Lomo Lovers Vol.6 New camera, film, tecnique

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lomo lovers vol . 6

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welcome. Lomo lovers has been created by two sisters who have a passion for lomography and want to share what’s out there to fellow lomographers. We are creating monthly “inspiration books”. Different cameras, film, techniques and maybe some specialist features you name it, we just want to share it. We would like to thank everyone who has contributed to this issue, without you the book would be empty! This month we have gone a little different! It’s the new year so we thought... we want to see the new cameras, techniques or films that you are experimenting with!


who are we?

we are two sisters from Buckinghamshire who have a passion for Lomography and vintage cameras. We both got our first cameras back in December 2010 and since then our collection has grown to over 40 between us. we love slide film and experimenting with different techniques, and we love being constantly surprised with the results that you just don’t get with digital photography. we are always inspired by the analogue community, and want to share this wonderful world with everyone.


name: Nicola Clark

name: Sam Clark

flickr & lomohome name: nicnocnoo

flickr name: sammiepops

day job: Graphic Designer, London

day job: Power Plate studio owner

favourite camera:

favourite camera:

that’s a tough one, but currently have a top 4! LC-W, LC-A+, Holga CFN and my limited ed cream Horizon Kompakt.

Like Nic, it’s hard, but would say my top ones are LC-Wide, Vivitar UWS, Sprocket Rocket or Diana F+.

Favourite film:

Favourite film:

currently Fuji VelviaF 100 or Lomography chrome 100.

Kodak elite chrome 200 or Fuji Velvia.


a guide to techniques throughout the book we may highlight techniques of how the image was created here’s a rough guide to the terms

rats eye: this is where the camera is placed at ground level, it gives a great perspective and depth.

double exposure: one shot taken over the top of another usually using an mx button or finishing a roll, rewinding, then shooting on top.

home made redscale: take some colour film and put it in your camera the wrong way round, so you expose on the back of the film.

long exposure: using the bulb mode “B” you can create motion blurs. cross-processing: xpro for short. processing your film in the wrong chemicals gives your film more impact and saturated high contrast.

sprocket hole: modifying a medium format camera to use 35mm film, means you will have the image bleeding onto the sprocket holes.

coloured flash: get some coloured plastic gels, place one over the flash and experiment with colour.

panoramas: combining multiple shots of one subject to create one long overlapping image.

camera tossing: moving your camera or throw it in the air as you take the shot. giving a camera shake and motion blur.

microclicks: Overlapping, merging many exposures together so that they create a much more striking, fluid and cohesive panorama.

Inspirational lomographer of the month.... name: Stephan Kaps aka mephisto19 lomo home: http://www.lomography.com/homes/mephisto19 day job: I learned breath, speech and voice teacher method Schlaffhorst-Andersen and give different types of seminars, I study fine arts at Hochschule f端r Bildende K端nste in Braunschweig (Brunswick), Germany and give workshops at the Lomography Gallery Store in Amsterdam.

How long have you been into lomography / photography: I started (officially) with Lomography in August 2005 when I ordered a plastic fantastic package. But before I already had an ActionSampler and I was always taking photos. I remember a photo that my sister took of me taking photos when I was around five or six years old. Maybe that is why I support my nephew, four, to take analogue photos if he wants to.

What cameras do you own: I do own almost all Lomography cameras (not the LC-Wide so far) next to some old Polaroids (SX-70,...), some AGFA cameras and many others. If I would list them all, the page would be full. I do not use all of them though. It is nice to have them for different situations, to choose. When it comes to the question which cameras I like most or use most I can answer it with: LC-A, Lubitel (have to use it again more often), Holga 120 GN and Diana F+. 6.

favourite picture

title. Alice in Wonderland lomography name. mephisto19 shot with. Diana + loaded with. Fuji xpro technique. cross process


Favourite film: My favourite film is the OLD Agfa CT precisa when cross processed in Europe, so you get those intense blue tones.

favourite shooting locations: As I am living in Utrecht, the Netherlands, now with my boyfriend I am shooting here a lot. For example is the Dome of Utrecht one of the locations I go to very often.

Favourite Camera / Film / Accessory Combination: (old) LC-A loaded with Agfa CT so a flash is not burning the photos Holga loaded with Redscale XR (for High Quantity Multiple Exposures (HQME)) LomoKino loaded with 400iso film and the Holgon Strobe Flash

a bit about yourself: Last summer I wrote a blog post about the way I work that includes some techniques I am using. I think that explains a lot :) http://www.lomography.com/homes/mephisto19/ blog/5477-work-in-progress-in-arbeit 8.

I will also have an exhibition from January 22nd till March 24th at Kaffeebar Rossi in Hannover, Germany. I am not only taking photos, but also write text (they are not online or published) and make sound works.

where would you like to shoot where you haven’t so far? I think that every place is different every single day. You can find something special on a place where you have been a thousand times before and see nothing or only what everybody would see on a new place, so I would just like to have my eyes open and a camera ready wherever I am.

Here some links LomoHome: http://www.lomography.com/homes/mephisto19 Twitter: http://twitter.com/mephisto19lomo Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mephisto19/155875221098196?ref=mf Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/user4593553 Soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/mephisto19


title. red shoes lomography name. mephisto19 shot with. LC-A loaded with. Agfa Precisa technique. cross processed


title. untitled lomography name. mephisto19 shot with. LC-A+ loaded with. Agfa APX 100 technique. n/a


title. holga loves the beach lomography name. mephisto19 shot with. Holga 120 GN loaded with. Lomography redscale XR 50-200


title. And I’m as red as a film can be.... lomography name. mephisto19 shot with. Holga 120 GN loaded with. Lomography redscale


title. Plompetorengracht at night lomography name. mephisto19 shot with. Holga 120 GN loaded with. Kodak TMAX technique. holgarama


Your favourites by others:

title. My new self portrait series: Nightmare lomography name. satomi shot with. Mamiya C220 loaded with. Ilford XP2 120 technique. multiple exposure

title. untitled lomography name. kristianj Took pics with a LC-A cam (thank you friend Makeyuu) then I dishwashed it and took pics with my Minolta cam! this pic is triple exposed.


new camera, film, technique shots of the month

title. Verichrome Exposure Test flickr name. fed_v shot with. Konica Auto S2i loaded with. Kodak Verichrome Slide Film (5072) @ 3ASA Expired 1999 technique. Left shot was exposed at 3ASA Right shot was exposed at 6ASA with a Yellow Filter. * Looks like proper exposure for daylight is around 3ASA. Pretty interesting results with this film. Ridiculous saturation and contrast with a really strong blue color cast. Kind of looks like cross-processed film. I like how I can switch from Tungsten to Redscale by just adding a yellow filter. It’s like two films in one.


title. trafalgar square multiple flickr name. milk&miel shot with. Diana Min loaded with. Lomo 800 technique. half frame


title. Analogue experiment II flickr name. kristianj shot with. Holga 120 loaded with. Ilford HP5 Plus 400 technique. multiple exposure


title. untitled flickr name. [Londres] shot with. LC-A+/VitoC loaded with. sensia 100 technique. First film swap Collaboration with Ness_Mar, Lisboa vs Madrid. Very glad with the results! :)


title. Castle Canamorph flickr name. The Old Penfold shot with. Canamorph One loaded with. Fuji C200 technique. This may not be the most interesting shot but I am delighted with it. The reason being this was shot with the first DIY pinhole camera I have made. The camera was made using a candle tin and brass shim for the pinhole. Focal length is approximately 34mm, pinhole diameter about 0.27mm giving an fstop of 126. The frame size should be larger but I had to crop as part of the camera’s internals detached themselves and blocked part of the frame.


title. Walk on the sky flickr name. CaosInMyMind shot with. Holga loaded with. fuji velvia 100 technique. cross processed


title. untitled flickr name. SofiaFerreira shot with. sprocket rocket loaded with. n/a technique. double exposure


title. #76 Fractured Windmill 2 flickr name. slimmer_jimmer shot with. arcya actionsampler loaded with. fuji 100 technique. Playing with the Aryca Actionsampler, I’ve done this fractured reality thing a few times and enjoyed the results.


title. Ver y Callar flickr name. Lidia T.G shot with. Diana Mini loaded with. n/a Technique. double exposure


title. 047 flickr name. milk&miel shot with. Diana Mini loaded with. n/a technique. cross process


title. 1 flickr name. hannah brown 7 shot with. lomography spinner loaded with. n/a technique. n/a


title. untitled flickr name. Spiky Zebra shot with. Vivitar UWS Clone loaded with. Velvia 50 technique. Test roll through my new Christmas camera - a Vivitar UWS clone. I’m not sure shooting Velvia ISO 50 in December/January was the best plan, but it worked out OK for some frames.


title. First Baptist Church flickr name. Red Kiwi Photography shot with. Vivitar ULTRA Wide & Slim loaded with. Fuji Velvia 100 technique. cross process


title. neon alter ego flickr name. nicnocnoo shot with. pop9 and LC-Wide loaded with. lomo 400 technique. My first ever pop9 and LC-W mash up! Using masks on the pop9 then shooting over with the LC-W


title. Happy / Sad Portraits flickr name. slimmer_jimmer shot with. Ayrca Actionsampler loaded with. Lomography X Tungsten 64 technique. The camera is new-ish to me (sold by Lomography but not really promoted), the flipped portraits is a new technique I’m really enjoying.


title. Photo39_36A flickr name. For the easily distracted shot with. refurbished LC-A loaded with. Ilford XP2 technique. n/a


title. Tabuleiro Superior Ponte D. LUis POrto flickr name. LowRising shot with. LC-A loaded with. n/a technique. n/a


title. mourning statue in salem cemetery flickr name. Red Kiwi Photography shot with. Holga 120 CFN loaded with. fuji velvia 100 technique. cross process


title. Smeaton’s Tower x 2 flickr name. sammiepops shot with. Arcya Actionsampler loaded with. lomography chrome 100 technique. cross process


title. as ruas de pedras se fazem presentes flickr name. marina faria shot with. LC-A loaded with. fisheye technique. double exposure


title. Christmas Party flickr name. nicnocnoo shot with. LC-W loaded with. fuji neopan 1600 technique. a new technique and film for me, using the half frame mode with the frame taken out


title. Vladivostok flickr name. Bottanissima shot with. Diana F+ loaded with. Ilford sfx 200 technique. n/a


title. Image2308 flickr name. fed_V shot with. Disderi 3 lens robot camera loaded with. Kodak Hawkeye Traffic Surveillance Color Film (2486) technique. n/a


title. DVDs & VIDEOs Ben Dover Etc flickr name. sammiepops shot with. pop 9 loaded with. lomo 400 technique. pop 9 modification


title. n/a flickr name. balmox71 shot with. LC-A loaded with. n/a technique. cross process


title. Grosvenor flickr name. Spiky Zebra shot with. Vivitar Ultra Wise & Slim loaded with. Fuji velvia 50 technique. Test roll through my new Christmas camera - a Vivitar UWS clone. I’m not sure shooting Velvia ISO 50 in December/January was the best plan, but it worked out OK for some frames.


title. Sunset Wash flickr name. Mike Oddhayward shot with. Lomo LCA loaded with. fuji astia 100 technique. Cross process


title. untitled flickr name. allessandradrasechi shot with. Diana loaded with. n/a technique. n/a


title. Graveyard Gate flickr name. welland shot with. Lubitel loaded with. n/a technique. light painting


title. green house flickr name. marina faria shot with. diana mini loaded with. n/a technique. cross process


title. sex boat flickr name. sammiepops shot with. pop9 loaded with. lomography 400 technique. pop9 doubles


title. Magia flickr name. blustela shot with. diana F+ loaded with. lomography 400 technique. n/a


title. it’s just hard. flickr name. vse.svetloe shot with. smena-symbol loaded with. n/a technique. n/a


title. Motion flickr name. CaosInMyMind shot with. holga loaded with. Ilford technique. multiple exposure


title. NPG / Full Monty 1 flickr name. slimmer_jimmer shot with. Lomography Pop9 with Full Monty mod loaded with. Lomography Chrome 100 technique. This mod involves removing all the inner dividers, and then masking different numbers of the lenses to create different effects.


title. getty-upside-down-buildings flickr name. Kidders536 shot with. la sardina loaded with. Fuji sensia 200 expired technique. cross process


title. twister redscaled flickr name. nicnocnoo shot with. LC-A loaded with. lomography redscale xr technique. n/a


title. Masquerade flickr name. Mike Oddhayward shot with. LC-A loaded with. lomography chrome 100 technique. cross process


title. Cards on Gran VĂ­a flickr name. [Londres] shot with. LC-A/VitoC loaded with. sensia 100 technique. First film swap Collaboration with Ness_Mar, Lisboa vs Madrid. Very glad with the


title. precisa puddle pavilion flickr name. captainbonobo shot with. Olympus XA2 loaded with. expired Agfa CT Precisa 100 technique. cross process


title. sprocket-boogie-boarders flickr name. Kidders536 shot with. sprocket rocket loaded with. lomography slide 200 technique. crossed process


title. LOMO We flickr name. guibapoeta shot with. Holga 135BC loaded with. n/a technique. n/a


title. puddle obsession continues flickr name. captainbonobo shot with. Ricoh 500GX loaded with. Lloyds Pharmacy 200iso colour neg technique. n/a


title. Dino’s head flickr name. LowRising shot with. LC-A+ loaded with. n/a technique. n/a


lomo lovers big film swap 2012

call for entries This year is going to be BIG! we want one of our volumes to feature solely film swaps from our readers and contributors! We are calling for contributors. All you need to do is email me at nicnocnoo@hotmail.co.uk with your name, address, email and film format choice and I’ll match you up with a suitable candidate. You will need to be able to shoot a roll of film and wind back with the leader still out so your film swap partner can use the roll to shoot over with. You will both have a roll of film to develop and enter your best shots to our flickr pool or my email. Details will be emailed to you. Deadline for candidates will be 1st April 2012 and entries must be submitted by 1st MAY 2012 to be published in the June issue of Lomo lovers. So what’s stopping you!

lomolovers tipster: light painting

title. -When the soul leaveslomohome. zoezo shot with. zenit 412 loaded with. 200 iso film technique. light painting


playful light painting.... with the help of fun lomographer zoezo (lomohome) here’s how she created her scary light painting photos!

what I used : Zenit camera 200 iso film 2 friends 2 torches 1 orange gel tripod My garden :)

step 1: After it was pitch black outside in my garden, I set up my Zenit 412 (and B mode

camera will work just as well) on the tripod and changed the settings on my camera to B mode,

step 2: I then arranged 1 of the torches to highlight the subject on the floor and covered the torch glass with a orange gel to give it a warmer tone, the other torch I gave to my boyfriend.


step 3: Then my boyfriend held down the shutter (you can expose as long as you are painting, if the background is dark) then my boyfriend started to “paint” light coming out of my mouth (making sure the light mainly shone towards the camera lens). After he finished, he turned the torch off and my friend let go of the shutter. Your light painting is complete! It’s that simple.

step 4: Now go and get your negs developed! You should be happy with your results!


title. The Devil lomohome. zoezo shot with. zenit 412 loaded with. 200 iso film technique. light painting


title. I like to ride my bicycle.. lomohome. zoezo shot with. zenit 412 loaded with. 200 iso film technique. light painting


title. Me... an angel ;-) lomohome. zoezo shot with. zenit 412 loaded with. 200 iso film technique. light painting



lomo lovers vol.. 7 the classic Diana F+

We are already planning vol. 7. this time we are looking for your best Diana shots!! so visit our lomolovers flickr group and start posting! special effects/techniques welcome. we are also looking for tipsters, and one special person to be our inspirational lomographer of the month! deadline for entries is Sat 25th of February so I can start editing! contact me at nicnocnoo@hotmail.co.uk or follow us @lomoloversuk on twitter for more information

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