Volunteering Opportunities
@LondonYouth www.londonyouth.org
Get Involved Hello there, Every year, across our network of 400 youth clubs, our members work with over 75,000 young people helping young people be the best that they can be. This is not possible without the thousands of thousands of dedicated volunteers supporAng the great work that they do. In this booklet we have designed and created a number of exciAng volunteer roles that really add value to the youth programmes run across our network our network of youth clubs. All of our volunteers are supported in whilst volunteer with us and offered the opportunity to accredit their experiences through the NaAonal Open College Network and vInspired*. I hope that you find the opportuniAes in this booklet of appealing. If you would like to register your interest and apply for any of the roles please visit londonyouth.org/volunteer and complete the short online form. Thank you for your interest in volunteering with London Youth. Best wishes,
Volunteer Roles
MaP Dronfield, Volunteer Coordinator
Assistant Youth Worker
Athan 31 Champion
Build-‐it Lambeth Mentor
Quality Mark Champion
Matt Dronfield Volunteer Coordinator @MaP Dronfield
Assistant Youth Worker London Youth is a network of 400 diverse community youth organisaHons where young people choose to go. CollecHvely our member youth clubs have a unique reach to over 75,000 young Londoners, delivering good youth work in every London borough and out of town at our two residenHal learning centres. As an assistant volunteer youth worker you will be placed in one of our member organisaHons supporHng the supervisor in the overall running of the youth club session and maintaining a warm and caring environment.
Purpose of the role...
To work as part of a team of youth workers, both paid and voluntary, to support the provision of leisure and educaHonal opportuniHes appropriate for young people with a wide range of abiliHes and interests. This means contribuHng posiHvely in providing safe, creaHve and challenging acHviHes which will meet the needs of all young people aMending the youth club you volunteer with.
Main responsibilities...
✓ To support the supervisor in the overall running of the youth club session and maintaining a warm and caring environment ✓ To work within agreed policies and procedures (which include equality and diversity, safe guarding and child protecHon, health and safety) and to ensure that they are put into pracHce ✓ To assist in planning the youth club’s future acHviHes ✓ To maintain a safe and non-‐prejudiced environment for the young people aMending the youth club and to report any accidents or incidents to the supervisor ✓ To be responsible for the use of equipment and materials and their safe storage in a clean and orderly state. To inform the supervisor of any concerns regarding equipment and materials ✓ To fulfil any other duHes considered reasonable as directed by the supervisor and the management team.
Person specification... Skills and Experience
Ability to treat others with respect and equality
Self-‐moHvated, energeHc and enthusiasHc
Good listening skills
Able to get on with others and work as part of a team
Reliable with good Hmekeeping skills
Be aware of confidenHality and making referrals
Professional conduct
Previous volunteer experience
Athan 31 Champion Athan 31 offers a framework and funding for young people to design, deliver and learn from their own projects. The aims of the programme are for young people to beMer understand their strengths and weaknesses, have increased confidence and ability to work with others, have an increased sense of belonging within their community and to be beMer equipped to become leaders within their youth club and community. Groups of young people come together to plan and run acHviHes, all funded by London Youth. The workers at the youth club are supported through youth acHon training sessions to help them deliver the programme and are able to access consultancy services on how to ensure that youth leadership and decision making is embedded at the heart of their club (for example, creaHng a youth advisory board or including young people in their recruitment panels).
Purpose of the role...
To work as part of a team of youth workers, both paid and voluntary, to support the provision of leisure and educaHonal trips, residenHals or projects (acHviHes) that have been created and managed by young people. This means accompanying groups of young people to safely carry out their acHviHes.
Main responsibilities...
✓ To support the youth worker in the youth club acHvity and maintain a warm, safe and caring environment ✓ To work within agreed policies and procedures (which include equality and diversity, safe guarding and child protecHon, health and safety) and to ensure that they are put into pracHce during the acHvity ✓ To maintain a safe and non-‐prejudiced environment for the young people during the acHvity and to report any accidents or incidents to the supervisor ✓ To be responsible for the use of any equipment and materials and their safe storage in a clean and orderly state. To inform the supervisor of any concerns regarding equipment and materials ✓ To fulfil any other duHes considered reasonable as directed by the youth worker and the management team
Person specification... Skills and Experience
Ability to treat others with respect and equality
Self-‐moHvated, energeHc and enthusiasHc
Reliable and responsible
Good communicaHon skills
Able to get on with others and work as part of a team
Professional conduct
Be aware of confidenHality and making referrals
Understanding of child safeguarding procedures
Build-it Lambeth Mentor Build-‐it Lambeth is about enabling the learning and sharing of vocaHonal skills, and promoHng greater mutual understanding and respect between generaHons in local communiHes. The project involves young people and professional tradespeople – all of them volunteers – working together to build, repair and refurbish social housing in Lambeth. This will include renovaHng empty homes and community spaces to bring them back into use. The idea for the project was tested in a pilot project in Brixton in 2012, and was featured in the first episode of Channel 4’s documentary series, The Secret Millions, in which young people worked with architect George Clarke to bring an empty house back into use.
Purpose of the role...
The role of a Build-‐it Lambeth Mentor is to guide the young people, on the job, as they work to repair and refurbish social housing or community buildings. We therefore expect mentors to have either a qualificaHon in a building trade or have significant experience in a trade.
Main responsibilities...
✓ To support a team of young people to complete a schedule of works that will renovate social housing and community buildings ✓ Demonstrate to young people the correct skills required for each job and explain to young people what they’re doing ✓ Supervise pracHcal work and ensure health and safety requirements are met ✓ Provide feedback on the Hme spent volunteering and make recommendaHons for improvement of the programme
Person specification... Skills and Experience
A trade qualificaHon or have significant experience in a trade
Ability to relate to young people
Self-‐moHvated, energeHc and enthusiasHc
Reliable and responsible
Good communicaHon skills
Able to get on with others and work as part of a team
Professional conduct
Be aware of confidenHality and making referrals
Understanding of child safeguarding procedures
Quality Mark Champion About the London Youth Quality Mark
The London Youth Quality Mark is the only quality assurance scheme for youth clubs accredited by City and Guilds and, uniquely, involves young people in assessment. The aim is for clubs to become recognised as centres of excellence in youth work, establishing and replicaHng good youth work across the network.
Purpose of the role...
To help member clubs through the London Youth Quality Mark. The majority of the Hme is spent out onsite, supporHng youth clubs through the framework, unHl they are ready to be assessed in order to secure a level of the Quality Mark.
Main responsibilities...
✓ Support youth clubs who are signed up to the Quality Mark programme who have been idenHfied by London Youth for help ✓ CompleHng policy research and updaHng their exisHng policies ✓ Reviewing and amending any working procedures as a result of reviewing these policies ✓ To help create an evidence folder ✓ To help label evidence and collate the evidence into this folder ✓ Provide feedback to the Head of Quality Standards by reporHng on progress with your youth club for support and making recommendaHons for acHon ✓ In conjuncHon with the Head of Quality Standards handover the work, if appropriate, to the next Quality Mark Champion assigned to the programme ✓ Provide feedback on the Hme spent volunteering and make recommendaHons for improvement of the programme
Person specification... Skills and Experience
Able to communicate in a range of se`ngs
Self-‐moHvated, energeHc and enthusiasHc
Reliable and responsible
Computer literate
Professional conduct
Have experience of creaHng a poraolio of evidence
Understanding of child safeguarding procedures
Good youth work works. 020 7549 8800 | volunteer@londonyouth.org.uk 47-49 Pitfield Street | London N1 6DA Registered Company Number: 258577 Registered Charity Number: 303324