HISTON FC TRIALS In this April edition of our applicant newsletter we are looking at the different student clubs and societies that you can get
involved with at Long Road; including details of the upcoming
Histon FC Scholarship trial session. With the Scholar Award
deadline looming, we'll be introducing you to two more of our current Scholar students.
GET INVOLVED WITH Focusing on our Science Department, taking a look at all of the
amazing experiments and activities that our Biologists,
Chemists, Physicists and Geographers have been taking part in. If you're thinking about a career in Medicine then be sure to check out the information on our Med Squad!
Happy reading! Long Road
Our friendly Admissions Team are here to support and guide you through every stage of your Long Road application.
Thank you to everyone who
These Guidance Meetings will be
attended our February and March
held remotely via a video call
Advice and Guidance Meetings!
We had a great time getting to know you and your families, we hope that you enjoyed it as much as we did.
If you have any questions, If you are yet to have your Advice
please get in touch!
and Guidance Meeting please don't panic. We have now sent
Heidi Hauser Director of Admissions
Please be sure to book your appointment at one of these dates and times as we cannot guarantee further meetings beyond these dates.
out emails with booking details for our final Advice and Guidance
If you have any difficulty with booking please contact our team.
Meeting slots to all those
Julianna Sosnowska Admissions Officer
applicants affected. Please be
Please be advised that the
sure to check your email including
meeting link will be sent to the
your junk/spam folders, for this
email address you use to book
your appointment. If you require an additional attendee to attend
01223 63 1125
Meeting slots will be available to
from a different device then you
book throughout each day over
will be able to do this yourself by
the Easter Break, from 09:00am
following instructions found at the
until 16:30pm from 5th until 18th
bottom of this email.
April. We will also be offering twilight sessions from 19th April to 29th April between the hours of 16:30pm and 18:30pm.
YOUR APPLICATION TIMELINE Your application timeline will help you keep track of where you are in the admissions process and keep you informed of what happens next. Look for the arrow location to see where we are in the process!
Applications Open
Guidance Meetings & Conditional Offer Discuss your options with an experienced member of staff. You'll receive a formal offer via your Long Road Online Services account shortly after your Guidance Meeting.
JANUARY 2022 Applications Close. Applications made after the deadline may be placed on a waiting list
7 & 8 JULY 2022 Welcome Days & Summer Work Spend the day as a Long Road student; try out your subjects & get a taste of Long
AUGUST 2022 GCSE Results Day
Road life. Summer work will be available online & must be completed for your first lesson at college.
Good luck! We're keeping our fingers crossed for you
LATE AUGUST 2022 New Student Enrolment Welcome to the Long Road family!
EARLY SEPTEMBER 2022 Start of Academic Year 2022/2023 Time to start your Long Road life!
MAIA Secondary School: Stour Valley Community
I chose to study at Long Road
My favourite thing about being a
after hearing many
Long Road student is the
recommendations. I think Long
independence, it is very different
Road is a good school to apply to
from secondary school in the
as it offers great opportunities
sense that you are treated as an
being in the centre of
equal. I also love the atmosphere
here, everyone is super friendly and kind.
Year 2 Student
Studying: Biology A Level History A Level
I chose to apply for a scholars award as I thought it was an
My advice to year 1 students
opportunity I shouldn’t miss and
would be to enjoy it as much as
an asset to my future education.
possible, it will be over before you know it.
The scholars’ award is definitely worth applying for as it is a great
I have been working towards
asset to take with you into further
university by attending open days
and online webinars. Learning as
PE A Level
Progression Goals: Sport & Exercise Science Degree
much about each university as I have spent my scholarship
possible makes it much easier to
money on a laptop for my college
choose which one is best for you.
work, which helped with my online lessons and coursework.
Click here to apply for the Long Road Scholars Award today!
All of our students are off timetable (no lessons) on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons for what we call Plus Time.
The majority of our Student Societies meeting during Plus Time or Lunchtime so that all
Long Road is a community that
All students at Long Road Sixth
not only works together but plays
Form College have the
together! Our enrichment
opportunity to sign up to the Duke
programme encourages you to
of Edinburgh Gold Award
broaden your horizons and
Scheme. This is a fantastic way to
develop valuable skills that will
enjoy new and exciting
complement the knowledge
experiences, develop skills and
gained in your academic studies.
enhance your UCAS and job applications!
We know that it’s important for your wellbeing that you get time
This is a prestigious award that
to relax – so take a break and get
offers you the opportunity to build
involved in something you enjoy.
your confidence, gain new friends
students can come along and get involved!
and develop skills that will really From choirs to a theatre
enhance your university and job
company, you don’t have to be
studying Performing Arts to get
If you can't find a group that you want to get involved in then our staff will support you to start your own!
involved in our stage shows. Not a
Take a look at the next page to
born performer? Take control of
see just a handful of student
the lighting, costumes, set design
clubs and societies that you can
or music. Take on the challenge
get involved in!
of learning an instrument; whether its drums, the piano or
We also have a number of
even the saxophone we have the
competitive and casual sports
facilities for you to develop your
opportunities... more info on
musical and theatrical skills.
those in our next edition!
APPLIED SCIENCE LEVEL 3: KEY INFO Total students currently on course:
Suffolk coast.
SAFFRON MACLEODBURROWS Long Road Class of 2019 Bioinformatics Degree Apprenticeship, Illumina
Students learnt how EDF Energy
Saffron joined Long Road after
produces electricity from
completing her GCSEs at Soham
radioactive uranium and saw
Village College. During her 2
some health and safety in action,
years as a student with us, she
dressing in the appropriate
spent her time studying Level 3
personal protective equipment
Applied Science Extended
(PPE) during their tour. They even
At the beginning of last year, our
Current average class
Applied Science students went on an exciting trip to the Sizewell
size: 13
Exam Board: Edexcel
Assessment: 58% Exam 42% Coursework
B Nuclear Power Station on the
got to touch the turbines producing 1.2 gigawatts of power
"I left Long Road in May 2019.
from the UKs only pressurised
Although I received university
water nuclear reactor!
offers, I decided to take an amazing opportunity to take a
A great day was had by all, with
Degree Apprenticeship in
really positive student and staff
Bioinformatics at Illumina!"
feedback – we can’t wait to visit again this year!
CHEMISTRY A LEVEL: KEY INFO Total students currently on
We recently went on a visit to the
with the wonderful smell of
Long Road Chemistry labs where
grapes and then mint Alessandro
we met A Level Chemistry
learned a lot of practical
students Alessandro Rwambiwa,
course: 251
Current average class
Cherub Jaladi and Oliver de Ferrars Green who have all been
Even in their first year at university
working on exciting EPQ projects.
few Chemistry students undertake a synthesis in five steps.
size: 19
Cherub Jaladi was focusing on refluxing Oil of Wintergreen as
Alessandro said "Throughout the
part of his EPQ on synthesis,
project I have spent over sixty
recrystallization and purity testing
hours carrying out practical
of aspirin.
activities in the lab, which gave me invaluable experience.
Oliver de Ferrars Green was
I am much more confident and
conducting research on ways to
proficient at reading and
optimise a method for collecting
summarising than I was before
data on the rate of reaction
which I believe to be an
between zinc and acid.
important skill going into university".
Alessandro Rwambiwa has done an EPQ looking at the synthesis of aspirin from anthranilic acids in five steps. While filling the lab
Exam Board: Edexcel
Assessment: 100% Exam
BIOLOGY A LEVEL: KEY INFO Total students currently on
In December 2019, The Babraham
PhD students and two were
Institute held a 6th Form student
scientists further on in their
conference; students had been
careers but who had taken
invited to submit Biology-based
different science-based routes
posters for a scientific poster
after PhD completion.
Current average class size:
conference (posters are one of the main ways that scientists
After the talks, the winners of the
communicate their research and
poster competition were
findings to other scientists).
announced. There were 3 prizes; 2nd and 3rd places went to
As well as 6th form student
students from Beaulieu Convent
posters, a number of PhD student
School, Jersey and Hills Road
posters were also displayed. The
Sixth Form College.
evening started with the poster viewing session where there was
First prize when to a Long Road
a chance to look at all the
Biology student, Shilan Bayir for
posters and speak to the students
her poster on the ‘Antimicrobial
who had made them. This was
properties of garlic’. Shilan had
followed by a speaker
carried out an investigation
programme. Speakers gave talks
where she found different
about their routes into science,
anti-bacterial properties of
why they would recommend what
uncooked vs cooked garlic. Shilan
they do but also the potential
was there with her Mum and both
difficulties of a career in science.
were delighted!
Three of the five speakers were
Exam Board: Edexcel
Assessment: 100% Exam
Total students currently on course: 124
Current average class size: 17
Exam Board: OCR
Assessment: 100% Exam
Last year a group of Long Road
This device won a Hollywood
Physicists heard a lecture by Dr
nomination for the impact it has
Christopher Hicks from the
had on film production. He
University of Cambridge
discussed the ability of these
Department of Engineering at the
devices to pick out speech which
Cavendish Laboratories.
is being attempted to be made difficult to “bug” by loud TV noise
Dr Hicks led the students through
at the same time, and explained
the mathematics of digital signal
that it is possible to filter our the
processing, showing how the
speech as human speech has a
waveforms can be averaged and
very distinctive rate of change.
weighted to then allowed the removal of background noise. This
It turns out the best way to hide
included using weighted moving
your conversation is to run the
averages and Fourier
bath, the flowing water has a very
transformations to ensure that the
close rate of change pattern to
broadcast speech was clear
the human voice!
without any “noise” in the background.
He showed the internal working of the CEDAR DNS2, made by his company, which has been used in BBC outdoor broadcasts and Downton Abbey!
GEOGRAPHY A LEVEL Geography is the study of people and their relationship with their environment, the impacts each has on the other and the
KEA HAW Long Road Class of 2014 Geography, University of Manchester
GEOGRAPHY A LEVEL: KEY INFO Total students currently on course: 124
challenges of managing those impacts. You will take part in
Since leaving Long Road Kea
fieldwork, classroom discussions
went on to study a Geography
and internet research, and reflect
degree at the University of
on your own experiences: how will
Manchester. She then secured a
the changes to the planet affect
graduate scheme as a Transport
you, and how are you influencing
Planner in an Infrastructure and
these changes?
Development Consultancy.
You will spend time studying the
“The teaching at Long Road
carbon cycle, water cycle and
prepared me for the independent
energy security. You will gain an
study which was to follow at
in-depth understanding of the
university. Teachers were always
causes of tectonic hazards and
available and happy to clarify any
how to put into place successful
concerns I had.
responses. You will study superpowers and their global
You were encouraged to
impact on economy, politics and
research further into academic
the environment. You will explore
and news articles to help apply
how our rapidly globalizing world
classroom contexts to the real
impacts on migration, national
world. I also found small classes
identity and sovereignty.
very helpful, it made learning more enjoyable.”
Current average class size: 17
Exam Board: OCR
Assessment: 100% Exam
FINN Secondary School: Linton Village College
My favourite thing about being a
I’m planning to save my scholar
Long Road student is having good
money, so I have extra funds to
relationships with everyone at
spend at university. Therefore, I
school. All the teachers are very
will likely spend it on everyday
supportive and will help with
living costs such as food and
anything you need, whilst also
going out at night.
treating you as an adult. The
Year 2 Student
Studying: Biology A Level Chemistry A Level
students are all very friendly as
To work towards my progression
well and make sure that no one is
and career goals I have been
left out.
visiting university open days and using websites such as the UCAS
My advice to year 1 students is to
website to decide which courses
put yourself out there and talk to
and universities would be best for
new people. Everyone is very kind,
what I want to do in future work. I
and all want to meet new people
have also started to work on my
as well. Plus, the more people you
personal statement early, to give
know, the easier it is to meet even
me the best chance of getting
more people and get a true sense
into the university I decide to go
of the Long Road community.
Economics A Level
Progression Goals: BSc Economics at University
Click here to apply for the Long Road Scholars Award today!
help@longroad.ac.uk 01223 63 1125
Long Road Sixth Form College @LR6FC @lr6fc Long Road Sixth Form College