Long Island Fitness & Health

Page 1

Contents MAY / JUNE 2016


PUBLISHER Bruce­Jacobson

­4­A­Fitting­note­From­ the­Publisher

18 the stuFF­

4­NUTRITION Diet-FrienDly­stArbucks­Drinks All­unDer­200­cAlories!

19­bOxINg 6­beneFits­oF­boxing­workouts

ART DIRECTOR Justin­Michaels

EDITORIAL Cynthia­MacGregor Gwen­Starr Jimmy­Sentman

CONTRIBUTORS Monica­Abayev Dr.Lila­Abbate Dr.­Ronny­Bergman Matty­Fusaro Maria­Ochakovsky-Gomez Gail­Grossman Leslie­Luft Yves­Maco Dr.­Breanna­McDavid Susan­McGurn­ Anthony­Monferrato Ellen­Nalaboff­ Jimmy­Sentman Phil­Sottile­­ Mo­Wolfe

CIRCULATION Creative­Distribution ______________________

Swap your regular Starbucks coffee.

5­INTROspecTION yogA­so­much­more­thAn­A PhysicAl­PrActice

Yoga is a moving meditation, which is not just meant as a physical exercise.

Be part of L.I. Fitness & Health

S S E N T I F D N A L S I LONG S T R E P X E H T L A & HE Call Us:

516.413.0097 L.I. Fitness & Health magazine­is­published­by­Fitness­and­Health Magazine,­Inc.,­6­times­a­year.­The­contents­of­L.I. Fitness & Health magazine­are­copyrighted­and­may­not­be­reproduced­without­the written­permission­of­L.I. Fitness & Health magazine.­L.I. Fitness & Health magazine­does­not­take­any­responsibility­for­unsolicited­manuscripts­or­photographs,­which­may­be­treated­as­unconditionally­assigned­for­publication.­Advertisers­and­contributors­assume­all­liability for­the­content­and­photographs­they­supply­to­L.I. Fitness & Health magazine­and­assume­responsibility­for­any­claims­against­the­publisher­and­publication­arising­from­their­advertisement­or­editorial­and photos­that­were­contributed­by­them.­Photography­submitted­to­L.I. Fitness & Health magazine­must­have­written­consent­from­the­subject­and­is­the­contributor’s­sole­responsibility­to­obtain­and­retain. L.I. Fitness & Health magazine­assumes­no­liability­for­services­advertised­in­the­magazine.­The­publisher­reserves­the­right­to­edit, rewrite,­or­reject­editorial­material­and­assumes­no­responsibility­for accuracy,­errors­or­omissions.­All­artwork­including­advertisements created­by­L.I. Fitness & Health magazine­is­the­property­of­the­magazine­and­cannot­be­reproduced­without­written­permission­from­the publisher.­Neither­the­publisher­or­L.I. Fitness & Health magazine­nor any­agency­or­contractor­is­responsible­for­any­offers,­products,­services,­statements,­information­and­contact­expressed­within­this­magazine.­Any­person­or­entity­that­relies­on­information­obtained­from this­magazine­does­so­at­his­or­her­own­risk.­The­content­is­provided as­a­information­service­only,­and­it­is­the­sole­responsibility­of­the reader­to­investigate­and­evaluate­any­and­all­content­provided.

Ultimate Abs Workout or Infomercial Scam?

21 FActs­About­bikinis 21 shapINg-Up bikini seAson­countDown!­

6­self-ImpROvemeNT one­month­to­A­heAlthier,­hAPPier­you

22 trAnsForming­comPetition­&­­­­­­­ society­one­boDy­At­A­time

7 Putting the Fun bAck in Fitness

23 cyclINg PeDAling­heAlth

May is the perfect month to start by making a small change each day. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

8­INjURy pReveNTION 7­eAsy­tiPs­For­injury­Prevention­

9­­OUTdOOR TRaININg Advertising@liFitnessandHealth.com mission­Possible 516.413.0097 Fitness & Health

20 hiP­Abs

5 the­8­elements­oF­yogA


66­Mineola­Ave.,­Suite­203­ Roslyn­Heights,­NY­11577

The latest equipment & products to help men and women workout, or at least make you look good when you do.

10­TakINg a sTaNce stAnD­uP!­

Sitting Too Much Can Be Bad for Your Health.

So you know you want to buy some type of home exercise equipment - but why buy an exercise bike?

24 mOvINg IT

24­­running­just­5­minutes­A­DAy­cAn­helP­­­­­ you­live­longer­ 24­­toP running shoes 24­­jogging­cAn­helP­you­lose­10­PounDs



26 seNIOR fITNess it’s­never­too­lAte­to­leArn!

12­fUelINg-Up Fueling­your­boDy­For­oPtimAl energy­AnD­Power

27 Feel­Anxious?­­ Go Exercising or Relax to Music...

When it comes to food, there is no “one size fits all.”

27 celebrity trAnsFormAtions

13­symmeTRy why­yogA­cAn­helP­you­live­A­more bAlAnceD­liFe…literAlly­

28­yOUTh safeTy Are­sPorts­DetrimentAl­to­youth?

14­cORe TRaININg PilAtes &­hiit 14 Diet,­but­know­your­fats!

30 nAssAu &­suFFolk Fitness guiDe

15 yOUTh safeTy Are­sPorts­DetrimentAl­to­youth? 16­­wOmeNs healTh urinAry­leAkAge­During­workouts Why It’s Not the Norm, and What You Can Do To Prevent or Eliminate It.

17 bigger,­better­bicePs

You want bigger biceps with better development, and you’re not satisfied with the size of your arms.

29 events

30 trAnsFormAtions


Publisher DIET-FRIENDLY sTaRbUcks A Fitting Note From The



s we celebrate the long–awaited spring season at Fitness & Health magazine, Long Islanders are getting ready for all the outdoor activities our community has to offer. Whether you are looking forward to your daily jog, teeing off at your country club, or getting back on the court with your tennis team, you'll need to get your body back in the groove, especially if you have been a winter couch potato. It is important to recognize that you cannot jump full throttle into your exercise, after you have been dormant over the winter. The 'no pain, no gain' mentality is not for everyone. You have to take it slow, and I recommend a visit to your doctor prior to any new exercise program. After your doctor signs off on your health, start with a slow and easy exercise program, and remember to always stretch before and after your exercise routine. This will help you launch safely into your rigorous exercise routine or activity. Of course, the ideal way to stay in the best physical shape is to maintain a yearround exercise routine that works for you. It is proven that daily activity promotes a healthy mind and body; therefore, get up, get out, and commit to an activity that you enjoy!

Publisher Bruce­Jacobson

dRINks all UNdeR 200 calORIes! BY:­MONICA ABAYEv

When trying to attain a healthier lifestyle, you don’t have to deprive yourself if your morning routine includes a trip to your local Starbucks. Coffee drinks can pack on extra calories and can be loaded with lots of sugar and fat. Swap your regular Starbucks coffee order for one of these lightened-up options! *All nutritional information is on a Grande (16oz.) sized drink.

If you order:

Instead Try:

Mocha Frappuccino Calories: 400 Fat: 15g Sugars: 60g

Skinny Mocha Frappuccino (No Whip) Calories: 170 Fat: 1g Sugars: 35g

Cinnamon Dolce Latte Calories: 330 Fat: 13g Sugars: 40g

Non-Fat Latte w/ 1 pump of sugar free cinnamon dolce syrup topped with cinnamon Calories: 120 Fat: 0g Sugars: 10g

Caramel Macchiato Calories: 260 Fat: 10g Sugars: 30g

Non-Fat Macchiato or Latte w/ 1 pump of sugar free caramelsyrup Calories: 140 Fat: 1g Sugars: <2g

Or, try these delicious low-cal drinks! Coffee Light Frappe Coconut Milk & Stevia Calories: 110 Fat: 0g Sugars: 23g

Unsweetened Tazo Teas Calories: 0 Fat: 0g Sugars: 0g

Iced Skinny Flavored Latte Calories: 80-120 Fat: 0g Sugars: 10g

Coffee Calories: 25g Fat: 0g Sugars: 0g

Whipped cream adds an extra 70 calories to your drink! Whenever possible, ask your Barrister to hold the whip. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Gradually cutting out processed sugar is essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and moderation is key. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Not as sweet as the original, so add a Stevia or two to adjust the taste! Stevia is a no calorie, all natural sweetener.






SO MUCH MORE THAN A PHYSICAL PRACTICE Yoga is a moving meditation, which is not just meant as a physical exercise



oga is a dynamic practice. It changes our bodies, and it changes our minds. As the body releases and opens, the mind has an opportunity to explore. Yoga encourages us to discover who we are—our authentic selves, the one hidden beneath the layers of societal conditioning and judgments. Many people come to yoga for the physical exercise, and there is a lot to be said for the strength as well as the flexibility that yoga offers on the physical level. Yet the practice is so much more than just a physical one. There is so much to explore and discover. Yoga is a moving meditation as the body and the mind stay in tune to the rhythm of the breath. As a moving meditation, this practice is not just meant as

a physical exercise. The practice of yoga enhances our abilities to focus, to become clear in our thoughts and to get to know ourselves, to awaken to life and to this moment. We practice yoga to discover our passions, to celebrate our experiences, and to uncover our inner peace. The genius of yoga is that you start where you are. You don’t have to be fit or thin. You don’t have to be young or flexible. There are no preconditions to be met, nothing to wait for. You can and should begin now, right where you are. There are many ways to approach this exploration, and the physical asana (posture) practice is one of them. It can be a beginner class, a gentle flow, a restorative practice, or a more vigorous flow. Wherever you start is where you are. But wherever you start is where you will encounter your breath and start to

THE 8 ELEMENTS OF YOGA All these eight steps are required to be followed in the order, one after the other in order to attain the ultimate wisdom. These are the eight limbs of yoga that Yoga Sutras explain.

3. Asanas: Body postures (What we all refer as "Yoga" today).

1. Yama: Practice of non-injury, truthfulness, continence, nonstealing, etc

4. Pranayama: Breathing exercises, control of the "prana"

2. Niyama: Internal and external purity, contentment, etc

5. Pratyahara: Control of the senses (When a person masters


focus your mind. Most of us come to our mats with a mind that is not focused and a poor or non-existent relationship with our bodies. But we stay with it because we want to discover more and get to know ourselves on a deeper level. And we come to find that in the midst of the breath, the movement, the energy of community, the jumble of desire, fear, pride, there is a point that is wonderful. You may have felt it as a runner or surfing or even watching a movie. It is sometimes called “the zone,” a place beyond space and time. And this is what we can find on our mats as well, with the added bonus of amplified awareness and a relaxed state of being, when the mind, body, heart, and soul come together into a place of deeper knowing. It’s the moment when we let go of ourselves and merge into the present moment, when we can let go of the multitasking, the busyness, the kids, the job, the “stuff,” and everything else that’s waiting for us, and just be present with this particular moment in time. It is then when we begin to notice that our life off the mat becomes more focused, clearer, and more vibrant, full of life. We become fully present. ___________________________ Leslie Luft, E-RYT 500, is the owner and director of Absolute Yoga in Woodbury, NY. Leslie has certifications in a variety of yoga styles and conducts teacher trainings at her studio for new teachers as well as advanced studies for existing yoga instructors. Prior to opening Absolute Yoga 15 years ago, Leslie was a corporate and securities attorney for 20 years. Leslie teaches group classes as the studio as well as therapeutic and instructional private yoga sessions. You can reach her at 516-682-YOGA or www.absoluteyogastudio.com.

and practices Asanas and Pranayama properly he gets the mental strength to control senses. That's why this step comes after them) 6. Dharana: Concentration of the mind on an object. 7. Dhyana: Meditation or an unceasing flow of ideas connected with one object. 8. Samadhi: The meditator and the meditated become one / Union with the universe (God) LONG ISLAND­FITNESS & HEALTH­






o one gets out of shape, overworked, stressed out, in debt, or sleep deprived overnight, yet in the age of instant gratification we are all looking for a shortcut to wellness. Achieving optimal health is well within your reach, but lasting change does not happen overnight. On the other hand, however, it does not have to be as hard as it may seem. May is the perfect month to start by making a small change each day. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

1. Hydrate. There is not much that having a full glass of water won’t help. Aim for half your body weight in ounces.

10.While you are doing that to-do list, prioritize and shift things around to create space in your day.

2. Make better liquid choices. If you are a soda drinker, please stop. Or at least cut back. Sodas, both diet and regular, are among the worst things you can put in your body.

11. Use the time you plan your do list to do a rough meal plan for the day so you don’t get caught off guard and starving.

3. The same for sugary drinks and juices. Eat your fruit—don’t drink it. 4. We all like a bit of booze now and then. But when you go out and have the bread, the booze, the appetizer, and the dessert, it is a slippery slope. Choose one as a treat. 5. Hate to be the only one not drinking? Order a spritzer. 6. Coffee – while it has some benefits, the coffee many of us drink is unrecognizable as coffee. And none after 3pm if you want to improve your sleep. 7. What are you putting in your coffee? Get off the milk train and replace animal milk with almond, rice, cashew, coconut, or soy milk. Try them out for yourself in cereal too. 8. Be conscious of your sugar intake. If you must, use a natural sweetener like Stevia or honey. Do not use any artificial sweeteners. 9. Sleep like a baby by following the same routine: eat, bathe, cuddle, sleep. Plan your to-do list for the next day, bathe, lay out your clothes, moisturize, and turn in seven to eight hours before you need to be up. 6 LONG ISLAND­FITNESS & HEALTH­

12.Map out your workout goals on Sunday so you can plan your week to get it in. 13.If you are watching what you eat, you need to have a plan or you will fail. Have two or three go-to ideas for each meal, and be sure to have the ingredients on hand. 14.Get online and use Fresh Direct or Peapod or some other similar service – you will save money by buying only what you need. 15.Get a handle on your storage containers, and think of how to use them to make prep and planning a regular part of your routine. 16.Learn your weak spots and patterns. Good habits are as easy to cultivate as bad ones. 17. It’s hard to plan for dietary success if your kitchen is a train wreck. Toss all your duplicate utensils, and make note of anything you may need to acquire. Clutter is a huge deterrent to success. 18.Go through the pantry and get rid of anything expired, anything with high fructose corn syrup, with ingredients you cannot pronounce. Try to buy things with as few ingredients as possible, and use fresh whole foods whenever you can. 19.While fresh is best, order some frozen

fruits and vegetables so you never have any excuses. 20. Brown is the new white. Try the ancient grains – quinoa, millet, or brown or wild rice. Avoid all things white. 21.If you must have bread, buy it in a bakery and be happy when it goes bad in a few days. Many places sell half loaves. 22.Use high quality ingredients – the best oils and the right type for the task you are doing. Olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil – fat is good, so use good fat! 23.Use all the colors of the rainbow in your fruits and vegetables. Think bell peppers, snap peas, carrots, steamed asparagus spears, apples, pears, berries. All very portable, hydrating, and healthy! 24.Get your house in order before you turn in. The easiest way to clean up is by not letting a mess build up in the first place. Building a few routines is key to success in this area. 25.Take a look around – do you love everything you have or is it just weighing you down? It is easier to keep on top of everything if you have less of everything! 26.Friends “spark joy.” Spend time on experiences not things and reconnect with friends. Better yet, enlist a friend on this month-long challenge with you! ________________________________ Mo Wolfe is the founder and owner of Evolution Pilates in Port Washington. She is certified by Power Pilates, Polestar Pilates and NASM and is a member of The Physical Mind Institute and Pilates Method

Alliance. She is dedicated to maintaining a high standard of Pilates and TRX instruction in her studio. www.liFitnessandHealth.com

pUTTINg The fUN back IN


SPORTING IDeAS Going to the health club is a great way to stay in shape but you can never get enough of a workout. Enjoy a variety of gym-free workouts that will give you the same great results, and put a smile on your face at the same time!


Rock climbing is one of the best arm/back/forearm workouts in existence, you get a feeling of accomplishment when you reach the top of the wall, and all climbing routes are graded so you can level up the challenge as you get stronger/fitter/better. The weather is not cooperating? No problem. That’s what indoor rock climbing is all about; why not try Island Rock located in Plainview.

DANCING UP A STORM: Have you ever tried serious dirty dancing? You’ll build up a sweat within five minutes. How about hip hop? You will be drenched and sore as hell the next day. Zumba? Tango? Flamenco? You’d be surprised what you can sign up for and what will elevate your heart rate.

MASTERING MARTIAL ARTS: Bet you watched all the Bruce Lee movies back in the day and heard him say “I know Kung Fu” and you wanted to be able to one day say the same thing. Whether it’s Kung Fu , Muay Thai, Tae Kwon Do, Karate or Capoeira, there’s a martial art out there that will make you feel like a badass.

BIKE FOR HEALTH: >>>>>> >>>>>>> I know there are a lot of rebels in our community who dropped a bunch of weight by making one change: they biked to work, or biked to their friend’s house, or started biking generally. You get from Point A to Point B, you save money on gas, and you get a workout.

VIDEO GAMES THAT MAKE YOU ACTIVE: Wii Tennis, Wii Fit, Just Dance on Xbox Kinect, and whatever games actually exist OK, DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) counts too. I know an hour of that is exhausting. Playing a normal game like Grand Theft Auto V? Make a rule that you can only play while standing up. That’s what I do to keep myself from spending twelve hours on the couch in marathon gaming sessions! www.liFitnessandHealth.com


injury prevention

7 easy TIps fOR INjURy pReveNTION

As an expert in movement and function of the human body, I have helped athletes push themselves to their highest potential by training smarter. As an athlete and doctor of physical therapy, I have developed a seven-step program that is proven to reduce your risk for injury.



1. weaR The RIghT shOes: Wearing

shoes that support your foot characteristics is key. If you have been told you have flat feet, go invest in a supportive shoe. If you think you have a high, stiff arch, move toward a flexible shoe. Proper shoes will help with how your foot strikes the ground. I also recommend buying new shoes every 300 to 500 miles so you don’t wear down your joints. If you are unsure, but notice your feet hurt after exercising, see a specialized physical therapist to get a walking/running analysis and determine which shoe is best for you and how often you should replace them. ____________________

2. INclUde a pROpeR waRm-Up:

Research shows using a dynamic warm-up is the best way to get the blood pumping and raise your body temperature prior to exercises. Increasing the temperature of your muscles is key in preventing injuries. Examples of a dynamic warm-up include air squats, jogging in place, jumping jacks, or riding a stationary bike. ____________________

3. cROss-TRaIN TO avOId OveR-

TRaININg: Mix it up by running one day a week, cycling another, and weight training two or three days a week. Having access to the water, and being able to swim, will give you an edge over your competition. Swimming is one of the only forms of cardio that exercises the entire body compression-free.



4. balaNced bOdy: Prevent overuse

and muscle injuries by focusing on your posterior chain muscles. Many people are unaware of how weak their glutes and hip extensors are until it’s too late and they have to seek medical attention. For example, if you do 100 crunches, then maintain balance by doing 100 bridges or 100 lateral band walks. An assessment by a physical therapist is the best place to accurately gauge your baseline limitations and customize your aims. ____________________

5. self TRIggeR-pOINT Release: : If

you haven’t ever foam rolled, you are in for a treat! Foam rolling is a deeper way of gaining flexibility and breaking up trigger points. Trigger points can cause muscles to function at below optimal levels, leading to injuries if left untouched. Using a foam roller is an affordable way to keep your muscles fined tuned if done at least three times a week. ____________________

6. INTegRaTe pIlaTes aNd yOga:

Pilates and Yoga are comprehensive

methods of improving your mindbody connection and increasing your ability to personal recognize strengths and weaknesses. This consciousness is needed to take your training to the next level. Stabilizing your spine and integrating your overall mobility will prevent overtraining and serious injuries. ____________________

7. yOUR bOdy: Sleep and muscle re-

covery are two of the most important concepts when increasing your training routine. The harder you train, the harder you need to recover. I recommend, when pushing yourself to the limit, that you get at least eight hours of sleep a night, resting at least one full day a week, and taking one or two weeks off from training every few months. _____________________________ If you found these tips useful, and you are ready to feel the next level of fitness, you could benefit from advancing your prevention program at your local physical therapy office. Metro Physical & Aquatic Therapy has 6 locations throughout Long Island and Queens. Visit us at: www.metropt.com. Connected. Competitive. Convenient. www.liFitnessandHealth.com

outdoor training

n o i s s Mi e l b i s Pos Spring is officially here! Most of you are very familiar with the task of spring cleaning. This year, skip your closet and let’s springclean your workout routine!



any have made the decision to get to work on that sizzling summer body. With longer daylight hours and better weather, there are ways to obtain that summer slimdown without getting stuck indoors. Break out of that snowy winter rut and “spring” into something new.


It’s a gorgeous day and you want to—dare I say it—skip the gym!! You feel torn between enjoying the weather and your workout... Go ahead! Don’t head inside to do your workout today; head to your local park and get ready for some serious HIIT circuits. Highintensity interval training (HIIT), also called highintensity intermittent exercise (HIIE) or sprint interval training (SIT), are forms of interval training; an exercise strategy alternating short periods of intense anaerobic exercise with lessintense recovery periods. HIIT is a form of cardiovascular exercise used to keep your heart rate up to burn more fat. Running, biking, jumping rope, and rowing are all great HIIT workouts! HIIT workouts are quick and extremely convenient. Another bonus: you don’t need any equipment! HIIT workouts typically utilize just your body weight. Try high knees, fast feet, or anything plyometric, like jumping lunges or jump squats, to get your heart rate up quickly. In fact, using equipment like dumbbells can make HIIT less effective because the focus is pushing your heart to its max, not your biceps. For many of you this type of training may be new, so start slowly! Remember, it is not important how fast you go, as long as you keep moving! PARK workout: 1-1/2 mile jog, 20 jumping jacks, 20 squats (or jump squats), 20 mountain climbers

spiration... something to get you off the couch...go outside and try these HIIT circuits to “spring” forward toward your summer goals. _______________________________________________ Yves Maco, coowner of MC Dance and Fitness, has a bachelor’s degree in dance education. Yves is also an AFAA certified group fitness instructor and personal trainer, bringing 15 years of experience and advice to the table. Yves’s partner, Coco Xie, is also an AFAA/ACE certified personal trainer and group fitness instructor, Zumba® educational specialist, licensed Zumba® instructor, and an international presenter. Together their careers are devoted to helping their clients live a happy, healthy, active lifestyle in any condition.

“MCOVeR 1” PARK edition: 20 push-ups—repeat three to five times. PARK workout 2: 1⁄4 mile jog, 1⁄4 mile sprint, 1⁄4 mile jog, 1⁄4 mile walk. Find a park bench and: Step-ups: 25 on each leg, incline push ups: 20, dips: 25 to 50. Repeat one to three times What better time is there than now to change up your routine and try something or someplace new? Whether you’re bored of the same mundane routine, hit that plateau and feel like nothing is changing, and you’re looking for motivation, inwww.liFitnessandHealth.com


taking a stance

sTaNd Up! sITTINg TOO mUch caN be bad fOR yOUR healTh BY DR. RONNY BERGMAN , D.C.


re you sitting down as you read this article? Do you find yourself sitting much of the day, every day? If you answered yes, you’re not alone. In today’s world, modern machines do much of our work for us, greatly eliminating the need for manual labor. In addition, over 34 million Americans have office or sales jobs, forcing them to remain sedentary for eight or more hours a day. According to a recent report published in Annals of Internal Medicine, the average person spends more than half of his or her waking hours in an inactive state (sitting at a computer, watching TV, etc.). Importantly, the study also showed that sitting down for prolonged periods of time can cause major health problems, including chronic back pain, poor posture, and even potentially fatal diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. If you spend a lot of time sitting down for your job, take a look at how this can negatively impact your health.

brain, Neck and shoulder Issues

Moving our bodies means more blood and oxygen flowing throughout the brain, which helps us maintain clarity and keeps our minds sharp. Sitting for long periods of time causes the opposite to occur: It slows the flow of oxygen and blood to our brains, inhibiting our ability to think clearly. Slumping forward at work to stare at a computer screen also puts a tremendous strain on the neck, particularly the cervical vertebrae, which connects the spine to your head. Poor posture also damages the back and shoulder muscles, as they become overextended from leaning over a keyboard for long periods of time.

muscle degeneration

Sitting causes abdominal muscles to go unused, which sets you up to develop what’s called “swayback,” or the unnatural overextension of the spine’s natural arch. Plus, sitting too long decreases overall flexibility, particularly in the hips and back.

deterioration of Organs

Remaining seated for long periods of time can cause heart disease, cardiovascular disease, and colon cancer.

In short, these problems are caused by the overproduction of insulin due to inactivity, and sluggish blood flow to the organs. Overproduction of insulin also causes weight gain, which contributes to diabetes and obesity.

back problems

One of the most apparent problems people experience from a sedentary lifestyle is trouble with their backs, as bad posture contributes greatly to back pain, inflexible spines, and disk damage. Moving around causes soft disks between vertebrae in the spine to expand and contract, allowing blood and nutrients in. If one sits for too long, the disks become uneven and compact, even causing collagen to build up around tendons and ligaments. Also, herniated lumbar disks occur more frequently in people who spend prolonged periods of time in front of a computer.

mitigate sitting effects

So, how can we combat this growing epidemic of inactivity? First, if you must sit for long periods of time, make sure you sit up straight and avoid slouching or leaning over your keyboard. If you are able, buy an exercise ball, which forces your ab muscles to


work and will naturally keep your body straight. You can also use a backless stool for the same purpose. Second, stand up regularly and stretch or walk around at least once every 30 minutes. This will keep the blood flowing and allow your brain and muscles to function optimally. Third, having your spine checked by a chiropractor on a regular basis will ensure that your body is able to combat daily lifestyle stressors including prolonged periods of sitting and immobility. Chiropractic care helps keep your spine in proper position even when you’re sitting, eliminating undue strain and tension on your muscles. Many people can’t avoid sitting for the majority of the day. However, you can improve your health by moving more at regular intervals, and by caring for your spine and nervous system. The impact of movement combined with regular chiropractic adjustments can be profound. _______________________________ Dr. Ronny Bergman is a chiropractor and lifestyle expert in Port Washington, NY. He can be reached at 516-944-4300 or www.portwashingtonchiropractic.com. This article is reprinted with permission from The Family Practice, Inc. www.liFitnessandHealth.com

baRbell exeRcIses FOR BEGINNERS

We all have to start somewhere, so we have outlined lifting exercises that are suitable for beginners who have access only to barbells at the outset.


he aim for beginners in weight training must be to lay the foundations for the intensive workouts that their bodies will eventually be subjected to. Obviously, successful bodybuilding involves bringing together disparate elements such as nutrition and rest, but choosing the right exercises is crucial. In this article we'll outline the barbell exercises that will enable new bodybuilders to develop the general strength and body conditioning needed. Initially, beginners should aim to complete two sets of 10 to 12 reps, but after a few weeks, when you have developed sufficient control and basic strength, exper-


iment with one set of six to eight reps to failure. This will maximize your muscle growth and give you the impetus to move on to the next stage of development. Before long, you'll find the use of this single piece of equipment restricting, so later in this series of articles we'll pull together a muscle-boosting program that utilizes other equipment to take you to the intermediate level. In the meantime, get to work with these exercises in order to get used to working your muscles. Start off training four days per week, and work body parts on the following basis, not forgetting to incorporate rest days:

Day 1- Biceps,­back,­abs Day 2- Hamstrings,­shoulders,­abs Day 3- Quads,­forearms,­calves Day 4- Triceps,­chest,­abs

The exeRcIses RecOmmeNded fOR begINNeRs aRe as fOllOws:

Chest: Bench­press

Legs: Barbell­Lung

Shoulders: Upright­

Triceps:Sitting Triceps­extension­

Back: Squats



fUelINg yOUR bOdy FOR OPTIMAL ENERGY AND POWER When it comes to food, there is no “one size fits all.” We are all individuals with different requirements. The challenge is learning what your body needs and how you can increase vitality and health through your food choices. BY ELLEN



any of the world’s top athletes have very different opinions on nutrition. Orion Gracie, co-founder of the UFC, believes the Gracie Diet is the foremost reason for his family’s success. It was created by Gracie family patriarch Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu expert Carlos Gracie and focuses on food combining to prevent acidity in the body and fermentation of food in the stomach. You eat three meals a day of natural foods, spaced four-and-ahalf hours apart, with absolutely no snacking—just water. Top American marathoner and 100-mile ultra-marathoner Mike Wardian is a long-time vegetarian. His diet consists of a lot of carbohydrates,

breads, pastas, fruits, veggies, nut butters, and dairy, with no meat, sugar, or processed foods. UFC fighter Frank Mir follows the Paleo diet, which is based around protein such as meat, poultry, and fish, lots of vegetables, some nuts and seeds, and a small amount of fruit. He eats very little processed foods, drinks protein shakes between meals with added supplements, and takes fish oil. Although Mir tried becoming a vegetarian at one time, it didn’t support his body the way he needed, yet there are professional athletes who are vegetarians and vegans and thrive on it. Ultra-endurance athlete Rich Roll accomplished five backto-back ironman-distance triathlons in less than a week and did it on a vegan diet. So how do we know where to begin if we want to build explosive power, greater speed, and increased energy? The first rule all these athletes have in common is ridding their diets of processed foods. No five-minute microwaveable food, no fast foods, nothing that comes in a box that can sit on your shelf for any length of time. Eliminate all empty calorie foods that add nothing to the nourishment of your body, such as cakes, cookies, crackers, chips, and pretzels; anything made with white flour; and products containing a lot of refined sugar, including soda. One teaspoon of refined sugar will cut the power of your immune system in half for over four hours; there is an average of ten teaspoons of sugar in a 12-ounce can of soda. Sugar takes away your energy and zaps you of your strength. Eat whole foods, real foods. Eat whole eggs, not just whites. If you juice, don’t extract the juice from its fiber. Use the whole vegetable or fruit. Feed your body foods as close to their natural state as possible. Avoid foods with many different ingredients or ones you cannot pronounce. Most processed and

prepared foods are also loaded with refined table salt, another toxin. Eat the rainbow (variety) of foods. Different-colored foods have different nutrients. Eating a wide assortment will help provide you all the nutrients you will need to stay in peak performance. Eat three complete meals a day, consisting of a protein, a complex carbohydrate, and a healthy fat. Skipping meals hurts your performance. Be sure to have some healthy fats such as olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, grassfed butter, or ghee with every meal. The belief that if you eat fat you will get fat is not true. It’s sugar that makes you fat. Fats and oils are essential; they are the building blocks for the cells of your body and support hormonal health. But stay away from hydrogenated oils and vegetable oils. Drink lots of water throughout the day. No fluid in the world is more important; it transports nutrients to every organ in our bodies. We often confuse hunger with thirst. If you ate two hours ago and are feeling hungry again, try drinking a big glass of water. When you find your energy levels dropping, drink a glass of water; it will energize you quickly. When you get up in the morning, grab a glass of water before you go for that coffee or tea. When you are dehydrated, the level of brain function decreases. If you feel foggy and unable to focus, grab a big glass of water. Water helps with attention deficit. Dehydration can cause major psychological disorders, such as depression and anxiety. Water also acts as a lubricant within your joints; have some if you are suffering from joint or muscle cramps. As well, it generates electrical and magnetic energy in every body cell, providing a natural power boost. Fueling the body for optimal energy and power is about making the right food choices. Do you want to live a life of failure, frustration, and disease, or an extraordinary life filled with accomplishments, abundance, and health? The choice is yours! _____________________________ Ellen Nalaboff is the owner of Rock Pilates in Woodbury. She is certified in Pilates from Power Pilates, as a instructor of Spinning, Beyond Barre, SpringTone, TRX and holds a Black Belt in Kenpo Karate. Ellen is board certified by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners and the Chek Institute in CA. as a Holistic Health Counselor and Life Coach with accreditation through Colombia University Teachers College. Chosen by Deepak Chopra to be an instructors to teach Primordial Sound Meditation. Ellen authored her first book If Not Now WHEN?


why yOga caN help yOU lIve a mORe balaNced lIfe…

wonderful tool to get you through it. Yoga will create a sense of balance physically, and it will translate to feeling balance emotionally. The word “yoga” means “to yoke”—literally “to join together.” When you join two things together, they become stronger. This is yoga: body and mind working together to make you more balanced and able to handle all that life throws your way! _____________________

lITeRally BY



ure, when we think of yoga, we think of stretching our bodies, sometimes past the point of what most of us are capable of. We think of bendy, stretchy people who contort themselves into funny positions with names that we can’t pronounce. But when it comes to yoga, there is so much more than meets the eye. One of the greatest benefits of yoga is a better sense of balance. We experience physical stability, and also emotional stability. First let’s talk about balance in the physical sense. Balance is something that we all tend to take for granted until we don’t have it any more. As we age, we tend to be less balanced, and unfortunately many people fall and have some trauma, resulting in broken bones or worse. One in three people over the age of 65 will have a fall. The likelihood of falling increases with age. I have worked with many people whose main reason for practicing yoga was to increase stamina and stability so they would be less likely to fall. One of my students once www.liFitnessandHealth.com www.liFitnessandHealth.com

tripped down a flight of stairs at age 79. She landed on both her feet and credited her yoga practice for this feat! People who have experienced strokes find they have increased balance through yoga and feel more confident in their everyday tasks as well. Yoga works differently than regular exercise. It’s the mindfulness and breathing components involved that make it more effective. Practicing yoga builds strength—not just muscular strength, but strength in your bones. If you should fall, you are less likely to break something because of this strength. Learning balance poses in yoga requires concentration, which is an important part of yoga. When we can focus on one thing at a time, we are less distracted and can put our whole minds into the task at hand. Many falls occur because people are distracted. When you practice yoga, you become more present in mind, which will translate into all areas of your life. We not only experience better balance physically, but yoga is really incredible emotionally. Yoga can change your perspective on how you feel in your life. When you feel more

stable, you feel more confident. If you used to look at the glass as half empty, with yoga you will learn to see the glass as half full. Anxiety and depression can really affect your sense of well being. Yoga is a

Gail Grossman, E-RYT 500, is the founder and owner of Om Sweet Om Yoga in Port Washington, NY. Gail has certifications in both Kids and Adult yoga and leads teacher trainings in both. Gail is the author of Restorative Yoga for Life; and has been a presenter at The Yoga Journal Conference in NY. She teaches group and private sessions and is grateful to share what she loves! www.omsweetomyoga.com 516-944-9642


core training


pIlaTes & hIIT




whaT Is "cORe"?

ou’ve probably heard that core training is important for overall health and fitness. Do you connect core to exercises giving you six- or eight-pack abs? It’s so much more than an abdominal crunch! Your core comprises the deep, intrinsic muscles that support the skeletal system. These include abdominals (rectus abdominus, internal/external obliques, and transversus abdominus), the pelvic floor, the muscles that stabilize the spine (erector spinae), the pelvis (hip area) like our gluteus muscles (butt muscles) and our scapula (muscles surrounding shoulder blades), among others.


with the participant’s own body weight on the machine and graduated levels of springs. The reformer is probably the bestknown piece of resistance equipment you will find in a professional Pilates studio.

whaT Is hIIT?

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) has become a popular training regimen. It’s a training idea in which low- to moderateintensity intervals are alternated with high-intensity intervals. It can be applied to running or to exercises such as squatting and jumping. The more superficial muscles (chest, quads) of our skeletal system dominate the aggressive movements associated with HIIT. When the deep intrinsic muscles (erector spinae, traverse abs) aren't strong enough to support these bigger muscles, our joints take on the slack, causing injury. Knowing how to properly engage your core muscles will not only protect you from injury but help improve your overall performance. You’ll move with ease and become stronger quicker.


What is Pilates? /ˌpəˈlɑː.tiːz/ The Pilates Method of exercise was developed by Joseph Pilates in the 1920s. Though designed to rehabilitate prisoners of war, it was found to be of great benefit to anyone seeking a higher level of fitness.

cORe sTReNgTh Is The fOUNdaTION Of pIlaTes exeRcIse.

When the core muscles are strong, they work in tandem with the more superficial muscles of the trunk. The program incorporates the six Pilates principles that are essential in all Pilates programs: centering, control, flow, breath, precision, and concentration. Pilates exercises do not include a lot of repetitions. Instead, each exercise is done fully, with precision and control that produces significant results in a shorter time than one might imagine. The equipment generally utilizes pulleys and resistance


hOw dO cORe TRaININg aNd pIlaTes wORk?

We transfer energy through each muscle in the core every time we move. In everyday movements like walking, getting out of bed, running, sitting, getting out of a chair, and jumping, as well as lifting objects, weight training, carrying a baby, or balancing on one leg to put a shoe on, we rely on our core to generate energy and facilitate movement. A weak core can be detrimental to our overall health and fitness, contribute to bad posture, and put added stress in our back and neck.

argarine, butter, other spreading fats and low-fat spreads, cooking oils, oilbased salad dressings, mayonnaise, cream, fried foods including fried chips, chocolate, crisps, biscuits, pastries, cake, puddings, ice-cream, rich sauces, and gravies are all unhealthy because they contain fat. Like carbohydrates, fats contain the elements carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Fats are used as a source of energy; they are also stored beneath the skin, helping to insulate us against the cold. Do not think that by avoiding fat in your diet you will stay thin and elegant! If you eat too much carbohydrate and protein, you will convert some of it into fat, so you will put on weight. You must balance the amount of energy-containing foods with the amount of energy that you use when you exercise. It is essential to have a small amount of fat in the diet, but eat foods containing fat sparingly as they are high in energy. Look out for reduced-fat or low-fat alternatives. Fats can be divided into saturates, monounsaturates, and polyunsaturates. Limit consumption of saturates, associated with animal products, cakes, biscuits, and pastries, to reduce risk of heart disease. To cut down on saturates, make use of the information on nutrition panels on food products, cut off visible fat from meat and poultry, choose lower-fat meat and dairy products, and where fat is needed in cooking use it sparingly. Choose fats and oils containing monounsaturates (e.g. olive and rapeseed [canola] oils) and polyunsaturates (e.g. sunflower, corn, and rapeseed oils) instead of saturates. In moderation these are not associated with an increased risk of heart disease—but still, use them sparingly. There are two types of essential fats, which must be supplied by the diet in small amounts: omega-3 fatty acids (e.g. found in oily fish, walnuts, omega-3 enriched eggs, and rapeseed and soya oil) and omega-6 fatty acids (e.g. found in vegetable oils such as sunflower, corn, and soya oil and spreads made from these).

Continued on page 27


youth saftey

High-level tennis and the demand of modern sports can be detrimental to the spines of young people. Serious abnormalities were found to afflict 85% of young people who were part of a study conducted by researchers regarding the effects of these sports during the growth spurt.


he not-so-good performance by the British contingent at the Wimbledon championships may be linked to a study made by researchers from the Royal National Orthopedic Hospital, which suggested that high-level tennis can be detrimental to the spines of young people. The team scanned the spines of 33 elite adolescent tennis players, male and female, who trained at the National Tennis Centre, the club where you can find Britain’s most promising young tennis players. Though none of the youths have reported back pain, their backs told a different story. Serious spinal abnormalities were found to afflict 28 players, a high 85%, ranging from cysts to fractures. Twenty-three had an early stage of joint disease, while 13 were found to have herniated discs or desiccated, shriveled discs, a condition usually common in septuagenarians but much less prevalent in teenagers. According to the authors of the study, tennis requires more frequent, repetitive, and rapid rotation from the lumbar spine than most other sports. Playing it during a period of growth spurt is particularly detrimental. Various studies, on the other hand, revealed that back problems don’t afflict just teenage tennis players. At least one third of all competitive football players will hurt their lower backs during play and may experience lower back pain, as will a third of gymnasts and 25% of serious rowers. About 40% of divers are likely to develop a spinal stress fracture, and many cyclists will experience constant, grinding back pain while riding. Severe lower back problems were reported by another study in six out of seven twirling-ribbon rhythmic gymnasts. Topping the list of sports that can cause problems in the lower back and neck is golf, with 90% injuries to professional golfers, and almost 80% missing at least one professional tournament because of back pain. Experts believe that in order to protect and build a better back, one www.liFitnessandHealth.com

YOUTH SPORT SAFTEY CHECKLIST MEDICAL ❏ My­child­sees­the doctor­for­an­annual­preparticipation­physical­evaluation before­the­sports­season­start. ❏ Coaches­should­have phone­numbers,­doctor­information­and­allergy­information in­case­of­emergency.­ ❏ I­speak­with­the­coach­before the­first­practice­to­share­any history­of­medical­conditions­that may­require­special­attention. ❏ My­child­warms­up­and­stretches before­practices­and­games.


deTRImeNTal TO yOUTh?

from your knees to your nipples. That’s the core.” The core muscle system is made up of the muscles, ligaments, and tendons that provide rigging for the spine. The big muscles in front of the spine, as well as those at the sides are specifically important in stabilizing the back. These are the rectus, transverse, and oblique abdominals. Same with the less familiar intertransvers, interspinalis, and multifidus muscles, which connect to the larger abdominal group but are usually ignored in magazine articles about washboard abs. Both muscle groups must be strong in order to keep the spine stable.

“You have to have enough muscular endurance to be able to maintain spinal stability throughout the entire length of an activity,” says Michael Higgins, the director of athletic-training education at Towson University in Maryland and the author of several prominent academic articles about back injuries in athletes. “Without endurance, what you often see is that near the end of a game, the muscles can’t quite control the movement of the spine adequately anymore,” he said. No matter what sports you’re into, if your core can’t keep up, your back is sure to suffer the consequence.

HYDRATION ❏ My­child­takes­a­water­bottle to­practices­and­games.­I encourage­my­child­to­stay­well hydrated­by­drinking plenty­of­water­before, during­and­after­practice.­ ❏ My­child’s­coach­has­regular water­breaks­in­place­so­that­the kids­are­drinking­plenty­of­fluids.­­ ❏ I­know­and­look­for­the­signs and­symptoms­of­dehydration,­and make­sure­that­my­athlete­and­the coach­know­them­as­well.­

SAFTEY EQUIPMENT ❏ My­child­has­the­right­equipment­and­is­wearing­it­for­both practices­and­games.­The right­equipment­may include­helmets,­shin guards,­mouth­guards, ankle­braces,­shoes­with­rubber cleats­and­sunscreen. needs to have a solid core. “It’s not just the abdominal area, as many people think,” says Vijay Vad, a sports medicine specialist at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City and a back-care adviser to the PGA Tour and the professional men’s tennis circuit. Vad said that, “To really include all of the elements that move and stabilize the spine, you have to go LONG ISLAND­FITNESS & HEALTH­ 15

women’s health


wORkOUTs Why It’s Not the Norm, and What You Can Do To Prevent or Eliminate It



oday, we are inundated with advertisements for products that simply provide a band-aid effect for a common issue among women: stress urinary incontinence (SUI), or the involuntary leakage of urine with exertion such as coughing, sneezing, laughing, lifting, jumping, or any form of exercise. Depends recently released advertisements for a product called “Silhouette Active Fit Briefs” for women, featuring young women in trendy outfits wearing Depends briefs proudly. Reebok CrossFit was criticized for spreading a viral YouTube video that purported that experiencing SUI during workouts was not concerning, but rather a badge of honor. In our society, stress urinary incontinence is quickly becoming viewed as a normal consequence of exercise; however, no matter your age, there are ways to reduce and even eliminate this issue. SUI is a disorder that can affect any age bracket, from teenage girls to women over the age of 65. As female athletic participation has drastically increased in the past 20 years, now more than ever females are engaging in these types of sports, with numerous incredible benefits to their health, well-being, and self-confidence. However, in a study of 86 high school and college athletes, 28% reported SUI during sport, and 92% of those with urinary incontinence never even reported

their symptoms. Another study of 144 college varsity athletes found that 28% of them also reported SUI during sport. This is quickly becoming a widespread issue with seemingly little to no education with regard to its detection, causation, and rehabilitative potential. ¹ ² There are muscles that make up your pelvic floor, which prevent you from urinating involuntarily, among other functions. Below are some facts about your pelvic floor muscles: 1. The pelvic floor is composed of three layers of muscles. These muscles, along with the muscles of the abdominals, diaphragm, and hip make up “the core.” 2. The pelvic floor muscles provide support for your internal organs (like your bladder), aid in stability of the pelvis and back, contain structures known as sphincters that open and close your anus and urethra, and are vital in sexual functioning. 3. Dysfunction in the pelvic floor muscles can increase your risk of and cause pelvic organ prolapse, sexual dysfunction, urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence, chronic constipation, and hip, pelvic, and low back pain. 4. The pelvic floor muscles have to accept loads appropriately as part of a larger support system to prevent leakage of urine. The demands of high-level sports and ex-

REFERENCES: 1. Heath, A, Folan S, Ripa B, et al. Stress urinary incontinence in female athletes. . J WomensHealthPhys Therap. 2014; 38(3):104-109 2. Carls C. The prevalence of stress urinary incontinence in high school and college-age female athletes in the Midwest: implications for education and prevention. UrolNurs. 2007; 27(1): 21-24, 39


ercise can cause pelvic floor muscle fatigue and a repetitive increase in intra-abdominal pressure leading to urinary leakage if the pelvic floor muscles are dysfunctional. The issue of lack of awareness for conservative options for SUI can be shown in the example of “Eager Elizabeth.” Elizabeth is three months post-partum and wants to get back into shape. In her boot camp class, she notices urinary leakage with squatting and jumping. Elizabeth assumes this is normal for a new mom because numerous friends leak urine. The great news for Elizabeth is: The pelvic floor muscles, like any other muscles, can be retrained. Physical therapists who are specialized in women’s health can perform a detailed assessment of the pelvic floor muscles along with the rest of the body to formulate an individualized training program that will eliminate leaking during activities. Additionally, retraining the pelvic floor muscles to function optimally will prevent future problems down the road such as worsening of symptoms, pelvic organ prolapse, and low back, pelvic, and hip pain. There is strong evidence to support the conclusion that pelvic floor muscle training is an effective treatment for SUI.³ ⁴ Plenty of people are capable, with the right training and progression, of performing any high-level exercise like CrossFit safely and effectively, without leaking urine. However, like all types of exercise that become popular, the spectrum of quality training and instruction becomes wide. The team at New Dimensions Physical Therapy, located in Manhasset, NY, is specially trained in treating a wide range of pelvic floor issues ranging from urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence, chronic constipation, sacral, pelvic, and low back pain, and pain during pregnancy and postpartum. We are unique compared to other practices because we offer one-onone individualized care for appointments up to one hour. It’s time to break the assumption that SUI is normal, and return you to jumping and running around painfree and leakage-free so you can get back to what matters most! _________________________________ For more information on this subject please contact New Dimensions Physical Therapy. Visit use at www.newdimensionsphysicaltherapy.com or call us at 516-304-5373. New Dimensions Physical Therapy, 75 Plandome Road, Manhasset.

3. Bo K. Pelvic floor muscle training in treatment of female stress urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse and sexual dysfunction. World J Urol. 2012; 30 (4): 437-443 4. Dumoulin C, Hay-Smith J, Habee-Sequin GM, et al. Pelvic floor muscle training versus no treatment, or inactive control treatments, for urinary incontinence in women: a short version Cochrane systematic review with meta-analysis. Neurourol Urodyn. 2015; 34(4): 300-308




arms dUmbbell cURls – Keep the swinging to a minimum, and make sure your elbows and shoulders stay in place. Focus on supinating (by turning the pinky inward) as you curl up and squeeze the bicep hard when in the fully shortened position. hammeR cURls – These can be performed with dumbbells or with a rope on cables, with palms positioned neutrally (thumbs facing up). The brachialis will contribute to a lot of the work since the biceps brachii are a weaker elbow flexor when the forearm isn’t supinated. During this exercise, do not supinate or pronate the wrists. Palms should remain facing the sides. Cables are great since there is constant tension throughout the entire range of motion. seaTed INclINe dUmbbell cURls – Perform on a 45-60 degree incline, allowing your arms to hang straight down and raise the dumbbells while keeping your shoulders back and down. This movement ensures the biceps are stretched to capacity and allows for a full controlled range of motion. Performing exercises seated takes away instability and lessens the ability to cheat. These exercises can be performed in a variety of rep ranges (ex. 8-12, 12-15, 15-20) for three or four sets, and as you get more advanced, there are plenty of other exercises and techniques that can be used to fully develop your biceps. Ultimately, training with proper form, adequate volume, and progressive overload is the key to growth! Experiment with different exercises, and see what works best for you!

Admit it: You want bigger biceps with better development, and you’re not satisfied with the size of your arms. The good news is you’re not alone: so it’s time to ditch the size small t-shirt when you’re really a large, and get those arms to fill out your sleeves.

-Matty Fusaro Worldwide Online Fitness and Nutrition Coach YouTuber Website – http://www.fusarofitness.com YouTube – http://www.youtube.com/mattyfusaro Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/FusaroFitness Instagram – http://instagram.com/mattyfusaro Twitter – https://twitter.com/mattyfusaro



et’s talk about how to train biceps harder and smarter. Remember that genetics play a role in the size and shape of your arms—but you’re responsible for making them work!

QUIck mUscUlaR aNaTOmy lessON:

The biceps brachii is a two-headed muscle, including the short head (which sits on the inner portion of your upper arm) and the long head (which sits on the outer portion of the upper arm). Since they connect at two difference places on the shoulder/scapula, this unique structure allows the biceps to carry out their two essential functions: elbow flexion and forearm supination. The biceps brachii also act as weak shoulder flexors, but nonetheless, they are involved in that movement. The brachialis is located underneath and on either side of the biceps brachii and does not help supinate or pronate your forearm, but it is the strongest flexor of the elbow joint. This muscle will be stimulated during all biceps exercises. If you’re looking for complete muscle development, it’s important to target all areas of the biceps from varying angles. When performing any biceps exercise, keep in mind we are looking for a slow eccentric (negative or lowering the weight), a full stretch at the bottom, and a squeeze at the top. You may have heard that chin-ups are the best biceps builder, but the truth is, most people cannot properly perform a bodyweight chin-up, which would render that exercise useless. We also have the barbell curl, which is popular, but form tends to get sloppy, and this can cause many people forearm and wrist pain. This is why I like dumbbells and cables.





The latest equipment & products to help men and women work out, or at least make you look good when you do

The­season­may­be­changing,­but­your­drive­should­never­waver.­To make­sure­you­don’t­stray­from­your­training­commitments,­stock­up on­gear­that­will­allow­you­to­extend­your­season­of­running,­climbing,­and­playing­outdoors.­This­means­longer­garments,­layering­options­and­versatile­fabrics­for­getting­out­there,­either­in­the­cool morning­or­sunny­afternoon,­with­an­optional­pit­stop­at­the­gym.­

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beNefITs Of bOxINg TRaININg



oxing, the ancient combat sport also known as pugilisics, has been celebrated worldwide since the 16th century. The actual origin dates back to Greek Olympic games in 688 B.C. Fighters are some of the bestconditioned athletes in the world. With the recent boom in MMA (Mixed Martial Arts), boxing fitness is making a huge comeback in gyms everywhere, and with good reason. Boxing safely pushes your limits. Forget tire flipping and box jumps; boxing is a safer and just as effective alternative.


1) Boxing is a total body workout combining cardio and strength components while improving balance, coordination, reactivity, and ability. 2) Boxing torches calories fast. As a form of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), alternating between maximum effort and active recovery, boxing is both an aerobic and anaerobic workout that boosts metabolism. 3) Boxing flattens the tummy as your hips need to rotate in order to get full extension, thus taxing the core. 4) Boxing knocks out stress. There is nothing better to release some stress than punching a mitt or heavy bag, which is also a healthy and productive way to release endorphins. 5) Boxing also builds coordination and boosts total body awareness by requiring focused movements and recall, challenging your muscles and your mind. 6) Boxing is upper body cardio. Most cardio focuses on the lower body, while boxing involves primarily your upper half, making it a great cross training option.

Your body moves exactly the way it was intended to move, just at elevated speeds, allowing you to train with the same intensity as a professional boxer in your home or gym. If you are not doing so already, find a boxing trainer, or someone with knowledge of the sport, lace up the gloves, and get busy on a heavy bag. You can get fighter fit without being hit! ________________________________________________ Anthony Monferrato – USA Metro Certified, Boxing Coach and Certified Personal Trainer. Metabodies Fitness – (917) 376-7215


facTs abOUT bIkINIs

hIp abs

ULTIMATE ABS WORKOUT OR INFOMERCIAL SCAM? The much vaunted Hip Abs workout routine. Find out how effective it is and if it can make you lose weight and get you those dream abs.


ere we go again—yet another infomercial promising flat, sculptured abs without having to do painful crunches or sit-ups. So, what’s the deal? The Hip Abs (we are calling it that because we don’t want to get sued) package comes with four DVDs, a 30-day workout calendar, and 24/7 online support (somewhat misleading as the expert support is limited to forum exchanges with other users, and occasional live chat with the creator of the DVD). Unless you download the DVDs from the internet, you will have to pay $60, plus shipping and handling. The target group of this workout program is evidently women. The hip-hop moves shown on the DVDs are nothing you can boast about at a club, so if you want to learn real moves, I suggest you take hip-hop classes at your local gym instead. The most important thing you have to know is that, in order to get tight, strongly defined abs, nothing beats bicycle maneuvers, captain’s chair, and crunches on an exercise ball, or try a Yoga class. So, if sexy abs are your only goal, if you can motivate yourself and eat healthily, just do one of the aforementioned three exercises every day and you will get a better result than with anything sold through an infomercial. So, what is the Hip Abs workout good for? Check out these pros and cons:

pros: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Doing the moves shown on the exercise DVDs sure beats sitting on the couch and just watching the tube. If you do it right, work up a sweat, and actually get your heart rate up, you can lose weight—especially if you stick to the diet plan that comes with the package. It can make sense to add it to your daily routine, and you can get a nice endorphin boost. cons: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The key problem with Hip Abs is that it is not the ultimate workout for your abs. The standing crunch advertised as the core movement is in no way as effective as cycling, the captain’s chair, or real crunches. A muscle shortening by bending slightly, as shown in Hip Abs, does not stimulate your abs and make them grow bigger and 20 LONG ISLAND­FITNESS & HEALTH­

stronger. This is one clear point where the people selling the product are trying to mislead you. Hip Abs is not a cardiovascular exercise. If you are in halfway decent shape, the workout routines won’t make you break out in a big sweat. With time you get used to the drill, and as your muscles adapt and your movements become more efficient, your body will be less and less challenged. In order to challenge it more you will have to upgrade to the advanced workouts, which basically means buying more stuff from them. The moves are not for everybody and take some time getting used to. What you are learning from the program is in no way real hip-hop. Additionally, the music is not for everybody. Testimonials claim that people have used the product and lost as much as 3 inches from their hips in as little as three days. Such a weight loss in such a short time is not only highly unlikely but, if true, would be anything but healthy. Don’t buy the product and expect to look great after a few weeks. conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Now, is Hip Abs the ultimate abs workout or a total scam like other products advertised in infomercials? The answer is: neither. If dancing is your thing, if you think this looks like a fun way to lose weight, and if you are willing to spend the money, then by all means do it and give Hip Abs a shot. If it gets you off the couch and makes you exercise every day, if it makes you change to a healthier diet and makes you feel better about yourself, then it is worth it. If you are looking for the best way to build your abs, you should stick to the scientifically proven methods. Doing real abs exercises might burn a little, but how sweet is that pain if it actually delivers results that can be measured! Furthermore, Hip Abs is not a suitable cardiovascular exercise since it is neither progressive nor adaptive. If you want to build up a real sweat, rather go for a run or use the cardio machines in your gym. That will make you lose weight faster, and you can track your own progress better.

Few people know that bikinis get their name from the hydrogen bomb testing that was conducted at Bikini Atoll in the South Pacific. Swimsuits that revealed any part of the torso were considered indecent at one point, even on men! Among some ancient people, like the Minoans and Sicilians, two-piece bathing suits similar to bikinis were fairly common. Nearly three-quarters of the market for swimsuits is made up of women’s swimsuits, with the rest being split fairly evenly between men and children. The largest-selling swimwear company in the world is Speedo, which caters to both men and women, and which is nearly 100 years old.

The Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition that generated the most letters was the 1978 issue, “The Beauties of Brazil,” which published Cheryl Tiegs' infamous fishnet see-through swimsuit. The best selling was the 25th anniversary issue with Kathy Ireland on the cover in 1989. www.liFitnessandHealth.com


bIkINI seasON


Summer is right around the corner, you better get in shape for swimsuit season!


ummer is quickly approaching, and I, for one, want to be out and enjoying the nice weather as soon as it begins. If you’re anything like me, then the winter months always take a bit of a toll on your body. In spite of my strongest efforts to stay in shape and not gain extra winter weight, it seems that the cold wins out, and too often I choose to curl up with a good book rather than jump on the treadmill for a run. With summer officially comes the season of bathing suits, and I am finally ready to kick it into gear and prepare myself. h2O If you’re having thoughts of getting into some swimsuits within the next few weeks, then here are some simple things you can do to prepare yourself and your body. And don’t worry—I’ll be doing them all, www.liFitnessandHealth.com

than nothing. Try to get active for a half hour at least four times a week.

eaT RIghT Watching what you eat is one of the biggest keys to getting ready for bathing suits. We all know by now that sodium intake makes us bloat and retain water, so try to cut down on sodium, and especially in the days before you want to get out in your bathing suit. Also, trying adding as many fruits and vegetables as you possibly can into your diet. They are really healthy and really low in fat. Substitute fresh fruit smoothies for other tempting desserts and you’ll be well on your way to enjoying your bathing suits. Get your bathing suits out of the closet and hang them in a place you where can see them… as inspiration. Let them motivate you to drink water, get moving, and eat better. In no time you’ll be ready to slip into your bathing suits and show off.

too. First, drink water. Drinking water is one of the best ways to purify and cleanse your body, but it also does great things for your skin. No one wants to put on a bathing suit and look ashy and dried out. Try adding a few extra glasses of water each day, and you’ll see not only improvements in your skin but also a reduction in your appetite. The more water you drink, the less your body craves other things to be put into it. IT”s NeveR TO laTe TO sTaRT Another important way to get ready for bathing suits is to get moving. Regardless of what excuses we all had during the cold winter months, it is too nice out now to not get outside and get active. Go for a brisk walk or at least get into your garden and move around. Anything you do is better LONG ISLAND­FITNESS & HEALTH­ 21


TRaNsfORmINg cOmpeTITION & pedalINg sOcIeTy ONe bOdy aT a TIme Every day each person should be working to become a better version of him/herself. A “Before” and “After” picture is a celebration of not only someone’s physical transformation but should also evidence someone that has become better for having taken a journey from unhealthy to healthy.




very day each person should be working to become a better version of him/herself. A “Before” and “After” picture is not only a celebration of someone’s physical transformation but should also evidence someone who has become better for having taken a journey from unhealthy to healthy. For the last 15 years, I have promoted Long Island’s premiere event, The Long Island Experience, which highlights such persons, and I can attest to the many great stories that are represented by the Before/After transformation. A picture can tell a thousand words, but it is the words that come from the person him/herself that will move you to tears, inspire you to change your life, and should move you to take action yourself. The national physique organizations in the bodybuilding world could not care less about someone’s journey. Most of the physique, bodybuilding, figure, and bikini shows care more about income, cash flow, and profits. As a matter of fact, most people’s perception of the bodybuilding world, perhaps viewed on the cover of grocery store magazines, is one of narcissism, egocentric self-importance, and drug use. Frankly, I would be hard pressed to negate such a perception, since it could be largely argued as true. However, in the deep and dark ocean of these egomaniacs float the few who have great personal stories of self-determination and dedication to overcome great obstacles and hurdles to triumph with profound courage—and not with drugs, or garish lights, or cosmetic surgeries. For our 2015 shows, I began filming the biographies of our “for real” competitors and showing them to the audience prior to the athlete stepping on stage. By the end of the night, I was moved by how many people stopped me to remark how their perception of bodybuilding, bikini, and figure athletes had been changed by learning about these men and women. Many members of the audience shared with me how captivated they felt by the competing athletes’ personal feelings and 22 LONG ISLAND­FITNESS & HEALTH­

depth of character. In fact, many…“felt embarrassed; almost guilty for having pre-judged the athletes as someone who is just obsessed with the gym, their bodies, and simply acting as an exhibitionist.” I, too, was embarrassed—embarrassed by how people view bodybuilders as attention hogs, hell-bent on having others admire their fit bodies. Each year when I hold my drug-free Long Island Experience, I feel as if I am doing my part to cure the misperception that athletes who compete on the bodybuilding, bikini, and figure stage are egomaniacs. One show and one body at a time, I do my part to tell the story of a transformed life—someone who gets up each day and uses exercise to push through the storm of life and becomes the motivation of another who saw him/herself through that person’s struggles. Now s/he, too, is transformed. Together, through these stories, we can all evolve and transform our society into one of a community of fit purpose, and focus less on the ego-driven few who currently hog the attention in the bodybuilding world. If you are beginning to see yourself as one among the growing physique, fitness, bikini, and bodyand soul building world, then contact us to join in this year’s Long Island Experience on 17th September. If you want to experience the inspiration of physique, fitness, bikini, and bodyand soul-building, then come as part of the audience. You’ll get a vote in the results as well. ___________________________________ Phil Sottile ACSM EP-C, NSCACPT,CFT,CPT,SET,PRCS, Applied Exercise Sciences/Adjunct Injury Prevention Educator


ne of the top benefits of exercise bikes is that they are probably the most affordable piece of exercise equipment on the market right now. Starting around $200 and ranging up to $2500, exercise bikes offer a huge variety of models for every price range and every exercise level. It is, however, advisable to keep in mind that you will get what you pay for with an exercise bike. Don't expect a $200 exercise bike to come with all of the bells and whistles and last you over three years. However, if you are on a budget, an exercise bike is a great way to get in shape for less. Another great benefit of exercise bikes is that they provide a much lower impact on your joints and ligaments than some other piece of exercise equipment like a treadmill or stair climber. This can result in a smaller chance of sustained injury over time and can also be great for people with joint problems, arthritis, etc. Another recent factor that has made the exercise bikes much more comfortable to use is the introduction of the recumbent exercise bike, an arrangement in which you sit in a semi-reclined bucket seat with your legs angled out in front of you instead of hanging down. Until the recumbent bike came along, many people just weren't comfortable on the standard upright bike seat. The recumbent exercise bike allows people to get a much more comfortable workout, which means that they can exer-

RecUmbeNT bIke beNefITs 1. Recumbent bikes are easier on the lower back (lumbar spine) due to the way that you sit in the bike.

2. Recumbent bikes are gentle on all your joints. Your lower back is supported by the bucket seat and your knees and ankles are protected from potential injurious impact. 3. The fact that the seat is larger on a recumbent bike tends to be one of the most enticing features. www.liFitnessandHealth.com


So you know you want to buy some type of home exercise equipment but why buy an exercise bike?

cise for longer periods of time. Exercise bikes are safer than other forms of exercise equipment, too, in terms of their having less hazard potential. You can slip and fall on a treadmill. You can lose your balance on an elliptical trainer. It's much more difficult to fall off or otherwise injure yourself on an exercise bike. This makes the exercise bike a great alternative for the elderly exerciser or someone who is new to exercise equipment in general. Another factor that makes the exercise bike so popular in home gyms is the fact that, with a recumbent bike, you can read while you're exercising. Boredom is one of the main reasons people don't exercise. So instead of forcing yourself to trudge through your workout, why not choose a piece of exer-

4. Recumbent bikes are generally safer because you cannot stand up on the pedals. This eliminates many of the injuries that occur when using an upright bike. 5. A recumbent bike is a good choice for most people with neurological conditions since the bike provides a workout for individuals of all ability levels. It is www.liFitnessandHealth.com

cise equipment that's going to allow you to multitask and do something enjoyable like read or watch TV while working out? Time will fly by and you won't even know you've been blasting those calories! This leads into what is perhaps the best benefit of an exercise bike. Because exercise bikes are so affordable, comfortable, low impact and safe—and because they allow you to fight boredom while exercising—the chances that you'll use it are extremely high. Because of the great benefits of exercise bikes, many people find that they not only use them for years to come but they also end up exercising much more than they thought they would.

UpRIghT bIke beNefITs 1. An upright bike gives you a more consistent workout when relating to outdoor riding, since the upright places the rider in a similar body position. 2. Upright bikes also ensure you’re working the same muscles that you are using with outdoor riding, which is more of a whole body exercise. 3. The upright bike works the abdominal muscles since you are keeping the body upright and supporting your workout. Since you are in a reclined position on a recumbent bike there is little to no use of the abdominal muscles. 4. There is also more of an upper body arm workout since you are engaging the biceps, triceps, and shoulders in the upright position. 5. Upright bikes have a smaller footprint, therefore take up less space in your home or gym.

safe and provides a low impact total body workout. 6. Due to the low impact the recumbent bike reduces the risk of pain and can build strength. If your back and hips are affected by rheumatoid arthritis, a recumbent bike may be easier to use due to the reclining position with your weight spread over your back and buttocks. LONG ISLAND­FITNESS & HEALTH­ 23

moving it

RUNNINg jUsT 5 mINUTes a day caN help yOU lIve lONgeR

Runners may live an average three years longer than people who don’t run, according to new research. Running modest amounts each week — less than 51 minutes, fewer than 6 miles, slower than 6 miles per hour, or only one to two times — was still associated with solid health benefits compared to no running, the researchers reported in the Aug. 5 issue of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.


NIke aIR ZOOm Odyssey The tagline for these is "So fast, you should buckle up” and they are built for speed, whether that's explosive sprints or for longer distance running at pace. The main help comes from using Nike cushioning that springs back fast thanks to pressurised air combined with internal fibres.

jOggINg caN help yOU lOse 10 pOUNds


n February, you gained 2 pounds from gobbling down Valentine’s Day chocolates. No big deal, you think. Then June comes and surrounds you with all-you-can-eat ice cream sundaes. You gain 3.5 pounds, take a deep breath, and forget about your weight. Next, in November, you celebrate a certain holiday with family, where you can’t resist

Mom’s buttery mashed potatoes and Grandma’s cherry pie. Oh no! The scale shows you’ve gained a total of 10 pounds this year. Your eyes widen. How did you get here? Thinking back, you realize that you hadn’t made any effort to lose the extra weight in February. Since you did not use healthier eating habits or exercise, the pounds kept increasing


roteins are known as the building

asIcs gel ds TRaINeR 20 This runner is crammed full of advanced materials so no matter your effort levels, it'll add more. Thanks to a blown AHAR rubber outsole and lighter Solyte midsole, weight should not be an issue when getting these up to speed. Comfort is also taken care of thanks to a rear and forefoot gel cushioning system and removable anti-microbial sock liner.

asIcs gel kayaNO Boasting a whole load of tech, this pair of running shoes is more akin to a computer than a fitness accessory. First off is the Impact Guidance System, which helps your toe strikes, while FluidRide cushions the foot and improves durability. A multitude of gel, both at the front and rear, keeps the foot comfortable too, even on a long run.


blocks of life: In the body, they break down into amino acids that promote cell growth and repair. (They also take longer to digest than carbohydrates, helping you feel fuller for longer and on fewer calories—a plus for anyone trying to lose weight.) You probably know that animal products— meat, eggs and dairy—are good sources of protein; unfortunately, they can also be high in saturated fat and cholesterol. What you may not know is that you don't need to eat meat or cheese to get enough protein. Here are 4 good vegetarian and vegan sources, and tips on how to add them to your diet today.

legUme Foods in the legume family are good sources of vegetarian protein, and peas are no exception: One cup contains 7.9 grams— about the same as a cup of milk. www.liFitnessandHealth.com www.liFitnessandHealth.com

Jogging has the potential to help you lose a significant amount of weight relatively quickly due to the number of calories it can burn. How quickly you will lose weight will depend on a few things, such as your jogging pace, the duration of your workouts, how often you get your jogging workouts in and your current body weight. until you got 10 pounds overweight. So you decide to lose weight immediately, using better eating habits and regular exercise. One great form of exercise is jogging. Isn’t jogging boring and old-fashioned? you wonder. Actually, jogging has almost always been a great form of exercise. Perhaps you’ve waited at a red light in your car while a jogger also waited, needing to cross the street. Did you notice that the trim and fit jogger wasted no time, running in place until the traffic light changed to green? Now you can become this determined person. This activity has another advantage: You can jog with others, like a friend, a group of buddies, or a dog. You get each other’s company, making jogging even more enjoyable. Plus, your friends can encourage you to stick to this activity

whenever you’d rather give up. Jogging also strengthens your cardiovascular system. With regular exercise, your health improves, and you reduce your chance of a heart attack. You also get more energy, so you can go from one activity to the next with less rest in between. Another reason to jog has to do with its intensity. Because jogging classifies as a high-intensity exercise, it burns a good number of calories. As you may know, burning calories helps you reach your goal of losing 10 pounds. Besides burning calories, jogging gives you a fun way to exercise. You can wave Hello to neighbors, whose sincere smiles provide encouragement. And who can forget the scenery you see while jogging, like a rabbit lurking in the

bushes, or sunflowers towering upward. You can take deep breaths and relax while jogging. You may know that jogging is good exercise, but did you know that jogging is one of the cheapest ways to exercise? Basically, you spend money on running shoes and you’re set. You don’t need special equipment, videos, or membership to a club. But you do need the stamina and the drive to go forward to be a good jogger. Although jogging can give you a great workout, remember that this weight loss technique puts pressure on your feet and joints. Do yourself a favor and start out with a short distance, like 15-20 minutes around the park. Gradually increase the time you spend jogging, until you reach an effective distance for your stamina. Following this gradual method will let your body adjust to jogging, your ticket to losing 10 pounds. And better yet, after you lose the weight, jogging can help you maintain your healthy weight.

QUINOa Most grains contain a small amount of protein, but quinoa— technically a seed—is unique in that it contains more than 8 grams per cup.

NUTs & NUT bUTTeR All nuts contain both healthy fats and protein, making them a valuable part of a plantbased diet. beaNs There are many different varieties of beans— black, white, pinto, heirloom, etc.—but one thing they all have in common is their high amounts of protein.

www.liFitnessandHealth.com www.liFitnessandHealth.com



senior fitness

IT’s NeveR TOO laTe TO leaRN! So You’re Old -- Don’t Fear the New! by JIMMY SENTMAN


e all know of some people who put off retirement because they fret that they will have zip to do once they stop working, but here’s the truth: There is a whole wide world out there to explore and to experience on Long Island and beyond. Still, the number of years we get to make good on those experiences and the quality of our lives after retirement result simply and directly from our level of mental and physical fitness. You just don’t get out and explore without any get up and go. In his witty 2004 book Younger Next Year, then-70-year-old author Chris Crowley and his medical doctor, Henry S. Lodge, challenge any retiree to take on a new job: staying fit. In other words, if you are 55 or 65 or 75 and retired, you have a new job: exercise six days a week! Their book applies to men, but now there is Younger Next Year for Women, filled with tips on diet, exercise, and attitude for mature ladies. But even if you regularly enjoy golf or tennis or power walking, you still must add resistance training, i.e. working out with weights, to maintain your vital muscle mass into the golden years. While you could actually hire a personal trainer to come


into your home, bringing along equipment (yes, indeed, there are mobile gyms and trainers available at your door), for most of us it means going to a gym. Now, going to the gym may introduce an unwelcome fear factor into our lives. After all, in the busy years of earning a living and raising a family, you may never have stepped into a gym before, and I know from personal experience that trying something new (like using the latest smart phone) when you have had no such experience before can be daunting. Even those among us who were athletes in our youth may have never lifted a weight. After all, in the past, many athletes simply played their sport rather than developing their strength and agility in the gym: Think Larry Byrd, an icon to us seniors, and compare him to muscular LeBron James or Dwight Howard, who not only practice on the court, but put in time at the gym. When you walk into a gym for the first time, you’ll usually see every single person you rows and rooms and nooks of equipment that may look bizarre to see so confident and you. People who seem to know comfortable with all the what they are doing may be pushpieces of ing heavy sleds, swinging weird- strange looking kettle-shaped things, and equipment had his or her rolling atop huge rubber balls, or may be belted into machines with first day at the gym and shapes that come from a sci-fi film. started out no more You may see half a dozen guys who capable than you each look like a version of Tarzan, and women so flexible you cannot imagine the human body could bend those ways. An inner voice may be telling you, “This place isn’t for you—get outta here!” But one thing you have to remember: Every single person you see so confident and comfortable with all the strange pieces of equipment had his or her first day at the gym and started out no more capable than you. Besides the visual strangeness, there will be a vocabulary challenge for you. Initially you may hear strange terms like sets, reps, supersets, negatives, ladders, TRX classes. You may well ask yourself: What is a roman chair? Where is the so-called smith machine? I know what a curl is, but what the heck is a preacher curl? All strange and new. But we just have to gain control over that initial fear of the new. Within a couple of weeks, none of it will be strange at all. Anyway, it’s just jargon, and just as your career had its own jargon that would have been foreign to your spouse or your neighbors, the gym jargon isn’t profound, complex, or extensive. All it is is new. Some tips: Thumb through the editions of this magazine, geared especially for us Long Islanders. You’ll find information about selecting what sort of gym is right for you and how to select a personal trainer if you want to learn the ropes from him or her. Finally, it’s always a great idea to start off with a friend or spouse to explore the new gym together—there is strength in numbers, for sure. I can promise you within a month or two, you’ll be the one to help out some other senior who walks into the gym for the first time to overcome his or her fear of the new, because by then it will no longer be new at all, but second nature to you. www.liFitnessandHealth.com

pIlaTes & hIIT

___________________________________________________________________________________ Continued from page 14

pIlaTes beNefITs: • Strengthens core • Improves posture and body awareness • Gives you greater efficiency during movements • Increases strength and power output during weight-lifting exercises in which we use our core (e.g. squats, dead lift, chest presses, jumps) • Axial elongation of spine: Creating space within the spine to stand taller and reduce compression • Greater flexibility and range of motion • Breath: Facilitates movement and control • Enhances your mind/body connection • Improves balance, agility and stability Whether you are an athlete or sit at a desk all day, it’s crucial to have a well-rounded training regimen. Incorporate Pilates into your workout regimen to train the areas that usually get worked on very little or not at all. Taking Pilates is a mindbody approach and can make all the difference in your goals and everyday life. _______________________________________ Susan McGurn & Maria Ochakovsky are the founders and owners of Body in Balance Yoga Pilates in Mineola National Certifications include A.C.E. and A.F.F.A. Specializin g in Stott Pilates, BASI, Yoga Tune Up (r), Booty Barre and Myofascial Release among many other formats. To contact call 516-747-4997 or visit www.bodyinbalanceli.com

feel aNxIOUs? Go Exercising or Relax to Music...


any of us, especially if we’ve ever experienced anxiety disorder, know about such treatments as herbal or homeopathy anxiety management, with the use of the essence of Bach flower, berocca or ginger, gotu kola or lemongrass leaves, licorice, magnesium, passion flower, St. John's wort, or valerian. Aromatherapy and hydrotherapy do not work, however, according to recent research. Vitamin C is not effective either, according to these studies. No matter how much you laugh, pray, avoid caffeine in your food and drink, or keep to a carbohydrate-rich/protein-poor diet, or how many hours a week you spend on yoga, these measures are absolutely ineffective in anxiety disorder treatment. But if you swap praying for meditation, and yoga classes for

dance/movement therapy together with music, you increase the chance that your efforts will pay off. In the same beneficial category you can find relaxation therapy, exercise, bibliotherapy, autogenic therapy, massage (might be effective for kids only, researchers say), inositol, and acupuncture. Some treatments, such as kava and 5-hydroxyl-Ltryptophan, are effective, but kava brings with it severe side effects, such as liver toxicity, and 5-hydroxylL-tryptophan can cause eosinophiliamyalgia syndrome. The conclusion investigators came to is that the majority of complementary and alternative medicines so popular nowadays cannot be accepted as an adequate alternative for treating anxiety disorders.

CELEBRITY TRANSFORMATIONS Celebrities can buy many thing but not fabulous bodies. For that, they have to work out and eat right, just like us... These stars got serious about their health with extreme diet and fitness and it paid off. Jonah Hill Jonah­ Hill began­losing­weight­to prepare­ for­ his­ role­ in 21 Jump Street. He­lost 30­pounds­for­the­role and­ then­ lost­ another additional­ 10­ pounds for­good­luck

nicole 'Snooki' Polizzi Snooki­has­certainly trimmed­down.­"So happy I’m at my goal weight I was when I was in high school," she­said­. "Feeling fit is amazing and can’t wait to tone up hardcore."


kirstie Alley Kirstie Alley­shed­over­100 pounds­after­doing Dancing­with­the­Stars. She told ET, "I feel like I'm back in my element. I honestly didn't even realize what I looked like."

ricki Lake Ricki­Lake,­the actress/personality­lost between­20­to­25­pounds. While­making­an­appearance­on­The­view,­Ricki said,­"I was on the Derek Hough diet and it works. I lost 20 to 25 pounds and I went down two sizes."


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fter making their debut in the Helsinki Olympics in 1952, the Soviets easily dominated in all major weight events in 1954. According to sources, after the medals were given out, John Ziegler, team physician for the United States, asked the Soviet team’s doctor what was the reason for the Soviets’ powerful performance, and the Soviet doctor replied that his team was getting testosterone shots. It’s said that when Dr.Ziegler returned from the World Weightlifting Championship, he started his research on testosterone and subsequently developed “Methandrostenolone,” or Dianabol, with the help of the Ciba pharmaceutical company. It’s believed to have been one of the first anabolic steroids in sports history; it wasn’t simply testosterone. The East Germans are believed to have started using steroids in sports to win Olympic Gold Medals in the late 1960s. East Germany’s chief medical officer submitted a report to the government recommending the administration of steroids to the entire

The practice of using herbs and foods for improving performance was prevalent in the original Olympic Games in ancient Greece. The story of modern steroids in sports is believed to have begun in the 1950s; however, some unofficial sources say that Germany’s Olympic team had used oral testosterone preparations in the Berlin Olympics in 1936. The first-ever evident use of steroids in sports was in the World Weightlifting Championship in 1954.

contingent of East German athletes in 1968. This caused the East Germans to make their mark in all major sports events. Soon, Dianabol became one of the most sought-after steroids in sports. It became an indispensable part of athletes’ dietary intake. It was often used by bodybuilders, weightlifters, football players, and Olympic athletes. Arnold Schwarzenegger is believed to have won his first of seven Mr. Olympia titles with the help of Dr. Zeigler’s little blue Dianabol pills. Since then, there have been a number of cases of steroid usage in sports. Anabolic steroids are one of the most powerful steroids in sports; they help promote a rapid increase in strength and power. The International Amateur Athletic Federation, now the International Association of Athletics Federations, became the first international governing body in sports history to ban steroids. In 1966-67, FIFA, Union Cycliste Internationale (cycling), and the International Olympic Committee banned the use of steroids in sports. Anabolic Sseroids were widely used in sports in the 1980s and ’90s. The Canadian sprinter Ben Johnson’s victory in the 100 m at the 1988 Summer Olympics is one of the most famous instances of steroids in sports. Ben Johnson was stripped of his gold medal when ìstanozololî (an anabolic steroid) was found in his urine, and Carl Lewis was promoted to the gold. Later, Ben Johnson admitted that he had been using Dianabol, Cypionate, Furazabol, and human growth hormone. The immense use of steroids in sports led to the creation of the World Anti-Doping Agency in 1999. The agency was created to curb the use of steroids in sports. The use of steroids in sports in any form has been banned by many sports associations, such as National Football League (NFL), Major League Baseball (MLB), National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), FIFA, ICC, and the Olympics. The International Olympics Committee has incorporated 17 steroids and related compounds in its banned list. Yet there are several agencies, such as Major League Baseball (MLB), that still don’t have strict policies against steroids. (Baseball, however, not only stiffened its drug penalties but for the first time will use the expensive Carbon Isotope Mass Spectrometry (IRMS), with at least one specimen from every player. The test, which costs about $400 per person, was previously used only on a random basis, usually as a result of an elevated reading of the player’s longitudinal profiling program. The IRMS test is designed to detect anyone who uses performance-enhancing drugs within a two-week period, instead of only being detected within a 24-hour period). There’s still vast use of steroids in sports at lower levels. According to a survey, 2.7% of sports participants from US high schools use steroids in sports. Steroids are widely used by noncompetitive bodybuilders and non-athletes for cosmetic reasons. Long Island Fitness & Health magazine is a strong opponent of steroid drug use in any sport. Steroid use in any sport goes against our belief that a healthy lifestyle should be achieved only the natural way.



eVENTS eVENTS eVENTS eVENTS eVENTS SID JACOBSON JCC’S 10TH ANNUAL STRONGER THAN CANCER 5K AND KIDS COLOR FUN RUN Sid Jacobson Jewish Community Center will host its 10th annual Stronger Than Cancer 5K and Kids Color Fun Run on Sunday, May 22. The event supports the Nancy Marx Strength to Strength Cancer Wellness Program which helps cancer survivors, patients and their families become stronger than cancer by providing holistic care including exercise, education, workshops and additional supportive services for participants and their families. Registration for the 5K race includes a 5K t-shirt, food and re-

cysTIc fIbROsIs fOUNdaTION's 2016 gReaT sTRIdes walks - jONes beach The Greater New York Chapter of The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF) has rolled out the schedule of their Long Island Great Strides Walks for this spring. The Great Strides Walk program is the CFF’s largest national fundraising event that each year has more than 2,500 Long Islanders participating in. Great Strides provides a fantastic opportunity for family, friends, students, co-workers and colleagues to come together in support of a worthy cause. Walk day is a fun, family-oriented event with a healthy 5k walk, children's activities, food, and festivities that participants look forward to year after year. Date & Time Location Jones Beach 09:00 AM Ocean Parkway Sun, May 22, 2016 Wantagh - 11793 For more information call 516-827-1290

37Th aNNUal shelTeR IslaNd 10k/5k RUN/walk

The Shelter Island 10K/5K will return for its 37th year! The race will start promptly at 5:30pm, Saturday, June 18th, 2016, rain or shine. Staging area is located on the school grounds. 10K Run – $40 5K Run/Walk – $30 Registration fee after June 16 is $50 for the 10K and $40 for the 5k Run/Walk. Shelter Island School, 33 North Ferry Road, Shelter Island - 11964 Tel: (631) 774-9499

freshments, childcare services and race awards. Children ages 12 and under can participate in the ¼ mile color fun run, which commences at 9:00am. The 5K Run/Walk begins at 9:30am sharp. All scheduled start times take place rain or shine at Sid Jacobson JCC, 300 Forest Drive, East Hills, NY. To register for the event in advance and to support the cause, please visit www.SJJCC.org/5K. See you at the finish line!

spINaThON plUs 2016

Forty-five athletes got on their sports gear and headed out on April 3, 2016 for a day of exercise to benefit Michael’s mission, a nonprofit organization focused on improving the quality of life and treatment options for those suffering from colorectal cancer through education, research and patient support. The event, now in its 11th year, has now raised over $200,000 for colorectal cancer prevention and support. To make a donation or to learn more about Michael’s mission visit: www.michaelsmission.org

aNTI-dRUg eveNT wITh daRRyl sTRawbeRRy Darryl Strawberry, a four-time World Series winner, will be sharing about his struggle with drug abuse on Saturday, June 11th at 5:00 pm. This anti-drug event, which is free to the public and brought to you by South Bay Bible Church, will be held on the ball fields of the East Moriches Middle School. East Moriches Middle School, 9 Adelaide Avenue, East Moriches Tel: 631-909-8241

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Nassau & Suffolk

FITNESS GUIDE TRaNsfORmaTIONs 250­fitness 149­Covert­Avenue,­New­Hyde­Park 516-603-0316

iLoveKickboxing 715­Middle­Neck­Rd.,­Great­Neck 516-439-4701

Absolute­Yoga 1­Guilles­Lane,­Woodbury 516-682-9642

Inform­Fitness 26­Harbor­Park­Dr,­Port­Washington 516-743-9601

Be­1st­Fitness 82­Rushmore­St,­Westbury 516-333-6700 Bikram­Yoga 1062­Old­Northern­Blvd.,­Roslyn 516-200-9200 Big­Al's­Family­Fitness 51­Frost­Street,­Westbury 516-478-5800

Integrated­Fitness 55­Bryant­Ave,­Ste­1,­Roslyn 516-621-0614 Kings­Point­Fitness 770­Middle­Neck­Rd.,­Great­Neck 516-773-8778

ClubFit­247­­­ 99­Jericho­Turnpike,­Mineola­­­ 516-307-8100 Competetive­Edge 38­Harbor­Park­Dr.,­Port­Washington 516-801-6170

My­Pilates­Studio 377­S­Oyster­Bay­Rd.,­Plainview 631-965-6329

Core­Fitness 74­Cedar­Swamp­Rd.,­Glen­Cove 516-686.6464

Meta­Burn­Fitness­­­­­­­­ 480­Forest­Avenue,­Locust­valley­ 516-203-4534

Crossfit­516­­­­­ 7­Roselle­Street,­Mineola­­­­ 516-280-4070 Deeva­Dance­&­Fitness­Studio 735­Port­Washington­Blvd,­Port­Washington 516-570-2334 D-Fine­Fitness­of­Melville 300­Broadhollow­Rd,­Melville 631-393-2642 Diamond­Fitness 138­South­St,­Oyster­Bay­ 516-628-3488 Elite­Fitness 11­Stewart­Avenue,­Huntington­ 631-470-9693 Essential­Fitness 336­Main­St.,­Farmingdale 631-732-2096 Evolution­Pilates 2­Shore­Road,­Port­Washington 516-767-1761 Fitbody­Bootcamp­­ 586­New­York­Avenue,­Huntington­­ 888-600-4817 Fitness­Figures­ 166E.­Jericho­Turnpike,­Mineola­­­­ 516-294-2998 Hard­To­Hold­Physique­Training 128­Middle­Neck­Rd.,­Great­Neck 516-498-9500 Healthtrax­Fitness­&­Wellness­­­ 1300­Franklin­Avenue,­Garden­City­­ 516-741-1057

Anthony m. Age:­33 Plainview

MC Dance­&­Fitness 200­Middle­Neck­Rd.,­Great­Neck 516-441-5444 Metro­Physical­&­Aquatic­Therapy 800­E­Gate­Blvd,­Garden­City 516-745-8050 600­Northern­Blvd,­Great­Neck 516-466-9730 300­Forest­Dr,­Greenvale­­ 516-626-8787 2140­Bellmore­Ave,­Bellmore 516-­­586-5533

Body­in­Balance 111e­Jericho­Tpke.­Mineola 516-747-4997

Get inspired by local men and women who have lost major pounds and transformed their bodies from fat to fit.

New­Dimensions­Physical­Therapy 75­Plandome­Road,­Manhasset 516-304-5373

Sara ono Age:­27 Glen­Cove

Jerry T. Age:­72 Huntington

NXT GEN­Fitness­&­Performance­Training 2­Channel­Dr.,­Port­Washington 516-883-7678 Orangetheory 211­Glen­Cove­Rd.,­Carle­Place,­ 516-268-6272 315­Merrick­Rd,­Rockville­Centre 516-586-6555 4914­Merrick­Rd.,­Massapequa­Pk,­ 516-590-7676 103­Jackson­Ave.­#1,­Syosset 516-299-8309 500­Walt­Whitman­Rd.,­Melville 631-683-8311 4000­Jericho­Turnpike,­E.­­Northport 631-499-4500 Om­Sweet­Om­Yoga 12­Irma­Ave.,­Port­Washington 516-944-9642 Personal­1­Fitness­­ 460­Jericho­Turnpike,­Mineola­ 516-294-3020

o Debbie rontan Age:­40 Great­Neck

EMAIL­YOUR­ BEFORE­&­AFTER­TO info@LiFitnessandHealth.com with­your­name­and­contact­info.

Practice­ 1500­Old­Northern­Blvd.,­Roslyn 516-493-2708

Rock­Pilates 8285­Jericho­Tpke.,­Woodbury 516-605-0111 Retro­Fitness­ 49N.­Franklin­Street,­Hempstead­ 516-833-5586

Power­Ten­Fitness­Club 102­Harbor­Rd.,­Port­Washington 516-767-6773

Row­45 1­Albertson­Ave.­#6,­Albertson 516-484-6300

Powerhouse­Gym 235-c­Robbins­Lane,­Syosset 516-933-1111

SLT­ 1085­Northern­Blvd.,­Roslyn­ 516-304-5095

Two­Worlds­Fitness 340­Wheatley­Plaza,­Greenvale 516-484-1064

RADD­Crossfit 65­Sea­Cliff­Aveenue,­Glen­Cove 516-855-7348

Siege­Athletics 228­E­Jericho­Tpke.,­Mineola 516-385-8517

Xsport­Fitness­ 630­Old­Country­Rd.,­Westbury 516-294-1003


Title­Boxing­Club 170­Michael­Dr,.­Syosset 516-883-7979 Total­Nutrition 235­Robbins­Lane,­Syosset 516-396-9812 Tropical­Fitness­­­ 49­Bethpage­Road,­Hicksville­­­­ 516-433-6777


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