#LongRoadLife - Edition 13

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#LONGROADLIFE Long Road Sixth Form College Weekly Applicant Newsletter



Long Road Sixth Form

We've got an absolutely adorable Pet Employee of the Week for you to meet


today, alongside a great read on the power of thinking about happy memories! We're exploring our Science department once again, this time focusing on our

@LR6FC Physics A Level.

@lr6fc Remember to follow us on social media to keep up-to-date with everything


01223 631100


Long Road!

Sending smiles - Long Road

Virtual Welcome Week Welcome Days and Open Evenings are two of our favourite events on the year and nothing could stop us from meeting all our new and prospective students! We have updated our plans and will not be hosting a Virtual Welcome Week for both our Year 11 applicants and Year 10 prospective students!

Our Virtual Welcome Week will be a combination of videos and live sessions from both students and staff, giving you the opportunity to explore everything Long Road has to offer from the safety and comfort of your own home! All you need is an internet connection (a laptop or computer would be best) but don’t worry, you won’t need a webcam or microphone.

Monday 22 June The fun will start on Monday 22nd June. Head to our website or YouTube channel to check out videos about each of our subjects, hear from current and former students and much, much more!

Wednesday 24 & Thursday 25 June You can then join us for live events with our Principal, Vice-Principal and students, so come along and join us for an exciting evening!

Click here to register for these live events so we can send you all the information you need to join us.

Your Questions Answered! Got a question for our Principal? Click here to head to our website and submit your question.

If we are unable to answer it during our live session then we’ll email you back as soon as possible.

What are you waiting for? Register Now Make sure you click here to register for our live events!

PHYSICS A Level Physics is an exciting and challenging

The team designed and built a pair of

subject which examines both the

glasses which detect sounds and words

origins and the structure of the

and display the directional information

universe, from subatomic particles to

on LEDs.

the vast areas of the cosmos. Physics

“I like the way everything is interlinked and how it relates to real life.”

affects every part of our daily lives,

This project was a serious commitment

from civil, mechanical and motor

of around 70 hours of project time; the

engineering, to how we have

team formed in October 2018 and

harnessed both nuclear energy to heat

worked on their project weekly since

and light our environment, and waves

then up to April 2019. They spent 2

gave a 15-minute presentation to a

to communicate.

hours every week as a team and then a

panel of 5 professional engineers and

further 2 hours with the mentor Last year a group of Year 1 Physics

engineer from ARM developing the

students were winners of the

project. They completed a detailed

Engineering Education Scheme!

report on the whole process of the

At the Celebration event, the team

answered questions from the panel and all other 15 teams of competitors; they also set up a display board for the project where they were interviewed by more assessor engineers.

design and development of the glasses. The team had been working on a

We are proud to announce that our Long Road team won the People’s

project with the local company ARM

Choice award as a result of all the

which set them the challenge of

votes from everyone present on the

changing the world using one of their

day! Congratulations to Jamie, Luke,


Dale, Eddie and Rachel on your win!

CALMING POWER OF REMINISCING ABOUT HAPPY TIMES A recent article by Emma Young You’ve just had a fight with your

Your brain needs help if it’s to quickly

partner or a confrontation with a

regain control. And, according to

colleague. Now your heart’s racing,

a new study published in Nature Human

and you’re struggling to think straight.

Behaviour, you can provide it by

What should you do?

thinking back over good times.

Psychologists are not short on ideas for

Mauricio Delgado and Megan Speer at

how to calm yourself down after a

Rutgers University, US, made 134

stressful experience. Seek out a friend?

volunteers feel stressed by videoing

Yes, there’s good evidence that can

them while they plunged their hands

help. But what if there’s no friend to

into icy water. Some then spent 14

hand? You could try to alter your view

seconds reminiscing about a positive

of what just happened from “Disaster!”

experience (like visiting Disneyland)

to “Not really so bad”.

while others reflected on an

If you're feeling stressed or anxious please reach out to family, friends or your school support teams. Remember, we're all in this together.

emotionally neutral event (such as But it can be difficult to engage in this

getting luggage ready for the trip).

the surge observed in the neutral memory group. Thinking about happy

kind of “cognitive reappraisal” when you’re in the immediate aftermath of a

Afterwards, the group who’d recalled

memories, then, went right to the heart

stressful event – perhaps because

happy memories felt better, but not

of the physiological stress response.

acute stress compromises the neural

only that: the expected rise in their

circuitry that’s involved in emotion

levels of the stress hormone cortisol

To explore how, Delgado and Speer


was only 15 per cent, on average, of

used the same technique as before to

CALMING POWER OF REMINISCING ABOUT HAPPY TIMES A recent article by Emma Young stress a fresh group of volunteers and

associated with increased activity in

combat acute stress at a physical level

then had them reminisce about their

prefrontal brain regions associated

is important, since there’s plenty of

own positive or neutral experiences

with emotion regulation and cognitive

research finding that people who tend

while they scanned their brains using

control – the same regions suppressed

to calm down physiologically soon

fMRI. The pair found that recollecting

by acute stress – as well as in

after stressful events are generally

good, but not neutral, memories was

corticostriatal regions associated with

healthier, both physically and

the processing of reward.

psychologically, over the long term.

“Engagement of cortical regions

There are a few caveats. This work was

previously linked to emotion regulatory

on healthy adults. People with

functions may be significant for

depression usually find it hard to recall

enhancing or sustaining pleasant

positive memories, so this technique

feelings during positive reminiscence,

may not work well for them. And it’s not

thus dampening the physiological

clear yet whether any technique that

stress response,” the researchers

makes you feel positive emotions would


be effective or if there’s something

If you're feeling stressed or anxious please reach out to family, friends or your school support teams. Remember, we're all in this together.

special about reminiscing. The idea that thinking about positive past events, including achievements or

But this is at least a simple method,

successes, can help to improve

and one that in theory many people

ongoing mood and resilience to stress

could try.

is certainly not new. But showing that simply recalling happy memories can


Is your pet assisting you while you work at home?

PET EMPLOYEE OF THE WEEK Working from home with our fluffy friends

Not everyone is feeling down in the

Meet this weeks Pet Employee of the

dumps about being on lockdown. Our

Week, Boomie...

fluffy friends are loving the fact that Whether they're helping you revise, or lazing on your laptop, we want to know!

we're working from home -and thy're

This is Boomerang (Boomie). She’s an 8

doing a great job of cheering us up

month old Sproodle and loving having


her whole family home all the time.

To keep everyone smiling we will be

She a big fan of her banana and trying

sharing a Pet Employee of the Week

to carry home the largest branch she

every Friday on our Instagram page

can find

Email your pet photos along with a short description including their name and age to

afutter@longroad.ac.uk. We will be posting our winning Pet Employee of the Week every Friday on our Instagram account


@lr6fc. Make sure you follow us to see the weekly winner and runners up!


INSTA LIKES AND INSTA LOVE Spreading likes and love on social media

Make sure you follow us

As well as sending you this applicant

We're all about fun and positivity - you

newsletter, we will also be spreading

can use the opposite page to reflect

the love over on our Instagram

on things you are grateful for and start


spreading that positivity.

We're going to be posting different

But it's not all about us, we want to

activities on our Instagram for you to

know what you're getting up to! Make

take part in. So take a break from

sure you use our hashtag -

studying and follow us on Instagram

#LongRoadLife and tag @lr6fc in your

@lr6fc to get involved!

posts and stories so that we can share

to get involved with our lockdown activities!


Use tag

#LongRoadLife and @lr6fc in your posts

and stories so we can share them on our feed!

Share the Insta love with us! Use our Instagram feed and stories as a base for connecting with other students and applicants.

you on our Instagram feed!

JUNE 2020 : EDITION 13



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Long Road Sixth Form College



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