Long Island Village \
February 26, 2014 MINUTES
9:00 A.M. - Arts/Craft Room Call Meeting to Order &. Pledge of Allegiance President Chapa called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. President Chapa asked the audience to please silence their cell phones. Roll Call PRESENT: Board of Directors: David Chapa, President (PRES); Don Pelletier, Vice-President (VP); Raul Vasquez, Secretary (SEC); Mary Steffensen, Treasurer (TRE); Flora Gunderson, Assistant Secretary (AS); Joe Guerra, Assistant Treasurer (AT); Ed McBride, Director (DIR); Richard Ramirez, Director (DIR); Kenneth Waller, Director (DIR) Management: Rick Horner, General Manager (GM); Armando Zamora, Facility Manager (FM); Ruth Garza, Restaurant Cafe Manager (RCM) Secretary Vasquez informed PRES Chapa that a correction to the agenda was needed. He asked that Item B., under New Business be removed from the agenda. Treasurer Steffensen asked that Item c., under New Business be moved up on the agenda to Item E, under Committee Reports, as it pertained to the same matter.
Owners Speaking on Issues Pertaining to Items on the Agenda \ PRES Chapa turned the floor over to owners who signed up to speak on agenda items. \ 0 Bud Sherry, owner of lot 638, speaking on agenda item "10. New Business, I. New Year's Eve Party/Payment". Mr. Sherry expressed his satisfaction with the New Year's Eve Event sponsored by Susan Cook. He voiced his support of allowing Ms. Cook to sponsor the New Year's Eve Party in 2014. President’s Remarks President Chapa welcomed everyone to the meeting. He stated that this meeting marked the last meeting of the current administration, as a new board would be seated after the annual meeting on Saturday, March 1, 2014. He thanked the owners, on behalf of the departing directors, for attending the meetings and allowing them to serve on the board. Manager's Report - FM Zamora GM Horner FM Zamora presented his monthly reports and updates. o Facility Management Report- Please see figure A-l o FM Zamora presented the Facility Management Report.
AS Gunderson asked FM Zamora to provide the total cost for the speed hump project for the record. FM Zamora stated that the project cost for all three speed humps, which included reflective paint and signage, was $3,000. o Work Orders- Please see figure A-2 FM Zamora reported that there were a total of 96 work orders, 6 are open and will be completed. o Building Permit Report- Please see figure A-3 o FM Zamora presented the Building Permit Report. o Past Due Condo Fee Report- Please see figure A-4 (31) 16-30 days late ($5,823.00) (28) 31-59 days late ($18,174.00) (1) 60 days late ($781.00) (13) 90 days late ($6009.00) Past due condo fees last month (not including those in grace period 1-15 days) totaled $39/247.00. The current past due condo fees (not including those in grace period 1-15 days) total $3~787.00. The difference is $~460.00.
Approval of the January 22, 2014 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Assistant Secretary Gunderson moved to accept the minutes as presented. Director McBride seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion Passed. Treasurer's Report - Treasurer Steffensen o Treasurer's Report - Please see figure A-5 DIR McBride asked for clarification with the golf course reports. TRE Steffensen explained that the first report reflected comparisons between actual numbers in 2013 vs actual numbers in 2012. The second report reflected comparisons between actual numbers in 2013 vs budgeted numbers for 2013. Committee Reports: A) D & E Committee - AS Gunderson AS Gunderson expressed that the Mardi Gras Party had been very successful with 343 people attending. Annual Meeting scheduled for March 1, 2014. One Armed Piano Player from Branson, Missouri scheduled for Sunday, March 2, 2014 at 2:00 PM, tickets $5 at the door. AS Gunderson stated that another cocktail party is scheduled with Leslie on Monday, March 3, 2014 from 4-6. Luau Dance with Fasci-Nation and a final cocktail party with Leslie on March 17, 2014 will mark the end of the D & E season. AS Gunderson announced that D & E is in need of a couple of volunteers to help with decorating as the committee will be losing one of their volunteer couples. B) Pool Committee - Treasurer Steffensen TRE Steffensen reported that the plastering work has been completed and drains and drain cover needed to meet regulations have been installed. Repairs to the steps and lights have been completed and new handrails in the indoor pool hot tub have been installed. The serving bar for the pool grill has been completed and will be delivered in the near 2
future. Still pending is the new hood over the grill and lights on the pillars of the gazebo which should be completed by May. C) Safety Committee - Director McBride DIR McBride reminded the audience to pick up a checklist of items that should be completed before leaving the park. He stated that a couple of new items have been added to the list and he urged the audience to pick up a checklist after the meeting. Checklists will also be available at the annual meeting and at the Welcome Center. D) Building Committee - VP Pelletier VP Pelletier announced that the Building Committee had met to refine the language of the motions that will be made later on in the meeting. He thanked the committee members for their input at that meeting. E) Finance Committee - Treasurer Steffensen TRE Steffensen reported that the Finance Committee had met and had reviewed the Golf Committee's report. TRE Steffensen then proceeded to go over recommendations by the Finance Committee that was based on their audit of the golf course. The Finance Committee recommendations included an increase to non-resident green fees ($14 to $16), equal membership fees for all members, a golf clinic for individuals 14 and older, water sensors, employee allocations, a separate water meter for the pools, reduction of 16 labor hours per week as well as a change in operating hours at the proshop. DIR McBride voiced his concerns over the Finance Committee's recommendations to raise green fees for non-residents and to eliminate the add-on membership for spouses. TRE Steffensen informed DIR McBride that these were just recommendations being presented and nothing had been voted on. After further discussion, AT Guerra made a motion.
Assistant Treasurer Guerra made a motion to have the Finance Committee reconvene and meet with the President of the Golf Committee in order to re-evaluate the recommendations that were presented. Secretary Vasquez seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion Passed. F) Golf Committee - Director McBride Director McBride apologized for only presenting 2 pages of the 4 page report compiled by the Golf Committee at the previous month's meeting. He informed the audience that the report was corrected and is available for review.
Bridge Board Report - President Chapa o PRES Chapa asked Dick Loathe, Long Island Owners (LIOA) President for an update. Mr. Loathe reported that the annual meeting for LIOA will be the first Saturday in April. He added that lunch would not be provided but he would still like to have more than just a couple of people attend. New Business A) Website - TRE Steffensen TRE Steffensen informed the audience that there are still some glitches that are being experienced with the website. She will be contacting the web builder to fix the glitches and to change and improve some current formats on the site. B) Pool Bids - REMOVED FROM AGENDA 3
C) Financial Committee - MOVED to Committee Reports Item E D) Election Update - SEC Vasquez SEC Vasquez thanked the audience for showing up and making both Candidates Forums a success. He expressed that the dates for the next forums should be decided on shortly after the new Board takes office. This will help the committee secure a location for the upper valley forum at no charge. SEC Vasquez reminded the audience that not all directors elected by the members on Saturday will serve a three year term. He stated that the Election Committee will be posting the term for each elected director alongside the election results. SEC Vasquez reported that the date and time for the annual meeting on Saturday is posted on the village marquee and he urged the audience to do their part to help reach a quorum. SEC Vasquez added that he wanted to thank the Election Committee and any other individuals who had aided in the process. He stated that he is looking forward to the future and to modernizing the election process for the association. E) Paving Bids - TRE Steffensen TRE Steffensen stated that she had received four bids for paving from Rudy's Paving, J&N Construction, D&F Construction and Pizana Paving. According to TRE Steffensen, some of the bids are still lacking a criterion that was part of the bid package. The bid prices obtained so far are Rudy's Paving, $198,572; J&N Construction, 252,761; Pizana Paving, $249,000; D&F Construction currently $225,760 but test material costs will need to be added. The bids will require further review. VP Pelletier questioned whether the connection of the piping to the drains was included in the work scope. FM Zamora informed him that it was as he had clearly stated the requirement in the bid speciflcatlons. SEC Vasquez stated that recommendations for the bid award should come from management as it is management's responsibility to review the bids and make a selection based on the best interest of the association. SEC Vasquez asked GM Horner for a timeframe on the recommendation. GM Horner replied that he and FM Zamora would first need to visit the sites that the contractor lists as reference sites. He stated that management should be able to make a recommendation by the next Board of Director's Meeting. F) Building Rule Changes - VP Pelletier o VP Pelletier presented three motions for the board's approval.
Vice-President Pelletier made a motion to remove two sentences at the bottom of page 12 of the Building Rule Handbook. The two sentences read "Rear sunken patio or storage area under rear deck and home (area level with the seawall cap) cannot extend further forward than 28' at longest side of building line and may not be obtainable if utilities are crossing the area. The building line is determined by the right side of the original pad and the left side building line is 24' across from the right side line". Director McBride seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion Passed. Vice-President Pelletier made a motion to insert where sentences were removed: "Owner is responsible for, and at their expense, to locate utilities crossing their property. A drawing, including depth of sewer, must be submitted at time of permit issuance and a detail on how 4
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they plan to protect the sewer line. A (5) five foot clear area on both sides of the sewer line must be maintained where no building weight will be impacting the sewer line. Rear sunken patio and storage area under home may not be lower than seawall cap. A management representative must make at least three inspections daily during excavation to be sure no damage is done to utilities. You are responsible, if there is any digging or excavation, to notify the following, three days prior to start of construction, to determine if there is any cable or lines in the area of construction: Call Before You Dig (800) 245-4545 or LIVOA Maintenance Office at (956) 943-5670. An engineered foundation plan must be included with the plans and approved by a professional engineer licensed by the State of Texas. " Director McBride seconded the motion. A brief discussion over the phrase "management representative" took place. VP Pelletier amended his motion by removing "management representative" from the motion and replacing it with "Management must make at least three inspections daily during excavation to be sure no damage is done to utilities." No further discussion. All in favor. Motion Passed.
Vice-President Pelletier made a motion to reword item 3, on page 4 of the Building Rules Handbook to read: '~ set of plans showing top, side, front and rear views, and a drawing including depth of sewer and how they plan to protect the sewer line, plus an engineered foundation plan approved by a professional engineer licensed by the State of Texas must be included with application of building permit for island room or dwelling project." Director McBride seconded the motion. No discussion. All in favor. Motion Passed. secretary Vasquez commented on the hard work of the Building Committee to try and meet everyone's needs and he added that he hoped the motions passed would put an end to all the discussions dealing with dig-outs and sewage. a . VP Pelletier presented a variance request for Lot 819 to put a deck in on an angle. He informed the board that a similar request at another location had been allowed in the past. He reported that there would be no impact to the water flow and would not affect the turning of a boat.
Vice-President Pelletier made a motion to grant a variance request to Lot 819 that will allow them to build a dock partially on common area. Director McBride seconded the motion. Floor opened for discussion. Secretary Vasquez solicited management's opinion on accepting the variance. GM Horner and FM Zamora both stated that that the association would not encounter problems in accepting the variance. No further discussion. All in favor. Motion Passed. G) Pink Water Update - DIR Ramirez
a DIR Ramirez reported that he had been in contact with Laguna Madre Water Engineer
Ortiz. Bids for the project will be going out mid-March 2014 and funding as well as the green light for the project should be in place by the end of 2014.
H) POS System- DIR Ramirez 5
fundraiser on March 1, during the annual meeting. Since the item was inadvertently left off the agenda, action was allowed to be taken.
Treasurer Steffensen made a motion to approve the Quilters Committee's request to hold a fundraiser on March 1, 2014. Director Ramirez seconded the motion. No discussion. All in favor. Motion Passed
President Chapa announced that the "Wisconsin Group" raised $304.00 during their recent brunch and very graciously donated it to the Hamilton Voss Memorial Library.
Secretary Vasquez voiced concern over the potential hazards of some herbicide that was left in a golf cart at the end of West Oyster Drive and the legal ramifications that the hazard could pose. AT Guerra asked that the matter be promptly addressed to avoid any potential for lawsuits. President Chapa stated that he would look into the matter and then have a discussion with management on the subject.
President Chapa called for a 10 minute recess at 10:35 before going into Executive Session. Executive session 10:45 AM The board meeting resumed at 11:40 AM after executive session. Assistant Secretary Gunderson made a motion to adjourn, Secretary Vasquez seconded the motion. All in favor, Motion passed. Adjournment at 11:40 AM. Taken By
Raul Vasquez, Secretary LIV Board of Directors