#LongRoadLife - Edition 11

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#LONGROADLIFE Long Road Sixth Form College Weekly Applicant Newsletter


STRIKE A POSE... Hello, from Long Road!

We hope you had a lovely half-term and managed to enjoy all the sunshine last week!

Long Road Sixth Form College

This week we're striking a pose as we take a look down the lens at our A Level Photography course. We're meeting another brilliant Alumni and congratulating


3 students who this week were selected for the Sixth Form Colleges Art Exhibition!

@lr6fc We also have some SUPER IMPORTANT information about our Virtual Welcome


Week and updates from our Admissions Team.

01223 631100 Remember to follow us on social media to keep up-to-date with everything


Long Road! Sending smiles - Long Road

Virtual Welcome Week Welcome Days and Open Evenings are two of our favourite events on the year and nothing could stop us from meeting all our new and prospective students! We have updated our plans and will not be hosting a Virtual Welcome Week for both our Year 11 applicants and Year 10 prospective students!

Our Virtual Welcome Week will be a combination of videos and live sessions from both students and staff, giving you the opportunity to explore everything Long Road has to offer from the safety and comfort of your own home! All you need is an internet connection (a laptop or computer would be best) but don’t worry, you won’t need a webcam or microphone.

Monday 22 June The fun will start on Monday 22nd June. Head to our website or YouTube channel to check out videos about each of our subjects, hear from current and former students and much, much more!

Wednesday 24 & Thursday 25 June You can then join us for live events with our Principal, Vice-Principal and students, so come along and join us for an exciting evening!

Click here to register for these live events so we can send you all the information you need to join us.

Your Questions Answered! Got a question for our Principal? Click here to head to our website and submit your question.

If we are unable to answer it during our live session then we’ll email you back as soon as possible.

What are you waiting for? Register Now Make sure you click here to register for our live events!


Bill Watkin, Chief Executive of the Sixth Form Colleges Association, said:

lockdown. Over 140 students from 46

At home highlights the extraordinary

Congratulations to talented students Kes Berry

colleges submitted their photographs

artistic talent that exists in our sector.

Art & Design Level 3

for the exhibition that runs from 4th to

We are holding this exhibition to

19th June 2020. The exhibition is being

recognise and celebrate excellence in

co-ordinated by the Sixth Form

sixth form colleges, but also to

Colleges Association and all

stimulate our thinking about the world

photographs can be viewed on the

this summer.

launch of At home, an online exhibition of photographs taken by sixth form college students during the Covid-19

SFCA gallery website. It is imperative that we keep the arts in

Launching the exhibition, Gillian Keegan, Apprenticeships and Skills Minister, said:

education secure and flourishing. If young people are to make a valuable contribution to society - even if they are to be successful scientists,

“This has been a difficult time for the

engineers, doctors and technicians -

entire country but this exhibition is a

they need to develop their creative

wonderful example of how creativity

skills, their artistic sensitivities and their

can flourish in the face of adversity. It’s

ability to interact with others. All of this

great to see how these sixth form

will be more important than ever in the

students have captured the

post-Covid world”.

experiences of lockdown from a young person’s perspective. A huge congratulations to all exhibitors and I wish them every success for the future”.

Extended Diploma)

Rosina Canty (Photography A Level) and Sadie Fraylinch (Art & Design Level 3 Extended Diploma)

for their wonderful work featured in this exhibition!

APPLICATION UPDATE Important information from our Admissions Team Auditions for Performing Arts

KEY MESSAGES TO APPLICANTS Check your emails regularly for

To those students who have taken any of (or a combination of) the following

communication from our Admissions Team

Performance Arts subjects: A Level Drama & Theatre Studies; 60 Credit BTEC Musical Theatre and/or 60 Credit BTEC Music & Performance, please do keep an eye on your emails for any updates.

Summer Work 2020 will be available to download from our website by mid

We are in the process of contacting students about being invited to audition by

June 2020.

the Performing Arts team. The auditions would have formed part of your time within the department during Offer Holders Day, but in light of the current

Got a question?

situation we would now like you to film your audition and send it to us via a


secure upload site.

We will contact you individually about the audition specifications for each subject and how to send your auditions back to us. Your audition should be an enjoyable process – a chance to show us what you can do! We can’t wait to see what you have to offer!

If you have any questions about this then please email contact admissions (admissions@longroad.ac.uk) if you have any questions.


Auditions for Performing Arts will now be held virtually!



Important information from our Admissions Team Sports opportunities at Long Road Sixth Form College

Check your emails

During your time at Long Road we really hope you will be involved in sport or

regularly for communication from our

physical activity. The college competes in a variety of individual and team sports

Admissions Team

most of which start from September 2020. Summer Work 2020 will To identify players for team sports we have scheduled sessions for selection purposes at allocated time slots during the summer and autumn term. These are

be available to download from our website by mid June 2020.

as follows:

Men’s Basketball Academy – Trial

Wednesday 2 Sept. 2020

2:30 - 4:30pm

CLick here for mre

Women’s Basketball Open session

Wednesday 2 Sept. 2020

4:30 - 5:30pm

information on our

Men’s Rugby

Wednesday 9 Sept. 2020

1:30 - 3pm

Basketball Academy

Women’s Rugby

Wednesday 9 Sept. 2020

3pm - 4pm

Women’s Football

Wednesday 2 Sept. 2020

1:30 - 3pm

Men’s and Women’s Hockey

Wednesday 9 Sept. 2020

1:30 - 3pm

Women’s Netball

Wednesday 9 Sept. 2020

1pm - 2:30pm

Men’s Football

Wednesday 9 Sept. 2020

1:30pm - 4pm

Got a question? Email Matt Payne on mpayne@longroad.ac.uk

APPLICATION UPDATE Important information from our Admissions Team Sports opportunities at Long Road Sixth Form College

KEY MESSAGES TO APPLICANTS Check your emails regularly for

If you wish to be considered for any of the sports teams you need to reply to Matt

communication from our

Payne at mpayne@longroad.ac.uk with all of the information below by Monday 13th

Admissions Team

July 2020. Summer Work 2020 will Please email Mat with the following information, alternatively you can request a

be available to download

Sport Opportunities form from our admissions team if you have no already received

from our website by mid

one via email.

June 2020.

Name Student ID Number The sport you are interested in playing Your preferred position

CLick here for mre

Past experience for your chosen sport and position

information on our

School team/club/county/regional/national

Basketball Academy

Contact phone number and email If you are unable to attend the session for the team sport you want to try for, please can you state the reason as to why. Got a question? Assuming we are able to go ahead in this format, individual sports sessions and tasters will be run from September 2020.

We will adhere to the most recent current guidelines issued by the Government, which means that these arrangements may need to be reviewed to ensure we meet the requirements closer to the time. We will keep you updated on any changes as soon as possible.

Email Matt Payne on mpayne@longroad.ac.uk

PHOTOGRAPHY A Level Photography is considered to be an

The Autumn light is perfect for taking

essential communication skill for the

atmospheric photographs, the crisp

21st century; you will learn a visual

mornings and the low afternoon sun

language, how to communicate

throwing long shadows.

creatively as well as the ability to respond to a concept, issue or theme.

The students said their highlights were

You will learn how to use a range of

“Having the opportunity to shoot in an

cameras to take incredible photos.

unfamiliar location“, “Experiencing Paris culture and food” and the visit to

The photography A-Level trip to Paris

the Paris Photo Festival at the Grand

last November was once again a great

Palais “was inspirational“.

success! This annual trip was thoroughly enjoyed by both our staff and students; with our students given a fantastic opportunity to experience the culture of Paris, visit museums and galleries, and develop their own photography skills.

I chose Long Road because of its excellent facilities. For Photography, there are lots of Apple Macs and of course the darkroom."

"I particularly enjoy the digital side, being able to use software packages to edit our photographs.


Some of the greats of Photography;

Photography students, Laura Lakinger

David Bailey, William Eggleston and

and Lucy Crawford who won 2nd and

Irving Penn, have had their work

3rd prize in a national schools’

exhibited at the National Portrait

photography competition organised by

Gallery, Laura and Lucy are in good

the National Portrait Gallery and


judged by the famous photographer Martin Parr.

The course will help me with my media work in future, knowing what makes a great shot."

As a part of the celebrations, we visited Martin Parr’s amazing exhibition

Their photographs were selected from

‘Only Human’ in the main gallery. We

2000 high calibre entries. On the

were all delighted to meet Martin and

16th May 2019, Laura, Lucy, their

to hear his insights into the reasons for

teachers and a group of Photography

taking his photographs.

students from Long Road, were invited to an award ceremony and to see the winning photographs, framed and exhibited in the National Portrait Gallery.

MARTHA GLASS LONG ROAD ALUMNUS 2004 Martha is now working as a Forensic

Although her work often requires a

Photographer for Addenbrookes

strong stomach, Martha also captures

Hospital. The former photography

daily life at Addenbrookes; with her

student left Long Road in 2004, and

role giving her an access all areas pass

has since gone on to win a number of

across the Hospital.

awards for her work as a medical photographer capturing images of

Martha visited our Photography

diseases, injuries and surgical

students in 2018 to tell them all about


her career. Her talk was fascinating and the students’ said that “They didn’t

Martha often has to get up close and

realise that such jobs existed.”

personal with patients and their treatments saying that “Sometimes I do

They were pleased to hear Martha’s

have to photograph some really gross

advice about the value of both a

things. At any time of day you could be

photographic degree and the

called into theatre and photographing

importance of work experience in

patients having their limbs cut off.”

getting a job in a competitive market like Medical Photography.

The photographs Martha takes are used for patient records and often for teaching purposes; teaching other medical students a procedure or condition.

Do you know an ex-Long Road student? They can join our Alumni Community, simply visit: https://networks. futurefirst.org.uk/ signup/longroad


Is your pet assisting you while you work at home?

PET EMPLOYEE OF THE WEEK Working from home with our fluffy friends

Not everyone is feeling down in the

Meet this weeks Pet Employee of the

dumps about being on lockdown. Our

Week, Max...

fluffy friends are loving the fact that Whether they're helping you revise, or lazing on your laptop, we want to know!

we're working from home -and thy're

Max is a 4 year old rescue dog - he

doing a great job of cheering us up

celebrated his birthday last month on


April fool's day! He is a Jack-Chi mix

Email your pet photos along with

and his special talents include keeping

a short description including their name and age to


To keep everyone smiling we will be

his owners feet warm while she is

sharing a Pet Employee of the Week

working from home!

every Friday on our Instagram page We will be posting our winning Pet Employee of the Week every

@lr6fc. Make sure you follow us to see

A big thank you to Katy in Finance for

the weekly winner and runners up!

introducing us to Max, we wish we

Friday on our Instagram account


could have him in the office with us every day!


INSTA LIKES AND INSTA LOVE Spreading likes and love on social media

Make sure you follow us

As well as sending you this applicant

But it's not all about us, we want to

newsletter, we will also be spreading

know what you're getting up to! Make

the love over on our Instagram

sure you use our hashtag -


#LongRoadLife and tag @lr6fc in your

to get involved with our lockdown activities!

@lr6fc #LongRoadLife and tag @lr6fc in your posts

posts and stories so that we can share


and stories so we can share them on our feed!

We're going to be posting different activities on our Instagram for you to take part in. So take a break from studying and follow us on Instagram

Share the Insta love with us! Use our Instagram feed and stories as a base for connecting with other students and applicants.

@lr6fc to get involved!

you on our Instagram feed!

JUNE 2020 : EDITION 11



01223 631100








Long Road Sixth Form College



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