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lomo lovers vol . 8

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welcome. Lomo lovers has been created by two sisters who have a passion for lomography and want to share what’s out there to fellow lomographers. We are creating monthly “inspiration books”. Different cameras, film, techniques and maybe some specialist features you name it, we just want to share it. We would like to thank everyone who has contributed to this issue, without you the book would be empty! This month we’ve decided to focus on the fantastic world of Kodak films and cameras. The recent news that KODAK are discontinuing their fantastic slide film has got us down... so we thought we would celebrate the amazing film and cameras that they have produced over the years!! So here’s some great submissions...


who are we?

we are two sisters from Buckinghamshire who have a passion for Lomography and vintage cameras. We both got our first cameras back in December 2010 and since then our collection has grown to over 40 between us. we love slide film and experimenting with different techniques, and we love being constantly surprised with the results that you just don’t get with digital photography. we are always inspired by the analogue community, and want to share this wonderful world with everyone.


name: Nicola Clark

name: Sam Clark

flickr & lomohome name: nicnocnoo

flickr name: sammiepops

day job: Graphic Designer, London

day job: Power Plate studio owner

favourite camera:

favourite camera:

that’s a tough one, but currently have a top 4! LC-W, LC-A+, Holga CFN and my limited ed cream Horizon Kompakt.

Like Nic, it’s hard, but would say my top ones are LC-Wide, Vivitar UWS, Sprocket Rocket or Diana F+.

Favourite film:

Favourite film:

currently Fuji VelviaF 100 or Lomography chrome 100.

Kodak elite chrome 200 or Fuji Velvia.


a guide to techniques throughout the book we may highlight techniques of how the image was created here’s a rough guide to the terms

rats eye: this is where the camera is placed at ground level, it gives a great perspective and depth.

double exposure: one shot taken over the top of another usually using an mx button or finishing a roll, rewinding, then shooting on top.

home made redscale: take some colour film and put it in your camera the wrong way round, so you expose on the back of the film.

long exposure: using the bulb mode “B” you can create motion blurs. cross-processing: xpro for short. processing your film in the wrong chemicals gives your film more impact and saturated high contrast.

sprocket hole: modifying a medium format camera to use 35mm film, means you will have the image bleeding onto the sprocket holes.

coloured flash: get some coloured plastic gels, place one over the flash and experiment with colour.

panoramas: combining multiple shots of one subject to create one long overlapping image.

camera tossing: moving your camera or throw it in the air as you take the shot. giving a camera shake and motion blur.

microclicks: Overlapping, merging many exposures together so that they create a much more striking, fluid and cohesive panorama.

Inspirational lomographer of the month.... name: Adam Bronkhorst flickr name: the_brownhorse day job: Professional Photographer specialising in shooting people. your favourite picture: Wow that’s a tough one. How to pick one image? Oh dear I don’t even know where to start on this. Do I pick one of my kids, one of my wife? One where things just clicked. One that was a turning point in my photography? One which may not look like anything but means something to me. Hmmm. I’m gonna take a pass and ask if I can ‘Phone a friend’ and pass on that one. Wow tough questions already!

How long have you been into lomography / photography: I think that I’m one of those people who have always been into photography and can always remember having my own camera since I was 11 really. So it’s always been around me. I studied it at Art Collage and then used it in my Fine Art degree as well. In regards to lomography, I got my first Lomo LC-A back in 2006 and was hooked. I’d had a film SLR camera but sold it just after I got my first DSLR in 2005 as I thought I wouldn’t need it again. Six months after that I got another film SLR as I wanted to shoot film again.


flickr name. the_brownhorse


What cameras do you own: Oh dear.....it may be easier to ask what cameras don’t I own. I went though a stage of buying lots of different cameras and using them to see what I liked. I haven’t really got round to going though them and selling the ones I don’t use yet. I did start taking photos of them and putting them on flickr a while back, but I’ve probably got 50% more than is on there at the moment. Have a look here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/the_brownhorse/sets/72157603703979825/

Favourite film: This chops and changes from time to time. But I like Kodak films, so their old Portra 400VC, Ektar, Tri-X, I also like Ilford HP5. Some Lomography films are good. Fuji do some great black and white films as well.

favourite shooting locations: Any foreign city that I haven’t been to before. There is nothing like walking around and exploring a new city with a different culture to your own. You tend to notice things that people who live there don’t. I always get a buzz from this and would love to travel more and explore. I need to get my inner Phileas Fogg on.


flickr name. the_brownhorse


Favourite Camera / Film / Accessory Combination: There are a couple of camera / film combinations that I don’t think that I could live without. A Lomo LC-A and Kodak Portra or a good Cross Processing slide film. I love this camera and have had the most fun shooting with this. A Holga with Ilford HP5. Nothing compares to this in terms of simplicity of camera and complexity of the image that you get from this combination for me. Olympus OM-1 and ........well any film really. I think that this camera would possibly stand head and shoulders above any of my other cameras. If I had to use one film camera for the rest of my life it would have to be this one. I love using it (it makes me feel like a proper photographer....which is a bit silly seeing as I do this for a living, but you know what I mean). I love the images that come from it and the process of using the camera is just a joy. Yep this is my favourite film camera. But saying all of that and I know that I’ll probably alienate a few people here, but my favourite, favourite camera would have to be my iPhone by far!!!! Yes yes I know it’s not film, but so what. Who really cares? You can’t tell me that anyone with an iPhone who shoots with a Lomo LC-A has never taken a photo with their iPhone. I love the instancy of the iPhone. It’s the camera that I have on me at all times, I can get an instant feedback of the image that I’m taking and I can see an image, shoot it, edit it and then share it in a few different places online within a few seconds. How great is that? I use Instagram (look me up I’m AdamBronkhorst on there), so I only really take one photo of my subject instead of taking several and choosing between them, so in that respect I use it like a film camera. It’s funny that despite writing a book on Phone and App photography, I really only use one app. Sorry to 10.

flickr name. the_brownhorse


the film purists, but don’t you think that if Henri Cartier-Bresson were shooting today, he’d be using an iPhone for some things?

a bit about yourself: I’m a professional photographer based in Brighton UK. A Father of two. An owner of many cameras. A lover of movies. A big kid at heart and an eater of Marmite on toast. This year I’ve got two books on photography being published. The first is called ‘Lo-Fi Photo Fun’ and is all about shooting with film and different types of cameras. The second book is called ‘SnApp Shots’ and is all about using camera phones and apps. They are both brilliant and you can’t really call yourself a proper photographer until you own these (please take that last statement with a pinch of salt). You can get a signed copy direct from me at my website if you would like here: http://adambronkhorst.com

where would you like to shoot where you haven’t so far? I’d love to go to Mexico and shoot over there. I imagine that the colours and culture of the country would have me running round like a headless chicken trying to work out what to shoot first. Oh Cuba would be amazing as well. Russia would be cool. Holy cow! India, how could I forget about there, that would blow my mind....Africa, now that would be cool......oh there seem to be quite a few places that I’d like to go to and shoot. Just get me an my family a round the world ticket and a luxury winnebago and I’ll be happy. 12.

flickr name. the_brownhorse


flickr name. the_brownhorse


flickr name. the_brownhorse


flickr name. the_brownhorse


Your favourites by others:

title. Squirrel [003] flickr name. Daz. shot with. LC-A loaded with. Kodak Ectachrome EPY 64T technique. cross processed

title. Scene in an underpass flickr name. Fotobes shot with. LC-A+ loaded with. N/A technique. cross processed


kodak shots of the month

title. Beach huts flickr name. m+b shot with. LC-A loaded with. Kodak elitechrome technique. cross processed


title. Kodak elitechrome flickr name. slimmer_jimmer shot with. Holga 120S loaded with. Kodak Ektachrome E100G technique. cross processed


title. untitled flickr name. sammiepops shot with. LC-W loaded with. Kodak elitechrome 200 technique. cross processed


title. Less sunshine in the mornings flickr name. Erven2010 shot with. LC-A loaded with. Kodak EKTAR 100 technique. double exposure


title. Scarborough with sunshine and snow flickr name. for the easily distracted... shot with. exacta 135 loaded with. kodak elitechorome technique. cross processed


title. Putting The Great in Great Britain #7 flickr name. leftofnever shot with. 1977 Olympus Trip 35 loaded with. Kodak Colour Plus 200 technique. n/a


title. untitled flickr name. zulkhairi kharuddin shot with. Kodak Colourplus 200 loaded with. Nikon FM 10 technique. n/a


title. stray kitten flickr name. m+b shot with. LCA+ loaded with. Kodak Elitechrome EB technique. cross processed


title. Country children flickr name. Welland shot with. LC-A loaded with. kodak elite chrome technique. cross processed


title. Two Seapora Album Cover name. Brinkmann shot with. n/a loaded with. kodak technique. n/a


title. untitled flickr name. ruekenwind shot with. diana mini loaded with. kodak elitechrome 100 technique. cross processed


title. palm trees and poppies flickr name. nicnocnoo shot with. horizon kompakt loaded with. kodak 160vc technique. cross process


title. Lomo Pink Splash flickr name. Urbexthis shot with. LC-A loaded with. Kodak VS technique. n/a


title. Brighton West Pier flickr name. Daz. shot with. LC-A loaded with. kodak ektachrome E 100 VS technique. double exposure


title. B.S.I flickr name. nazree78 shot with. LC-A loaded with. Kodak Elitechrome EBX technique. n/a


title. I looked at my kingdom, I was finally there, To sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel Air flickr name. slimmer_jimmer shot with. Holga 120S loaded with. Kodak Ektachrome E100G technique. cross processed


title. Eiffel Tower flickr name. leftofnever shot with. Blackbird Fly loaded with. Kodak Colour Plus 200 technique. multiple exposure


title. Fernsehturm flickr name. espaciovictor shot with. LC-A loaded with. Kodak Ektachrome E100 VS technique. cross processed


title. 123022 poelbergmolen flickr name. Erven2010 shot with. LC-A loaded with. Kodak elitechrome 100 technique. cross process


title. .a wing to fly. flickr name. dellia shot with. lca+ loaded with. kodak ebx technique. cross process


title. blossoms name. save the marianne shot with. n/a loaded with. Kodak technique. n/a


title. Beyond it all.... flickr name. Graziella Ines shot with. Diana F+ loaded with. Kodak E100G technique. cross processed


title. lighthouse flickr name. nicnocnoo shot with. holga 120 loaded with. kodak 400 VC technique. n/a


title. Putting The Great in Great Britain #2 flickr name. leftofnever shot with. 977 Olympus Trip 35 loaded with. Kodak Colour Plus 200 technique. n/a


title. Occasional Resurfacing flickr name. Cloni shot with. Lomo LCA+ Lomography Splitzer loaded with. Kodak Elite Chrome 100 EBX technique. cross processed


title. beijing mask flickr name. captainbonobo shot with. Olympus XA2 & Lomo LC-A loaded with. Kodak E100G technique. cross processed


title. In the Sun.... flickr name. Graziella Ines shot with. pentax ME Super loaded with. kodak elitechrome technique. n/a


title. jump flickr name. dirklancer shot with. holga 120N loaded with. Kodak E100VS technique. cross processed


title. untitled flickr name. santiss shot with. sprocket rocket loaded with. kodak elitechrome technique. cross process


title. untitled flickr name. marccc1970 shot with. LC-A loaded with. kodak elitechrome 100 technique. n/a


title. vae victis! flickr name. Bottanissima shot with. Lca+ & Canon 8800F loaded with. Kodak Elite Chrome 100 technique. n/a


title. through the tree window flickr name. captainbonobo shot with. Olympus XA2 loaded with. Kodak Portra 160VC technique. cross process


title. The Room Upstairs Rejects Me flickr name. Lomo-Cam shot with. LC-A+RL loaded with. Kodak Elite Chrome 200 technique. cross processed


title. My Dark Star flickr name. Cloni shot with. Lomo LCA (RL) Lomo Colorsplash Flash loaded with. Kodak Elite Chrome 100 EBX X-pro technique. n/a


title. Castlegrounds name. save the marianne shot with. n/a loaded with. Kodak technique. n/a


title. untitled name. Kasen saw shot with. Canon GIII QL17 loaded with. kodak elitechrome 100 technique. n/a


title. Balcony Lament name. Brinkmann shot with. n/a loaded with. kodak technique. n/a


title. Cafe Open flickr name. Welland shot with. LC-A loaded with. Kodak elitechrome 100 technique. dishwashed


lomolovers tipster: film swap prep

1. marking your film


10 film swap tips as you are prepping for the big lomo lovers film swap 2012, we thought you might want to swat up on some tips on how to make the most of your double exposures! We sweet talked lomo lovers regular James Butler into giving us his top 10 tips, we shall also be featuring this in our next vol so this is kind of a preview!

1: mark your film some people swap films without marking the first frame. This means the two passes are unlikely to be in sync. This can make for some interesting accidents. But personally I prefer pass 1 and pass 2 to line up as near as possible, so I always mark the film. I use permanent marker to mark both sides of the first frame. I also put an arrow showing which way is up (see #7). Loading the second camera and lining up again can be a bit trial and error, but using a camera that has a multiple exposure / MX button makes it much simpler.

2: think exposure try to avoid burning out the image by over exposing, especially on the first pass. Try to avoid too much sun, lens flare or sky. with simple toy cameras with fixed apertures/shutters, try and think about balancing the exposures between passes - if pass 1 is shot in summer in Mexico, there’s no point shooting pass 2 on a dull winters day in London, best to wait for a sunnier day (or else shoot a lot of neon signs or other bright objects) 61.

some people underexpose the first, or both passes, by 1 stop (although I normally just stick to the box speed)

3: don’t centre everything the temptation with a lot of toy camera photography is to centre subjects, so they fit nicely within the vignette. But if both shooters do that it can create a messy double exposure. So think about the whole image, not just the centre. Offset your main subject sometimes.

4: If you see a good scene to shoot, shoot it twice, or three times the process is so hit and miss, you are doubling or tripling your chances that your subject will hit a sympathetic partner.

5: Think texture - foliage, winter tree branches, flower beds, brickwork, graffiti, posters….they can all work really well. Sometimes mundane things that wouldn’t make an interesting photo in their own right can make a fantastic layer for a double exposure.

6: Anything on a black background will work well the black will disappear and the bright subject will overlay the second pass. Neon signs, large white-on-black billboard type, and fireworks all work well.

7: Which way is up? some toy cameras load film right to left, whilst most SLRs and compacts load the film left to right. If you do a film swap between differing types of cameras, your two images will be upside 62.

title. Foley Street Face flickr name. slimmer_jimmer shot with. Ricoh XR-2s + Pentax SMC loaded with. Lomography XR redscale film


down to each other. I’ve ruined lots of doubles this way...so either choose two cameras that load similarly, or hold one of the cameras upside down! This is why I always mark an UP arrow when I mark the film

8. check your batteries it may be a silly point, but it can be easily done! If you have a camera that relies on batteries for light metering like the LC-A this is really important!

9. Choose your film. my favourite film for double exposures is Cross Processed slide film. Be careful though, some slide films shift the colour too far in one direction which can make the double exposure a bit mushy. It’s best to choose a film that doesn’t shift too much like Elitechrome or Lomography Chrome 100, they allow different colours to pop through. But also experiment with redscale film or Black and White film.

10. mix up your cameras. film swaps are a great way to use some of the toy cameras that people often have stopped using. So break out your unused pop9, your unloved actionsampler or your temperamental supersampler, your fisheye that you only used once or that strange 3-lens robot camera that you bought off ebay then didn’t use that much. They all can have a second life as a great double exposure layers (and experiment with masking some of the lenses on your multi-lens cams) 64.

title. neon alter ego flickr name. nicnocnoo shot with. LC-W & POP9 loaded with. Lomo 400


title. make up for your majesty flickr name. slimmer_jimmer shot with. Ricoh XR-2s + Pentax SMC loaded with. Lomography XR redscale film


title. it is a wonderful world skegness flickr name. nicnocnoo & slimmer_jimmer shot with. LC-A loaded with. fuji sensia 400


title. pier bait flickr name. kenickie56 shot with. lc-a+ loaded with. fuji velvia 100 technique. double exposure


lomo lovers vol.. 9 sprockets

We are already planning vol. 9 and we are looking for your best sprocket hole shots!! Whether you have a sprocket rocket, Diana 35mm back, spinner, holga sprockets or modified your own camera to have sprockets we want to see them so visit our lomolovers flickr group to start posting! special effects/techniques welcome. we are also looking for tipsters, and one special person to be our inspirational lomographer of the month! deadline for entries is Sat 21st April so I can start editing! contact me at nicnocnoo@hotmail.co.uk or follow us @lomoloversuk on twitter for more information

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