Additional Support

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Additional Support

I have existing support needs, such as dyslexia. What support is available at Long Road?

Teachers will make reasonable adjustments in the classroom and use Quality First teaching to support your learning. Every student will have a One-Page Profile where you can outline your strengths and interests, explain what difficulties you have and how you need to be supported.

You can take any equipment you need into lessons, such as a tablet or a laptop, reader pen, overlay etc. If you need to borrow a college laptop, that is possible too. In addition, text to voice software is available on all our college PC’s.

You will have access to weekly teacher- lead Subject Plus sessions. This is a chance to go over something you didn’t understand in class, to get some help with homework or coursework or to help you with revision.

In addition, you can drop into Academic Support in Study Plus time for more general help with things such as organisation, motivation, essay writing and revision. You can also have some scheduled support from Learning Support Assistants, or, if your needs are more complex, with a Specialist Teacher.

As a student here, you will also have access to our Teams resource, “Need support?” which contains a lot of resources to help concentrate, get started, organise yourself, revise better and so on.

I have extra time in exams. How will Long Road know about this and put it in place?

It is very helpful if you indicate on your application form that you have access arrangements. We liaise with all schools in the Cambridge Area Partnership. Many of these now automatically upload the paperwork that we need to put your access arrangements in place, namely your Form 8. If you come from a school outside the Cambridge Area Partnership, please ask your school to send us your Form 8.

I have an EHC plan. How will Long Road put the support I need in place?

At your year 11 annual review you can make a request to your Local Authority to explore a placement at Long Road. The Local Authority will consult with us about a placement.

If you qualify for the courses you wish to study, and we believe we can meet the Special Educational needs and provision and you have competed an application to the college through the website, then you will be offered an Advice and Guidance meeting in the Spring Term.

If you are made a conditional offer, we will invite you in for a transition visit in the summer term. We will also liaise with your school to find out what support you have had and what your current needs are. We will read through your EHC plan and your latest Annual Review (if provided) and plan the support that you need. You will have weekly meetings with a Specialist Teacher as well as other support recommended in your EHC plan, such as a Learning Support Assistant in Class, homework support, a peer mentor, social skills support etc. You will have a One Page Profile that your teachers will see so that they know what your strengths and interests are, what difficulties you have and how to support you.

I have no identified support needs, but if I start to struggle, what support is available to me at Long Road?

You will have weekly group tutorials where your Progress Coach will help you adapt to life as a sixth form student. You will also have one-to-one meetings with your Progress Coach and these are a chance to discuss any difficulties you are having. Your Progress Coach can provide guidance and share helpful resources with you.

Your teachers will provide extra help in Study Plus time. This is a chance to go over something you didn’t understand in class, to get some help with homework or coursework or to help you with revision.

In addition, you can drop into Academic Support in Study Plus time for more general help with things such as organisation, motivation, essay writing and revision.

As a student here, you will have access to our Teams resource, “Need support?” which contains a lot of resources to help concentrate, get started, organise yourself, revise better and so on.

I have ADHD. How will I be supported?

Teachers will make reasonable adjustments in the classroom and use Quality First teaching to support your learning. Every student will have a One-Page Profile where you can outline your strengths and interests, explain what difficulties you have and how you need to be supported. You will also be invited to a series of ADHD workshops to help you identify strategies and resources to make studying and day to day life easier.

And like other students, you can attend weekly teacher lead Study Plus sessions. This is a chance to go over something you didn’t understand in class, to get some help with homework or coursework or to help you with revision.

In addition, you can drop into Academic Support in Study Plus time for more general help with things such as organisation, motivation, essay writing and revision.

As a student here, you will have access to our Teams resource, “Need support?” which contains a lot of resources to help concentrate, get started, organise yourself, revise better and so on.

I have autism. How will I be supported?

Teachers will make reasonable adjustments in the classroom and use Quality First teaching to support your learning. Every student will have a One-Page Profile where you can outline your strengths and interests, explain what difficulties you have and how you need to be supported.

You may wish to take part in our peer mentoring program to help you make connections with other students with and without autism. We can also take part in a program of weekly sessions: “Autism: Being Me”

If you need a sensory break, then you can come to one of the quiet rooms in Academic Support.

We are also developing our virtual reality resources. Some of these allow you to take a sensory break in a calming environment, whilst others give you the chance to rehearse a scenario, such as a job interview, in a safe environment.

1 - We are excited to be able to offer so much more support through our virtual reality resources.

I think I have autism/ADHD. Can I get diagnosed at college?

Unfortunately, we cannot offer diagnostic assessments in college. You can find information here about how to get a referral for an ADHD/autism assessment if you are under 18.

I have anxiety. What help is available?

We have quiet, supported areas in Academic Support where you can go at break time and in free periods.

You can book a Wellbeing appointment or see our college counsellor.

We can support you to get to lessons if your anxiety is affecting your attendance. We can also offer small group interventions to improve your confidence and reduce your anxiety.

2 - Helping you to form friendships is key.

I have found it hard to attend mainstream school. How will I manage at Long Road?

Unfortunately, we do not offer alternative provision. Face-to-face attendance is essential. However, we can support you to attend. We offer transition visits in the summer after GCSEs. Once you have enrolled, we can meet you on your first day and accompany you to lessons until you feel more confident. We also have quiet, supported areas where you can come a break time, lunchtime and in free periods. We offer clubs in academic support such as Connect Club, to help you make friends and feel more confident in college, as well as interventions to help you gain confidence and reduce your anxiety.

3 - We are never too old to play a silly game!

I don’t have extra time in exams, but I think I need it. How can I get this at Long Road?

When you enrol at Long Road you will do a screening test to see whether your speed of reading or writing is below average. Your teachers will also notice if you are working more slowly than your peers and if you’re underperforming in tests and exams, because you seem to be running out of time. They can make a referral to Academic Support. On the basis of the teacher referral and information from your screening test, we may invite you for an academic support assessment to find out whether you are entitled to exam access arrangements.

Any further questions?

Please don't hesitate to get in touch. Email us on

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