Accreditation - Level 2 'Learning from Volunteering'

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m o r F g n i n r a e L g n i r e e t Volun z

that is TE: PLEASE NO ple Accredita2on Workbook uth This is an exam on London Yo rs e te n lu vo g inin used to aid tra programmes. rint e of going to p m 2 t a ct e rr co was All informa2on (April 2013). g with ut volunteerin o b a n o 2 a rm ntact For more info book please co rk o w is th t u o r ab London Youth o r email 0 7549 8800 o the team on 02 k. volunteer@lon




Accreditation Outline Unit Title: Learning from Volunteering Level: Two Credit Value: 2 NOCN Code Value: HC4/2/QQ/042 Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria


Tutor Comments

1. Be able to identify personal goals for volunteering

1.1. Give a range of personal goals for volunteering



2. Understand how to find and obtain voluntary work within the community

2.1. Comment on a range of ways in which volunteering opportunities may be found







3.1. Complete a voluntary work placement



3.2. Assess the personal benefits of undertaking voluntary work



4.1. Assess the employability skills gained and/or improved through volunteering and identify how these could be transferred to other voluntary or paid work placements



2.2. Select and apply for a volunteering opportunity within the community 2.3. Assess own skills and interests and describe how they meet the needs of the organisation 3. Understand the personal benefit of undertaking voluntary work

4. Understand the transferability of skills and experience gained through volunteering

London Youth’s Accreditation Policies relating to this course can be found on pages 25-26 of this workbook, for more information please call 020 7549 8800 or email

Workbook Declaration I confirm that all work submi6ed in this NOCN Level 2 ‘Learning from Volunteering’ workbook is my own and that I have read and fully understood London Youth’s AccreditaEon Policies found on pages 25 and 26 in this workbook. Signed:





l a u d i v i Ind n a l P g n i n r a e L



Initial Assessment Tell us a bit about yourself:

What is your short term aim?

What is your long term aim?

What are your expectations of volunteering?

What skills do you expect to get?

What are your strengths?

What are your weaknesses?

Do you have any specific needs that would help us support you?




Tutor Signed:


Ongoing Assessment: Teamwork Initial Assessment

Mid-Course Assessment



Final Assessment

Ability to communicate with others Contribute to group discussions Support and motivate others Date

Ini<al Assessment What experience have you had in this area and how does it meet the needs of the organisation?







Mid-­‐Course Assessment How have you improved on these skills?

Final Assessment Have you met your targets or identified others?



Ongoing Assessment: Communication Initial Assessment

Mid-Course Assessment



Final Assessment

Listening skills Verbal communication Effective use of body language Date

Ini<al Assessment What experience have you had in this area and how does it meet the needs of the organisation?







Mid-­‐Course Assessment How have you improved on these skills?

Final Assessment Have you met your targets or identified others?


Ongoing Assessment: Organisation Initial Assessment

Mid-Course Assessment



Final Assessment

Ability to prioritise tasks Time management Understanding of SMART goals Date

Ini<al Assessment What experience have you had in this area and how does it meet the needs of the organisation?







Mid-­‐Course Assessment How have you improved on these skills?

Final Assessment Have you met your targets or identified others?



Ongoing Assessment: Facilitation Initial Assessment

Mid-Course Assessment



Final Assessment

Understanding of facilitation Describe a few facilitation techniques Demonstrate effective facilitation Date

Ini<al Assessment What experience have you had in this area and how does it meet the needs of the organisation?







Mid-­‐Course Assessment How have you improved on these skills?

Final Assessment Have you met your targets or identified others?


Exit Interview How do you feel you have done on your voluntary placement?

What are you going to do now that your volunteering programme has finished?

Is there anything else London Youth can help you with?



Tutor Signed:





N C O N k o o b k r o W



Learning Outcome One Learning  Outcome

Assessment  Criteria

1. Be able to identify personal goals for volunteering

1.1. Give a range of personal goals for volunteering

Please complete this wordstorm for the reasons you would like to volunteer:


lu Why vo


tting e S l a o G Goal Number


Using the table below, please set yourself five goals for volunteering with London Youth ensuring they are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-Specific).

By When?

How Will You Know If This Is Achieved?






Tutor Comments

A.C Passed?

Tutor Signed:




Learning Outcome Two Learning  Outcome 2. Understand how to find and obtain voluntary work within the community

ing h c r a e s Re oles R g n i r e Volunte

Assessment  Criteria 2.1. Comment on a range of ways in which volunteering opportunities may be found Please complete this wordstorm in the different ways you can find out about volunteering opportunities. The first one has been done for you.

find o t s y a W ut out abo ing... er volunte




e Youth w

From your wordstorm choose five ways to find out about a volunteering opportunity and comment on the positive and negative aspects of each. The first one has been done for you.

Ways To Find Out About Volunteering Opportunity...

London Youth Website

Posi<ves ✓Easily accessible to everyone who has internet ✓London Youth known to provide opportuni<es for young people

Nega<ves ✓Only opportuni<es for young people? ✓Can’t access website if you don’t have an internet connec<on



To the right you can see a screenshot of the London Youth website which promotes volunteering opportunities. Please answer the following questions: How did you find out about your volunteering placement?

Why did this opportunity appeal to you?

After completing some research, what do you know about this organisation?


Now you have completed your write up about your volunteer placement, please research one other opportunity from a different organisation, attach it, and complete the questions below:

Please attach a copy of the volunteering opportunity here

Explain what this volunteering opportunity is and how you found out about it:

Why did this opportunity appeal to you?

After completing some research what do you know about this organisation?

Tutor  Comments

A.C Passed?

Tutor Signed:




Learning Outcome

Assessment Criteria

2. Understand how to find and obtain voluntary work within the community

2.2. Select and apply for a volunteering opportunity within the community

Attach copy of application form here.

Tutor Comments

A.C Passed?


Tutor Signed:


Learning Outcome

Assessment Criteria

2. Understand how to find and obtain voluntary work within the community

2.3. Assess own skills and interests and describe how they meet the needs of the organisation

ing n r a e L l ua Individ Plan The evidence for this unit is covered in the learners ‘Individual Learning Plan’ please refer to this on pages 4- 11 of this booklet.

Tutor Comments

A.C Passed?

Tutor Signed:




Learning Outcome Three Learning Outcome

Assessment Criteria

3. Understand the personal benefit of undertaking voluntary work

3.1. Complete a voluntary work placement

ce Referen At the end of your volunteering placement you will be provided with a reference from London Youth. Please attach a copy of of that reference here.

Tutor Comments

A.C Passed?


Tutor Signed:


Learning Outcome

Assessment Criteria

3. Understand the personal benefit of undertaking voluntary work

3.2. Assess the personal benefits of undertaking voluntary work

Essay Congratulations! You are over half way through your volunteering programme. Please complete a 400 word essay (approx.) with the title ‘Assess the personal benefits of undertaking voluntary work’, and attach below.

Guidance for essay: Things you should think about including in your essay: ✓ Talk about your volunteering experience - What were you required to do? Where was it? How often? Who did you work with? ✓ Discuss what you enjoyed the most about your volunteering placement and what you struggled with - how did you overcome these difficulties? ✓ What skills/knowledge did you acquire during your volunteering placement?

Tutor Comments

A.C Passed?

Tutor Signed:




Learning Outcome Four Learning Outcome

Assessment Criteria

4. Understand the transferability of skills and experience gained through volunteering

4.1. Assess the employability skills gained and/or improved through volunteering and identify how these could be transferred to other voluntary or paid work placements

Essay Now that your nearing the end of your volunteering placement, please complete a 400 word essay in response to the following: ‘Assess the employability skills gained and/ or improved through volunteering and identify how these could be transferred to other voluntary or paid work placements’ and attach below.

Guidance for essay: This essay response is asking you to do the following: 1. Assess the employability skills gained and/or improved through volunteering 2. Identify how these could be transferred to other voluntary or paid work placements Things you should think about including in your essay: ✓ Briefly introduce your voluntary placement - Where was it? What were you required to do? ✓ Talk about the skills you gained - What were they? How did you use them whilst volunteering? Aim to include at least three skills as examples ✓ State how these newly acquired/improved skills can be transferred to a paid work placement. Give an example of how and where these could be utilised

Tutor Comments

A.C Passed?


Tutor Signed:


[This page is intentionally left blank] Continue to Accreditation Policies



Accreditation Policies

For learners gaining their award with OCN London and NOCN

1.0 Assessment The assessment for your accreditaEon may take a variety of forms and London Youth will ensure that methods relevant to the learning process and most suited to the learning outcomes will be used. Assessment pracEces shall be inclusive and support quality of opportunity. They shall cater for both individual and group diversity. In addiEon, inclusive language will be used, avoiding gender, racial, cultural or other language bias. All course parEcipants have the right to appeal against assessment decisions, as set in the London Youth AccreditaEon Appeals Policy. 1.1 Assessment Management London Youth will ensure that the process of assessment will be managed in accordance with the requirements of the accrediEng body. London Youth will ensure that records of learner achievement are logged and maintained. Assessment records will be maintained by London Youth for five years and then disposed of securely. The London Youth Volunteer Coordinator is responsible for planning and managing the assessment strategy and ensuring that it matches the informaEon given in any relevant qualificaEon guide. At Emes, London Youth may use external trainers that may not have direct NOCN/OCN experience. However, external tutors will be given a full inducEon of OCN London/NOCN assessment procedures prior to the commencement of any training programme. 1.2 Assessment Evidence Evidence of having achieved all the learning outcomes that make up each accredited course will be generated by the course parEcipant and assessed by the tutor. It is the responsibility of the course parEcipant (volunteer) to assemble evidence of having achieved all the learning outcomes. 1.3 Sharing Work Course parEcipants (volunteers) will be encouraged to share ideas and derive mutual support when preparing non-­‐assessed work, but will be managed so that work for formal assessment only shows the individual learner’s work. Course parEcipants (volunteers) are advised that plagiarism can be avoided by acknowledging all sources as they go along, and ensuring that all their work is their own. If a trainer or internal moderator suspects that a piece of work submi6ed is not enErely a course parEcipant’s (volunteer’s) own work, the Volunteer Coordinator shall meet with the course parEcipant to talk through the discrepancies. They shall record the meeEng and outcome in wriEng and submit a copy to the internal verifier. If it is found that a course parEcipant (volunteer) has plagiarised another’s work, they may be invited to re-­‐do and re-­‐submit that parEcular piece of work for assessment. 2.0 Internal Verification London Youth will designate an Internal Verifier who will be required to: ✓ A6end Internal Verifier training ✓ Verify the assessment judgements made by each tutor across a range of units ✓ Check that the different assessment tasks are comparable ✓ Provide clear records of of all internally verified assessments for external verificaEon ✓ Provide feedback to tutors ✓ Share good pracEce in assessment


3.0 Appeals It is the intenEon of London Youth that the assessment process will be transparent, fair and just for all learners. All learners have the right to appeal against any assessment decision. Any learner may appeal against an assessment decision if they feel: ✓ That they have been treated unfairly ✓ That the assessment decision is wrong or invalid ✓ That the assessment process is unfair or wrongly carried out ✓ That the assessment or teaching methods are inappropriate ✓ That the assessment process is unreliable or inconsistent ✓ That the coursework and content do not meet the course outline A copy of this policy will be provided to all learners and discussed during inducEon. Wri6en records will be kept of all appeals. At any stage any learner can seek the support of an advocate or friend to assist with an appeal. The process for appeals is as follows: ‣ Stage One In the first instance the learner should discuss their concerns with their tutor. Their tutor will reply to their concerns within five working days. The decision will be given both verbally and in wriEng. ‣ Stage Two If the learner has been unable to resolve their appeal or complaint informally they can appeal in wriEng to the Head of Training at London Youth. The appeal will be invesEgated, assessed and a decision will be given to the learner in wriEng within 14 days. ‣ Stage Three If the learner is sEll not saEsfied with the result of their appeal they can request for their appeal to be forwarded to an Appeals Commi6ee. The Commi6ee will consist of London Youth’s CEO, and two members of it’s Senior Team. The Commi6ee will respond to your appeal in wriEng within four weeks. The result of The Commi6ee is final. 4.0 Malpractice London Youth defines MalpracEce as any deliberate acEvity, neglect, default or other pracEce that compromises the integrity of the assessment process, and/or the validity of cerEficates. MalpracEce may include a range of issues, from the failure to maintain appropriate records or systems to the deliberate falsificaEon of records in order to claim cerEficates. 4.1 Consequences for Learners Any report that suggests reasonable grounds for suspicion that a learner has commi6ed or a6empted to commit malpracEce will be thoroughly invesEgated by London Youth. SituaEons where a leaner is strongly suspected will be reported to the awarding body. Learners should be aware that awarding bodies will contact police authoriEes in serious cases and consider prosecuEon. Also, credits and cerEficates previously achieved may be withdrawn and details of the offence passed to other awarding bodies. Learners found to have commi6ed malpracEce following invesEgaEons will be withdrawn from the course and may be excluded from future enrolments on courses at London Youth. 4.2 Consequences for Staff Any report that suggests reasonable grounds for suspicion that a member of staff has commi6ed or a6empted to commit malpracEce will be throughly invesEgated by London Youth. SituaEons where a staff member is strongly suspected will be reported to the awarding body. Staff should be aware that awarding bodies might contact the police authoriEes in serious cases and consider prosecuEon. Staff found to have commi6ed malpracEce following invesEgaEon will be withdrawn from teaching that course, and will be the subject of a disciplinary hearing, which may result in dismissal. 4.3 PrevenEon of MalpracEce In order to reduce the likelihood of MalpracEce occurring at London Youth, informaEon clearly explaining the possible consequences of MalpracEce will be raised with learners as part of the course ‘ground rules’ raised at the start of each course, and with tutor assessors as part of their inducEon prior to teaching on behalf of the centre. Staff engaged in assessment must all contribute and be part of regular Internal VerificaEon and StandardisaEon events, where samples of assessed work are seen by more than one staff member, and where the samples are chosen are randomly picked or otherwise not chosen by the original assessor.



020 7549 8800 | 47-49 Pitfield Street | London N1 6DA Registered Company Number: 258577 Registered Charity Number: 303324

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