April 2012 Newsletter

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Long Island News

Texas General Election

Now is the time to make sure you will be able to vote in the Texas General Election. If you did not vote in the last general election you may have been removed from the voter registration list. To make sure you are on the registration list, please call Selba Campbell at 943-3339.

Mary Steffensen, Editor LIV Newsletter Sand Dollar Quilters Thanks to you all for making our Quilt Show so successful. And thank you to all the quilters and helpers for setting up and putting on such a fabulous show. There were over 850 votes for the two Viewer’s Choice categories! Congratulations to the winners: Big quilts: 1st - Shirley Trembath 2nd - Vi Pavlisin 3rd - Minnie Dienert Miscellaneous 1st - Linda Dettman 2nd - Barb Prozyk 3rd - Minnie Dienert The Donation Quilt party was also a success and we will be donating over 40 quilts to the Blue Sunday organization. As out-going Co-chairs, Randi York and I would like to thank all the quilters and non-quilters who donated time and fabric to this worthwhile cause. The executive’s two year term is now up and these ladies have graciously accepted positions: President - Linda Cutter Treasurer - Cheryl Vaughan Vice President - Ellouise Boven Social Chair - Pat Chesney Secretary - Karen Grove I have enjoyed being the Secretary and appreciate the feedback, comments and support. I would like to express my gratitude to Shirley Trembath (President), Sandra Etter (Vice President), Reta Preist (Treasurer), and our Social Chair, Barbara Richard and her committee and all the quilters for an enjoyable 2 years. Don’t forget to join us any Friday in the Arts and Crafts room! I am off to quilt! Barb Prozyk - Outgoing Secretary - Sand Dollar Quilters

Barb Prozyk

Secretary, Sand Dollar Quilters

April 2012 Volume 47


The meeting of the Long Island Village Owner’s Association was called to order by Eddie Montalvo, President of the Board. After the Pledge of Allegiance, President Montalvo thanked everyone for coming. Dennis Zylman was elected Chairman of the Meeting. Chairman Zylman asked for the certifying of the proxies. Liz Detrick of the election committee announced a quorum had been met with 496 mail in and in person registrations. Chairman Zylman opened the floor for nominations. Gene Rutland, Phyllis (Pocket) D’haeseleer and Don Pelletier were nominated. They each introduced themselves and gave a brief speech. Auditor Juan E. Rivera, CPA reported that the LIV books had been audited and found to be in good shape. He also commented on the staff and commended them for their hard work. General Manager Rick Horner gave the Aramark annual report. Annita White announced some events planned for the summer. The Second Annual Fishing Tournament will be June 23rd. July 7th will be the 4th of July Parade and International Block Party. Patty Ann Sandberg announced the auction of two properties, Lot 7 and Lot 125 will be held on April 14,2012 at 10:00 AM. Chairman Zylman called a short recess to wait for the election results. Results of Election 1. Jeffery Kelmis 370 2. Flora Gunderson 329 3. Eddie Montalvo 264 4. Don Pelletier 150 5. Gene Rutland 135 6. Phyllis (Pocket) D’haeseleer 56 Chairman Zylman adjourned the meeting at 3:07 PM After the general meeting was adjourned, the board met to elect officers. President David Chapa Vice-President Annita White Asst. V. President Bill Gagan Secretary Flora Gunderson Asst. Secretary Ed McBride Treasurer Patty Ann Sandberg Asst. Treasurer Jeff Kelmis

F lora Gunderson, Secretary LIV Board Of Directors

Long Island News




Robert G. Hamilton Memorial Library by: Judy Voss, Chairman E-mail: voss828@att.net MARCH INCOME Cans Gas Directories (2011) Directories (2012) Book Sale Fashion Show Quilt Raffle P/B Sales & Fines Donations Income Total

2012 $286.00 (20.00) 12.00 971.00 267.45 2340.00 720.00 56.00 140.00 $4772.45

EXPENSES Directories $1136.63 Grill-Fashion Show 1872.15 Cook-Day Off 3 hrs. 24.00 (Paid From Quilt Money) Books 103.43 DVD’s 59.44 Supplies 7.51 Expense Total $3203.16 BANK BALANCE $ 3130.22 Fashion Show profit from tickets was $443.85. plus quilt raffle $744. for a total of $1187.85. Thanks to everyone who support the Library! Buy a directory. Donations are always appreciated as we are self-supporting and volunteers.

New Lot Owners March 2012

Lot #643 - PARKINSON, Phillip & Bridget Lot #862 - SCUDDER, Janet & Carl

02/01 Wed. 1st 02/15 Wed. 1st 02/22 Wed. 1st

Jo Chamberlin, Barbara Armstrong, Wanda Roertson, Marsha Fedick -5 Jane Moyle, Marte Griffin, Pam Lunde, Karen Herschelman


Jane Moyle, Deanna Yarbrough, Ione Holeman


02/29 Wed. 1st

Lorraine Vandenberg, Sandy Olson, `Karen Mueller, Myrle Minor, Judy Agar

- 5 Tie


Jane Moyle, Jo Ann Flater, Joan Korson, Sandy Moore, Marte Griffin -5 Tie

02/14 Sat. AM 1st

Don Woodward, Gary Walters, Doug Totvin, Carl Sprague, Ron Phillips

02/11 Sat. AM 1st -11

Don Woodward, Jean Iverson, Rich Hawthorn, Traci Wolzer

02/19 Sun. AM 1st

Denny Zylman, Myrle Monor, Al Lunde, Lou McConnell, Doris Smith

02/19 Sun. PM 1st -9

Don Hoag, Jo Chamberlin, Bud Sherry, Loraine Vandenberg

02/26 Sun. AM 1st 02/26 Sun. PM 1st

Paul Krueger, Ed Spalding, Werner Wild, Bunny Johnson -8 Glen Fritz, Lorraine Makinson, Rich Hawthorn, Stan Sluiter, Barb Gosnell -40


Fashion Show Thank You This show was a wonderful success as a fund raiser for the Library. All I have heard from the ladies is “Are you going to do it again next year”? To the following, the Library wants to “thank you so much”. Organizer - Johnnie Cook Co-Ordinator - Harriet Gournic who worked with Bon Worth’s Clothing Store & models. Eloise Bovan gave us the beautiful quilt to raffle. To the Bookends who sold tickets for the show & quilt. To everyone who bought tickets, donated items for our door prizes & bracelets, setup, serve & clean up. To the D & E Committee for the decorations, musicians, photographer and printer of the flyers & tickets. “Maybe, Hope To See You Next year”!

Judy Voss, Library Chairman



Long Island News

3 Atchley Realty



Robbie Atchley Coffman, BROKER

(956) 943-2313 Cell (956) 525-2124

selling price negotiable

562 PM/Island Rm on golf course, stg bldg, w/d $89,950 757 Vacant inside lot w/stg bldg, w/d


75 Waterfront, 2/2 PM/Island Rm, stg bldy, w/d $150,000 396 PM/Island Rm, fixer upper, nice porch


M PM/Isand Rm, 1 1/2 baths, golf course, stg $69,900 K PM, full bath, w/d, walk-in closet, stg bldg


394 PM, w/d, corner lot Looking for offer!!


325 Vacant lot w/ boat lift, stg bldg


Lot Facing Golf Course ready to be occupied.

(956) 792-5002


D&E It’s that “Mixed Emotions” time of year – Excited about seeing our family and friends back in our Summer Homes (especially those grandkids!), yet hating the thought of leaving our dear winter friends here in LIV. And, of course, we’re already thinking about coming back again next year. You know that old saying “You can’t have everything”? It’s wrong. We do. It’s been another wonderful season thanks to some very devoted hardworking fun-loving people known as your Winter Texan D & E Committee. Please hold your applause till I have named them all. Barbara Armstrong, Dotty Arntzen, Darlene Collins, Pat Diebold, Lily Givan, Flora Gunderson, Karen Pelletier, and Wanda Robertson. Would you ladies please stand and take a bow? Next is our oh-so-important support group who we could not do without: Larry Armstrong, Joe Givan, Gundy Gunderson, Don Pelletier, Dick Olson, John & Judy Agar, Marty and Jackie Pauken, Jim & Helen Brunard, Bud & Maryann Kruszka, and Mary Ellen Koehler. Our hats are off to all of you (especially those crazy ladder climbing guys)! Two ladies that deserve huge hugs are our co-chairs. We have had a lot of good feedback on the entertainment this year thanks to Annita White. She is always on the look out for some new fun entertainers, so if you have any good tips, please let her know. Great job, Annita! (Annita is also putting together a fun Summer D & E schedule, so watch for it!) And then there’s Joan Olson. Joanie, Joanie, Joanie – What would we do without you? She is like the energizer bunny who keeps us all on our toes so we get the job done. And she does it with a never-ending smile. Who can say “no” to a smiling bunny????? Terrific job, Joan, as always! For you “”Full Timers”, have a wonderful summer in paradise. For you Winter Texans, have safe travels and enjoy your family and friends. It won’t be long before we’re all back together again. Time flies when you’re having fun!

Pat Diebold

Winter Texas D & E Committee

NEW BOAT LIFTS & UNDERWATER LIGHTS Out Of Water Lifts No Barnacles Best Prices and Service


(956) 943-6433 MARCH a Yard of the Month ART & JOHNNY COOK 175 WEST BONNET CIRCLE

Long Island News



Law Offices of John Haywood

LIV Patrol

02/01 Lot # 116 Owner reported damages to the front of her trailer and inside. Security filed a report. 02/23 Lot # 235

Property sales Business transactions Personal injury accidents Estate planning & Pre-Nuptial agreements.

EMS Called

02/29 Lot # 652 Security called regarding damage to the A/C unit. 02/05 SC # 101

EMS Called

02/06 Lot # 422 Owner reported shaddered glass door. Possible weedeater damage. Report filed with management. 02/10 SC # 77 Heavy traffic at the Gate House. Arm accidently hit owner’s vehical. 02/10 Lot # 308

EMS Called

02/11 Lot # 352 Security was notified that a SUV and trailer was parked on a Lot without the lot owner’s permission. SUV and trailer owner moved after being motified. 02/12 Lot # 235 Owner contacted Security to request a Taxi to McAllen.


02/06 Mary Gregory

Call the Law Offices of John Haywood at 943-3288 for your appointment.

02/13 Maxine Rains 02/20 Maxine Rains 02/27 Mary Gregory Dottie Dymit

Down the street at the Queen Isabel Inn.

5 REGULAR BOARD MEETING January 25, 2012 - MINUTES APPROVAL OF Dec. 14, 2011 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING MINUTES – AT Sandberg requested a correction be made on cost of chairs from $10 to $100. A request was also made for the minutes to be sent out to the Board in a timelier manner. After a short discussion, AT Sandberg moved to accept the Dec. 14, 2011 minutes after corrections. Treasurer Steffensen seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion passed.

Long Island News call Judy



Lot 522- Bright and cheerful 2/2 with lg covered deck and backyard patio with storage bldg. Immaculate, very well cared for and ready to move in. Brick drive for golf cart. Reduced $84,900

Policy Revisions – Assistant Secretary Deitrick Motion: Assistant Secretary Deitrick moved to accept the policies as written. Assistant Treasurer Sandberg seconded the motion.

676 E Clam- Nice waterfront lot w/

Motion: Secretary White moved to strike from policy 6.10 the sentence, “Minors may operate golf carts when a licensed, responsible adult is present in the cart.” Treasurer Steffensen seconded the motion. Roll call: Chapa - No; Guerra – No; Sandberg – Yes; Deitrick – abstain; McBride – No; Gagan - Yes; Steffensen – Yes; White – Yes. 4 yes, 2 no, 1 abstain- Motion passed.

w/ elevator lift & boat lift. Easy intracoastal waterway access. Nice morning sun! $185,000 Currently available for short term rental

Motion: Vice-President McBride moved to delete from policy: Pedestrians must pick up a village return pass at security when leaving the village. Upon returning, pass will be returned to security. Assistant Secretary Deitrick seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion passed. Motion: Dir. Deitrick moved to strike a portion of policy 6.2- #5. “Securing the entertainment through contracts (that are to be written and mailed in May of each year)”. Assistant Treasurer Sandberg seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion passed. Motion: Treasurer Steffensen made a motion to restate policy 6.7- #4. To read “ Use of the pavilion or gazebos are subject to a $50 deposit which will be refunded within 10 days after inspection of the pavilion.” Assistant Treasurer Sandberg seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion passed. Motion: Vice-President McBride moved to restate the paragraph on policy 6.4 to reflect “All wine and beer must be purchased from LIV.” Director Guerra seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion passed. Motion: Director Deitrick restated his motion to accept the policies with the corrections. VP McBride seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion passed. Motion: Dir. Chapa made a motion to adjourn. Assistant Secretary Deitrick seconded the motion. Motion passed. Adjournment Minutes Taken By Annita White, LIV Board of Directors 1/25/2012 12:20 pm

boat dock, concrete patio and covered palapa seating. $89,500

Sea Cottage 16- Unfurnished 2/2

For Sa le by Own e r

Lot 630 A. Waterfront lot with Furn. Park Model 1 BR/ 1 BTH & Deck. Price Reduced $120,000 For info call


First United

Methodist Church 101 W. Adams, Port Isabel (956) 943-2485

Worship Times 8:30 am Worship 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 am Worship www.portisabelfumc.com

Long Island News

6 The Toughest 18 Holes You’ll Ever Play, Plus Lunch* For $15.00 !!! HOW’S YOUR SHORT GAME? If you’ve never played Long Island Village’s 18 hole, par 3 golf course, you don’t know what you’ve missed. So come and check out how good your short game really is and get $5.00 off lunch at our own Village Grill.

$5.00 Lunch Coupon Good with purchase of $15 golf pass at Long Island Village’s very own Golf Course anytime during February and March 2012 with this coupon (One per player).

Long Island Village 33840 S. Garcia, Port Isabel, TX Welcome Center 956-943-5921

Pro Shop 956-943-7520

Ryan Foster

(956) 605-7258

Sea Cottage #123 Newly updated furnished home, granite countertops, garage, dock, Boat Lift and much more. This is a must see: Asking $255,000 Cottage Home #424 Newly built Furnished Home – 2 bedroom, 2 bath, granite counter tops. Lots of upgrades. $ 142,000

Fishers of Men Lutheran Church

Located at the corner of Jefferson and Tarnava, Port Isabel, TX (956) 943-2005

Sunday Worship Service 8:30 AM Communion Services 1st and 3rd Sundays Bible Study Friday at 2:00 PM Saturday School / Church 5:30 PM LWML meets 3rd Thursday monthly 10:00 AM HOLY WEEK Palm Sunday Service 8:30 AM Maundy Thursday Service 6:30 PM (with Holy Communion) Good Friday Service 6:30 PM Easter Sunday Service 8:30 AM (continental breakfast 7:30 AM)

Everyone Welcome! Come Join Us!

EUCHRE February is but a memory and the time when most of our euchre players are here to join us. We had 80 sign up for our monthly dinner. A big thank you to Karin Fuselier, Jackie Rogge, and Larry Wright for preparing the turkeys. They were delicious and prepared to perfection. The rest of you prepared the remaining items which completed a great meal. Thanks to all. The high scores for the month of February were: February. February. February. February. February. February. February. February.

2. 7. 9. 14. 16. 21. 23. 28.

87. Jim Douglas 82. Don Minor and Bill Smith 89. Joe Wuis 94. Larry Rielandt 88. Myrle Minor 81. Jim Akstulewieg 93 Sue McLaughlin 88. Sharon Geidel

Shirley Ritten

Long Island News



Lot 3 Empty lot for your Rv or build. Located in first section $45,000 Lot 10 Furnished PM, covered deck. You would only need your clothes and food. $55,000. Lot 534 Very nice COTTAGE HOME, 2BR, 1BTH, furnished, large deck, stg bldg $130,000

Waterfront Lots

Lot 102 PM with island room, 1bd/1bth, bonus room for office or bed, large covered deck, boat lift, stg bldg, storm shutters. Great Price $99,000 Lot 137 PM with small island room, across the street from ICW. $115,000. Lot 140 COTTAGE HOME 2BR/2BTH, partially furnished, granite countertops and windowsills, stg under deck has 6.5 ‘ clearance, seawall replaced in 06. $218,000 Lot 141 empty lot ready to build on or your RV $108,000. SC 59, 2BD/2BTH, furnished, spacious Lot 272 • Recent remodeled PM, almost new corner lot, Boat Lift, Storm Shutters. boat lift, dock, large deck $149,900 Lot 277 COTTAGE HOME 2BR/1BTH, recently SC 66 Furnished, 2BDR/2BTH, office on ground level, amazing master bedroom stor- updated, extra large tiled deck, good parking space $ 155,000 age, 2 balconies, recent upgrades Lot 458 Nice park model with addition, W/D, $189,000. stg bldg, large covered deck $125,000 SC 124, A single with 3BR/3BTH, recent new Lot 493 • Very nicely furnished PM, large tiled and covered deck, dock, and fish cleaning staupgrades, mostly furnished plus a boat. tion. $129,000 $225,000. Lot 691 PM with an amazing view from covered WE WANT YOUR LISTING. deck, extra waterfront frontage. Would make great building site. $120,000 Norma Swink, BROKER Lot 817 COTTAGE HOME Very nice 2BD/2BTH, Cell (956) 561.3442 wd/dw, storm shutters, under deck storage, ample parking, many extras. $224,900. P.D. Swink, AGENT Lot 827 COTTAGE HOME 2BR/2BTH furnished, Cell (956) 572.1559 under deck stg, like new, pavers, boat lift $214,000 Office: (956) 943.4228 509 E. Washington Port Isabel, TX 78578 Email: SwinkRealEstate@rgv.rr.com Lot N - Emply lot with island view. Online: www.SwinkRealEstate.net $ 60,000

Sea Cottage Lots

Golf Course Lots

Village A/C & Heat Service – Repairs – Installations LICENSE # TACBL33737E Monthly Checkups -


Bingo Bring your own treats,beverage, etc. and enjoy meeting friends and neighbors for a couple of hours each Friday night. Cards are out by 6:15 p.m. with play beginning at 7:00 p.m. sharp. We have been enjoying a large number of you so we have been able to pay the maximum allowed which makes it more fun for all. Come on out ya all, you could be the next lucky person.

Shirley Ritten

Classifieds LOT # 364 FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD! WIDE CANAL / INTRACOASTAL VIEW. PM, 1/1, W/D, covered patio, dock/boat lift. Newer shed, siding, roof, A/C and flooring. $ 110,000.00. Owner 630-915-6753. For Sale Lot # 426 Conch – PM w/ Island Rm, 2 Bd, 2 Bth. Large covered back deck. All tile floors except master bedroom. Fully furnished including W/D. New roof in 2011. Priced to sell $ 66,000. Call 956-9437581 or 651-338-8444 to see. SALE: 838 Waterfront: Remodeled Park Model / Island Room w/boat lift, King bed, whirlpool tub, Open Bright Plan, 19’ x 12’ Living Room w/sofa bed & 42” TV, 2nd bath w/closet & washer/dryer, & large Walk-in Closet (remove to make 2nd bedroom) Covered Tile deck, Storage under, dock Fully Furnished & Equipped. $139,900 Owner Jim (262) 242-4181 For Sale: 799 E. Oyster – Waterfront Lot w/ 1/1 Park Model. Fully furnished, covered deck, and boat dock. $ 124,500 Call Bruce – 956-330-2218 For Sale: 503 E. Clam – Waterfront w/ 1/1 Park Model. Fully furnished, covered deck, boat dock, storage. Very clean ! $135,000. Contact Bruce – 956-330-2218 SC 89 - $232,500 Great SPI/Ship Channel View. Morning Sun, 2 Bedroom/2 Bath. Furnished Make Offer!! Patty 956-943-3454

COMPUTER PROBLEMS? Call Island Geek 761-3333 PRICED BELOW APPRAISED VALUE! Waterfront Cottage Home, Lot 301. Stick built. 1 Bedroom, 2 Baths. $179.900. Contact Owners, 956-761-1182 (daytime); or Susan Brown, 956-592-5464 (anytime). FOR SALE LOT # 815 On Canal with Dock reduced $85,000 907-345-5860 or 928-566-7189 SEA COTTAGE 19 -BARGAIN 2/2 recently remodeled, newly tiled floor, Carpet. Lots of storage. W/D upstairs. New storm shutters. Deck with boat lift. Elevator to 2nd floor. REDUCED $199,000 956-943-3215. Lot 236 Cottage Home for rent. 2BR – 1 bath furnished. On water with fishing dock, close to Intracoastal. Monthly $ 1500.00, Weekly $ 600.00 Call 956-655-4157 FOUR-MONTH RENTERS – We are looking to rent a 2/2 Sea cottage on the east end of Scallop with a boat lift (for 19”boat) for four months beginning December 2012. Please call Roger or Vicki at 605-486-0015 (h) : Roger at 402-670-0913; FOR RENT – WATERFRONT LOT # 814 October - April $ 625/mo. Call Owner 651-592-6188 LOT # 192 Waterfront Cottage home For Rent – 2 Bedroom/2Bath-Recently remodeled. Fully furnished, Covered deck with shade. For months of September, October thru March. Only $ 1,700 monthly Call (956) 821-5899 SEA COTTAGE 85 - FOR SALE Well maintained sea cottage with two car garage on first floor. Spacious kitchen, living room, dining room, full bath and bedroom with double closets and queen bed on second floor. Three quarter bath, two queen beds with a great deal of storage and laundry on third floor. Great deck views of South Padre Island. Boat lift and fish cleaning area on back dock. Last year listed with ReMax for $265,000 now for sale by owner for $235,000. It costs nothing to look so call Bill or Sue at 651.335.5264 or 956.943.7835 WATERFRONT LOT # 73 FOR SALE EXTENDED DOCK TO APPROX 80 FT. CLOSE TO INTRACOASTEL WATERWAY $ 85,000 CALL 281-578-0333

Long Island News


Best Waterfront Dining! Famous for the fun, known for the food!



Hooker’s Palapa Bar at Pier 19. Featuring South Padre Islands famous sunsets.

Fish, Shrimp, Oysters, Burgers, Po Boys, Chicken, BLT, Salads, Fries, and Kids Meals.


- FREE WIFIOver the water on South Padre Island

Not valid with any other promotion or discount.



IN C REDIBLE! $5.99 Lunch Specials Monday thur Friday 11 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ALL Y OU CAN EAT Fish or Shrimp Served with Two Sides Daily


Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

(956) 943-PIER www.Pier19.us

Open daily 7AM Fresh Seafood, Salads, Sandwiches 10% OFF COUPON Not valid with any other promotion or discount.



110 N. Garcia • Port Isabel WATERFRONT DINING AT THE LIGHTHOUSE Open 11 a.m. • Lunch & Dinner

(956) 943-FOOD www.PiratesLandingRestaurant.com


Long Island News


$229,900 818 W OYSTER 2 bedroom 1 bath with new Island Room and large kitchen. This furnished home has a very roomy living area and new master bedroom. Channel front with nice patio, front and side doors, awnings and drive large enough for two cars. Refrigerator freezer plus a bait refrigerator freezer. This one is a “must see” $149,000


956-371-6082 OR 956-371-6083


Organic Goods Fruit Smoothies & Gourmet Coffee Medicinal Teas & Herbs Supplements, Minerals, Homeopathics Nutritional Consultation with Doctor

From the Bridge Board The annual meeting for the LIOA (Bridge) will be held Saturday 4/7/2012 at 9:00 a.m. in the Arts and Craft Room. The bridge monitors are on Channel 12 on the marine radio. You can also call them at 956-943-1622 for opening info. Hope to see you at the meeting.

L.I.O.A. Bridge Board

Body System Evaluation Hair Analysis & Saliva Testing Natural Weight & Hormone Mgmt Books and More!! Box & Ship UPS Across USA Fax • Copy • Free WIFI 201 W. Queen Isabella Blvd., Port Isabel

(956) 943-2300 www.livingshoppe.com


Long Island News MANAGERS REPORT – by Rick Horner

GM Horner presented his monthly reports and updates. • Work Orders- 103 issued; 21 pending. GM Horner stated that the delay in completing all of the work orders was due to emergency repair projects. He assured owners that all their work orders would be addressed. • Building Permits - 4 issued; 2 concrete; 1 re-roof; 1 boatlift • Past Due Condo Fees – (4) 16-30 days late ($801.00); (8) 31- 60 days late ($2,380.00); (2) 61-90 days late – Going to legal ($1,105.00); (8) 90 days late – in legal ($24,799.00). GM Horner reported that it was a pretty good month for condo fee collections. GM Horner informed the audience that three of the eight properties that are included in the 90 day group have been foreclosed on and are coming back to LIVOA, therefore the dollar amount is a little skewed as at least $10,000 of the $24,799 are for the three properties. Past due condo fees last month totaled $41,761.00. Current past due condo fees total $29,085.00. Past due Condo fees reduced by -$12,676 .00. • Dredging Report – GM Horner reported that the USACE has reviewed LIVOA’s application and stated that everything looks good. He went on to state that he is waiting on Chris Freeland to get back with him on a specific site to dump the silt. GM Horner informed the audience that the Corp. had initially requested an aerial map with 4 possible sites to dump the silt which was sent in. They have now come back and said that a specific site must be selected and a new map detailing the site as well as a letter from Chris Freeland authorizing LIVOA to put the silt on their property is needed. GM Horner also mentioned that he will request that the maintenance permit include both hydraulic and mechanical dredging. He then announced that he had met with Rodriguez Brothers Dredging for the third time and is meeting again with them today to get a better estimate of the project cost. GM Horner explained to the audience that Rodriguez Brothers does mechanical dredging which is significantly lower in cost than hydraulic dredging and since they are currently working on SPI there will also be significant savings on the transportation of equipment. The length of the project is estimated to take about 1 week. GM Horner added that if any owner wanted to dredge under their boat slips, Rodriguez Brothers would offer the service but the owner would have to contract with them directly.

Long Island News


LIV TravelGoers Presents

“PRIDE OF AMERICA” Hawaiian Island Cruise NOVEMBER 1-10, 2012 from $3379

All rates are per person, twin occupancy, and INCLUDE $512.36 in air, port and departure taxes (subject to change). The above rate is for a Balcony Cabin and payment by cash/ check.

Note: Included Airfare is from Houston / IAH and return. 10+ Participants from LIV will enable departure/return: Brownsville

Approx. additional Cost: $230.00• • BRO/IAH/BRO airfare is per person and subject to change. Participation limited to first 16 persons

For Details and Questions: Contact Rick Cantos Sea Cottage 57 956-943-2462 FREE RECORDED INFORMATION 24 HRS. TOLL FREE 1-800-778-1647 then enter the extension number Several rentals available. Several units or lots can possibly be owner financed.

Lot #236 - 2/1 waterfront p.m./island room 3 lots off intercoastal $179,900 1800-778-1647 Ext.1254

Lot #347 2/2, 1 lot off interLot #721 – possible 2 bedroom, Lot #232 - waterfront p,m./island very nice park model, deck, shed room, direct access to intercoastal-- coastal w/70’ seawall $165,000 summer shade,very clean $149,000 $69,000 1-800-778-1647 1-800-776-1847 ext.1374 1-800-778-1647 Ext.. 1234 ext. #1174

Please call for new listings / open evenings & weekends by appointment. FINANCING AVAILABLE

LET’S MAKE A DEAL-TAKE ADVANTAGE OF GREAT UNITS AT LOW PRICES! INSIDE Lots Park Models Lot # 739 – cottage home, must Waterfront # 214 Cottage Home Lot #634 Very Nice, 2/2 waterLot #5 - Inside pad, great 2/2 Furn. nautical décor. Large deck front cottage home, lots of extras, location,shed, nice concrete pad see! huge deck w/island view, boat lift, $245,000 corner lot, 2 bedroom $150,000, Close to club house. View of canal $42,000 $179,000 800-778-1647 • Ext. 1774 1-800-778-1647 ext. #1214 1-800-778-1647 Ext. 1134 1-800-778-1647 ext . 1314

#8 $35,000 #535 $40,000 #610 $35,000 I-$73,000 golf course p.m. w/room




#203 - $51,000

# 80 $123,000 J - Super nice p. m., roof over, tiled Lot # 268 waterfront home 2bed- Lot #109 NICE, 2/2 FURNISHED, #182 50’ waterfront, pm/Island porch, shutters, super nice,clean, 1b, furnished, covered and tiled 2 COVERED DECKS,GREAT PRICE! #180-$125,000 room 2 bedroom $149,000 # 650 - $ 218,000 $131,500 deck, open floor plan. $189,500 golf course,etc $79,995 18001-800-778-1647 Ext. 1274 1-800-778-1647 Ext. 1154 1-800-778-1641 ext. 1114 778-1647 ext. #1154

RONA HAMLINCK (956) 371-0425 Roy Bailey / Broker


#667 $219,000

#731 #347

SOLD #134

600 S. Garcia #13, Port Isabel


Long Island News

12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

iCONTROL Video On Demand KTLM (Telemundo) KNVO (Univision) KGBT (CBS) KRGV (ABC) SHRIO (FOX/My Network TV) XHAB (Independent) KVEO (NBC) KLUJ (TBN) KMBH (PBS) XHOR (TV Azteca America) KNDF (TV Axteca America) SERV (televisa) KVTF (Telefutura) KSFE (CW) C_SPAN Jewelry TV Cartoon Network Disney Channel Nickelodeon Discovery Channel TLC

Time Warner Cable 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47

Animal Planet Travel Channel History Channel Golf Channel National Geographic The Weather Channel CNN CNN Headline News FOX News Channel MSNBC Texas Cable News CNBC truTV AMC Turner Classic Movies TBS Spike TV A&E TNT


EMERGENCY 911 Activity Center.....................943-3650 Business Office...................943-5921 Rental / Welcome Ctr...........943-6449 1-800-292-7261 Fax - Welcome Ctr................943-3113

Long Island Village Owners Association, Inc. P.O. Box 695 Port Isabel, Texas 78578

April 2012

PHONE: 800-222-5355 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 65 66 67 68

USA Lifetime Sci-Fi Channel FX C-SPAN 2 TV Land Lifetime Movie Network E! EWTN INSP Channel Hallmark Channel ESPN ESPN2 FOX Soccer Channel FSN Southwest Great American Country VH1 MTV Galavision

Village Grill..................943-1368 Pro Shop......................943-7520 Maintnance.................943-5670 Security.......................943-4474 Website: www.LongIslandVillage.com Email: longislandvillage@live.com

69 70 71 72 73 75 76 77 99 366 618 860 865 870 875 876 890 893 894 895 896 904

mun2 FOX Sports en Espanol Comedy Central HGTV Food Network Bravo WE ShopNBC QVC KGBT (CBS) Action 4 News Weather XHRIO (FOX) MTV3 KVEO (NBC) HD KGBT (CBS) HD XHRIO (FOX/My network TV) HD KRGV (ABC) HD KRGV (ABC) LATV HD Theater TNT in HD FSN Southwest HD ESPN HD ESPN2 HD TBS HD

The Long Island News is a monthly publication of the Long Island Village Owners Association, Inc. Deadline for articles is the 10th of the month prior to publication. For information and submission of articles, please contact Editor Mary Steffensen at the Village. Graphic Design by Wendy Hauschildt, Blue Starfish Design. Printing by Alex Avalos, Printing, South Padre Island.

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