grail this year, I have been investigating the life of Mary Magdalen and her relationship to Jesus. I have read many books, including ‘The Woman with the Alabaster Jar’, ‘The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail’ and of course Dan Brown’s ‘The DaVinci Code’, along with ‘The Gnostic Gospels’ including ‘The Gospel of Mary Magdalen’. These various documents point to the importance of the relationship of Jesus with Mary Magdalen, his most beloved disciple. They explain her importance as a spiritual teacher and consort with whom he shared intimate moments, and who taught her the deepest secrets of Spiritual Wisdom. She was a key figure at the Crucifixion, and was the first to see Jesus after his resurrection, and became a founding figure of the early Christian Church. It was only when Gnostic Christianity was suppressed by the rise of the Roman Catholic Church with its male domination, that she was written out of church history and branded a prostitute and a sinner. Even with this oppression, she still continued to be worshipped through the ages, as a repentant sinner who loved Jesus with all her heart. Recent books have explored the possibility of a physical relationship between Mary Magdalen and Jesus and the possible birth of a daughter, and reflect the legends of the Middle Ages, where it is told that Mary came to the south of France and ended her days in meditation and prayer in a cave in Provence, and inspired the religion of the Cathars. It is said by many that Mary Magdalen and her relationship with Jesus is the essence of the secret of the Holy Grail, where feminine spirituality is birthed in human consciousness, and the soul becomes enlightened and free from the limitation of human mortality.


Search For The Holy Grail

ard Hayes

This can be experienced in a relationship which operates at all levels of expression, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. The stories of Mary Magdalen lead us to the conclusion that she had such a relationship to Jesus, and this was an important aspect of his spiritual unfoldment and ministry. During the last year, I have painted a number of pictures to explore this relationship, and use them for meditation and reflection. The picture attached to this article resulted from watching Florence Welch performing at Glastonbury as ‘Florence and the Machine’. Her red hair and evocative dancing seem to me to provide a physical image reflecting the nature of Mary Magdalen. Having purchased a number of their CDs, I used one of the images included to inspire my present picture of Mary Magdalen, and played the CDs while I painted it in one inspired session. The Picture shows a female figure with red hair in the traditional red-rose gown of Mary Magdalen. She holds a red egg in her hands, as a symbol of fertility, which miraculously changed colour by her influence. At the base of the picture, I have painted roses, the symbol of the Goddess. The white rose of spirituality is juxtaposed with the red rose of physical passion. The white (pink) rose can be seen as the Maid, the red rose as the Mother and the dark red rose as the Crone, the three phases of the Moon Goddess. The symbol of the female blue V juxtaposed with the male red V represents a symbol used in Marian paintings, to represent the union of male and female energies. At the top of the picture is the letter M for Mary Magdalen. I have also painted a Dove, sacred to the Goddess, and a symbol of the Holy Spirit descending into Mary, and etched onto the glass of the window is the scene of the Crucifixion. Through the window shines the Moon, the symbol of female spiritual consciousness. 17

I have painted this picture to display over my altar as an inspiration for my meditations. Mary Magdalen is becoming more important as a way back to Esoteric Christianity, integrating male and female energies as the basis of spiritual growth and development. Once more, she is inspiring many female, liberal Christian theologians, who are searching for a return to early Gnostic Christianity, and the rediscovery of the importance of the female principle in Christian spiritual practice.



New Moon Relax and make yourself comfortable. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing, deep breathes in…and out…

As your world dissipates you find yourself on a high cliff, behind you is a huge eerie, the nest of an eagle. There is a light breeze, clear blue sky above you and

the sun is shining.

You turn to face the eagle and connect mentally with its subconscious…ask it to show you the pathways and opportunities available to you.

The eagle stands and stretches its huge wings, you realise it is an invitation for you to fly with him. Take some time and gradually shape shift into an eagle… start with your feet morphing them into claws…then stretch your arms out and feel the feathers forming…your fingers changing…then your head slowly changes to form a beak…gradually you start to feel comfortable in your eagle shape.

A light breeze ruffles your feathers and your eagle companion makes ready to

fly. You both perch on the edge of the cliff, the eagle suddenly takes flight … soaring across the sky…you take a deep breath…then leap…


n Meditation Feel the air beneath you, feel it whisk around your feathers, glide on the current…

Follow the eagle as it soars across the skies…

As you fly take a moment to look down, take in the landscape and the scenery as it rushes past. What you see whilst flying will give you insight into your options and pathways that are available to you.

Gradually the eagle leads you back to his eerie.

You land safely on the cliff, exhilarated and full of ideas and plans.

At this point the eagle may give you a message…

When you are ready slowly change yourself back from an eagle form to your own shape.

Then gradually come back to this reality, stamp your feet and wriggle your fingers. Source – Pagan Portals Moon Magic by Rachel Patterson


..As the last rays of a watery winter sun edged its way below the line of trees guarding the horizon the cold night air crept closer around me, I inched nearer the fire that I had only moments ago got going properly, the warmth being very welcome indeed & the icy chill of deep winter began to depart from my bones. I was sat in the Grove, a circle of ancient Yew trees older that time itself & had been asked to attend a meeting held by the Elder of those Yew trees, the Crows that had been my escorts now sat chatting amongst themselves high up amid the Elders sturdy branches, of course the presence of the triple headed Goddess Morrigan was deeply felt. Without further ado the Elder began his speech, speaking in a slow quiet but deliberate tone that carried with it the wisdom of ages perhaps from the very beginning of time itself. We are here tonight to discuss the coming time of the human races so called season of festivities. In times long past he stated‌.The race known as humans worked with the Mother (earth) very closely sharing the same ebb & flow as her, 22

they slept when it was dark and worked or played when it was light, ate when they were hungry not to a set pattern of time‌.I tell you these things, he continued because the humans very first error was to invent time then attempt to control it & to try to make logical sense of a living Universe that is ever evolving, growing & changing, so how does one make sense out of something that makes no sense‌the answer is one does not or even try to. Again, because the ancient wise ones knew that by dancing & singing with ebb & flow of natural events, living in tune with it not attempting to alter or control it, this simple harmony thus enabled them to utilise the parts of their brain that nowadays would & is classed as Magik. They knew the language of all the animals, the birds & of course the trees, the could talk to the wind and the rain as dear friends & last but not least they knew that the passing away of the physical body was merely the gateway to another dimension & that the other dimensions all inter penetrated each other thereby being able to travel in each one at their choosing. Nothing or no one was lost just merely changed from one vibration to another. This wisdom and knowledge is returning as all the evolutionary phases of the race of human comes to a close & a new cycle begins, the dark forces of control are working overtime though to prevent this occurring, not to worry as they are also in the last phase of their cycle, then slowly by surely the magik of the old will return. With that the elder of the Yew trees fell silent & was left to make my way home through the forest with much to ponder. MystikMaster


Yule Winter Solstice I am not going to give the usual and traditional meanings behind the festival of Yule as this is a subject of much conjecture, many differing myth’s and meanings behind it, I have never been a great one for rules as they are for the guidance of the wise and the obedience of idiots. Instead I propose that you use the items that appeal to you personally. (Traditional meanings, names etc. can be found on such sites as Wikipedia) Make your Altar of the very things that are to be found in nature as these will vary according to the hemisphere in which you live! Here in the north use vibrant colours, red candles, holly, ivy and anything you would care to add……spiced incense….make it an flamboyant Altar to celebrate the ending of the darkness and the slow return of the light….hold a gathering with loved ones and friends with a feast and fine wine and a roaring fire. In the southern hemisphere apply the same idea, use the colours and materials available to you. Spent some time in reflection of those who have gone before, the Ancestors & sending healing thoughts to those that are less fortunate....send prayers of love & protection to the Animal kingdom. Make this a time for giving, not taking. Whatever you belief have a wonderful festive holiday. Blessings MystikMaster


Common Names: Sweet Elder, Pipe Tree, Bour Tree German: Holunderbeeren Flowers: Flowers appear throughout summer Deities: Frau Holle, Freya, Venus, Holda Element: Water Gender: Feminine

Habitat: Native to North America, Europe, western Asia and the northern pars of Africa Magickal Uses: Elderberries are carried for protection, and to keep a person from straying. It is also known to cure insomnia if placed next to the bed or in a sachet under the pillow.

Culinary Uses: Elderberries are used in jams, jellies, chutneys and wine. Dried blossoms can be used in delicious tea blends. Medicinal Uses: Always use the berries in prepared form! Cook into a syrup, heat the juice or add to heated and/or preserved products, as the pure berries can cause nausea and stomach cramps! The juice of the berries is helpful when having a cold - easing the symptoms, and shorting the duration of the cold. Also slightly diuretic it aids with the relief of the symptoms of a sluggish digestive system. Very high in Vitamin C.

Elderberry Syrup Make a simple syrup by mixing the juice of the berries in a ratio of 10 to 1 with honey, and heat until the boiling point. Cool the syrup and store in the refrigerator for up to 4 weeks. Add this syrup to cups of hot water to prevent a cold during the winter season. Elderberry extract can be used to treat anemia, leg cramps, fever and the flu.


Salted Caramel Torte

175g (6oz) digestive biscuits 85g (3oz) butter, melted 397g can caramel (I used Carnation caramel) 1 tsp sea salt, plus extra to serve 300g (11oz) plain chocolate (70% solids), broken into chunks 600ml tub double cream 25g (1oz) icing sugar 2 tsp vanilla extract Caramel chocolates to decorate (I used Rolos)



Line the base of a deep, round 20cm loose-bottomed cake tin with a circle of baking parchment. Line the sides with one long strip that comes just above the sides of the tin – staple or paper clip where the strip overlaps to hold it in place.

Crush the biscuits in a plastic bag or bowl with the end of a rolling pin. Stir into the melted butter, then evenly press into the bottom of the tin. Chill for 10 mins. Reserve 2 tbsp of the caramel. Stir the sea salt into the remainder and spoon into the centre of the biscuit base. Gently spread so the base is evenly covered but a visible 1-2cm border of biscuit remains around the edge. Chill for 20 mins while you make the chocolate layer.

Gently melt the chocolate in a large heatproof bowl over a pan of barely simmering water. Stir 1 tbsp of the cream into the reserved caramel, then cover and chill until ready to decorate. Once the chocolate has melted, turn off the heat but leave the bowl where it is, and gradually stir in the remaining cream until you have a smooth, shiny, thick chocolate sauce. Sift in the icing sugar and stir in with the vanilla extract. Lift off the heat and let the mixture cool for 10 mins. 28

Ladle or pour the chocolate mixture around the edge of the torte first, so it fills the biscuit border, sealing the caramel in the centre. Then ladle or pour in the rest and gently shake to smooth the surface. Chill for at least 5 hrs or up to 24 hours until firm. Remove the torte from the tin, then carefully peel off the strip of paper and transfer to a serving plate. Dot the chocolates on top. Spoon the reserved caramel-cream mixture into a small food or freezer bag. Snip off the tiniest tip of the corner to make a very small opening, then squiggle lines of caramel over the top. Chill until ready to serve. Scatter with a pinch or two of sea salt before serving, then thinly slice. Eat with a drizzle of single cream, if you like.


Banishing Protection Ritual Clearing your sacred space The most important and over looked part of magical workings is the basic common sense of cleansing and clearing yourself and the space you are to work in of negative energies. There are many such rituals that will work very effectively, which over time you will discover. Over many years I found this one the most powerful as it works for all situations regardless of belief. It is one I have adapted from the Kabbalah and Enochian Arch Angel language. THE EQUAL CROSS OF LIGHT 1/Touching your brow (third eye chakra ) with your ATHAME….Say the words ( I have spelt them phonetically ) EX-AR-PAY 2/Touch your heart chakra….say. BAY-EE 3/Touch your base chakra…..say. TOE-EMM 4/ Touch your right shoulder……say. EN-AH-EN-TAH

5/ Touch your left shoulder…….say. HAY-KO-MAH 6/ Sweep your hand and Athame in front of you saying SELAH Say with great purpose and meaning, imagine that an equal white cross dwells within you and a white circle of light is drawn around you at your feet, then a larger one around the entire room and space you are using. Say…Nothing and no one can enter this space unless I wish. This powerful yet simple ritual can be used anytime and I recommend anyone using magik should do it at least first thing in the morning and last thing at night before sleep. After a little practise it will become second nature and will keep all outside negativity at bay, plus allowing you to strengthen your aura and power, being in perfect harmony with the Universe. Mystikmaster



Fear, My Friend I the shadows I stand I stay there waiting Hopeless, frightened Waiting for someone to lend me a hand I want someone to take away These thoughts and feelings They plague me every day I ask myself When did fear become my best friend? I slowly realise we developed a relationship A long time ago I thought it would never end So I delved in to my subconscious Looked for the answers there But all I found were my lingering monsters This just wasn’t fair! How do I get rid of fear I just want it to go I really don’t need it It’s holding me back Making me feel low


In the ether I find folk Who’d already been down this dark road I thought they might provide the ‘Eureka’ To this burden this load After years of searching and hoping I realised, with help, in the end Fear was not my enemy He was actually my friend I reached out We walked together for a while Fear tried to knock me down again I just carried on with a smile I used questioning and logic When he tried to attack I mostly stopped him But sometimes he came back I kept working with my shadow My fear, my nemesis Until one day he left me Now I’m left to eternal bliss

By Jenny Spirit


I wrote this poem with a view to expressing how I feel about the journey I have been on with fear over a number of years. Fear and its meaning are different to each of us, but I wanted to write about how fear, or in my case anxiety and panic, can take over you and how it can make you feel, and the seemingly endless search for a solution to the ongoing problems it can cause.

For some fear, panic and anxiety can become so much that they start to fear, fear itself i.e. how it makes you feel. People search for answers and help anywhere they can find it, be it from the medical profession, on the internet, through meditation or exercise etc. All these things can help, but the one component missing is the link of the mind – which I believe you need to use logically to challenge fear and start working with it. I would say what has really helped me in recent times is to identify my specific thoughts/fears and dispute whether they are even real…what is the worst that could happen?… where is my factual evidence for this? Whilst actually going out and systematically, gradually facing my fears. This is easier said than done, and although logic strongly applies, it is definitely a spiritual journey that I would recommend (with help) going on.

Love and light x


This full moon is a rare one, happening on 25th December 2015, which hasn’t happened for 38 years and won’t happen again for another 19. Known as The Cold Moon, The Long Night moon or Moon Before Yule. As with all full moons this is a fantastic time to take advantage of her powerful energies by doing rituals to release that which no longer serves you or letting go of something you no longer need in your life. This is also the time to cleanse and charge your crystals by placing them outside preferably on the ground, if not then on a window sill to catch the beautiful energies. Enjoy and Full Moon Blessings. Lois Burt 35

Celtic Moon Month Tree In Ancient Celtic Lore, Trees we considered as wise Teachers & were held in high regard by all the people. Each month & linking with the Moon a sacred tree was attributed‌.. Trees are powerful magik & they have a great deal to teach us, make time to spend in their company daily or as much as you possibly can. Sit with your spine resting against its trunk & allow the energies to flow through you, feel the solid earth beneath you then let your being & thoughts blend with the tree‌.You will be amazed at the healing, grounding and clarity it bring.

From the 25th of November until the 23rd of December it is celebrated as the Elder Tree moon month.

From the 24th of December it is the turn of the Birch Tree moon month & from the 21st of January it is the Rowan Tree moon month. MystikMaster


Rituals ELDER MOON (Now 25th November until the 23rd of December ) I step into the Month of the Elder Moon.

The Fire of the Year now is dimming – The light and the flame almost gone. I see patterns and shapes in the embers – Wisdom and truth where they shone.

The dark glowing ashes are crumbling – The Secrets of Time are revealed. The Chains of the Past now are breaking, The wounds they inflicted are healed.

No more light; it is ended; and then… Reignited it burns once again.


BIRCH MOON ( 24th December until 20th January ) I step into the Month of the Birch Moon. I walk into the arms of the dark and chill. I rest and reach out to the fire. The Cold Moon is clearing my mind of shadow. I take forward only what I desire. The unneeded past falls away, the burden is lifted. The dark makes the fire shine brighter. My soul is coloured flame red with power The fire makes the sky seem lighter. The future is unlocked with a key

And potential ignites within me.


ROWAN MOON (January 21st until 17th February ) I step into the Month of the Rowan Moon. I cleanse my mind and soul, I prepare the ground for seeds. I feel life stirring within the soil, I am ready to fulfil my needs. The work ahead will shape the year, My actions will lead to result. My dreams will become reality, In success my soul will exult. I foresee a time when the seeds have grown, And life is brighter than I have known.

Rituals by James Middleditch


The Astrological Chiron The Wounded Healer Chiron, is not a planet , but an asteroid. Chiron was discovered in 1977, and was found in a part of the Solar System called the Kuyper Belt. It appeared suddenly, along with some smaller asteroids, known as "The Centaurs". It could leave our Solar System just as suddenly as it entered, but it seems content to stay with us so far. It is in these more recent times, and after much research into it's presence and meaning, that it has begun to be included in astrological analyses. It's position in the Solar System is in-between Saturn and Uranus. Chiron in Greek myth was a centaur born to Ixion, the son of the war god Ares and a cloud. Zeus had fashioned the cloud into a likeness of his wife the goddess Hera, in order to stop Ixion from pursuing her. This unfortunate coupling resulted in the birth of Chiron the centaur, half man and half horse.

Chiron was educated by Apollo the Sun-god, and Artemis the Moon-goddess, and because of his wisdom and innate spirituality, they made him King of the Centaurs. He was given the task of teaching the young Greek princes from the noble houses. He taught them spiritual values and divine laws, and also instructed them in the fighting arts and feats of arms. He was a wise centaur, and had knowledge of the healing arts, herb and plant lore, music, astronomy, astrology and mathematics. Unfortunately, his best friend Heracles (Hercules) after a fight with the nine headed monster the hydra, accidently stabbed Chiron in the 40

thigh with an arrow that had been dipped in the poisoned blood of the monster. It was deadly poison, and even with his knowledge of the healing arts he could not draw the poison from the wound. Because Chiron was immortal, he could not die, so he was doomed to endure the pain for ever. The wound continued to suppurate, and Chiron made the decision that if he could not heal himself, he would sacrifice his own happiness and dedicate himself to helping and healing others. This is a very sad tale, but it's theme is the basis for understanding Chiron in astrology. It represents areas of our lives where we are wounded, and feel unable to heal. It is a collective, generational influence, but also effects the individual. It reflects situations and events in our lives that tend to keep on repeating in cycles, with repeated attempts to heal the underlying situation, but which never seem to resolve. When we are confronted by Chiron, we tend to experience a re-living of the original wound, which may have occurred in childhood, yet despite the rage and pain we feel, the only relief seems to be to somehow detach ourselves within, and adopt a philosophical attitude to the situation. With this comes greater wisdom. It does seem to represent situations were there is no cure. This can be physical, emotional, or psychological and the wound is not always visible to others. Those who have Chiron strong in the birth chart, tend to gravitate towards the healing arts. They become psychotherapists, counsellors, holistic practitioners, therapists and healers of all kinds, attempting to help and heal others, although often unable to heal themselves. Often the very urge towards healing others is sparked by the need to heal something which is integral within. There is a link with Chiron to shamanism. It is connected to the experience of the shaman undergoing an ordeal, either physical or psychological, which causes a wound in the psyche and a split in consciousness. The Shaman returns to consciousness after an inner death, with renewed insight and wisdom. In the light of the growing interest and increase in the healing arts since the 1970's, it can be seen that the principle represented by Chiron has begun to emerge into our conscious awareness. We have been developing Chiron/shamanic consciousness, and the wounded healer has become a symbol of our times, one which many of us can relate to! It's meaning is now integrated into modern astrology, and it's placement in our individual birth charts can help us to understand this deeper aspect of ourselves, where wounds from the past can help us to develop a more compassionate approach to ourselves and others. By Yvonne Young 2015



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