Contents JULY/AUGUST 2016
PUBLISHER BruceJacobson
ART DIRECTOR JustinMichaels
EDITORIAL CynthiaMacGregor GwenStarr JimmySentman
CONTRIBUTORS Dr.LilaAbbate Dr.RonnyBergman IanFeurtado DanGigante Dr.BaijuC.Gohil GailGrossman PeterKarika DebbieKrzyminski LeslieLuft YvesMaco SusanMcGurn JimmySentman PhilSottile MoWolfe
CIRCULATION CreativeDistribution ______________________
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Fitness & Health 66MineolaAve.,Suite203 RoslynHeights,NY11577 Be part of L.I. Fitness & Health
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516.413.0097 L.I. Fitness & Health magazineispublishedbyFitnessandHealth Magazine,Inc.,6timesayear.ThecontentsofL.I. Fitness & Health magazinearecopyrightedandmaynotbereproducedwithoutthe writtenpermissionofL.I. Fitness & Health magazine.L.I. Fitness & Health magazinedoesnottakeanyresponsibilityforunsolicitedmanuscriptsorphotographs,whichmaybetreatedasunconditionallyassignedforpublication.Advertisersandcontributorsassumeallliability forthecontentandphotographstheysupplytoL.I. Fitness & Health magazineandassumeresponsibilityforanyclaimsagainstthepublisherandpublicationarisingfromtheiradvertisementoreditorialand photosthatwerecontributedbythem.PhotographysubmittedtoL.I. Fitness & Health magazinemusthavewrittenconsentfromthesubjectandisthecontributor’ssoleresponsibilitytoobtainandretain. L.I. Fitness & Health magazineassumesnoliabilityforservicesadvertisedinthemagazine.Thepublisherreservestherighttoedit, rewrite,orrejecteditorialmaterialandassumesnoresponsibilityfor accuracy,errorsoromissions.Allartworkincludingadvertisements createdbyL.I. Fitness & Health magazineisthepropertyofthemagazineandcannotbereproducedwithoutwrittenpermissionfromthe publisher.NeitherthepublisherorL.I. Fitness & Health magazinenor anyagencyorcontractorisresponsibleforanyoffers,products,services,statements,informationandcontentexpressedwithinthismagazine.Anypersonorentitythatreliesoninformationobtainedfrom thismagazinedoessoathisorherownrisk.Thecontentisprovided asainformationserviceonly,anditisthesoleresponsibilityofthe readertoinvestigateandevaluateanyandallcontentprovided.
IfyouhavefriendswhodonotliveonLong Islandbutstillwanttogetourmagazine, theycanseethedigitalversionat:
4AFittingnoteFrom thePublisher 4NUTRITION high-Protein-PAcked seAFood isnotAll thesAme 5PaIRINg WORkOUTs usingYourbodYto gettheJobdone
Suspension training and barre training
6FOOd COde APrimeronorgAnic, locAl,AndgmoFoods Know your labels
7 Putting the Fun bAck in Fitness Try an outdoor workout; Take a hike; Be a kid again; Grow your own food; Take a swing at golf
8WeIghT TRaININg WhYWomenneedto trAinWithWeights
Weightlifting should be an important part of everyone’s workout—women as well as men. 87-minuteJumProPeWorkout
9INsTRUCTOR cAn i be AYogAteAcher? 10MOTIvaTION idon’tWAnttoWork out!
5 motivators to encourage you to maintain your physical health.
11COMPeTITION FieldoFdreAms
Dreams enable us to envision beyond our best and encourages the drive to become the best version of the self.
12COMMIT summertime, recommitmenttime
13seReNITy bAlAncing Your liFe WithYogA
How does the practice of yoga reduce stress, calm the mind, and bring us back to our natural state of being in balance?
14sTReTCh YouCan teAchAnold dogneWtricks
Many muscles are required for us to perform a safe and strong downward dog.
15 ReFUel summer smoothies
Summer is officially here, and it’s time to sip on some delicious smoothies!
16healTh theAdvAntAgeoF out-oF-netWork PhYsicAltherAPY
A good investment for your health.
17 FIT-TeCh Fitness & HealtH’s Picks ForbestAPPsoF2016 Are your thumbs the only part of you getting a workout?
18 sUMMeR OlyMPICs the stuFF
The latest equipment & products to help men and women workout, or at least make you look good when you do.
18bY thenumbers
19CalORIes notAllcAloriesAre creAtedequAl
“Eat less fat.” “Eat more fat.” “Carbs are bad.” “Carbs are good.”
20 heRe’s The haIR stAte-oF-the-Art robotic surgerY ForhAir restorAtion A virtually painless and scar-less surgical solution
21 BOdy CONTOURINg tummYtuckor liPosuction?
Weighing the options in body contouring
22 The sTUFF
The latest equipment and products to help men and women work out, or at least make you look good when you do
23 sTePs stAirsPrinting
You can keep your body in shape with simple exercises that do not require gym equipment or professional advice and supervision.
24BMI cAlculAtingYour bodYmAssindex
Body Mass Index is an indicator of surplus body fat and has since replaced the height-weight charts.
25ROW! ROW! ROW! dosAnddon’tsoFusing roWingmAchinesinYour Workout 26 seNIOR FITNess keePitinbAlAnce 27FitnessFunFActs
5trAitsoFinsAnelYFitPeoPle sWimming PoolWorkouts
28 the 5Worst Foods to eAtWhen on A diet
Fitness & heAlth’s guidetotAnninglotions
29 events 30 nAssAu &suFFolk Fitness guide heAlth quiZ
A Fitting Note From The
ow that the long cold days of winter are over its time to get outside and make the most of the precious days of summer. Some people wait ten months for those two months of heat and humidity, spending most of their days outside soaking up the sun. For others, the hot weather can lead to heat exhaustion, heat stroke, sunburn and other not-so-fun effects. So what does one do to keep active on those really hot days of summer? An air conditioned gym might be exactly what you need, or you can always feel the burn at home by exercising to your favorite fitness DVDs or websites. There is a huge selection to choose from, whether you prefer cardio, pilates, weight training or yoga, there is something for everyone. If outdoor activity is what you prefer, just take caution and keep yourself hydrated. And if you're on any medication please check with you physician before hanging out too long in the heat. Many of these medications promote heat storage, impair sweat glands, or increase sensitivity to sunlight. And take extra care to monitor your body temperature while being active in hot weather. Choose light-colored clothing made of cotton, or high-tech exercise clothing. Cotton helps absorb sweat, while high-tech running shorts and shirts will keep the sweat away from your body, keeping you cooler on your run. Proper hydration will help you prevent the dizziness, cramps, and headaches that can pop up while you’re exercising in hot weather. The best way to exercise safely is to pay attention to what your body Is telling you. If you start to feel even a little bit unwell, stop your workout. Don’t push yourself if you’ve got muscle cramps, nausea, dizziness, fatigue, headache, or even confusion. Don’t miss out on an exhilarating summer filled with fun workouts—just use your common sense and stay safe.
Publisher BruceJacobson 4
Is NOT all The saMe 1.
Protein Power: 25 g per 3 oz. serving This meaty swimmer delivers a boatload of easily digested, premium-quality protein. You'll also benefit from the healthy amount of B vitamins and the potent antioxidant selenium in its flesh. Need to Know: When possible, look for troll- or polecaught tuna, which are the most sustainable options.
Protein Power: 23 g per 3 oz. serving Among white flesh species, halibut reigns supreme when it comes to the protein you need to build muscle like a champ. Each 3-oz. serving also has a mere 2 g of fat, making halibut an even better catch of the day. Need to Know: Pacific halibut is generally considered a more sustainable choice than Atlantic.
sOCkeye salMON
Protein Power: 23 g per 3 oz. serving Not only does wild salmon like sockeye taste better than its farmed cousin, it also supplies about 25 percent more protein. In addition, you'll reap the benefits of its plethora of fat-fighting longchain omega-3 fatty acids. Need to Know: Look for salmon with the skin still intact, as it provides added flavor during cooking.
Protein Power: 25 g per 3 oz. serving An increasing number of fishmongers are now offering up this seafood choice. So if your goal is to pack on granite-dense muscle you'd be a sucker—pun intended—not to reel it in for its protein windfall. Need to Know: Frozen octopus actually has an advantage over fresh because the subzero process works to help tenderize the meat.
Protein Power: 21 g per 3 oz. serving Commonly available at most fish markets, tilapia provides an approachable, mild-tasting fish choice that will give you laudable amounts of protein to keep your muscles well-fed. Need to Know: Look for American-farmed tilapia, which is a safer choice than tilapia imported from Asia.
pairing workouts
BOdy TO GET THE JOB DONE Suspension Training & Barre Training
n our hectic lives, when time is limited, fitness classes can be a way to give you an efficient, targeted workout—and using your own body can give you the well-rounded workout your body needs.
Two particular classes that come to mind are TRx and Barre classes.
TrX stands for Total Body Resistance EXercise and is a form of suspension training that uses body weight to develop strength, balance, flexibility, and core stability simultaneously. TrX uses a suspended anchor and two adjustable nylon straps with handles and foot cradles attached to each strap. It was developed by a Navy Seal to keep the Seals’ muscles toned in the absence of a "formal gym" out in the battlefield. Basic exercises like push-ups, tricep presses, squats, lunges, etc., can produce significantly greater challenge to the core muscles when using a suspen-
sion training system such as TrX. By simply adjusting your body position, you can add or decrease resistance, making the exercise more or less challenging. It delivers a fast, effective, total body workout, which helps to build a rock-solid core. Thousands of people at all fitness levels now train on the TrX, from everyday people who just want to feel and look their best to some of the world's most elite athletes.
Barre fitness classes are ballet inspired, using a bar as the primary piece of equipment. Essentially, barre classes mix elements of Pilates and yoga to give you beautiful, sculpted, lean muscles. Barre classes target the core muscle groups that are neglected in conventional strength training. The small, super-controlled movements that take place in barre classes reduce pressure on your joints, tendons, ligaments, and spine. The moves are choreographed to motivating upbeat music. Exercises can always be modified or
amplified to accommodate you whether you’re a beginner, pregnant, have an injury, or are advanced and looking for more of a challenge. There are many variations of the barre workout, using various equipment such as mini-balls, elastic bands, and small hand weights. You’ll see changes in your body, gain strength, and tone those hard-to-target muscles in your core, arms, and legs in just a short amount of time. Barre students claim to lose inches in just weeks! An improved range of motion is one of the greatest benefits of barre exercise. Changes may also include improved posture. There are many different types of barre classes, ranging from the more classic barre classes to boot camp-style classes, which can include burpees and mountain climbers. Classes like TrX and Barre work the
largest muscle groups in the body, burning even more calories. Pairing your workouts with a healthy diet will give you even better results. Fitness classes are a social and fun way to keep you motivated and let people at different fitness levels participate together. ______________________________ Debbie Krzyminski is the co-owner of Fitness Figures NY Inc. Together with her sister Gail Stevens, D.C. (Chiropractic Health Center) and their brother Ronald Stevens, M.D. (Advanced Cardiology) they run a comprehensive wellness center. In addition to fitness classes such as TRX, Yoga, Pilates, Core Strength, Barre - other services include Chiropractic Care, Massage Therapy, Acupuncture and Cardiac care.
IsOlaTION vs. INTegRaTed exeRCIses IsOlaTION exeRCIses Isolation exercises are minor, one-off events during which you focus on and work only one muscle group at a time, often in one plane of motion. While such exercises may be effective for developing muscularity, they are generally simpler movements with limited neuromuscular development benefit.
INTegRaTed exeRCIses Integrated exercises engage intensive, interconnected movements, often multi-planar, which require coordinated efforts. This type of exercise enhances the nervous system’s ability to effectively coordinate movement at higher levels and build strong motor patterns, increase stabilization, and functional muscle mass. LONG ISLANDFITNESS & HEALTH
food code
any believe the rampant rise in obesity is due to what is in and on our food, and that organic food, local food, and non-GMo (genetically modified organism) foods are the keys to reversing the trend. Paleo, hunter/gatherer, and whole food-eating plans are very popular right now for good reason. rather than worry about a bunch of rules around food, just think, “If it did not exist 100 years ago, do not eat or drink it today.”
OUR BODIES DO NOT “RECOGNIZE” THESE NEW FOODS THAT LOOK AND TASTE THE SAME, SO THEY ARE NOT BROKEN DOWN CORRECTLY, CAUSING CHRONIC LOW LEVELS OF INFLAMMATION IN THE BODY. Industrialization changed the way we source food and farm our land. It also dramatically reduced the kinds of foods available to us. We went from multi-crop farms worked by hand to single-crop farms worked by machine. We factory-farm our meat in horrific conditions. In order to be efficient on such a large scale, pesticides, hormones, and antibiotics are pervasive in our food and in what we feed livestock, and therefore in us as well. organics benefit from lower levels of pesticides, less hormones, and antibiotics. But organic, hormone-free, wild, grass-fed, and pastured all 6 LONG ISLANDFITNESS & HEALTH
mean different things, and the labels can be very confusing. Simply think of what you are looking to achieve and buy accordingly. Barcodes starting with a 9 signify organic and are a good call for the “dirty dozen”—the most pesticide-laden fruits and vegetables as identified by the EPA each year. Locally grown food is important for your body to perform optimally for the conditions you live in, so in the winter we really should not be eating food that is a summer crop where we live. Just because we can eat strawberries year round now does not mean we should. We need to eat what will fuel and heal you where you are, taking climate into consideration. Know the source of your food! America has pretty loose restrictions on what is allowed into the country. We are often buying food that has been rejected by other countries. Buying locally grown food addresses that problem. Many believe that genetically modified foods are responsible for the rise in digestive issues, allergies, even autism and Alzheimer’s. Crops are genetically modified to be pesticide resistant so the spray kills the weeds but not the crop. They are being engineered to withstand massive amounts of pesticides, which we then eat as they sink into the crop. our bodies do not “recognize” these new foods that look and taste the same, so they are not broken down correctly, causing chronic low levels of inflammation in the body. There is very little regulation here, so you need to be your own advocate and
watchdog. Look for barcodes starting with an 8 to denote GMos and avoid them at all costs. Nutrition is a fluid science, and most studies view a tiny slice of data and spin the information to prove the point they want to prove. You need to place your faith in yourself to make safe food choices for yourself and your family. _______________________________ Mo Wolfe is the founder and owner of Evolution Pilates in Port Washington. She is certified by Power Pilates, Polestar Pilates and NASM and is a member of The Physical Mind Institute and Pilates
Method Alliance. She is dedicated to maintaining a high standard of Pilates and TRX instruction in her studio.
eWg’s 2016 list CLEAN 15
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
Avocados Corn Pineapples Cabbage Sweet Peas Onions Asparagus Mangoes Papayas Kiwi Eggplant Honeydew Grapefruit Cantaloupe Cauliflower
Strawberries Apples Nectarines Peaches Celery Grapes Cherries Spinach Tomatoes Bell Peppers Cherry Tomatoes 12. Cucumbers
SPorTING Ideas Summer’s here! Get out and get healthy. Take advantage of the long, warm days. remember on the Island you have only three months, so take advantage of all the beautiful weather. Soon enough it will be cold again.
Forget expensive gym equipment or fitness classes. If you can find a local park or playground, you can get fit outdoors for free. Think of it as recess for grown-ups—you get a great full-body workout while still having a whole lot of fun.
Follow a local hiking trail for a fun and free fitness activity. Want to see serious results? Add sprint intervals. See nature, get a tan (not too much sun), and enjoy the outdoors.
BE A KID AGAIN: When’s the last time you played with a hula hoop, did a little skipping, or tossed around a frisbee, just for fun? Take skipping, for example. Not only is it an excellent cardio workout, but it can help you burn more than 700 calories an hour. If frisbee is your thing, look into joining a competitive league in your community. You’ll have the opportunity to make new friends, learn a new sport, and stay active all summer long.
TAKE A SWING AT GOLF: When we asked adults who play sports which one they play the most, golf topped the list. The World Golf Foundation When you eat fresh, you live estimates that golfers who well. You couldn’t get any walk an 18-hole course healthier or fresher food clock about 5 miles and than food grown in your own burn up to 2,000 calories, garden. Eating fresh can help golfers using a motorized you live longer, fight discart can burn about eases, and boost your immune system. 1,300 calories Besides getting healthy nutritious food; you would also get regular exercise, and a breath of fresh air working in your garden. GROW YOUR OWN FOOD:
GO FOR A SWIM: No, you don’t have to splurge on a pool for your backyard to stay cool in the summer months. Instead, check out the listings for community pools in your area. Swimming isn’t just a refreshing way to beat the heat—it’s also a great workout. It gets your heart pumping and helps to build your lung capacity, while also providing a lowimpact workout that’s easy on your joints.
weight training
Why WOMeN Need TO TRaIN WITh WeIghTs Weightlifting should be an important part of everyone’s workout, WOMEN as well as men. BY PETEr KArIKA
pending most of my waking hours working in gyms for over the past 25-plus years, I have witnessed many trends come and go, but the one thing that has always worked, and will always continue to work, is progressive resistance weight training. That being said, most women are still fearful of challenging themselves in the weight room, opting for a casual (and far less effective) half-hour to an hour in the cardio room. The majority of them are quick to point out that their goal was to lose weight and “tone up” and not to get bulky. The fact is their fear of getting bulky is keeping them away from the weight room and the results they desire to achieve. Women do not produce the hormones at the level that are needed to achieve the results that they are afraid of. They would also need to train at much higher volume while in a caloric surplus over a long period of time. That being said, you would be lucky to gain a
few pounds of muscle per year (that is with the hormones of an average male). So a female should not be concerned with getting over-muscular. What, then, can you expect from a smartly designed progressive weighttraining program as opposed to wandering into the gym to do just cardio? • Increase strength • Increase overall metabolism at rest • Better hormone profile • Increase bone density • Better blood sugar control • Drop body fat and keep it off • Develop the shape of your body • relieve stress • Fight depression • And more Cardio does have its place and can be discussed at a later time, although too much cardio without a resistancetraining program can lead to overuse injuries and greatly increase cortisol levels. (Cortisols are the stress hormones responsible for weight and fat gain, among
7-MINUTe JUMP ROPe WORkOUT squat Jack Targets: Arms, abs, butt, and legs • Stand with feet together, holding one handle of jump rope in each hand.
• Jump rope, moving legs out to sides and squatting as you land. • on next jump, hop backward as you bring legs together and stand upright. Then hop forward, landing in squat again. • Continue alternating between squat and standing jumps (as if doing jumping jacks) for 1 minute.
other things.) Now, I am not telling you to avoid or skip cardio altogether. A successful resistance training program can be accomplished with a minimum of three training sessions per week. (Two can work, just not as well.) When performing whichever resistance program you follow, your numberone goal is progression each week, whether it is more weight on the bar, an extra rep with the same weight, decreased rest time between sets, or more volume. You need to keep track and always aim to progress. Lifting the same five-pound dumbbells for the same number of reps for the same number of sets with same rest periods will give you the same results. Next time you walk into any commercial gym, take notice of the women who just do endless hours of cardio compared to those who perform a smarter (and shorter) progressive resistance weight training program. Combine this with a caloric deficit or surplus (depending on goals) and you will be surprised at how much control you can have over your overall look and how you feel. ________________________________ Peter Karika is president and owner of The Training Station Athletic Clubs, Port Washington and Glen Cove NY.
Who needs expensive gym equipment? Burn 100 calories in 7 minutes flat with this budget-friendly fat blaster.
Rope Runner Targets: Arms, abs, butt, and legs • Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding one handle of jump rope in each hand. • Jump rope, trying to touch right heel to butt while left leg skips as usual. • Switch legs on the next jump, bringing left heel toward butt. • Do 6 jumps total, alternating legs each time, then jump straight up with both feet once. repeat combo for 1 minute.
CaN I Be a
yOga TeaCheR?
get calls and e-mails all the time from people who practice yoga and are thinking about taking yoga teacher training. Students of mine often approach me to ask are they good enough to teach. This always reminds me of how I first got into teaching yoga: I knew I loved it and wanted to share it with others, but I didn’t think I was good enough. The most important part of becoming a teacher, no matter what you are teaching, is that you love to teach. There are many people who take training to deepen their practice, and that is a wonderful reason to take teacher training, but if you want to teach, you really have to love teaching, otherwise you will get burnt out. Being good at teaching is a whole other story. If you take the right training, you will be given the
alternating high knees
Targets: Arms, abs, butt, and legs • Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding one handle of jump rope in each hand. • Jump rope, bringing right knee up in front of you as close to hip height as possible while left leg skips as usual. • Switch legs on the next jump, bringing left knee up. • Continue alternating knees for 1 minute.
skills to become a great teacher, though some people are just innate teachers. In that case, their training makes them even better! It’s a hard decision to take teacher training. There’s a lot of time and energy that goes into the training, and if you’re going to do something, you want to make sure you really want to be there. As mentioned, sometimes you do it to become a teacher; sometimes you do it to deepen your practice. Ultimately you have a calling to do it. Being good at yoga is another story. Which brings me back to my original quandary. I thought that if I couldn’t do the hardest poses that I shouldn’t be teaching. At the end of the day, most of the people you will teach won’t want to do the hardest poses. There will be plenty of people to work with those students who do. Most people practicing yoga will find benefit from the less challenging postures. There are so many poses in the practice, and the way you teach even the simplest of poses can make them more challenging. Teaching yoga is something that you can start off with, and you will always find students who are attracted to your teaching and what you have to offer. Your teaching will evolve, you will
evolve as a person as well, and what you offer may shift in time. Teacher training changed my life, and I know it has changed the lives of many of the students who have completed my teacher trainings. I
teach adults to share yoga with adults and with children, and each of these trainings has brought different experiences to the lives they have touched. If you want to grow as a human being and develop yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually, this would be a great place to start. Even if you never end up teaching, you will have gotten the benefit that many people only touch the surface of in their lifetime. _____________________ Gail Grossman, E-RYT 500, is the founder and owner of Om Sweet Om Yoga in Port Washington, NY. Gail has certifications in both Kids and Adult yoga and leads teacher trainings in both. Gail is the author of Restorative Yoga for Life; and has been a presenter at The Yoga Journal Conference in NY. She teaches group and private sessions and is grateful to share what she loves!, 516-944-9642
WORk OUT! 5 Motivators to Encourage You to
Maintain Your Physical Health BY IAN FEUrTADo
1. IF yOU dON’T Use IT, yOU lOse IT 2. MOve TO The MUsIC 3. WORk, WORk, WORk 4. eNeRgIze 5. lOve yOUR heaRT MOTIvaTOR 1.
IF yOU dON’T Use IT, yOU lOse IT
As a certified personal trainer working in a physical therapy clinic, I’ve witnessed how not exercising or exercising poorly can force your joints to overcompensate for what your muscles lack. This results in symptomatic pain and inhibited range of motion. Knee replacements, shoulder replacements, and hip replacements can fix the problem but don’t resolve the origin of your pain. I emphasize to my clients that muscles are meant to decrease stress on your joints. Personal trainers or physical therapists are movement experts who can readily screen your joints for potential muscle weakness and are qualified to customize the proper plan so your joints are never overworked.
Music could be the spark your mind needs to self-motivate. It lifts our spirits, engages our minds, and most of all, gets our limbs moving. With the right playlist, you will be easing into your exercises with grace and rhythm. When I teach my dance classes, it is so common to hear, “I haven’t worked out like this in a long time!” Choosing a song with a faster tempo will allow you to increase your cadence and resistance as the song builds.
Achieving personal goals has inspired millions of people to be aware and improve their own physical health and productivity. Having a competitive edge in any aspect of your life is about working smarter, not harder. running a 5k or 10k race could be the one motivational tool to get you physically fit. You can burn over 300 calories during a 5k run. With the natural adrenaline released while competing, you are capable of burning more calories until the end of the entire race. Preparation for a race is preparation for life; this experience is a key motivator that encourages positive habits.
When you engage in an active lifestyle, you will experience considerable improvements in your overall energy. An experienced physical therapist will advise that all workouts start with a dynamic warm-up, then your exercise routine, and cool down with stretching. Performing daily activities in a 24-hour period will fail in comparison to pushing the limits of a proper muscle-pounding 30-minute workout!
lOve yOUR heaRT
The leading cause of deaths in America is heart disease. As incredibly important as the heart is, it is just as complex when it comes to your fitness. Many personal trainers and physical therapists are trained in maintaining heart zones and where you should be to achieve reachable goals in a safe way. Finding your heart zones is not only motivating but also important in understanding how to achieve the different levels of your potential. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ If you found these tips useful, and you are ready to be motivated to the next level of fitness, we can help you at our local physical therapy office. Metro Physical & Aquatic Therapy has 6 locations throughout Long Island and Queens. Visit us at: Ask for Ian when you call 516-745-8050 or email him at Connected. Competitive. Convenient. 10 LONG ISLANDFITNESS & HEALTH
FIeld OF
Spring is officially here! Most of you are very familiar with the task of spring cleaning. This year, skip your closet and let’s springclean your workout routine!
dReaMs Dreams enable us to envision beyond our best and encourages the drive to become the best version of the self. For all those who begin a great journey, typically that first step began with a dream. BY PHIL SoTTILE
he dream come true is the difference between those who think and those who act. It is the measure of one’s courage of conviction and depth of character triumphing against long odds and unbelievable circumstances. It is the sum total of strength and determination and an ability to let go of fear that separates those who merely dream from those who act. It is only those athletes who dream big dreams and then take the tough and difficult road to make those dreams a reality who excel. If they compete in bodybuilding, bikini, figure and physique competitions, they create a standard of excellence for the rest. My own journey from dream into action includes 12 competitive appearances and 18 shows I have promoted. In my drug-free competitive days, I did not break records or “crush” the opposition. My intention was to step up, challenge myself to better my last performance, and stand among the physical elite. It was a dream to demonstrate my
hard work in the gym, and it was the inspiration of people’s stories that bred a new field of dreams. When I began promoting drug-free bodybuilding shows on Long Island, my goal was to establish a safe platform for old or young, novice or veteran, man or woman, to compete in a world of stage competition that was safe for those who wanted to demonstrate their physical best. My dreams evolved from competing to producing shows that allowed others to do what I did, highlight their best physical efforts. Last June, 2015 after 17 competitive events, we evolved my Long Island Experience competition into an event that highlighted not only a competition but also an athlete’s filmed video biography, a narrative I call The Hero’s Journey. When we showed these videos to the audience, something magical happened: The audience saw into the heart and soul of our athletes. For the first time, those outside the world of bodybuilding could see into the dream of an
athlete whose goal was to make the stage. Every September, I see incredible bodybuilders, bikini bodies, and fabulously developed and healthy men’s physiques—well-developed physical specimens but also business entrepreneurs, teachers, radiologists, dentists, nurses, and beauticians who step into the phone booth, then come to the stage to show their superhero physiques. I also see many who have recovered from disabilities or who do not let having a disability be a deterrent
competition from making a dream become reality for them and for all of us who aspire to shower those efforts with our admiration. They are not just bodybuilders, physique models, bikini beauties or figure sensations. They are mothers, daughters, fathers and husbands; home-grown Long Islanders who live among us and come to the stage to show the total commitment of their bodies, minds, and souls to a healthy fitness lifestyle. Every September, I eagerly await their return to my stage. For when they come, I produce another dream all over again. Come share your dream or witness someone live his/her own: The Long Island Experience Figure and Physique, Bodybuilding, and Bikini Competition, Saturday, September 17, 2016 at The Landmark Theater in Port Washington. _______________________ Contact Phil Sottile at 631-8582900 for details and tickets.
e can all appreciate the power of commitment. Think about the last time you committed yourself to something that was significant to you. Was it your family, your health, your job, or learning a new skill? Commitment is energizing because you block out the world, focus your energy, and create meaningful results for yourself and your loved ones. What many of us do not understand is that commitment is not a one-shot deal. Too many people make a commitment, get the results they want, then become complacent or back off their commitment. When this happens, the results you created when you were committed mystically vanish into thin air leaving you wondering what went wrong, what happened, why did it all come to a stop? The answer is simple: It is not enough to commit once to something that is good for you; you must recommit every day. This daily recommitment makes those areas of your life that are important to you a part of your lifestyle—a lifestyle that can lead to tremendous
fulfillment and lasting results.
What Will you Recommit To?
Stop wondering what you need to do to get your health back on track. recommit. recommit to eating healthy, exercising, getting your spine and nervous system adjusted on a regular basis, and making choices that bring balance to your life. recommit to spending quality time with your family and listening to your spouse or significant other. recommit to the hobbies, passions, and activities that bring you joy. recommit to your job, nurturing your talents and abilities, and building your skills. Commitment is a one-time action. recommitment, every time you are faced with a choice, is ongoing and is how meaningful lives are built. In addition to recommitting to the things you know you need to do, say no to the things you know are destructive to your health, vitality, and lifestyle. These usually include things like saying no to unhealthy foods, to prescription and over the counter drugs, or to mindless television and internet surfing. We see the power of recommitment in our practice every day through the people who have made Chiro-
practic Lifestyle Care a top priority. Since this type of care is not based on symptoms, people who participate in Lifestyle Care typically feel healthier and younger every day even as they age. They get off the symptomatic rollercoaster ride that comes with being committed one day and not staying committed the next. The New England Centenarian Study, one of the oldest and most prestigious studies of people ages 100 and over, indicates you are more likely to live an active, healthy, long life if you avoid sickness in the first place. As part of our commitment to The 100-Year Lifestyle program, we reinforce that concept every day in our practice. We teach our practice members that to live the life you truly deserve for as many years as you can, you simply must commit to making self-care and proactive health care a top priority. You must commit to it, and then recommit, again and again, every day. The power of daily recommitment will optimize the expression of your body’s inborn potential for a lifetime. recommit. Why would you want to live any other way? _______________________ Dr. Ronny Bergman is a chiropractor and lifestyle expert in Port Washington, NY, and Long Island’s sole affiliate of The 100-Year Lifestyle. He can be reached at 516-944-4300 or This article is reprinted with permission from The Family Practice, Inc.
How does the practice of yoga reduce stress, calm the mind, and bring us back to our natural state of being in balance? BY LESLIE LUFT
here are two nervous systems that control the automatic functions in the human body, such as breathing and heart rate. These are the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. The sympathetic nervous system (SNS), commonly known as the "fight-orflight" system, or stress response, causes the blood pressure to rise, the breath rate to quicken, and stress hormones to flood the body. In prehistoric times, this happened in order to prepare the body for fighting or fleeing dangerous animals. But today we live in a society in which technology has created such a rapid flow of information that the mind needs to race to keep up, as it would race when seeing a dangerous animal. When the mind is continually racing, there is often inner turmoil, and the body becomes tense and contracts, resulting in that same fight-or-flight response. In this state, the
SNS is not only constantly on but habitually in overdrive, causing tight muscles, shortness of breath, tightness in the chest and neck, high blood pressure, and high levels of cortisol and other stress hormones, headaches, ulcers, and heart disease, just to name a few stress-related symptoms. The parasympathetic nervous system (PNS), known as the “rest-and-digest” system, or relaxation response, lowers blood pressure and heart rate and turns off the stress hormones, instead stimulating the production of en-
dorphins, the “feel good” hormones. With blood no longer rushing to the muscles, it travels more easily to other systems in the body, such as the digestive and immune systems, made up of organs that are more essential to longterm survival. Studies have shown that long, deep breathing encourages the actions of the PNS and allows relaxation and healing to occur. Yoga, through its focus on the breath, brings us back to our natural state of being in balance, encouraging the actions of the PNS through restoration and recovery, offering the body a time to heal from stress- related symptoms. Breathing does not require conscious awareness; our breath happens regardless of whether we focus on it or not. However, when we bring our conscious awareness to the breath, the mind becomes anchored on this moment, what is happening right now, away from
what has occurred in the past and not worrying or planning for what may happen in the future. This moment brings us into the present, which is free of past grievances or sadness as well as future expectations or plans. It is here where the mind can find peace and serenity and where the body can be at ease and in balance. And it all begins with the conscious awareness of the breath. When you add to that the physical practice of moving your body in rhythm with the breath and the practice of one pointed focus and concentration of meditation in a yoga practice, you have found the pathway to peace, a calm mind, an inner stillness, and the natural state of being in balance. ______________________________ Leslie Luft, E-RYT 500, is the owner and director of Absolute Yoga in Woodbury, NY. Leslie has certifications in a variety of yoga styles and conducts teacher trainings at her studio for new teachers as well as advanced studies for existing yoga instructors. Prior to opening Absolute Yoga 15 years ago, Leslie was a corporate and securities attorney for 20 years. Leslie teaches group classes at the studio as well as therapeutic and instructional private yoga sessions. You can reach her at 516-682-YOGA or
yOU CaN TeaCh aN Old dOg NeW TRICks Many muscles are required for us to perform a safe and strong Downward Dog. The shoulders play a major role in helping you to perform this asana with ease and less stress on the wrists and shoulders. BY SUSAN
et's meet one of the little hidden treasures that affect the shoulders: the pec minor. This little guy is a thin, triangular muscle that hides behind the pectoralis major. It connects the 3rd, 4th, and 5th rib onto the coracoid process of the scapula, or shoulder blade. Its functions are to stabilize the scapula, as well as depressing, protracting, and downwardly rotating it. When the scapula is fixed, pec minor will also assist in elevating the ribcage (when breathing). It basically helps stabilize the shoulder blade, while also helping with small movements. This is not really a muscle that we focus our workouts around or think about stretching and strengthening. It usually works without trying when we perform shoulder-stabilizing activities (planks, down dog, push-ups, chest press, etc.). The reason this muscle deserves attention is that it is usually the nasty culprit in much of the dysfunction in the shoulder and/or neck. It also may predispose the individual to injury of the shoulder joint. This muscle commonly becomes tight and short because of our simple everyday activities. Driving, sitting in front of a computer and usually slumped over while working, shoulders rounded, back flexed (C curve), and head down. This posture continues to wreak havoc and places the scapular in a compromised position that causes problems when we try to move our arms overhead (flexion, as in downward dog) The tightening and shortening alters the normal movement of the scapular and can lead to shoulder 14 LONG ISLANDFITNESS & HEALTH
impingement, rotator cuff tears, and pressure on the nerves and blood vessels that run under the shoulder muscles. In The downward dog: The upper arms roll out (external rotation) while our shoulders are in a flexed position. You need to grow broad across the collarbone to create space for your chest and shoulders by wrapping your upper arm bones so the eyes of your elbow face front. This will create the space for your front body and shoulders. It mimics the action of trying to screw the cap off a jar, counterclockwise, while your hands stay grounded on the floor. When the shoulder complex is functioning well, it actually alleviates undue stress and possible injury to the shoulder joint. When all the players actively participate—shoulders, arms, hips, and back—there is a minimal amount of weight on your wrists. It can actually be a place where you can take weight off your wrists by bending your knees generously and pressing your hips farther back until your hands feel a little lighter. The good news is that the pec minor responds well with massage and trigger point or myofascial release therapy. This is a great place to start and can make a noticeable difference in a relatively short time. . . . . . . . exeRCIses . . . . . . . stretch #1 It can be tricky to effectively stretch the pec minor on your own. There are a few methods that can be used. A popular,
safe, and effective stretch requires lying lengthwise on a foam roller or 1/2 foam roller. In this position, allow your shoulders to drop back toward the floor and relax as you feel a subtle stretch in the front of the shoulder and into the upper chest. You can alter the arm position by raising your arm along the side, to approximately 80, 120, and 160 degrees of abduction to stretch the muscle in various functional positions In addition to stretching, aim to strengthen those muscles that counteract the pull from pec minor: the mid and lower fibers of trapezius, serratus anterior, posterior deltoid, and infraspinatus to help retract and upwardly rotate the scapular. stretch #2 From Yoga Tune Up, and called "shoulder flossing," this stretch really digs into the rotator cuff muscles. A great warmup as well. Take a yoga strap or long belt between your hands, wider than shoulders. Pull the strap to create tension. While holding the tension, with your arms down, start to raise the strap overhead and continue behind your back with your arms straight. If you cannot get the strap all the way behind you with your arms straight, try to widen your grip on the strap until you can get the belt all the way behind you with your arms down. _____________________________ Susan McGurn & Maria Ochakovsky are the founders and owners of Body in Balance Yoga -Pilates in Mineola. National Certificationsinclude A.C.E. and A.F.F.A. Specializing in Stott Pilates, BASI, Yoga Tune Up (r), Booty Barre and Myofascial release among many other formats. To contact call 516-747-4997 or visit
sUPeR sUMMeR sMOOThIes Summer is officially here, and it’s time to sip on some delicious smoothies! It's tough to eat healthy... especially after the weekend! Start your day and week on the right foot, with a quick and healthy frozen drink. What to blend, you ask?
To get lean, think about making a refreshing, irresistible, colorful, healthy summer treat! Utilizing this sample recipe, you can choose the fruits of your choice to make yourself a low calorie, yet protein packed snack or meal.
1 cup of Unsweetened Almond Milk 1-2 cups of fruit (frozen) 1 scoop of protein (vanilla or chocolate) Many people are not thrilled at the idea of a fast finished, watery drink as a meal! Who can blame them?! Do you want to “eat” your shake as opposed to drinking a watery liquid? Here are some helpful tips to make your smoothie like a frosty dessert, while limiting calories. Good health requires healthy foods. Every day is a new chance to start fresh, eat right, live healthy and enjoy a delicious smoothie!
BY Yves MaCO MC daNCe & FITNess
sUPeR shake TIPs: 1. FReeZe YOUR FRUITs aNd GReeNs Using frozen fruit instead of fresh fruit will help make your smoothie thicker. It acts as ice without making your shake watery. 2. aLMONd MILK ICe CUBes Use unsweetened almond milk and pour into ice cube trays. Using this in your drinks will reduce the watering down process that occurs when using regular ice cubes. Reminder - do not use more than one cup of unsweetened almond milk in your shake when trying to reduce the watery effect.
3. THICKeNING aGeNTs ● Tablespoon (or less) of chia seeds ● Tablespoon (or less) of flax seeds ● Non-fat plain greek yogurt ● Non-fat cottage cheese LONG ISLANDFITNESS & HEALTH 15
hen you are deciding what restaurant to eat at, you make the choice based on a variety of factors. Are you looking for something quick, junky, or luxurious? Fast food, a healthier gourmet shop, or a great atmosphere and high-quality food? We may indulge in such luxuries as fine dining, a high-end hair salon, or an expensive car, yet we don’t carry this through into caring for our bodies. Although we may pay extra for massages, yoga, and Pilates, physical therapy gets treated as a healthcare-entitled benefit. You need to ask yourself, is your body getting the care and bodywork that it needs and deserves? Physical therapists are the highesteducated professionals who specialize in biomechanics (how the joints line up) and arthokinematics (normal movement of the joint). PTs specialize in nerve and muscle function in and around a joint. our hands-on skills and exercise expertise put us at the top in both education and knowledge. We rank second only to orthopedic surgeons in muscle and nerve knowledge. At a course I once attended, the instructor stated, “We are a tapestry of accumulated traumas. Patients wind up in a wheelchair when they have run out of orthopedic compensations.” This statement stuck with me. I have patients who will say to me, 16 LONG ISLANDFITNESS & HEALTH
“I know it sounds crazy, but this all started after a severe ankle sprain 10 years ago,” and so the compensations begin. So a simple ankle sprain becomes a hip problem, then a neck injury, which leads to chronic headaches. Something simple and small can lead us into chronic pain patterns over time. We look for the biomechanical “why” of your symptoms and work to change that. If you have been through the traditional physical therapy model and have not improved, or the improvements lasted for only a short time, you may need to invest in your body for the long haul. our oldest athletic patient has been someone 101 who complained of knee pain while golfing, and our youngest, six, had neck pain while swimming and turning his head side to side. No one could figure that out. Models of physical therapy care vary greatly from office to office. Some offices that take insurance may offer hour time slots, but within that hour, you are one of four to six patients. This model is sufficient if you have a simple injury that requires guided exercise and simple physical therapy care. others offer only 10-15 minutes of one-onone time with a physical therapist who lacks advanced training If you feel you are not improving as you should, or you have a complicated case that requires advanced knowledge, such a place may not be the right
fit for you. out-of-network physical therapy may have a higher price tag but can give you more time, allowing a physical therapist to pay close attention to details. “out-of-network” generally means the patient pays, then submits to the insurance company (or the office does) for reimbursement. Generally these insurances have out-of-network benefits that help cover the costs. It’s also important to consider if your physical therapist is trained in a specialty area. For example, physical therapists specialized in women’s health and pelvic floor rehab have extended training beyond their doctorate in graduate school to treat not only the external muscles of the body but also the internal muscles of the pelvic floor in both men and women. These physical therapists have extensive orthopedic training and also pelvic floor rehabilitation training. If someone is experiencing sacroilliac joint, hip, pelvic, or chronic low back pain they may have an issue with their pelvic floor muscles. Complicated or personal problems require specialized care. You wouldn’t want to be seen for only 15 minutes for a complicated problem. out-of-network physical therapy can be the solution to provide you with the focused care you need to help overcome any pain or dysfunction you may chronically have or an athletic condition for which you want faster results. _________________________________ For more information on this subject please contact New Dimensions Physical Therapy. New Dimensions Physical Therapy offers one-on-one care for an hour and offers physical therapists specializing in complicated orthopedic and pelvic floor rehab who have much experience in treating special cases. Visit use at or call us at 516-304-5373. New Dimensions Physical Therapy, 75 Plandome Road, Manhasset.
Picks for Best
aPPs OF 2016
Are your thumbs the only part of you getting a workout? That’s not to say your phone can’t help you lead a healthier, happier life. You just need to know the right apps to download. Check out our list of the best health and fitness apps. zombies, Run!
Set around a small outpost trying to survive the zombie apocalypse, players act as the character "runner 5" through a series of missions during which they run, collect items to help the town survive, and listen to various audio narrations to uncover mysteries. There’s a reason this game became the highest-grossing health and fitness app on iTunes in just two weeks—even though it’s free to download, you’ll start shelling out money like you do for Candy Crush. Except this game helps you get your sweat on. (Free with optional in-app purchases; iOS and Android)
munity, and more. Each sequence has a specific focus, from increasing flexibility to strengthening your core. (Free with optional in-app purchases; iOS and Android)
stronglifts 5x5
No need to carry around a paper and pencil while lifting at the gym anymore. This app keeps track of the exercise, number of reps, and rest time, so all you have to worry about is getting to the gym and getting stronger. (Free with optional in-app purchases; iOS and Android)
strava Running and Cycling
If you’re a serious runner or cyclist, you need one place to keep track of your most recent runs and rides, and no app comes close to the capabilities offered by Strava. The app can track distance, speed, elevation, calories burned, heart rate, power, and cadence. Then it synthesizes all of this data into easy-to-understand graphics. (Free with optional in-app purchases; iOS and Android)
You want to get the most out of your exercise time. With Fitnet, your device's webcam intelligently analyzes your synchronicity with the Trainer, and you are provided with real-time feedback on your performance.The app features an abundance of fiveand seven-minute targeted workouts, so you don’t have to sacrifice time with your friends and family to achieve your fitness goals. Plus, the app uses your phone’s camera for a whole new kind of selfie—this one measures how closely you follow the moves shown on the screen. (Free with optional in-app purchases; iOS and Android)
daily yoga
Daily Yoga is the favorite and most advanced mobile yoga studio in worldwide, providing 50+ HD unique yoga & meditation exercises and the largest database of 500+ yoga poses, beautiful HD videos, live voice guide, soothing music, social
summer olympics
OlyMPIC WeIghTlIFTINg athlete squats under the barbell and catches it above his/her head. The athlete must catch the barbell with straight arms. If the elbows are bent when the bar is caught, it will be ruled a "no lift." once the barbell is secured overhead, the athllete will stand up from the squat, and the lift is complete.
ith the 2016 summer olympics coming up, it’s the perfect time to write about this great sport, to provide information to people who probably have no idea what it is. Weightlifting was first seen in the olympics in 1896. By the olympic Games of 1928, the sport had evolved into what we see currently (except for the Clean and Press event, which was eliminated in 1972). Both men and women compete in weightlifting. There are eight weight classes for men and seven for women. The sport of weightlifting is composed of two lifts that involve an athlete moving a barbell from the ground to above his/her head. In a weightlifting competition, the winner is decided by who has lifted the most combined weight of the two lifts, which is referred to as the Total. These two lifts are the Snatch, and the Clean and Jerk. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know—both names have off-color meanings, but let's not go there. So now let's go over each of these lifts.
The sNaTCh The Snatch is the first lift that is done in competition. The objective in the Snatch is to lift the loaded barbell above your head in one continuous motion. The athlete lifts the barbell off the floor and rapidly extends his/her legs and hips to elevate the barbell to about chest height, at which point the
The CleaN aNd JeRk The Clean and Jerk is the second lift done in competition. Here the objective is to lift the barbell from ground to overhead in two separate and distinct movements. The first phase (clean) is lifting the barbell off the floor and rapidly extending the legs and hips to elevate the barbell to about stomach height, at which point the athlete squats under the barbell and catches it on the shoulders. once the barbell is on the shoulders, the lifter stands up with it. After standing, the second phase begins, which is the jerk. The athlete now does a partial squat and rapidly extends the legs and hips to elevate the barbell off the shoulders to about eye level. As the barbell elevates upward, the lifter pushes him or herself downward to catch the barbell over head with fully extended arms. once stabilized overhead, the lifter stands up, and the lift is complete. Even though this sport is called "olympic" weightlifting, it's not reserved for only olympians. It's for everyone to participate in. I started in my 30s, and I know lifters who started in their 60s! So get out there and learn the lifts!
____________________________________ Dan Gigante is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer, Owner of Essential Fitness in Farmingdale, Corporate Personal Trainer for Zwanger Pesiri Radiology, and competitive Olympic Weightlifter. Contact:
By The NUMBeRs
60% of people who
weight train get an average or more of of sleep per night
7 hours
sedentary people will lose of their muscle mass, weight training can stop, prevent and reverse muscle loss
Adding just 2 weight training sessions a week can reduce body fat by 7%
If you're trying to lose weight, you may want to go easy on the sauce. This doesn't mean completely eliminating alcohol – a glass of red wine at the end of a long day has even been shown to have health benefits. But you do have to be careful. Nutritionally speaking, alcohol counts as a fat, which can be counteractive to losing weight. The key is moderate consumption.
MSG, is common in ethnic cooking and is used as a flavor enhancer. MSG contains sodium and glutamate. Most likely the weight gain is the result of eating too much of the food that contains the MSG. Weight gain may be eating too much because the food tastes so good.
NOT all CalORIes aRe CReaTed eqUal “Eat less fat.” “Eat more fat.” “Carbs are bad.” “Carbs are good.”
utrition advice changes so often, no wonder so many people are confused. But when it comes it calories, the advice to consume fewer of them seems set in stone. After all, "a calorie is a calorie"—right? Wrong. For years, we've been told that if we eat less and exercise more, we'll lose weight. That recommendation is based on the belief that we need to burn more calories than we take in. There’s truth in that— up to a point. But it doesn't tell the whole story. As it turns out, it isn't the number of calories you consume that really affects your weight and your health—it's the type of calorie. It's true: The calories you eat are actually absorbed at different rates. And the different amounts of fiber, carbohydrates, protein, fat, and nutrients in these calories can have very different effects on your metabolism. There's no difference between a thousand calories of kidney beans and a thousand calories of a low-fat muffin—until they're metabolized. As you can see, food isn't just a source of energy. It's a source of operating instructions for your body.
CalORIes 101
So what is a calorie anyway? Simply put, a calorie is just a unit of energy. When we eat food, chemical processes that make up our metabolism break this food down and turn it into energy. Burning this energy lets us do what we need and want to do—from breathing to running a marathon. It's like your car: You have to put fuel in it to make it run. For people, food is our fuel. Calories are what help us "run." ____________________
calories you consume can have a big impact on weight gain, because different foods are metabolized in different ways. Food "talks" to your genes, giving your metabolism specific instructions: whether to lose weight or gain weight, speed up or slow down the aging process, increase or decrease your cholesterol level, and produce molecules that increase or decrease your appetite. No wonder you can feel like you're doing everything right and still not lose weight! ____________________
The WhOle TRUTh
If you want to lose weight
and be healthy, you have to send your body the right messages. That means living in harmony with your genes. This means different things for different people. Depending on our genes, some of us may need more carbs, protein, or fat than others. But there's one basic principle that works for everyone: Base your diet on whole, unprocessed foods. Foods that are in their natural state talk to your genes the most effectively and were designed by nature to keep you at a healthy weight.
The dIeTINg MyTh
Just like high-quality fuel is better for your car than the cheap stuff, some calories are better for our metabolism than others. That idea flies in the face of conventional diet wisdom, but it's true—and science backs it up. For example, recent studies show that high-carb diets can boost insulin and blood sugar levels. The result? Weight gain (not to mention high cholesterol and triglycerides). on the other hand, people who eat a healthy low-carb diet that's rich in vegetables, whole grains, beans, and lean animal protein, but consume more calories than low-fat dieters, actually lose more weight! As you can see, the kinds of LONG ISLANDFITNESS & HEALTH 19
here’s the hair
A virtually painless and scar-less surgical solution for hair loss BY
obotic hair replacement surgery has come to Long Island. offering the most technologically advanced method of hair transplantation, called the ArTAS® procedure. Since its FDA clearance in 2011, over 35 million hairs have already been harvested worldwide by the ArTAS® robots. The traditional method of hair transplantation, called “strip surgery” or “follicular unit transplantation” (FUT), uses a technique that usually leaves a
prominent linear scar on the back of the head at the site from which the donor hair is harvested. In addition, this method can be very painful and may require a lengthy recovery. By contrast, the ArTAS® procedure utilizes a technique called “robotic follicular unit extraction” (rFUE) for harvesting individual hair follicles from the back of the head. This process is virtually painless, leaves almost no visible scarring, and is associated with a faster recovery. The robotic procedure also creates the sites for the implantation of the hair follicles. The artistic planning and design of where the hair will be placed is performed in conjunction with the unique software of the ArTAS®, which allows the patient to see what the outcome will be prior to the procedure being performed. Hair restoration surgery is technically quite demanding for the physician and staff. However, with the ArTAS® procedure employing a computerized and automated rFUE system, along with advanced follicular harvesting and site creation capabilities, much of the potential for human error is removed from the process. This level of precision and accuracy in
donor hair harvesting and recipient site-making leads to a consistently natural looking outcome each time. A recent member survey conducted by the International Society of Hair restoration Surgery (ISHrS) found a tremendous increase in demand for hair restoration surgery as a permanent solution for hair loss. Consider that from 2006 to 2014, the worldwide volume of surgical hair restoration procedures performed jumped 76%, with 397,048 procedures performed in 2014. With the demand for hair transplant procedures on the rise, many people will begin to seek out the most technologically advanced method to perform these procedures. That is exactly what the ArTAS® robot is. _______________________________ Dr. Gohil, with his highly experienced team at his Jericho medical practice, is the only physician offering this innovative robotic surgery in the Long Island, Brooklyn, and Queens region. He is one of a select few hair transplant surgeons worldwide to offer this method of hair restoration. They are available for a complimentary, no- obligation consultation, during which people can come in and learn more about the different surgical treatments for hair loss. For more information, please visit the website at or call them at 516.605.1545.
body contouring
TUMMy TUCk OR lIPOsUCTION? Weighing The Options in Body Contouring BY
any patients come to my office seeking an improvement in their tummy shape. The patients include women post-pregnancy, women or men after a substantial weight loss, or patients with that extra fullness around the middle. For some patients, a tummy tuck is clearly indicated. For other patients, liposuction is the procedure of choice. For others in a “gray” area, a tummy tuck may give the better result, but liposuction would also make a significant improvement. As a board-certified plastic surgeon with over twenty years of plastic surgery experience, I can review various options for body contouring, and offer my patients a complete array of procedures to provide them with the best possible result.
The TUMMy TUCk PaTIeNT As women are well aware, pregnancy can leave lasting effects on the tummy, including stretched out skin and muscle. Skin can be loose and even hanging, and can interfere with activity and proper fitting of clothes. Substantial weight loss may cause similar effects on the body. For patients with such significant skin and muscle laxity, a tummy tuck is the best option to achieve the most optimal shape. Liposuction alone would not address substantial skin and muscle laxity and may even make the loose skin look more pronounced. A tummy tuck removes extra skin and fat, tightens the loose muscle, and pulls the skin tighter. Scars are
placed low to be hidden by underwear or bikini. The surgery is performed as an outpatient procedure, in which case the patient goes home the same day. Patients can usually return to work within one to two weeks, and resume full exercise activity within four to six weeks. The lIPOsUCTION PaTIeNT For patients at a relatively good weight with nice abdominal skin tone but with disproportionate areas of extra fat, liposuction alone can be very effective, and can even be the treatment of choice. Local anesthesia is injected into the fat and the extra fat is suctioned using a thin tube called a cannula. This procedure is also done as an outpatient procedure, and can be performed either under local or sedation anesthesia, using tiny hidden incisions. For the past several years I have been using the SmartLipo laser liposuction technique, where a laser device is first used during the procedure to treat the fat. The laser helps to soften and melt the fat, making it easier to then suction. It also works under the surface of the skin, to get some skin tightening. My patients having tummy liposuction often have one or more other areas treated at the same time, including flanks (“love handles”), thighs, knees, arms, back, and neck. The recovery time after liposuction is fairly quick, with most patients returning to work within two to three days, and resuming full activities in less than a week.
give a more optimal tummy shape, these patients do not want the more extensive surgery and recovery time of a tummy tuck. As long as the patient’s skin laxity is only moderate, they can still get substantial improvement with liposuction alone, particularly using the SmartLipo laser liposuction to get some skin tightening in addition to the liposuction fat removal. For some patients who
have borderline indications for a tummy tuck, a less invasive mini-tummy tuck procedure may be indicated, and can be combined with liposuction. During the initial consultation I can evaluate my patients and discuss expectations of a tummy tuck, mini-tummy tuck, and liposuction. I can then offer them the exact procedure to help them realistically achieve their body contouring goals.
TUMMy TUCk OR lIPOsUCTION? There are patients with extra tummy fat and some abdominal skin laxity who prefer the less invasive liposuction procedure. Although a tummy tuck may
Dr. Arnold Breitbart is a board-certified plastic surgeon, certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, and specializes in cosmetic surgery of the body, breast, and face. He has practices in both Manhasset and Manhattan. For more information, call 516-365-3511 or visit
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IFIT NORDICTRACK ESCAPE NordicTrackhascreatedtheworld’scoolesttreadmill.Whilea giant60-inch4KOLEDTV,turnedonitssideformaximum runnervisibility,transportsyoutosceniclocationsfarandwide, GoogleStreetViewenablesyoutoevengoblockbyblockif you’dlike.Fourmotorsinsidethemachinereplicaterollinghills orsteepdeclines,gentlyjostlingyoufromsidetosideattimes, simulatingtheoutdoorterrainofwhicheverlocaleyou’vechosen. Withsuchtechnologicalprecision,thisbabydefinitelywon’t comecheap—itscurrentretailestimateis$8,000-$10,000— butitmightjustbeworthitifyou’reoftenstuckindoors.
UNDER ARMOUR HEALTHBOx Ifyou’reafanofUA’sgearyou’lllovethebrand’sbigforayintothetechmarket withitsthree-prongedsystemdubbedtheHealthBox.FeaturingUnder Armour’sfirstwearabletracker,theUABand,which displaysworkoutduration,steps,and intensity.Andachest-strapheart ratemonitortogatheradditional activitydataaswellasasmart scale,whichcanregisterupto eightdifferentusers. Thebundlewillsellfor$400,but youcanbuythemseparately,too.
simple exercise that anybody can perform at home or the park is called Stair Sprinting. The name is pretty self-explanatory. All you have to do is run up and down the stairs between several floors; the more floors, the better off you’ll be. It’s a good idea to start small, even if you’re in a good physical condition. run up and down four floors two times. First timers and overweight people are unlikely to manage more than two reps anyway. However, it’s no big deal if you can’t do more than two reps in the beginning. resistance to effort is built in time. Do the two reps every other day for two weeks. After two weeks increase the number of reps to either three or four, depending on how
You can keep your body in shape with simple exercises that do not require gym equipment or professional advice and supervision. It takes over 2,000 steps to walk one mile; and 10,000 steps would be almost 5 miles. A sedentary person may only average 1,000 to 3,000 steps a day. For these people adding steps has many health benefits. Wearing a pedometer or fitness tracker is an easy way to track your steps each day.
you feel. If you can take four reps up and down four flights of stairs, then by all means do so. If you can’t, then stick to three reps. As the weeks go by, you can add even more reps to your routine in order to increase your endurance and to really put the muscles to work. This exercise is perfect for the legs and gluteus maximus. Ladies and gents looking to build shapely Buttocks and strong thighs ought to try stair sprinting. Having to carry your own weight up the stairs instead of flat terrain puts more stress on the muscles and helps the feet gain more endurance. However, be very careful when doing this exercise. running up and down the stairs makes it very easy to trip or miss a step and splay an ankle. Even more serious injuries might happen if you’re not careful enough.
CALCULATING YOUR BOdy Mass INdex IS YOUR HEALTH AT RISK? Body Mass Index is an indicator of surplus body fat and has since replaced the height-weight charts. It is used to assess a person’s level of health risk.
hysical health can be measured (with certain exceptions) through the appropriateness of a person’s weight to his height, where the body weight refers to the measure of one’s heaviness and the height is the measure of his tallness. For instance, a woman measuring 5 ft high, with a medium body frame should weigh between 103 lbs to 115 lbs to be considered healthy. Another example: A man standing 5 ft 8 in tall, with a large body frame, is healthy if he weighs between 144 lbs to 163 lbs. If his weight is lower than the desired body weight for his height, they are considered underweight. And if, in turn, his weight is higher than the desired body weight for his height, he is said to be overweight. BMI = weight in lbs. times 703 divided by height in inches squared; or BMI = weight in lbs. times 4.88 divided by height in feet squared. Here is an example for a person weighing 172 lbs. and who is 6 feet 1 inch tall: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– (Weight X 703) ÷ (Height in inches X Height in inches ) (172 X 703) ÷ (73 X 73) 120916 ÷ 5329 = 22.69 or 22.7 rounded to a single decimal is your BMI ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– People with a BMI of 25.1 to 29.9 are considered overweight, and people with a BMI of 30 or above are considered obese. A high BMI assumes a higher percentage of body fat, which places a per24 LONG ISLANDFITNESS & HEALTH 24 LONG ISLANDFITNESS & HEALTH
son at greater risk for developing chronic diseases and other serious illnesses. However, for some people, the BMI is not a reliable indication of health. A highly muscled individual who is very fit and healthy may have a somewhat heavy body weight because muscles pack on a lot of pounds. This person may have a high BMI that improperly puts him or her in the overweight or obese categories. Conversely, thin individuals who have a low body weight with very little muscle and a higher percentage of fat may have a normal BMI, which would seem to indicate healthiness, but in this case would be incorrect. If you are overweight or obese according to the calculations shown here, it is imperative that you undertake a weight loss and fitness program and start bringing that weight down. remember that for every 10 pounds over your ideal weight that you are, the risks to your health increase, and for every 10 pounds that you lose, bringing you closer to your ideal weight, the risks to your health decrease.
BMI Weight Category 19 and under Underweight 20-25 Normal (Healthy) 26-29 overweight 30 and above obese Body weight categories according to BMI
When you begin using rowing machines in your workout, you will naturally be excited to use the equipment and want to begin exercising on it as soon as possible. Before you start, you should be aware of many of the exercise routine dos and don’ts.
hen you begin using rowing machines in your workout, you will naturally be excited to use the equipment and want to begin exercising on it as soon as possible. Before you start, you should be aware of many of the exercise routine dos and don’ts. When you begin working out, do so moderately. Don’t use a tension setting at first. Just get used to the machine and the way it works. You can add tension to the rowing machines setting later on, but for starters just
row! row! row!
see how the machine feels. Do not exercise too much. As mentioned above, don’t add to the tension setting until you are used to the machine. When you are regularly exercising, vary your workout routine between heavy and light settings and fast and slow rowing. Also make sure that you give yourself at least 24 hours between workouts so that your muscles have time to recover. Make sure that you are doing warm-up and cooldown exercises. These are stretches designed to loosen up your muscles and work out the kinks that may develop during the workout routine. The warm-up exercises will make you more limber too and prevent possible sprains. If you do manage to injure
yourself on a rowing machine, don’t try to push through it. When you feel pain, that is a signal from your body telling you that something is wrong. It’s not a good idea to keep pushing yourself when working out on rowing machines, especially as back injuries tend to be the most common injury from this type of machine. So stop and relax to keep a small injury from turning into a big one. If your pain doesn’t go away in a few days, make an appointment to see the doctor. Also remember to stay properly hydrated. rowing machines can give you a lot of calorie burn, but they can also make you dehydrated. Don’t forget to check out rowing machine reviews online for more information.
senior fitness
keeP IT IN BalaNCe Knowing when enough is enough in working out is the key to staying from healthy and injury free
o doubt about it—those people in the golden years who exercise find they have more energy to devote to other aspects of their lives, plus a more positive outlook, along with the mobility and flexibility to engage in life. And if they shed a few pounds in the process, then they also have a better self-image as well as a better ability to exercise and engage! But sometimes we err in thinking more is always better. This is the logic: if jogging one mile is good for me, then jogging two miles is twice as good. If I can leg press 50 pounds, then leg pressing 100 pounds is twice as good. Following that logic, if I ran (rather than jogged) 100 miles or if I leg pressed 5,000 pounds, just think the shape I’d be in. ridiculous as that sounds, it does seem to be the exercise ethos that some people aspire to, unfortunately. So let’s keep it in balance. When a senior trains at the gym or plays tennis in the park, a moderate challenge is healthy, but
a very intense level of workout is likely to lead to strains and injury or exhaustion. Therefore, set goals and work to achieve them, but don’t destroy your body in an attempt to challenge it. It’s a fact that as we age, our bodies take longer to repair and heal. Look around the gym and see many people (and not only seniors) with elbow or knee wraps. While these can be useful, are those athletes failing to listen to their own bodies? Similarly, you may purchase any number of supplements to help out your aching joints or pop pills to soothe sore muscles, but it may just be better to ease off the intensity of your exercising in order to let the body heal. Certainly when you’re working with your body (and not forcing it beyond reasonable challenges) you make progress and enjoy yourself. But it’s a sad cycle when your body won’t support the unrealistic challenges you give it, so it rebels, you have to Certainly cut back on exercise, you feel bad about w that, you miss your time on the track you’re wor hen k in or at the gym, you feel bad about your body g with yourself—it’s a downward spin. (and not forcing it Nowadays there are so many bey ways to participate in fitness ensonable c ond reah allenges) deavors without the need to break you make progress a your body…if you just keep in mind nd enjoy you the need for balance. So, for example, r s e lf set a goal to finish that tough mudder race but not to win it. Jealous of the younger guy with the big biceps? rather than conning a testosterone prescription, instead drop the level of your weight and go through the entire curl (even the negative) at a very slow speed – it’s a proven way to engage more muscle fibers. It simply lacks the machismo of heaving up a loaded barbell (and likely with the bad form that works against you anyway). Keep it in perspective: the pill-popping to reduce pain, the fortune you spend on those miracle supplements, the unhealthy steroids…they are the antithesis of the healthy life you want. There is an upcoming celebration of the balanced lifestyle: The Long Island Championships on Saturday the 17th September 2016, at the Landmark Theater in Port Washington. It is a bodybuilding and fitness show like no other, not for gigantic gorillas obsessively devoted solely to puffing up their bodies with chemicals. rather it is real men and women, all natural athletes, who have a balanced perspective on life. They carry on with their careers and their family and community roles while training their minds and bodies in healthy ways. In the past, many audience members who heard the stories of these male and female competitors (from teens to people in their 70s) have decided, “Hey, that’s for me,” and entered subsequent shows. You’d enjoy sharing in the lives of these people. (See the ad on the inside back cover.)
More than 80 percent of body fat leaves the body through exhaling. Humans have a type of fat in the blood called triglyceride, which consists of three kinds of atoms—carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Now, before you start hyperventilating to try to slim down faster, it’s important to note that you can’t shed fat just by breathing it out—you still have to create the caloric deficit that leads to fat loss in order to exhale it away.
The booty is the largest muscle in the human body—well, the gluteus maximus muscle, to be more correct. It is large and powerful because it has the job of keeping the trunk of the body in an erect posture. It is the chief antigravity muscle that aids in walking up stairs.
The jaw muscle exerts the most pressure in your body. With all muscles of the jaw working together, it can close the teeth with a force as great as 55 pounds on the incisors or 200 pounds on the molars.
Physical activity is better for your brain than brain training! Studies prove that aerobic exercise may do more to help bolster thinking than thinking itself. regular exercise stimulates neurogenesis in the brain; so, much like the rest of your muscles, physical activity can help “bulk up” your brain cells, too.
There are over 153,000 health club facilities worldwide. Gyms in the United States make up just 20 percent of that total. Around the globe, health clubs serve a staggering 131.7 million members.
TRAITS OF INSANELY FIT PEOPLE There is always time to do and enjoy exercise Fitnessisnotonesize-fits-all—andthe fittestpeopleunderstandthatanddedicatethetimeto findinganexercise routinetheyactually enjoy.
They don’t compare their bodies to other people’s bodies Theyknowall bodiesaredifferent, andtheydothebest withwhattheyhave. Youcan’tcompare yourselftoothers.
W O R kO U T s Water is one of the best fitness tools. It provides resistance, therapeutic treatment, and a low risk of injury. By utilizing your pool as a great place to work out, you will be splashing your way to fitness in no time!
leg lIFT
Stand in shoulder-deep water and hold onto the edge of the pool lightly for balance. Extend your right leg straight out to the side as far up as you can bring it. only go as far as you can while keeping toes pointing toward the pool wall (don't let your ankle turn) and keeping your hips straight toward the wall. Complete 8-10 times. repeat with left leg.
laTeRal RaIses
Stand in shoulder-deep water with arms hanging straight down against your sides. Slowly extend both arms straight out to the sides all the way up to the water level. Pause briefly and repeat.
WaTeR sqUaTs
Stand in the water with feet about hip-width apart. Bend your knees slightly as you push your hips back as if you are sitting on a chair. Keep your knees behind your toes. Keep your feet planted firmly on the ground. Squeeze your glutes as you rise up. return to start position and repeat. The water provides extra resistance and makes this move more challenging.
They get enough sleep Sleepiscritical forastrong immunesystem, metabolism,and anti-aging.
They cheat Eventhemostfit knowthatahealthy eatingplanneedsa littlewiggleroom.
They make fitness a priority We’reallbusy,butif youwanttobefit, youhavetomake time.Themostfit peoplestrikeabalancebetweenwork andfamilyobligations,sociallives, andexercise. LONG ISLANDFITNESS & HEALTH 27
Some foods that that you would think are good for you are actually among the worst in terms of fat and calories. But it can be hard to avoid them, especially in public places where nutrition information usually is not available.
01PlainyOgURT yogurt naturally con-
tains about 16 grams of sugar per cup. But if you eat flavored yogurt, you could be downing 15 or more additional grams of sugar.
02 one sUgaR-FRee COOkIes brand contains 160
calories and 9 grams of fat, so why not eat the real thing? You might save calories with sugar-free candy, but many contain sorbitol.
veggIe ChIPs
The salty snacks have about 150 calories and 9 or 10 grams of fat per handful.
Unless you're immersed in the tanning culture, it's easy to get confused by the variety of products in the marketplace. Here, then, is a quick-start guide that will help you find just the right product to suit your needs.
04 gRaNOla one cup contains
up to 560 calories and 28 grams of fat before you add milk.
05 dIeT dRINks A study found that people
who drink artificially sweetened beverages gained more weight than those who didn't, possibly because the sweet flavor may trigger cravings for the real thing.
Tanning lotions can be broadly divided into three categories: those for outdoor tanning, indoor tanning lotion, and sunless tanning lotion. As their name implies, outdoor lotions are perfect when you're going to the beach, lying out by the pool, golfing, or jogging in broad daylight. If you're going to a salon to get that golden glow, you'll need a tanning bed lotion. If you want to avoid the rays altogether, you'll want a sunless tanning lotion that you can apply in the comfort of your own home. Before you select a tanning lotion, it's helpful to think about your tanning goals. Would you like a tan for a special occasion, like your wedding day or a class reunion? Are you a committed sun worshipper who relishes the deep bronze color of a lasting tan? or are you planning a week at the beach and want a base tan to avoid ruining your vacation with a sunburn on your first day out?
FaCe, BOdy, OR all OveR?
Advances in chemistry and technology mean that we can find products that are specific to our needs. There are special lotions for facial tanning, for example, while others are developed just for the legs. There are bronzers, tingle lotions, and hybrids that contain both bronzing and tingling properties. There is also an abundance of sunscreens, from regular SPF lotions to lip balms to sunscreen specifically designed for tattoos.
When you decide upon a tanning product, you may also want to purchase an array of accessories. These might include products that will protect your manicure and pedicure while you're tanning, a back lotion applicator, a shower cap (for sunless tanning), or a solar cap (to protect your hair color treatment from UV rays).
gO FOR qUalITy
Not only are there many different types of lotion on the market, but you'll find tanning lotions at a variety of price points. As with many things in life, to a great extent you get what you pay for. The designer product lines are generally made with better ingredients, have longer staying power, and are often used as part of a system. For example, a product line might have a three-part system in which one lotion is used to establish your base tan, another tanning lotion is used to moisturize your skin and extend your tan, and a third helps darken your tan once it's been established. Buying a quality lotion doesn't always mean paying top dollar, though. There are online sources that offer a wide variety of tanning lotions—including the designer lines—for the same price you'd pay at the drugstore for a lesser quality lotion. The bottom line? It pays to shop around and buy great lotions at affordable prices.
FITNESS & HEALTH’s BEST PICKS Equate Ultra Protection SPF50,at $.56an ounce
Aveeno Protect+ Hydrate SPF30,at $3.33an ounce
L'Oreal quick Dry Sheer Finish 50+,at $2.44 anounce
Neutrogena Beach Defense Water + Sun Protection, SPF70,at $1.62 anounce
eVENTS eVENTS eVENTS eVENTS eVENTS MC DANCE & FITNESS NEW LOCATION GRAND REOPENING Dale Carneige once said, “People rarely succeed unless they have fun doing what they are doing.” It is with love, dedication, and passion that partners Yves Maco and Coco Xie open their brand new studio doors each day! With great pleasure, MC Dance and Fitness (MCDF), alongside the Great Neck Chamber of Commerce, conducted its official ribbon-cutting ceremony on Wednesday, May 18, 2016. on this joyous date, Yves and Coco celebrated relocating to their new studio and joining the Great Neck Chamber of Commerce. With the company of their supportive and passionate MC Dance and Fitness family and friends, they celebrated the grand reopening in their new home .
The road to success is never easy, and the establishment of MC Dance and Fitness was no exception. Both partners work countless hours each day, which you would never know considering the amount of contagious energy they bring to every class! After every class—cardio, kickboxing, sculpting, choreography, dance, zumba, barre, and on it goes—you will see clients walking or even crawling out of the studio, drenched in sweat, but most importantly with a smile ! Co-owner Yves Maco stated, “We are overjoyed and fortunate to be surrounded and supported by such an amazing group of devoted clients.” MC Dance and Fitness is a place of therapy, a sanctuary, and a second home to many! The exhilarating vibes at MCDF are second to none. Congratulations to Yves and Coco. May you have success in front of you, and good luck always by your side!
TOUgh MUddeR WeekeNd aT Old BeThPage vIllage ResTORaTION
After making their very successful Long Island debut in 2015, old Bethpage Village restoration is happy to welcome Tough Mudder back for a second year. Tough Mudder is a team-oriented 10-12 mile obstacle course designed to test physical strength and mental grit. Tough Mudder is not a timed race but a team challenge that allows participants to experience exhilarating, yet safe, worldclass obstacles they won't find anywhere else. Saturday, July 23rd: Half Course (5 Miles - 14+ obstacles) Sunday, July 24th: Full Course (10-12 Miles - 20+ obstacles) Cost: $95 - $155 1303 round Swamp road old Bethpage - 11804 Tel: 516-572-8400 For reservations, pricing and more information, please visit
sUFFOlk COUNTy P.a.l.'s sWIM FOR sURvIval PROgRaM The Suffolk County Police Athletic League is offering a Swim For Survival Instructional Program for those children who have no swimming experience. The program is designed to teach basic water survival skills to children in a short period of time. This program is not for children who have had basic swimming instructions, either through the red Cross, Y.M.C.A., or Safety Swim Programs. The Program is open to children 5-10 years old. The instructions will be conducted on four (4) consecutive weeks. Certified instructors from St. Joseph’s College will provide the swim instructions. The program will be held at the Danzi Athletic Center located on the campus of St. Joseph’s College in Patchogue. Enrollment is limited. Thursdays July 7, 14 , 21 & 28 , 2016 Session #1 Thursday, – 5:00–5:45 p.m. Session #2 Thursday – 6:00–6:45 p.m. Cost: $20
13Th aNNUal CeleBRITy gOlF TOURNaMeNT & dINNeR
Presented by Sean Kimerling Testicular Cancer Foundation And PIX11 Date: August 8, 2016 Time: 9:00AM Foursome $2,500 Where: Celebrity Sponsor $2,500 Muttontown Country Club individual Golfer $675 5993 Northern Blvd. dinner only $175 East Norwich, NY Tee Sign Sponsor $300 212-986-0892
WWW.liFITNESSANDHEALTH.COM Always keep up on your fitness & be part of the RIP
HealthtraxFitness&Wellness 1300FranklinAvenue,GardenCity 516-741-1057
BikramYoga 1062OldNorthernBlvd.,Roslyn 516-200-9200
Hotyoga4uYogaStudio 49BirchHillRd,LocustValley 516-656-9299
BigAl'sFamilyFitness 51FrostStreet,Westbury 516-478-5800
iLoveKickboxing 715MiddleNeckRd.,GreatNeck 516-439-4701
Body in Balance 111e Jericho Tpke. Mineola 516-747-4997
InTheZone 62BethpageRd.,Hicksville 515-216-4279
BodyImageFitness 314HillsideAve.,WillistonPark 516-385-5454
InformFitness 26HarborParkDr,PortWashington 516-743-9601
BondaYoga 4ABondSt,GreatNeck 516-304-5757 ClubFit247 99JerichoTurnpike,Mineola 516-307-8100 CompetetiveEdge 38HarborParkDr.,PortWashington 516-801-6170 CoreFitness 74CedarSwampRd.,GlenCove 516-686-6464 Crossfit516 7RoselleStreet,Mineola 516-280-4070 DeeVaDance&FitnessStudio 735PortWashingtonBlvd,PortWashington 516-570-2334
IntegratedFitness 55BryantAve,Ste1,Roslyn 516-621-0614 JustBeYogaLLC 12LudlamAve 516-263-8881 KingsPointFitness 770MiddleNeckRd.,GreatNeck 516-773-8778 LifestyleFitness 1163OldCountryRd.Plainview 516-938-6232 LongIslandFitness&Wellness 6160JerichoTpke,Commack 631-332-8167 MC Dance & Fitness 200 Middle Neck Rd., Great Neck 516-441-5444
EliteFitness 11StewartAvenue,Huntington 631-470-9693
Metro Physical & Aquatic Therapy 800 E Gate Blvd, Garden City 516-745-8050 600 Northern Blvd, Great Neck 516-466-9730 300 Forest Dr, Greenvale 516-626-8787 2140 Bellmore Ave, Bellmore 516-586-5533
Essential Fitness 336 Main St., Farmingdale 631-732-2096
MyPilatesStudio 377SOysterBayRd.,Plainview 631-965-6329
Evolution Pilates 2 Shore Road, Port Washington 516-767-1761
MetaBurnFitness 480ForestAvenue,LocustValley 516-203-4534
FitbodyBootcamp 586NewYorkAvenue,Huntington 888-600-4817
New Dimensions Physical Therapy 75 Plandome Road, Manhasset 516-304-5373
Fitness Figures 166E. Jericho Turnpike, Mineola 516-294-2998
NXT GENFitness&PerformanceTraining 2ChannelDr.,PortWashington 516-883-7678
FitnessInspiredTraining 403MainSt.,PortWashington 516-304-5743
Om Sweet Om Yoga 12 Irma Ave., Port Washington 516-944-9642
D-FineFitnessofMelville 300BroadhollowRd,Melville 631-393-2642
Personal1Fitness 460JerichoTurnpike,Mineola 516-294-3020 Practice 1500OldNorthernBlvd.,Roslyn 516-493-2708 PowerTenFitnessClub 102HarborRd.,PortWashington 516-767-6773 PowerhouseGym 235-cRobbinsLane,Syosset 516-933-1111 RADDCrossfit 65SeaCliffAvenue,GlenCove 516-855-7348 RetroFitness 49N.FranklinStreet,Hempstead 516-833-5586 Row45 1AlbertsonAve.#6,Albertson 516-484-6300 SeaCliffYoga 185GlenCoveAve,GlenCove (516)242-2287 SLT 1085NorthernBlvd.,Roslyn 516-304-5095 SiegeAthletics 228EJerichoTpke.,Mineola 516-385-8517 TheFitnessResource 31CommercialSt.,Plinview 516-605-0800 TitleBoxingClub 170MichaelDr,.Syosset 516-883-7979 TotalNutrition 235RobbinsLane,Syosset 516-396-9812 Training Station 190 Glen Cove Ave #1, Glen Cove 516-609-9277 45 Channel Dr, Port Washington 516) 767-1121 TropicalFitness 49BethpageRoad,Hicksville 516-433-6777 TwoWorldsFitness 340WheatleyPlaza,Greenvale 516-484-1064 XsportFitness 630OldCountryRd.,Westbury 516-294-1003 XcelerationSportsTraining 100EJerynBlvd.,DeerPark 631-667-4484 YogaFlowStudio 977GlenCoveAve,GlenHead 516-656-0672
1. How many calories make up 1 pound of fat? a. 2,000 b. 3,000 c. 3,500 d. 4,000 2. The recommended daily calorie allowance designed by the U.s. department of agriculture is 2000 calories. How many calories does the average american eat each day? a. 2,000 b. 3.000 c. 4,000 3. a pedometer measures your? a. heart rate b. calories burned c. your step count 4. How much water should you drink each day ? a. 32 ounces b. 64 ounces c. 76 ounces 5. a Harvard medical school study found that one hour physical exercise. a. can add two hours to your life b. add pep to your step c. decrease 1 inch to your waist 6. Which of the following contains more sugar (per oz.) ? a. regular cola b. ketchup c. orange juice 7. Which country has the most unhealthy eaters? a. Japan b. Haiti c. Mexico ANSWERS 7.a
Be1stFitness 82RushmoreSt,Westbury 516-333-6700
HardToHoldPhysiqueTraining 128MiddleNeckRd.,GreatNeck 516-498-9500
Absolute Yoga 1 Guilles Lane, Woodbury 516-682-9642
Fitness4YouInc. 290SmithtownBlvd.,Nesconset 631-252-6132
250fitness 149CovertAvenue,NewHydePark 516-603-0316
Orangetheory 211 Glen Cove Rd., Carle Place, 516-268-6272 315 Merrick Rd, Rockville Centre 516-586-6555 4914 Merrick Rd., Massapequa Pk, 516-590-7676 103 Jackson Ave. #1, Syosset 516-299-8309 500 Walt Whitman Rd., Melville 631-683-8311 4000 Jericho Turnpike, E. Northport 631-499-4500
Nassau & Suffolk