Volunteering Menu for Corporate Partners

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Volunteering Menu for Corporate Partners

@LondonYouth www.londonyouth.org

We are London Youth Our mission is to support and challenge young people to become the best they can be. Our vision is that all young Londoners access a wide range of high quality opportuni;es for learning and fun, beyond family and formal educa;on, building strong trus;ng rela;onships with adults and their peers; leading to broadened networks and increased confidence, character and skills. We want all young Londoners to have the best of this incredible capital city; for it to invest in their poten;al, encourage them as leaders in their communi;es and open up opportuni;es for them to thrive. We support a network of 400 diverse community youth organisa;ons where young people choose to go. With a unique reach to over 75,000 young Londoners, we deliver programmes with and through this network in every London borough and out of town at our two residen;al learning centres.

Who are our members? London Youth’s 400 members operate in every London borough. Not all are tradi;onal ‘youth clubs’, but from the smallest volunteer-­‐led teams through to household name chari;es, all are united in their shared ambi;on to use good youth work to support young people. Some members are focused on arts or sports; others provide general community-­‐based services. Some cater for specialist groups such as refugees or young people with mental health needs, others are located within bigger community centres or organisa;ons. Between them they are a powerful, knowledgeable and vital network, for young people and for the neighbourhoods in which they are located. London Youth’s aim is for our membership to be a vibrant network of sustainable clubs, embedded in communi;es across the capital.



Volunteering Opportunities CV and Interview Workshop

Availability Immediate -­‐ two week lead in /me required

Develop and deliver and employment workshop, focusing on how to complete job applica;ons, CV wri;ng and mock job interviews.

Location London Youth would ask the corporate partner to host the day at their premises and provide lunch for the young people a=ending

This will provide young people with a great insight into what employers look for in an applicant and will offer an invaluable opportunity to engage with experienced business people and provide the best possible chance in gaining employment.

Time Commitment One full day

The skills that volunteers will develop during this ac;vity include: coaching, rela;onship building, facilita;on, communica;on, customer focus, adaptability and social issue awareness.

Youth Mentoring This three month project matches professionals from a broad range of backgrounds with young people from the local community. Mentors and mentees will meet once a fortnight for their mentoring session and aim to: • Support young people during their transi;on through important milestones in their life e.g. educa;on into employment • Enable young people and professionals to develop their skills, knowledge and confidence • Support young people in their aspira;ons, providing them with meaningful advice and encouragement The skills that volunteers will develop during this ac;vity include: coaching, rela;onship building, facilita;on, communica;on and social issue awareness.

Number of Volunteers and Young People Corporate Volunteers: Up to 10 Young People: Up to 20 Cost £950 to cover coordina/on and recruitment costs for young people

Availability Four month planning and recruitment required Location London Youth would ask the corporate partner to host matching and evalua/on sessions at their premises Time Commitment Matching Session: One evening Mentoring Sessions: One hour, once a fortnight for three months Evalua/on: Two, two hour sessions Number of Volunteers and Young People Corporate Volunteers: Up to 20 Young People: Up to 20 Cost £5,000 to cover coordina/on, facilita/on and travel costs for young people



Quality Mark Support The London Youth Quality Mark helps youth clubs achieve long las;ng improvements to their prac;ce and management. Volunteers would provide support to London Youth member youth clubs to help them get to the point of being ‘assessment ready’. This will involve working collabora;vely with staff, volunteers and young people to build a porMolio of evidence to the necessary requirements. The skills that volunteers will develop during this ac;vity include: coaching, analysis and problem solving, rela;onship building, project management, adaptability, facilita;on, communica;on and social issue awareness.

Availability Immediate Location London Youth member youth club premises and remotely either from home or from own work premises Time Commitment To be agreed between the par/es (typically half a day per month) Number of Volunteers Up to two per member youth club working towards the Quality Mark Cost Free

Career Seminar

Availability Immediate -­‐ two week lead in /me required

Develop and deliver career seminar which on a par;cular area of your business which provides greater knowledge to young people on the typical tasks and responsibili;es undertaken in that for employees that work in that area of your business.

Location London Youth would ask the corporate partner to host the day at their premises and provide refreshments for the young people a=ending

Will help guide young people when choosing what career path to follow. Can cover any career such as marke;ng, construc;on, law, finance, sales and technology. Could also cover umbrella topics such as how a business operates. The skills that volunteers will develop during this ac;vity include: coaching, rela;onship building, facilita;on, communica;on, customer focus, adaptability and social issue awareness.

Time Commitment Two-­‐three hours in the evening Number of Volunteers & Young People Corporate Volunteers: Up to five Young People: Up to 50 Cost £950 to cover coordina/on and recruitment costs for young people

Urban Nature Day

Availability Immediate -­‐ two week lead in /me required

Work with young people to provide addi;onal manpower support for urban regenera;on and general environmental projects. May involve helping to build an herb garden, build a chicken coop or create a fun outdoor space for young people to enjoy.

Location London Youth member youth club premises

The skills that volunteers will develop during this ac;vity include: communica;on, rela;onship building, social issue awareness.

Number of Volunteers & Young People Corporate Volunteers: Up to 30 Young People: Up to 10

Time Commitment One day

Cost £1,000 to cover coordina/on, lunch for volunteers and young people and materials/tools for use on the day



“I would say I learnt everything here. This language I’m speaking, right now, here, today, the fact that I’m happy, is because of this community, this youth club, and especially because of Marian [youth worker]… my grandfather said when I was young that if you have four sBcks and you break them one by one then they will break, but if you put them all together and try to break them then it will be much harder. You see in our youth club it’s like that. No one can put us down.” Navjot, DOST at the Trinity Centre



Good youth work works. 020 7549 8800 | hello@londonyouth.org.uk 47-49 Pitfield Street | London N1 6DA Registered Company Number: 258577 Registered Charity Number: 303324

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